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Guards of Folsom: Book One

Micah “Pup” Slayde knows he wants Tackett Austin the moment he lays eyes on him in the Guards of Folsom. Micah wants to have purpose, to be taken care of, and to take care of his Dom—wants to trust him completely, live for him, belong to him. To become his everything. Micah is sure Tackett is the one. The problem is, in order to be the perfect sub, he needs to stay focused, and that’s not easy for Micah, who suffers from what he refers to as a “broken brain.” Focus and adult attention deficit disorder rarely coexist.

Ever since Ty Callahan and Blake Henderson’s collaring ceremony, Tackett’s been thinking too much about his own loneliness. Even though Ty introduces Micah and urges Tackett to give him a try, Tackett isn’t so easily convinced. He’s spent his life pursuing a successful business career, and the subs he dominates almost never enjoy the kiss of his leather twice. Twenty years Micah’s senior, Tackett has no interest in taking on and taming such a young and naughty sub—but it’s difficult to resist such an adorable pup when he begs.

214 pages, ebook

First published April 19, 2012

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About the author

S.J.D. Peterson

51 books1,007 followers
It's been an amazing journey since DSP first contracted Lorcan's Desire in January 2011. I've published 2 free reads with the M/M Romance group, my back list is growing, met some great people and have made some amazing friends.
I'm still in shock that I'm listed among the many talented authors at Dreamspinner Press! The little voice in the back of my head is screaming, "You are so out of your league."
Shhhhh I won't tell them if you don't :)

You can call me Jo, everyone does :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews
Profile Image for Monique.
1,068 reviews377 followers
April 20, 2013
HOLY HOTNESS!! 5 huge stars for a book that had me in a puddle of lust at 13% with “You have no idea what you have just unleashed boy” …tummy tingling!! What a fabulous read this was, with a pierced, tattooed, naughty little pup and an Ohhh, soooo, droolworthy, fall to your knees, powerful Dom! Excellent start to the Guards of Folsom series… I want more NOW!!!

 photo b77c8f4d-a24f-4cb2-9eb8-eb2a6c5f8a21.jpg

Tacket Austin had always enjoyed life to the full, yet now at 45 he felt empty, he had all the trappings of wealth but no one to share it with, and this feeling of desolation had only been compounded by the collaring ceremony of his friends Blake and Ty… he just felt so alone in the world. Micah Slayde knows exactly how to remedy this, he has the hots big time for Tacket and he had tried every trick in the book to get the man to notice him, to no avail! Micah is convinced that Tacket is the only Dom who has what it takes to help him become the perfect sub and nothing will deter him from making sure Tacket knows that he is the perfect sub for Tacket.

When I started reading PUP, I felt a deep sadness for Tacket, he seemed lost, existing rather than living… so deep into self pity and a midlife crisis, it was draining him of his zest for life, it wasn’t as though he was oblivious to what was going on around him ,it was more like disinterested and Micah was like this flashing star on the periphery screaming “see me”, “I’m here” but he couldn’t even summon up the energy or the inclination, even the D/s part of his life was failing to excite him.

Micah initially comes across as this confident, cocky sub that is just out to get his man, full of life and fun with no filter between his mind and mouth… and he is just adorable. But Micah is far more complex than that he is not bratty and doesn't misbehave for the sake of it, he actually struggles with daily life and tries to manage his lack of attention and random thought process as best he can, but internally he berates himself for being unable to control his focus. In his mind he is adamant that Tacket is his only hope, he see’s him as his saviour, the man who will be able to fix him and help him be the perfect sub. He is desperate for some kind of peace, for something he is not even sure of himself and he needs Tacket to take control and help him.

As a Dom Tacket is respected, with an air of authority that demands attention and is confident in his abilities, but he has never been in any kind of relationship, never mind a full time D/s one… his kinky play had so far been reserved for the club scene and with Micah he was struggling with how to go about helping him focus whilst trying to come to terms with his own inexperience. The fact that he went to his friends and asked for help made me all kinds of happy, plus the fact that he was so unselfish, depriving himself of his own pleasures, wants and desires to ensure Micah had what he needed, for him understanding Micah and helping him was his priority… Micah came first.

This is a BDSM novel, a story of a Dom and a sub who were perfect for each other… they just didn’t know it yet! Although this is BDSM, it’s not all about the sex, don’t get me wrong there is plenty of yummy, tummy tingling, panty melting man loving, but these two characters require so much more than just sex, they both needed a purpose in life a connection on another level, Micah for his need to manage his ADHD and Tacket because he was lost and needed to find his way again.

SJD Peterson’s writing is just amazing, a compelling read that had me totally enthralled and invested in these characters, she gives us great understanding of their inner turmoil's and battles, they are not perfect and have their faults but neither of them was afraid to voice concerns or ask for help and I was totally smitten with the pair of them.  There is more to Tacket and Micah than initial impressions... there are layers that are slowly peeled away helping us understand their complexities, fears and doubts and SJD conveys this perfectly… and no angst thrown in there for the the sake of it, it is just a beautiful and emotional love story of two men learning to believe, trust and help each other to move on with their lives and find the happiness and love they both desire.

I didn’t want to leave these two characters and felt I wanted more at the end… but this is a series and Ms Peterson gives us glimpses of some of the other characters that I am sure will be picked up in the following books and with it revolving around a BDSM club I am sure we will be seeing more of Micah and Tacket, so on that premise this is a 5 star read for me and I absolutely loved it and can't wait for the next book.

5 Stars

This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for a fair and honest review

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Profile Image for Macky.
1,951 reviews230 followers
January 3, 2014
2.5* rounded up.
Now I don't profess to be an expert in the BDSM lifestyle so I never really know how authentic these types of books are at conveying it and to be honest compared to a lot of readers I haven't read that many but the few I have chosen to read recently I've really enjoyed which is surprising because when I first started reading m/m it was a side of the genre that I wasn't particularly pulled towards. Not because I have a problem with the physical side ... Pain play, spanking, bondage, kinky play etc etc ( whatever floats your boat ) but just because its a dynamic I don't really understand when it comes to discipline. I'm not aggressive but I generally don't like being told what to do < grins > so I have a bit of a hard time understanding why someone would want to be a submissive. I'll never truly get it but I go with the flow in order to enjoy the rest of the story and I'm getting to grips coping with that side of D/s books now. But....

On to the story about Micah and Tackett.

I'm afraid this one didn't do much for me at all and I'm going to sound a bit ranty but I know for me its all because of Micah's ADHD. I know that the symptoms of this psychological disability aren't set in stone for everybody and can differ with the ages involved but we do have a young member of our family who suffers badly from it and has since he was very young. It's had a major impact on not only him and his formative years bless but everyone around him. It's a hard thing to cope with!

It annoyed me from the word go that Tackett , who unfortunately I never really warmed to, took on a sub who told him he had ADD/ADHD without discussing fully with Micah what his triggers were, researching it or asking professional advice. Yes he goes to see Blake and Ty for advice but I don't think they were medically savvy enough to be able to give the right answers to his questions so that didn't sit well either. We're told by Micah himself that he's been on Ritalin and had therapy when younger which means that he must have had it pretty full on as a child so in my head I couldn't equate this with mild symptoms and if you look it up, sufferers of this disability don't just have attention difficulties and distracted minds they have lots of other psychological and emotional problems that if not handled right can end in depression, low self esteem and heightened negative feelings. You don't set tasks that you know will fail because this just exacerbates the problem but Tackett does that more than once. Granted there's an instant attraction and Micah really pushes him for it but surely an older, responsible Dom would look into it deeper before committing to even a two week trial?

My favourite Micah was at the beginning. The bratty cheeky minx with the sexy teasing nature who,ok, wasn't perhaps the normal idea of a submissive but this lovely young guy who seemed so full of life at the beginning of the two week trial period suddenly seemed to become a shadow of his former self after Tackett started his training. At 80% I nearly gave up However I pushed on even though I didn't get caring Dom from that scene at all ...just selfishness.

" I gave you two simple tasks, Micah. Was it so difficult for you to focus on only me for less than an hour? Am I not worth that much of your time?"

Well DUH! Did I hear Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder mentioned somewhere? THINK about it Tackett ........

" I...I..." Micah shook his head, swallowing hard. The trembling in his limbs increased, and then his knees, headhung low. " I have no excuse, Sir, " he whispered

Well actually Micah if you truly have ADHD/ADD... Then you do sweetheart!

I don't know if this type of lifestyle would suit someone with the disorder. If it was done correctly could a D/s relationship control it? I honestly can't answer that, perhaps with a lot of thought and patient handling it might so perhaps I'm blowing hot air out of my ass and because of our family involvement, I'm sure that's coloured my view. Lots of my friends have loved this and I can see that it will tick boxes for many so I'm certainly not knocking it for readers out there. These are my personal feelings ( like in all my reviews ) so I would say read, make up your own minds and I truly hope you enjoy it... Just a personal disappointment for this reader. I'm hoping the next in the series - which I'm definitely going to read - ticks my boxes... I'm staying positive. I do like S J D Peterson so I'm putting this one down to experience.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,538 followers
March 7, 2022
this lacked depth. overall weak execution.

i also feel like the dom dimmed the sub's quirkiness and made him feel sad more than anything. i just don't think a full time bdsm relationship, that's basically master/slave, is supposed to make you feel that way. you're supposed to get fulfillment, a sense of security, structure, peace and happiness from it, and i didn't really see that here.

also, what was that ending? i turned the page and it was over. i just needed more closure or something.
Profile Image for Runell.
1,061 reviews70 followers
September 25, 2015
Ever since I read Power Exchange and Safeword, I've come to embrace BDSM pretty well and I find that I actually really enjoy it. I knew about this book a long time ago [uh, hello, with a cover like that how could you not?], and as it is written by the author that gave me . . . I mean, everyone, Plan B [which is one of my top five favorite books ever], I knew that it was time to give it a go now that I knew I could handle its BDSM theme.

I was ready for it. I was ready to love it. I was ready, I was ready, I was ready !

[Yes, I so went there].

I thought I had something the moment I read this:

"Another drink, sir? Maybe something a little manlier this time?"

. . . "Manly? And what would a kid like you know about manly? Have you even started shaving yet?"

"Only my balls, sir."

C'mon! How could I not love that? And so I knew I was going to like Micah. I knew I was going to love him. And I did. Micah was adorable and fun and sarcastic and sweet . . . I didn't stand a chance. Yet there was something I just couldn't put my finger on that was bothering me. I couldn't figure it out, and then, when I did, it boiled down to one thing:


Alright, I thought, Tackett is meh of a character. I can deal with that. Micah makes up for it. But then Tackett laughed. He laughed, you say? That's what sent you over the edge? But wait! You don't know the reason why that damn fucking laughed pissed me off so bad that it ruined any possibility of Tackett upgrading from a meh character to an I like you character. He laughed after finding Micah sitting on the edge of the bed in the guest room waiting for him, unsure of what to do because he couldn't remember what Tackett had told him he could and couldn't do when he woke up. He had on a cock cage, his bladder was full and he really had to go, but he had sat and waited until Tackett had come to him, with things being cramped and pinching and not at all in the best of interest for the little guy between his legs. At first Tackett seemed concerned. After all, he knew and had even told Micah that the cock cage needed to be a comfortable fit because things could go bad if it wasn't; he didn't want to hurt him. He sent him off to use the restroom, giving him permission that whenever he had to go he could go, and then when Micah went and took care of things . . . he laughed at him, saying that the rules really did have to be spelled out for him . . .

SERIOUSLY! Now, I'm no expert on the BDSM lifestyle, but what I've gathered, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the whole point to having a BDSM relationship is trusting each other and being very clear about the rules. That means, at one point, in one form of another, you spell out the fucking rules! And with the fact that Micah has ADHD and finds it hard to concentrate in the beginning, you really need to spell it out for him!

And there we have it, Ladies and Gentlemen. Tackett was on my shit list and he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of coming off.

Now, putting that to the side, even before [and most definitely after], I didn't really think that the connection between Micah and Tackett was all that hot. The sex was . . . meh [until Micah fucked Tackett, then at last it piqued my interest]. In my opinion Micah could do a hell of a lot better than Tackett, and though they may have been given a HEA, I don't hold much water in it.

Also, for supposedly being a real hard Dom, I didn't find the D/s between Micah and Tackett to be all that . . . kinky.

In short, I just really didn't like anything about this story other then Micah, and Micah is the sole reason why this book got a two star rating instead of a one.

Oh well, hopefully the next one will be a lot more interesting.

P.S. Micah, baby, you really can do better than Tackett. Don't settle.
Profile Image for Kazza.
1,461 reviews166 followers
October 7, 2013

Terrific read with some things that I automatically like -

BDSM ranging from light to eye-watering.

An age difference

Well written characters - Loved Tackett and Micah

Smoking hot sex with variations on a theme

Some really interesting secondary characters

I didn't want to put it down even though it was 2 AM and I had major Furry Eyeball Syndrome. FES is bad news when you're trying to actually read something :)

Never read S.J.D Peterson before but I will be reading more now on the strength of Pup.

If you like relatable characters, no antagonist's ramping up BS drama everywhere, if you like M/M BDSM, on the lighter to midrange side, then I say 'seriously look at reading this book.' I Loved it. Full review at - http://ontopdownunderbookreviews.com/...-
Profile Image for Kol Anderson.
Author 38 books375 followers
August 8, 2013
Just not for me. Couldn't get into the characters. Not a bad book, just the characters weren't for me. They were too annoying for me to get even a jerk off session out of it. They try too hard to pretend that they're into each other not for the looks, but it really doesn't come across as genuine, the whole made-for-each-other thing. They're both assholes and while Micah is supposed to be new to the scene, Tackett doesn't act like a pro Dom either. The whole 'I'm deeper than you think' routine, was just a bunch of words, I couldn't actually feel it. It was a very typical starter Dom/Sub relationship. The end was so completely predictable, right down to the fucking dialogue it pissed me off even more. My problem is with books that pretend to be deep, pretend to be something. Like this one did with the whole ADHD/ADD thing. It was just to give Micah's character depth and supposed to make Tackett some kind of savior by default, but it just doesn't look like that person has any clue what actually fucked-up subs are like, and how their brains work or even what people with ADHD/ADD go through in reality.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,034 followers
April 20, 2013
Oh, how a love a good BDSM romp! S.J.D. Peterson does not disappoint and turns up the heat with two lovely MCs, Tackett and Micah AKA "Pup". The sex was great, the BDSM scenes were great, but the book was missing a big element for me. They didn't do anything or go anywhere, with very rare exceptions. They barely interacted with anyone, instead staying holed up in Tackett's condo the entire length of the book. There was hardly any conflict or angst, which makes a BDMS novel extra hot in my eyes. So, I really liked this book, but I didn't love it. Great couple, extra hot, but I need someone to throw an obstacle in their path so they can overcome it together. (The storyline does center around Pup's ADHD, but it is quickly and seamlessly resolved.) Hopefully these two will get a sequel?

If you like super sexy 40+ year old Alpha Male Doms, sinfully beautiful, scatterbrained subs who like it rough, and a nice, clear path to a HEA, I can highly recommend Pup.

Banana cupcakes anyone? Not like grandma used to make!
Profile Image for Will Parkinson.
Author 3 books99 followers
July 16, 2013
I fell in love with Micah as soon as he was introduced. Cocky, sweet, but so freaking scatterbrained. He's a great character.

Tackett is interesting in his own right. He's a hard man, he doesn't have time to play with the tempting little sub, regardless of how much he appreciates the attention.

Micah doesn't let go when he wants something, though. And he WANTS Tackett.

Poor Tackett never had a chance. :)
Profile Image for Irina Elena.
714 reviews168 followers
June 13, 2013
Wow, it feels like it's been months since I last sat my ass in front of my computer and just poured my brains out all over the keyboard. Let's get the party started!

I want to start by saying that during the first couple chapters I thought I'd found here what I was looking for in Screwing the System... then I realized that this is something completely different.
Yes, Micah is a rebellious scatterbrain who needs a firm and loving hand to guide him; yes, Tackett is the man who can give him that. But that's where the similarities end. Micah's problem is much deeper and of a completely different kind, and it was interesting to see how his ADHD was handled from a D/s point of view, through rules and discipline.
Initially, Micah himself describes it as a minor, if annoying, problem. It takes a very short time though to see how deeply it actually affects him, undermining his confidence in ways that go beyond his attractiveness.
"I told you." Micah knocked his knuckles against the side of his head. "It's a little rattled in here."

to an "I'm stupid" kind of quote that I can't find. #incompetent

In the two weeks we get to spend with Micah and Tackett (I keep writing Tuckett, I don't know why) we see them experience a whole array of emotions through the eyes of both of them, and I was actually quite surprised by how well they were analysed.
Obviously, it wasn't perfect, and there are things that bothered me. They were mainly these two:
1. the fact that at a certain point (I will not specify because it could get spoilery) Tackett seems to enjoy Micah's fear of him and of what he might do more than, say, his nakedness, or the pain he is about to inflict - that doesn't work for me; actually, I find it quite disturbing, and not in the good sense.
2. Dialogue – two things about this.
a. certain sentences or expressions just made me want to tear my hair out:
”What can I do to help alleviate
the worry I hear in your voice?”

Yeah, that's exactly the way I talk to my friends over the phone.
b. lame dirty talk. Let's not expand on that because a rant is inevitable, and this review is already rambling enough without the added length.
I have to point out, though, that Micah's dialogue somehow feels way more natural than most of the talking I've read. He has a way of speaking that simply clicks with me.

Problem-that-was-not-actually-a-problem: the market scene. (yes, yes, you have to have read the book to get this. At least maybe I'll manage to make you curious.) In the beginning I felt as if Tackett were depriving Micah of a simple pleasure without any reason other than that of asserting his dominance. What I particularly liked is the fact that I was stuck so deep inside Micah's mind that my reasoning was just as clouded as his and I didn't realise what Tackett was trying to accomplish, and succeeded in doing so smoothly and effectively, until the two had the lovely heart to heart that I'd been waiting for.

[I just noticed that this review is very disjointed – I can't bring myself to care. I'm dead tired, so, sorry, but no, I'm not tidying it up. At least not tonight. Probably never because I'll forget.]

Now on Tackett and Micah's sentimental ties. I loved, absolutely positively loved, how different their approach to falling in love was. Micah dives in head first, stripping himself to the bone in every sense *winkwinknudgenudge*, completely convinced that Tackett is the one and only, and I believed that right along with him. His heart works and processes things just as quickly as his brain does, so it's not absurd that he would know immediately what he wants. Tackett, on the other hand... well, he shows his age. (He would kill me for this *snicker*) He doesn't take what he's offered immediately. He ponders and munches on his feelings, until he gets to the conclusion that he's falling in love with Micah. Not “ready to die for him”. Not “truly madly deeply in love”. (Which he probably is, really, but he'd never say that, at least not right now.) Just falling for him. Well, this had me making hand hearts at my ereader.

The final section disappointed me a bit, because it felt rushed and quickly tied up. It lost much of the physical and emotional intensity it had until then and became more superficial.
For example, the sensory deprivation scene in the end was so rushed that we didn't even get much detail on the tactile sensations, which are basically all Micah has to hold on to, so while reading it all I could imagine was this booming voice in the darkness, like a disembodied godlike entity, going "Mine! Inside and out! You are MINE!"... and I found myself giggling. Out loud. During a supposedly scorching hot, emotionally charged sex scene. But hey, that might me just me. Although I might have infected your brain now, so that the same thing will happen to you. I'm sorry. That happens to me pretty often.
Also, I really would've liked to see more of the side characters, in particular Bobby and Rig. Basically, they are this:
”It takes someone very special to accept the needs of two very demanding old Doms that are so set in our ways.”

Bobby and Rig had been together as long as Tackett had known them – twenty years with the same person was incomprehensible – and only once had they found a sub who could handle them in a long term committed relationship. […] It was too bad, really, because any sub who could handle them surely would be rewarded tenfold. Bobby and Rig were very demanding [and into extreme kink], but he'd never met a more committed, loyal and loving pair.

It is totally not the kind of relationship I dig or I'd like to read about, but it's heartwarming to see, from a safe distance, how good even that type of love could be.

Whoa. Loooong review. Possibly my longest yet. But for a change I had mostly good things to say about this one, so I think that makes up for the rambling...?
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,401 followers
April 10, 2015
The Romance Review

Bratty subs have never been as attractive as Micah Slayde. Micah is a high energy submissive looking for a full time dominant. He's just never been able to find his "one" until he sees Tackett Austin. Tackett is a dominant who never takes on a submissive for long term. He is also going through a funk after his last birthday. He feels old and sees all his friends together with their mates. Why can't he find someone to meet his needs?

I'm not a fan of bratty subs. They don't do much for me. It's not my kink. I tend to avoid them in real life and in books. Micah is an exception. He's an adorable high energy pup. He is flirtatious and sweet of heart. What breaks my heart about him is how he thinks so little of his own worth because he thinks he has a "broken brain". Micah has Attention Deficit Disorder which makes it hard for him to stay on focus. His brain is always whipping through at high speeds. It's a rather fascinating experience as he explains how he makes connections. Ms. Peterson does a great job of showing how it is to be a person with this high speed ability.

From a character perspective, Micah is one I really liked. I felt for him. As someone whose mind never turns off and goes off on tangent, I can empathize. Fortunately, I have no issues with focus. The way Micah responds and tries to please Tackett is both sexy and admirable.

The character I had issues with is Tackett. Tackett is a couple of decades older than Micah. This really isn't an issue if it weren't for Tackett's old foggie ways. He comes off old and asinine to me because of how he wants to "fix" Micah the "unruly child". I didn't like the fair scene. This served no purpose for me except to make me see how badly it makes Micah feel. I felt outrage and wanted to kick Tackett in the nuts. This makes me lose respect for Tackett. Sure, Tackett wants Micah to focus on Tackett's needs, and Tackett "says" he will also meet Micah's needs. But does Micah really need to be "fixed"? How about showing Micah that there is nothing wrong with him? I digress due to my irritation.

The BDSM in this story, with the exception of one scene, is very good. The scenes with Micah are delicious. When Micah is allowed a reward with Tackett, it is smoky hawt. There is no denying Ms. Peterson's BDSM scenes are getting better and better. There is no denying her sex scenes are erotic and panty-wetting goodness. The D/s in this story is quite good even if I didn't like one piece of it. Still, it works for Micah and Tackett and that's all that matters.

This m/m romance is recommended to kinky readers who like bratty subs and the dominants who can take them in hand.
Profile Image for Jyanx.
Author 3 books106 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
October 14, 2015
Boring, so very boring. The characters irritated me, and everything about it felt like something I've read before.

Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
September 29, 2013
This was an intense, hot, and heart breaking read for me. While I have read BDSM books before and for the most part they have all been enjoyable and hot, this one got to me. What got to me was the idea of being being a sub all the time and the harsh “discipline” Micah had to endure. And while I honestly don’t know a damn thing about the real BDSM lifestyle, this story seemed to focus on the discipline and punishment more then any other book I have read so far. Well at least that part of the story stuck with me the most.

I found this more about Micah’s journey to find peace and less about romance. And I would have to say I didn’t agree or like all the discipline he had to endure. (yep still a big ol softie i guess). But, on the other hand the idea of having some hot young thing at my beck and call 24/7 does have it’s appeal! (YAY). And if he has to endure a little training and discipline well i am willing to do that!! (ok I am getting off topic).

Now Micah I loved, and again my big softie heart just broke when I saw how alone he felt and his low opinion of himself. He suffers from ADD and is looking for a Dom who can quiet his ricocheting mind. Then there is the big bad and older Dom Tackett, he was harder to love for me. I guess because he fought getting emotionally close to Micah all the way it felt like to me. And it was harder to see his pain and fear, which made sense considering he big tough hard discipline Dom persona.

Despite my small issues, i thoroughly enjoyed this book and can’t wait to see what happens next in this series. I love Ms. Peterson’s writing, it captures and keeps my interest easily and I plan on reading all of her books.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
April 19, 2015
Ummmm, not much worked for me here.
I felt like this.....

and the screwy thing is...I felt like I got bitch slapped and I wanted to be the bitch slapper.
Didn't like the boys. Didn't like the BDSM. Didn't like the sex.
Plain 'n simple, it ain't no Gunny & Mac. Not sure if I want any more GoF after this.
*sad face*
It came across as abuse to me and left me feeling icky, uncomfortable & sad.

*2 blurred-lines? Hell yeah! stars*
Profile Image for Laura.
1,466 reviews246 followers
January 13, 2014

3.5 Stars

”You have no idea what you have just unleashed, boy.”

Pup by SJD Peterson has been sitting on my kindle for awhile now. I happened upon it Saturday afternoon—clicked it open and didn’t couldn’t stop reading until the end.

Micah (“Pup”) was a submissive looking for a Dom, but not just any Dom. He knew it had to be Tackett Austin. At first sight, young Micah knew. Knew Tackett had what he needed. Now all he had to do was convince Tackett.

”My aspiration is to be someone’s everything and spend my life pleasing them.”

I loved the give and take between these men. Their time together was sexy, fun and cathartic. Very powerful and downright adorable at times. I don’t care what Tackett says—he was a A couple of things did bother me here though— That said though, watching the cocky facades and layers melt away and form such strength and trust between Tackett and Micah was extraordinary. It felt good to root for them. See them get closer and closer to finding peace and maybe more.

”Give me your submission and I will make you whole.”

Tackett and Micah were beautiful together. The chemistry was something special to see develop and change and ignite. I loved Micah’s courage and persistence. But my favorite part of their relationship was how BOTH men had to overcome doubts to get what they wanted and needed from each other. They both had to strip bare, face the hard questions, and open up to the pain—physically and emotionally.

For me, this was a story about trying to understand what you want and need in life and going after it. Knowing when to ask for help. Knowing your limits. And learning how to change and trust—accept the discipline and love. More often than not, becoming the person you want to be in this world takes help. Teamwork. Or just one hell of a sexy, melt in your mouth Dom.

Sorry. I know my limits with words. I can’t express how my heart and head felt and went though while reading this story. The scenes, pain, and punishments challenged my ideas of pleasure and pulled some powerful and surprising emotions out of me.

And that’s all I’m saying. :)

Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews501 followers
April 21, 2013
A great start to a new series (hopefully!). Both MC's were likable but not overly perfect. The BDSM journey was swift but, since both Tackett and Micah were already in the scene, believable to me. I enjoyed the pain edges quite a bit - I think Micah needed them and Tackett needed to give them. Micah's ADHD/ADD was a bit of a conundrum to me. At times it felt a little too much like BDSM might be the cure for it, and at other times I felt like it was sort of an evil entity itself. I did appreciate that Micah knew what he wanted - though he wasn't always able to articulate it well. He was able to say why being scatterbrained (his term, not mine) was a hindrance. That made this pop over the realm of trope into "hey...that's a refreshing way to look at things". Bravo!
Profile Image for Catherine.
1,604 reviews260 followers
January 3, 2014
*** 2.5 stars ***

I went back and forth a couple of times on how to rate this book.

I mean, did it deserve a full-on 2 star rating? *wince* Maybe.

The book started out strong enough; I found myself enjoying Tackett's gruff, growly, toppy Dom persona a lot in the opening scenes of the book and loved the dynamic that those scenes set up between him and Micah's much more playful pup persona. This relationship had such potential! Potential to be fun. Potential to be frustrating. Potential to be off-the-charts, thermometre-meltingly HOT. Potential to give me a real warm and fuzzy HEA when they found their balance and their love together.

But as the book progressed, I really, really began to dislike Tackett's character and the way that he chose to deal with Micah. Micah was a sensualist. Touch was one of the main ways that he communicates and interacts with the world. To deny him that seems cruel - so cruel that I couldn't really wrap my head around how I'm sure the author intended those elements to come across (which was freeing or... something?! I'm reaching. As I said, I didn't "get" how those rules and punishment achieved whatever the heck Tackett was trying to achieve).

I also wasn't too excited by the pacing of the novel. I mean, it was okay, but it all felt a little one note to me. I guess the easiest way for me to describe it is to say that no part of this novel really pulled a strong emotional reaction from me (be it anger or happiness or extreme, extreme horniness), and that's what I'm looking for in a 3-, 4-, and 5-star rated book. And, let me be a little crass for a moment and say that

But as much as some of the elements of the novel were screaming 2-stars at me, there were parts that tugged at my 3-star heartstrings.

Well... basically one giant element: Micah. Micah was a friggin' delight. The boy was sweet and funny, giving and loyal, and so, so eager to please. He wound his way around my heart and I was so firmly in his corner that I'm sure it had something to do with why I was not happy with his big, bad, mean Dom. Also, watching the way that his brain worked was fascinating. I'm pretty sure that he's the first character I've ever come across with ADD/ADHD, and though I'm not personally familiar with it (and therefore can't speak to the accuracy of the portrayal), I thought Peterson did a bang up job of showing Micah's thought processes and tangents, and the struggles that an adult with this type of cognitive disorder might face.

So long story short, I heart Micah and was SO happy when he

I also totally dug the whole May-December angle to their relationship. Gotta admit, folks, that one pushes some major lust buttons for me. And the cover is BEYOND AWESOME! Kudos to whoever designed it because the cover alone practically had me panting to read this book (recommendations from friends did the rest).

Anyway... after some initial hemming and hawing that saw me clicking back and forth between 2 and 3 stars, I eventually decided to save myself the mental anguish and just split the difference.

Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews476 followers
January 19, 2016
Wanted to love this even more, but I find BDSM books that address mental issues to be tricky and often times uncomfortable. I don't know if I agree with how Micah was purposely set up to fail in order to discipline him. Loved the rest of the story, which was caring and loving, but that incident Tackett masterminded knowing full well the outcome upset me.
Profile Image for Awilk -never sleeps- .
1,033 reviews6 followers
April 30, 2013
I only one clicked this book less then 12 hours ago. I usually buy books for my Kindle and they sit there forever until I can't remember why I bought them. Not the case with this one. For some reason I this book drew me in. It may have been that lovely cover.

Pup is one of the better D/s books I have read. The Dom, Tackett was a perfect character. He had the arrogance needed to be a successful Dom, but was still very much human. He asked his friends for advice, and knew when he had made mistakes, and then fixed them.

Micah, the sub, was an even better character. He was sensual and loving, and he knew his faults and that he wanted to fix them. I found him a real joy to read. This may be as I actually know someone like him, but I found him very easy to relate to.

The steam was definitely there, but it never overtook the story. The secondary characters were in interesting bunch, as they were all hooked up already so that makes me very curious as to where this series may be going.

This is my second book by this author in a short amount of time. I will have to put SJD Peterson on my keep a watch of pile.

I would recommend this book to lovers of m/m, especially those who enjoyed the deviations series.
Profile Image for Silkeeeeeereads.
1,432 reviews95 followers
July 26, 2013

I'll write a review later. This was just kind of felt wrong to me so I need to sleep on it before I commit.
7/25/13 - Okay. I had to read another book to clear my head to see what exactly was bothering me about this book. I'm usually the one that says, "It's F*cking Fiction, People!" I read some really nasty shit that doesn't bother me. This isn't really nasty shit so you wouldn't think I'd be making a little fuss. Here's my feelings about this deal:
It's MY opinion that a Dom worth his salt should be doing what is in the best interest of his sub. How the hell is it in the best interest of a sub, who is obviously trying RIDICULOUSLY hard to please him, to set traps he knew his sub was going to fail? That's just mean-spirited and wrong, as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't think much of a DOM who did that. You can't TRAIN a disorder out of somebody.

Now that I got THAT off of my chest, I did love everything else about the book. I obiously became vested in the characters or the above wouldn't have bothered me. The sex was HOT, HOT, HOT! If you can read this with an open mind that this isn't a, "How all Doms should act," book, then you should be able to enjoy it.
Profile Image for Don Bradshaw.
2,427 reviews100 followers
April 11, 2015
I was a little bit disappointed with this story. Men and women train hard to be full time Doms and subs. I thought that it was poor thinking for Tackett and Micah to try to be full time Dom and sub when neither had any training and neither man had much experience in BDSM at all. I also think that Tackett was ill equipped to deal with Micah's special needs. Blake and Ty gave some guidance but not nearly enough. This story read much more like a regular romance with some BDSM play in it. That said, I did enjoy the story. Both Tackett and Micah were well developed characters with a definite chemistry between them. The story flowed well with the exception of the rushed end.
Profile Image for Trip .
755 reviews22 followers
May 24, 2020
I have very mixed feelings on this book, in many ways it worked for me and I enjoyed it. The bdsm elements and exploration of lifestyle was amazing, there is plenty of steamy and fun scenes here.

The first half I loved a lot, the mischief from Micah and breaking down Tacketts walls. All of the teasing and their getting to know each other was a lot of fun, I enjoyed the side characters too and how they supported the relationship.

Sadly the moment they actually get together it kind of went downhill from there for me, mainly for one key aspect which is Micahs adhd/add. I feel like didn't really explore or look into properly, while I enjoyed the look into coping mechanisms as I felt those were rather truthful. Also I could see the bdsm being a perfect support to Micah and handling it, however it's not a cure in any way, shape or form.

A large part of adhd is the inability to stay focused, fidgeting and struggle with self control. So I really wasn't down for Micah being blamed for something which he literally cannot control, yes he has stuff that helps him cope and work past it but it's not a constant. He is going to lose focus at times and the fact it was treated like his fault, really annoyed me at a certain point in the story.

So yeah I didn't enjoy Tackett so much at times, although I can understand why Micah found him so interesting and it seemed to work for him. Neither of them are perfect and make mistakes, as trying to figure out their relationship. Both tried really hard to provide for the other what they needed. The ending I actually loved, as I adore Micahs persistence so that was super sweet.

Overall I thought this book had a lot of potential and while it did amazing in lots of the bdsm elements/lifestyle. The romance fell rather flat for me and as said before some parts just didn't work for me, but if can suspend disbelief I'm sure it's great!

Although I did enjoy the authors writing so will try another of their books some time.
Profile Image for Nic.
Author 44 books362 followers
June 1, 2013
This was a really well written and thoroughly enjoyable journey into the lives of Micah and Tackett.

Micah is so easily likable, a young man searching for something/someone to ground him. "Having people around me keeps me from going, 'Oh look, sparkly' and walking into traffic." and he finds that grounding in Tackett.

Tackett, who is a lot older, has not had a permanent relationship and isn't sure he is looking for one but Micah's persistence leads to him taking a chance - a 2 week trial that leads to more.

Micah's feelings for Tackett are obvious. "Tackett was everything he could ever ask for or want. He desired to be a better man when he was with him. there was comfort and peace in love, and Tackett owned his mind, body, heart, and very soul, and he was ready to prove to the man they were worth keeping." and it was nice to see him get his wish to belong to Tackett. However, it was more special to see Tackett find what was missing from his life, ending his loneliness.

Profile Image for LiveYourLife BuyTheBook.
616 reviews58 followers
April 16, 2013
5 Stars - KAPOW!

Mine ... the perfect reaction to a BDSM book, and when I saw the cover - that was my immediate thought!

His ... Micah felt it in his gut; as soon as he saw Tackett he wanted to be his boy.

Funk ... Tackett has felt very different since witnessing the collaring of Ty by Blake, one of his oldest friends.

Love ... "What if your mind and body wasn't enough? ... What if I told you I wanted your heart too?"

Go ... Buy The Book. Seriously! This book was BEAUTIFUL!!

See Barb's full review at Live Your Life, Buy The Book

Profile Image for Constantine.
989 reviews285 followers
September 6, 2018
Rating: 3.0/5.0

An erotic m/m BDSM story. Was OK. I listened to the audiobook. I think I would have rated it less if it was not for the good narration and voice. Nothing major is really going here. I mean story wise I did not feel it had much substance. The degree of eroticism was not that big either. I have not explored much in this BDSM genre so I can't say how much I can rate this particular story compared to other books.

It was OK.
Profile Image for Dawn   Nicholson.
178 reviews37 followers
April 22, 2013
** 5 Kinky Stars **
WOW!! That Was Some Hot Read!!
Apart from being totally Kinky and Hot, I was really interested in Tackett and Micahs, Dom/Sub relationship.. Fascinating!
And, Well.. Micah is just so beautiful!
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,689 reviews85 followers
August 18, 2022
Tackett siempre ha sabido que es un Doms y ha vivido su vida con ello, pero su trabajo y su forma de ser nunca le han permitido tener un sub a tiempo completo, y menos en su casa. Pero ahora que esta dejando la parte activa de su empresa y esta "casi" retirado, y despues de que su amigo Blake le pusiera su collar a su sub Ty, que le se dio cuenta lo que faltaba en su vida, amor. A su edad es dificil buscar ese sub especial que quiera estar con el a largo plazo y solo consigue subs que quieran pasar el rato con el, hasta que Micah comienza a "perseguirlo" porque quiere ser su sub y si es posible, a tiempo completo.
Micah tuvo una infancia feliz, lleno de familia y amigos, y sin embargo el anhela poder someterse a alguien, alguien quien realmente pueda ayudarlo a controlar su mente hiper-activa y le ayude a encontrar la paz. Ahora, desde que vio a Tackett se dio cuenta que ese era el Dom que queria, el que necesitaba, pero tendria que emplear todos los trucos conocidos, e inventa algunos, para que el Dom le hiciera caso y viera que realmente el era perfecto para el.
Tackett debera encontrar la forma de ensenar a Micah lo que es realmente la sumision, y empujar sus limites hasta hacerlo entender que no solo su cuerpo le pertenece al Dom, sino tambien su mente y de esta forma lograr lo que tanto Micah desea, paz. Pero las cosas no son faciles para la pareja, Tacket duda de sus habilidades, y Micah no entiende que es lo que quieren ensenarle, asi que poco a poco deberan llegar a conocerse y encontrar el punto donde ambos puedan satisfacer las necesidades del otro.

El libro es una historia tranquila, sin dramas emocionales, ni problemas psicologicos, si quitamos el tema del BDSM, es solo la historia de una pareja que intenta encontrar el punto medio en su relacion para hacerla que funcione para ambos. Con el resto de la trama, vemos el enfoque BDSM casi de un modo clinico, las escenas como tal, resulta interesantes pero no del todo Hot, pero la intreaccion con los otros personajes, parejas de otras series y nuevos Doms para esta serie, fue entretenida.
Voy a continuar con la lectura de la serie, porque quiero saber un poco mas de los dema personajes, ademas quiero ver si podemos ver mas de esta y las otras parejas mas adelante.
Profile Image for Ije the Devourer of Books.
1,832 reviews55 followers
August 9, 2013
I am not a great fan of BDSM stories or books with long sex scenes and of course this book centres on both, but the writing and the story are incredibly gripping. I have read all the Whispering Pines series and I know that this series (Guards of Folsom) is going to be just as great, BDSM notwithstanding.

Pup focuses on Micah (the pup) and Tackett. Micah believes Tackett is the perfect dom for him but Tackett although attracted to Micah is not sure he wants a full time sub and he is also unsure about whether Micah could be his sub. They both agree to a two week try out period and so the story begins.

We are taken into the story of those two weeks and it is rather intense but also deeply satisfying to read. Micah is determined to be the perfect sub for Tackett and we see him as he sometimes fails and other times succeeds. Tackett on the other hand experiences a deepening attraction to Micah and begins to realise that this might just be the right person for him not only as a sub but as a lover. The two become increasingly intertwined and Tackett begins to realise that perhaps he might need Micah as much as Micah needs him.

The writing is intense, gripping, engaging and very satisfying. The story draws you in from page one and although I like to read several books at the same time this story made me put all the others down. Suddenly whether Micah achieved his goals or not became important to me as the reader and I went through all the ups and downs of this trial period together with the main characters. I can't describe this as a rollercoaster, more like a journey up a very steep and winding mountain road where it seems that one wrong turn will take the vehicle plunging over the side below, but the summit continues to act as a beacon and a goal.

I enjoyed this risky journey. It is simply a really great story with excellent writing and hopefully the beginning of a second excellent series for this author. I am definitely staying with this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews

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