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W wieku dwunastu lat Cassandra Madden zakochuje sie w Jeffersonie Amesie, mlodym mezczyznie, którego spotkala na jednej z biznesowych konferencji swojej matki. Przez lata Cassie trzymala w tajemnicy te nieodwzajemniona milosc, walczac z samotnoscia i chlodem matki. Nawet kiedy dorosla, poszla do collegu i spotkala mezczyzne, którego miala nadzieje poslubic, jej serce wciaz rwalo sie do Jeffa...

320 pages, Hardcover

Published May 1, 2008

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About the author

Jude Deveraux

174 books6,728 followers
Jude Gilliam was born September 20, 1947 in Fairdale, Kentucky. She has a large extended family and is the elder sister of four brothers. She attended Murray State University and received a degree in Art. In 1967, Jude married and took her husband's surname of White, but four years later they divorced. For years, she worked as 5th-grade teacher.

She began writing in 1976, and published her first book, The Enchanted Land (1977) under the name Jude Deveraux. Following the publication of her first novel, she resigned her teaching position. Now, she is the author of 31 New York Times bestsellers.

Jude won readers' hearts with the epic Velvet series, which revolves around the lives of the Montgomery family's irresistible men. Jude's early books are set largely in 15th- and 16th-century England; in them her fierce, impassioned protagonists find themselves in the midst of blood feuds and wars. Her heroines are equally scrappy -- medieval Scarlett O'Haras who often have a low regard for the men who eventually win them over. They're fighters, certainly, but they're also beauties who are preoccupied with survival and family preservation.

Jude has also stepped outside her milieu, with mixed results. Her James River trilogy (River Lady, Lost Lady, and Counterfeit Lady) is set mostly in post-Revolution America; the popular, softer-edged Twin of Fire/Twin of Ice moves to 19th-century Colorado and introduces another hunky-man clan, the Taggerts.

Deveraux manages to evoke a strong and convincing atmosphere for each of her books, but her dialogue and characters are as familiar as a modern-day soap opera's. "Historicals seem to be all I'm capable of," Jude once said in an interview, referring to a now out-of-print attempt at contemporary fiction, 1982's Casa Grande. "I don't want to write family sagas or occult books, and I have no intention of again trying to ruin the contemporary market." Still, Jude did later attempt modern-day romances, such as the lighthearted High Tide (her first murder caper), the contemporary female friendship story The Summerhouse, and the time-traveling Knight in Shining Armor. In fact, with 2002's The Mulberry Tree, Deveraux seems to be getting more comfortable setting stories in the present, which is a good thing, since the fans she won with her historical books are eager to follow her into the future.

Jude married Claude White, who she later divorced in 1993. Around the same time she met Mohammed Montassir with whom she had a son, Sam Alexander Montassir, in 1997. On Oct. 6th, 2005, Sam died at the age of eight in a motorcycle accident.

Jude has lived in several countries and all over the United States. She currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina and has an additional home in the medieval city of Badolato, Italy.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 345 reviews
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
February 5, 2018
Ok, I love Jude Deveraux! Like LOVE! So it pains me to say how much I didn’t like this book. The hero and heroine made me want to smack them.
First our heroine. She gets a crush on an older guy when she’s 12. That’s ok. I can accept that as a future romance. Then she decides to get his attention by almost drowning in the pool. 🤦‍♀️ When she regains consciousness she overhears the hero and his fiancee discussing her obvious crush.
Years later our heroine becomes our hero’s nanny for his little girl after the death of his wife.
Now for our hero. He has secrets, lies to her repeatedly and pushes her away because he thinks she too young. Meanwhile he knows she is in love with him.
So when our heroine learns that our hero has lied to her, played her for a fool, and that everyone knows she is in love with him she leaves. I’m thinking Finally! Finally she gets some self respect. But THEN she is given the advice that if she loses some weight, dyes her hair and gets some nice clothes our hero will come crawling to her. *me screaming while pulling out hair*
So...yeah. Hmm.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah.
479 reviews19 followers
July 28, 2010
I can't say for sure, because I haven't read EVERY book in the world, but I do feel fairly confident that this is the worst book in the world. This book sounds like something I would have written when I was 13, and I mean that in the worst sort of way. The characters are poorly defined and have personalities that completely shift based on the storyline. The plot sounds like she wrote a page a day and never reread what she wrote the day before. The actions of the characters are implausible and just stupid. I can't even describe how ridiculously bad this book is. You should read it if you're feeling bad about your own writing ability, just to know that anything can get published.
Profile Image for Lexy.
1,093 reviews27 followers
April 14, 2020
I thought that this book was good
Profile Image for ❀angela.
126 reviews104 followers
November 18, 2015
I actually really like Jude Deveraux's writing, with plot lines that intrigue me and heroines I adore. But four books in and I've yet to fall in love with one her heroes; it's disappointing. Jeff got on my nerves--he should've had to grovel more in my opinion.

I loved Jeff's father, Thomas, and his daughter, Elsbeth. I was a little annoyed at Cassie but Althea's character made up for it (LOL). Anyway, this book is about Cassie who goes to work for Jeff as his daughter's nanny. She's in love with him but keeps her feelings to herself until Althea starts meddling and manipulating Cassie.

I thought it was very sweet that Cassie helped Althea reconcile with her daughter and Althea with Cassie's mother.
Profile Image for Ruth Hill.
1,115 reviews648 followers
August 14, 2011
Although this is the first book I have ever read by Jude Deveraux, I have seen her name all over book sites and the web for some time. I was under the impression that she was just a good romance author, and so when I picked up the book, I figured that was what I would be reading. Something light and nice with a basic romance plot.

Nothing could be further from the truth! I now understand why this author is a best-selling novelist. She is so much more than a typical romance novelist. She is a master as romantic suspense writing, and I was completely engrossed in this book.

There was so much I appreciated about this novel. It had a strong romantic story--which was what I was initially looking for. In addition to this, she added a fantastically suspenseful plot with lots of twists and turns. I remember thinking halfway through that I was not even assured what would happen at the end! Would it even end how I thought it should?

I would certainly put Jude Deveraux in the same category as Agatha Christie, and that is saying something. I found myself not wanting to put this book down once a chapter finished because I wanted to know what was going to happen next. There was never a dull moment in this book, and the writing was dynamic!

The other thing I appreciated about this book was the absence of steamy sex scenes. While sex was mentioned as having happened, it was not described in detail. I also appreciated the absence of vulgar language. There was an occasional mild word, but nothing that was truly horrendous. This author has easily become one of my favorite romance novelists, and I can hardly wait to read more of her books. I now know why she is considered one of the greats!
Profile Image for Joella.
43 reviews2 followers
September 25, 2008
I really enjoyed this book. The characters were interesting and had great traits. When you want a fun, east to listen to, mystery with romance I would recommend this one to anyone. I love it when I can read a good book without all the trash.
Profile Image for Thenia.
4,122 reviews182 followers
May 14, 2019
The story of Cassie, a girl who fell in unrequited love at the age of 12 with a young man she only saw from a distance, and somehow held on to that love through teenage years and college until she eventually ended up being that man's daughter's nanny years later.

Jeff, the man in question, .

I love a good unrequited love story, especially ones that have the satisfying , but this one missed the mark for me. While it is not unfathomable that a woman would go to such lengths for a man's love, I still had trouble accepting Cassie's decisions and willingness to be satisfied with scraps of affection here and there. Jeff's reasons for keeping his distance were also understandable but I didn't like how he
Profile Image for Heather ~*dread mushrooms*~.
Author 20 books547 followers
April 16, 2013
One star for the absolute mildest, brainless entertainment value. Read this if you seriously don't want to think. Or if antiquated notions of menfolk and womenfolk don't make you want to hurl. I know Deveraux likes her curvy, small-waisted heroines, but the phrase "built like a real woman" should not be used in books anymore. This "romance" novel was just unbearably cutesy with its cookie-baking heroine who looks like a fifties pinup girl and nurses unrequited love.

Throw in a stupid CIA plot and old people who have nothing better to do than impart their worldly wisdom and create scenarios to throw the love interests together and you have the makings of a big crapfest of a book.

Let me just mention that the two main characters are total creepsters. They both stalk each other until the point where the heroine comes to work for the hero, which, as you might imagine, is really weird. Even for a romance novel.

Really, I knew better than to get this, but I did anyway. Joke's on me!
Profile Image for April.
205 reviews21 followers
March 6, 2009
Well, the old Jude isn't back yet, but this is a great leap forward from her other recent work. I enjoyed the story and the characters although I felt, again, that the story was rushed. It feels in many of her most recent books that she starts the story out with these great characters, great plot ideas/points/direction (whatever you want to call them) and then she just fizzles out when she realizes how much work it will be to fill in ALL those gaps. So, instead of writing this AMAZING -but HUGE- book, she touches on all of the ideas, fleshes out only a couple of the best ones and then finishes before nine so she can go to bed early.

All that said, I very much enjoyed the book and will greatly anticipate her next. I know the old Jude is out there, I miss her terribly, and I hope she's coming back. If she never does though, I always have the old greats of hers to fall back on. :)
Profile Image for María.
606 reviews25 followers
November 4, 2019
Cassie está enamorada de su jefe desde que lo conoció, cuando ella tenía doce años. Ahora él es un viudo con una hija de cinco años a quien ella le hace la vida más fácil, cocinándole y cuidando de su familia.
Pero todo cambia cuando ella conoce a una actriz del cine clásico que ahora vive recluída en el mismo barrio cerrado. Esta mujer esconde muchos secretos y le mostrará que no todo es lo que parece... incluído su apuesto jefe.
Profile Image for ABookAddictHere.
281 reviews21 followers
February 4, 2019
So many stories and secrets on this bpok it makes you get twisted up trying to keep them all straight! There's a murder involved abd trying to figure out who did it, secrets of the past and present and mysteries and thrills involved in reading. I won't give them away but will say that once again Jude weaves a wonderful history in her story and you will not want to put it down till the last page.
May 14, 2023
Another book that after I started it I realized that I read it before (2016) Decided to read it again. A young girl has a crush on a man she met at age 12. She becomes a nanny to his child when she finishes college. There is a mystery about her neighbor's past life, and also about her employer's. I don't want to say more since it would spoil the book. A good book.
Profile Image for Evelyn.
1,379 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2019
I did not relate anything in this book to any of the other books other than it is a wonderful romance. You will enjoy reading about Cassie and Jeff. I wonder if there is a future book involving Cassie's mother, Margaret Madden. I will have to Google that lolol
Profile Image for Jessi.
5,311 reviews19 followers
April 18, 2010
Jude Deveraux is an interesting author. I always enjoy most of her books, start to get into them, and then... there's the twist. Now, I like a good twist as much as the next girl but most of these are just way too... twisty.
In this book, Cassie Madden has been in love with Jeff Monroe since she was twelve. So in love, that she figures out that he's a widower, goes to work at the day care his child attends, and then gets hired as his nanny. When the story really starts to get going, she's been there for about a year and has made herself indispensable. She's described as having a "1950's pinup" figure but being kind of a doormat. Cassie knows her life is about to change because Jeff seems to be on the verge of asking a woman who despises Cassie to marry him.
The big excitement in her life is that the woman next door is a world renowned actress. Cassie meets her one day when shots are fired. Then, the story starts to blow up and get crazy. Apparently Jeff is a CIA agent and the actress is a former spy and current informer. Blah, blah, blah. She finally figures out that Jeff is hiding something from her and runs away. Then, six months later (really, really>?) after working out and getting all buff, Cassie and Jeff are called to take place in a murder reenactment that the actress was part of.
To me, this was really just a bunch of stories patched together in one big quilt that was an okay story but it might have been nicer if a few pieces had been left out.
Profile Image for Khulood.
2 reviews
August 17, 2009
SECRETS by Jude Deveraux is one of the best books i’ve read so far. Its a story of innocent love, exciting moments and dangerous secrets . At age of 12 Cassandra Madden fell in love with Jefferson Ames. To get her dream man, Cassie went through tough times over the years and ended up becoming Jeff child’s nanny. Also she was living with him under one roof and taking care of him , his daughter and his father, he has never felt attracted to her. Cassie kept this unrequited love inside her heart and spent the years doing the house chores.

One day, when Cassie heard shots coming from the mansion of Althea Fairmont, she started noticing things and dicovered that everyone around her has a secret.


One thing I didn’t like about this book, || The End|| I was looking for a missing paper and ended up closing the book and smiling: thats it !

From My blog
Profile Image for Lisa Lap.
370 reviews18 followers
January 16, 2012
I haven't read a Jude Deveraux book in a while, but I picked this one up off my shelf and couldn't put it down. It was a nice, fast paced intriguing storyline that kept you guessing as to what was going on. No one in the book except poor Cassie was what they seemed, and then even Cassie had secrets she was hiding - it's just that the readers were in on those secrets. I loved the way that Cassie had been in love with Jefferson since she was a child and found a way to be a part of his life in a non-creepy way when she became an adult. I loved Althea and wish I had a neighbor like her to visit with. I loved the murder mystery and how it was solved, as well as the resolution in the end. I did feel that Cassie's abrupt departure to get her life together was necessary but also written in a hasty way and felt that six months was rushed through to get to the reunion.

Still I'm a fan and always will be.

Until next time,
Profile Image for Tessa.
513 reviews41 followers
October 7, 2015
Hrm. Usually Jude Deveraux is a sure hit, but this one kind of missed.

The characters were good. I was totally enthralled with them, from the H and H, to the all the secondaries, even the mother of the h was well shown. However, the actual mystery seemed to be everywhere. I don't know what happened, or how the mystery even became a mystery. Yes, when I heard about it, it seemed important, but everything else made it convoluted.

The character relation, I did like. That should have been the focus, rather than some mystery that become confusing. The longing, the growing, that I adored. I didn't like the sudden do-over. He liked her as she was, and she didn't need to suddenly lose weight. That seemed almost against the point of the story.

I guess even great writers can have a total miss.
Profile Image for Sherry.
575 reviews21 followers
September 20, 2009
The thing I like about Jude Deveraux is that she puts just enough fantasy in her stories to remind me that things don't work like that in real life. This book was a fast and easy read.

This book had a mediocre story line. The plot went in every direction - except the direction that would have given the story an actual plot. The characters were great in that I was torn between hating them or wanting them to be my best friend. There were some great dialogue moments. But in the end the plot failed to deliver - in fact I'm not sure what the plot WAS. And the end of the story really wasn't, I found myself flipping pages wondering where the rest of my book was.
108 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2016
I used to read Jude Deveraux's books all the time. They were fantastic!! I read most of the Edilean series and loved that too but the last two were a big disappointment. Secrets is a love story? Or is it an espionage story? Or is it a mystery? Kinda hard to tell. Also this Grand Passion Cassie has for Jeff and so on is rather bland. Why did she feel that she had to get a better body when she was already a drool-worthy woman? If Jeff loved her so much and craved her, how could he share a room, a cabin, anywhere and NOT jump her!!?!?!? If I had the opportunities they had I would most definitely be the aggressor. Innocent love story, great but not Jude Deveraux normal M. O.
Profile Image for Sarah.
103 reviews5 followers
July 6, 2008
Oh Jude Deveraux. I liked you once upon a time and I STILL read every book you write, but the truth is, I don't think I've liked ANYTHING you've written in the last 10-15 years.

This book was so ridiculous that I wanted to give it the ol' "How Nancy Drew Saved My Life" treatment and write comments in the margins then pass it around to friends so that they could laugh at it too. Unfortunately it was a library book and I also don't think it's out in paperback yet. Alas!

Both of the main characters were pretty much just pathetic stalkers.
Profile Image for Maria.
2,226 reviews45 followers
December 28, 2018
Although it kept my interest for three-quarters of the book, it then fell apart and was boring. I was hoping for a friendship between Cassie and Dana and a story line that included the two of them working together against their guys but instead the story line went off in a totally unbelievable direction and Dana and Roger were more or less dropped. There were also several loose ends that were not tied up. It's as if Ms. Deveraux herself lost interest.
Profile Image for Shannon.
277 reviews14 followers
September 4, 2014
Author Jude Deveraux has created another book full of interesting characters and although the love story between Cassie and Jefferson is a bit tepid and boring the character of the aging movie star Althea is the highlight of the book. Not nearly up to the level of Deveraux's earlier books, Secrets is an entertaining and easy read. I finished the book in 1 night so if this is a vacation book, take a few with you.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
1,205 reviews50 followers
February 23, 2016
A fairly innocent, sweet little romance. I found for most of the book I liked the supporting characters (Althea and Thomas) way better then Jeff and Cassandra- however I loved Cassandra at the end of the book when she finally got some gumption. I must also mention that the pro plastic surgery message in this book was horribly annoying- I am a woman who believes in aging gracefully- I’m 31 and I’ve never dyed the gray out of my hair). This alone made the book lose a star.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,566 reviews12 followers
December 13, 2011
This book started off a little fluffy but surprisingly it gathered speed in all the right places. I came to really like the characters and the story was a lot less predictable then it could have been. I listen to this as an audio book and I found myself looking forward to driving somewhere so I could hear some more!
Profile Image for Tina.
127 reviews
April 22, 2014
I love reading a Jude devereaux book. She creates such wonderful stories and always manages to make me laugh out loud at least a couple of times.
865 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2015
Fun summer read with a lovely love story and a little mystery
Profile Image for Cindy.
1,748 reviews13 followers
August 26, 2020
Copyright 2008. 2,027 4 & 5 star reviews!! This is a reread for me, though I've only read it one other time. I have no idea why I kept it. It should have gone to the resale shop pile! This is the last book I've bought of JD's. This is the book that finally killed my enjoyment of her writing.

First off - this is not a romance. There's one kiss. Trope is the hated "She's loved him for years & years & he doesn't care".
I'd say it's more of a mystery, but that doesn't start until the end of the book. The story is all over the place, but I broke it down into 3 parts.

Cassie is a lonely 12 year old who goes to a job conference with her cold, uncaring mother & meets Jeff. He's 23. She thinks she's in, love with him, so to get his attention she drowns herself in the pool. He thinks she's an idiot, but saves her life.

Fast forward a few years. Cassie is all grown up & has made it her life's work to stalk Jeff. She gets a job at his daughter's preschool & insinuates herself into his house (creepy!). Jeff's wife is dead due to his career choice. We can't get to that because....spoilers. Cassie does her best to get Jeff to love her - does all the housework, cooks, spoils his invalid dad & daughter. Jeff is oblivious. Cassie is then drawn into a mystery & Jeff screws up his happy household by telling Cassie he loves her. Does he?
Cassie doesn't think so, so with the help of her neighbor (a reclusive actress who's really a spy) leaves town.

Fast forward 6 months. Cassie goes to a personal trainer & discovers that being thin & toned is what she's been missing her whole life. The actress neighbor lures her into going to a murder mystery weekend, where she meets up with Jeff again. They solve the mystery (which turns out to be real) & it's HEA. After they kiss one time.

I've always loved JD's imagination, but some her books - like this one - are just all over the place & the stories are downright odd.
I decided I was done & have't bought a book of her's since.
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,520 reviews46 followers
April 9, 2018
I've read quite a few of Jude Devereux's novels over the years, but I have to say that 'Secrets' fell well below the mark.

The book almost read as two different books, as the first half and the second seemed to have very little to do with each other aside from using the same characters. The first was ridiculously over complicated and seemed to have absolutely no direction. There was so much backstory crammed in to explain both the plot and the characters relationships that I felt as though I'd stepped into the room halfway through a film and I'd missed the start which explained everything.
The second part of the book was a far simpler and I actually really enjoyed it. The murder of Florence and Jeff and Cassie being forced into working together to solve it. Unfortunately it was squeezed into such a short space that it barely had any impact and was overshadowed by their 'romance'.

Speaking of which… I didn't feel any romance in this book. The foundation of their relationship was weird, and neither character had a particularly sparkling personality. Jeff was horrible, and Cassie's personality seemed to change chapter to chapter. I was hoping that there would be some sort of sexual tension but there was nothing. In fact, I spent the whole novel waiting for the moment when they finally give in but they never so much as undress in front of each other. I mean come on if the plot is going to be so terrible then at least give me some steam!

Overall I really wasn't impressed with either of the main plots, the romance, the lack of sexual attraction or the characters. The 'secret' is, don't read this novel.
Profile Image for Namra.
128 reviews14 followers
January 4, 2021

Secrets by Jude Deveraux is not a book I'd die for or as a matter of fact anyone would die for. It's a simple and light (prettyyy light) read that you just float through, if that makes sense (although i don't know how someone can float "through"😅).

🎭It is a book you might read when you "just" want to read and not to think or to learn or to pay any heed to whatever's written. It's kinda like a cartoon that's not your favorite but you keep watching because you're just not in the mood to put your brain through any tough task and whatever you're watching is slightly entertaining and you see I said "cartoon" not a movie because cartoons are supposed to be for kids (lower mental level) but you know once in a while you just wanna relax and yeah...

🎭The writing is simple. The plot is okay. The characters are fine. The genre lies somewhere between mystery and romance but wasn't actually too strong. It was overall an okay read.

🎭There definitely were a lot of points I can add in the "criticism" part but I won't (idk why). I read it in one sitting and just relaxed a bit😅.

🎭A point I'd like to add is that Jude Deveraux's regular readers think that her earlier books were really great and her recent books (including Secrets) aren't as good as her earlier ones.

✨Story: Cassie, the protagonist, is the daughter of a really strict mother who is a successful business woman and wants her daughter to be just like her (which she definitely is not). Cassie soon leaves her mother to get a job as a nanny at the house of someone she has admired since childhood and becomes their family. But one day something happens and she gradually realizes that all the people around her are not who they claim to be.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 345 reviews

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