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The King in Red

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All my life, I followed the rules. I had perfect grades, a perfect schedule, the perfect degree… I lived my life safe and sound amidst the pages I studied. Because no one ever died from reading a book, right?

At least that’s what I thought…

Until I found a long forgotten play in a dusty corner of Miskatonic University’s library. Something that calls to me from under its veneer of dust and decaying pages, something eldritch, something ancient, something hungry…

Something that can’t be satiated by just my mind or my soul, but my body, too.

Any reader worth their salt knows about Lovecraft and the old gods…
But I think I might have discovered something new.

And he’s all mine.

The King in Red is a monster romance featuring erotic scenes, forced captivity, and tentacles.

301 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 18, 2023

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Ava Hall

37 books28 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews
Profile Image for Memie.
65 reviews
December 1, 2023

Instead of fully embracing the horror and romance elements of the story, The King in Red is a lukewarm combination of both. There is not enough development between the couple and nowhere near unsettling enough to be Lovecraftian horror. In fact, the story is very domestic, with the eldritch abomination cooking and caring for Jade.The sex just kind of happens because that's the spot in a story where sex typically occurs and not because there is a really or interesting connection between the couple.

The story isn't bad, but I did not like the author's writing style. It felt very juvenile. Jade toes the "not like other girls" line - it is not explicitly stated, but the NLOG vibes are strong. We are TOLD she is an incredibly lonely person (which is very important thematically), but this is undercut by her interactions with her friend and the frat guy. The author tells us she is lonely through Jade's constant inner monologue, but the writing shows that she interacts with people easily enough. The author is unable to convey "lonely in a room full of people" idea.
Profile Image for heather krym.
69 reviews
August 12, 2024
I got to 60% and dnf. I feel like there is potential, but the writing is so juvenile that by the time it gets to the spicy scenes, I am put off by it. I think if some rework was done, the story would be more enjoyable. For example, when I got to the part where she was reading the play and talking about how the first scene was so boring, she skimmed through it. I was like, yea, kind of like what I am doing with this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lynsey.
4 reviews
August 21, 2024
-5/5 ⭐️ One of the most boring books I’ve ever read. I was here for the Eldritch horrors, but instead I got sappy vanilla romance with tentacles (barely). The plot was boring, the characters were dull, the sex was uninteresting, and the whole book honestly felt like it was written by a teenager. I almost DNF at 50% but I felt surely it would get better, right? Wrong. Writing isn’t for everyone🤷🏼‍♀️
18 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2024
A beautiful blend between the analytical mind and the fantastical world that may be interlaced!
Profile Image for Abigail Walker.
196 reviews2 followers
November 13, 2023
A cute monster romance novel that’s quick and easy to read!

Jade has been living a normal, boring life as a student. Whilst she enjoys her education, she’s rather lonely as she hadn’t got a good relationship with her parents and doesn’t have many friends. When searching for a book for her course, she stumbles across a play that changes her life. Anyone who reads the play ends up suffering from a relentless curse and die within a week after being tormented by a monster known simply as the King. Jade, however, appears immune to the curse so the King has kidnapped her to find out why.

I really enjoyed the unique concept of this book. The idea that you can read a play, then suddenly have to suffer seven days of torment, bad dreams, and a hypnotising red light before suffering a horrific dead felt really different and exciting.

I also like how the King isn’t the classic villain you expect him to be. Although he is connected to the curse, it becomes apparent he is cursed himself and is unable to leave the world he lives in. Only through being around Jade and developing feelings is he able to learn how to stop the curse from hurting others, showing how love can conquer all problems.

Overall, a nice monster romance novel that has a mixture of spooky and sweet elements.
26 reviews
May 21, 2024
Go Ahead and Skip

This was one of the slowest, weirdest, barely a plot book I’ve ever read. At the beginning the FMC finds a play and talks about how boring it is and I find that hilarious considering how boring this book is. 30% in all that happened was she found the mysterious play. Other than that she had multiple meals, slept multiple nights, etc. I skimmed through and skipped over multiple parts and this was about 60-70% of the entire book. Spice is okay, maybe 2 stars. It also leaves me with so many questions and no answers that I was frustrated. I almost DNF’d, but decided to push through. Wish I would have spent my time reading something else.
Profile Image for Manda.
55 reviews6 followers
June 15, 2024

I like the story, I like the ideology behind it too. But the writing/words felt a little lack luster. I was missing some magic. But it was a cute story.
Profile Image for Jackie.
60 reviews
July 26, 2024
Jade has to be one of the blandest and at the same time unlikable FMC in one of these books I’ve read yet. As I heard someone once say: “I don’t like or hate you. I nothing you.” Which is entirely how I feel about the characters.

She has nothing to offer. Nothing to cheer or boo for. She’s a cardboard cut out with some kinda trauma that sprinkled in for ✨flavor✨ that adds 0 depth. You can add seasoning to cardboard it’s still going to be trash. The King ends up being generic mysterious MMC with some kind of Mary Sue magic BS that we don’t even get to explore in favor of Jade’s teacher pet ass kissing and lifeless life. Also what is he??? There is no monster description outside being covered in a red cloth and he has tentacles. Congrats most lackluster monster description ever to be in a monster romance.

I was really hoping for something more interesting and more cosmic horror. Instead I ended up with two very boring characters in another “big pretty castle”. Somehow we are to believe love one another when they could not be any more bland and are walking respective genitalia. Just skip this one for a better monster romance as too much of this is spent building up to a nothing burger if a plot. I can’t even rant this book is so…. Nothing. I know I won’t be remembering this one going forward.
Profile Image for Jessica West.
15 reviews
April 25, 2024
Good book

It was not what I was expecting when I saw the ad on facebook. It is honestly a good read. The ending was not what I thought would happen, but still wraps it up nicely. A decent read.
Profile Image for Tiffany Bumgardner.
Author 2 books3 followers
July 12, 2024

This was super boring.

There was no character development.

No true plot development.

No real driving force and the one question of who the king was and the curse was never really answered.

Everything was just marginally accepted.

No conflict. No strife. Nothing compelling.

In a nutshell shell it was boring and a waste of time.
10 reviews
September 4, 2023
Wonderfully well written

Honestly, I wasn’t able to easy anticipate the story line direction. I have added Ms Hall to my “Follow this Author” list.
Profile Image for Joanna | The Tale Archivist.
93 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2024
Though it had potential, the book fell short of delivering the eldritch and monstrous experience I hoped for. It shies away from fully embracing its horror elements, leaning instead towards a rather vanilla storyline. While it had its moments, overall, it was unremarkable.
Profile Image for Charlie.
2 reviews
October 16, 2023
Okay listen, this book was 100% unexpectedly amazing. I finished it in two days (not even) because the plot kept me hooked. A common trend in the romance novels that I've read is that they loose my interest about 3/4s of the way through. But this one was just so... different. I don't want to say too much because going into it blind made my experience of it much stronger, but I will say this:

This book made me audibly go "awwww" and simultaneously had me screaming "WTF". It is spicy while also making you feel the love and pure affection between our FMC and MMC. (THEY SING TO EACH OTHER IM NOT EVEN JOKING)

I fully believe that there could be some revising done to this book to strengthen it. However, the few issues I did have did not lessen my enjoyment of the story or characters.

Good job Ava Hall, you are a badass.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
41 reviews
February 21, 2024
I picked this book up, falling under the "so many recommended this as a spicy monster read" and the "new author I haven't tried"
WOW it was just..... just bad. I can't even think of many articulate words to describe how poor this book was, but I shall try.

SPICE-well this was just.... about as pantie wetting as watching paint dry or reading the Sunday paper. The way it was described was so dry and dull, it felt like a young teen maybe trying to write smut for the first time. The 'sexy monster', is a bumbling no faced dude with tentacles, that is somehow a cool idea, and handled so poorly as to be just... dull.

PLOT-what plot? There isn't a single plot of story through this whole thing. Characters and dropped in, told who they are, and promptly ignored. There is a curse and such, which doesn't go anywhere, is poorly handled, and just again drops off. Scenes just jump in such a way, it feels like a bunch of random ideas slammed together. (trying to not say anything that would spoil it, for those that do want to try to read)

CHARACTERS- again just dull? The big bad monster king? About as amazing as a damp tissue. There are so many amazing monster books out there, this is NOT one of them. Our main lady, is also just dull. Using that word a lot, dull, but its about all that comes to mind when thinking about this.

WRITING- ohhhhh boy, this is just, TERRIBLE. As a joke I took 5 random pages (asking my friends to give me page numbers) and each page had an average of 18 "I". The whole thing written in such first person dribble "I did this, I watched, as I expected things to change but I didn't think they would" sort of writing, was just.... middle school levels of bad.

TL;DR: All these reviews of how amazing this is, and it is more like a middle schooler attempting baby's first smut with no plot.
Profile Image for Nancy Warr.
69 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2023
A very weird read, made no sense. *There are Spoilers* I kept trying to figure out what direction the author was trying to go with this story and it never made any sense to me. Jade our female lead reads a play that supposedly causes the reader to commit suicide, after reading the cursed play she gets kidnapped by the male king in the book who tells her he cannot release her until he can figure out why the play didn't cause her to harm herself like it did to all the others. The king is nothing but nice to her despite her initially being very rude to him eventually she starts liking him and loses her virginity to him I say him loosely as the male lead is described as having a unknown number of tentacles, no mouth, doesn't eat nor sleep but does have male genitalia. He never figures out why she didn't succumb to the play like all the others nevertheless she is sent back home only to be miserable there so she returns to the kings realm.
472 reviews
July 15, 2023
In general: weird. BUT, weird good? The concept of a vaguely man-shaped mythical monster that's capable of spying on an infinite number of lives over the course of who knows how many years--a little odd. However, I really really enjoyed the premise of the "villain" being an inactive participant in the curse, and King has more of a curiosity than a sense of malice throughout this. It's almost naive in the way that he takes things at face value and content to just suffer forever without knowing why until Jade shakes everything up without really trying. I actually liked the ending quite a bit--I had to stop reading for a bit when King initially let Jade go and she was so lost.
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Profile Image for Caity Ross.
7 reviews
February 11, 2024

It wasn’t as spicy as I thought it would be. And the plot was okay, but for a quick story it was alright
Profile Image for C.L. .
196 reviews15 followers
September 26, 2024
That's it I'm calling it. Nearly four months and literally dreading continuing this book to the point of not reading for WEEKS is enough to finally win over my completionist OCD and DNF.

Here at my thoughts having read ~55% of this book and hating nearly every second of it (I type out my thoughts as I read books b/c ADHD):

Okay lemme just say I spent WAY too much of this book wondering how the weird horror movie plot was gonna turn into monster fucking, let alone a romance, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it all. But here are some scattered thoughts I had while reading, before we get into the nitty gritty of it all.

1) Rodger kinda skeeved me out from the start. Idk his sudden friendly flirtiness just rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't trust or like him at all.

2) And I also clocked that the professor knew what was going on *immediately* with that super out of character response, *especially* snapping at Jade. Like wtf? Dude just explain what's going on?? She's intelligent enough to get it, even if so far as it just being what killed his brother, Jesus. He didn't have to be so goddamn rude about it. I liked him to start with, but he became an ass so fucking fast. His threat of "further warranted punishment" was just laughable too. Fuck him. Especially after him essentially saying "You're gonna die anyway oh whale, give me the play before you do" during their argument. What a massive 180 in personality fr fr. It seemed like lazy writing imo.

3) Also can we talk about this bougie ass school she goes to?? Like in what world?? (Actual quote: "That was the nicest thing about this school. All the dorms had shared living rooms and kitchens with private bedrooms and private bathrooms, which was good for a homebody like me.") My poor ass could never.

4) am I the only one who thought the entire play was dumb and dull and boring? Even the second act was just blegh to me. Like I don't get the appeal or the drama of it all. It completely lacked intrigue to me, let alone being anywhere near as consuming and enthralling as the narrative makes it out to be.

5) the repeated dream with the king was weird af. Why is described he so young and sad and desperate if he's literally killing anyone who reads of him? Also why tf was he constantly getting taller?? Make it make sense. Weird af. At the introduction I feel no sympathy or intrigue about this. It's all just so weird and dull.

6) the dream, however, was nowhere near as weird as that fucking weird ass repetitive sexual fantasy. Like tf?? Home girl you are DESPERATE Jesus christ. What kind of auto-love bullshit? I swear to fuck if they're both immediately in love with each other just from the dream imma riot.

7) home boy really creepily laughed and CLIMBED OUT OF A BOOK to pin her down and then was like "calm down" like everything was fine?? Bruh tf?? That's like telling someone who's choking to breathe. My man I'm-- also him constantly being like "I would have killed you already if I wanted to" and being shocked she doesn't trust him?? My DUDE. You literally don't trust yourself. (Quote: “I already said. If I wanted you dead, it would be quite easy to kill you with my bare hands.” “I still don’t trust that you won’t,” I muttered. “To be fair, I don’t trust that I won’t either,” he admitted.) So how tf you gonna blame her for not trusting you? Seriously I cannot.

8) the only semi fascinated part of this book over 100 pages in is the notion that he has nothing to do with the curse and the people dying, that it happens whether he acts or not. I'm curious as to why, which thank fuck finally there's SOMETHING to be curious about oh my god. Tho I'm with Jade that the way he talks and the vagueness of his answers is annoying af. So is how dismissive he is of her emotions. Fuck that shit. Seriously how tf does this turn romantic again?

9) I actually chuckled a little at the whole "sleep. Plenty of time for us to argue tomorrow" line. Like damn home boy is snarky at times. They do mesh well together there. And with her seemingly having the same taste and everything, AND actually caring about him, when no one else seems to. I am mildly fascinated by all that tbf.

10) I legitimately considered dropping this book at the masterbation part while right next to him. That shit was MAD uncomfy and the second hand embarrassment almost did me in like six times. I can't tell you how much I hate how quickly the sex started here. I would have liked at least SOME relationship building.

11) I do appreciate finally having a book where the language barrier is an actual issue. No enough books have that.

Aside from that, this book was D U L L as fuck, beyond annoying and incredibly sloppily written. Everything was rushed, nothing had even the tiniest bit of depth, and I felt nothing enthralling or connecting about the characters, let alone their relationship. Everything about the sex was rushed af, to the point of legitimately ruining any chance I had of ever finishing this book. This one was a big, BIG flop for me. No thank you.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ThEAnGrYrEaDeR55.
78 reviews2 followers
July 4, 2024
It's just so effing weird!!

I thought this was supposed to be a spicy monster romance. Instead, we have a juvenile convoluted mess with too much slow repetitive boring shit in the beginning and almost NONE of the plot or questions get resolved. In fact, there's barely a plot. There's also a lack of spice and connection between the characters. It was lukewarm at best. You are left feeling WTF did I just read?

Jade is in college. She's a lonely smart girl. We get to hear about how she goes to class, eats and sleeps. She finds a obscure play that apparently kills or causes people to go mental after reading it. Ironically Act 1 is so dull it's a nightmare to finish which is how I felt about this book. Act 2 is SO intriguing you lose all sense of time when you read it. Then a few days after you read it, you go completely mad and die.

We keep hearing about a Mad King (Red King) who became so paranoid that he insists everyone around him is trying to kill him so he goes crazy and murders everyone. Jade even dreams about him.

Jade insists on reading it despite warnings. She starts seeing weird stuff after she reads it too (like flashing red lights) but doesn't die. Suddenly, she's whisked away to like another dimension with this weird tentacle monster with a mask but apparently no mouth or face but he wears a mask? And kisses? He doesn't eat or sleep, has unknown amount of tentacles but has a dick? Now he's the Red King but not the same King as she dreams about. Huh? He's going to keep her captive until he figures out why she didn't die. She's rude and snarky to him the whole time while he's sweet and domestic with her. They get sexual but it's so uninspiring it's like watching paint dry. There's ZERO sexual connect even with some tentacle play.

Then the book ends with almost no resolve on literally anything in the book.

What is King really? How did he end up as an eldritch being? How did the curse come to be? Why did the curse never work on Jade? How did King send Jade back to her dimension, and yet, he had no control over what exactly would be summoned to his?? Is the curse over now that Jade is with King forever? Will the curse return once Jade dies naturally and King is alone again? Why a play? Why did people die and not her? What was his curse? Who cursed him? His world had zero information. So, how did his world come to be?
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Profile Image for birbpal.
149 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2024
⭐️⭐️.5 Stars

I feel like I just woke up from a fever dream finishing this book. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘥 was a convoluted mess that managed to simultaneously be mesmerizing and boring. How did it it accomplish such a feat? No clue.🤷‍♀️

Our FMC Jade was a little hard to like at times. Jade claimed to be very lonely, and because of this, she threw herself into her studies. She grew to love academics, and therefore; learning and studying became a safe place for her. Even an outlet. Jade was abrasive, stubborn, and uncomfortable with change. These traits all felt very neurodivergent-coded.

And honestly? If the author told me that Jade was autistic, I would not be surprised! I actually would be happy if this were the case because I feel like a lot of people who read this book or who will read this book may not like Jade. I think if they came to read this book with the understanding that Jade is neurodivergent, they would, in turn, be compassionate to Jade's thought process.💖

Other than Jade's characterization, I also struggled SO MUCH with all the unexplained plot points. What is King really? How did he end up as an eldritch being? How did the curse come to be? Why did the curse never work on Jade? How did King send Jade back to her dimension, and yet, he had no control over what exactly would be summoned to his?? Is the curse over now that Jade is with King forever?? Will the curse return once Jade dies naturally and King is alone again???

So. Many. Questions. All are unanswered!

King himself as a MMC was so boring. He was the equivalent of a mild-mannered groundskeeper rather than an ominous ancient being like he is portrayed on the cover of the book. Other than the fact that he was lonely, we don't really learn anything about him or his motives.

I can keep going on about what bothered me, but I would rather end on a positive note. The author had something really special here. I am very much tempted to check out her other works just based on this one, even if it didn't live up to its full potential. 🐥💕
Profile Image for Lucy.
1,614 reviews33 followers
July 17, 2024
It is quite impressive when a monster romance is made this dull.

This book was one I picked up on sale. I was intrigued by the cover, the title and the premise. And it started off relatively promising with a play that tortures people into insanity after reading it (and then they die normally) and Jade reads it (despite a teacher she respects asking her not to because it's connected to the death of his brother) and then starts having weird flashes and dreams. And if the book had leaned into this horror premise and gone the dark romance route (considering the forced captivity and the monster romance), this would have worked! But instead, you have this horror romance premise up until about 30-40% of the book and then you have domesticity of the monster feeding Jade, teaching her how to read and showing her the animals.

And that was it, that was the romance. But I found Jade insufferable, the romance lacking all chemistry (even the smut scenes) and the last half of the book incredibly dull. I was curious about the third act drama/conflict but nope, even that made me roll my eyes. I did actually enjoy the play/nightmares part of the plot! It was just everything else that was dreadful.

2 stars!
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,738 reviews
July 30, 2024
Miskatonic University student, Jade comes across a self written play called the King in Red while searching for books for an assignment and is fascinated. But she discovers scary things have occured in relation to those who have read the play such as needing to be sent to mental institutions and two students dying by suicide.

What was strange about Jade is that she dyes her hair to the exact same shade as her best friend, Emma and comments that they almost look like twins. She is a fact, logic and routine centered person. Loves to be early or on time.

Things get weird as the King remains in her mind and she keeps seeing red. The story gets more weird when she is dragged into a book by the King. It is a captor captive situation except they warm up to each other and she realises that they are both trapped in this place. The heroine felt very young to me even though her personality is rigid and serious. I did like how she was not going to let the King walk all over her and argued with him.

The strange thing is that she never sees his face for most of the book as he wears a hood and has tentacles instead of legs. I thought it was funny how she teaches him games and dance moves but the way he treats her at times felt like she was a child (giving her night gowns only to wear to sleep, telling her when to bathe) though she does consent.

I thought this was okay, the ILY felt sudden to me, the dialogue at times felt too perky and stilted and overall I am unsure how to feel about this monster romance.

Tropes: Captor-captive, size difference (bigger hero-smaller heroine)
Profile Image for TheBookishJan.
70 reviews2 followers
October 26, 2023
Oddly satisfying paranormal romance

Jade is a lonely college student who has very little friends and is highly focused on her studies. That is until she reads a cursed play that has her seeing strange things. However, the curse doesn't work on her the way it did all the others that read the play, so eventually she gets taken to a strange world where she meets The King in Red. The King has no name and he's a monster with claws, tentacles, and no face. He keeps her captive in his castle and world until he can figure out why the curse didn't work on her and while doing so they become very content and comfortable with each other. Jade is a woman of logic and knowledge so none of this makes any sense to her. She has to choose between her old world and what she's always known and this mystery new world that seems to have everything she's ever wanted.

I know this is a paranormal romance, but there are things about The King that were just odd to me and I couldn't get over. Like how he has a mask with no face, no mouth. So he doesn't eat but is still able to "kiss." It was strange, but he was so kind and the story was still so intriguing and had me reading until the end.
December 29, 2023
I admit that it was really excited to try and read this book, because the synopsis sounded really fascinating, and I am a complete sucker for any type of monster romance novels. But I will admit, that I seriously struggled with this book. For some reason it seemed in cohesive, and that the first half of the book did not really fit the second half. And the first part just drowned on and on, and seemed rather boring to me that I actually struggle to even get through it. Halfway through about 40% and I kind of gave up and then eventually went back to it about a week later just to see if it would be worth it. Because I had use the money to buy the book and I didn’t really want it to be a waste. If you have the patience to re-through this, then there are a couple good scenes in it, but if you’re the kind of person that really needs a character to have a more rounded personality, or a plot that doesn’t feel so dry, this probably isn’t the book for you, but if you can get through it, the second half of the book is much better and is worth reading.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
6 reviews
February 14, 2024
It could have been better. Lots of questions left unanswered.
1. Why a play?
2. Why did people die and not her?
3. What was his curse?
4. Who cursed him?
5. His world had zero information. So, how did his world come to be?

The plot is there. However... What did we just read? The book moved very slowly. The FMC kept complaining about being lonely, but she did it to herself. Sometimes, it came off as though Jade thought she was better than others around her. Also, she was super mean to this king. I had to skim a bit because some scenes were just pointless and dragged on. I get his world didn't have much going on, but there could have been more exploring outside. Instead, we get singing and charades. Also, he avoids any important questions. Even at the end, you're still left wondering what the heck is going on.

As I stated, this could have been better. Maybe Emma will get a book and there will be some answers? I don't know.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
March 2, 2024
I love the first part of the book. I was quickly captivated. But where at some point the author decided to change the story 3/4 into the book?

At first the story was really really good. We had one king and one castle. We have the king in the play (and I still don't now what was really the link here accept to put a curse on the reader. ) then we have the king in the dream, the king in the story book and the " real king and the real castle. They are all one and the same character but they all are different and have different stories and .... I really didn't understand and I think the FMC didn't either 😕

He have to cure the curse and find why her but that seemed to be forgotten also. We never knew why the curse and it was never cured.

I think the author got lost in the writing or she wanted to go into another direction i really don't know. I wish we would've stayed on track because I was really hooked on that story. I thought it was so original. Any way it was good and I will check more books of her that's for sure.
346 reviews8 followers
January 27, 2024
What in the fever dream did I just read??? Haha. This book is very different than the snippet on social media ads I was shown. The first 30% read very horror/thriller. Like I was scared to get up to pee at night. Ha. Then the next bit was a bit confusing and I thought maybe we’d get more answers but the last two thirds were mostly world building and them coming together? Idk if I’d call this a romance. It was just so wild and all over the place. Like I’m still not sure how the story comes together. Who wrote the books? How’d they’d get to all these other places? What happened with her nightmares? Was it him the whole time? Who set this curse? Were they technically just in a dream? What is happening. Honestly by the end I was just laughing at the mayhem…tentacled dream monster king is doing the wobble. That’s it. That’s all. V entertaining but also confusing. Haha
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6 reviews
May 12, 2024
interesting concept but boring delivery DNR

Ummm… where do I start.
I ended up finishing the book. I like the concept. It’s like a dreamscape which is pretty interesting idea. However the delivery was pretty boring. The entire book was lacking.

It’s like you reading about books, in a book. Half of the book the mfc mentioned been mentioning different book and what they are about. I get she is nerd, but damn… it’s just too much. It also lack so many information. It’s almost like a quick story written by a ‘lover of book’ than a published author

(just like describe in book when the MFC said even though she love languages and books she don’t think she could write a story because she not creative)

I do not recommend the book honestly.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews

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