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He was lost and alone. Then he found her.
And the future seemed more fragile than ever.

As a child, Landon Lucas Maxfield believed his life was perfect and looked forward to a future filled with promise — until tragedy tore his family apart and made him doubt everything he ever believed.

All he wanted was to leave the past behind. When he met Jacqueline Wallace, his desire to be everything she needed came so easy…

As easy as it could be for a man who learned that the soul is breakable and that everything you hoped for could be ripped away in a heartbeat.

361 pages, Paperback

First published May 6, 2014

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About the author

Tammara Webber

9 books13.2k followers
Author of the CONTOURS OF THE HEART series and the BETWEEN THE LINES series.

I'm a New York Times and international bestselling author of contemporary romantic fiction. My novels have been translated into twenty-five languages around the world. Gen-Xer. Feminist. Hopeful romantic. Fueled by coffee, a supportive spouse, and a never-ending feeling that I've forgotten to do something.

Please check my website for book updates. If you have questions, I have an FAQ tab there, and a contact form for anything not covered. :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,261 reviews
Profile Image for Tammara.
Author 9 books13.2k followers
Shelved as 'my-books'
January 4, 2015
I'm the author of this New Adult novel. (Please note: Breakable is not a sequel - it is prequel from Landon + Easy from Lucas's POV.)
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,656 followers
Shelved as 'z-2014'
January 7, 2016
Yup, I'm totally drooling on my laptop keyboard over the cover. I mean that guy is H.O.T

Stating the obvious :P WE GOT A COVER!! WOOT

And a DATE!!
May 6th 2014



Lucas' fucking book!!!!

hooting away to glory!

Although I am EXTREMELY happy that we are getting Lucas' book and a prequel too


I am also irritated that all the authors are doing the same things, re-writing a book in a different pov; just adding a little extra material and selling it just because we are crazy fans of their best sellers.. I mean I really hope it doesn't become like a thing because first Midnight Sun - which yes, I know didn't get published in the end.. then Walking Disaster, then This Girl and Loosing Hope and now I see this.. Don't get me wrong, I am SUPER happy and quite frankly ecstatic that we are getting a guy's pov.. because I love them more any day.. but this whole thingie of re-writing and selling a book with the SAME story and a few added events; it seems wrong to me.

but wtv at the same time.. I am super dooper happy!!!
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
February 3, 2015
4 Lucas/Landon stars!

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After reading Easy a few years back, I fell in love. With a guy named Lucas Maxfield. When I heard we were getting a book from Lucas’s pov, my excitement went through the roof! I am not always a fan of the same book from a different pov. I sometimes get bored because I know the story so to speak. The good thing about Breakable is that it was not simply the retelling of Easy in Lucas’s pov. It was a story divided. It almost felt like reading two books about two different guys who came together in the end.

First, there was Landon Maxfield
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We had a little bit of Landon’s history from reading Easy, but it was vague. There was so much we didn’t know. There were parts about reading from Landon’s pov that I loved and thought were really informative. Other parts, I didn’t feel were really necessary and started to drag just a bit. I understood the story line of one particular girl, but I didn’t necessarily want to hear about all his exploits. I did enjoy meeting Boyce, as much as a douche as he seemed in the beginning, I really liked his character. And Grandpa, of course was wonderful. Seeing the struggle Landon went through did make me understand more about Lucas. What was in his head when he made certain decisions. It was also nice to see his growth as time went on.
Everyone isn’t logical. Everything doesn’t make sense in the end. Sometimes you have to forget about explanations or excuses and leave people and places behind. Because otherwise they will drag you straight down.

Then there’s Lucas Maxfield

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I hadn’t let myself want anything so impossible in a very long time.

I won’t go on and on about Lucas’s pov. If you’ve read Easy, you know the general idea. He falls head over heals for the unreachable Jacqueline Wallace. I liked seeing more in to depth the reasons Lucas pushed her away at times. The struggle he went through hiding who he was and the worry he felt about being her bad boy rebound. It was nice to see behind the scenes with Lucas and his friends/coworkers. I liked getting both sides.
Somehow this girl was meant to be mine, that I was meant to be hers.

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I kissed her, holding myself still. Mine, I thought.
Yours, her body answered.

Overall, I found that this was a great companion novel to Easy. I enjoy Webber’s writing style and I just adore Lucas and Jacqueline’s story. Instead of reading this, I listened to it on an audio book. A friend informed me that the narrator is the author’s son which is pretty neat. He did an excellent job. The reason it didn’t quite make the five star mark... as much as I enjoyed reading it, it just didn’t compare to Easy. I think knowing a good part of the story already contributed to that. And the fact that there were some slower parts that seemed to drag. In the end, it was definitely a worthy read for me and I’m glad I read it! You can never have too much of one of your favorite book boyfriends!!!

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Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,941 followers
April 11, 2015
4 stars!


I adored Easy, even re-read it a few times, and still consider it to be a major trailblazer for the NA genre. When this companion novel that contained only Lucas’s POV of Easy + his past was released, I didn’t even think of not reading it; I bought it right away and dived in. Unfortunately, I DNF-ed and shelved it away pretty soon. Now almost a year later, I picked it up once again and found myself flipping the pages so fast (and this is a pretty big book too) dying to get more details about Lucas and ended up really enjoying this book overall! Just goes to show mood has a huge say in my enjoyment level :)

Just to clear up any lingering misunderstandings – this is not a sequel to Easy. This is truly Lucas’s book and I would say even the romance part when it comes to Jackie takes a step back because this book is all about exploring Lucas’s character. The story is split into before and after parts: half of the book is about Landon Maxfield, the boy full of life who had everything before a family tragedy rips his whole world apart. The other half is about Lucas Maxfield, the man who sheds his ‘Landon’ identity and starts anew as Lucas and falls for the sweet, kindhearted Jackie, the story we basically all know because we read it in Easy.


To keep myself from reiterating, I won’t talk much about the ‘Lucas Maxfield’ part of the book because it’s in Easy. What I do want to focus on though is the other half which is about Landon. Very little was revealed about his life before he met Jackie but everything is about to come out in the open. His mother’s death has badly traumatized him, torn apart his family, and turned the once lively boy into a shell of his former self. In these chapters, I got a firsthand look at the pain and sorrow Landon felt, along with his rocky standing in school, and the very few but precious friendships he’s made. These were the scenes I couldn’t get enough of and thought they added to Landon’s character overall. But at the same time, I also thought there were some details that were better left unsaid and it made parts of the story drag a little for me, which is the reason I docked a star. Still no huge loss here though!

When I tried reading this book for the first time, I went in with all sorts of expectations and this prejudice, like I need to find things to pick on because in no way can I ever allow it to surpass Easy. That kind of attitude led me nowhere. When I picked this book up for the second time, the only thing on my mind was I craved familiarity – I was in the mood for a book where I already knew who the characters were and just needed a story that further built on the original book I loved, and what book fit that criteria better than Breakable? Unlike all the other alternate POV books I’ve read, this book was a winner for me for three main reasons: it wasn’t a total rehash of the original story, the male POV was strong, wasn’t watered down and actually felt authentic, and it did add more depth and revealed new information about the character in question than was previously told. This book is very much a character-driven story and as long as you’re reading it because you want anything and everything that has to do with Lucas the character (not because you’re hoping for more romance, more new plot, etc...) I think you’ll enjoy and appreciate this companion novel.


Breakable is the hero’s POV of Easy + his past before he meets Jackie. If you’ve never read Easy, I would suggest reading it first and waiting a couple of weeks (or even months) before starting Breakable or the book will sound a little redundant to you. The hero and heroine of book 3 Sweet are also first introduced here but it’s a standalone; you don’t have to read this book in order to get to that one.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,105 followers
May 14, 2014
2,5-3-3,5 STARS

I was so excited to read Breakable!!Lucas is one of my favorite book boyfriends!But unfortunately I'm so disappointed!!After reading this book I decide that I will not read again the same book with different POV...this is happening a lot lately and I can't understand why the authors do it!!I wanted to know about Lucas life but this could have happened in the first book with dual POV!!


In this book times goes from "before" with Lucas POV as Landon , before the day that changed his life and "after" with Lucas POV from the book Easy.
I enjoyed only half of this book that retells the story of Easy. I really liked being in Lucas head and see what he was thinking and I really liked the beginning but around the middle it was boring!


I don't know which was exactly my problem...maybe I didn't feel so much connected with Lucas previous life...yes he has a difficult past fighting alcohol and drugs but I didn't care to know if he has other girl and what he does with her.The good about this book is that we learn more about Lucas and how he was thinking while he was with Jackleen in Easy!

Unfortunately this wasn't exactly what I expecting to read...maybe because Easy was so perfect and I was expecting more!! However I still love Lucas...he always will be one of my favorite book boyfriends!!!


Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews67 followers
December 9, 2022
A companion novel to Easy and Lucas' tragic backstory done masterfully by a talented author. That being said, I would love nothing more than to have Webber write a happy ending for Lucas’ father, someone to help heal all that brokenness because that man needs so much love. Sniff.
Profile Image for Hazel *Craves the Angst Reviews*.
770 reviews291 followers
November 2, 2015
SECOND READ THROUGH - November 2, 2015! Just reread this one after reading EASY and I LOVE LOVED IT! It was just as good the second time around as it was the first and Lucas still has my heart! *swoon*

FIRST READ THROUGH - May 6-7th, 2014!

First things, first. Lucas...

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Ok, I can continue with my review now :)

Find This and Other Reviews At Craves The Angst.

5 Exposing, Enlightening Stars!
A Fantastic Male POV Companion That’s Left Me Emotionally Euphoric As Well As Sad It’s Over! But Wow! What A Ride It’s Been!

The Review:
This read was all-consuming! I adored Lucas Before, but After reading Breakable and having my heart torn to shreds and put back together while riding along with him through his journey to find love and peace, I know he’ll always stand out as one of my favorite hero’s!

Lucas’s POV is explored in depth, which I loved. We get every nuance of his struggle both in his past and present which was broken up into a recount of his time in Easy as Lucas and his past as Landon through scene and chapter switches. Unbreakable was easy to follow as flashback and memories were revealed. Questions and open ended scenes from the first book were answered and explored in this book and I could feel all the emotions and trials and struggles of our hero as his story unfolded and was revealed one piece at a time. I understood, from book one, why he was the way he was, or at least I thought I did. But in this book, we get a deeper learning of everything he went through in all its shocking disappointments.

Life was cruel to Landon as a child and an innocence was stolen from him that no child should have to experience. My heart broke as we watched him turn from a happy, carefree small child to a troubled, isolated pre-teen, to a hardened and desolate teen. His world and life was literally tumbling further into darkness with each passing year, until one final “snap” almost takes his story from “second-chance hero” to “tragic”. But because Dr. Heller threw him a lifeline, we get to see the hauntingly beautiful soul who graced the pages of Easy fight his way back from the grim path he was on to the bright future he was supposed to have.

Seeing Jacqueline through Lucas’s eyes was enchanting and knowing that he had his eye on her long before she ever realized who he was, just completed the heartfelt longing picture we were painted in the first book. In fact, Lucas was kind of a stalker, which was fun! He observed her, watched her and cared for her before he ever spoke one word to her. She was his light and salvation even though he didn’t know it.. yet.

And the hotness factor in this book? Wowza! The sexiness was amped way up but never crossed into vulgar. Lucas held Jacqueline in high regard and the author honored that throughout the book but holy hell was their chemistry off the charts hot!!!

I loved getting snippets of his childhood and I loved getting complete looks into the years after the nightmare he survived. It explained so much more about this troubled, lonely boy who would become a man capable of honor and love and sacrifice and it also showed just how emotionally defenseless he really and truly was. In the first book, you knew he was haunted and in pain but in this book, you really get an understanding of just how scarred, scared and vulnerable he was.

But Jacqueline changed all that for him and gave him the hope he’d been missing. It was beautiful.

The Wrap Up:
The poetic writing flowed brilliantly and completely swept me up in every chapter and sentence in the story. When I hit that last page, I was both elated and heartbroken. It ended on a beautiful note but I was saddened that their story was at a close.

Like all other Easy fans, I waiting a long time for this release and I was not disappointed. I loved every tid-bit of new information we were given, every scene that told the same story but in a different light and every past experience told through the eyes of a boy with no hope. It was emotional and at times crushing but bearable because I knew how this story turned out. Lucas was then and is now, one of the best hero’s in this genre.
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
May 12, 2014

Title: Breakable
Series: Contours of the Heart #2
Author: Tammara Webber
Release Date: May 6th, 2014
Rating: 2.5-3 stars
Cliffhanger: No

About two years ago, I’ve read my very first New Adult book. It was Easy by Tammara Webber. Before that I only read Young Adult, mostly Paranormal or Dystopia. But after reaching the end of Jacqueline and Lucas’ story, when I was swept of my feet and fell in love with contemporary romance, I knew my reading preferences changed… forever. I still feel like Tammara Webber’s novel was a turning point in my life as a bookworm, so how could I not read it once again but his time, from Lucas’ point of view?

I think every one of you already know the story of Jacqueline and Lucas. That’s why summarizing it here feels a little bit useless, so I won’t tell you much about how this plot works. Giving as it’s written in Lucas point of view, not many things could change. The only additional part was Landon’s confessions. Unfortunately, as much as I loved the storyline while reading it first time (and rereading it once or twice), Breakable was boring for me. Yes, I still swooned over Lucas as he’s one of my favorite book boyfriends, but… the book seemed to drag and I didn’t get the same high I did two years ago.

I wanted to love Breakable and cherish it as much as Easy, but it was very hard to do when I wasn’t interested much in Landon’s bad boys adventures…I must admit they were very cliché!
I hoped Breakable would be not only retelling of Easy. I wanted to see Jacqueline and Lucas’ as a couple in the future. I got only a small dose of them in epilogue, and it was too little to be enough.

What’s more, I think I preferred Lucas when he was this mysterious, broken guy. Which brings me to my final thought… I think I have had enough of retellings; no more books like this for me. Sometimes it better to say goodbye to the characters you love earlier, than unnecessary prolong their story and only destroy the good parts. I believe magic can only happen once.


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Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,685 reviews1,035 followers
July 9, 2023
Jacqueline knew how to pick favorites. So did I. -Landon


Easy and Breakable are both favorites of mine. Breakable is a companion novel and not meant to be read prior to Easy. It’s a compilation of Lucas/Landon's childhood and his pov of Easy. If you loved Easy than this book is like gaining access into what happened to him as a child and who he is as the mysterious man we meet in Easy.

When asked to review an audio copy of this book I felt like I received a backstage pass to a rock concert. I love audio books and this one is well done. Ms. Webber’s son was the narrator for this book and he was awesome. His voice added a wonderful dimension to the story. I loved his teenage girl voice for Carly because it made me laugh every time. I’m often asked why I like audio books so much;

Here are 2 reasons why:
✦ You can listen while you multi-task (work-out, pay bills, drive in the car, cook dinner, etc...)
✦ Putting a voice to the character makes the book feel alive

♥ To hear what the audio sounds like click here.

Unfortunately I had a set back while listening to the CDs. My laptop cord shorted out and there aren't any stores close by that sell laptop cords. I ended up reverting to using my CD player in my vehicle. After I dropped my kids off at school I would listen to the CDs. I'd make sure to drive the long ways home so I could have more listening time. One time after arriving home I sat in the driveway and listened until I noticed the neighbors were looking at me. hee hee

Easy (Contours of the Heart, #1) by Tammara Webber Breakable (Contours of the Heart, #2) by Tammara Webber
Book 2 - companion novel

***Thank you, Tammara Webber, for the complimentary audio copy in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.3k followers
September 3, 2014
Breakable by Tammara Webber follows the same storyline, essentially, as the previous novel, Easy. Only it’s like Easy’s opposite in every way. Easy was about Jackie, Breakable is about Lucas. Easy was awesome, Breakable is a messfest of creepernatural behaviour. Instead, Webber should write a novel on how to ruin a romance in three easy steps. Step one being obsessive stalking. Step two is a monotonous origins story for Lucas that holds as much interest as an inflatable kiddie pool. Fun for five minutes before quickly becoming a waste of space and resources.

I know I sound harsh. Okay, that I am just plain harsh, but I don’t feel it’s without recourse. After all, I have essentially had one of my favourite new adult novels cruelly snatched from my warm, safe memory of loveliness. This, new, creeper twist to the tale is a mess. And rather like ostentatious flatulence, it pervades everything with its stench. All my old nostalgic recollections of the novel that breathed new hope into me for the genre. All the fondness I had for the characters and the triumph of a normal, healthy relationship has been ripped away.

Lucas has been ruined forever for me.

No longer is he the cool, hot, awesome college boy of my imaginings. Now he’s an emo, whiny stalker who spends so much time fascinated with Jackie, that the entire novel becomes unforgivably droll. What’s Jackie doing right now? Does she like me? Is she scared of me? Is that her getting an orange mocha frappacino for her first coffee of the day? What perfume is Jackie wearing?

This is the story’s biggest fault. Jackie is not an interesting character to the reader because we’ve already been in her head, already know what she’s thinking. The allure with Easy was that Lucas was a romantic interest amongst other concerns that Jackie had in her day to day life such as passing her classes and not getting sexually assaulted. Lucas has no great story to tell and in doing so, his story becomes so uneventful and predictable that I spent five whole minutes whacking the book against my bed. That was a lot more fun than reading this book, by the way.

My advice is, don’t do it. Don’t do it to yourself. You will almost certainly regret it forever. My only hope at this point is to suffer some horrific brain injury that causes an amnesia, forcing me mentally and emotionally go back to a time before I read this book.

channing tatum'/><br /><br />Yup. And maybe I’ll wake up married to Channing Tatum. Ha! <br /><br /><i>I was given no money nor goods or services for this review.<br /><br />You can find this and others like it on my blog, <a href=Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
Profile Image for Jeanne .
306 reviews
June 25, 2015

Best Ever Audio Book!!

I think most of my friends will think I'm crazy for saying this, but I loved this more than Easy. I liked the first book, but it wasn't an all time favorite or anything. I listened to this on audio, which definitely had a lot to do with my enjoyment of it. The narrator's voice is so dreamy, seriously, he sounds exactly like I would imagine Lucas's voice. A fun fact for any of my friends who love Colleen Hoover, Zachary Webber, also narrated Maybe Someday:) The reason it took me so long to listen to it is because I may have re-listened to certain parts before I moved on. Wink Wink. I'm in love with Lucas. *sigh*. I forgot how Lucas can make kissing seem so hot. I could feel their connection, and I love that she didn't use cheesy dialogue to achieve that. Also, this book is a little steamier than the first one.

I have to be honest, I only read this because it was recommended to me by a friend who has very similar taste. (thanks for the br Maida!!) When I first saw this book come out, my reaction was to eyeroll the POV change book:) I never even added it. To be fair, this isn't just Easy in Lucas's POV, the book is at least half new material. Another bonus is that you do meet the couple who are the subject of the new book coming out next week, Sweet. Also, at least for me, the story was so much more emotional and just different in his POV, it didn't feel repetitive like I assumed it would. The book goes back and forth between his POV in Easy, and his past life post his Mom's tragic death through his high school years. I also read Easy more than two years ago, before I even owned a kindle, *gasp*. I'm not sure I'd want to read them back to back.

I would recommend it to friends who would be interested in an in depth insight into Lucas's character. His relationship with Jacqueline is only in a little over half of the book. I thought the novel was beautifully written, I was much more impressed than I ever expected to be. Looking forward to our Sweet br!!

95 reviews53 followers
Want to read
May 20, 2013
"I am planning to write Lucas's story (including prequel and some Easy overlap) later this year, and hope to have it out in early 2014."

-Tammara Webber

OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!! EASY in my darling Lucas' POV!!!!




Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
May 11, 2014
3 Breakable Stars!


I'm not going to tell you what this story is about because I am certain that everybody knows exactly the story of Jacqueline and Lucas. We saw how he saved her and how she fell in love with him.
Now we're able to see the other side: how in fact Jacqs saved him from himself, healed him and how he fell in love with her at the same time.


Rating: 3 Stars
Storyline: A beautiful companion novel for one of the most brilliant NA books ever made. It was nice to see Luca past before college but it seriously lacked an epilogue. I was hoping to see more of their future together, as normally happens with male POV companion novels.And well, I fell bored at some times.
Writing Style: First person, dual POV. Amazingly written.
Character Development: I already loved Lucas and that didn't change. Strangely enough I liked Jacqueline even more after seeing her through Lucas eyes, than in Easy.
Steam: Some heated scenes.
Profile Image for Monisha.
50 reviews96 followers
Want to read
May 20, 2013

LUCAS'S STORY (including prequel and some Easy overlap) *faints*



What is it with authors and this new trend to write alternate POV's without a simple warning??????

Not that I'm complaining....Just saying *shrugs*


But, nonetheless to say that:

Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews285 followers
May 9, 2014

** EASY should be read before starting this **

This book was so...so perfect! I loved Easy, loved and adored Lucas, and this reaffirms why his story is so affecting, so earnest. This is a prequel and shoots between Lucas's life post losing his mother and present where he meets Jacqueline in university. If you're thinking this is EASY but in Lucas's pov, you're mainly wrong: this is Lucas's pov, and many scenes from EASY are revisited, but this is not a duplication of that book. AT ALL.

The scenes with Lucas and Jacqueline were so fresh, even having read them in EASY, they were written differently enough and with such a different approach I felt I was reading something new. I loved being in Lucas's head, seeing his vulnerability and insecurities while watching Jacqueline from afar, and then his conflict over keeping her, actually believing he was worth her company long term. Those scenes where he doubted himself killed me. But nothing compares to how he was growing up, lost and feeling alone, in the coastal town he moved to with his father after his mother passed away.

The 'growing up' or 'after mom' scenes were incredibly written. I can't even explain how well TW evoked Lucas's/Landon's heartache, self-hatred, guilt and shame. Those scenes started out not slow, but more methodically. But as he delved further into despair and lost touch with his spirit, my heart shattered for him. I teared up so many times during those past scenes because it was just so damn sad. It was like watching a train crash but in slow motion. Lucas's emotions and spiraling out of control actions undid me. I can't even explain how affected I became reading this. Beautiful and evocative writing, completely.

Watching Landon then, and Lucas now, was incredible. His transformation no less than amazing. Everything I ever wondered about in EASY was explained here: Lucas's relationship with his father, his close and nurturing relationship with Dr. Heller, his mind frame with Jacqueline. I loved Dr. Heller, what an incredibly giving and relentless man. And Boyce, what starts out as an antagonistic interaction blossoms into great friendship, he was a truly perceptive and wonderful friend.
I'm even more in awe of Lucas than I was in EASY. The guy is WOW. And the funny thing? I'm not into tats and piercings, but that boy's lip ring? HOT. I started this book happy, coasting along and found myself unable to put it down over halfway through. It peaked with Lucas's downward spiral and never let up. Loved it, loved Jacqueline, and LOVED LUCAS. He is truly one the best male hero's I've read. The only thing I wished there was more of was an extended epilogue--it was beautiful but something more in the future would have satisfied me better. Regardless, loved it.
May 10, 2014
Well, we wanted more Lucas and we got him but that's not always a good thing! The story is set up in alternating sections of Landon and Lucas with the incident being the starting point.

The Lucas' parts are his POV of the story that was told in Easy. So yes, this part is a retelling. The Landon parts are all new for the most part and are what happened in his life after the incident and before he goes to college.


I enjoyed the Lucas parts...it's always great getting the other character's POV. I think one of the things I liked about Lucas was he was a bit of a mystery, well, not anymore. And I'm not so sure I liked the Landon parts...maybe disappointed is a better word. I wanted him to be different and really he was very stereotypical....and everything a bad boy is. I'm just not sure I enjoyed reading about some of his exploits.


I really wanted to know more about Lucas when he started cleaning up his act and we don't really get that. It also would've been great to maybe have more scenes with him and Jacqueline although I must admit, I really liked reading about how much she affected him and right from the get-go.

It ends in a good spot but again, a little more would've been nice. And unfortunately (fortunately?) that's it for Lucas and Jacqueline. TW's website says that "maybe" there will be more books in the series but not about those two. I'm thinking Boyce would be a good guess.

Scoreboard: Landon 3 ★'s - Lucas 4 ★'s so overall 3.5 ★'s


Favorite quotes

♥ "Some of us can begin to heal the damage people have done to us by escaping the situation, but some of us need more than that. Tattoos make statements that need to be made. Or hide things that are no one’s business. Your scars are battle wounds, but you don’t see them that way. Yet."

♥ "I'll take Hot Tutors for two hundred, Alex."

♥ "So tell me, how long does that bad-boy phase thing last? Because I'm trying my best to prolong it."
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
November 11, 2015
I adore Easy. I adore this story. But this companion was pretty unnecessary. The first book offers such a flawless perspective on rape and consent, and this book seemed like it was just a tribute to learning more about Lucas rather than actually offering a moral like Easy did. I would suggest skipping this one, unless you really wanna hear more about Lucas's backstory. But a lot of the time I was bored and the book is literally the same as the first one, so you're not missing anything, even if you loved Easy and were interested in this.
Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books609 followers
May 31, 2015
Finally finished the audio!

Zachary Webber is amazingly talented ... I wish he could narrate all audio books. I could seriously listen to him all day ... every day ... please & thank you?

Not much more to say really ... I'll be reading Sweet very soon.

Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews419 followers
September 6, 2016
2.5-3 heart"breaking" stars!!


I'm very sorry guys, but this is what I thought of Breakable:



While I was curious about some things from his past (i.e.: like how he was before the tragedy and what exactly happened that fateful night), the constant back and forth insights from past and present were what ruined this for me. Well, that, and the very slow pacing and needless and unnecessary information from Lucas' "Landon" days that I just didn't need to know.

If anything, all I wanted to see was the who, what, when, and where he met Jacquelyn, what he was thinking throughout everything and why he did things the way he did, and perhaps some post Easy glimpses.

I DID NOT need to see him dabble in his self destruction after his mom's death. That, I already knew what happened to him as he tells Jacquelyn in Easy : he became recluse and destructive and dallied in sex, drugs, and skipping school; and it was Dr. Keller who turned him around.

Ugh, this was such a draggy read. It nearly put me to sleep SO MANY times!! I may LOVE Lucas but I did not love the execution of this book. Sorry!!


Profile Image for Beatriz.
917 reviews827 followers
September 20, 2020
¡Qué novela más linda! Tan dulce, tanto sentimiento, pero también tanto dolor. Cuando terminé El amor es todo menos sencillo (o Easy, su título original en inglés), el primero de esta serie, leí la sinopsis del segundo y me di cuenta que era la misma historia pero desde el POV de Lucas. No dudé ni un segundo en leerlo, ya que a pesar de ser el personaje principal, su historia y su forma de actuar fueron un misterio durante la mayor parte del primer libro.

Mayor fue mi sorpresa al descubrir que esta entrega está escrita alternando pasado y presente de Lucas, por lo que en ningún momento se me hizo repetitiva. En el presente se abordan las principales escenas con Jacqueline, pero se sienten muy frescas desde la perspectiva de Lucas y, por qué no decirlo, bastante más subidas de tono que las descripciones románticas que daba Jacqueline; mis felicitaciones a la autora por ese cambio de registro tan bien logrado. También incluye varias partes de Lucas con otros personajes, que dejan más claras algunas cosas que pasaron en el primer libro.

Respecto del pasado, uffff, fue una montaña rusa de emociones. Los vívidos recuerdos de la tragedia que azotó a su familia, la tensa relación con su padre, la maravillosa conexión con su abuelo, su inquebrantable amistad con Boyce Wynn, la historia de sus tatuajes, su primer enamoramiento, su espiral de autodestrucción y su recuperación gracias a la familia Heller y, en general, todo lo que hizo de él el hombre que es en el presente.

Terminé el libro con la misma sonrisa empalagosa, pero acompañada de varios lagrimones. Es que es imposible no emocionarse.
Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,069 followers
May 22, 2014
3.5 Stars

Landon Lucas Maxfield has the perfect family until tragedy tears it apart and EVERYTHING changes….

Lucas' story is heartbreaking like no other...He's perfection, but I have conflicted feelings about this book…. 3-4 stars, maybe??? I loved some parts but I can’t escape the fact that in some areas of the story I was a little bored, to the point I was speed reading. Equally I wouldn't want to discourage readers from completing the Lucas/Jacqueline story because, at other times, my emotional connection was enormous, and I'd be fighting my tears?

Obviously, prior to reading, I was completely aware that Breakable is a retelling from Lucas’ point of view, including his present and past, so in some ways, what did I expect? I’ve read a few of these now, and I believe what makes an exceptional, alternative POV, is when they reveal new things about feelings or events pertaining to the main crux of the story or characters. His past is new, but many of the sections with Jacqueline felt a little repetitive, if I'm completely honest.

The most enjoyable aspect of Breakable is when we hear the voice of Landon, the past. Those are the parts I looked forward to and it’s telling that they included fresh information. One problem is they don't feature Jacqueline in any way? It felt a little like I was reading two separate books and I think that's where my main struggle lies. I understand what the author was aiming for but, personally, I would've preferred a prequel and then maybe a novella about life after Easy??

Easy, the love story of Lucas and Jacqueline, will always have a special place in my book heart. I still felt some lovely feelings from Breakable, it’s just the feeling wasn't constant, which is why I settled on 3.5 stars.

Let me share my lovely feelings.
I loved hearing the life and times of his younger days. His thoughts on what had happened in his tragic past; heartbreakingly sad and beautiful story telling.

I loved hearing Lucas’ thoughts about Jacqueline before they got together

I always wondered why at one point in Easy he went a little cold towards her and Breakable gave me my answer.

I felt more acquainted with some of the other characters, Landon’s best friend, Boyce, for example, and I’m hoping that maybe we get a book about him? And consequently further glimpses of Lucas ♥

The ending ~ I know readers have been disappointed that we didn’t get more of an epilogue, but personally, I found the ending more detailed with regards to their relationship and loved how it finished. It bought the story back to my heart.

Despite my grumblings I can honestly say that I’m so happy I completed their story. No, it didn’t have the shine of Easy but for anyone who’s read, and adored the first book, you’ll not want to miss Breakable Landon’s voice, and his past, is a treat to experience.

♥ Lucas will continue to be a forever-favourite book boyfriend.

♥ BR with Barb
Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,186 followers
May 5, 2014
When doubts become ignorance, and ignorance becomes awesome….

I didn't TBR Breakable (insert audible gasp here). Nope, I did not. It had nothing to do with not liking Easy, because I LOVED Easy. I LOVE Tammara Webber, but my interest seemed disinterested. It's a commonality of late, take your best seller, write it from a different POV (usually the male's) and new life is breathed into an already told story. Don't get me wrong, several authors have been very successful in doing this, and I've loved some of the literary reboots that I've read, but with my ever growing TBR list, who has time for it?

So here it goes….

Are you ready for this?

Really ready for this?


I. Was. Wrong.

I'll say it again, because it kind of got caught in my throat, I WAS WRONG.

This was not Easy. It had parts of Easy told from Lucas's POV, but it's not that book. It was so much more. This was Lucas's story. I enjoyed getting to see the parts of Easy from his POV, but it was his beginning that had me so captivated.

This was the beginning.

Now with the risk of contradicting myself, I will say that I still recommend reading Easy first. The reason is, I feel like this book was written on the assumption that the reader has already read it. Yes, technically it could be read as a standalone, but the parts of Easy weren't as developed as the original book's, and by experiencing them through Breakable some of what I loved about Easy, the emotion, the overall experience, will be lost. You're first experience with Easy should be through Easy. This is just my personal opinion so take it or leave it.

Breakable was amazing, and I truly feel it did nothing but make this series even better. It was a completely new book, a totally new experience. There was so much about Lucas that I didn't know, so many layers. Getting to experience his life, and the life that brought him to Jacqueline, was the best gift the author could have given us. We also get some additional Lucas and Jacqueline scenes, and closure that was only made possible through this fast paced and emotional edition. I'm so glad my ignorant doubt was replaced by awesome. Well done Ms. Webber! Well done!


My review of Easy (Contours of the Heart, #1) https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

More reviews at: http://www.toughcriticbookreviews.blo...

Profile Image for Ferdy.
944 reviews1,258 followers
May 25, 2014

Disappointing. I loved Easy, it was well written, the romance was believable, and the characters were likeable. This on the other hand was pretty much the exact opposite — the story dragged, the relationship between Landon/Jacqueline was flat, and Landon was an awful character — his POV was so off putting.

-I didn't like the alternating chapters. Present day Landon was a weird creeper who said/thought/did nothing remotely interesting. I enjoyed reading certain parts of Landon's past though — like his relationship with his family but everything else in his past was utterly rubbish. I especially hated reading about his pathetic, violent, drugged up, whorey past — it was rather vile.

-The majority of the book felt more like Landon's story with Melody rather than Jacqueline. Which was annoying since Landon said in Easy that he hadn't been in love or had strong feelings for a girl before — yet he was crazy about Melody, he seemed to have more real and believable feelings for her than Jacqueline.
Also, I really disliked reading about him sleeping around — especially when he told Jacqueline he wasn't that much of a manslut, she had a right to know how much he slept around and if he'd been tested for STD's. Their whole relationship just seemed ridiculous, what with him sleeping with hundreds of girls and her only ever having one sexual partner, it made them come across as even more of an unsuitable and odd couple.

-Jacqueline didn't have much of a personality, in her own book she had one but in this she was like a blank doll that Landon was attracted to. It honestly seemed like he didn't really see Jacqueline as anything other than a beautiful nice girl that he wanted to protect and play hero with. The connection they had in Easy was obviously one sided since Landon didn't really see Jacqueline as an actual person.

-Why was Landon's lip ring so shocking? Loads of people have them and no-one blinks an eye yet all the characters in Breakable acted like it was oh so scandalous. It was strange.

-I wish there'd been more focus on the dynamics between Landon and his family, he was so much more interesting when he was around his dad/granddad and not Jacqueline.

All in all, I wasn't impressed. I used to love Landon, and his relationship with Jacqueline but now I kind of hate both.
Profile Image for Anja H..
838 reviews586 followers
December 6, 2015

"New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings." - Lao Tzu

Oh god, how I love this story! Of course I didn't adore it as much as Easy but this came pretty close! Since this was a retelling, but from Lucas' POV instead of Jacqueline's, I already knew most of what was going to happen, but there were small parts and events added that were only briefly mentioned during the first book so that was pretty cool. I also loved reading about what Lucas was feeling throughout everything that happened in the first book.

This book made me love Lucas even more, which I didn't think was even possible! Ugh, he's just so perfect and caring and totally book boyfriend material! It was so beautiful to read how Lucas' and Jacqueline's relationship progressed and became something way deeper than a simple infatuation. This book also taught me not to judge a book by its cover. Maybe some people's piercings and tattoos hide a story or a past that you don't know about and it doesn't mean that they're delinquents or bad people, like some people immediately associate them with.

I also loved Lucas' character development. Each chapter in this book was divided in a Lucas and a Landon part and towards the end of the book, you gradually saw both personas come together and become the Lucas we know from Easy. We get to know a lot more about Lucas' haunting past and how he became the person he is today. It was really interesting to see him understand what real love is and what made him decide to leave his old life behind and try to become a better person.
This was an incredible emotional rollercoaster that I'm sure a lot of people are going to love! It's truly a story you can connect with since it touches some really sensitive subjects like rape, murder, drugs and sex.

I'm definitely reading the third and final book in this series someday. Sadly, Sweet isn't about Lucas and Jacqueline anymore, who I've gotten really emotionally attached to, but instead it's about Pearl and Boyce. Anyway, I'm already pretty sure I'm going to love it!
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
Want to read
December 4, 2013
This is Lucas's POV of EASY. It is not a sequel and can be read as a stand-alone, or as a companion to EASY.

"He was lost and alone. Then he found her.
And the future seemed more fragile than ever."

Profile Image for Nicole.
820 reviews2,380 followers
October 14, 2015
actual rating: 2.5 stars

This book was disappointing. I really liked Easy but Breakable wasn't for me. I don't get it. Why would the authors bother with a second book while they can tell the story from two POV. And it would be better. But in this book, Lucas was a real stalker, his life was all about Jaqueline. I still like him, yet he isn't the same person anymore. The book was too long and too boring for me.

Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
Want to read
November 19, 2013

This cover. Lucas. YUM! I want this book now please! I hate waiting! Boooooo! I want it now. I want it now. I. Want. It. Now.! :(

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Okay, sorry. Now that I got that out of my system...So, after reading Easy...well, before reading it actually, I was aware of Lucas getting his own book and though I hadn't met him yet, I felt like I knew him from friends reading it and talking non-stop about him the past year. So, after turning the last page, I was like.....

I WANT MORE. I NEED MORE. And then, I remembered we are getting more. More Lucas. More. Lucas. Maxfield. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, Lucas, I love you. Totally, irrevocably, ridiculously, LOVE YOU. You and your heartbreaking but powerful ink, and your sexy lip ring, and those intense light eyes and shaggy but incredibly gripping black hair. AH! I just love you and can't wait to be in your head.

 photo Easy_zps16896ec1.gif

The end.
July 4, 2016
3 Stars:

I already know I'm going to get a lot of hate comments on this review, So I want to note I DID LIKE THE BOOK!!!

I'm just so freaking aggravated, not only at Webber who seems to be following in line with the masses but lots of our beloved authors (both tradition and self-published). This seems to be coming the normal for so many authors now a days... write a book we love from one POV, re-write that book from the other POV and toss a few kernels and antidotes so we don't feel too cheated or in the hopes readers are just too stupid to notice.

My personal opinion (that coincidentally no author asked) Do us rabid fans a favor and go ahead and write a multi-point POV. We will take the time to read and love and will be more willing to pay the extra buck or two.

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