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The ESTO Universe

Prisoner 374215

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Dear Author,
He enters my cell daily at ten pm. He leaves in the morning at six am. He never says a word. Never moves from where he sits right beside the thick steel door. He does not beat me. He doesn't take me to the tiled room at the end of the corridor. He doesn't goad me, smirk when I wince afterwards, cry, or scream. I'm not sure what he does when I drift off, into deep, exhausted, pain-drenched sleep. I think he just watches. A fixture, a security, so they may state that I'm not left unattended. Sometimes I wish...

Photo Description:
While the cell is sparse and cold, at least this one has a bed. The figure resting there is too thin; too still, the prominent bones the result of long starvation, the stillness the product of too much anguish and abuse. He watches, though. An anxious, intelligent mind still occupies this frail and failing body, one that watches and wonders about the new guard occupying his cell each night.

Genre: science fiction
Tags: futuristic, dystopia, security, guard, prison-captivity, dark
Word Count: 10,361
Content warnings: violence, medical experimentation, attempted rape, semi-explicit descriptions of past abuse and torture.

NOTE: This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

37 pages, ebook

First published June 2, 2013

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About the author

Angel Martinez

90 books666 followers
Angel Martinez currently lives part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head. She has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.

Angel's alter ego writes the all-ages science fiction - Sandra Stixrude.

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38 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews
Profile Image for Vio.
677 reviews
June 3, 2013
4.5 stars
Wow, I loved this story. Gosh the claustrophobic atmosphere and dreaded feeling of doom had me hanging on to every word. Its intense and edgy, the hopeless, awful gut feeling hit its mark. Tal's experience is emotionally fraught and terrifying but don't despair there is hope, thank god. I thought it was fantastic and the writing is fabulous. An awesome read and it perfectly fit the story prompt, highly recommended.

Profile Image for Kat.
939 reviews
January 7, 2018
This is how it's done! This is how you create an intensely claustrophobic ambiance. This is how you grab your readers by their throats in a mere 30 pages. An excellent prompt and a, mostly, fantastic execution. Strongly recommended.

I took away 1 star because I personally found the ending somewhat lacking. The prompt explicitly stated that a HEA would not be necessary, which I appreciated. Especially when it comes to dark stories that also happen to be short, it's difficult to avoid a HEA from appearing to be tacked on.

Yet what did my freaking eye spy?

A whopper of a HEA that covered all the Hollywood clichés. I think the "excerpt from the history book" would have lent itself perfectly for a more mysterious and slightly sinister ending.

We all know how history is often altered by governments. Especially in times of war, when there is a lot at stake and a loss of face is simply unacceptable, propaganda runs rampant. I'm disappointed that the author did not add a dash of mystery. By claiming in a footnote that, for example, according to the resisters' government the war hero lived his happily ever after, but that historical research didn't show evidence of said hero's existence after his supposed escape. And that historians are therefore skeptical of the official version of how events unfolded...

Uhm..maybe I should submit a prompt for an ending next year..;p
Profile Image for Steelwhisper.
Author 5 books419 followers
February 19, 2016
Perfect execution of the prompt! Written with enough darkness and pain, mental, physical and emotional to get me to become both invested in Tal and then crying with him over his lost chances and shame. The guard perfectly handled, including his gentle strength, and an end which packed sense and relief and was absolutely satisfying.

I'm so happy with this!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,043 reviews491 followers
June 3, 2013
4.25 stars

WOW. Just. WOW

I have read several stories by Angel Martinez before -- but this 10k story is definitely one of the most intense, one of the most powerful, and one of her BEST. Within 10,000 words, the story painted a vivid dreaded feel of a prisoner -- his fears, his emotional state, his desperation. But at the same time, it also builds that wonderful ray of light in the end of the tunnel, in form of Scar, the prison guard who keeps watch over Prisoner 374215.

Science fiction / dystopia is not my favorite genre (which is part of the reason on why I can't give more stars rating). However, I admit, I have no trouble following this enthralling story. I hang on to the every word, every scene, on the edge of my seat -- until the reveal of the name of Prisoner 374215 and the back story on why he became a prisoner.

The romance might be very, very subtle -- this is more of story of Prisoner 374215 than romance. But the epilogue gives that assurance of happiness after months of being captured.

Thumbs up, Angel!
Profile Image for Alexandra.
238 reviews28 followers
May 31, 2023
dark and short

It was amazing how the author managed to describe a hopeless and broken individual in a few pages. Also how detailed and well built the world where the nameless prisoner got another chance. Well done!
Profile Image for Julio Genao.
Author 9 books2,129 followers
January 15, 2015
Tantalizing setting. Tantalizing everything. About the only thing I didn't want to know more about was the prisoner himself: the pieces were all there.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
June 3, 2013
Prisoner 374215 is such a poignant and gripping tale for a short story. The angst and strife is so quiet yet deep, it cuts like a scalpel. It's dark without being overly gruesome. (those who prefer bubbles and rainbow butterflies stories might still quake in their boots from this one but it's not that scary - more of the grittier abuse happens off scene) Was it a tearjerker for me? No, but it might be for some.

Based on the prompt, this story hits each mark lovingly. Prisoner 374215 has been dehumanized to a basic shell, conditioned to forget himself. He knows nothing but pain. But there's a guard who treats him with kindness...is a trick? Prisoner 374215 is sure it is but he can't help to respond to the small comfort the guard offers.

The guard, Scar/Marcus was spot on. I don't want to gush and give away why this story with about 10K words could move you. It was so touching. There's no sex - there's some cuddling and I was super satisfied.

I find beauty in this story. A great tale. A wonderful ending.

*whispers* Yes there's a not so overt HEA but a HEA still the same.

Job well done, Angel!
Profile Image for Drusilla.
677 reviews223 followers
May 2, 2023
This is dark, intense and astonished me. Very depressing with a tiny spark of hope.
However, this is not a romance, there are no kisses and no sex. Something like trust and probably love develops, but the circumstances here are not made for it to be more.
Still, totally stunning. Wonderfully written, insanely interesting world-building, whets the appetite for more.
Mental, physical and emotional pain are in focus, so this is not for the faint of heart.

He only feared the pain now and even that could be endured. Teeth gritted, he tried not to clench up as Spacer kicked his legs apart in preparation. Pliant, limp, I will not fight. I will endure… 😭😭😭

The story is very short but still very satisfying with a most fitting ending.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
April 1, 2019
Holy crap! I actually cried at the end. This is just a short story and I had no idea where it was going. It’s brutal. I cringed and wanted to shy away and dnf but I’m glad I didn’t. I so wish this was full length.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,790 reviews3,925 followers
November 9, 2013
Prisoner 374215 is an enthralling short from the LHNB event. The prisoner in question is being held in a prison/testing facility. No clue what he's being tested for but he's becoming weaker by the day.

"Death would be a blessing, a welcome reprieve. So far, though, they had refused to let him die."

"Scar" is assigned to guard him at night. By all outward indications, he should be terrified of Scar but strangely enough he's comforted by him.

"Hope, any sort of hope, was dangerous."

Scar finds a way to break through to 374215 by provoking memories of who he once was-an inspiration to many. A strategic genius. All of which was stripped from him on fabricated charges by the Andalusian Corporation.

There's just enough back story to make it engaging; leaves the reader to fill in the blanks. I appreciate not having it spoon fed to me. Well written & I was surprised by the level of investment 37 pgs could generate.

And it's free!
Profile Image for Lisa Henry.
Author 97 books2,208 followers
June 3, 2013
Claustrophobic, dark, and full of pain and suffering...I am a bad person, because this ticked all my boxes!

I loved seeing the transformation of Prisoner 374215, from the man he was, to the man they made him, and (thanks to the little epilogue) into something more than that at the end.

Another fantastic LHNB story, and you guys, it's free!

Profile Image for Irina Elena.
714 reviews168 followers
June 18, 2013
Claustrophobic, terrifying, imaginative - a sort of dystopian technologic Auschwitz. In and of itself, that's enough to give me nightmares. I love - I hate - oh, fuck, it was well done, the way 374215 was conditioned and brainwashed, and I love how he was able, with the help of his future husband, to break free of his psychological binds.
I have to agree with Tinka here and admit that the ending felt, if not tacked on, at least a little rushed, but I think I would have killed someone if I hadn't gotten my HEA, so all in all I'm perfectly satisfied with the fairytale feel of the resolution.
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews503 followers
March 22, 2018
This was a surprise!

A great sci-fi short that started out by giving us absolutely no idea what was going on, but revealed an amazing and complex political scheme in a sci-fi world. Very very impressive.

Nameless prisoner 374215 stumbles from torture to torture, losing his mind in pain and desparation. One day, his night guard, a scarred-faced man the prisoner silently names 'Scar' shows him kindness.

374215 is too far broken to remember his own name and past, but Scar knows things about him that are best left alone, for admitting them out loud would only cause pain.

But sometimes small steps to improvement lead to big worlds falling apart. And so 374215 eventually needs to face a world he has grown to fear.

I also loved the epic epilogue. It was quite a brave thing to put that much background into a short story, IMO. It makes me feel that I want to learn more about what is going on in this world than I found in this plot.

Unfortunately the shortness of the story is also the reason why it loses one star, because frankly, 374215 is kind of hard to relate to without him being aware of any past or character traits other than fear. Still, the plot was logical and well constructed.

4 stars!
Profile Image for Sofia.
1,269 reviews256 followers
May 17, 2015

Claustrophobic, helpless, pain, all in one place plus the realisation that the greatest torture goes on in the mind, the place there’s no escape from.

A well done short story, with enough backstory skilfully woven in not to be obtrusive. There’s an epilogue for those who need to know more but the story can stand on its own beautiful feet without it as well.
Profile Image for Elizabetta.
1,230 reviews34 followers
June 19, 2013

3.5 stars

Very nice response to the prompt. Well written, atmospheric and evocative. Fully engaging until the guard, Scar, became the savior. The heavy, mood of horror set up in the excellent beginning - my favorite section - was somewhat diminished. Inevitable, but a bit disappointing since the HEA was not requisite. Definitely want to explore more of this author's work (Gravitational Attraction being at the top of the list)
Profile Image for Macky.
1,951 reviews230 followers
September 29, 2022

Dark, atmospheric but gripping dystopian short story from the LHNB series and another winner. Very poignant and quite harrowing but through it all there was an inkling of light for Prisoner 374215 in the company of Scar the guard, and my hope for him was granted at the end of the story.
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews476 followers
June 9, 2013
Harsh tale of survival. What does it take to live through that which you wished had killed you? Unexpected kindness and hope.
Profile Image for Eli Easton.
Author 70 books2,756 followers
June 10, 2013
Very nice. I love the cover for this and the dark, dystopian mood of the storyline. It is *very* hurt/comforty. The writing was very good with lots of rich texture and a strong sense of time and place. Yummy. I would have liked to see more of the romance between the two MCs, though that wasn't within the scope of the story as it was given here. A most excellent piece of work.
Profile Image for BevS.
2,812 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2013

Phew, this LHNB event...it's awesome!! As is this short tale, 4.5 stars and

This is the tale of Tal, who has been captured and is being tortured for the information he knows, and Marcus who has gone undercover to prove that Tal is not the traitor that his people think he is. Highly recommended. Loved it.
Profile Image for m. ✨ On Hiatus ✨ .
624 reviews12 followers
June 3, 2013
I was really nervous about reading this story after seeing the blurb, but I decided to give it a try anyway. I am so glad I did! I was immediately drawn into the world of Prisoner 374215 and the guard who watches over him, Scar. Even though the Sci-fi genre isn't my cup of tea, I found this story absolutely captivating from start to finish. I would highly recommend this heartbreaking, attention-grabbing and thoroughly fascinating read.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
Author 21 books105 followers
June 2, 2013
This was beautifully written. I loved the transition and recognition process experienced by Prisoner 374215. It was superbly done. Generally, I am not a huge fan of stories without the HEA totally spelled out so it speaks volumes of Angel's writing that despite the more open ending, I still loved it.
Profile Image for Vivian ♪(┌・。・)┌		.
628 reviews68 followers
July 8, 2013
I'll admit, I wasn't exactly feeling the dark, edgy, claustrophobic atmosphere in the beginning. You know, the part where the the setting is being laid out and the atmosphere is tense. Well, the atmosphere is presumably tense. And - since it seems this is the time for confessions - I'll also admit that I read that part of the book in a monotone voice. I'm not really sure why, but I suspect it's partly because I was trying too hard to feel this atmosphere, that I somehow missed it completely, if that makes sense. My second theory is that I was emotionally incapacitated during that time period because I had read this shortly after having a terrifying and heartbreaking dream about a zombie apocalypse (and I'm not even saying this for review's sake).

But anyway, after a relatively disappointing start, things did get better. And I think something that shone the brightest in this story was the power of hope and the strength of humans to keep clawing their way back up despite the fact life loves bitch-slapping you in the face so hard you don't want to get back up. It was amazing and almost epic to see the baby steps the Prisoner was able to take even after such brutal, unmeasurably cruel treatment. There's a certain sense of pride you get just watching him slowly reclaim the person he was before they took away even that.

And I know that some people thought the ending detracted from the story and its impact but I could seriously smooch you for that.

Overall, I thought this was a very good read with a strong impact, however not as emotional as I had anticipated or hoped for. The writing, I noted, was fantastic (though I admit I appreciated it from a more distant perspective than I would've liked) and the ending -before the book excerpt- left a wonderful imprint of courage and determination stamped on my heart.

Rating: 3.5
Profile Image for Tully Vincent.
Author 3 books83 followers
August 14, 2015
My first by this author... I tend to enjoy prison stories and also sci-fi so this one was totally my cup of tea. Very dark and thus a bit hard to read at parts but loved the way the ending was handled. Such a vivid picture of what this man was going through... *shudder*. I enjoyed how gradually the backstory was worked in, no rush to get there despite the short length. There was no sex in this one, but there was a very lovely romance. Excellent free story written for a DRitC event.
Profile Image for Xing.
365 reviews260 followers
October 9, 2013
Rating: 4.5 stars.

This was a tear-jerker for me with a HEA. It hit on all the right notes: science fiction, prisoner and guard relationship, a plot twist, and EMOTIONS.
Profile Image for Bree Cheese .
268 reviews22 followers
June 4, 2013
Wow, so much emotion packed into such a short story. Generally, short stories are not my thing and they are really hard to get right, but this little dark sci-fi read is great. Having also read and enjoyed Sub Zero by this author, I will be looking forward to reading more of her sci-fi works in the future!
Profile Image for J.L. Merrow.
Author 143 books1,297 followers
July 2, 2013
This short story packed a real emotional punch. Excellent writing, particularly in the way the backstory is revealed late in the story, and only to the extent we need to know it. I'll definitely look out for more of Angel Martinez's work.
Author 37 books40 followers
June 3, 2013
Prisoner 374215 has been conditioned to have no name, no past and no future. He spends his days waiting for the next medical experiment that he knows will eventually lead to his death. There is one recent development in his captivity, however; in the form of a guard who sits and watches him sleep every night. This mysterious figure holds the key to Prisoner 374215's past... and his future.

Prisoner 374215 is a FREE story offered from the Goodreads M/M Romance Group's Love Has No Boundaries event. You can read it here.

This story hits all the right buttons for me right out of the gate. Prisoner 374215 is set in a dystopian future prison environment and has a powerful hurt/comfort theme. I couldn't ask for a story more suited to my tastes. That would be nothing if the author couldn't deliver, but Martinez certainly does. The writing is rich and detailed, building this torturous world and its characters up perfectly and offering them resolution in just 10,000 words.

The hurt in this story is gut wrenching, which makes the moments of slightest tenderness stand out in contrast. I haven't felt such powerful emotions about a work of fiction since I read Junction X earlier this year. I shivered right down to my very soul while reading this, feeling for the prisoner and delighting in the guard's gentle care of him in such a terrible and brutal place. I was afraid to hope for the prisoner and yet I did regardless, feeling immense sorrow every time he expected the guard to hurt him somehow.

I liked the slow reveal of who each character was, even their names. As the warmth between the prisoner and the guard grows, we get to know more about who they were before the entered the prison. It's quite shocking to learn who the prisoner was before he was broken down.

I especially liked the ending. I couldn't have asked for a stronger, happier ending and yet it is believable for a person who has been through what the prisoner has suffered. His suffering is not just swept under the rug and yet he manages to lead a fulfilling life despite his pain. I had tears in my eyes at the end of the book. They were tears of gratitude that the prisoner was able to find love and a happy resolution despite his ordeal.

I couldn't recommend Prisoner 374215 more strongly. It's an emotional roller coaster that will leave you breathless. If you still need further convincing, I would consider Prisoner 374215 to be my favorite read of 2013 so far. That's how strongly I feel about this story.

This review was cross-posted to Infinite Love.
Profile Image for Kynthos-the-Archer (Kyn).
683 reviews389 followers
October 6, 2013

3 stars because I do liked it.

The story begins with a very well written oppressive atmosphere then took a sudden detour into fluffy land when we get to about 20 to 25% of it. After that, I got all kinds of warm and fuzzies. I still like it tho. I mean, who doesn't love that kind of comfort after all the hurt? Furthermore, gaining such a dependable pillar of support when you are at your weakest and bleakest point? I would have fallen head over heels over anyone kind enough to share a smile with me when I am in such a futile existence.

He wanted to speak to Scar, which wasn't a sane impulse. Nothing insulting or defiant, simply, hello, how was your day? Yes, I think I'll sleep now. The pain isn't as bad as it was yesterday. Goodnight. Perhaps if that lantern-jawed face had been less forbidding, he might have. Perhaps if he knew why Scar came every evening... but curiosity was for other men. Men with names.

I do enjoyed the background story of how Prisoner 374215 ended up as a live experiment. The author did really well laying out the groundwork and weaving that dystopian world whilst not losing focus of the main story and its characters. That is not an easy feat especially in view of the low word count this story aimed for.

So kudos to the author. Not only did she managed to answer the prompt perfectly, she had also managed to evoke her reader's empathy for the characters even if it is just a short story.

Title: Prisoner 374215
Author: Angel Martinez
Genre: M/M Dystopian Science Fiction Romance
Tags: futuristic, dystopia, security, guard, prison-captivity, captive, prisoner, dark, hurt-comfort, military, oppression, mind-control, brainwash, reconditioning, torture, rape, experiment subject, violence, trauma, restraints-bondage
Length: 10,360 words (Short story)
Publisher: M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads, Published on June 2nd, 2013 (A part of Love Has No Boundaries (LHNB) series)
Duration: Read from June 19 to 21, 2013, read count: 1

Here's a VIDEO BOOK TRAILER of it.
Grab your FREE copy at this link.

864 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2013
Beautiful story, very tasteful. It was a great story without really needing to ever go down the path of gay erotica. It's great to see an author write gay characters in a strong story in its own right. I do enjoy erotica, but this story didn't need it. Very moving tale, very well told. Gravitational Attraction, long on my to-read list has just moved up that list. Thank you for this inspired tale.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews

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