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I had gone to high school with Gabriel Gordon. Despite his heavenly name and matching beauty, Gabriel was anything but angelic. Rich, spoiled, and far too cynical for his age, he could easily charm the skirt off a prim beauty or a young teacher or two. Gabriel Gordon was mad, bad, and ...well, you probably know the rest.

The years hadn't changed him, despite taking over his father's company and expanding it into a multinational corporation. Unfortunately, it was just my luck that I found myself working in Gabriel's building. Although I had managed to avoid him for the better part of a month, a chance encounter in the elevator proved he was still an arrogant man who showed far too much interest in the shape of my mouth and nape of my neck.

From then on, Gabriel bedeviled me, teased me, and more often than not, made me want to throw things at his head. Still, just as in high school, I couldn't help but see the pain behind his lazy grin and the shadows in his crystalline gaze. When Gabriel confessed his love for me, I should have been the happiest woman in the world. Too bad I couldn't believe him...

Emma Adams had always considered herself level-headed, even-tempered, and most of all, sane. So how did she become someone who couldn't seem to push Gabriel Gordon away? No matter how sweet his words could be or how easily passion exploded between them, getting involved with the outrageously wealthy playboy had to be the height of insanity. Given their tumultuous natures and personal demons, there was only way a relationship between them could survive: in madness.

366 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 24, 2013

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About the author

Anna Antonia

32 books156 followers

Please feel free to e-mail me: anna (at) anna-antonia (dot) com

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Anna is a lover of all things dark and passionate. Living in the Southeastern United States, she enjoys antiquing, DIY thrift store finds, sedate hiking along trails, and spending time with her family and menagerie of pets. Being the only girl in a household full of men makes it hard to always be a lady, but she gives it a good old college try.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews
Profile Image for ~`*Ella Lee*`~.
546 reviews48 followers
July 2, 2013
Sooooooo I don't have really anything too positive to say about this book...until the last 20%. However, I almost didn't make it to that point. I had to stop reading it, read something else and then I went back to it. Here's what I didn't get:
1) The hero is madly in love with our heroine, but there was never any indication as to why exactly. I mean, I get that he was infatuated with her from high school, but there is nothing leading us as to an indication as to why. No background, no connection, no friends, no family...nothing, just that he saw her in high school and KNEW she was the one. So what did he do? He dated/screwed every single living vagina at the school including teachers to get her attention. They NEVER communicated unless you count looking at each other. Then on Prom night, he confronts her about why she won't be with him. Ummm I'm sorry, was she supposed to know you liked her? I just...just don't get it. I'm all for the love, but this just felt so thrown together, like a bunch of unfinished ideas.
2) The dialogue. DAYUMMMMMM could these two TALK anymore? I wanted to tape their mouths shut. Jesus! This was one of the main reasons I had to take a break from the book. I couldn't stand the CONSTANT communication between these two. I wouldn't even call it communication, I would call it a verbal waterfall of sh*t that wouldn't stop. I mean seriously, how can you get a headache from READING this much talk? The banter lost any "funnyness or cuteness" it was supposed to be projecting because it was just relentless.
3) This guy was way to verbal. I mean, my "bad and dangerous" types don't have this much to say to a woman. His personality just totally clashed with what was supposed to make him mysterious. How could a guy be a bad boy, mysteries whatever the hell he was supposed to be, if he wouldn't shut up for 5 seconds and kept acting like a child. I expected him to either be insane or smoking black-tar-heroine. But what was it? Oh that's right, it was all an "act" because he's really just soooo bad. Ummm....no....no he isn't. He lost all bad boy points.
4) The book just felt like a bunch of thrown together good ideas that never really led anywhere. I didn't see what was the point of everything. His obsession, his stalking, his "secrets", his nonstop banter, his unwillingness to even kiss the heroine (let alone have sex..GASP...bad boy alert!! :/ ).
5) He came off more like the creepy guy to me. I was waiting for the real hero to swoop in and save her from him.
So what did I like? Again, the last 20%. Why is that? Not just because it was finally almost over (and that's bad for a short book), but because some things that were interesting finally started happening. He finally acted like he was the boy from high school with issues, he finally stopped being so clingy and acted like he had something to hide, he FINALLY shut up and screwed the heroine. But then it ended.
Hmmm....so will I indulge in the next? Most likely, but I'm not putting a lot of hope into it. Maybe it'll be a pleasant surprise now that they've talked themselves to death in the first book. Would I recommend this? I don't know....I don't know what in this book stands out that someone would be looking for in a read. It's just all too much. Now this is just my opinion, as obviously many people liked it. Sadly, I just wasn't one of them.
Profile Image for Mariℓina.
624 reviews201 followers
November 30, 2013
3,5 Stars
well not something i never read before but still i liked it!

The story for the fisrt 40% and maybe more is slow! Too many details that aren't significant to the story..
Like what color the damn shoes are or how she will fix her hair!

But even that wasn't bad!!
I liked it! And i enjoyed Gabriel a lot with his smart comments and his vibratious personality!!

I liked the way they interact with each other! The comments, the jelousy, their past.. everything.. It's breezy and nice!
But then something is going terribly wrong because in five(?) only days things change so much which is unreal and we meet another part of Gabriel's peronality..

I thought he had a mental illness but it's something more common..
But pretty quickly we learn the truth! By his ex - girlfriend who propably has some issues i won't address right now..

And she makes up a master plan to get him back by destroying her chances with what he does without realising it and tells the truth to Emma!!

Well the bitchy ex and Gabriel both think that Emma can't understand.. Yeah Emma hurts but she is taking it better than i would thought..
Still though..

To be continued.. on the next book..

- Missing words..
- Emma is a bit cold
- Short timeline.. Everything takes place in less than a week..
- I liked that he leashed the appartment next to hers..
- I liked how they did simply things together..
- To much information about the ball preperations..
- The past they share is disjoint..
- The fact that they share a problematic love story from when they were on high school..
- I would like for Gabriel to spent more money ..
- I like that Emma is determined and driven..
909 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2013
This is about a couple that had a brief, but electric and unforgettable fling in high school, and they get reconnected 7 years later. The hero, Gabriel, is mega-rich, mega-arrogant, and mega-hot. He comes on strong and is determined to not let the girl get away this time so he is using every thing he has to win her over. Emma, the heroine of the tale, is hugely prejudiced of the wealthy, due to her poor beginnings. Emma comes across as really snobbish and rude, while, Gabriel is way too perfect. For the first 3/4 of the book, it is a mix of sickeningly sweet romance, where Gabriel says and does everything right, and Emma swoons every time despite her inner dialogue, coupled with stupid and unflattering defiance on Emma's part. The story is through Emma's POV, so her thoughts are clearly reflected. She seems to hate Gabriel and his world yet she does follows everything he does with the bat of an eyelash. It came across as just stupid, but she doesn't really have a reason not to trust him. I can understand hesitance and uncomfortableness in the face of all his exes, but she has no reason to have so much distrust of him. Most of it comes just from his status and wealth, which is juvenile and frustrating to read about. Eventually, Gabriel's perfection falls away and you see his more of his true colors, but it was done in such a messy fashion that I had trouble reading it. In fact, I skimmed about half of this book because I hate not finishing novels.
At the end of the novel, the author drops a huge bomb on Emma and the reader though, that could've really made it fascinating, but then she left the story hanging, because she/her publisher is greedy for another book and its profits. I think it was a huge mistake leaving that bomb until the end. It should've been dealt with way sooner, and would've given the story more depth, instead of prattling on with vomit-worthy romance. I am not the type who believes that love and relationships should be perfect, so reading about Gabriel doing every thing to please Emma, was dull and unrealistic; but add on that Emma follows along happily, without trusting Gabriel or really anything that is happening, it made it just confusing and weird.
I have no plans to read the next novel. Despite the fact that the twist at the end just might manage to redeem the storyline, I don't think I could handle anything like this book again; at least not for a while.
One last rant, and it's a spoiler:
Profile Image for Katie(babs).
1,838 reviews532 followers
November 17, 2014
Some books astound me because I can’t believe they’re published as is. So is the case of Mad For You by Anna Antonia. Mad For You is eye twitchingly bad and needs a good editor STAT. It reads more like a first draft and some girl’s fantasy after watching one too many Disney movies. Gabriel, the so-called man-ho hero is a billionaire at twenty-five, which in itself is ridiculous. Apparently he is mega rich and a CEO because of his family who hands over a corporation to him, no questions asked. We have no idea of his qualifications that makes him this incredible business man, all before the age of thirty. He and Emma went to high school together, and at prom he crooks his finger at her and she ends up having sex with him. It’s the best night of her life and she has as many orgasms even though she was a virgin. No pain and only pleasure for her first time. There’s no explanation why she would lose her virginity to a walking STD horny guy. She dumps him as fast as she can because she’s not sticking around, panting to for him because he’ll never change his man ho ways, all at seventeen, or so she believes.

Eight years later Emma and Gabriel meet in an elevator, and this is where it gets creepy. Gabriel, this world renowned lover and business man not only becomes a love sick, immature stalker, but acts like he’s in high school His personality doesn’t make any sense. Also he loves calling women “dear” and “my dear”. What present day twenty-five year old guy uses that endearment? One moment Gabriel tries (but fails) to act as this suave, debonair man, but then reverts back to this tween personality. The way he treats Emma is disturbing. He won’t take the word “no” for an answer. Within minutes of seeing her in the elevator, he’s all over her. He tells her he won’t leave her alone until she agrees to do whatever he wants. She agrees to his every demand, and he takes her on a Cinderella type of shopping spree. Then he moves into the empty apartment next to hers and copies her apartment key so he can come and go as he pleases. He then lashes out after getting drunk because Emma won’t give her entire heart and soul to him because he’s too rich and has a walking STD past. Gabriel is a pathetic sap.

Emma and Gabriel talk and talk some more. There’s no sex or hardly any foreplay. Nothing about this book or these two characters are appealing. It’s very weak storytelling and writing period.

Mad For You is bad and lame. Don’t torture yourself by reading this sad attempt at writing. Also, this isn’t a New Adult novel. The characters are not your typical New Adult types other than their annoying immature personalities. Emma and Gabriel are very independent and settled in their lives.
Profile Image for Sara Luck.
800 reviews1 follower
July 10, 2013
okay, so the last 20% made the book worth it...almost to the point where I would actually read the next book...almost. The problem is, I don't want to read through another 80% of a book just so I can get the goods. Maybe the next book will be better but at this point I'm not interested in reading it, although there is a small part of me that wants to know how Emma will handle Gabriel's secret.
Also, the writing style and speech of the characters changed drastically during the last 20%...so much better.

Emma spent 4 yeara of high school watching Gabriel. She watched as he went through the girls and watched the nasty breajups in the hallways. When Gabriel started pursuing her, she held firm...at least until prom night.The next day, Gabriel came to her house to ask her to be his girlfriend but she turned him down and they didn't speak again.
7 years later she finds herslef in an elevator with the one amd only Gabriel, and so begins their whirlwind courtship. Until his ex comes into the picture in a desperate attempt to tear them apart revealing secrets Emma may not be able to handle.
Profile Image for Wine Country.
353 reviews24 followers
July 28, 2013
Gabriel was pretty f*cking crazy, a little too insane for my taste. When he started talking like he had multiple personality disorder was when I wasn't into it anymore. Nothing wrong with the disorder, he was just already creeping me out and that kind of put me over the edge.
Profile Image for Lisa :).
191 reviews
June 17, 2018
It‘s astounding how books like this can get published! And how the hell does it have a second part?!

The characters were unrealistic and the writing in general but especially their dialogue was so damn stilted. I felt like I was reading a newspaper article.
July 2, 2013
3.5 - 4*
"Were we all just demented?"
Yes, yes you are!

I really liked this book actually. I havent read a fucked-up-billionaire book in a while as the storyline was becoming over used and made me a grumpy bitch so the face I enjoyed this shocked me


I have to say, I really liked Gabriels character, he was (somewhat fakely) incredibly adorable, while he really did move things too fast compared with what one would expect and be comfortable with in a relationship


Emma, quite frankly, pissed me off. She was SO FUCKING INSECURE she never trusted him in ANYTHING even before the shit-storm period in the book

Anyway, on with the background.

Emma and Gabriel met 7 years before in High School, they were both into each other so they would go out and date like normal people, right?

He was a slut so she had sex with him on prom night, he comes to her house the next day to say he loves her and she tells him to fuck off.
and they never speak again.

7years later, Emma is single and (we'll get to Gabriel later) moving into the office building Gabriel owns. He sees her and does a series of ridiculous things he shouldnt do... 1 month later he approaches her, they agree to 2 months lunches together, but.... None of that ever happens.
He takes her to a fundraiser and she meets his ex...ON THEIR FIRST DATE.


Sooooo for the next 5 days everything is lovey dovey for Emma

and then we find out from his ex, Embry (stupid name for a stupid bitch) that Gabriel has a ton of shitty secrets.

..But seriously, if you listen she outright says she wants you apart and she comes across and a freaking nutcase, like you would take at face value ANYTHING she has to say. She makes it sound a million times worse than it is. Obviously...Because she hates you.

In her position though, I would have just said:
but I would have included "fuck you, you dirty whore" somewhere in there too...Just sayin'

Characters: Love and hate in equal measure but ultimately they were interesting.
Sex: There was none except for right at the end, and it wasnt explicit.
Writing: Mostly good, I liked the writing style, it was engaging but there were typo's so it could have used an editor.
storyline: pretty weak but it was a simple and easy to follow plot. Most of the time you knew what was coming next.

This books title is a little silly/grammatically incorrect but *shrugs* I just like to complain.

For more reviews, CLICK HERE
Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews495 followers
June 13, 2015
You know how some books just have all the right ingredients being stirred around to make the perfect book pie? Yeah, well, that's not this book. Here, we must be making Ethiopian goulash vs pie!

The female MC, Emma, is all over the place. I mean one minute she's grinding on the male MC, Gabriel, like a monkey in heat and talking him up as her one true love -and- then the next minute she's dismissing him as an arrogant playboy that she could never possibly have a future with because he's soooo rich and has had too many women in his past.

They meet in an elevator seven years after some weird one night stand/ fling/ love-hate high school relationship. Within 24 hours, he's moved to her building, eating every meal together, exchanging keys, grocery shopping, & basically acting like some elderly couple that's been married for YEARS. It's just weird.

Then there's the way he talks to her... It's like there's always something deeper, weirder to what he's saying to her. He's pushy, overbearing, and forceful in a weird way vs an alpha male kinda way. I digress... But the shit is just weird! Eventually, the weird is justified in the mother of all plot twists. More in a minute...

Anyhoo, there's a cleaning and grocery scene where she's teaching him to do this kind of everyday stuff like he's literally lived in a cave his entire life. "Here's how you shop for canned goods...." Really? Wtf?!? I get he's rich & has "people" to do shit for him, but even rich people have got enough common sense to know how to walk into a grocery store and pick up food they like, want. The next sentence after she teaches him to shop for canned goods is:" I put up the groceries while he set up the TVs.." So, he can hook TVs up but not read a can label?!? Add plain old ridiculousness to the weird.

The argument at 70% sends weird into astronomical proportions. He refers to himself in the third person.., like he's got multiple personality disorder. WTF is the whole 'you throw me being rich in my face' bit when this story starts with him buying her a 4k dollar dress and accessories and hiring a team of stylists to doll her up? The argument about money made shit for sense on both her and his POV.

The writing style isn't my taste. It's flowery and sugary till the plot twist at 80%. There's a constant backtrack in the storyline. Where the author skips ahead only to have the female MC backtrack shortly into the jump to recount whatever has been missed. Very weird, jarring, & exhausting flow.

Finally, the plot twist. Stop reading if you don't want SPOILERS!!!!!!!***** Fair warning~ So, suddenly the weirdness, the feeling of split personality in the argument makes sense. The dude is pretending to be Rico Suave when he's really a Dom sadist. I give the author props because I really didn't see the story going all FSOG, but there in lays the problem. This is basically the same story just with lies vs openness; The big bad dom makes effort to be better because he wants the sweet innocent ditzy chick that defies him a lil but ultimately turns to putty in his hands. Basically imagine FSOG with the guy luring the chick in to his lifestyle with lies and wooing vs a contract and explicit detail of the kinky fuckery he has planned.

Can't say I recommend since I won't be going onward with the series.
Profile Image for Michelle ♥ The Romance Vault ♥ .
1,165 reviews94 followers
August 3, 2013
4.5 stars I really enjoyed this.

OK so at the moment I am SCREAMING - ARGHHHH there's another book to wait for...... really miffed I've got to wait because I would have happily read on immediately to get more of their story.

As far as sex goes this book contains little of it but that doesn't mean its not raunchy and sexy; the story is just so engaging I really was not bothered by this and truthfully I didn't miss it. Now if I am really truthful I hate books that start like this one, when your told a scene that doesn't happen till near the end right at the start it kinds takes some of the guesswork out of it and your reading your way through waiting to get to that scene. That said what was contained within the book between the start and the end was just so easy to plough through, it was written extremely well and the writing style and story grabs you and holds you right to the final chapter and then your peed off because if your like me your going to have to wait till the next book to find out more. This was one of the quickest 366 pages I've read in a fair while, story is that good I just steamed through it. It also get's extremely hot towards the end and also the story develops into something that I wasn't expecting and I really liked that, it didn't feel like being blindsided but it was still a 'wasn't expecting that' scenario.

Both Gabriel and Emma's characters are 100% 3D, totally loveable and felt very real. Considering he is a billionaire this book should not be subjected to the 'oh it's a billionaire book' and therefore passed over, yes he's got money but in this instance it's all relevant to their dynamic, he's got money and pots of it, he's also bedded god knows how many girls/women. She's the daughter of a maid whose been ridiculed before because of her social standing but she doesn't curtail to people with money she kind off shuns them so Gabriel has to work doubly harder to win her over and then his ex throws them all for a loop............ sigh........ just give this book a go it is well worth it.
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,549 reviews109 followers
June 9, 2015
3.5/4 stars

First half 4 stars. At 75% - 3 stars.

I don't know how many stars to rate this. On one hand I could not stop reading. I love these type of second chance stories. I was never bored while reading this. I love the angst and how Emma was leery of Gabriel. Then things took a turn and it was crazy, but I did not mind it.

However here are my issues and why I was just a little irritated, Major spoilers. Do not read if you do not know what happens towards the end.

Profile Image for Alpha Possessive Heroes.
482 reviews835 followers
July 1, 2013
Mad For You is your typical rich bad boy meets shy nerdy girl.. it's nothing that I haven't read yet.

Hot, billionaire, playboy, possessive guy? ✓
Weak, shy heroine? ✓
Bitch, scorned ex-gf? ✓

Seems like a typical story eh? Well, it is... but despite being a cliche book, I actually liked it!

I was hook from the first page and fell in love with Gabriel! I liked his bad boy persona but when it comes to the heroine he was sweet and everything! The confrontation with the ex-gf was interesting and it added spice in the story! ^_^

I was surprised about the "revelation" and can't wait to see how will that progress in the second book! Maybe my tiny bit complaint, is that I wished it had more character development.. it felt like everything went too fast.

Overall I liked it! Will definitely read the next one titled BAD FOR YOU.
Profile Image for Aparajita Mukherjee.
150 reviews9 followers
August 31, 2013
This book would have appeared a lot sweeter and romantic if we hadn't already read "Fifty Shades of Grey", or say, "The Crossfire Series". But if one hasn't, s/he can go for this one if one is into overtly romantic, sweet, sugary love stories. That said, there are always differences (although slight and subtle) between Christian Grey, Gideon Cross, and in this book, Gabriel Gordon, in their attitudes, manners, preferences and possessiveness. They stand tall in their own ways and it takes a lot to get bored of them. If only they were more real and less fictional.
Profile Image for Jinx.
255 reviews50 followers
April 3, 2014
Um... No, just no. This book made absolutely no sense. Emma was catty for no good reason. She continuously made snide comments towards Gabriel that were uncalled for. She was extremely callow and I just could not finish this book. For someone in her mid-twenties she was just so juvenile.

I really would like to know where all these high reviews came from because I think I might have not read the same book as everyone else.
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,707 reviews
June 25, 2013
OMG!!! great debut book...read in one sitting, couldn't put it down. Loved the slight twist in the story! Not a huge fan of cliffhangers and there is not a bad one....ends on a high....but gabriel and emma's story to continue in the next book due later this year...so looking forward to that! Fab story Anna, wishing you much success with the series x
17 reviews
December 23, 2013
lack originality and it reminded me too much of FSOG and Crossfire series. Even the last dialogue was exactly the same as one of those two series when G asked E "where do we go from here?". (I can now hardly remember the names of the main characters in this one since they reminded me so much of Gideon and Eva from Crossfire... which coincidentally has same initials) I'm like...SERIOUSLY!? pfft...
Profile Image for  Soph - Lock&Key.
991 reviews58 followers
September 27, 2014
Whoa........ the drama in this book was too hard to swallow, it was more then overkill, it was like the drama smothered any shred of enjoyment that I may have found in reading this. Leaving me with nothing but a sour taste in my mouth from the regret I feel about not listening to the people who told me to never read this.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,569 reviews166 followers
December 9, 2013
This book was good luv the way it started the story was good didnt now how it was goin 2 go but I luvd it I luv the characters an Gabriel is hot can't wait 4 the next 1 2 c how things go 4 them
Profile Image for Tereza.
154 reviews
August 9, 2013
It was a good read. You can tell that this book 1 is the tip of the iceberg and that there lots more to these two. I can't wait to read more.
Profile Image for Yusra.
11 reviews29 followers
October 26, 2013
these 2 stars are only for the good beginning that hooked me to reading this whole novel. i want to ask all these authors why do you have to badly copy or write a bad version of 50 shades?
654 reviews3 followers
April 5, 2022
Mad For You

I wanted to like this book but it comes across as a bit of a 50 shades rip off.
The characters have history going back to College and a reunion 7 years later but it all seems similar after that. Sorry!!
Profile Image for Tracy Postiglione.
448 reviews1 follower
November 23, 2022
Good book

My first book from the author and it will not be my last. Love this story can't wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Lauren - SERIESous Books.
1,750 reviews64 followers
December 23, 2013
I love stories about reuniting with a high school love who didn't seem to know you existed--I mean it's fiction for a reason :) But it promised to be a quick read with a swoon-worthy hero so I quickly moved it up my to-read list.

This book was enjoyable and it did have it's cute and swoon-worthy moments that I was hoping for. BUT, I did have a few issues with the execution and writing style.

As much as I liked Gab, he didn't sound like a 25 year old male to me. He talked very old fashioned which threw me considering it is a contemporary, modern read. I guess that is supposed to be part of his appeal but I just felt like it was off for his modern businessman bad boy persona. Maybe he has matured based on what we learn about him in the story but it just didn't fit or work overly well for me.

My other peeve was the writing flow. One minute we would be in the past and then without an ellipse or noticeable break in the paragraphs we would find ourselves in the present. This confused me and I often had to reread sections to figure out what had happened.

What happens at the end is something I didn't see coming and I'm not sure how I feel about it because it ended so abruptly. It definitely left me curious to read the next book but not enough that I would drop everything to read it. I don't want to give it away but I know I wasn't expecting that turn and it makes for an interesting twist in a New Adult novel.

There were enough romantic moments to leave me satisfied and meet my expectations but I have read a lot better New Adult reads. I'll read Bad for You when I do my next book run but it isn't something I am dying to read. It won't be for everyone and I think once you read the ending it might turn a lot of people off of the rest of the series.

Check out more book and series reviews on my blog SERIESous Book Reviews as well as book recaps!
Profile Image for Lost_withinbooks (Amy).
89 reviews16 followers
July 9, 2013
This book was good to a certain extent.. I didn't like the way the book started since it was the first chapter beginning with a flash back....I would have liked if the author started from when they were in school and say like seven years later....that would have been nice for me....
1. I love bad boys ...
2. I love a man who knows what he wants and would do anything to get it..
3. I love that Emma was determined to make it through life all by her self to help make her and her mother life better..

1. Emma I hate how your acting ..
2. Stop comparing people to your life.
3. Not everyone is net to be poor like you.
3. Not every rich people would treat you the same.
We are different people..
4. Stop fucking around if the fucking man says ta fucking trust him trust his ass...No ones perfect but we have to start some where...we are all ment to get our heart broken in some way shape or form..
5.he was only trying to protect you...learn how ta fucking listen okay.
6.stop bitching..

After Emma had that encounter with with Gordon at his house I was on his side from hen on because everything he said I couldn't help but agree with him.
I say this book is a good read but because how the book started and Emma acting like a told hip I had to rate this down..
If it wasn't for Emma this book would have gotten a 4.5
And author please dnt give the mans ex a name similar to his girlfriend Embry is cute but I would have prefer maybe Sarah..something that does not begin
with E.

And I love the fact how he tried to do all those things for Emma...and was willing to put what've loves to do in order to be with her...Thatstru e love but she's a fool if she holds him back from doing it.if she trust him she has no need to worry that he would hurt her...ya never know
Profile Image for Anjie Kendall.
468 reviews5 followers
March 2, 2014
There are three books to this series, and honestly, I think they should have just been condensed into one.

Chapter 1 is mostly a huge flashback, but it didn't work. The history of the couple needed to be written, but not as a flashback. It needed to be a few chapters of it's own. Because given how this book was written, I have no interest in going back for .5 to get the history.

After Emma runs into Gabriel again after all those years...let's just say kill the details of getting ready for the charity event. Sum it up: he paid for me to get a new dress, shoes, and my hair and nails done. There. Add in the internal war about him paying so much, but then rationalizing it with making him pay for ambush date, there you go. More room for other things. This rambled and really added nothing to the story at all.

The big reveal at the end also seemed to be very out of character with Gabriel. Possibly having the story told from dual POV's would have had it work better. Because honestly, for me it was being set up that he had some sort of mental illness. For me, it would have worked better if that had been the big reveal. As it is, I will not read any other books in this series because I don't want to wade through lots of details in order to get "the good stuff."
Profile Image for Jessica.
2,153 reviews51 followers
September 22, 2013
Emma had her heart broken once by the arrogant Gabriel and refuses to let him get past her walls again. Little did she know that she would see him again when her job relocates forcing her to see Gabriel once again. Once they see each other old feelings start to resurface but with Emma old insecuities come out as well. Will they be able to get over the past and try to make room for the future?

Very predictable and still very enjoyable. At first I had a hard time connecting to the book, but once I got into it within a couple of pages I just couldn't put it down. I really enjoyed this book and Loved the characters. There's Emma who had her share of insecurities with the way things ended with her and Gabriel and then there's the insecurity of the past that made sure she was aware of her social status and his. Emma works hard for what she wants and I feel like at times she was selfless. Gabriel is a rich guy who gets what he wants and has the money to throw at you if needs be. I liked that Emma was cautious. That even if she agreed to be with her she made sure to remind herself of what happens and to stand her ground at certain points. I liked that she was the reason Gabriel wanted to be a better person and attempt to do things on his own rather then letting others get it for him. The book was great, a bit steamy in the end.

Overall I enjoyed the book its worth 4 of 5 stars and I look forward to seeing the next book.
Profile Image for Ashtrayheart.
380 reviews4 followers
August 6, 2013
Hmmm.. I don't know if this a 3 or a 4 star read for me.. I'm gonna have to settle for 3 stars I think...

My initial thoughts when reading this book were: WTF IS THIS BOOK?! :/

I liked the beginning.. and I was interested.. And as Emma recounted her time back during highschool when she went out with Gabriel.. I was like "okay.. cool......"
Fast forward 5 days earlier.. and everything was over the top and erratic.. and just all happening at once...
It was like Gabriel was on some kinda drug! I knew there was something dodgy about him....

"So just who was Gabriel Gordon? An utter bastard or the sweetest man in the world?"
And that same thought was running through my head too!!

Then toward the end, the "big bad" secret was revealed.... oooooohhhhhhh
From the sounds of it.. I thought Gabriel was in some kind of criminal gang, like the mafia or something.... But no, he -.- seriously dude... grow some balls!!

Will I read the sequel? Most likely.... I wanna know how their story pans out... This felt like the first 5 chapters of their story! haha..
Profile Image for Holly.
12 reviews4 followers
August 22, 2013
I really enjoyed this book until the last two chapters. At the beginning it starts with Gabriel banging on the door,begging Emma back. While shes locked inside we get a flashback of when they dated in high school. No big surprise that Gabriel was a man whore and Emma was the shy virgin that he fell for. Long story short girl gets scared and runs leaving boy heartbroken. Years later they meet and Gabriel having been left once refuses to let Emma go again. My favorite part of the whole book was when he tried to get Emma to fall in love with him. Those chapters I really enjoyed. Gabriel was sweet and downright witty. The humor those two had was amazing and I found myself cracking up many times.

The problem though is that apparently it was all fake and sweet Gabriel is not as nice as he seems. The D\s twist at the end is what I hated. Im not a huge fan so I was very disappointed to find out that the series was going in that direction.

The writting was amazing and I really liked most of the book, but after all Gabriel's done I just cant finish the series.
Profile Image for SoBeA.
620 reviews49 followers
August 28, 2013
2.5 stars, I think.

I liked the build up, and AA's writing style. What I didn't like? The weird twist at the end . Also there's very little background info, and the begining was pretty slow. At one point far ar too many pages were spent describing the h getting ready for some gala...seriously it was all so damned detailed, the dress, and the undies, and the shoes and the makeup, and the hair, and the nails...dude, seriously? I just don't care all that damn much. A page at most would've sufficed.

So yeah, I liked AA's style,, but this was just a meh read for me. Oh plus, I keep seeing this labeled as NA, but it, imo, doesn't really qualify.

Profile Image for Faye Blain.
1 review
September 23, 2013
I love the book and I can't wait for the next one but I can't stand the leading female character, Emma. She's so whiny and annoying! Oh, I love him but I can't stand it when I see his exes even though I knew from the beginning - before I fucked him - that he was a man whore. Seriously! All she did throughout the book was whine about his exes and how much women he dated. Gee, maybe you should have thought of that before you slept with him! I absolutely love Gabriel, though <3 <3. I just love how he comes off a little too strong and how vulnerable he is when it comes to Emma. He may be crazy obsessed but it shows how much he loves Emma and how far he's willing to go to obtain her.
From what I understand, Emma and Gabriel didn't interact much until after the staring thing, except an occasional eye contact in the hall, so I want to read - from Gabriel's perspective - how Gabriel became infatuated with Emma.
All in all, it was a good book. I loved the author's witty writing style.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews

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