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The MC Sinners #1

Hell's Knights

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Recommended for readers over 17+ Contains adult content.

A modern day biker romance.

Addison has had a hard life. Her mother is useless, and her father hasn't been in her life for years. When her mother dies, she's left with no money and an angry man after her. She goes to the only person she knows can take care of her right now - her father. She knows her father is the President of an MC club, but she doesn't quite realize just how much she will come to rely on that club.

Cade is everything she knows she should stay away from, and yet she can't seem to keep herself from wanting him. He's the club VP, gorgeous, rugged, charming and he makes her feel again. She should be running, she should be escaping the demons of her past, but instead she finds herself falling for the gorgeous biker.

Come on this whirlwind romance with two broken people, who figure out how to put each other back together.

211 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 13, 2013

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About the author

Bella Jewel

96 books7,431 followers
Heya!! My name is Bella, I'm a new aussie author and I am as crazy as they come. I'm playful, friendly and always up for a chat so stop on by x

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,516 reviews
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
September 20, 2013
4 Hot Bikers Stars!!


Okay, so this book tells us the story of Addison and Cade.
Addison lived a shitty life (shitty being an understatement). After the death of her mother and running away from her dark past, her only option is her father, president of Hell's Knights MC Club, which she never met.
Things aren’t going well for Addison, but well, she is a strong girl used to deal with life’s adversities.


When she gets there, after a turbulent first meeting with her father, she meets Cade, Vice-president of the MC, badass biker, alpha-male, sexy as hell.
And although their differences, rough start and her difficulty adjusting to the MC world, they eventually got together. (No, this isn’t a spoiler. After all, this a romance for Christ’s sake!)
But her past doesn’t want to let her be free… and when it comes after her… oh, well.


But that’s the thing about bikers. They don’t go down without a fight.
And when secrets start to reveal and pasts start to get exposed, Addison pretty soon will find out if she is, in fact, cut out to live in the badass MC world.


Well, what can I say? I love a good biker’s book.
And although this was slightly predicable at some points, and felt a little rushed in other moments, it was a good reading.
Not as good as “Reaper’s Property” or “Unbeautifully”, but pretty good.
Addison was a good female lead, Cade was a great and sexy-as-sin male hero and the supportive cast were pretty good also. (I really want to read Spike’s story!)
The steam was there during the whole time…. And girls, this book is HOT!!!
If you aren’t easily chocked and are into books with sexy bikers… please, go read this! : )
August 25, 2013
3.5 stars.


Whoooohooo the author just pressed publish on Amazon. Should be live in a few hours whoop whoop :)


Well well well a BIKER. I'm in...

And if you say BIKER the first thing that pops up in my head is:

Uhhh yum!!!!!!

Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews775 followers
August 21, 2013

This was a solid 3 stars read [for me]. I liked it (hence the 3 stars which = "liked it" as per GR rating system).

If I was going to compare this to other books, I'd say say it's a hell of a lot better than Seize Me but not quite as good as Reaper's Property.

This book has a decent (even though predictable) backstory. As you read it, you just know that sh*t will eventually hit the fan and it does. Main characters and supporting cast are OK. Some are much better than others. Jackson, Cade and Spike are noteworthy, IMO. I hear Spike is going to be the main focus of the next book. Conversations were at times a bit juvenile but not terrible overall. Lots of biker/dirty talk and steamy sex!

Is this a kind of book I will re-read in the future? I doubt it.

But I will for sure check out the second book in this series.



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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
August 5, 2016
2 Meh stars

One day, a man is going to come along and sweep you away. He’s going to give you that feeling you can’t go back on, that feeling that will change your world.

Damn my clicker finger. She sees the words MC and a markdown to $.99 and she just HAS to one click. The compulsive bitch! Last time I allow her to make a decision for me.

I believe that the author had all the right ingredients for a fantastic book. But unfortunately I don't think she mixed them right, and the end result was a bit...well...meh. At least it was for me. The book didn't work for me for a number of reason. What are the reasons you ask? Well I'll tell you.

The amount of times that Cade called Addison "sugar". Yes I fucking counted. It drove me out of my ever loving mind. I was willing to overlook the "babe" and the overused "yeah" ending sentences, yeah? But the sugar thing. Gah! It was every other sentence. C'mon. Switch it up a bit here, Cade. There's honey, baby, sweetheart, twat. Freaking anything but sugar!! I'm pretty sure I got to a point where every time I read "sugar" I just wanted to

Number of eye rolls I had over the at times juvenile dialogue. Addison was only 21 years old, so I can excuse some instances. But her behavior really didn't endear me to her. She's been through hell, and I wanted to feel for her. I truly did. But she just drove me crazy at times with her childish tantrums and behavior.

Number of times I almost DNF'd this book. As much as I wanted to like this book, the negatives definitely outweighed the positives for me. The story flow seemed choppy at times. The jumping between Past and Present would have worked if it was just with Addison. But when it had the same thing of an event from Cade's past, it didn't really work. The progression of the relationships between Cade and Addison, and Addison and Jackson weren't believable. At least not in the time frames it happened in.

A character that I truly wish was killed off.

What worked for me

Cade. Well aside from the "sugar" business, he was sexy as hell. I seem to have a soft spot for the dirty talkers, and he really delivered on that end.
Sugar, if I wanted my dick wet, I could get it wet anywhere, with anyone. I don’t want my dick wet. I want it fuckin’ drenched, drippin’ and surrounded in you."

I love me an asshole. The only thing better than an asshole, is a tatted and pierced asshole. And Spike is rumored to have some interesting "spikes" in some VERY interesting areas.

The sex
It was hot. At least I think it was. Maybe? I got so frustrated with so many parts of this book that I skimmed through a lot of it. Sex included.

While the book didn't quite work for me, I will gladly pick up Bella Jewel's next book because I think this may have been the case of a debut novel and working out the "new book" kinks.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get intimately acquainted with Spike's spikes. Well, maybe not intimately intimately. But I have a VERY good imagination. I'll make do. And I thank you

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Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,171 followers
September 16, 2013
3.5 Saints, Sinners and the Bikers in between Stars

“Who said happily ever after couldn’t involve bikers?”


In a life that rewards are rare and you have to make most of it by fighting tooth and nail for every step forward, don't let the norm and society's rotten and false standards rule you and make the decisions for you.

Bikers, drug runners, gun dealers this is the reality and sometimes only in their protection and embrace, lies safe heaven for a tortured and above all scared soul.




Her mother's daughter

If Addison knows something in her life it's to survive. Abused, raped and child to a mother who couldn't care less for a child she did what she had to make it through. Now an orphan she seeks her dead-beat's dad help. What she ends up with? A loving father, a job, a MC's support and the love of a man that completes her soul.

Cade is a man of many demons that takes what he wants. Addy is his and he will claim and protect her even against her own will. Club's Vice President and a devoted brother he takes badass to a whole new level.


Together, they will make their own happily ever after, against all odds and they will find the kind of love that lasts a lifetime, if past nightmares don't catch up on them.

"That’s life for you – you never know which way it’s going to go – you just have to trust it."



How am I supposed to resist a story that makes vengeance, the law and criminals, heroes? Yes there is violence, gore and sex but really who is prude enough to care? Engaging and exciting, I liked this story. I could do with some more emotional connection / interaction and the story ended a little too abrupt for my tastes, but hey, did I mention there were bikers?



LMAO! Definitely checking out the next!
Profile Image for Angie **loves angst**.
270 reviews15 followers
August 20, 2013
"One day a man is going to come along and sweep you away. He's going to give you that feeling that you can't go back on, that feeling that will change your world."

Where do I start? How can I even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this? I will try to review this without coming across as a crazy, emotional lunatic. This is one of the best biker books I've read so far this year. Before it was even released I was quaking in anticipation after reading just the blurb. I devoured this book in one sitting. I sat down to read and just couldn't move. Ok enough about me let's get into it.

He's a biker.
He's dangerous.
He's powerful.
He's dominant.

Oh yes, Cade Duke, the twenty-nine year old Vice President of the Hell's Knights Motorcycle Club is all that and so much more. Even though he is a rough and rugged biker with a tough exterior and bossy attitude I loved that there was still a playful sweet, side to him. Plus he cooks! Cade has had a tough life and when he meets Addison he sees what she cannot see in herself, and realizes she is just what he's been waiting for. He calls her "sugar" and is willing to risk his life to protect her.


"Life isn't easy when you have no one. Everything you do, you have to do alone. There's no one to lean on."
This girl has been through some tough shit for the twenty-one years of her life. She's never known happiness, or what it means to be loved and have a family. When her mom, who is also a drug addict and prostitute dies, Addison returns to her dad Jackson who is President of the Hell's Knight MC. She not only returns to her dad because she has no one else in the world, she is also running away from the life she once knew in order to start fresh. I'm dipping into spoiler territory here, so I'll stop by saying there's much more to Addison's story and it was upsetting to read about all the terrible things she dealt with from age thirteen.

When Addison arrives at the motorcycle club I knew I would like her right away after she jumped over the fence and entered the compound. This girl has big cajones She meets Cade and feels an attraction to him but she fights it because she doesn't plan on sticking around too long. She's determined to get a job, save money and hightail it out of there as soon as possible. Cade has his sights set on Addison, and no matter how much she tries to push him away, he just won't give up. He goes after her, what Cade wants, he gets. There is no instalove (rejoice!) and even though they are attracted to each other, there is no wam-bam thank you ma'am right away.

Now let's get to to the good part. *rubs hands together* The sex scenes in this book were... holy guacamole!!! I needed a fan, some ice water and a couple minutes to myself. There were some unique scenes, that I don't think I've ever read before. For those of you who are naughty and want to know what they are, take a peek at the spoiler--->

I laughed, I squirmed, I was shocked, tense, and elated all while reading this book. There is no cliffhanger. (rejoice again!) In addition to this there is also the absence of crazy drama, long separations or exhausting fights. I think the lack of dramatics along with the wicked love scenes made this such an enjoyable read for me. I would definitely recommend this book to those of you itching to get your biker fix like I was. The author sets up book two quite nicely with Ciara and Spike and I would love an arc can't wait to read their story.
Who knew a group of bikers really could be my happy ending?"

Here I express in gif format my feelings at the end of this book:

Rating: 5 Riding Dirty Stars
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,415 reviews9,971 followers
August 29, 2013

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Her mother was a whore, used to bring dealers, junkies and trash off the streets to their home on a regular basis, these men on numerous occasions also tried to rape her in her sleep.
Jasper was her mothers pimp, he was her nightmare, he took her virginity before she was ready to give it at the age of 13, now he's after her, for more reasons than one.

I haven't had a great deal of mind blowing sex in my life, most was drunken sex, high sex, or forced sex, the only good sex I ever had was with Billy, my ex boyfriend, my first love, my first heart break, my first decent sexual experience. (ADDISON)
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I thought I knew sex. I've had sex. Heck, I've felt lust. Once, I've even felt love. I thought I knew exactly what sex was.

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Until I met Cade..He's the meaning of sex..He's a biker..He's dangerous..He's powerful..He's dominant..He wants me..I want him..
Cade is just the kind of man you want to fuck, just for the experience, his body moves like a sleek panther, slow, sexy, and prowling.
He has the face of a dark angel, dark messy hair, green piercing emerald eyes, kissable lips, piercing in his lower left corner of his bottom lip as well as two in his ear, tattooed arms, thick skull rings on his fingers..
He is one gorgeous mother fucker..He's got Knights' tattooed in a curved style on his chest, he's also got a star-like creation on his ripped belly, just under his belly button, and has the words "Every second counts"

Don't make me do sappy - I can say nice shit, but I don't do sappy, I could so easily love you sugar, you're testin' every part of me, I'm fallin' fuckin' hard." (CADE)

An intense dark must read. If you like it gritty, hardcore & rough then Hell's Knight's is for you, highly recommend!!

Profile Image for Sarah.
348 reviews131 followers
August 21, 2013
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3.5 'Biker Bad Arse' stars

I'm a huge fan of biker books, I love all the tough love, dominant alpha, rough and ready, bad mouthed bikers...... (Ooh and leather pants and tatts are a must ).......and this book was certainly no exception.

This is Addison's story. It's not a fairytale, it's not full of sweet, romantic words. It's raw, it's rough and at times it's a tough story to read. This is girl who has been dealt an extremely shitty hand when to comes to life, and this is the story of how she tries to run from all the shit that's weighing her down. And then one day she meets Cage......who just happens to be an extremely HOT, rough and ready, bad mouthed biker.....and well the rest is up to you to find out......

"Sugar, if I wanted my dick wet, I could get it wet anywhere, with anyone. I don't want my dick wet. i want it fuckin' drenched, drippin' and surrounded in you."

Ok lets begin with the bit I didn't quite like and I have to be honest, my only reason for 3.5 and not 5 stars is solely down to the difficulty I had getting into this story at the start. Don't get me wrong it certainly wasn't slow paced or boring at all but in the first few chapters there were a fair few editing issues. Mainly typos and grammatical errors, things I wouldn't normally even comment on but in this book I did find it a bit distracting. However please don't let this put you off, because whether the editing got better or I just got so gripped by the story I no longer noticed it, I don't know, either way, by the third or fourth chapter I was a gonna, I was gripped, hook, line and sinker!!!

So onto what I loved.....The author certainly doesn't hold anything back, this is a gritty, raw and at times harrowing ride, and she is 100% accurate in her warning that this story is passionate, forbidden, morally incorrect and downright, fucking beautiful, I loved her clever writing style of alternating between past and present and I absolutely loved her amazingly descriptive and erotic sex scenes, (and may i just add how talented these biker men are at going from flaccid to erect in a matter of seconds!!!!)

I'm so glad I stuck with this story despite my early reservations because it turned out to be a hellova wild ride, and I can not wait to jump right back on and read the next book in what I have a feeling is going to be an amazing series!!!

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Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
May 14, 2017
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*I like bikers stars*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

I don't know why I suddenly found myself reading this one again, but I did, and it's a alright read. Not the best biker book out there, and not the best plot, but it's a little awesome, fast forward and has hot sex. Addison (21) and Cade Duke (29) are cute. The only thing I wish we gotten more of Addison with her dad, Jackson. I also still don't dig the word 'sugar, which is Cade's nickname of sorts for Addison. But overall, I still liked it just fine :)
“I’ve been in a place I don’t really want to share with the world. I know what it’s like to have a story you don’t want to tell. Not all stories have to be told, you know, sometimes…sometimes they are better left closed.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance
Series: - Series (Standalone?), Book One
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Cade Duke.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Yes.
Will I read this again in the future? - Probably.
New Rating - 3 stars.

First read review:
It was alright. Not the best biker book I've read, but it was still interesting.

Rate: 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,733 followers
December 11, 2015
I know I'm in the minority here, but I found this book to be completely underwhelming. I had a hard time buying the instalove between Addison and Cade. It was just way to fast and superficial to be believable, not to mention the fact that Addison shares her first "moment" with Cade after watching him get busy with another woman. Seriously? It must be true love! (Definitely rolling my eyes.)

As the story went on, I did start to like it and most of the characters. I never loved it and I never bought into the "deep love" between Addison and Cade. However, the sex scenes were hot and the story moved very quickly.

This was probably one of the fastest paced stories I've read in a while. I usually love a quick story, but in this case there was just too much going on in such a short period of time. The audiobook was only about 5 hours long, which is very short. In that time, Addison's past from childhood to adulthood was covered, she goes on the run, she falls in love, gets kidnapped, etc. I felt like I had whiplash! There certainly wasn't a dull moment, but a bit more character/storyline development would have made it more believable.

Overall, I liked it. I may, or may not, continue the series. I'm still undecided. I've loved so many of this author's other works, but this one failed to meet my expectations.
November 7, 2013

It's a shitty feeling to have no-one in the world that wants to love you.

I love a good biker book and Hell's Knights did not disappoint! This is Bella's debut novel and she has done a fantastic job of portraying broken and damaged characters who find healing and love in the most unexpected place.

Addison has had an horrific childhood - absolutely brutal and not one you would wish for anyone.

I will fight. I will beg, but in the end, the result is always the same. He will take what he wants, and he will leave a part of me that much more broken.

She leaves her past behind and ends up with a bunch of bikers and that is where she meets Cade. Holy hell, prepare yourself for him ok! I love a well written alpha male and Cade fits the bill! Cade is bossy, demanding and well...BOSSY! He does have a heart though and I easily fell for him (you could tell that I did, right??!!). Addison is a tough female character though and she struggles with his bossiness. This, of course, made for a great read - I do love me some hot, angsty tension between my alpha male and his woman!

So, apart from the angsty tension and the H.O.T. sex in this book (and there is plenty of that let me tell you!) I loved the glimpses of tenderness between Cade and Addi that we got. He saw through her and knew she was broken inside and wanted to help her see her own self worth.

"You might not think you're worth fighting for, or breathing for, but let me tell you, sugar - everyone deserves to be fought for, even those who think they aren't worth it."

Hell's Knights is a gritty story about one woman's journey through hell to a place where she can find acceptance, love and family; to a place where she finds those people in her life who want to love her.

**ARC given for honest review**

For more reviews visit my blog - Hook Me Up Book Blog

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October 27, 2019
4 Long Lost Biker Daddy Stars

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Hell's Knights was a good read. Yesterday I read a different MC book by a different author and it came off cheesy and unbelievable. So I was a little worried starting a new MC series but I really enjoyed this book. I felt Bella Jewel walked that fine line between Bad-ass biker but still kept it romantic. I liked both Cade and Addison. I felt they had a great connection. Cade came off sexy but rough around the edges. I liked that he was bad-ass like a biker should be but didn't come off so dickish(lol That's a word right?) that he was unlikable. Addison was sassy, hard, and a fighter. I loved that she didn't take anyone's shit. She had a really hard life, and my heart bled for her. However there were a few times that she would do stupid shit just to prove she could because "NO ONE CONTROLS HER"! Really stupid shit like walk home alone in the dark, after her ol man and father told her it wasn't safe because they all knew a evil pimp was coming after her. She was totally adulting like a boss!

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Cade and Addison had some hot smexy time. Cade was a sexy beast and Addison was game for anything. Which made for wild times. There was one time...(in band camp lol) I know it was suppose to be sexy but I laughed so damn hard. Just sayin'! I really liked Cade and Addison together. I also really loved Jackson, Addison's dad. I loved the plot of this book. I can't say this enough I hated Jasper(Addison's mom's pimp) and Addison's mom. I was so glad they both got what was coming to them. I know I'm bloodthirsty, but they were both pos and totally needed to feel pain. Overall I really enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Jackson's book, but first I have to read Spikes and I am not really looking forward to Spikes book. I liked Spike but the whole dead wife and getting with said dead wife's sister drama doesn't sound like something I will care for. Also on another note I didn't read this book I listened to it on audiobook and the woman that read this book did the weirdest voice for Cade. She made his sound like a drunk southern colonel sanders lol it was weird!!!

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,511 reviews5,350 followers
August 20, 2013


I found this biker book to be a decent ride. The story brings a reader from present and past until what Addison left behind is told to a reader.

”Looking after a woman I despise, because she’s all I have. That’s what I call tragic.”

The main character Addison is a survivor and she’s completely kick ass. She finds home and love in a biker compound while fleeing her dead prostitute mother and her pimp, Jasper. The storyline was original and believable.

I loved Addison’s relationship with her new found MC President father, Jackson. As for her instant attraction and love with Cade Duke the VP of the club, I bought it. They were pretty hot and heavy sexually and then they got creative which I found to be a little over the top but interesting.

The author does a fine job in writing a swoon worthy alpha biker, Cade Duke.

"You're the kind of girl that makes a man want to stop what he's doing, just so he can get a moment to look at that angelic face - a face that will keep him awake for the rest of his fuckin' life. That's the kind of girl you are, sugar."

”Somethin' about you, sugar, it's makin' everything I believed in feel like it never existed."

Jasper is still a threat to Addison. She has issues with following directions even when it involves her own safety for fear of not being in control of her own life.

Addison struggles with her past but recognizes the bright future she could have if she stops running and learns to trust the Hell’s Knights.

A character named Spike who has a past with Cade becomes a player in the story and it seems that he will be the main character in the next book, due out September 2013, called Heaven’s Sinners.

”I’m finally happy, and it fucking rocks.
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,964 reviews33.8k followers
August 19, 2013
This was a decent read. I liked it well enough, though I should preface that by saying that my expectations weren't very high and I know I won't ever re-read it.

IMO, it had a lot more potential than was realized. Also, the main female does stuff that's eye rolling. You know the old "I'm going to choose the absolute worst time ever to assert myself and it's obviously going to end badly because I was stupid" kind of moment? Yeah, that happened a couple times. Annoying.

Other than that, the author has potential so I might read the next one.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
December 27, 2013
4 stars
“You’re mine. You can argue that, you can run, you can play games, but the in the end, the result is still the same. I won’t be lettin’ you go anytime soon. Best you fuckin’ learn to live with it. If I didn’t think you wanted this as much as me, I would let you walk away, but you know as well as I do, this goes far deeper than sex.”

Running away from the her fucked-up life and the one man that thought owned her, Addison finally got the break she needed to be free. The woman who called herself her mother is finally dead, but in reality she was more of a whore and addict than a mother. Trying to make a brand new start she turns to her father, the president of the Hell’s Knights MC, the man who she thought left her in her own hell all those years ago. Having survived all on her own with no one to turn to, she finds it hard to trust these men trying to keep them at arm’s length, after all this is all temporary; she plans on saving enough money to run away for good and pray that her past never finds her.
Feeling means losing, and I can’t lose. My mother might have fucked up my life when I was younger, but it doesn’t mean I have to live like that forever. I’m free now, and I plan on doing everything I can to fight for the life I know I deserve.

Cade is everything she doesn’t need right now, he is domineering and too perceptive for his own good...and the way he makes her feel scares her, making her all to aware of the power he could have over her if she wasn’t careful. She’s spent way too many years, being used and abused that no man will ever get to tell her what to do again. Battling her body was never in her plans, but damn the traitor for revealing her needs to him each time he came close and the more she pushes him the more he forces his way into her life.
“You dirty dance,” he growls , leaning down to my ear. “It’s with me.”

“You kiss,” he snarls. “It’s with me.”

“You get fuckin’ touched, it’s by me.”

“You fuck,” he hisses. “It’s with my fuckin’ cock inside you.”

Addison’s past catches back up with her, seeking revenge with a vengeance and if she wants the club’s protection she’s gonna have to swallow her pride and finally share her story. Every protective instinct in Cade’s body responds to this woman, she was his, plain and simple, he just had to get this stubborn girl to understand.
“You might not think you’re worth fighting for, or breathing for, but let me tell you, sugar – everyone deserves to be fought for, even those who think they aren’t worth it.”

Addison went from a life where it was her against the world to a home where she felt protected and loved, that didn’t mean she sat back and did everything they wanted her to do...no, she would fight them tooth and nail the entire way just to prove to herself that she can, even if it means putting herself in more danger.

Hell’s Knight had what I love about a good biker book, an alpha man who knew what he want and took it, never hesitating to do what’s right and protect what’s his. The way he spoke to her had me squirming in my seat. The only thing that annoyed me was Addison, I get that she is only twenty-one, but for someone who was forced to grow up so quickly you would think she would be more agreeable on the terms they set to keep her safe. I can’t wait to read the next one!

*** Reviewed on 12.26.2013 :)
Profile Image for Erth.
4,043 reviews
May 14, 2020
Addison's mother is dead, and she's left to find her father who left years ago, she doesn't even remember him and Addison has nowhere else to go.
Her father Jackson is the president of the Hell's Knights motorcycle club. Addison is feisty and hard headed. She's had to grow tough due to her upbringing. Her life has been very hard.

She arrives at the Hell's Knights compound, her father Jackson is pleased to see her, but doesn't like Addison's attitude. It's here she also meets Cade the Vice President of the club, Cade is tall dark and handsome, but arrogant and cocky. They have instant chemistry. But trouble is coming Addison's way. She hasn't quite escaped her past.

First read for me by this author, I liked her style, it's direct and makes no apologies for saying it how it is. There are some hard to read scenes in this. So it's not going to be for people who are concerned about content.
I liked this quite a lot, it doesn't pull any punches, but there's also plenty of emotion and deep feelings as well. I liked Cade and Addison together they were well matched.

I will certainly be reading the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
November 16, 2014

Hell’s Knight is pleasurable & hot biker romance, but it’s just decent. I guess there isn’t many things I can bitch about but it is just a little bit predictable which make it a let down. I hoped this story will literally kick my ass, but unfortunately it did not. It’s a book that can be written in ‘meh’ or ‘read it and forget about it’ category. So, yes you can say I hoped for more.

Addison’s mother is dead. She overdosed, now 21 year old and lonely, Addison finds her father, who is President in MC Hell’s Knight. She had horrible childhood filled with abuse and rape, and now she has to escape from the man who seeks revenge.

Addison meets Cade who’s also a biker. We have some insta lust. End of story.

I totally don’t understand how person could be raped from the age of thirteen and call herself „sexual” enough to seek sex on daily basis. I’m not an expert in sexual abuse, but I thought being raped makes you hate being intimate. It just didn’t add up.

I did get short, albeit sensual and erotic to the core novel, with hot alpha male, who’s also dirty talker, which is always a nice big plus and sizzling sex. I feel unsatisfied and confused. The story felt rushed and not quite well thought.

Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
Shelved as 'top-of-my-tbr'
August 7, 2013
Yup, I'm a sucker for a biker!
That moment when a book shoots to the TOP of your TBR list.

Goodreads synopsis
Sex. Who really knows sex? I mean, we've all had sex, great sex even but when you get down to the details, how many of us actually see sex for the raw, primal act that it is?

I thought I knew sex. I've had sex. Heck, I've felt lust. Once, I've even felt love. I thought I knew exactly what sex was.

Until I met Cade.

He's the meaning of sex.

He's a biker.

He's dangerous.

He's powerful.

He's dominant.

He wants me.

My world is about to change, for the better? I don't know. But here's my story, I hope you're ready for it because it's not the beautiful, heart wrenching story most people have to tell. It's passionate, forbidden, morally incorrect and downright, fucking beautiful.
Profile Image for Diana.
598 reviews18 followers
May 15, 2019
Biker books are not my usual genre, but I had to read one for a challenge that I am participating in. Hell’s Knights was a little rough, especially the first half. By the 2nd half of the book, I was really hooked into the story and was wondering how it would all play out.

Both main characters, Addison and Cade have pasts that they are struggling with, but together they are stronger and determined to make their rocky relationship work It isn’t until Addison’s pasts comes back that Cade realizes his feelings towards her.

All in all, I enjoyed book one, and I look forward to the rest of the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,375 reviews1,343 followers
February 5, 2015
3.5 Stars

Insta love-check! Insta lust-check! Do I care? Not at all!


Addison is one 21 year old who has been through hell and back. Growing up in an abusive home with a druggie/hooker of a mother. She never knew her father. She only knows that he is the President of an MC. When her mother dies, Addison takes off to find her father. She makes a grand entrance and interrupts church. This heroine has no impulse control. She acts without thinking. Her father agrees to take her in. Before she makes her way to set up in her new home, she sets her sites on one of the officers of the MC.

"He has the face of a dark angel. Dark messy hair, green eyes so emerald they’re piercing, and a set of lips that, well, are downright kissable."-Addison

It doesn't take long for Addison to settle in. She is no stranger to acclimating to her surroundings. The time shifts in this book from past to the present. The flashbacks are what allow us to glimpse into Addison's past. It is not pretty.

"I hate being the child that isn’t wanted. It’s a shitty feeling to have no one in the world that wants to love you. Not one, single person." -Addison


It takes Addison about one hot second before she is making a love connection with Cade. Although the insta lust/ insta love factor might bother some readers, sometimes I savor a quick connection so we can just get on with it! Addison's behavior was a bit redundant in that she just keeps making stupid mistakes. She is very immature and I found myself wanting to shake her a few times. Her insecurities and stubborness, although warranted, were a bit overkill at times.

"Well, news flash, this little black duck does not follow rules, in fact, she likes to break all those rules."-Addison

Still the way that Addison and Cade connect is smoking hot! There is just something about men and motorcycles!


The formula for this book isn't a hard code to crack. Addison's past comes back to haunt her. Cade wants to protect her. Addison doesn't want to be a "kept woman" and continues to try to push him away. The pull to be with him is just too strong. Coupled with Cade's tortured past, we have a pretty interesting story developing.

“You’re safe here, you know that right? Whatever you’re running from, it can’t touch you here.”-Cade

As tensions continue to build, Addison is broken and of course Cade saves the day.

Overall, Hell's Knights was a good read. The transformation Addison makes throughout the book is remarkable and the healing that takes place between her and her father was beautiful. The steam factor is high and there is a decent amount of action to keep the plot driving forward. I would definitely check out the next book in the series.

Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
July 14, 2020
3 Hell's Knights Stars
* * * Spoiler Free-An Early 2013 Review
There are so many reasons why a reader will choose a book on GR. We see all of these status updates with fantastic creative comments drawing our interest. Add the blurb about the book; factor in a specific genre and you have the flashpoint of the reader deciding to commit their time and money to read said book.

Hell's Knights was that combination for me.
It piqued enough interest, had a perfect blurb allowing the imagination to work and I decided to read more.

The main character, Addison, has had a tragic life. She has been surrounded and held captive by drugs, prostitution, and violence.

It was as if she was raised by wolves. Actually I take that back as wolves would have been more loving and caring than her mother. She was told she was a product of a one night stand with a biker and that is all she knew of her father.

With all this crap surrounding her, Addison realized the only person she could rely on was herself. She never had any love in her life. She had extreme violence inflicted on her and her desire to escape from this living hell was what got her through each day.

The story covers her meeting her father; her love interest, Cade, and all the drama surrounding why she is on the run. The blurb which outlined Cade’s personality held true. What I read about him was what I got. He is that guy who "claims" his partner and then bosses them “for their own good”. There was a lot of sex; on bikes, in biker bars and with a lot of growling.

A lot of growling.

This had standard biker elements; an interesting back story for the main characters and creative steam. There were elements of truth and honesty which I appreciated. There was no cliff hanger. The next Hell’s Knights will be out later this year.

Hell's Knights (The MC Sinners, #1) by Bella Jewel Hell's Knights (The MC Sinners, #1)
Heaven's Sinners (The MC Sinners, #2) by Bella Jewel Heaven's Sinners (The MC Sinners, #2)
Knights' Sinner (The MC Sinners, #3) by Bella Jewel Knights' Sinner (The MC Sinners #3)

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways

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Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
October 28, 2013
"Hell's Knights" is the beginning of what potentially could turn into a very good series. The storyline was one that I was able to fall right into, and I developed enough interest in the characters to see where they were headed through out the story. The complaint that I have is that I found the first half of the book to move along way too fast. In other words, the hero and heroine's attraction had no time to build, they just all of a sudden were hot for each other and fell into bed..or..I should say..they "did it" on the bike! Yes, you did hear right, and I will say that it was a pretty steamy scene! In fact, I learned a lot of firsts when it came to the sex in this book! Sex on a bike, getting pleasured while doing a handstand (you did hear that right!), and let us not forget that Cade is pierced where the sun don't shine! As far as the story line though, it did move too quickly at times, and I found that I would have liked way more depth to the characters. Another thing that rubbed me a bit raw was that the dialogue in this sounded suspicioulsly like how Kristen Ashley's characters talk. In my opinion, KA is the only author that can get away with writing like that, and when I read it in someone else's book; it just didn't sit right with me. To be fair though, I did work on overlooking that and I am glad to say that I did. As the book progressed it did become a little bit smoother, to the point that I was able to enjoy the story being told.

Addison is a girl that has lived a hard life full of sorrow and abuse. She ends up on the run after her mother has overdosed and passed away. She turns up at the compound of the Hell's Knight's" MC, where her father Jackson is the president. They are reunited after many years of not seeing each other due to her mother keeping them seperated. Their relationship has many bumps, but deep down both of them have the hopes of something more. One of the members of the club is the sexy Cade, he is also the Vice President and he sets his sights on the beautiful Addison as soon as she walks through that door.

In typical MC fashion, there are secrets and danger at every turn. Addison has failed to mention that she is in hiding from someone that played a big part of her past. This person is out for revenge, and the bottom line is, she is in major danger and no one knows about it. As she becomes closer and closer to Cade, as well as her father; the guilt sets in and she knows that she needs to come clean about who she is running from. Will her father be willing to put his club in danger, just to save a daughter who he has just met? Will Cade keep her by his side, even though she was fully honest with him from day one? The answer to these questions and more are revealed during this sexy and somewhat dark tale of a girl who tries to rise above the abuse she has suffered in her life.

I am looking forward to the next story to learn more about the hardcore, bad ass; Spike. He is a member of another club called, Hell's Sinners. His story is one of extreme grief and loss, and he was a character that was introduced in this first book and I immediately wanted to know more about him! All in all, this was a pretty good first book in the series. It would have been nice to have gotten to know more of the other members of the club, as I have always felt that the comraderie of the group is a big part of what makes the MC"S stories more enjoyable. It was a big factor that I felt was missing out of this story, and it could have enriched it all that much more.
Bella Jewel is an author who I feel in time will keep getting better and better, and she is someone who I will definitely look twice at when her future books come out.
Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews275 followers
September 20, 2013

This book was wowzer as I had a hot dirty mouth biker in it, in the name Cade Duke! But one thing to be prepared from this book, it is not a beautiful biker love story, it is downright dirty, gritty, bloody and messed-up!

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The main reason I picked Hell's Knight was BIKER!!!!!!! *Admits again, Jay from SOA did this to me*

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Addison, our girl had been living with her mum since at the age four, the day her mum left her dad, the bad-ass biker, Jackson. Living with her mom should have been beautiful, safe life for her instead of staying with bikers. That's where we are wrong!! Her mum's lifestyle is even so messed-up. Poor girl has gone tough life, until her mum dies. She is broken and damaged inside.

She runs away back to her dad! She was in hiding from her mum's past and debts. It's there where she meets Cade, VP of Hell's Knights!


Has a face of dark angel. Dark messy hair, green eyes, a set of downright kissable lips, tattooed, pierced, deep and husky voice

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And Addison,

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Addison and Cade had that spark of desire when they met. They resist each other first and Cade comes closer, well then we have very very dirty talker Cade in <3

When we think, they are moving past her fears and his past.......

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It is nice read, and I really intrigued with Spike... as he was nicknamed because he has spikes in his.... *giggles* and he has fetishes. Looking forward to read him next!

Back to dirty mouth Cade,

"Sugar, if I wanted my d**k wet, I could get it wet anywhere, with anyone. I don't want my d**k wet. I want it fuckin' drenched, drippin' and surrounded in you"

"Sugar, my c**k is goin' inside you tonight and you know it. "

"You dirty dance, it's with me"
"You kiss, it's with me"
"You get fuckin' touched, it's by me"
"You f**k, It's with my f**kin' c**k inside you"

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If you are in mood for a biker, go for it!
Happy reading!

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Profile Image for Chris- Bookaddict.
768 reviews253 followers
October 2, 2013
That ended way to fast But it was damn GOOD !!!!

"It’s a shitty feeling to have no one in the world that wants to love you. Not one, single person."

This is the story of Cade and Addison. Addison had a crappy life growing up, her mom dies and she is left with turning to a father who is the president of Hell's Knights MC Club, she never knew or met him. She has no choice but to go to him now for his help.

After she meets her dad, she then meets his vice-president Cade, and although their first meeting is not all it's cracked up to be Cade and Addison start to feel things for each other.

“Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, your face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won’t shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine.”

These two broken people find love within each other and when Addison's past comes after her Cade is there to protect her and make sure nothing bad happens to her.

"Cade fits me. There’s just something about him that fits. He molds into me in a way no one has before. It both frightens me and thrills me."

For a debut Novel Bella did a fantastic job with this one. It was full of Hot Alpha Biker Men, hot sex scenes,( that will leave you saying OMG ). The only thing I disliked about it was I felt it was kind of rushed. I wanted more of Addison and Cade

"Who knew a group of bikers really could be my happy ending?"


An MC club, a tattooed biker, yup I was all in for this one.....

After reading the synopsis for this book I was dying to get my hands on it. who does not want a Hot tattooed, Alpha Man biker. I mean just read the synopsis and you will be pulled in.

How is this for a teaser !!!! you can find more On Bella's FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author...

I can not WAIT for this book !!!!

Here it is. Unedited. Subject to change. This teaser is from an erotic book so please don't read if this offends you!

Hell's Knights released 20th August 2013.

I dance, twirling, singing, having the time of my life. I know Cade is watching, he's always watching, but he knows I won't give in. He's been claiming me as his "Old Lady" for the past week, yet he's had little to no control over me. I am no ones property. Not that being owned by Cade is a bad thing, but hey, I love giving him a challenge.
I wiggle to my left and shimmy into another biker. I look up to see Spike, Cade's best friend. He's a very attractive man, with an unattractive past. He grins down at me and his green eyes sparkle with amusement. Spike has a wild side, just like me, so he knows exactly what I'm doing.
"I love that you're a tease, but lady, you're givin' him that look."
"What look?" I ask, sliding up against him so we're just touching.
"The 'if she does that again, I'll explode' look,"
I grin up at Spike, but before I can answer Cade has me, hands on my arms, spinning me around so I'm pressed against every inch of him.
"You dirty dance," he growls. "It's with me."
I open my mouth to argue, but he slams his mouth down over mine. He curls his fingers arounds my hips and kisses me until my head spins. When he pulls back, I'm panting, wet and fuck...now I need him.
"You kiss, it's with me."
He runs a finger down my belly until he gets to the bottom of my dress. His finger slides up the inside of my thigh until he's stroking my damp panties.
"You get touched, it's by me."
His voice is raspy, but mostly it's dangerous.
"You fuck, it's my cock inside you."
I open my mouth but he cuts me off with a sharp look that just dares me to keep going.
"And sugar," he murmurs leaning close. "If you play with me like that again, you won't like how it ends. That ain't a threat, it's a fuckin' promise."
August 29, 2013
Four Stars

”Sugar, if I wanted my dick wet, I could get it wet anywhere, with anyone. I don’t want my dick wet. I want it fuckin’ drenched, drippin’ and surrounded in you.”

**Jaw Drop**

Ladies, did that get your attention? For those of you who know me, I’m a huge fan of dirty talk. Like. Huge. Yes, pun intended. I think that’s why this book called to me. First off it’s a biker book. Like Celebrity/Rock star books, Biker books call to me. It never fails. Bikers are all Alpha, all badass, and uber possessive of those they love. It’s like imbedded in their genes or something. And the dirty talk…H-O-T! Oh yea. I freaking devoured this book!

“Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, your face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won’t shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine.”

Addison is up a shits creek without a paddle. She’s twenty-one years old with no money, no job and her life, which was already in the toilet, worsened when her druggie-whore mother died. Now her only choice is to go to her father, the president of the Hell’s Knights MC. Not only does she find out that he didn’t abandon them, but that he indeed loved her and her mother. Though she is very hesitant in the beginning, she can’t help but start to feel that maybe her life is starting to change. However, she her past isn’t completely behind her. She’s haunted and hunted; she has to be careful to not make the same mistakes that screwed up her life. This includes staying away from MC bad-boy Cade Duke.

“I don’t want a simple fuck though, I want something that’s real. Something like you…”

Cade, Cade, Cade. He’s trouble and he’s sex on a fucking stick. I love Cade. When he sets his mind to something, God help anyone who stands in his way. What he wants is Addison. When she first comes waltzing through the club like she didn’t give a fuck, he was immediately in lust. She’s an enigma to him and very much a challenge. She doesn’t make it easy for him. The more she rejects him, the harder he tries because there was something about her that made him want to protect her, especially from her past. It was only a matter of time before Addison would succumb to his charms.

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this book. I loved Cade’s dirty talk and Addison’s take-no-shit attitude. The sex was off-the-charts-HOT and the story kept me turning the pages. This definitely quenched my Alpha Hero Biker needs and will hopefully quench yours too. Very much looking forward to the next book in the series.


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Profile Image for Vishous.
611 reviews579 followers
February 23, 2015

well.... honestly i felt no sympathy for the heroine, she was extremely irritating and extremely "loud" and i felt like all she did was shout all the time... i can't stand loud ppl in general, in RL, and she was "shouting " CONSTANTLY!

and she was so stupid! no i don't care what she went through in her life bc she was simply frustrating!

i didn't connect to any character, or the story, bc the writing style was simply.... well... lacking... i didn't feel any debth with characters, even though you find out EVERYTHING about them in like.... on the second page...

and she was so annoying and i just can't stand her....

but i will read second book bc i want to read the scene about spikes....

i have a feeling curiosity will kill the cat...
2,042 reviews24 followers
September 8, 2013
I was absolutely astonished at the bashing that this book has received from some social media sites. So before I begin my review DO NOT compare this to any other biker story. It is NOT Kristen Ashley, It is Not Madeline Sheehan nor is it CM Stunich.

Like a lot of stories with the same genre you will always get similarities – bad ass bikers, piercings, cavemen all the way - I just love them. Comparing this book to other biker stories is like comparing a walnut to a peanut. Of course there are similarities in the story because the bad ass persona is pretty much the same no matter how you dress it up.

However this is where the similarity ends. Bella Jewel has made the differences with the writing style (loved it), the characters (superb) and has created a book that is unique to her alone.

Life is not easy when you have no one. Everything that you do, you have to do alone. That is Addy’s shitty life. She has no one to help when trouble knocks on the door and no one to share her tears with. Her family – her father Jackson is some big ass biker and the President of Hell’s Knight MC Club. Addy is the result of a one night stand between him and her mother. She has no self esteem and believes she is scum. Her mother is a whore who screws anyone to get money for drugs and lives in an endless cycle of self destruction. As a child this was the path that she took her daughter on. There isn’t much Addy doesn’t know, perverse sexual acts, little food and Jasper – her mothers pimp and evil personified who makes the difference between being homeless and living in the hovel she called home. But this magnanimous act of Jaspers comes at a price.

Addy’s escape mechanism was drugs, has know affection from only one man but he eventually left her too. Then one night, one horrible situation too much, she is forced to run to Jackson because of her actions.

The initial meeting between daughter and father is explosive but they soon realize that the assumptions about each others lives were wrong. At the same time she meets Cade Duke, delicious, bad ass tattooed biker who gets her back up when he calls her “sugar”.

She slowly finds happiness, a family and love in Hell’s Knights but we know that secrets have a habit of not staying secret for long. Jasper finds her via a hot biker named Spike. He not only turns Addie’s world on her axis but he also has a heart-breaking connection to Cade.

So don’t read this book if think it is just going to be just another biker story. It’s not. Bella Jewel takes you on one hot, sexy bad ass ride. For me this author has created a panty melting, serious hot story, mixed with sass, sex and seriously alpha bikers.

Bella Jewel…. I cannot wait for more of the MC Sinners Series especially if they are all going to be this hot! Spike’s story is up next and will be released in September.

So get your fingers moving and “one click” this book. You won’t regret it.

Profile Image for Jessi McMullen .
179 reviews71 followers
August 22, 2014

Addison has been raised by her hooker, drug addict mother, who has never in her life shown her an ounce of love. Till one day she OD's and dies. Addison is left with no money to her name and nowhere to go. The only family she has left is a father she has not seen since she was four years old. She is left with no choice but to go to him for help, because when her mother died, she was left to clean up the mess and deal with her angry pimp.

“You didn’t think my mother raised me in a nice neighborhood with rainbows and lollipops, did you?" He looks shocked. The big, bad-ass biker looks shocked. “Yeah, I fuckin’ did.”

He father turns out to the President of a motorcycle club. Growing up the way she did, Addi is not a push over and the can hold her own with the bikers. Till she meets the the VP Cade. Walking sex.

He's to sexy to resist, no matter how hard you fight it.

The two have an instant chemistry. Cade sees what he wants and nothing will get in his way, including Addi's father his Prez. Cade, even though a big bad biker, has a soft side for Addi and wants to protect her. Only Addi, having been controlled and locked up her whole life, rebels when Cade tries to boss her around. Which only leads her to trouble from her past coming to get her.

Well, news flash, this little black duck does not follow rules, in fact, she likes to break all those rules.

“I hate you when you’re bossy,” I say, before spinning on my heel. “You fuckin’ love me, you moody little shit.”

I loved this book. It has your big badass sexy bikers, a sweet love story and family reuniting after years and learning to love again. Cade and Addi's relationship is hot and sweet at the same time. Her discovering love for her father after thinking all these years that he didn't love her, is amazing and will have you fighting back tears (I didn't cry but was close, it was really sweet to see that relationship developing)

He picked up my pieces and put me back together, even when I thought no glue would hold. Turns out Cade was my glue, and in a sense, I think I am his.

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
August 21, 2013
3.5 Stars!

Well...I liked this one, I did. It wasn't anything knew for the MC genre. In fact, it was rather predictable. The characters were likable enough, the writing was decent. There wasn't a lot of depth--afterall this was only 200ish pages. But the sex, the sex was.....

Only....for sex being mentioned 9 times in the blurb, I kind of thought there might be more.

What can I say...I like the book nookie! *wink, wink*

In summary:

Heroine's dad is President of the MC--CHECK
Heroine is running from her past--CHECK
Heroine falls in love with VP of the MC--CHECK
"Past" is looking for heroine--CHECK
Scorned ex-lover helps said "past" find heroine--CHECK

So...as you can see the storyline was pretty much like almost every other MC book out there. I just happened to like Cade, the hero in this books more then I have liked some of the other hero's.

Some of my favorite quotes from Cade:

"You're the kind of girl that makes a man want to stop what he's doing, just so he can get a moment to look at that angelic face--a face that will keep him awake for the rest of his fuckin' life. That's the kind of girl you are, sugar."

"You might not think you're worth fighting for, or breathing for, but let me tell you, sugar--everyone deserves to be fought for, even those who think they aren't worth it."

"And sugar," he murmurs, leaning close, "if you ever play with me like that again, you won't like how it ends. That ain't a fuckin' threat either; it's a mother fuckin' promise."

So...if you like the MC genre in general, I would recommend giving this one a try. It was a quick, short read. It was a standalone with a HEA. The other books in the series will be about other chracters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,516 reviews

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