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Belize Dreams #1

Romancing Miss Stone

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His perfectly planned life is about to go wild.

By-the-numbers Bo Ferguson has his future all planned. Then his archaeologist fiancée dumps him. Via text. From Belize. Navigating the rainforest to win her back is way out of Bo’s comfort zone, but so is the idea of starting over. Fortunately, he’s secured a tour guide willing to lead him into the unmapped jungle. Unfortunately, she’s annoying, impulsive—and attractive as hell.

Jungle expert Alexandra Stone is in no position to turn down a job after her regrettable ex stole everything from her family business and ran. Sure, Bo might be frustratingly uptight, but Alex needs the money. And besides, there’s something…fun about pushing the guy’s adorably rigid buttons, especially when it clearly gets a rise out of him.

But the close confines of their shared camp make it hard to ignore the tension beneath the bickering, prompting the sweltering heat between them to erupt into sweaty, wild passion. Bo can’t deny his brief time with Alex has been the most exciting of his life. But the journey they’re on still leads to one place—his ex-fiancée—forcing Bo and Alex to confront their pasts, their fears and the question of just where this adventure will take them…

288 pages, Paperback

Published June 25, 2024

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About the author

M.C. Vaughan

8 books35 followers
M.C. Vaughan is a Baltimore-based author of contemporary romance riddled with humor and local flavor. So, if you want to giggle throughout your sexy stories, welcome! You’ll root for her characters as they fall for their perfect people...and you’ll simultaneously shake your head as they stumble along the way.

She grew up in a house crowded with family, friends, books, music, and the occasional ghost. After graduating from Georgetown University with a degree in English literature (and an unofficial major in student-run theatre), she worked in sports marketing, higher education, toy production, and software development.

Currently, she lives in Maryland with her husband and three delightful kids.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews
Profile Image for Aabha.
146 reviews6 followers
August 15, 2024
Boaz Jasper Ferguson- the man that you are. 🙏😻

Guys. This book is so good. Please read it. It’s short and fun and humorous and everything good.

I love love love Bo. This is man is so sexy. He’s hot and competent and observant and respectful and sexy. He also has sinewy biceps AND wears glasses. Definition of proper in the streets but animal in the sheets. Sigh. So perfect.

Alex has some issues she needs to work through but she is pretty cool though she does suffer from quirky contemporary FMC syndrome. Please get better Alex. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

The characters relationship might seem a bit sudden but Vaughn makes it work. Bo and Alex have deep meaningful conversations while simultaneously admiring the other’s attractive qualities. 😛 Let’s hope these two don’t break up anytime soon…
Profile Image for Valarie - WoodsyBookworm .
119 reviews5 followers
March 20, 2024
3.5/5 🦜 Romancing Miss Stone 🦜

Tropes: Opposites Attract, Hurt-Comfort, Insta Love, Grumpy Sunshine 🌞

Bo Ferguson is a quiet homebody who suddenly receives a notification from his fiance that she's breaking up with him...over text. Not taking the break-up text as the end of his relationship, Bo decides to be spontaneous and book a flight to Belize to confront his destiny (capital 'D' Destiny that is - his fiance).

Alex Stone is a fiery tour guide in desperate need of money to pay back a loan she took out on her travel company after the loss of her father. In dire need of funds, she might have just found her meal ticket in sweet and simple Bo.

But when sparks fly between the two will they discover the missing piece they've been looking for in each other or will Bo's mission and Alex's own past heartbreak get in the way?

I enjoyed the banter and how Alex walked Bo through his panic attacks - they had good chemistry and were sarcastic with each other but they also knew when to stop pushing and be real.

Overall this was a cute rom-com reminiscent of its parodied namesake, Romancing The Stone, with lower stakes and a fun role reversal.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Publishing for the eARC copy!
Profile Image for Natalie.
3,003 reviews100 followers
September 5, 2024
2.5 stars, rounded up

I love the cover and the punny title of this book. I also love reading adventure romances. This was very much on the romance end of the spectrum as compared to the adventure end of the spectrum. There wasn’t really any excitement at all, which I think was to the book’s detriment. It was more about Bo chasing down his ex-fiancée in Belize to try to find out why she ended their engagement. The setting of Belize was wonderful and I loved seeing all the animals in the jungle, but on the whole, the stakes were pretty low. I also didn’t like that Alex’s ex who stole her money was never found and brought to justice. It made the ending more open than I would have liked. Maybe the ex boyfriend plotline will continue in the second book? It was still a cute read, though definitely more romance focused than adventure focused.

**Read for Book Scavenger Hunt — read outside**
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Booked on Lattes.
446 reviews23 followers
April 19, 2024
POV: Dual
Spice: 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

This is a cute and quick read with my favorite part being that the FMC, Alex, is the adrenaline junkie adventurer instead of the guy! Bo is a strait laced planner so they are complete opposites but of course it works for them, as they both help each other be the best versions of themselves.

I was hoping for a little more suspense, and there ended up being none, but there is a lot of action as they venture through the Belizean jungle. This never bothers me personally, but it is a little on the insta love side, as although they go through a lot together, it’s in a short amount of time. Perfect book if you would like to read about others going on a crazy adventure as you lounge at the beach or pool!
Profile Image for Kara | karas_reads.
160 reviews42 followers
April 18, 2024
This was a fun adventure romance. It gave me The Lost City vibes (without the bad guys), and I gobbled it up. It might have benefitted from a little more character development, but it made up for that with the amazing Belize setting.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Myka  Gilliam.
176 reviews
July 3, 2024
This was the cute romance I needed. I devoured this book. Thank you to Edelweiss for giving me access to the ARC. I love a badass heroine and a cinnamon roll nerdy man!
Profile Image for Cait.
2,514 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2024
Really did not like either of the MC's, which is a moderate problem...
Profile Image for Liralen.
3,087 reviews233 followers
September 11, 2024
Alex is a down-on-her-luck adventure guide, and when Bo shows up willing to pay a premium to get to his destination fast, she thinks the tide has finally turned. Plus, Bo's hot. Never mind that Bo's destination is the archaological site where his ex-fiancée is working...and that he wants to get his ex back.

I read this for the cover and the Belize setting. I'll keep this review short, because...well, because I don't have that much to say. The book is a very quick read and a good bunch of fun, though some of the more adventurous stuff happens off-page—e.g., Bo's travels through the wilds near the end of the book. As usual, I found myself disappointed by how unpleasant the ex is made out to be: it's not enough that she and Bo just weren't a good match; she also has to be disinterested in animals and disinterested in Bo's feelings and selfish and unethical and generally kind of a bitch. I know, I know; it's so that the reader knows that Bo will actually get over her and not have unresolved feelings. But that's...not how feelings work? This isn't a comment specific to this book (I have complained many a time about the proliferation of evil exes in romance), but it always brings a book down for me.

Fun enough otherwise, but not particularly memorable; I doubt I'll be continuing with the series.
Profile Image for Reneé.
338 reviews
April 13, 2024
I saw the title and cover and knew I had to read this since I LOVE Romancing the Stone, and this book delivered. I love how the author took the movie and swapped the gender roles for the book - Alex Stone is our impulsive, jungle savvy tour guide while Bo is our stoic, has a 10 year plan man on the hunt for closure from his ex-fiancee who dumped him over text. Both of our main character have been hurt by love and find themselves opening up to each other on their journey through the jungle to confront Bo's ex.

Now I do wish there was more of a mystery aspect like Romancing the Stone and wish they focused more on the culture and the artifacts found at the dig site. However, Mare - I'm obsessed with her best friend, the dancing scene - I literally screamed, and all the parts I laughed out loud made me enjoy this book. Plus there was some great spice if you're looking for that! Cannot wait for book 2!

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Bethany Hall.
725 reviews14 followers
April 14, 2024
Romancing Miss Stone was a really fun and quick read. Bo and Alex had sizzling chemistry from the get-go. Their banter was great and their attraction was immediate. Bo learns how to take adventures and Alex’s walls around her heart start to crumble.

Also….Only one tent! Then only one bed! Jungle adventures! Spicy scenes that were hot and communicative! I loved how Bo learned about himself over the course of a week, and how he started thinking about now versus planning ten years ahead. He was vulnerable, and he had that nerdy hot thing going. I also really loved how Alex brought out the fun side of Bo. She took charge, and enjoyed her life.

It was a perfect read for a Saturday afternoon with just enough spice, sweetness, and happily ever after. I also think there is potential for a series here, with Bo’s sister being next up…

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for lolly  ୨ৎ.
56 reviews
July 30, 2024
oh, this book was so FUN. it was short and to the point, but it managed to avoid feeling insta-lovey. the author’s writing is refreshing, and they described things in ways that truly scratched an itch in my brain.

i loved alex and bo. they were too cute, and their banter and chemistry was on point the entire time. i was hooked on their little adventure through the jungle.

i usually don’t care but i want to say that the smut was well-done and didn’t feel cringey at all. i can’t fucking STAND when i’m reading a novel with smut in it and i don’t even know what’s happening because the author is being vague and cryptic about body parts and positions. it’s sex, not a sacrificial ritual.

my only problem was the confrontation with bo’s ex-fiancée. it was a bit of a let down and felt like he didn’t resolve shit??? other than that, i really have no complaints. i devoured this in a couple days and i can’t wait for the second book in the series!
Profile Image for Marie.
197 reviews5 followers
September 8, 2024
This book was my Sunday well spent! I couldn’t put it down and loved being transported to Belize!

We meet Bo (from the city) and Alex (from the jungle) as they go on an adventure through the jungle to find Bo’s ex fiancée!

What an adventure it was and so much fun, I loved it! Who doesn’t love a few aww moments and cute one liners! Today, I was here for it!!

I also enjoyed how different the two main characters were. Alex was adventurous, outdoorsy and impulsive whereas Bo is a planner, cautious and a little uptight. This made it very entertaining, it was so much fun watching these two together. I had some laugh out loud moments and some heart racing moments too!

The banter and tension build up was perfect, a couple of spicy scenes and a great story overall.

Highly recommend if you’re looking for a romance read with a bit of spice, some laughs and a trip to Belize!

Thank you so much @romanceanz and @harlequinaus for sending me this copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kate.
662 reviews5 followers
March 12, 2024
The cover of this book is so beautiful, which is what initially drew me in. I also was intrigued by the title, because I figured it would be like Romancing the Stone, which is a 1984 with the same looking style and a book about adventure, which I figured this was as well. It definitely reminded me of the movie, a modern day take on it, with the romance prominent. The romance is so well done, as is the adventure aspect of the book, and the author does well with combining the two elements. It was a wildly entertaining book with just a lot of fun and low stakes adventure. This is such a fun rom com that is dripping with chemistry, spice, funny moments and of course, a wild ride!

Thank you to NetGalley, M.C. Vaughan, and Harlequin for the eARC of this book!
Profile Image for BooktothePointe.
454 reviews7 followers
July 2, 2024
Delightful summer adventure romance romp. Bo, who is laced up and plans everything, gets a breakup text from his fiance from Belize. When she doesn't return his phone calls or texts, he decides to go after her to discover why she ghosted. Alex is his guide once he arrives in Belize and she very much lives in the moment and finds adventure everywhere. Through many shenanigans along the way, they each balance the other out in ways they'd not realized they needed. I loved how Bo learned to enjoy the moment and also how Alex let someone care for her by the end.

CW: panic attacks on page, parent death prior to story
Profile Image for Sybil.
66 reviews
September 30, 2024
I ran across this book in my library app and thought I'd give it a try and I'm glad I did. This was a feel good HEA. It's a boy meets girl, girl dumps boy and then boy tries to get her back. But along the way, he falls in love with someone else. I love the chemistry between these two characters. I loved the MMC. He was genuine and different. Most MMC men are rugged a holes but this is a really nice guy. And he has no idea he is a really nice guy which makes him so sexy. The banter btw these characters are great and the story line is original. This was a quick read that I really enjoyed.
Profile Image for Keeley.
506 reviews74 followers
July 31, 2024
RATING: 2/5⭐️


I was excited to read this book because adventure and archeology are big buzzwords for me. Unfortunately, I was just bored the whole time. This book didn’t make me angry or happy, I just felt indifferent.
Profile Image for Barbara.
81 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2024
This was cheese city but did I love it - yes. I love the adventure thru Bolivia and all the spice and the chocolate festival- this was pure cotton candy fluff and an excellent plane read :)
Profile Image for Jenny R.
18 reviews
May 12, 2024
Goodreads bestowed this book upon me when I won a Giveaway for a Advanced Reader Copy! This is everything you want in a romance adventure novel! Witty banter, steamy encounters, and an adventure quest into the unknown. I am excited that this will lead to more Belize Adventures series and cannot wait to see how people enjoy this when it comes out in June! A fun, feel good read with clueless and befuddled characters just looking to heal themselves. No spoilers here, read for yourself! 🐒⛰️🍹🏍️
Profile Image for Mikaela T (mikaelabooks_).
307 reviews43 followers
May 22, 2024
Suspend your disbelief, and you will be on a fun adventure.

Yes, this starts with a man chasing his ex-fiance and catching feelings for another woman. But if you hold out, you will enjoy a charming story of adventure and self-discovery. To be clear - there is no cheating and the love interests maintain the moral high-ground.

Bo Ferguson is a certified nice guy which also means he's a genuine homebody who avoids all risks in his life. His rocky childhood left him in desperate need to prepare for all emergencies and make plans from A to Z. What was not in the plans? Being dumped by his fiance in a text. He flies to Belize to find out why she would choose her new archeology project over their 7-year relationship.

He hires a local guide to help him navigate the jungles and off-roads paths on his way to the dig site. Alex Stone doesn't believe in love, and really doesn't believe in Bo's plan, but she's desperate for cash as loan sharks threaten to take over her tour business. Alex won't go down without a fight but this client is seeming to get the best of her as the universe throws several hurdles in their way - including some pesky attraction.

Quick stats: He's American, she's resident of Belize (racially ambiguous?). Similar ages, panic attacks, grief over parent's death. He's anxious and she jumps in head first, but both are weary of relationships and have romantic insecurities. Adult spice included, no cheating, HEA.
Profile Image for Lisi Bee (Beth).
196 reviews
March 1, 2024
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. I really enjoyed this book! Light rom-com adventure story chock full of tropes, which isn't a bad thing. To name a few: shared bed trope, opposites attract (they complement each other well), mini fake dating trope thrown in for good measure, with a touch of insta-love. Also, I love me a hot nerd. :) I really liked Bo and Alex together, and I enjoyed seeing them both evolve and connect with one another. This was a new-to-me author but I'm looking forward to reading more of her books, especially if she's going to continue this series (both main characters have an adult sister, handily enough for future books). On a side note, it cracks me up that this book is named after an '80s movie, and not exactly a well known one to the younger demographic I assume this book is targeting. (Again, not a bad thing.) I mean, I'm GenX so I get the parallels even as gender switched characters: nerdy/uptight person chases after someone close to them to an exotic location (Belize, in this case), only to find love with the jungle guide. The FMC's sister is named Julia, maybe her book could be "Julia in Denial," in keeping with the theme? And if the author's goal was to put Eddy Grant songs in my head, then mission accomplished!
Profile Image for Smut Report.
1,370 reviews169 followers
July 30, 2024
Heat Factor: Can’t say, but they are super horny, so I’m assuming at least some on page somethin’ somethin’

Character Chemistry: They’re both ridiculous, so they deserve each other

Plot: Bo gets text-dumped by his fiance, so he goes after her in Belize, where he hires Alex at an absolutely exorbitant sum to be his guide, and she’s cool with overcharging because it’ll solve her business money problems

Overall: DNF at 30% due to extreme irritation

If you like characters who need to get out of their own way, and you have no problem with them being completely irrational and kind of rude and stupid in the process, then you might not be exceptionally irritated by this book. I am not that person, and I eventually absolutely could not with these characters.

Read our full review at The Smut Report

I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. We disclose this in accordance with 16 CFR §255.

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2,232 reviews22 followers
March 22, 2024
An enjoyable contemporary romance, with frequent homages to the romcom classic "Romancing the Stone" - but gender-flipped (the devil-may-care guide is the FMC) and with a lot more thoughtfulness. Bo is an unusual romance novel hero - he's risk-averse and very starchy, the kind of guy who's generally "the wrong one" in Hallmark movies - while Alex's laissez-faire attitude is sometimes counter-productive and used as a way of shielding herself from getting too close to others. There are lots of fun scenes of hacking their way through the jungle, dancing in small Belizean villages, and some great steamy scenes.

That said, it wasn't perfect - Alex's need for money felt kind of shoehorned onto either end of the book, very Harlequin Presents, and Bo's ex-fiancee was so over-the-top awful that it led me to question his judgment of women generally - which given the short timeframe of the novel means that I was left wondering if Bo and Alex will actually work long-term, despite the epilogue.

Over all, though, a fun adventure romance, which is a subgenre we absolutely need more of these days, with engaging and thoughtfully-drawn leads.

I received an ARC for free but opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Kimberlyyyreads.
811 reviews30 followers
September 10, 2024
Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin for the free arc in exchange for any honest review!

This was a really cool low stakes adventure romance, featuring Bo, our nerdy MMC who is on a quest to reunite with his ex-girlfriend (who dumped him via text) and Alex, our FMC who accepts being Bo's tour guide because she is in desperate need of the money to save her inherited family business.

The plot/adventure takes course through out an entire week, so this book is very insta love. I personally didn't mind it because their journey seemed to have brought them closer and I could feel the chemistry between them!

Definitely a great book to pick up if you are looking for a short adventure rom com book!
Profile Image for Aimee F..
271 reviews7 followers
March 20, 2024
Great cover art, great title! Grab your copy on June 25th, 2024!

This was a fun, quick-paced romantic adventure and I was thoroughly entertained. 3.5 stars out of 5.
It was like Romancing the Stone, The Lost City, and Raiders of the Lost Heart made a baby. The MMC gave nerdy golden retriever vibes and there were the force proximity (one hammock!) trope. The FMC annoyed me a couple times with her flip flopping moods (I love you, I love you not) but it all wrapped up nicely and in the end I enjoyed it.

Thanks to Netgalley, M.C. Vaughan, and Harlequin Romance, Afterglow Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.
Profile Image for RomanceByTheBook.
500 reviews16 followers
August 18, 2024
Romancing Miss Stone is a fun and easy adventure romance, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet escape this summer.

This book just sounded too good to pass up. How could I say no to a romance novel with Romancing The Stone vibes? Romancing Miss. Stone was everything I wanted it to be. It was a fun and delightful read, and I enjoyed every moment. This book is told from both Bo’s and Alex’s POV, and I am so glad I could see what was going on inside both of these characters’ heads. I loved both Alex and Bo right from the moment I met them, and it was great getting to see that internal battle going on in their heads as they tried to fight those growing romantic feelings that they had for each other. Bo might be one of my favourite book boyfriends from this year. He is so endearing and loveable and such a sweetheart. I wanted to find his ex-fiancé and bonk her on the nose for being such a terrible person to him. Alex prides herself on being independent and never asks for help. Her ex-boyfriend has stolen all her money and left her in some serious debt. She feels foolish for putting her full trust in someone who turns out to be only using her.

Now, this is an adventure romance, and bookworms, be warned things that happen in this book would only occur in romance land. It’s not a completely bonkers read, but things do happen that may not make sense if you think about it too much. That is not bad in my eyes; I love my romances bonkers, quirky, and at times the full bananas. I read romances to escape the world, and there is no better way to escape than to go on a road trip in Belize with two likeable characters. Yes, this book has some Romancing The Stone vibes to it, but it’s not super strong vibes. I think the connection between the movie and this book has to do with the fish-out-of-water experiences Bo (our hero) has while road-tripping through Belize with Alex (our heroine), who is the adventure guide. There is no pressing danger driving the plot forward; the only deadline pressure that exists in this story is Alex having to pay her debtors back.

There was just so much to like about this book. First, who doesn’t love an adventure road trip where nothing goes as planned? If it could go wrong, then it did for Bo and Alex. It was great watching these two get into one sticky situation after another. The other thing that made this romance that much more enjoyable was the chemistry that existed between Bo and Alex. I love a good opposites attract/fish out of water romance, and this book delivered that in spades. There is this fun and teasing dialogue between Bo and Alex. They are so opposite from each other that they are often baffled by the other actions or outlook on life. Bo is a rule follower. Someone who will read any manual or guidebook is always on time and always has to plan everything out. Alex is a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants person; she is rarely on time and has no problem rolling with the punches. The dynamic between these two was so addictive and delicious. I really couldn’t get enough of it. Even though Alex and Bo often baffle each other, they show each other kindness when they feel vulnerable. It was so sweet and heartwarming. I just ate it up. Besides all that light, fun banter, there is some real lusty chemistry between these two. Bo is quite the book boyfriend, and when he sets his mind to it, he knows how to, shall we say, “woo” a woman.

Romancing Miss. Stone is such a delightful read, and I would say it’s the perfect book to take on a summer holiday trip.

Click on the link to read more of our reviews on our blog: https://romancebythebook.com/book-rev...
115 reviews2 followers
March 17, 2024
Romancing Miss Stone is a fun romp, (thank you NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC). Bo gets dumped by Destiny his childhood crush and current fiancée over text. Bo who is a bit risk adverse decides to go to her dig in Belize to confront her (maybe just for closure, maybe to win her back). He hire Alex and local adventure guide to get him to the dig site. Alex is in a spot of trouble since the local loan shark is looking for payment and her no good ex boyfriend has embezzled her money and fled the country. So she agrees to get Bo to the dig site. Of course these opposites attract and everyone except the two of them can see they are made for each other. Lots of witty banter and jungle hi jinx. It absolutely brings to mind the adventure romance movies of the 80s with the wonderful twist of the fussy one being the guy. I read the book in one sitting and enjoyed every minute. It is the definition of romantic romp. Can’t wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Mikhaila.
74 reviews
March 24, 2024
Romancing Miss Stone was a fun road trip romance set in Belize where Bo travels after getting dumped by his fiancee via text message. He bumps into tour guide Alex Stone who is in deep financial trouble with her tour company as her boyfriend stole all her savings, put the company in debt then took off. She agrees to take Bo to the archeological dig site where his ex is working and Bo agrees to pay her enough to pay off a large chunk of her debt. Thus begins a series of unfortunate events including a rain soaked stay in a hammock tent, a night at a friend’s high end resort for a chocolate festival and lots of steam. They fight it because both have been badly burned by love both by partners and a parent. They also have amazing chemistry and care enough to push each other to be better versions of themselves. It was a great setting, the characters were lovable and the story was well written. The plot was original and included all my favourite tropes: road trip, forced proximity, only one bed and a little bit of fake marriage tossed in for good measure. Such a fun light read despite a conflict at the end that is not my favourite trope. Overall I breezed through this book and would highly recommend.
Profile Image for NixLapi.
349 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2024
I went into this book looking forward to an adventure Romance but was left feeling like nothing happened beyond some busted transportation.

The humour in this book was definitely not for me. From the get go FMC Alex makes suggestive comments to her client (MMC Bo), that had the genders been reversed would not have been ok in the year 2024.

The bulk of the plot has Alex and Bo on a trek across Belize where Alex gets upset every time Bo questions her choices - as she should!! She is a professional guide whom he hired, and he has never left his state!! But she's hot so clearly can't know what she's doing.

But still they somehow manage to not keep their hands off each other and within a week they’re fully in it to win it. A week. Which is two weeks total since his fiancé sent her break-up text. I needed a little bit more to believe their HEA.

Thank you to the publisher for an eARC copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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