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Logan Rettino never imagined she'd fall so far. Dropped by her ex on national TV, she's gone from prima ballerina to ring card girl, reduced to revving up the crowds before MMA bouts. However distasteful she finds her new job, it pays well…and she needs the money if she's ever going to rebuild her life. Promised a huge bonus if she can convince a brooding, gifted welterweight to keep fighting, she'll do whatever it takes to earn his trust.

Keane O'Shea is unbeatable in the octagon. A former marine, he fights with a ruthlessness no gym jockey can match. He knows his brutal strength is too much for the delicate ex-ballerina, regardless of how fascinating he finds Logan's tight dancer's body. But one private performance and he's drawn to her in a way he can't—or won't—resist.

As Logan discovers the heartbreaking truth that lies beneath this handsome warrior's rage, she'll need to forfeit everything she thought mattered for the one thing that matters the most: saving Keane from himself.

330 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 2, 2013

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About the author

Michele Mannon

16 books606 followers
About the author

Michele Mannon has been writing romance since her first publication in 2012. A multiple recipient of Romantic Times Magazine’s prestigious TOP PICKS award, Michele’s books always pack a punch, leaving readers laughing out loud or swooning and biting their fingernails at all the appropriate times.

Her latest release is Dirty Mafia Sinner, a super spicy, twisted, dark mafia romance.

Michele lives on a mountain overlooking the Delaware River, where she can be found with a glass of Riesling in her hand and a laptop on her lap. Find her online at: http://www.michelemannon.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews
Profile Image for ♛✨Christine ♛✨.
490 reviews64 followers
May 19, 2015
Full review now available!

4.5 Well Earned Stars!

When two strong fighters trying to survive what life has thrown at them meet, you just know you are in for a wild ride. The journey that goes with it just satisfies your craving for an amazing MMA romance.
His head was like one of those rides at a carnival that spun topsy-turvy, just out of control with screaming kids and all.
All he wanted was peace and quiet.
And…her. Shit

Keane aka Boom-Yay O’Shea is an ex-marine and an MMA fighter. He’s one of the best, in more ways than one *wink, wink* He has a past he definitely tries to forgot with a bottle of alcohol, a few fights and some eager women.

When I first read the blurb I always pictured Tom Hardy as Keane and having the author confirm this only made me feel just how special and amazing his character was. The author has a way of making you fall in love with Keane and wanting to jump into his world and just love the crap out of him! He is definite book boyfriend material! He’s a hard man and not an easy man getting to know but at the end he is very much worth everything.


Logan aka Luscious aka Octagon Girl is an ex-ballerina who has just hit rock-bottom. Trying to make enough money to sustain her everyday living she becomes a ring card girl. She’s an amazing character. She has two key components: she's strong and vulnerable and these two together at its core balance her out completely well making her personality that much more relatable to for female readers.

A Michelangelo in the flesh, but more brutal, forceful.

My thoughts: This was just the right read I needed. It had some moments similar to other MMA novels and yet sprung some different twists and turns that just held your attention. Yes, we do get the hot MMA fighter but for me that was where the similarities to other fighter novels stopped.

The openness and realistic emotions you get out of this novel was exceptional. This definitely added to the value of the writing.
I loved the fact that Keane at the end of the novel didn’t change his skin completely. He stayed the way he was. He was set in his ways and I loved that about him! It was a nice break from watching heroes in books who completely change and turn into…lovesick men.

He had the complete package. Not only was he hot, he shagged like…a god! Those scenes just jumped right out of the book and right into your head. I had every detail pictured so completely. Trust me it was more than sexy…it was passionate, hot and pretty damn sensual!



Honestly, the author made this one her own and we saw that all throughout. I loved the realistic input into the matches and the beautiful detail provided. You honestly feel like you are sitting in the front row taking part and watching the fight. This in itself brought much excitement when reading.

Overall, this was an amazing read with such multifaceted characters, a beautiful storyline and a sexy hero who you can’t help but love. I recommend this novel to anyone looking for just the right MMA fighting romance with a hero stuck in his ways and a heroine strong enough to face anything!

Novel generously provided by author, Michele Mannon, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
November 27, 2014

2 Down For The Count Stars! Not worth my time!

The blurb sounded so interesting, the book was anything but.

Logan, a down-on-her-luck ballerina pleads her case to Keane, a big burly MMA fighter. She connives him into fighting so she can benefit from him winning, apparently he has the goods to take it all the way to the championship and the big money prize. Nothing in it for him, he's already decided he's done with the sport and is hanging up his gloves. It's all about Logan, she's single minded and very determined, to the point of pushy. Mind you, her cause for believing Keane would help her is based on one encounter they had as he was entering the ring...really?!

Did not work for me at all, I thought Logan was selfish and I could quite get a grasp on Keane's attraction to her...nearly zero chemisty. And then it just went on and on and on. There was some good towards the end, but not enough to salvage the read, or make it worthy of more than 2 stars.

To my dismay I listened to this on audio and the narrator had it in her head that all men speak with a rasp. She must have watched Rocky before narrating, because Keane's trainer sounded suspiciously like Burgess Meredith...as well as most of the other male characters...UGH!

Would I have liked this more if I had read the book instead of listened...maybe...but not that much, because the overall silly plot and one dimensional characters would have been there no matter the format I chose.

I'm sure there are readers that will enjoy this story, as for me...I'm out!
Profile Image for Amy.
158 reviews
December 7, 2013
The story is intriguing and the characters are interesting, but I could not get past the inaccurate information that was peppered throughout the book in regards to mixed martial arts -- from calling Muay Thai a technical move (it's not, it's a very old martial art/combat sport that the Thai people are very proud of that implements stand-up striking with clinching techniques), to not understanding "Seibukan Jujutsu", to stating the fight promotion was able to move the weigh in at the last minute and shave off two pounds in the weight class at the last minute (never would happen unless we are talking an underground promotion because state's have fighting commissions that regulate weight class and oversee weigh-ins), badly written fight scenes (a butterfly guard from top position makes no sense at all -- butterfly guard is a defensive posture, not a move, pulled from bottom position ), UFC fights ARE three five-minute rounds, except title fights are five five-minute rounds (though the author states "These bouts followed the standard three five-minute round format used ny most organizations, except the UFC.", or the inaccuracy of many of the MMA term definitions that start each chapter. There were too many inaccuracies for me, as a reader, to trust the author in the telling of this story or be able to forgive the apparent lack of research. It seems like the author is chasing a trend with the writing of this book and not truly engaging in the art of storytelling.
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews617 followers
December 15, 2013
Book – Knock Out (Worth the Fight #1)
Author – Michele Mannon
Publication Date - December 2, 2013
Type – Stand-Alone Series (???)
Genre – Romance, MMA
Rating – 3.5? 4? out of 5 Stars

I’m still in the air whether this book was a 3.5 or a 4 rating.  I got a bit annoyed over Logan and how much her “fall” impacted her decisions and the storyline.  Keane was another story though – I understood his indecision on starting a relationship with Logan but there were times, I just wanted to smack him upside his head.

Yeah, there have been many books about an ex-soldier struggling with PTSD and taking his inner demons out in the ring, but there was something a bit different with this story.  We were able to watch Keane and Logan use each other in order to overcome their insecurities.

This story is told from both POV’s so we get an idea of what is going on in Keane’s head along with Logan’s.  I loved how Keane would one minute tell Logan they couldn’t do “this” but then in the next he was tearing her clothes off along with thinking sweet things in his head.

We start out with Logan beginning a new job as a ring card girl.  This is the only good paying gig she could get after her devastating fall on national TV which impaired her ankle so bad that she would never dance professionally again.  The only other dream she wants is to open her own dance school.  Well, that is until she literally falls into Keane before a fight.

Keane suffers from PTSD and guilt over his best friend.  He doesn’t sleep at night and is plagued with nightmares.  He tries to drink, fuck, medicate and fight his way through the demons he carries on his shoulders and in his heart.

Logan needs Keane to fight – Keane doesn’t want to – Logan determined to keep her job diligently plagues Keane into agreeing to fight.  She’ll help him kick his bad habits with natural remedies while he fights through the championship, on one condition, NO SEX.  How long do you think that lasts?

So....cool – sex is great but it’s just sex....no feelings attached to it – Ok? Do you think that’s gonna hold?

Wrap Up
Read about how Logan breaks through Keane’s shell to expose his black heart and get it beating again, but will it last?

Profile Image for Buggy.
534 reviews688 followers
March 20, 2014
Opening Line: “Yo, It’s the fuckin’ ballerina.”

This was okay, not great but it had its moments (a great cover) and I was intrigued by the prospect of a sexy MMA hero and a ballerina getting together, opposites attract and all that. I also didn’t know enough about either profession to be able to pick them apart for realisms sake so I was able to just go with it.

Logan Rettino had been prima ballerina in her former life. When her ex-boyfriend drops her during a lift on live TV, she’s left injured and without a career. To make ends meet and with the dreams of opening her own dance studio Logan’s now been reduced to circling the eight sided octagon as a ring card girl, working the crowds into frenzy in sexy little outfits before the bouts begin. Hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

Keane O’Shea is a former marine and absolutely unstoppable in the ring. Filled with a silent, persistent rage, some serious PTSD and an F.U attitude about life in general he’s inexplicitly drawn to the alluring ex-ballerina.

Both of these characters are intriguing to me and I usually love me a good tortured hero but there was just something off here. I guess it started with the names; Keane and Logan. Both sound male to me so I was often confused as to whose head I was meant to be in. Logan(h) while fun to begin with, got annoying fast with her “leaping leotards” and silly quips -enough already. And Keane(H), well I just never warmed up to him; he started out as your typical grumpy, alpha jerk with issues but didn’t ever really seem to redeem himself enough to warrant “getting the girl”. I guess ultimately I never felt the love.

I also had issues with the premise, it was just silly –again I just had to go with it. Logan makes a deal with her boss and the only way she can keep her job is if she gets Keane to keep fighting and winning. If he loses she’s out. It didn’t really make any sense especially since he was done with fighting. I never understood his motivation for coming back into the octagon? And then they’re training together…seriously.

I did enjoy the MMA quotes rules/regulations/meanings at the beginning of each chapter. What a “cornerman” does what a “stalemate” is, “fight camp” etc. Very informative and helped put me better into the world.

**Thanks to NetGalley and Carina Press, who provided a copy in exchange for a fair and honest review. **
Profile Image for Sonya Heaney.
Author 6 books39 followers
December 10, 2013
If you love Beautiful Disaster and all its New Adult copycats, then I’ve no doubt you’ll love this one. It’s essentially the same story with more grown up characters.

If the undercurrent of misogyny and the ‘mean girls and popular boy’ theme that run through almost the entire New Adult genre trouble you as they do me, this won’t be for you.

I was also totally confused by the tutu-wearing, sex with leg in the air while balancing on her toes scene that happened about a fifth of the way in.

Anyone who has been reading my reviews for a while has probably noticed one of the things I’m über-critical of is incorrect depictions of theatre life (especially when it comes to ballet dancers).

The ballet world Logan comes from bears no resemblance to the ballet world I spent a couple of decades in. For example, she’s known as ‘the ballerina with the huge knockers’. This just wouldn’t be the case. The biggest-breasted dancer I’ve ever known definitely didn’t have ‘huge knockers’ (more like small breasts!), and even so, she had a breast reduction before she got work as a professional dancer.

Other things jumped out at me, too, like the dancers performing encores after performances. Dancers don’t do encores! That’s like asking a marathon runner to do an encore marathon after winning, because he ran so well the first time!

I’m sure there’s a really huge market for Knock Out. I just don’t fall into it.

Review copy provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for J. Kahele.
Author 15 books438 followers
February 25, 2016
Good story

An accident takes Logan's dreams away of being a ballerina and forced her to take a job as a ring girl to pay off the medical bills she had acquired from her accident.

A fan in the crowd grabs her why she is doing her job and when she sticks up for herself he throws her into the air and right into the arms of sexy MMA fighter Keane.

Out of gratitude she gives him a kiss on the lips and this does not go down well with her boss, who threatens to fore her at the same time Keane tells him this is his last fight.

Logan is desperate, she needs her job to survive and makes a deal with her boss to get Keane back if he lets her keep her job.

Keane is a hard ass, haunted by his pass. When Logan tracks him down, begging him to go back into the ring, he immediately tells her no, but after her she tells him, that she will lose her job of he doesn't he reluctantly agrees. There is something about Logan that makes him want to keep her safe and he's not sure what that is.

Their relationship soon turns from friendship till more. Keane doesn't want the responsibility of caring for someone else. Logan knows that Keane cares for but is afraid to admit and she knows it is up to her to show him. But first she must make him face the past that seems to be ruining her and his future.
Profile Image for Jenn.
330 reviews27 followers
January 20, 2014
LUSCIOUS! LUSCIOUS! LUSCIOUS! Hahaha, I loved this book!!

Moody fighter and a fallen ballerina... (See what I did there? Yeah, I'm clever.)

This was fun and sexy, and at time heart wrenching.

Though a lot of the time I just wanted to ring the ex-boyfriend's neck!!!!

I just loved this book!!! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
Profile Image for Margreet Asselbergs.
568 reviews44 followers
December 4, 2013

My rating: 4 of 5 ⭐️ (solid!)

Working as an octagon ring card girl for MMA fights, was not exactly what Logan Rettino had spent her life training for. But when her ex-fiancé dropped her on national TV, right at the pinnacle of her dancing career, and irreparably damaged her ankle, ballet no longer was her future......and neither was the fiancé. He took off with her understudy, her money and a career in tatters. Determined to get back on her feet, Logan found a way to make good money, but she doesn't have to like it! If only she could convince that dark and dangerous fighter O'Shea to come fight for her boss, or she might lose her job.

Regardless of his success as an MMA fighter, Ex-Marine, Keane O'Shea no longer finds any pleasure in the octagon. Haunted by his experiences while on active duty and a personal loss he hasn't been able to process yet, he finds different ways to numb himself from feeling anything at all. When the 'luscious' ex-ballerina turned ring girl approaches him for a favour, his initial reaction is to turn her down. But when she persists with a passion and he gets an idea of her motivation, he allows himself to be swayed, especially when she offers to over see his preparation. Keane keeps telling himself he has to steer clear of her, but somehow it's not working.

Finding themselves in close quarters for almost 24 hours a day, doesn't do much for keeping their distance, especially with the sexual desire turning the air thick. And their physical distance isn't the only thing they can't seem to keep, emotionally they are slowly becoming involved as well. Even though Keane continues to push Logan away at any sign of emotional display and especially when she pokes to closely to the source of his nightmares, he can't help but respond in an instinctively protective and possessive manner when anything threatens Logan. The 'business with benefits' arrangement they have going on is slipping out of its boundaries.....


What a debut!!!! A rock-solid FOUR stars!! AND... I am thrilled to know there will be more where this came from!! A standalone novel with a back story in the MMA octagon, that looks like the start of a series against the same backdrop. Exciting!!

Michele's writing is smooth and sure, the plot perhaps a little predictable, but her characters interesting and well fleshed out, and oh so attractive!! What really adds depth and interest to this story is the different personal losses suffered by both Logan and Keane. Another is the careful suggestions attention with respect to PTSD, a condition prevalent in many veterans which still does not receive proper attention and follow up.

Keane tries hard to avoid feeling, tries hard to avoid any connections. He doesn't want to hurt anyone and is sure he will. Intent on punishing himself he does not feel worthy of kindness or love and responds by pushing it away. Only his good friend and now Logan seem unwilling to be pushed far or for long and see the wounded person he is attempting to hide.

Logan has had her love, her pride and her entire life stripped from her, but she is tenacious. Not willing to break under the onslaught, she carries her head high, while the knocks keep piling up. She even manages to find some enjoyment in her new job, but the payback she wants on her ex is always on her mind. Through her involvement with and feelings for Keane, she becomes more invested in his well-being than her own need for retribution.

Logan cracks me up when she 'swears'.........

"Bleeding leotards!!"

"Crinkle my camisole!"

A fantastic first book by a writer I definitely want to read more of! Very well-written and utterly absorbing, the story is one that will appeal to those who enjoy strong and determined heroines who will not take "no" for an answer, and good looking, dominating and dark damaged heroes, who are softer than they would like to think. And Michele Mannon knows her way around a sex scene, of course, some window-fogging hot nooky is ALWAYS a plus!!

✨A stormy, sultry and scalding start to a hot new series!!✨

**ARC provided by NetGalley and Carina Press in return for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews886 followers
July 20, 2014
ARC Provided on behalf of Carina Press from NetGalley.

Logan didn't expect the twist her life would take. Once a ballerina that was set to make all her dreams come true and now, an octagon girl; performing for a different kind of crowd. But this is her only way to make ends meet, to pay off her bills, obtain her dream and get back at the ex who took it all away from her.

Keane O'Shay is trying to battle the nightmare of his past. Fighting, drinking, pills and women are brief vacations from his own pain. But none of these things are breaking through to rid himself of the guilt and pain of his past, what he blames himself for.

When Logan finds herself at risk to lose the chance to complete her goals, there is one man that holds the power to stop that from happening. She has to break through to Keane and ensure he fights, he wins and at the same time protect her heart from a man that is not willing to be anything more to her or to anyone.

This one has me a bit on the fence. I typically love me some broken man. Given that he is a MMA fighter and a Marine I should have been in lust heaven. There was just something about Keane that kept me at arms length the entire book. I just could not fully look past his asshole demeanor completely. However, Logan was completely lovable. She stood her ground and was not a push over. Given her circumstances, she had every right to hide away and lick her wounds. But she proved to be a fighter.

This was one of those reads that I enjoyed, although it seemed to take forever to get to some boom-boom time. With Keane being the type of guy to haul a warm body against himself to drown out his past, he was just too reserved when it came to making a move. This falls into the 'I liked it, but did not love it' category.
Profile Image for Nikki.
969 reviews257 followers
January 18, 2014
Well, I am a huge fan of the MMA hero, add in the fact that he's ex military, has a dark and brooding side, and is hot in bed, I'm sold! ;) Keane was all this and more. Logan was working to get her life in order after a public craptastic breakup with her ex and meets Keane in the octagon where she's working as a ring card girl. The relationship between these tow is pretty rocky for the most part but in the end things worked out.

Copy provided by Netgalley
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books376 followers
February 20, 2014
A mean, cold yet brutal MMA fighter and a seemingly washed up prima ballerina? Deal me in! The world of cage fighting was the backdrop, but the real bouts were going on in the bedroom, locker room, cable car...well urm, you get the picture. There was a certain amount of satisfaction watching this story play out in its rawness and passion.

The story opens with Logan Rettino discovering that yes, her life could slip just a little lower. She was once a gifted ballerina and in her prime set to be a huge success on the world stage until her ex talked her into a reality show dance competition where he dropped her and shattered her ankle and her dreams. To add insult to injury, he declared that it was her well-endowed bosom that got in the way and not his wrong footing to balance them. The media ate this up and she was notorious now. He also cheated on her with her understudy, bought a condo and expensive furniture after she naively agreed to joint accounts which left her without a career, savings or much beyond her own pride and self-respect. Her friend got her the lucrative gig of being a ring girl for MMA fights which would allow her to payback the medical bills for her ankle surgery and build some start up money to open a dance studio which was her new dream.

But in one night, she bumbles into one of the fighters when a fan gets a little fresh and her jerk of a boss loses his temper on her when the fighter says he's done. Logan felt the spark between her and the lethal fighter, O'Shea. She knows her boss wants him for the big championship in Vegas so in desperation Logan gets Jerry to agree to let her keep her job if she can get O'Shea to continue fighting.

Keane O'Shea just wants to be left in peace. He has dark emotions swirling around inside him and anger that boils over. He's barely holding it together. He soothes the anger temporarily through fighting, booze, and women. It's not working and he just needs to find somewhere that people will leave him alone and that doesn't include fighting for that snake Jerry. He sees the beautiful classy woman sitting across from him begging for him to fight the six bouts that will take him to Vegas because it means she keeps her job. Logan is trouble and he wants nothing to do with her other than maybe to scratch his itch.

It takes a while, but Logan finally talks Keane into it and she has his word in a business arrangement. She can see that something is riding him and that's why he shuts people out and reacts so strongly to things which makes her re-think what she's asking him to do. An even bigger mistake is when against all warnings from him that anything they do together will be strictly physical, she falls in love with the tough lethal male.

Keane sees it coming and tries to hold Logan away from him. He doesn't want her falling for him because he knows he's screwed up. She has wormed her way under his skin and she is persistent that he get help even when he makes it clear that she needs to let it go. He tries to protect her even if it means breaking her heart a little now. He'll finish what he started in the ring, but they will go their separate ways afterward.

This one had a way of following the voice of the narrator very well even down to the pacing. Logan's perspective is more thoughtful and slows down as she tries to get through those emotional barriers Keane has erected to keep other's out and his issues inside. Logan came across as almost ditzy in her ignorance of the fight world she found herself in, but in her personal life and her own world of dance she was so much more. This girl took the lemons and shot some tequila with them. Her vulnerability, but determination were a good balance. I was impressed with this heroine in many ways.
When Keane is the narrator, he is barely holding it together. He is messed up from a past he tries to forget though its not going anywhere. It causes him to lash out at people including Logan who prod him to let them in. He also feels tender and protective toward Logan and her beautiful innocence. He falls in love reluctantly. His page time is less because he is a pretty intense, focused guy. He doesn't overthink things and he's pretty direct even if he does try to avoid his issues because he thinks he deserves to carry around all his guilt.

The plot was good and pacing nice for the most part. Keane and Logan blew through their strictly business arrangement quickly when they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Keane blew hot and cold, but knowing the turmoil he was going through it made perfect sense. I liked that they didn't deny wants and feelings and the honesty was there constantly. This relationship had its issues, but undue angst and wishy-washy behavior were not part of it. It was hard to see Keane struggling, but it was really cool to see Logan, no matter what her ex did to her in the past and how hard Keane pushed her away, reaching out to him- loyal and open- even if she knew that he would reject her and her help.

The fighting backdrop seemed appropriately described to me (I'm almost as ignorant as Logan so take that with a grain of salt). Scenes in the cage were described so that the fights were interesting without making me squeamish. Terminology was used, but was either self-explanatory or got explained in the context. Speaking of the back drop, that leads me to a few things dealing with the guy in charge and biggest cause of Logan and Keane's misery much of the time. I'm not as familiar with the MMA fighting world and its rules, but that fight promoter Jerry seemed really dirty to me. I found it hard to believe that he got away with some obvious stuff too- changing venues for the weigh-in, screwing with the scales, picking who would face off in the rounds leading to the championship. He was fixing things and I just can't believe there weren't officials picking up on this. He was a worm and made for a good villain so I guess he served his purpose.

The only real niggle I had was that the end was rushed and things happened in a distant way compared to the rest of the book. When Logan and Keane part ways, it stays on Logan's Point of View through the end. Yes, I do understand what the author was doing here and it was fine to keep stuff least in sight to build up the suspense, but when the surprise was sprung I would have loved the details of how Keane got from Point A to Point B so to speak. Not to say the story was ruined or anything, but I guess I wanted more after all that had gone on before building to that point. Greedy me!

All in all, this was a very enjoyable read to see both these people come back and not just get a chance at love, but a second chance at life. Those who enjoy sport romances or romances with ex-military in them should give this one a try.

My thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tiffany (BookAndCoffeeAddict).
185 reviews5 followers
August 31, 2016
Logan used to be a prima ballerina on the top of her game, until her ex dropped her on America Gets Its Groove On. The incident leaves her injured and unable to perform professionally anymore. To add insult to injury, her ex turns into a media darling/famewhore who blames the drop on Logan’s cup size.

Keane used to be a Marine Corps Martial Arts teacher before a tragic event turned him into a hardened man who uses fighting, drinking, and women to forget. Now a welterweight MMA fighter, Keane doesn’t want to fight anymore – until an ex-ballerina turned ring card girl does everything in her power to talk him back into it.

My favorite part of Knock Out was how imperfect Logan and Keane were. These characters had depth. It would have been so easy for Logan to be a Pity Party Princess with all the crap her ex put her through and the way the media wanted to exploit her and her boob size (which- rude), but she was stubborn and she owned it. I felt at times she was a little selfish in the way she was really pushing for Keane to fight in most of the book, when it was obvious he really didn’t want to, simply so she could keep her job and earn a cash bonus, but that was just another facet of her character. She was walked on by her ex and now she pretty much had nothing, she needed that money and it was time for her to be a little selfish.

While Logan started to see outside herself as the book went on, Keane never really changed all that much – and I like that. Keane was as grumpy as a grizzly (with a secret soft heart) from beginning to end and whenever Logan kept up her stubborn invasion of his life I wanted to warn her not to poke the bear, but she did. And they fought. And then had lots of steamy, incredibly detailed, naughty times.

While I enjoyed this book and the well-rounded characterizations of Logan and Keane, there was one thing that time and time again dragged me out of the story – Logan’s ballet-inspired exclamations. She said things like “sweet pirouette!” or “leaping leotards!”. She said “twist my tutu” five times and by the eleventh time she uttered “bleeding leotards”, I almost started to grind my teeth (seriously, 11 times!). She also said “crinkle my camisole” five times, but that wasn’t ballet inspired. Of course, this is just a matter of personal taste. I am positive other readers may find this a quirky habit of Logan’s and quite charming – just not me.

Despite the aforementioned exclamations, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to other romance lovers who like their main characters sexy, stubborn, and strong. I’ll definitely be picking up the next book in this series – it revolves around the relationship of two characters who had a bit of an altercation in Knock Out and I can’t wait to read it.

*I received an ARC of this book to review. You can find this review and others like it at BookAndCoffeeAddict.com, along with recommendations for a fantastic cup of coffee.
Profile Image for ♡ Sassy ~ Amy ♡.
939 reviews87 followers
December 5, 2013
I'm not sure where to start with this book. It was really good.

First, you have a "can-never-work-again" prima-ballerina working at a dive fight club as a ring girl. She's trying to make enough money to open her own Ballet school & to hire an attorney to sue her ex-boyfriend who I picture as Alexander Godunov from Money Pit... Who knows why!! He dropped her in a reality dance show competition shattering her ankle, stole her money & was keeping her under-study on the side...

Then you have a rugged broken PTSD suffering Ultimate fighting 4 times black belt martial Artist ex-Marine who suffered a traumatic event losing one of his best friends (can't tell you how...) who drinks & medicates to oblivion, can't maintain a relationship (on purpose) jumping in one and out another... 6 foot 3 (welterweight)...

There is a chance meeting & some publicity & all of a sudden Logan is begging her job back promising she will get Keane to fight through to the championship... It's a back and forth... Pushing & pulling between them... Two broken people with inner demons totally connecting but denying it...

I really liked this book. I don't promise everyone will. It takes place in the lower crags of Philly & I loved the people. The characters, the language etc. In a way it reminded me of a Kristen Ashley book without the immediate love... Hot Hot Hot. Also, sweet... sad... and finally an HEA!
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews161 followers
December 10, 2013
Logan, that girl has a whole lotta sass, "we're having a conversation - that's all. I'm sick to my stomach wondering why everyone thinks I'd sleep with you to get you to fight!" Keane he is a no nonsense man, "pack your things. You'll move in with me." He prowled around her living room like a hungry, caged tiger." He can be mean, "nothing's changed. It's just like you've heard, I'm a moody, mean pri**. If it's sex you want, no problem. But don't get used to it. Like Rosie said, I don't do relationships." Sometimes the man gets carried away loving his woman and I think Logan gets a tad bit embarrassed, "without looking at him, she crossed the small space bent over to retrieve her shorts. "Leave 'em baby." He moved behind her, snatched the shorts away, and hurled them across the locker room." He also likes to make sure who his woman belongs to, "It's a love bite. Remember last night when you ran your tongue over my stomach and...well, you know. I think there's another one on my neck." Oh I liked this book so much! I hope there's another in the series.
Profile Image for Sweet Daisey.
81 reviews40 followers
June 29, 2014
Great compelling story. Logan is a ex ballerina turned Octagon ring girl after a devastating injury. Keane is a ex marine turned MMA fighter and sexy as hell. He is also tortured suffering from PTSD and the loss of a close friend. Because of that he pushes everyone away fights to deal with his inner anger and shame. I found the story compelling not only for the fight scenes but also Keane's struggle to deal with his PTSD and Logan trying to help him. The H/h were likable characters although initially Keane is a real jerk trying to keep Logan at a distance. Cannot wait to read the follow up Tap Out.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews726 followers
January 14, 2014
Had a hard time with this one. At first I thought the hero Keane would be dark and silent and intriguing. But it doesn't really pan out that way. He is a stranger to Logan (heroine is named Logan) yet they act very familiar with each other too quickly.

The heroine annoyed me with her 'leaping leotards!' or 'crinkling camisoles!' exclamations. There were a ton of them.

I never felt chemistry between these two. I also felt there was too much backstory with each of them that cluttered up the story.
Profile Image for Julie.
341 reviews14 followers
December 10, 2013
4.5 stars

This could have EASILY been a 5 star read for me. I finished 3 days ago & I still can't get it out if my head. It's hard to explain without giving too much away. I would have given 5 stars if there had been another chapter which showed what Keane & Logan went through while apart.
Profile Image for Malinda.
1,852 reviews247 followers
June 9, 2014
4 stars

This was a very good story. I liked Logan and Keane and was rooting for them from the beginning. This is the first story I've read by this author and based on this I’ll probably try more of her work in the future.

Logan used to be a very talented ballerina that performed all over the world including for royalty but a bad fall took any chance of her continuing to dance professionally away from her. The dancer that dropped Logan was her fiancee who she broke up with after she found him cheating on her. Not only did he ruin her career and cheat with her understudy, he screwed her over financially as well. Now that her career is gone and she has no money (because her Ex took most of it), Logan has been forced to work as an Octagon girl, trying to save up enough money for her new dream, to open a dance school so she can teach little girls ballet.

Keane is an ex-marine and an MMA fighter. He has some issues with PTSD that causes him to have nightmares and a problem sleeping which basically makes him behave like a jerk most of the time. As I read the story, I couldn't help but think of Keane as a bear with a thorn embedded deep in his paw. The Keane bear is is hurting from the thorn and whenever someone gets too close he lashes out to keep them away rather than risk them aggravating the thorn and causing him more pain. Unfortunately he doesn't get professional help for it and instead self-medicates with booze, women and working out to try to dull the pain enough to get by.

When the story begins, Logan is doing her job, strutting around the octagon with her card and when done she ends up in an encounter with Keane. This doesn't last long but part of it involves Logan’s boss getting pissed off and firing her when he was really mad at Keane because Keane had just decided not to fight any more. Logan is desperate to keep her job and makes a deal with her boss that she keeps her job if she can get Keane to come back and fight in the qualifying rounds for an upcoming MMA tournament. Logan gets some help from one of Keane's trainers to find him and goes to try to talk to him. She meets with a lot of resistance as Keane isn't very talkative or helpful and pretty much just acts like a grump and wants to be left alone. He does have his sweet side though. When a woman he knows steals Logan’s coat, cell and wallet, Keane goes out of his way to get them back for her (if grumpily). Keane doesn't agree to fight though and Logan is feeling pretty down. It doesn't help matters for Logan that her Ex has been lambasting her in the news, trying to say that the reason he dropped her was her fault because her C-cup breasts were too big and overbalanced him (or some such crap like that…he’s just a publicity whore that uses any reason he can to get on TV). Since her Ex is using her to make himself look good and making her life worse with the negative publicity Logan’s desperate to find something to help the situation and even tries finding a different fighter that she could bring her boss in Keane’s place but has no luck. Thankfully, Keane eventually agrees to go back and fight for Logan but since the paparazzi are circling due to her Ex’s lies, Keane brings her to his place to stay with him. Logan is supposed to help him with training and herbal remedies for his pain and other problems but having her there is a sweet torture for Keane.

Logan and Keane are definitely attracted to each other and even shared a trip to third base but once she moves in to help with training, Logan decides they shouldn't have sex. Keane isn't quite as sure about this but goes along with it for now. Logan sticks to her rule but still wants Keane and has a hard time keeping her hands off. While they train together, Logan starts to get some insight in to Keane and realizes he has some deep seeded hurts that are still causing him issues. Logan wants desperately to help Keane, especially as she realizes that she’s falling for him. Keane tries not to let Logan get to him but even while he tries to be grumpy towards her and push her away, he still has very protective feelings for her (as well as very sexual feelings). The feelings and attraction build up between Logan and Keane and it’s a back and forth at first because there are a few times they almost go there but don’t. The last few times because Keane stops things, knowing that if they sleep together, Logan will get hurt because he’s too messed up to do a relationship. Regardless of the yo-yoing, things eventually break between them and they end up in bed together and it’s great on both sides. However, it complicates things and Logan tries to put on the brakes but it doesn't really have much success. They have a tumultuous and intense beginning but the fighting and Keane's issues with PTSD cause roadblocks…especially since Keane would rather try to ignore the issues rather than fix it. Things do get dramatic at the end and a bit sad but thankfully Keane gets his act together and he fixes things with Logan so they get a sweet start to their HEA.

I enjoyed this story very much. I liked both MCs very much. Logan was likable as a heroine and I was relieved to find a heroine that didn't annoy the hell out of me (I've run in to way too many like that recently). Keane...well like I said, he’s a grumpy wounded bear but deep down he’s a teddy bear and I liked him even though he was a bit of a butt head (considering his PTSD it’s understandable). While I thought the start of the story was a bit shaky, overall the story was very good and once I got in to it I was engaged until the end. I’ll probably read more of the series in the future. I’d recommend this book. 2 thumbs up. :D

* note - I listened to the audio version and the narrator did a very good job.
Profile Image for Gokce G.
472 reviews72 followers
January 25, 2014
Knock Out is the first book in Michele Mannon's Worth The Fight series, and it tells the story of Keane, an ex-soldier who ignores his demons by fighting in an arena, and Logan, an ex-ballerina who's going through a tough time and ends up on his turf.
I do admit, in addition to the plot being an interesting one, the cover itself caught my attention. Now, I'm not one to jump straight to business when seeing an attractive cover, but my eyes do linger. And this book had that 'pick me up' vibe and the plot then sealed the deal.

It's a great idea to put two people who're battling demons together and see how they do. And these two sure have a great deal going for them. For once, Keane is ex-military which means he has a lot of emotional baggage to carry around. Add to that Logan's ballerina-turned-ring-girl situation when her whole life has been about ballet, and this story had potential to be a roller coaster of emotions. But, the beginning still felt a bit rushed, with the introduction and the attraction quickly out of the way. I would've preferred to spend more time with these characters before they became tangled with each other, that way I could've had the chance to click with them more. That doesn't mean, of course, that I can't read through who they are, but we don't get many chances to delve into the depths of their personalities once they're introduced to us, and that meant I was at an arm's length away from them the whole time.

Ballet is a big part of who Logan is, even though she's not doing it anymore it's clear that she grew up with the art of dance. She keeps referring at how ballet is all she's ever known so I wish it was integrated more into the story other than her cursing in her own way using ballet terms. There wasn't much from her old life that was transferred into her current story and that was a shame. I know they have a hard life, so I would've loved to know more.

As for their romance, I can understand lust at first sight, hell, it makes the sexiest of stories, especially when an ex-army hero is concerned, but the jump from lust to the oh-boy-she's-different-from-everyone-I-know thought was too quick and easy for my taste. The little tidbit that had them end up in Logan's tight space of a home was a bit forced. It was probably an opportunity created solely for the purpose of the two having a setting to bond, and for Logan to use her ballet skills as a means to impress Keane which was nice and hot, but it also could've been better and sexier.
The reasons for their living arrangements didn't exactly seem justified to me, nor their back and forth attraction, the way they tried to back out from their growing feelings. When I read two people falling in love against all odds, when they're so opposite, I'd like to read the how. Maybe they have a heart to heart at some point, maybe they share something they haven't shared with anyone else, or maybe they set aside everything that makes them so wrong for one another and realize there's actually one thing deep in there somewhere that makes them right. But that never seemed to have happened by the time they fell for each other. As much as it pains me to say this, that took a big chunk off of their romance.

Speaking of romance and the two as a couple, it saddened me to see the issue of returning soldiers and their PTSD being handled poorly here. Unfortunately, Logan doesn't seem to understand the majority of Keane's problem as a retired soldier, and she measures their relationship with the rawness and intensity of their sex. For her, handling with Keane's problems consists of declaring her love at the least convenient times, constantly and openly asking him about his PTSD and moving things over to the bedroom. Maybe it's wrong for me to say this as I've never faced with an ex-soldier who's been through what Keane's been through, but I felt like more care should've been taken with him and what he was going through.

Since the author took the time to introduce us to two deep backstories, I would've expected more emotional from this book regarding Keane's psychology and Logan's lifestyle transition. It seemed like it was all thought out good and proper, and yet when it was finally time to tell it all, the book fell short on these issues.
I personally would've preferred more psyche centered content than the physicality we've been presented with. There was much promise in this story, from the ex-ballerina heroine and the ex-military hero, to the brutality of the war, the hardship that comes after and the excitement of fighting, but unfortunately the book failed in engaging us about all those issues.
Profile Image for Nicole.
1,524 reviews176 followers
December 20, 2013
Review originally posted here: http://thebookpushers.com/2013/12/13/...

I was so excited to read a book about a ballerina and an MMA fighter, because they seem like such an unlikely pair. I have to admit, the romance between these two was so different than I expected, but also so wonderful.

Logan had the most amazing life. It wasn’t until she went on reality TV with her fiance, and he dropped her that everything came crashing down around her. Her crushed her ankle, career, reputation, and heart. She needs quick cash, and her job as a ring girl pays more than anything else she could find. It wasn’t until she finds herself in the arms of Keane that her world gets turned upside down once again.

Keane is struggling with all the horrors of coming back stateside, as well as the death of one of his best friends. MMA fighting is his way of releasing stress and tension. Logan is a complication that Keane doesn’t need, but he can’t seem to stay away from her. Her job is dependant on his fighting, and Logan will do just about anything to make sure he fights. But Keane isn’t ready to let go of his hurt and anger, and because Logan is making him feel again, Keane isn’t ready to accept what is right before him.

I’ve read a few MMA books in the past, but I have to say that this was probably the most violent of all the books I’ve read when it comes to the fighting scenes. There were a few moments when I was a little turned off from the story, because fighting is something that holds ZERO interest for me. While Keane wasn’t violent outside of the ring, or toward anyone who wasn’t an opponent, there were still a few uncomfortable moments for me.

I loved the way Logan refused to let Keane continue to be miserable. After she realized the extent of the issues he had after coming home, she was determined to help him get the help he needed. There was one scene in particular, when Keane wakes up from a dead sleep and rolls Logan off the bed and pins her to the floor that really stood out for me. There was so much depth to Keane’s pain, and Logan’s acceptance that she really needed professional help for him. It was tender and heartbreaking all at the same time.

The romance between Keane and Logan had a kind of one step forward, one step back feel. Every time it seemed like Logan was making headway past all of Keane’s shields, something else would set them back a few steps. Romances like this typically drive me batty, however I found a lot of honesty between these two. It wasn’t as if they were pushing each other away for silly reasons, or communication issues. Instead, there were some real big issues that both Keane and Logan had to accept before they could finally be together. I liked that Mannon showed that, and made both us as readers, and the characters, wait for their HEA.

One aspect that I really struggled with was Logan’s ex-boyfriend and the entire situation surrounding him. While I get that the contention between him and Logan was one of her driving factors, it still felt a little ridiculous. However, the majority of the other secondary characters were all super enjoyable. Logan’s fellow ring girl, Keane’s military buddy, and the cranky old coach, Sal, were all so well done and such fun to read. I hope that Mannon takes the time to give them all stories of their own. :)

All in all I really enjoyed this debut book from Mannon. Despite a few brutal fight scenes, and some heavy issues, it was a fabulous read. Both the characters were compassionate and loveably flawed. The romance was rough at times, but also so honest in its complications. I’m absolutely looking forward to more from Mannon in the future.
I give Knock Out a B+
Profile Image for Alison Jansen.
169 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2014
First off, how hot is this cover? Although I did picture Keane way more buff than this pic, the cover is still cool. Second.....I really enjoyed this book! Thank Golly, becasue I've been reading some crap lately. I was surprised becasue I thought it would be mindless rubbish, but it had depth and intensity and under all the mush was some seriously significant issues that needed to be addressed. The main character Keane is a returning vet who had some serious issues with PTSD as well as other drug and alcohol dependence going on. But what I think I enjoyed the most, was how real this story was, there was no insta-love, Keane actually pushed Logan away, becasue he knew he wasn't good enough for her, and was not in any place to be in a relationship.

Logan is a Prima Ballerina, who after a terrible fall (or being dropped) on a reality tv show her ex forced her to go on, has hit rock bottom. She is left with a massive medical bill, no money (as her ex ripped her off and took it all) and no job. As she has been training since a little girl to be a Ballerina, she really does not have many job options. She takes a job as an Octagon girl for the MMA, to save money to get herself back on her feet, pay a lawyer to sue her ex and to start her own ballet school. Things just get worse and worse when her ex- the media whore outs her and tells the world he dropped her on the show becasue her boobs were too big... hmmmm okay. Now known as Luscious Logan she is forced to rev up the cloud at MMA fights, and put up with the paparazzi following her every move trying to get her to comment on her ex's latest public humiliation of her.

Her new boss is pretty much an arse, and threatens to fire Logan if she wont get Boom Yay O'Shea (AKA - Keane) to agree to fight in an upcoming tournament....In other words he wants to cash in on Keane, who is an amazing fighter. He was a mixed martial arts trainer in the military and is brutal and unstoppable. Logan enlists Keane's trainer to give her an in with him. First of all he pretty much tells her to bugger off, but finally he agrees to fight for Logan, in exchange for her help with the preparation. For some reason he cant seem to get her out of his head, and he really is sick and tired of trying to block out all his emotions with drugs and alcohol, because they don't seem to be working any more. Logan does what she can for Keane and along the way she falls for him. He fights her the whole way, and fights her and his military buddy who beg him to get help for his PTSD. Keane fights their help all the way until the end, until he loses everything and (figuratively speaking) hits rock bottom, realises what he lost and decides he wants to live again.

This is a passionate and emotional ride, but I had hope for Keane from the beginning, although his character was not really endearing, I could see and feel his anguish and hoped all along that he would survive. If you want to read about a sexy MMA fighter with a bit more of an umph, then read this and enjoy the ride.

"True love isn't some guy sweeping you across the threshold. Nope, if you genuinely love someone you've got to get your hands dirty and flounder about in the muck right along with them. Ride the highs, and battle the lows - together."
Profile Image for Lori Palle.
211 reviews7 followers
January 12, 2014
“My whole life is broken. Everything I dreamed about is shattered. Yet, I get up every day and try to make the best of it.”—Logan

Logan’s dreams are shattered as she goes from a rising ballerina star to an MMA ring card girl. She needs the well-paying job to fund her new dream and get her out of the embarrassing nightmare that her fame-seeking ex keeps pulling her back into. To keep her job, she has to convince Keane, an unwilling fighter, to fight in a major tournament. But somewhere on the way, it turns out Logan’s the fighter as she fights for someone and something that goes beyond her dreams…

“I’m going to find out what’s bothering you and together, we’ll fix it…that’s what you do when you love someone.”—Logan

Wow. Loved. This. Book! At first, I wasn’t sure if I would like the gorgeous Octagon girl (aka the scantily clad female that riles up the crowd before each MMA bout) even though I was pretty sure I would love our brooding fighter. But wow, Logan has a way of getting under your skin—as poor Keane, who just wants to wallow in misery, discovers! She has so much grit, determination, and class that I was rooting for her throughout the book to get even with her ex, achieve her dreams, and get her HEA with her man!

Both our leads have tragic back stories leading them to their current lows. Logan is so strong despite the constant walloping she gets from her media hungry ex. I hate—hate!—her ex but love how she deals with him. She’s logical and takes the high road, biding her time until she can avenge herself while doing what’s needed to pick up the pieces of her life and move forward. Keane, on the other hand, is a truly broken and shattered soul who is locked in a prison of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. First off, he��s suffering from PTSD as a survivor of a couple of tours in the military, including Afghanistan—so, suffering war hero, that right there is enough for me to love and root for him. But then you add in the fact that he’s so protective over Logan and *bam*—that makes him so much more swoon-worthy! She’s like this flicker of light—that he can’t help gravitate towards—in his world of darkness even though he tries to futilely resist. Logan is so perfect for him in that she understands being in a dark place and will do what she can to help him.

The romance in this book is so great; I love their connection! The heat level is definitely in the high range with very hot love scenes, but their characterization and emotional connection is what makes this book so strong. The secondary characters were OK, nothing compared to our leads, but they help move the story along—although I have to add again: I hate her ex! It feels like this will be a series with some other fighters as leads, and I’m looking forward to it! Logan and Keane’s story is complete though, so you don’t have to worry about a cliff-hanger, but I do want more of them and am crossing my fingers for cameos if this does become a series! Overall, this is a 5 out of 5 for me and going on my favorites shelf!

(Originally posted on my blog; I received a NetGalley copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Profile Image for Jessica Brandon.
202 reviews13 followers
July 14, 2014
Knock Out
Michele Mannon

I give this book 5 knock out stars.......

This ARC was given by Carina Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Logan Rettino is not only recovering from a broken ankle and a broken relationship, but she is also recovering from her broken dreams. The day Pierre dropped her on national T.V. was the day her entire future shattered. Of course the week prior was pretty miserable as well when she walked in on her fiancé, Pierre, having sex with her understudy. Pierre did not stop there in making her life miserable, he kept the co-op she had purchased and all of the furniture that was in it as well. She was literally starting off with nothing except a pile of medical bills from her broken ankle.

Now she was making lots of cash as an octagon girl for the local MMA in Pittsburgh. She never imagined she would make a living showing off so much skin a and prancing around in a cage surrounded by drunken men yelling out vulgar words. She always imagined her career to be the star ballerina on stage at the Lincoln Center. Those days were gone and she was determined to make what she had work out in order to fulfill her second dream........opening a ballerina training facility.

Keane O'Shay is a hardcore MMA fighter, former Marine, and beautiful man with a tortured soul. He is just as broken as Logan felt the day her partner dropped her on stage. However, Logan is caught off guard the day she is tossed off a ramp at the MMA fight and O'Shay has no problem catching her and then claiming her with a kiss. Later when's Logan approaches him in a bar (while he is very drunk) and asks him to fight 6 qualifying fights in order to qualify for the upcoming Tetnus Championship in Vegas, he is not interested in the fighting but the beautiful girl that is making the request.

Little does he know her job depends on him fighting and he has no idea her dreams are hanging on for dear life as well. The two make an arrangement that lands Logan living in Keane's house for the next few weeks, her helping him train, her herbal tea to help him sober up, and of course....no sex. The arrangement starts off well until Keane can longer keep his hands off the very sexy ballerina any longer. Logan knows she will be hurt once their agreement is over, but she can't resist how she feels when she is in his arms. As much as she wants him, she knows he needs to confront his demons and quit fighting. However, Keane does not think he deserves to feel happy again and will continue to meet his demons every night in his nightmares.
Profile Image for Lauren at Live Read and Breathe Reviews.
2,364 reviews180 followers
January 10, 2014
Source: eARC for Honest Review from Carina Press via NetGalley

A ballerina turned ring card girl and a MMA fighter what can go wrong?

Logan has a douchebag ex from hell whom took everything from her. Her money, her condo, her career. She is desperate to pay her bills and start new dreams so she enlists the help of non other then grumpy ass chip on his shoulder MMA fighter Keane O'Shea.

Keane has some powerful demons pulling him down but for Logan he battles them so she can find her happiness. Logan has no expectations of Keane but together they try and fight their chemistry but its too much.

Logan sees the heart and potential of Keane so she fights tooth and nail for him to see the light.

This was a cute story. It didn't wow me at all but it was cute and sweet with some steam factor and an alpha male.

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Profile Image for Amy.
265 reviews17 followers
December 9, 2013
Note: I received a free e-copy of this title for my honest feedback. I was not paid to write this review.

Knock Out by Michele Mannon is a story about a former ballerina, Logan, and former marine fight instructor, Keane. Logan meets Keane at an MMA fight as an Octagon Ring Girl and ends up relying on him in order to keep her job.

I enjoyed the characters and the overall plot. I felt sympathetic for Logan, who was scammed by her ex-fiance and ended up losing her career over it. Plus her ex-fiance and the media just couldn’t seem to leave her alone. She’s a strong woman, although it may seem that she’s not that intelligent or simply too trusting for falling for her dreaded ex. As she goes over her situation and how she got there, it seems that there were many signs that her ex-fiance did not have her interests in mind at all. It was great to see her grow and come to terms with her new situation in life.

Similarly, Keane has his own demons to fight especially regarding his best friend’s death. Readers are treated to seeing him fall for Logan against his judgement. However, he continues to push her away, refusing to fight his demons, choosing to be alone. It was fun to watch his push and pull with Logan, but I think audiences are a bit left out. The story never delves into his eventual coming to terms with his situation. Instead the ending is neatly tied up with Logan and Keane having their happy ending. I expected a bit more conflict, but the ending still worked.

There were mainly two things that didn’t quite satisfy me. Firstly, I didn’t get the satisfaction of Logan or Keane putting her ex-fiance in his place, so to speak. I guess they did the more adult thing, but I so wanted to see him humiliated or at least actually paying Logan back. Secondly, the way the POV was set up totally confused me. I was thrown off at times by who’s POV it was. The POV would switch, and I’d have to adjust before moving on. It was a bit frustrating.

Overall, I’d give Knock Out by Michele Mannon 3.5 stars. The story was fun and the characters had great chemistry. However, the ending for me wasn’t fully satisfying, and the way the POV is set up could be fixed a bit, I think.
July 11, 2017
Thanks to the author and NetGalley for an ARC copy of this book - this is my true review of this book.

Wow! What a great debut book by Michele Mannon - I was so pleasantly surprised with this story of an ex-ballerina MMA Octagon (card) Girl and alpha ex-Marine fighter. Keane (aka Boom! Ya!) and Logan (aka Luscious) meet when Logan is down on her luck after her ex-fiancée drops her in a ballet live on a national (reality) television show. Her life and career are in ruins, and she's much too nice to go after the ex-finance for recompense. Instead, she takes her new job as an Octagon Girl quite seriously, knowing that she will be able to use the money from it to fund her dream of a ballet school.

Keane = hotness personified! has that dreaded disease of one-nightitis that many of these alpha guys suffer from. In addition, he is also suffering from a serious case of PTSD from his time at war.

Logan = a good woman who ends up in a bind. cares too deeply for everyone. In addition she is willing to go the distance in finding and funding her life after her career as a ballerina is ruined.

together = they're a couple trying to find out if they're meant to stay together. And we readers are along for the quite enjoyable ride.

Other than some grammar issues that I hope get ironed out in editing of the ARC prior to publishing, the writing was terrific, the storyline better than most I've read from books of this type, and I enjoyed myself immensely.

This is the start of a series of MMA fighters - and I can't wait until the next one is out. 4.5 solid stars for this first book. I round up so it's a 5.

Thanks for reading!
Profile Image for Helen Stothard.
Author 12 books24 followers
January 2, 2014
Who wouldn't love a book about an MMA fighter and a feisty ballerina! What a humorous and entertaining read this was, and wow, the pictures in my head I have of Keane are enough to give me a hot flush!

This is a brilliant story about a star ballerina who loses her career because her douche of an ex drops her on stage and blames her for it, the resultant broken ankle means not only does she lose her ex but she loses the only thing she's ever loved, her career as a ballerina. She's publicly humiliated and practically destitute, because her ex is also a lying cheating scumbag. Can you tell I feel a bit strongly about him!

Keane is a seriously troubled ex Veteran who wins fights but doesn't take any pleasure from it. Little does he know what he's up against when Logan decides he's what she needs to keep her new job as an Octagon girl.

I'm not sure who I dislike the most, the slimy ex or Jerry, the MMA fight organiser. The outfits he makes Logan wear become more and more inappropriate. He makes your skin crawl, I think they're both as creepy as each other.

This book doesn't glorify MMA, it's brutally honest about how violent it is. In some ways the fighting is just a small part of the story, it's about letting go of the past, standing up for yourself, and knowing when to ask for help.

I laughed and cried with this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 'Boom-Yay' all the way!
Profile Image for Lizzie Andrews.
94 reviews14 followers
December 11, 2013
I cannot sing the praises of Knock Out and Michele Mannon enough. I was in love with this book from the very beginning. It was everything I was looking for in a book! It was sweet, conflicted, emotional, angry, vengeful and happy all in one.

I love the world of mixed martial arts, so in all honesty any book that centers around it is OK by me. However Ms. Mannon drew me into the world of Keane and Logan effortlessly. I read a few of the other reviews that spoke of the errors in terms, while some of them may have been big errors I don't think it took away from this book at all. Frankly, most of the people that read this book won't be looking for an instructional book on MMA. This book is solid. Well written and engages the reader so easily, it is worth the afternoon you are going to spend lost in it.

I loved the ballerina turned MMA ring card girl, Logan. She possessed an inner strength that sets her apart from most of the heroines in romance books. While she may be headstrong she learned when to throw her cards on the table. She was incredibly written.

Keane was incredible. It can't be easy to write the character of an ex-marine dealing quietly with PTSD turned MMA fighter. I loved his possessive streak and how he kept his promises to Logan. A little emotionally brutal sometimes, but the ending is so worth it.

When you read Knock Out, the plot will have you excited to turn the page, but sad when you know it's coming to an end. I can't wait to read it again!
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935 reviews654 followers
March 3, 2014
There were parts off this story that really pulled me in. But, unfortunately, larger parts of it made me want to skim just to get it over with.

I don't know much about MMA fighting, but I know enough to know this story was unrealistic. There was a lot of inconsistent information, and I understand its fiction and an author can mold facts any way they want to fit a story, but I was just distracted by a lot of it which removed any connection I might have had with the story.

I felt like Logan's story was so farfetched. So she's this trained ballerina, but she gets injured on a reality show... Her injury and her philandering ex fiance cause her to end up working as an octagon girl... a job she's now so desperate for, that she'll beg this fighter to commit to tournaments just so she can keep her job? It sounds more ridiculous in my words than it was in the story, I'll give you that, but it still was too over the top to be believed.

I appreciate the build and the sexual tension between the characters... But after all of the pushing away Keane did the entire book, the happy ending was sort of abrupt in my opinion. Again, just unrealistic.

This story had potential... it had several bright spots, but overall it just lacked what I needed to keep me connected.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews

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