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Wolfe Brothers #2

Fighting Ruben Wolfe

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It's the difference between being a winner and being a fighter...

Cameron and Ruben Wolfe are brothers from a family clinging to the ragged edge of the working class. Initially to make some money, the boys hook up with a sleazy fight promoter who sees something marketable and audience-pleasing in the untrained brothers' vulnerability.

So they hide the boxing from their long-suffering mother. And Cameron hides what's going on in his head from the girls who come to the matches, the girls he wishes he could reach.

But the Wolfes soon find that they're fighting for more than tips and pay-off money. It becomes for them a fight for identity, for dignity, and for each other.

The question is, in a fight like that, who makes it out of the ring intact?

224 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2000

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About the author

Markus Zusak

22 books39.8k followers
Markus Zusak is the author of five books, including the international bestseller, The Book Thief , which spent more than a decade on the New York Times bestseller list, and is translated into more than forty languages – establishing Zusak as one of the most successful authors to come out of Australia.

To date, Zusak has held the number one position at Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, the New York Times bestseller list, as well as in countries across South America, Europe and Asia.

His books, The Underdog, Fighting Ruben Wolfe, When Dogs Cry (also titled Getting the Girl ), The Messenger (or I am the Messenger ) and The Book Thief have been awarded numerous honours ranging from literary prizes to readers choice awards to prizes voted on by booksellers.

Zusak’s much-anticipated new novel, Bridge of Clay , is set for release in October 2018 in the USA, the UK and Australia, with foreign translations to follow.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 396 reviews
Profile Image for Megan.
671 reviews37 followers
October 29, 2007
So, I'm convinced that Markus Zusak could write an entire novel about mashed potatoes or asphalt and it would be brilliant. I also know that there is surely no other writer on the planet that could make me give a book about two boxing brothers 5 stars and hate that I've finished it so quickly!
Profile Image for Kim.
286 reviews857 followers
February 9, 2009

This book is about two things that I know very little about.

Brothers & Boxing.

So, I thought maybe I'd sort of float through it. Large font, little over 200 pages... an overnight shift... no biggie.


Markus, I'm sorry I gave you such little credit. What was I thinking? I'd read I Am the Messenger. I bawled over The Book Thief. So, why was I so surprised by this? Maybe because I didn't want to believe that someone so young could deliver like this from the get-go.

Again, sorry about that.

So, yeah this is about 2 brothers, Ruben and Cameron Wolfe. It's about pride, fear, complacency, ego and a small Pomeranian named Miffy. I really could go on or you could you know, read the book. Here's one of my favorite quotes, that's one of the things that I love so much about Markus.. the way his lines translate so well into everyday kinda situations:

'Smile with instinct, then lick your wounds in the darkest corners. Trace the scars back to your own fingers and remember them.'

Like I said earlier, I know little about brothers (and boxing) but I have a son, he's 4, his favorite word is 'awesome' and he knows all the lyrics to 'Renegades of Funk.' And I pray to any deity of your choosing that he turns out as amazing as Ruben, Cameron or Markus.

Profile Image for Adiee.
50 reviews44 followers
June 19, 2016
Actual rating: 4.5
Втората книга за братята Улф бе невероятно продължение на поредицата и толкова по-добра от първата част. Маркъс Зюсак отново ме накара да се вклюбя и ми припомни защо толкова обичам творчеството му. *скоро ревю в блога*
Profile Image for Emma.
376 reviews62 followers
April 1, 2023
Better than the previous entry in the series, this is a heartwarming story of two teenage brothers from a down on its luck family, who in this installment join some kind of underground boxing tournament to raise money.

The main character is a sweet soul, and I enjoyed the dynamic between the two brothers. This is no Book Thief but you can see the author developing as the series goes on.
Profile Image for Federico DN.
753 reviews2,682 followers
March 12, 2023
Book interrupted 2/3.

The story of the Wolfe brothers, Ruben and Cameron, two underdogs living in a poor and forgotten neighborhood, trying to overcome an almost marginal existence. They will fight to live, and they will live to fight. In school, in life, in love, and in the ring. Sometimes together, and sometimes against each other.

A trilogy that goes from lesser to greater, starting with an almost forgettable first, moving to an enjoyable second, and finishing with a very memorable last. This trilogy should be considered as a single book divided into three parts. "Underdog", "Fighting Ruben Wolfe", and "Getting the Girl". Three books that individually lack identity, but together gain personality.

[2000] [224p] [Young Adult] [Not Recommendable] [“Don’t lose your heart, Rube.” “I’m not trying to lose it, Cam. I’m trying to find it.”]

★★☆☆☆ 1. "Underdog."
★★★☆☆ 2. "Fighting Ruben Wolfe."
★★★★☆ 3. "Getting the Girl."
★★★☆☆ 1-3. "Underdogs."


Libro interrumpido 2/3.

La historia de los hermanos Ruben y Cameron Wolfe, dos marginados viviendo en un barrio pobre y olvidado del mundo, tratando de sobrellevar una existencia cuasi marginal. Lucharán para vivir, y vivirán para luchar. En la escuela, en la vida, en el amor, y en el cuadrilátero. A veces juntos, y a veces uno contra otro.

Una trilogía que va de menor a mayor, empezando por una primera casi olvidable, pasando a una segunda disfrutable, y terminando con una última muy memorable. Esta trilogía debería considerarse como un único libro dividido en tres partes: “El Marginado”, “Peleando con Ruben Wolfe” y “Consiguiendo la Chica”. Tres libros que individualmente carecen de identidad, pero que juntos adquieren personalidad.

[2000] [224p] [Joven Adulto] [No Recomendable] [“No pierdas tu corazón, Rube.” “No estoy tratando de perderlo, Cam. Estoy tratando de encontrarlo.”]
Profile Image for Marianne.
3,868 reviews283 followers
December 24, 2020
Fighting Ruben Wolfe is the second in the Wolfe Brothers series by Australian author, Markus Zusak. The audio version is narrated by Stig Wemyss. Quite a bit has changed in the Wolfe household in the last year: Cliff was injured at work, now has no jobs coming in and is feeling inadequate as the breadwinner; Mrs Wolfe, with two jobs, is working harder than ever; Steve is leaving home as his parents’ pride won’t allow them to take a contribution from him; Sarah is taking her break-up with Bruce hard, drinking too much and getting a less-than-desirable reputation; Ruben uses his fists to defend the family name.

This and his bouts of backyard One Punch with Cam (born of having only one set of boxing gloves) helps set them on the road of illegal fights with promoter Perry Cole, not just for the money, Rube says, but “to get our self-respect back”. This is a story about family loyalty, brothers supporting each other and having the heart to get up after you’re knocked down.

The format this time is sixteen chapters of Cameron’s narration in a genuine teenage voice, each ending in a conversation between Rube and Cam. There is some lovely prose: “…..the sun is screaming out in pain on the horizon. The horizon swallows it slowly, eating it up whole.” The dog illustrations are a cute touch. Excellent early Zusak.
Profile Image for Kaya Dimitrova.
330 reviews73 followers
August 8, 2018
Ревю => http://justonebooklover.blogspot.com/...
~ ~ ~
Втората книга от трилогията предоставя много по – забързано действие и доразвиване на персонажите. Силата на семейната връзка, братската любов и съперничество и търсенето на идентичността, са само част от темите, застъпени в нея.
Profile Image for Larnacouer  de SH.
797 reviews182 followers
February 8, 2019

...Ruben Wolfe'u düşünüyorum.
Ruben Wolfe'u bulmayı düşünüyorum.
Șunu diyorum: "Yüreğini kaybetme, Rube."
Çok açık biçimde, hiç kıpırdamadan, ağabeyim yanıt veriyor.
Șunu diyor: "Kaybetmeye değil, bulmaya çalışıyorum, Cam."


Ah benim zavallı çocuklarım. 💔
Profile Image for Христо Блажев.
2,407 reviews1,610 followers
March 24, 2015
Да се биеш с Рубен Улф, да се бориш със себе си: http://knigolandia.info/book-review/d...

“Да се биеш с Рубен Улф” е книга за братската обич и братското съперничество. Те си вървят заедно и са неизбежни – и Маркъс Зюсак е направил невъзможното: описал ги е с толкова топлота, че прочетох книгата на един дъх, а не исках да свършва. Да, първата част от трилогията – “Аутсайдерът” – беше приятна, но нищо особено, но тази втора част изведнъж скочи в дълбокото и без колебание ѝ давам 5 звезди, което по принцип запазвам само за наистина велики и общопризнати книги. Е, знам, че тази не е такава – но за мен е, така че мога да го направя и да се чувствам в мир със себе си. Тази книга ме превзе, накара ме да я чета ненаситно, погледът ми да скача напред в нетърпение да науча какво ще се случи. Да видя кой ще спечели. При все че знаех, че в битка между двама братя няма победители.

Издателство" Пергамент Прес"​
199 reviews15 followers
June 6, 2015
This book was the second book in a three book series. You follow two brothers Ruben and Cameron Wolfe. The brothers learn they can box and thus begins the story.
Profile Image for JESSICA 🍃.
10 reviews2 followers
February 25, 2020
Markus Zusak and his ability to write has me completely obsessed with this series. Not only are the books amazing, the moral behind them has you questioning so many things within your own life. As he simply writes in this book, it’s not about the win, it’s about the fight. And those words can be used in all aspects, of everyone’s life’s.
Profile Image for Clementini.
44 reviews
July 15, 2017
Så jävla bra. Sitter på balkongen, helt utmattad med en känslostorm inom mig. Älskar böcker när jag fattar precis vad karaktärerna känner, även om jag aldrig kännt eller tänkt något liknande själv
Profile Image for Yoana.
55 reviews
July 13, 2016
Цялото ревю: http://bloodyravenblog.blogspot.bg/20...

,,Да се биеш с Рубен Улф'' е втората част от поредицата за братята Улф, с която Маркъс Зюсак вдига летвата наистина много високо. Първата несъмнено беше симпатична, добро начало, но втората.. просто разбива конкуренцията. Харесва ми, че се съсредоточава не само върху Кам, но и върху Руб, разгръщат се нови негови страни.
,,Да се биеш с Рубен Улф'' притежава някакво особено очарование, сурова красота. Трябва да си призная, че я четях с постоянно лепната на лицето усмивка. В някои книги съм срещала страшно по - необичайни идеи. Но тази поредица достигна до мен много по - силно от всяка друга. Изградих здрава връзка с героите и дори имам чувството, че сякаш аз съм я написала.
Всъщност тази поредица показва, че не всички момчета са незаинтересовани идиоти, които не оценяват нищо и никого. Че момчетата понякога също се чувстват самотни и отритнати.
Едно реалистично, запомнящо се, мъдро и бунтарско четиво, което сякаш остава недооценено в сянката на другите книги на Маркъс Зюсак, но за мен си остава най - голямото му постижение. Една от малкото поредици, които със следващата книга стават все по - интересни! Горещо препоръчвам!
Profile Image for Tarsila.
21 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2013
Zusak never dissapoints me, there is something about his work that makes feel free. His books are wild and young and reckless. It is magic! His writing is simple but filled with feelings you couldnt really try and describe, yet he does an excellent job. When I read his books, specially Fighting Ruben Wolfe, I feel like Everything is perfect!, I mean, yeah, those boys theirselves are not perfect and the book proves that life itself is not perfect but that doesnt really matter. It is everything where it needs to be and somehow everything feels fine! I like the way Zusak writes, in my opinion, this is the pure literature. I SEE HIS HEART THROUGH THE PAGES OF HIS BOOKS. I see it beating and moving the blood all around! I see his hormons filled with pleasure and I see him as the completely strong man that he is. I see the pulses of his life in his books, they live!! His. Books. Live.
PS.: have you ever talked to words? You know, if you pay enough attention, you will hear this book whispering "I am not afraid of who I am."
Profile Image for Madison.
423 reviews39 followers
February 8, 2016

Had to read this for school, I was a little iffed when I realised it was the second book in a series but this book is my favourite book read in school. I particularly loved Ruben and Cameron's relationship as brothers. An awesome and quick read.
Profile Image for Reynje.
272 reviews951 followers
December 1, 2012

I love this book. I have more things to say over here
Profile Image for Doğan.
202 reviews13 followers
July 24, 2019
İlk kitapla kıyaslarsak oldukça başarılı bir devam kitabı diyebilirim. Genel olarak karakterlerin gelişmeleri, Cameron ve Rube'un arasındaki bağların iyice sıklaşması gayet güzel şeylerdi. Ben seride genel olarak bir şeye takıldım: Serinin üç kitabında da özgün isimler kullanılmamış ve kapaklardaki çocuksu duruş kitapların ciddiyetini bozmuş. Neyse hız kesmeyelim ve üçüncü kitaba başlayalım.

Puanım: 5 / 4,5
Profile Image for Klaudia.
114 reviews4 followers
May 30, 2016
I love this. I love Zusak and I love how Australian this is.
3 reviews
October 13, 2021
Fighting Ruben Wolfe is a brilliant novel about two brothers searching for a purpose. I found it really interesting and had an overall great writing style. I really liked Ruben Wolfe as a character, because when he fought people, he knew he was going to win. They knew he was going to win. He just had this champion vibe that made me like him the best. My least favorite character was probably Perry Cole. Perry was a nasty guy that liked smoking, drinking, and didn't give a crap about anybody else. He would constantly threatens the brothers and warn them what he will do if they back out of the boxing league. My favorite event would probably be the very last match where Ruben fights Cameron. This was the climax of the book, and just the intense build up really made me pumped for that event. I enjoyed the writing style of the book, because it really made everything nice and clear, while still being funny and sarcastic. The pace of the novel I also felt was pretty good, however towards the beginning it was lacking. Overall, the book is definitely one of my favorites and I'm glad I took the time to read it.
Profile Image for S.
70 reviews
May 28, 2020
There is just something uniquely magical about the way Zusak writes his characters - real, gritty and unforgettable. Developing the characters from the first the first book (Underdog) this book explores the relationship between the two boys. Zusak masterfully lays bare the differing ways that the two brothers respond to the conflict they encounter in their lives - both their internal and external conflict.

Loved it!

“It's funny, don't you think, how time seems to do a lot of things? It flies, it tells, and worst of all, it runs out.”

“Do we spend most of our days trying to remember or to forget? Do we spend most of our time running towards or away from our lives?”

“But neither of us knows, because a fight's worth nothing if you know from the start that you're going to win it.”

“And then there's the sickness I feel from looking at legs I can't touch, or at lips that don't smile at me. Or hips that don't reach for me. And hearts that don't beat for me”

“I say, 'Don't lose your heart, Rube.'
And very clearly, without moving, my brother answers me.
He says, 'I'm not tryin' to lose it, Cam. I'm tryin' to find it.”
Profile Image for Ali.
122 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2022
Kitap Hırsızı'nın yazarı Markus Zusak'tan okuduğum 5. kitap olan İt Dalaşı Wolfie Kardeşler serisinin ikinci kitabı. Söylemeliyim ki ilk kitaptan daha dolu bir kitaptı.

Genel olarak fakir, hayattan ne istediklerini bilmeyen, oldukça talihsiz ve yuva hissinden uzak olan iki kardeşin yaşadığı olayları ve kendilerini bulma hikayesi anlatılıyor seride.

İlk kitap olan Köpek Düşleri daha çok uzun bir romana giriş gibiydi. Karakterleri iyice tanıyıp birbirleri arasındaki ilişkileri ve beklentilerini öğrendik. Ve öyle düz bir şekilde yaptı ki bunu yazar bir karakter gelişimi dışında bir peak bile görmedik neredeyse kitapta. Ancak yazarın su gibi akan dili sayesinde, biraz da karakterlerle kurduğunuz bağlar sayesinde 1 -2 günde hızlıca okundu kitap.

İt dalaşı da aynı şekilde ancak çok daha doyurucu. Bu sefer karakterlerin birbirlerine olan duygularını daha derinde anlıyor ve sizi beklentiye sokan gerçek bir olay örgüsü içinde buluyorsunuz kendinizi. Verdiği mesajları da sevdim. Markus Zusak'ın en çok sevdiğim yönü ise ne kadar akıcı ve basit kelimeler kullansa da vurucu cümleler yapabilmesi. Karakterlere de çok bağlandım o yüzden seriyi sevdim gerçekten. Bakalım son kitapta final nasıl olacak.
Profile Image for M.K..
Author 1 book23 followers
October 14, 2018
Вижте цялото ревю тук. :)

Камерън Улф е куражлия. Той е Аутсайдерът. Рубен Улф е победител. Той е Боецът. В трогателната втора част на Братята Улф, двамата тръгват в търсене на себе си. Кои и какви са, могат ли да изградят нещо. Но могат да получат това, което искат, само в един последен свиреп сблъсък помежду си.

"Да се Биеш с Рубен Улф" е натежала от носталгия по младостта. Кара те да се върнеш назад и да си кажеш 'Може би ако..', но и да осъзнаеш, че всичко е в твоите ръце. И какво ще правиш с открилите се шансове зависи само от теб.

А многото пластове, които Зюсак дава на Камерън и Рубен, ги правят още по-симпатични герои, които просто искаш да подкрепяш.
Profile Image for Evan Lien.
503 reviews8 followers
July 26, 2017
I haven't read the first wolfe book, so keep that in mind, will you?

I used to be like you. I had read The book thief, I had loved the book thief, and i was looking for more Zusak. I found Fighting Ruben Wolfe, and I was happy for that. Well, straighten up chap, I've got some news for you.
1. Fighting ruben wolfe is the 2nd book in the wolfe trilogy. That means that there is a book you should read that comes before this one.
2. Where The book thief was cute and cry-able, the wolfe cronicles (can i call them that?) are not. They're incredibly short, and from what I've gathered from this book, not really interesting or great. Obviously the fact that these are far earlier works than Thief has something to do with it, but ... yeah.

305 reviews2 followers
March 18, 2019
Wow, this guy can really write. Read The Book Thief a long time ago and loved it. Recently read I Am the Messenger. Couldn’t believe that someone so young could write like this. I just had to get more. Fighting Ruben Wolfe . . . tried to convince myself I did not want to read a book about boxing and brothers . . . I was wrong. This YA book had me from beginning to end. Now off to see what else I can find by this great author!
Profile Image for Michele Harrod.
532 reviews50 followers
October 27, 2020
I never thought I’d see the day when a book about boxing would keep me riveted from cover to cover, but then again, it’s Zusak, who captured my attention from page 1 of The Bridge of Clay. Because his writing is simply sublime. Having read that, it was hard not to see the same boys in my mind from that gorgeous book, yet this is a simpler YA novel that takes you to very heart of what it means to be brothers. And to know what it’s like to fight, every day, for your existence, and your dignity.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 396 reviews

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