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Words #1

The Weight of Words

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Aubrey Price is in the final months of her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto. Bright, witty, and fiercely independent, Aubrey works part-time for the college dean and has her sights set on graduating with distinction. When she meets Dean Grant's son, Daniel, the TA in her senior Shakespearean studies course, a shared love of the Bard's works and an instant mutual attraction draw Aubrey and Daniel together. Unfortunately, a strict anti-fraternizing policy--made more perilous by a black mark on Daniel's record--keeps them apart. Against this academic backdrop, Aubrey and Daniel navigate their way through a steamy courtship, their forbidden romance aided, abetted, and sometimes thwarted by a colorful cast of friends, family, and classmates.

326 pages, Paperback

First published November 24, 2013

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About the author

Georgina Guthrie

6 books342 followers
Georgina Guthrie is a self-professed book hugger and compulsive diarist. Though GG now resides in Canada, she was born across the pond and still considers herself a Brit through and through, which may explain her frequent visits to her favourite local British import shop.

GG is often happiest when reading and writing, but she’s just as likely to be found hanging out with friends and family, almost certainly with a glass of red wine in one hand a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the other.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for Lucia.
737 reviews909 followers
November 16, 2013
My Aubrey and Daniel:

How much trouble can it be when you fall for your teaching assistent who also happens to be the son of Dean you are working for? As Aubrey will learn, it can bring a lot of problems and not just for her. Especially when man in question has his own can of worms he is not ready to open yet...

The Weight of Words is truly adorable story! Very witty and sometimes funny too. With forbidden love as a main topic, I was hooked from the very beginning. Style of writing is high-level and it was a pleasure to read this story. The Weight of Words may not be the most moving story, but it is definitely one of the most enjoyable ones I have read lately.

In The Weight of Words, Aubrey is a smart woman and a compassionate soul. The way her teaching assistant Daniel was effecting her was very cute and adorable.

Daniel was very moody in this story and I had hard time figuring him out. He could be grumpy, angry, playful or sweet. He was really trying to stay away from Aubrey, but the more time he spend with her, the closer he was to failing his determination to keep his distance. Moreover, Daniel's character had amazing way with words and he really knew how to charm a woman... Teasing between him and Aubrey was incredible in this story and author wrote it perfectly.
As he looked at me, his face openly betrayed what his heart was feeling. The wall, the bravado, the persona — it was all gone, reduced to rubble at our feet.

To be honest I have nothing to complain about. Beautifuly written, adorable characters, thoughtful ideas, no cliffhanger. The only thing I was missing was some shocking twist, something that would keep me on my toes. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this book and I am looking forward to next instalment.

*ARC provided by publisher as an exchange for honest review*

MORE REVIEWS ON MY BLOG Reading Is My Breathing
Profile Image for Sylvain Reynard.
Author 18 books14.5k followers
February 10, 2014
I enjoyed this novel and I think my readers will enjoy it as well.

The story centres on a bright undergraduate who is studying literature, and the mercurial teaching assistant for her Shakespeare class. The author writes well and uses quotations from Shakespeare to great effect. But you don't have to have a background in his works in order to understand and appreciate the story.

Academic politics, the angst of student life, and the importance of friends and family are themes of the novel, but at heart, this is a story about love and longing. Circumstances conspire to keep the hero and heroine apart. As the first in a trilogy, readers will have more of Miss Guthrie's writing to look forward to in future, as shall I.

Profile Image for Natalie.
287 reviews72 followers
February 18, 2016

*Sigh* gotta love rewritten Twilight fanfiction, especially when they are about forbidden romances. Actually, gotta love all books that are about forbidden romances, maybe especially student/teacher novels.

"As he looked at me, his face openly betrayed what his heart was feeling. The wall, the bravado, the persona — it was all gone, reduced to rubble at our feet."

This doesn't end with a cliffhanger, so feel free to read it now. But I can promise you that when you read this, you will want and need more of the fantastic couple Aubrey and Daniel. And Oh My God what good this was, such a amazing start to a triology. I am very picky when it comes to my books, and I rarely give books more then 3-4 stars, but this gets 4,5 stars, hands down. I honestly have no good reason not to give it 5 stars, it was a very fine line.

"As he moved, his knee grazed mine under the table – an accident, of course- but he might as well have thrust his hand between my legs, considering the effect it had on me."

This is absolutely one of the very best reads of this year. If you like these kinds of books, this cannot be missed. Actually, I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone. The sexual tension is of the charts, the forbidden factor is high and the heroine, aswell as the writing is smart and wity. And the hero, Daniel - well, he deserves his own paragraph. He is gorgeous, hotter then fuck, smart, funny, and oh so sexy and irrasistable...you just wanna lick his incredible sexy jaw(?) and kiss his full lips...wow, is it hot in here? Tummy flutters BIG time. He is a hero in his own leauge and you just want more...more...more. His person destroys panties everywhere he goes and he is on every women's fuck me-list. But he is also mysterious and hard to sometimes to understand with dark sides, but that's part of his charm. Together with a awsome, strong, wity, smart, heroine with an actual spine, UST, jealusy and awsome side characters, this is a book that you don't wanna miss, trust me. And oh, I forgot to mention a very important thing about Sailor, Audrey's nickname for Daniel. He is english, which means he has an amazing, sexy accent.

"I sent up a silent prayer of my own. And, Dear God? Thank you for creating Daniel in all his sweet-ass hotness. That’s probably sacrilege, but I mean it most sincerely. Amen.- Aubrey."

If you like the book Gabriel's Inferno ,then I know you will love this. I got a bit of the same feeling when I read it. I advice you to put this book at the very top of your to be read-list! And isn't the cover beautiful, and it goes perfectly with the book.

"My God, he was so gorgeous. Was it really possible that one day in the not-too-terribly-distant-future I was going to get me a piece of that? Be still my ever-loving heart."
Profile Image for Jennifer.
265 reviews7 followers
January 27, 2014
It’s hard to even know where to begin with my love for Georgina Guthrie and The Weight of Words. I have been in love this this story for several years now. I was so excited when GG announced that she would be publishing this story because it definitely is a book that the world needs to read.

TWoW is like an old-fashioned romance with a modern twist. There is the forbidden nature of the story because the teacher/student dynamic. But really there is so much more to the story than that complication. TWoW is about attraction, tension, insecurity, jealousy, mis-understanding, trust. Love.

This love story takes place on the beautiful campus of The University of Toronto. A place deep in tradition and chock full of gorgeous architecture. Who wouldn‘t want to fall love to that back drop? Georgina writes the scenes in such a way that you can imagine every detail as you’re reading. I could almost feel the cold deep in my bones when Aubrey was making her way across campus on one more than one blustery winter day.

While I myself am not an expert on Shakespeare, I couldn’t help get drawn into his words. The way Georgina uses Shakespeare passages and sonnets in TWoW enhances the story line and adds a depth to the romantic tones throughout the book. I often would go back and read the chapter opening and try to interpret how it fit into each chapter.

Both Daniel and Aubrey (love that name btw) are multi-faceted characters. Aubrey is beautiful, independent, intelligent, witty, empathetic, and caring. Daniel is a more of an enigma when we first meet him. Is he an absent minded professor with a Salvation Army fashion obsession? Or is he a dimpled, blue-eyed, shmexy, somewhat mis-understood, Oxford educated, PhD candidate (did I say incredibly sexy??) guy trying to start over? What we do know is that he can turn an otherwise astute Aubrey into a bumbling and inarticulate school girl. And the hobo look is not a deterrent for her one bit.

His scruffiness wasn’t a turnoff; in fact, I had a strange urge to take him home and give him a very hands-on sponge bath.

Yeah. Don’t we all.

We learn that Daniel has a very romantic side. Major swoons with the Shakespeare calendar. And he calls her Poppet, a term of endearment from his childhood. But even more likable and fun is that Daniel has a penchant for dirty talk that adds to the already boiling sexual tension between these two.

I want you so badly I can taste it. –D
Tell me, what does want taste like? –A
It tastes like the sweetest velvet. –D


It takes nearly the whole book for these two to kiss and let me just say… it’s worth the wait. Georgina has this book well stocked with steamy moments that made me flush from head to toe, and many "places" in between. The scene in the parking garage at The Four Seasons is off the charts hot and they’re fully clothed, with overcoats and all! And don’t even get me started on the sexual innuendo thrown into a lesson of playing “snookah”. Pool cues at full attention in that scene. Ahem.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the amazing cast of secondary characters in this book. Every girl needs a girlfriend like Julie. She’s cute and hip and wears her heart on her sleeve. Then you have the hunky and protective roommate Matt. I’ll take two tickets to that “gun show”. LoL And let’s not forget about Penny. She has no problem putting Daniel in his place and she brings in an air of humor and sarcasm at all the right times.

“He can be a right prat sometimes. But you’ll get used to it.” –Penny
“Hello? I’m right here.” – Daniel

Georgina is an artist. I can’t count the number of times I’ve read this story from its former life to the new and improved version and it never gets old. I know how it all ends and I still continue to crave it and often find myself going back to specific scenes and passages. Besides being an epic story teller, Georgina writes dialogue like no other.

If you want to read a book that jumps right into the sex, this is not the book for you. If you want to read a story with well-crafted characters that have real life emotions and issues, then The Weight of Words is for you. This is a book that takes you on a journey; a journey of lust, falling in love and over-coming obstacles. I promise you. It’s a slow burn that will ignite. I’d love to tell you more but it’s just between me and the fencepost.

Here is an outtake of Chapter 15 from Daniel's POV:

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bookish Temptations.
298 reviews329 followers
November 26, 2013
Like I mentioned before in my interview with The Weight of Words author, Georgina Guthrie last Friday, which you can check out here. I’ve been a fan of her work for a while. Tamie and I were lucky enough to get an ARC to help promote the release of her books. We are so thrilled that GG decided to publish her fantastic work.
You can read the rest of our review here: http://bookishtemptations.com/2013/11...
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
December 14, 2013
I guess, I just didn't get it. As much as I liked the premise and some refreshing parts, I still felt it wasn't for me. I caught myself on skipping pages, and being utterly bored.
Profile Image for Jennifer Lane.
Author 14 books1,434 followers
October 4, 2014
The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth

What a thought-provoking romance! It's rare for me to feel such fondness for the hero and the heroine, but I loved both Daniel and Aubrey. It's also rare for me to understand Shakespeare, but Georgina Guthrie provides an excellent guide to the Bard in this story.

Aubrey Price starts her last year at the University of Toronto with a tight budget, a set of close friends, and a passion for all things Shakespeare. She works as an assistant to Dean Grant in addition to taking a heavy course load. The TA for her Shakespeare course is Dean Grant's son Daniel, who's scruffy and gorgeous. Aubrey tries to suppress her attraction to Daniel's forbidden fruit due to the anti-fraternization policy. (Good luck, Aubrey.)

Daniel is a puzzle. He crisply calls her "Miss Price", at times seeming standoffish and pompous. At other times he smiles warmly and appears impressed by her depth of knowledge and wit.

Daniel had been livid with me, which was definitely not without its strange appeal. Angry-Daniel was something to behold. But then he was Tail-Between-His-Legs-Daniel, followed shortly afterward by Tiny-Piece-of-Heart-on-His-Sleeve-Daniel. The episode was rounded out nicely by Dimpled-Smile-and-Lip-Biting-Daniel. Smorgasbord, right?

Aubrey has no idea how he feels about her until Dean Grant invites her to a family dinner and Daniel unexpectedly shows up. When he has one drink too many, he reveals his true feelings.

O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should, with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!
~William Shakespeare, Othello

Hehe. Before Daniel makes a total beast of himself, he attempts to rein himself in, though it's tough to avoid Aubrey's charm. The secret that likely drives him to drink that night also ups the professional stakes to dangerous levels.

Aubrey has a winsome sense of humor which her roommate Matt draws out of her:

"I didn't know you guys were headed in that direction," I said. "I knew you liked each other. Some nights I could tell you really liked each other." I rattled the headboard, and he shot me a poisonous glare.

Matt also made me laugh:

"I had to get up. My brain was screaming for Advil," he groaned. "And I have the worst case of the zacklies."
"What the hell are the zacklies?"
"You know, when your mouth tastes zackly like your ass."

The banter between Aubrey and Daniel kept me grinning. Her F-bomb explosions surprise and delight him. His pair of jeans with a hole over the knee makes Aubrey swoon.

"Now tell me," I said, eager to lighten the tone. "Am I going to get a look at one of those sweet knees tonight?"
Daniel sighed again. "Don't worry. Mr. Ratty Pants will be making an appearance this evening."

Instructors getting it on with students is abusive and wrong. But this story never feels icky that way. Aubrey is a strong, independent woman and Daniel does his best to exhibit self-control. Can they keep their paws off each other until semester's end? I look forward to finding out in the next two books in the series!

A very little thief of occasion will rob you of a great deal of patience.
~William Shakespeare Coriolanus, Act II, sc. 1
Profile Image for Daramegan.
1,147 reviews38 followers
April 2, 2017
Ti dva me bavi!! Jdu na druhy dil a asi nejdu dneska spat :-))
Profile Image for Katerina.
423 reviews17.3k followers
August 2, 2015
The course of true love never did run smooth...

What a wonderful book!A typical New Adult contemporary romance with lots of angst and steamy tension,witty banters and heartbreak and misunderstandings,and the main heroes trying to bear the weight of their feelings.One of the books that has to stay with you for a very long time!Thank you Scarlet for bringing this to my attention,I owe you girl!!

A reader who’s been prepared to make enormous sacrifices to secure someone’s love would not find his actions incomprehensible.

I would walk through the fiery depths of hell to make sure Daniel and Aubrey end up together!I loved these characters too much!!Daniel is a Teaching Assistant,which prevents him from having a relationship with Aubrey,who attends his class on Shakespeare.They tried to deny their feelings,since there were so many obstacles,from college regulations and jealous friends and overprotective fathers to nosy classmates and criminal records,but sometimes there are souls that are bound together by a silver thread,against all reason and good judgement.And it is a lovely ride!

What took me by surprise is Georgina Guthrie's writing and her rich vocabulary.The characters are well educated and it is obvious in their dialogues and wit battles,while quoting Shakespeare in order to express their feelings.But while they're so intelligent,when it comes to trust they act like 10 year olds and in my opinion it makes them very realistic.When Daniel thinks he is affectionate,Aubrey thinks he is cold,when she thinks she shows how much he means to her,he thinks she is mysterious and can't figure her out.They feel like the boy and girl next door,they make the mistakes you and I make in our daily life and most of the times I found many similarities between me and Aubrey.I adored Daniel,he is far from perfect and it suits him,he can be insecure and immature and jealous but he has the guts to step aside his pride and fight for what he wants;a future with Aubrey.It definitely is a book that deserves more attention!
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,547 reviews109 followers
December 4, 2013
The title of this book is perfect.
I loved the verses before each chapter. LOVED THEM. They set the tone for each chapter. Acutally it made me want to reread some of these classics.
At first I was not sure about Daniel’s feelings. I thought he was playing Aubrey. However, I love how the author started with Aubrey’s POV, then at 70% switched to Daniel’s POV and then went back to Aubrey’s. It was done very well.
Both of these individuals are adults. Aubrey is 23 years old. She is not a freshman in college. She is in her last semester. Daniel is in his late 20s so there is not a large age difference between this couple.
Daniel has a secret that only a few individuals know. This secret is keeping him guarded from starting anything with Aubrey. However, as he spends more time with Aubrey it becomes harder for him to stay away from her. Plus, Aubrey works for Daniel’s father in his office.
Sailor and Puppet. I loved it. I loved how it was not about sex even though there was a lot of sexual tension and you felt the tension every time this couple was “alone” with one another.
I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
A copy of this ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Emmy.
971 reviews166 followers
November 30, 2017

Let's start with the most pressing issue I have with this. It's an unfinished story! Not exactly a cliffhanger, but there's clearly more stuff they have to deal with. Cara is obviously going to find out that they are together and out their relationship in the next book, there will inevitably be drama around Daniel's big secret when it gets out, and they will finally get to consummate their relationship once the semester is over. I do not understand how there is a third book. How can a story, that literally is just the romance of these two people, be stretched into 3 books? I got bored during this one.

I guess this can be considered a slow burn in that the couple don't have sex before they fall in love - - but the attraction and lusting are in there from the very beginning, which, for me, I don't then consider a slow burn, but know that some will disagree with me. I would call this more of a slow tease given the amount of foreplay that happens throughout this book.

Anyway, as for the story itself. It was fine. Nothing to make it particularly stand out for me though. A little boring at times. I didn't need to be quite so familiar with Aubrey's class schedule. All she did was go to class and do school work it felt like. And then the fact that it was unfinished caused it to lose half a star for me.
Profile Image for Nancy/i.
19 reviews1 follower
November 27, 2013

When Sylvain Reynard recommends a book from an author he has encouraged and inspired, you listen and read without a question—I’m glad I did—both, for what it’s worth.

As soon as I received my copy and opened—or rather slid my finger across the screen to the first chapter, thanks modernity—I was immediately captured by the Shakespeare quote of the Twelfth Night. As an academic, I relish on the use of classic literature and language in contemporary novels, and author Georgina Guthrie does not disappoint.

Aubrey is an undergraduate student who falls for Daniel a graduate student who just so happens to be her TA and the son of Dean Grant, her boss. Complicated does not even begin to define this situation, not only is there the no fraternization rule between students and faculty there is also Dean Grant.

Author, Georgina Guthrie writes a wonderful story, telling of an academic—language, usage, and yes, good ol’ Bill Shakespeare, make for a very thoughtfully written story that does not make you feel like saying, “Whaaaaaa?” (Insert minion voice).

Aubrey and Daniel (gosh, even their names are lovely) embark on a very complex relationship, one in which they try to protect one another and often times lose sight of the ultimate goal, don’t get caught. Their relationship is more of a courtship, innocent but still very much sexually charged; something they refrain from to keep one another out of any predicament.

Aubrey is very forthcoming, smart, and witty—something not many female characters are—even her foul language is refreshing and done so in a fitting manner. This is something Georgina Guthrie does well, much like insulting someone and making him or her smile. Love it.

Daniel, dear LORD!! (Insert whatever divinity you praise, if you do). The man is not only smart; he’s wicked smart (insert Boston accent), good looking, and can drawl out a British accent…REALLY?! I mean, where do I sign up for one of these guys? But beyond the entire wonderful exterior is complex man, yes, aren’t they all. He has a past that still haunts him and a love so deep for Aubrey you hope and pray (if you do) they make it.

Their ups and downs are nerve wrecking and often times make you want to yell and/or cry. It’s that good. Makes you feel like a damn teenager all over again, butterflies in your tummy and smiling for no particular reason other than thinking of one or the other.

I can’t wait to see what happens to these two and hope the journey—as tumultuous as it may be—grants them their rightfully earned happy ending.

Author, Georgina Guthrie, you have accomplished a great feat with this wonderful story and have made of me an admirer and fan. Your work is truly amazing.
22 reviews
February 16, 2014
I'm not so patiently waiting to read one of the best stories I've ever read. Don't tell me I'm nice GG, you seriously are an amazing writer. I've gone from peeping at your work over your shoulder to waiting for you to sign my copy. I'll be buying on Kobo first because I won't want to wait for the shipping of the real thing. Poppet and Sailor Le Sigh!
Profile Image for Crystal Wojnarowski Dillon.
46 reviews1 follower
December 30, 2013
Such a slow boring story. I'm only half way through and I can't stand it. I'm pretty sure I read this years ago as a twilight fan fiction. I also couldn't get through it as fan fiction either. All the mundane details just do not make up a good book.
Profile Image for Fab Fun & Tantalizing Reads.
566 reviews100 followers
December 1, 2013
The Weight of Words is the kind of book that you read with a gigantic smile plastered all over your face from the beginning through to the end and one you find yourself thinking about long after you turn the final page.

I couldn’t tell you if it was the flawless style of writing, the literary Shakespearean lessons throughout each chapter, the humor dispersed every single page or the forbidden romance that has you rooting for the characters.

23 year old Aubrey Price is smart, independent, strong willed, and oh-so-funny. Her internal dialogue never ceased to make me giggle. She’s the type of character that you can see yourself in. The girl you know deserves to find and keep her knight in shining armor.
What the hell was sandalwood anyway? In the dictionary beside the word, there would probably be a picture of me blissfully sniffing Daniel’s neck.

Aub works for Dean Grant and is specializing in English with a minor in French Lit. Her GPA is high, and her goal is within reach. She had no clue that one fateful day she would meet someone that would change her focus and make her view life a little differently.
My God, he was so gorgeous. Was it really possible that one day in the not-too-terribly-distant-future I was going to get me a piece of that? Be still my ever-loving heart.

Meet Daniel Grant, Dean Grant’s son, and TA for Aubrey’s Shakespearean Studies class. He needs to remain uncompromized - impartial and objective. He’s got a dicey past which he’s still fighting to recover from but there’s no denying the attraction and spark that zings around the room each time they are in each other’s presence.
Angry-Daniel was something to behold. But then he was Tail-Between-His-Legs-Daniel, followed shortly afterward by TinyPiece-Of-Heart-On-His-Sleeve-Daniel. The episode was rounded out nicely by Dimpled-Smile-And-Lip-Biting-Daniel. Smorgasboard, right? Was it too much to hope that we might being working toward a comfortable friendship? Now if only I could get some benefits to go along with that friendship.

It was the time between confessions that had me giggling the most. The stalker-ish moments, the dreams, Valentines day fiasco's, and the moments in and out of the classroom that had this pair fighting their attraction. Finally it happened. One awkward meal, being trapped in the bathroom overhearing a conversation about yourself (AWKWARD!!), and an innuendo filled pool lesson the tables begin to turn.
It was as if we were attached by an invisible current, dangerously compelling us to move toward each other.

I loved seeing the 2 different sides of Daniel – and I’m not talking about Dr Hobo and Mr GQ. I’m talking about TA Daniel, and boyfriend Daniel. I only began to see him in a different way once the text messages (HOLY HOT SAUCE!! *Fans self*), note passing , and the calendar. *Le sigh* The calendar is one of the sweetest most romantic gestures and I just adored him for it.
He smiled and released my hand, which would be of no use to me ever again. How could I possibly type, write, do dishes or complete any other mundane daily task with these fingers, which had just been gloriously serviced by Daniel’s hot tongue?

As with any forbidden and secret romance, there is so much to lose. Although Daniel and Aub’s started off with a clear path and time-frame to survive, things got a little hazy and began to fall apart before they really even had a chance to being. Jealousy rears its ugly head, sexual tensions become unbearable and misunderstandings ensue.
As he looked at me, his face openly betrayed what his heart was feeling. The wall, the bravado, the persona — it was all gone, reduced to rubble at our feet.

There is SO much to love about Weight of Words aside from Aubs and Daniel. There was the friendships – Julie, Matt, Penny, Brad and Jeremy. The laugh out loud moments (LOTS!), the swooning – THERE WAS A LOT OF SWOONING - and of course the lessons in life and love. Out of nowhere there was a switch up in point of view and my heart raced. I devoured those pages, hungry for insight into Daniel’s emotions and mysterious past.
“…I’ve spend the last ten years of my life studying words – marveling in their power, their weight. Never once in all those years did I have an inkling that the weight of so few words could be so crushing,”

Page after page kept me in anticipatory tension. I was desperate for a kiss. Even just one. When I got it, let me tell you, it was worth the wait.

In summary, an easy read that makes your heart skip beats, your cheeks sore from smiling, and your appetite sated...until next time. Bravo Ms Guthrie. I am counting the days for more Daniel & Aubrey in Better Deeds Than Words. I can't wait to follow them through the hurdles they cross in navigating their way to a Happily Ever After.
Profile Image for Katherine.
316 reviews54 followers
November 30, 2013
Check out the review that both me and Tamie did at Bookish Temptations.


Rereading this story, I basically completely fell in love with these characters again; they feel like family to me. Daniel is a TA at the University of Toronto, where he is trying to redeem himself to his family and the university, because of scandalous misunderstanding while teaching at Oxford. Aubrey is a senior getting her degree, who takes a class in Shakespeare that he just happens to be teaching. If you love UST, this story is full to the brim with it, because of university rules about TAs fraternizing with students. While I was familiar with Shakespeare, I learned so much more about his work in every chapter. GG also has an incredible ability of describing a scene where I feel like I am transported there. The secondary characters are equally funny and interesting, and sometimes steal scenes. Namely, Daniel’s Aunt Patty and English confidante Penny.

I love reading about intelligent people, probably because if I can relate to them in any way, it makes ME feel smarter. Both of the main characters, Daniel and Aubrey, are very smart when it comes to their education, but when it comes to the affairs of the heart and body, they struggle to do the right thing. Wait. They have to wait. Even as a reader, there were times, when I wanted to throw in the towel, and just get on with IT. But I am a bigger fan of characters that don’t break their promises, to the people they care about, and themselves.

Here is my favorite scene from The Weight of Words, excerpt from Chapter 17, Light and Lust:

In the reading room, I claimed the red leather couch facing the bay window. I glanced around as I dug in my bag for my book. Most of the room’s occupants were studying, but one guy was curled up on a sofa by the unlit fireplace, snoring softly. I wished I had time to flake out and nap as well.

I was pulled from my reading after about ten minutes by the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. My heart thundered as I checked the display. It was a text message from Daniel!

Have I told you that I love those pants you’re wearing, my poppet? -D

I quickly typed a response.

How did you get my number? Where are you? -A

He answered almost immediately.

Jeremy has his uses from time to time. Say, that’s a sturdy looking bookshelf over there, don’t you think?

Bookshelf? I whirled around. He was here? What the — ?

I scanned the room, and there he was, sneaky bastard, sitting in a wing-backed chair facing the side wall, his newly-trimmed locks in plain view above the chair back. His leg was dangling over the left arm of the chair, a sex-boot taunting me shamelessly.

I dropped back onto the couch.

What are you doing here, sailor? -A

Booked that meeting room for tutorial then I thought I’d swing by the library while I was here. I overheard you tell Julie you were coming here. Do me a favor? Lose the sweater and go look out the window? Please? -D

I smiled. I knew these pants did great things for my ass!

Okay. I’ll play. I slowly peeled off my sweater and dropped it on the couch. I stood, pretending to scan the sidewalk outside while stretching my arms above my head. My T-shirt rode up enough to show a little skin. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw him peering around the side of his chair, his gaze intense.

I want you so badly I can taste it. -D

My knees jumped, and I instinctively brought my hand to my throat. I was certain everyone in the room must be feeling the raw sexual energy flowing between us, but no one seemed to be paying the slightest bit of attention to us. I stared at my phone for a moment and then started typing, surprising myself with my boldness.

Tell me, what does want taste like? -A

He read my message and then looked at me again, his eyes smoldering as they drifted down my body, pausing at my breasts and then slowly scanning my legs. His answer was fast:

It tastes like the sweetest velvet. -D

I wish that I could say that Aubrey remains patience while they wait for the semester to end, and she graduates, but she is human. Not that I blame her. LOL!

I sent up a silent prayer of my own. And, Dear God? Thank you for creating Daniel in all his sweet-ass hotness. That’s probably sacrilege, but I mean it most sincerely. Amen.- Aubrey

By the end of the book, our Poppet and Sailor are a united front. Ready to face the world together, if only “in secret” for now. Looking forward to her next two books!!
Profile Image for Míša Rubášová.
357 reviews15 followers
June 18, 2017
Parádní, zábavné a milé. Našla jsem další oblíbenou milostnou sérii.
Jednu hvězda minus bych dala za občasné chování hlavní hrdinky, která byla už dost stará na to, aby se nechovala jako pipinka. Ale chápu, že to tak melo být. Jinak vážně super!!!
Ve výsledku ale zase hvězda nahoru za literární podtext v příběhu. Takže pět *!
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
December 31, 2013

Aubrey Price is halfway through to completing her undergraduate degree at Toronto College. She works part time for Dean Grant and is starting her Shakespearian studies class where she can excitedly immerse herself into Shakespeare’s works. When she gets a glimpse of the new TA in the class Aubrey realizes she’s going to like the class a whole lot more. Daniel Grant, with his blue eyes, mussed hair and impossible dimples is the epitome of sexy, but he is also a teacher’s assistant and Dean Grant’s son. Knowing that there are strict no fraternizing rules doesn’t stop Aubrey from wishing things could be different, especially when she senses that Daniel has an interest in her as well. At first Daniel is very hot and cold with Aubrey and she doesn’t know what to make of it, but then one day Daniel lets his guard down and his true feelings for Aubrey are revealed.

“I really like you. I shouldn’t like you the way I do. It’s wrong, and I know it’s wrong, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

Daniel knows he should stay far away from Aubrey, but he can’t seem to get her out of his mind and he knows that they could be amazing together. They decide to keep their relationship quiet until the semester ends and Daniel is released from his TA position. But there’s something else besides the no fraternizing rule between teacher assistants and students that has Daniel nervous about his relationship with Aubrey. Something from his past has him guarded but he still can’t seem to stay away from her no matter what the ramifications may be.

It was as if we were attached by an invisible current, dangerously compelling us to move toward each other.

Aubrey and Daniels attempt to have a relationship and keep it quiet for the remainder of the semester proves to be difficult. When a terrible misunderstanding has Daniel second guessing everything he thought he knew about Aubrey, jealousy and false assumptions can potentially end their relationship before it can really start.

“This was not heart ache. An ache is a dull pain, and there was nothing dull about this; shards of glass were being repeatedly thrust into my heart, twisted, and then violently pulled out.”

Can a relationship based on keeping secrets and half-truths really stand a chance? Can Aubrey and Daniel make it through to other side and have the real relationship they both desperately yearn for? I desperately want them to! I was sucked into this story from the first page and now I eagerly await the second book to learn the fate of Daniel and Aubrey. The chemistry between these two is great, and the fact that they have to avoid intimacy and keep their relationship a secret makes every stolen moment they share stand out. Aubrey’s and Daniel’s mutual love for Shakespeare, and the way they banter back and forth using quotes really added a special quality to story. I love the incorporation of Classic Literature in Contemporary Romances, it gives that something extra you don’t find in every other book you read. The Weight of Words is a beautifully written forbidden romance that’s witty, sweet and will have you waiting rather impatiently for the second book which is called Better Deeds than Words.

“…I’ve spend the last ten years of my life studying words – marveling in their power, their weight. Never once in all those years did I have an inkling that the weight of so few words could be so crushing.”
Profile Image for Tracey.
684 reviews446 followers
December 2, 2013

You know how people say that the book they were reading was one that they couldn't put down? Well, let me tell you that The Weight of Words never left my hands for more than a few minutes from the time I picked it up to start reading it. It was a book that delivered on so many levels. The forbidden romance, times when I laughed out loud, sexual tension, amazing characters and superb writing. You know how sometimes completely out of the blue, a book just grabs you? The Weight of Words was it for me. It was brilliant!!!

Aubrey Price is an intelligent young woman in her final months of her degree at the University of Toronto. She gets great grades, has a part time job working for the dean and her hopes are to graduate with distinction. In her Shakespearean studies course she meets new TA Daniel Grant. Attracted to him from the get go, but knowing that as her TA, the attraction can go nowhere. And Daniel is so hot and cold towards her. But what if he feels the same attraction that she does? How will they find their way through those feelings without breaking the rules?

Angry-Daniel was something to behold. But then he was Tail-Between-His-Legs-Daniel, followed shortly afterwards by Tiny-Piece-Of-Heart-On-His-Sleeve-Daniel. The episode was rounded out nicely by Dimpled-Smile-And-Lip-Biting-Daniel. Smorgasbord right?

I adored Aubrey and Daniel. The way that Georgina Guthrie portrayed the two of them was perfect. I loved their intelligence. I loved their passion. I loved their desire to do what was right. I loved their friendship. I loved their need for each other. Aubrey was an instantly likeable character, where Daniel was a little harder to read at first. He came across as a little moody, but I without a doubt loved every side of him. I found him to be the most multi layered of all the characters, but this is a book that I am hard pressed to find a character that I didn't like.

This was not heart ache. An ache is a dull pain, and there was nothing dull about this; shards of glass were being repeatedly thrust into my heart, twisted, and then violently pulled out.

The Weight of Words is told from Aubrey's point of view. But at different times throughout the book I found myself wondering what Daniel would have been thinking during a certain scene. And then it was like my prayers had been answered because the story switched to Daniels voice for a short period, and it was just as fantastic as I thought it would be.

While the main thread of this book is forbidden romance and two characters having the strength to not give into their desires, there are some incredibly steamy scenes without the involvement of sex. One of the hottest is when Daniel was teaching Aubrey to play pool. No one has ever taught me how to play pool quite like that. I think I've been missing out!!!

The Weight of Words is an amazing read and is one of those books that will forever have a place on my favourites list. The writing was fantastic and engaging. I can't recommend this book enough.

I sent up a silent prayer of my own. And dear God? Thank you for creating Daniel in all his sweet-ass hotness. That's probably sacrilege, but I mean it most sincerely. Amen.

5/5 Perfect Daniel and Aubrey Stars!!
Profile Image for Monica.
225 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2013
Let me start off by saying THANK YOU for granting me an ARC!! :)

Georgina Guthrie, your writing had me swooning exactly like that throughout the book.. *Sigh* :)

In my opinion I believe this story does deserve five stars because with every page turn I was always going through some sort of emotion with the characters. For example, In the beginning I found myself getting pretty mad at Aubrey. Let me explain myself here. She was falling for someone that wasn't even paying any attention to her affection. While this was all occurring she had a perfectly handsome roommate named Matt that was more than willing to have her. Did I mention that he was a hunk of a roommate? Yeah...But I understand there wouldn't have been a story to write if she got with Matt. In the end of the book I found myself saying, 'Matt who?' And I have Mr. Grant to that for that. ;)

Daniel Grant... The love interest in Aubrey's life. That man is the new book boyfriend! He definitely joined my group of Book Boyfriends. At first I was a bit iffy about him. I didn't get what she saw in him, especially when he acted so strange towards her. However I did a whole 360 when he confessed his love for her. He was completely different after their love was blossoming. Oh the way he talked, without a doubt it was in the swooning level. He was like ice cream on a hot day. I could go on and no, but I rather you read it to discover the wonders of Daniel Grant.

Another thing that I found very neat was how William Shakespeare was being incorporated into the story. It fitted so well with Daniel and Aubrey; There was always a quote from Shakespeare's plays that fitted great with their relationship throughout the pages. It made the story that much more interesting to read.

To wrap it nicely, If you loved Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard as much as I did (If you haven't read his books I suggest you go out and buy them) then you will definitely love this book. I recommend everyone to read this novel (of course only for mature audiences only). The characters were so well developed and I did see change and progression within them towards the end. Georgina Guthrie is one of those authors that you must keep an eye out because their destined for greatness. She is excellent and so is her writing. I look forward to reading the rest of the series.
Profile Image for J.
3,071 reviews49 followers
October 1, 2016
Really 4.5 stars. A wonderful romance set at a university in Toronto, Canada. The female, Aubrey, is in her last year of obtaining an English literature degree with a huge interest in anything Shakespearean. In her final round of classes, she meets a new TA, Daniel, assisting one of her favorite professors. It is instant lust on her part; but, seems to be unrequited until she is invited to his family home (she works for his father, she thought the TA was out of town but he shows up), sparks fly and a relationship is in the works. Unfortunately, TA's are never to have relationships with their students. So Daniel and Aubrey are forced underground until he is done being her TA. Many obstacles are in the way of a happy but clandestine relationship.

I loved this book for many reasons. I loved the writing. Proper English, no MC slang here. Wonderful lessons about Shakespeare's books and poems. I actually felt I learned a few things I never knew (no English literature proficiency in my brain!). A strong heroine and a somewhat tentative, gorgeous male who after learning his lesson took the bull by the horns were also pluses.

The only negatives I have is that about 3/4's of the way through we have our angsty period and it might have been just a little overdone (why can't people just talk to each other). And finally, for my erotic friends, there is very little steam, just lots of sexual tension and lusting. Didn't bother me at all.

A very, very enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Elle.
298 reviews
December 28, 2013
The Weight of Words by Georgina Guthrie is hands down one of my favorite books of 2013. It was absolute literary bliss and perfection. It’s ironic how hard it is to write a review for a book when you loved it so much, but I don’t think my words can convey just how incredible this story is.

Forbidden romance. Shakespeare. A novel written with such eloquence and finesse, each chapter is smoother than a fine wine and sweeter than the richest chocolate. Want to read The Weight of Words yet? You should.

I won’t give away any spoilers but I will say that this novel is something everyone can enjoy. It’s light on the smut, but the sexual tension between Aubrey and Daniel is palpable and their interactions will leave readers raising eyebrows and biting bottom lips. This is the perfect example of how less really is more.

I couldn’t put this story down. My chest ached, my stomach got butterflies, and I savored every last word in this book. The story doesn’t end in a cliffhanger, but I was sad to be finished with it. Despite there being no cliff, you’ll be left wanting more and counting down to the second book in the series.

Treat yourself to Georgina Guthrie’s debut novel, The Weight of Words, and be consumed by this phenomenal story.
Profile Image for Kat Bastion.
Author 42 books435 followers
December 2, 2013
5 stars and then some! I don't even know where to start with all that I loved about The Weight of Words. All the beautiful Shakespearean references that parallel with perfect moments in the story? All of the incredible three-dimensional characters you fall in love with? The fabulous descriptions that took me back in time and place straight into a wintry Ivy League college experience? Or all of the delightful little witticism the author brought to life? Fencepost! Or was it the moment I fell hard in love and the strains of a favorite song of mine mirror the moment...

All of the above. This book is amazing. I was lost in the story. Couldn't wait to return. Am dying to continue and need to find out what happens next.

LOVED. Brava, Georgina Guthrie. Brilliantly done.
Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,217 reviews93 followers
October 6, 2015
Actual Rating: 4.5

This was a great romance! I thought it could have been a little bit more of a steamy romance, but there are still two books left so I can't wait to see where the story takes me. I love the characters. Especially Aubrey and Daniel. I thought they had amazing chemistry. I loved Penny and Julie as well. Also, Jeremy and Brad were funny and cool as well. Can't wait for the next book and the rest of this series! Loving it so far!
Profile Image for SeaBook.
228 reviews9 followers
June 28, 2016
Přečteno za půl dne (když pominu 50 stran), což přidává k dokonalosti této knihy :3 Nemohla jsem se jednoduše odtrhnou a připadalo mi, jako by byla kniha napsaná přímo pro mě! :3
Nutně potřebuji další díly!! :3
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