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Caroline and the Duke

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A Widow Determined to be Merry

At the urging of her best friend, Caroline, Lady Ballister, seeks a lover with no emotional attachments. After all, experience has taught her that love is a fickle, pointless thing.

A Duke Determined to Marry

Sutbridge has wanted Caroline for ten years and, now that she is once again free, is determined to make her his wife. But will he settle for her body, or wage a war for the most important treasure of all: her heart?

40 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 9, 2013

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About the author

Sabrina Darby

20 books191 followers
Sabrina Darby has been reading romance since the age of seven and learned her best vocabulary (dulcet, diaphanous, and turgid) from them. She started writing romance the day after her wedding when she woke up with an idea for a Regency; she’s been back in the early 19th century ever since.

She currently resides in California with her husband.

And for more historical romance fabulousness, join Sabrina at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ILove... for fun discussions led live every Thursday by a different guest co-host.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
December 12, 2013
Caroline and the Duke by Sabrina Darby is an December 2013 release. I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Caroline, a widow with two sons, is free at last from a terrible marriage. She is determined to keep her freedom. Instead of being tied down in an oppressive marital situation, Caroline is looking for a lover with no emotional ties.

Sutbridge is a duke and much sought after for his title and lands. But, it was always Caroline he wanted. Now after ten years he intends to rectify the mistake he made in his youth and win her back, not only as his lover, but as his wife.

Obviously, Caroline and Sutbridge are not on the same page. Caroline loves her duke but is afraid of marriage and feels too old to produce the heir Sutbridge needs.
It looks as though they are at an impasse when a stunning revelation sends Caroline into a tailspin. Can the duke convince Caroline that he really loves her?

This is a regency period novelette. Although really short it tells a complete story of a second chance at love and you know you love that stuff! I do anyway.
This author is new to me and I am now interested in reading more of her work.
Overall this is a B+
Profile Image for Sonya Heaney.
Author 6 books39 followers
October 20, 2014
Also posted HERE .

Oh, I loved this little story. The only thing I wasn’t fond of was the topless guy on the cover! Actually, no, I would have – as seems to be the case with every Regency novella I read – loved to read this story as a full-length book.

It’s such a pity authors seem to save their most original storylines for shorter stories. Caroline and the Duke is about love lost and found again, about a woman forced to marry at eighteen for money, though she was in love with another. When we meet them again, her long lost love is still in love with her. However, widowed and left cold after an unhappy marriage, she now has no interest in marriage.

Or so she says.

A lot of story managed to be packed into a few dozen pages, and I read it in one sitting. It was a wonderfully angst-ridden book with a very satisfying but in no way cheesy ending.

I’ve not read anything else by Sabrina Darby, but I certainly will be in the future.

Review copy provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Nola Arganbright.
1,591 reviews30 followers
July 12, 2019
Never say no

Very short but so very romantic. The Regency time period is one of my favorite. I enjoyed the beauty and strong will of the characters.
Profile Image for Sharon L.
594 reviews95 followers
December 25, 2013
Truthfully, I find novellas and short stories to be a tricky thing.

the shorter the story, the less mistakes you are allowed to make.

Want to know the weird thing about this one? Once I finished it, I felt as satisfied as if I read a full lengh regency novel.

I guess it's because the attraction was apparent, as was the love.

The characters had enough depth, and the plot was achieved.

The problem is I'm not sure what to say much about it. it's a short fun read. 20 minutes tops. And once I finished reading it, I knew the author made it as long as it was supposed to be, nothing left to be clarified and it wasn't dragging.

I'll certainly check more books by Sabrina Darby.

A copy was provided through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

This review and more can be found on my blog The Accidental Reader

Profile Image for Daniella.
256 reviews600 followers
April 15, 2016
I hated this book. I hated Caroline. I hated everything in this story except for the hero, who deserved someone infinitely better than the selfish, misguided heroine.

Because I can't think of a better way to rant about this book, I decided to give you a run-through of what happened:

*Newly widowed, Caroline was determined never to marry again. Her late husband had engaged in several affairs, which left her bitter and angry. She was griping about how love was a lie to her "friend", Julia, at the start of the novella, promising never to go back to being the naive girl she had been ten years before.
“Unless he were a duke, a wealthy one at that, why, having finally gained some measure of freedom, would I subject myself to such bondage again? I’ve done my duty. Given my late tyrant of a husband his heir and spare.”

NOTE: I say "friend" with quotations here because I never really understood the dynamics of Caroline and Julia's friendship. I sensed that there was a slight charge of animosity between them, as evidenced by the biting remarks they would sometimes exchange.
Take this, for example:
“Really, Caro, I won’t let you near my daughter with that sort of speech.”
Caroline laughed, pleased that she finally had some sort of unmeasured reaction from her friend.
“You, with your string of lovers and a husband still sharing your bed on the odd night? You are one to talk.”
“Lovers are perfectly acceptable.”
Caroline turned away, the air in the room suddenly oppressive and her chest ridiculously tight. How quickly a mood could change.

*Julia asked Caroline to consider John, the hero, as a potential lover. And it was revealed here that Caroline has held a tendre for John throughout the years, ever since she first met him. However, because she needed the money, she married someone else.
Only, she hadn’t had the luxury of waiting for him. At twenty, a young man may idle away his years of immaturity. At eighteen, a young lady must make a proper match. Especially if her impoverished parents are dependent upon that union for their income.

NOTE: Okay, I was starting to get annoyed at this point. Here we have a heroine who was saying things like, "love is a lie" and such, but she never loved her husband in the first place . That's illogical and hypocritical! She used her husband for money, and she griped about being "trapped" and "used"?

Girl, are you fucking kidding me?!

*Caroline hesitated, but two or so paragraphs later, she sprung this on John FROM OUT OF THE BLUE:
“The garden,” she whispered without pleasantries, aware that he knew exactly who stood to his right.

NOTE: I was astounded at how quickly things were progressing. One minute she was being a prissy hypocrite with Julia, and the next, she was giving John an invitation from out of the blue. This wasn't natural, at all, man. I mean, the writer should've built this up properly, especially considering the fact that Caroline and John never had relations before. Wouldn't it be weird for her to suddenly invite him outside like this?

*Caroline proposed that they become lovers. John said no, because he wanted more than just an affair. They never got into an agreement, but the depth of John's feelings and his side of the story were revealed here:
It should have been his child inside her...
They’d danced and flirted and then between a house party in June and the beginning of the Brighton season in August, she’d married another man. No word, no warning. Even Julia had been taken by surprise.

NOTE: So basically, John was willing to marry her. I have a few questions about all of this:
1. Why didn't he just make it clear he wanted her in the first place? Or was Caroline so dense to not feel how serious he was for her?
2. Why didn't she wait for him? I mean, sure, she needed the money, but John's a freakin' duke!!!! And he was interested in her!!! It was so unnatural for her not to pursue him, given the fact that she knew she had a chance to land him. GAH.

*A few days later, Caroline invited John to her house. She greeted him wearing seductive clothing, and they had this conversation:
“Why is it wrong that I love you?” His words surprised him, unbidden as they were.
Her expression froze. Then she made a disgusted little moue with her mouth....
“You may love me, John, as you wish. If it pleases you to think that is what you feel. I believe you want to trap me, to own me as you would a new carriage. Do you love your carriages?”


Aaaaaand that's when I stopped giving a fuck altogether. They had sex. John continued to woo her. Caroline EVENTUALLY got some brains. And they lived happily ever after.

By the way, I never enjoyed the sex scene because I felt that she was just using him . If she truly respected him, she wouldn't have slept with him until she could give him what he needed from her--love. But no, they just had sex because she was lonely.

So, to end this rant, I just want to say this:

Profile Image for Kathie (katmom).
689 reviews49 followers
January 17, 2014
This is a steamy short story. Caroline and John had really hit it off when they met ten years ago. He thought he had plenty of time to make her his but he wasn't quite ready to make things permanent. She certainly would have accepted his proposal, if he had made one.

Two months later she was married to the one man who had offered for her. Her family thrilled that she had provided for them.

Would have been really hard to live in those times, where your wishes and hopes didn't matter...only the bottom line did.

Nine years later Caroline is widowed, and a year later, after her year of mourning, she's ready to LIVE. She refuses to be tied down again. She has her widows' pension and she refuses to be beholden to any man.

But maybe she can find just a jot of happiness? A bit of passion? Some time to be merry? A fling without any strings?

Unfortunately Sutbridge wants it all. He wants to marry and have heirs and be with his love, the woman who he has waited all this time for.

There's stubbornness and hurt feelings on both sides of this coin. But there's also an undeniable attraction. Made for some fun reading.

For a short story, this one had a pretty complete story line. I was impressed with how much Ms. Darby fit into about 40 pages. Well done! I'd certainly read more by this author.

*Thank you, NetGalley and Ms. Darby, for the opportunity to read Caroline and the Duke.
Profile Image for Charlotte Bugler.
67 reviews13 followers
June 7, 2015
Well that was a waste of time..

Luckily it's was a really short read.

Or on the other hand, maybe it should've been longer.

I read someone else's review briefly and I saw the word steamy.. Hm, that person needs to read better erotica books because I would not use steamy to describe this book.
I wouldn't even say it was lukewarm.

One scene. Just one scene where they were gunna get on with it but no. One minute there talking about how good his hand felt on her thigh, the next she's washing her face.

Yep. That was it. They skipped that scene.

So basically this was a short book about a woman not wanting love but an affair (which had no sex scenes), and then changing her mind 30 pages in.

Worth missing really...
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,815 reviews641 followers
December 17, 2013
Lust, Longing and Love make for the perfect novella!
Caroline, a widow, was in a loveless marriage. Now that she is free she is looking for a lover not another relationship.
Sutbridge, a duke, has wanted Caroline for ten years and now that she is free he is determined to win her heart and make her his wife.
A delightful romance!
Profile Image for Mrs Caroline Trevor.
443 reviews9 followers
December 29, 2018

I found this a really good book. Caroline is a really great character and has always wanted the Duke but wasn't sure she wanted to marry again. Can the Duke and his sister change her mind.
267 reviews6 followers
August 24, 2020
Short and Sweet

I loved this short story. It’s well written and is very entertaining. A quick easy read. I only wish it were longer.
Profile Image for Tin.
340 reviews108 followers
January 15, 2014
Caroline is finally out of mourning and is free to do anything and pursue anyone she wants and she chooses John, the Duke of Sutbridge. To everyone else, it looks like a random choice -- a lark. But not for Caroline, who has waited ten years, suffering through a cold marriage, to finally answer the question: "What If?" And it is the same for John, who, at 20, had thought he had found "the one" only to see her married to someone else two months later. He waited ten years and loved her from afar -- but now they are finally free to be with each other.

When Caroline's husband had died, his nascent hope had been tempered by the passion with which she had celebrated her sudden freedom. He hadn't again dared to imagine ...

Until she came to him.

Sutbridge lifted the heavy iron knocker. Let it fall.


He could hear a carriage pass by behind him. Feel the vibrations of its progress through the ground beneath his feet. The wait was appalling. It gave him far too much time to think, to doubt the wisdom of coming here. But he'd spent ten years wishing for something he couldn't have.

And now he could
- pp. 28-29

John wants marriage, but Caroline is done with that institution and is only seeking fun. What happens next? It's emotional and insightful and, when John says, "Because I only wanted you." (p. 35), the feeling, the effect of those words swells up inside of you and carries you away with Caroline. The inclusion of John's sister, Lady Julia, who also happens to be Caroline's "frenemy" was a great decision -- she serves as an excellent foil to Caroline and, through both of them, we get a glimpse into the lives of married women in those times.

"Really, Caro, I won't let you near my daughter with that sort of speech."

Caroline laughed, pleased that she had some sort of unmeasured reaction from her friend. "You, with your string of lovers and a husband still sharing your bed on the odd night? You are one to talk."
- p. 3

More and more, I am convinced that, when Sabrina Darby finally writes her full-length historical romance novel, it will blow my mind. (According to her website, she's signed on to write full-length romances. Yay!) To date, she has showcased her incredible talent and voice writing in the short format and I have loved all of them. All of them. And this latest one, Caroline and The Duke, is no exception.
Profile Image for Reader.
1,195 reviews89 followers
February 6, 2014

After her husbands death, Caroline is free. Now she can do as she pleases, and what pleases her is to have an affair with John Duke of Sutbridge. But he has something different in mind.

This is a really short read, a great introduction to this author if you haven't read her before. She has a very flowing style and packs this story with detail. It may be short but you're not short changed.
ARC courtesy of NetGalley
Profile Image for Mary - Buried Under Romance .
369 reviews174 followers
May 13, 2014
I have read all of Sabrina Darby's books and like the others, this one does not disappoint. How she manages to bring together two characters - one afraid to love, the other filled to the brim of love, and infuses the story with believable depth and vulnerabilities, is astounding. She is, in my opinion, one of the finest historical romance authors of novellas.

*Review copy courtesy of Netgalley for an honest review
Profile Image for Jenni.
198 reviews4 followers
April 13, 2022
This one was meh. So Caroline was married ten years to someone she didn't love, produced two sons, and now that husband is dead. She's pretty much sworn off love because she didn't find it with her husband. Now her best friend, Julia, convinces her to enjoy her newly found freedom and have an affair, pushing Caroline towards Julia's brother who has been in love with Caroline for those ten long years.

Sutbridge is a gem, a diamond in the rough. He's a keeper who is so in love with Caroline (not in a creepy way), he's held out on marriage and courting anyone else in the hopes of one day having the love of his life as his wife. But Caroline has no appreciation for Sutbridge. Zero. Zio. She only wants his body. And she makes that exceptionally clear, leaving Sutbridge devastated, and Julia mad at her best friend's lackadaisical attitude toward her brother's affection. Julia schemes a little bit to make Caroline jealous and this finally makes her acknowledge her true feelings for Sutbridge.

Ugh. He loved her and she was so against it and it just went back and forth to the point of annoyance, even for a short story. It took jealousy for her to finally admit she loved him ten years ago and all this time since, and agree to marry him all in the same 2 minutes. 🙄 A very contrived scenario. Sutbridge was way too good for her and deserved better.

This story is like one half 🔥 of steam. There's the beginnings of one scene to tease the reader, then nothing, which seemed really odd. It literally felt like a few paragraphs were just simply missing. Overall, I found this story to be disappointing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Girlreadsbooks.
153 reviews1 follower
March 14, 2021
I enjoyed this novella, even though I would have loved it even more if it had been longer!

I took 1 star out because I found Caroline changed her mind way too quickly, but it was a cute little story.
Also, I didn’t like much the fact that most characters call her "Caro". I don’t know if it is historically accurate (it could totally be), but it felt very contemporary to me and kind of draw me out of my reading experience.
However, I spent a Nice little moment with the character so I’m really satisfied.

Great read, I recommend this book if you love Regency romance and what a very quick read.
Profile Image for Jess.
527 reviews22 followers
January 16, 2021
Too short.

I liked Caroline so much. And felt John's pain, but the story was too rushed. Needed another 15 pages or so to sell the HEA. I didn't buy the ending even though I love second chance romances. I needed more backstory, more context, to make the ending work well.
934 reviews6 followers
March 1, 2021

A short story but one of love that will last forever! She loved him as a child, but father forced a match for his benefit, has two sons, butDuke never married, just wants her!
Profile Image for Lori.
722 reviews3 followers
October 8, 2022

Lord Sutbridge has loved Caroline for a long time. But she married someone else. But it didn't stop him from loving her. Caroline. And now her husband was dead. Read to se what happens.
Profile Image for Sandy.
592 reviews
March 12, 2020
This was my first historical romance book, novella, but I found it to be short and sweet.
Profile Image for Erin.
575 reviews4 followers
October 2, 2020
A cute short story!

Sweet little romance and cleaner than I thought it would be based on the synopsis. I enjoyed it and it was a really quick read.
Profile Image for Lisa.
872 reviews7 followers
May 2, 2021

This short story of a widow seeking a lover. Her best friends brother as wanted her for years and is determined to make her his.
523 reviews
June 12, 2023

Fast moving romance that hangs in the balance for ten years. Hot feelings between the " friends" leading to a happy ending.
35 reviews
September 22, 2019
Loved this short story. Will there be more books on the Duke and Duchess and his sassy sister?
Profile Image for Judy.
109 reviews8 followers
January 19, 2014
Background: Caroline, Lady Ballister, was married at age 18 to a man she didn't love and who never gave her satisfaction in the marriage bed. Before she married, she was extremely infatuated with Lord Sutbridge who was 20 years old at the time. Now, she is a widow nearing age 30 with two young sons by her previous husband.

Her joyless marriage has contributed to Caroline's cynical and hardhearted attitude and her decision to never marry again. However, she does want to have a sexual relationship in part because she never received sexual satisfaction with her husband. She feels that her most attractive years are behind her but she does want something out of life other than what she has known.

Since Lord Sutbridge's sister, Julia, is her best friend, she sees him on a regular basis. When she approaches him about a relationship on her terms, he turns her down. Apparently, he has wanted her since he was 20 and was taken by surprise when she married. He has longed for her since that time but he is ready for marriage and all that it involves. In fact, he strongly desires Caroline but only if she will marry him.

*Spoilers* Initially, Sutbridge tells Caroline marriage is the only way he will have her but changes his mind thinking she might come around to the idea of marriage if he can get her with child. So, they do indeed begin an affair. Caroline is very controlling and basically lets him know she will tell him when she wants him, etc. This doesn't go over very well with Sutbridge and they have a rocky start in their romance - if you could call it that. In my opinion, there was very little romance in their relationship except for the fact that Sutbridge wanted her and said he would be faithful to her. At least that was something.

In order for them to actually come together, Julia told Caroline that Sutbridge had become engaged to another woman and only then did Caroline realize that she loved and wanted Sutbridge. I realize this book is a novella and there isn't a lot of room for character development. However, to the extent these characters were developed, I found very little to actually admire or to enjoy about their personalities or relationship. This story didn't pique my interest much at all. I give the book three stars instead of two because even though the story-line was one I found uninteresting, the basic writing skills and editing were pretty good. I do wish writers of romance novels would realize that romance, desire, friendship, kindness, gentle touches, etc. are way more romantic than sexual details. In my opinion, the aforementioned elements are conducive to tugs on the heart and vital to keeping a story in the reader's mind long after the book is gathering dust or in the case of my Kindle, stuck in the "archived" section.
Profile Image for Sarah G.
650 reviews7 followers
December 10, 2015
Short but sweet historical romance. After reading a long book this is just what I needed to chill out to.

Caroline is almost thirty and widowed so is deemed to have more freedom in how she now acts. Her friend has said to her that she needs to start to live for herself, as she is now free to do so. Her idea is that she get herself a lover and the person that comes to mind is Julia’s brother John – the Duke of Sutbridge. Now her friend doesn’t come right out and say this but rather cokes Caroline into suggesting the idea herself. She has decided that she will never marry again but after a bit of prodding from her friend she coincides to saying that she would only marry again if it were to a wealthy Duke. Julia then just happens to remind her that her brother is a wealthy Duke. Julia has known about Caroline’s feelings for her brother from her first season and now some ten years later she knows they have no more gone away than her brothers for her have so is only too happy to intervene when things don’t go quite as she had hoped.

Sutbridge wanted Caroline from the moment he saw her but at only twenty when they met it wasn’t seen as important for a gentleman to marry straight away as it was for a lady. This wasn’t going to stop him though and he had every intention on asking, its just her family had other ideas and married her off to someone else before he had a chance. Now fate – or rather his sister – has seen to put her in his path again and this time he is playing for keeps. He just has to convince her that a passionate affair is not what he is looking for and if she is really honest with herself neither is she.

A nice short read to unwind to in an evening. I do love historical romance books and this one was a fun fast read. Not that steamy but you had a feeling that it could get there if the story continued. Julia was a fun interesting character and I think it would be good to see what her story really is from all the little titbits that get mentioned.

Profile Image for Shauni.
1,061 reviews27 followers
December 23, 2013
Originally Reviewed For: Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy

Caroline and the Duke is a short story by Sabrina Darby. I am not usually a fan of short stories, they are just too darn short. But I liked the premise of this one.

What happens when you meet the love of your life at the ages of 18 and 20? It's a harder question than you think. In recency England a girl needed to be married as soon as possible. If she waited too long there would be someone to take her place. There will always be younger and prettier. For a man, there is a little mire leeway. Especially a Duke, top of the food chain and all that.

Caroline, Lady Balliste was married off at the ripe old age of 18. Wanted for her breeding purposes only, she provided the hero and the spare but was neglected and left alone while hubby spent all his time and money on mistresses. Now ten years later she is widowed and considering taking a lover. A lover not a husband, because love after all is a myth.

At 20, John, Duke of Sutbridge blew it. Not realizing that time was short he let the woman he loved slip through his fingers. He watched her marry another man, give birth to his children but still he hoped. When her husband died, leaving her a widow, John knew now was his chance. Only his lady faire wanted a lover not a husband.

So we are back to what do you do when you meet the love if your life at 18 & 20? Do you even recognize it? Do you cave to societal pressures? Or do you grasp what you have with both hands and run with it? John and Caroline made the wrong choice fortunately for them, they got another chance. Now they have to decide what's the right choice thus time?


This review is based on the ARC of Caroline and the Duke, provided by netgalley
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