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Green Creek #4


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Brothersong is the fourth and final book in the Green Creek Series, the beloved fantasy romance sensation by New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, about love, loyalty, betrayal, and family.

“ Complex and startling... Green Creek is the perfect setting.” ―Charlaine Harris

The Bennett family has a They're not just a family, they're a pack. Brothersong is Carter Bennett's story.

In the ruins of Caswell, Maine, Carter Bennett learned the truth of what had been right in front of him the entire time. And then it―he―was gone. Desperate for answers, Carter takes to the road, leaving family and the safety of his pack behind, all in the name of a man he only knows as a feral wolf. But therein lies the wolves are pack animals, and the longer Carter is on his own, the more his mind slips toward the endless void of Omega insanity. But he pushes on, following the trail left by Gavin.

Gavin, the son of Robert Livingstone. The half-brother of Gordo Livingstone.

What Carter finds will change the course of the wolves forever. Because Gavin’s history with the Bennett pack goes back further than anyone knows, a secret kept hidden by Carter’s father, Thomas Bennett. And with this knowledge comes a the sins of the fathers now rest upon the shoulders of their sons.

The Green Creek Series is for adult readers.
Now available from Tor Books.

480 pages, Hardcover

First published February 27, 2017

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About the author

T.J. Klune

65 books51.4k followers
TJ KLUNE is a Lambda Literary Award-winning author (Into This River I Drown) and an ex-claims examiner for an insurance company. His novels include The House in the Cerulean Sea and The Extraordinaries. Being queer himself, TJ believes it's important—now more than ever—to have accurate, positive, queer representation in stories.

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Profile Image for Claudia Lomelí.
Author 10 books82.4k followers
September 7, 2020
Voy a escribir primero mi review en español y luego lo traduciré a inglés, esto es necesario porque recibí una copia avanzada por parte del autor a cambio de una reseña honesta. Y pues aquí voy.

WOW, qué viaje de libro. Qué viaje de saga. Amo Green Greek con todo mi corazón y sus personajes ya forman parte de mi ser. Mis favoritos siempre van a ser Gordo, Ox y Joe, les tengo un cariño que no se imaginan, y poder ver todo su camino hace que me sienta muy orgullosa de ellos. Creo que algo muy singular que tienen estos libros es que el autor nos permite CONOCER a los personajes desde que están chiquitos hasta que ya son todos unos adultos, y eso no lo vemos muy a menudo. De verdad que me va a costar despedirme de la manada Bennett, pero creo que este libro les hizo justicia.

Ahora, ¿por qué no 5 estrellas? Porque la barra la puso Wolfsong, y sigo pensando que ese es el mejor libro de la saga. Para mí, ni Ravensong, ni Heartsong, ni Brothersong llegan a lo que me hizo sentir Wolfsong, que me dejó satisfecha en todos los aspectos. OJO, eso no significa que no me hayan gustado, de hecho, ¡todos me han gustado mucho!

Pero hablemos de Brothersong, en este libro seguimos a Carter Bennett, el hermano que nos faltaba y UFF, yo moría de ganas por leer su historia con Gavin, que nos la vienen preparando desde Ravensong, cuando el Timberwolf llega a la manada. ¿Y luego con ese final de Heartsong? OBVIO necesitaba saber el destino de Carter y Gavin como pareja. En ese aspecto, el libro me convenció, los diálogos entre estos dos chicos fueron un ataque de risa constante y sus escenas más serias me movieron el corazón.

Lo que sí siento es que este fue un libro en el que el autor quiso hacer que todos los personajes brillaran y eso le quitó un poco de protagonismo a Carter y a Gavin, que OK, me encanta leer sobre Ox, Joe, Gordo, Mark, Kelly y Robbie... pero el Team Human (ahora lobo) nunca me terminó de encantar, y obviamente aquí les dan un montón de protagonismo. Igual no es queja, se entiende, son parte importante de la manada, pero sinceramente no son mis favoritos.

También hubo una cosa que me sacó un poco de onda y fue la manera en la que se resolvieron las cosas al final, no es que no me haya gustado, pero se me hizo un poco extraño (?), de pronto había demasiada magia y demasiadas cosas y no sé, sigo sin saber qué pensar de esa pelea final. Eso sí, TJ Klune casi me mata de un paro cardiaco.

FUERA DE ESOS DETALLES, el libro me encantó. Fue un gran final para la saga y me dejó con ganas de abrazar a mini Ox y decirle: Vas a lograr cosas GRANDES y vas a ser el más amado de TODOS.


Voy a extrañar a estos lobos.
Profile Image for chai (thelibrairie on tiktok!) ♡.
357 reviews166k followers
October 20, 2020
read the green creek series, they said. it’s about gay witches & werewolves, they said. it’s fun, they said. it will oppress your heart with sadness & you have to wait until october for the last book to come out, THEY ALL CONVENIENTLY FORGOT TO MENTION
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
October 14, 2020
*2.5 stars*

This is an extremely difficult review for me to write, so much so that I don't even want to do it. I mean, did being in quarantine during Covid break my brain? How could I not love the final book in the Green Creek series?? I feel like crying right now, and it's not from the emotional ending to Brothersong.

Brothersong has a sea of positive, raving reviews from my friends, and I got warnings about you'll be crying your eyes out!, but I finished the book feeling, well, like nothing much at all. I enjoyed it, but I have to say, I feel epically disappointed.

Here is my honest (spoiler-free) breakdown:

I found the first part of the book to be confusing. The story in the beginning feels like you are reading it from underwater. It's all blurry, and gloomy, and muddled and the writing is purposefully vague and dark. I had a very hard time with it. At first, it was interesting to me, a stylistic choice from T.J. Klune that I was excited to try out, but then it just got flat-out difficult to read. There was so much going on, so much just thrown at us with lots of questions that I didn't feel were answered, that I felt just lost.

There are too many time jumps. The book flashes back a lot in time, and while a few of those are okay, I kept having to reorient myself and remind myself of what was going on and where I was in time. All of those flashbacks felt like clutter.

There wasn't enough focus on the romance between Carter and Gavin. I wish they had their own book prior to this final story because I felt like the romance was squashed in between the wrap up for the series. I truly didn't feel the love between these two guys, and that saddened me. There wasn't a lot of page time with just Carter and Gavin together, and I didn't feel like the romance was nearly as strong as the other pairings in the book. Gavin needed more time to show his entire personality, IMO. I really didn't feel like I knew Gavin as much as I needed to. And Carter, Carter!. He had so much potential based on his personality in the other books, and I fell like it was barely shown here.

There is too much page-time with secondary characters. I feel like it was a everyone in the pot! situation. Even minor characters got their chance in the sun, and it made the book feel unfocused for me.

I wish there were more times where Carter and Gavin got to shine, just the two of them. The story is very long and very plot-heavy, but the middle dragged on and on for me. It is extremely unusual for me to take three days to read a T.J. Klune book, but here we are.

No, I don't only have negative things to say about this story. I could see T.J. Klune's passion in Brothersong and his deep love of these characters. I felt like he really tried to show EVERYTHING in this book: the love between brothers, the love between mates, the love between pack, and the love between family. Every character gets a lot of page-time, and I feel like TJ was trying to send them off in the best way possible.

I don't know, I must be broken. BROKEN. I didn't cry, I didn't feel overly emotional, I felt sort of... nothing. And isn't that sad? I love these characters and this series, so it makes me feel truly upset that this book didn't touch me. It might be my mood, it might be the length of the story, it might have been a combination of things, but, alas, that is life. It isn't a bad book, but it didn't make me feel like I was expecting to feel.

Green Creek, I will miss you and your fantastically gay werewolves, even if this story wasn't a 5-star read for me. T.J. Klune wrote a powerful, memorable, awesome, emotional series, and I'll remember it for always. packpackpack forever.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Profile Image for aleksandra.
663 reviews2,912 followers
July 7, 2024

The review contains spoilers!

TJ Klune should really consider traveling back in time to create more of the Bennett brothers, because there’s no way that Green Creek series has only four books. It's simply not enough and I need more. Nearly two thousand pages of the story of the Bennett family, where I shared tears of joy and sadness with them, where I was filled with happiness when each of them found their happy ending, where I was excited, scared and anxious with them, is not enough. I can't believe that one of my most beloved series, which means everything to me, has come to an end. I will miss this family with my entire heart.

Brothersong — the final book about Carter and his mysterious timber wolf, who turned out to be Gavin, was the one I was looking forward to reading the most, so I felt like the happiest person on earth when I closed this book after finishing it and was close to crying with happiness because of how much I loved this story and these two. Somewhere inside I even felt that this couple might become my favorite and I was right, as Gavin and Carter turned out to be everything I dreamed of. They may even have knocked Gordo and Mark — my favorite duo so far, from first place to second. It's still hard for me to believe that my favorite grumpy witch and his wolf lost their spot on the podium, but I'm a big fan of couples who have great banter, especially when they have a grumpy/sunshine dynamic like Carter and Gavin, so that happened.

“You’re too loud,” he retorted.
“I kill, I kill them all. But then you came out and said grr.”
“I did not say grr, you asshole.”
“Grr,” he repeated, like he was mocking me. “All loud and stupid with your stupid heart.”
“Thump, thump, thump.”
He nodded. “Should have killed you.”

As I mentioned above, this pair did not disappoint me, so obviously neither did our heroes individually. Carter — my playful, funny, laid-back mayor of Green Creek, but definitely more mature in this book — which made me tear a little, as I couldn't believe that in his story he was already a thirty-year-old man, and not that funny teenager from the first books. It just made me think "Damn, they grow up so fast." And our second main character — Gavin Livingstone, our grumpy, stubborn, but at the same time freaking cute Timber Wolf who was obsessed with pink. It's a shame that his character wasn't introduced earlier and not just at the end of Heartsong, but at least he got his own story, which I enjoyed a lot, so let's just say that's enough for me.

"Gavin was weirdly shy when he shoved a package in my lap.
He glowered at me when I thanked him. “Open it first,” he muttered. “Stupid Carter.”

Why was he so adorable? I’m in love with grumpy characters who are the biggest cuties on the inside.

As a romance reader, the fact that this book was largely devoted to the romance between Carter and Gavin literally made me hug my Kindle. Ravensong — Mark and Gordo's story didn't focus enough on them falling in love, at least in my opinion, so I was overjoyed to see that Carter and his Timber Wolf got more romantic scenes. The beginning of their story, when Carter was looking for Gavin, was quite depressing, but after finding him — which turned out not to be the easiest, but fortunately had a happy ending — the book became much funnier and before I knew it I was already at the last chapter.

“Thump, thump, thump.”
“Stupid Carter.”
“Stupid Gavin.” He laughed."

I haven't talked about Bennet Pack yet, so let's get to them now. What can I say here, I love them, I love them, I love them, I love them. Where can I find this type of family? Gavin, Elizabeth, Gordo, Carter Mark, Kelly, Joseph, Robbie, Rico, Ox, Bambi, Joshua, Tanner, Chris, Jessie, I just love them all. Everyone got their very well-deserved happy ending, and I had tears in my eyes because of it — happy tears, of course.

The ending was literally perfect. I wondered how TJ Klune would end this series after everything that happened in the previous book, but it couldn't have ended any better. I mean, the ending might have been better if it didn't exist at all and it wasn't the last book, but what can I do. I will miss this series so much!

*Thank you so much to Netgalley, TJ Klune and Pan MacMillan for allowing me to reread and review this book! I had the biggest smile when I saw that I was approved to read this book again!*
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
October 31, 2021
4.25 stars

“Protect your brothers with everything you have.”

From the moment I started 'Wolfsong', I knew this series would be something special. I've loved every one of these books and I'm sad to see the Green Creek series coming to an end. The Bennett Pack is one of my favorite fictional families. I love the brothers, Elizabeth, and the rest of the family they've found.

Carter Bennett is the oldest of the Bennett brothers and I couldn't wait to get to his and Gavin's story. Carter leaves his pack and family for the first time to find Gavin. He'll do whatever it takes. I love how devoted these two are to one another. I do wish there was a bit more of their romance in this story. I feel that with this being the final book, there was a lot focused on concludign everything else going on and there wasn't as much time for this couple as we're used to.

The ending of Brothersong was great and I feel it concluded the series perfectly. I'll be honest, the main reason this wasn't a five star read for me is that the first 50% read really slow for me. I consider myself a fast reader, but that first half took me days to get through. The first three books in this series were long, but they didn't feel long. This one felt a little long to me. That final 10% had me bawling like a baby. All the feels and all the tears.

Honestly, I think my favorite part about this entire series (but this book in particular) is the connection between the three Bennett brothers, but particularly the bond that Carter and Kelly share. Their sibling relationship gets me all in my feels. I also loved the bond between Elizabeth and Gavin. All the side characters shine brightly, but these relationships stand out to me.

TJ Klune's writing and storytelling is so special to me. These books are some of my favorite paranormal stories and the romances, the family elements, and the friendships are incredible. I cherish these books and these beloved characters. I laughed, I cried, and I ended the book with a smile on my face. I can't wait to do a re-read of the entire series when this one comes out in audio format. I highly recommend this book and series to all!
We love because we can. We live because we’ve fought too hard to ever stop. And here we are, you and me. Together.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,546 followers
November 9, 2020

Much to my disappointment, I liked, but didn't completely love this looooooong-awaited, final installment of the "Green Creek" series. :- /

I did love Carter's usually-clueless brand of humor and Gavin's ever-present snark and wit, however, when it came down to their feelings, those came across as more best friends than being "truly in love" with one another, for me at least.

Then when the story was trying to elicit deep feelings of nostalgia for all that they'd been through, what had come before, and loss that the series was ending, I don't know, the attempt just came across as kind of... heavy-handed?

Sort of like a "[Make the reader cry here]" slot in the book's outline that didn't quite work out. Well, not as fully or completely as the previous books seemed to do without much effort.

Don't get me wrong, it was still a good book, but as emotional as I'd found the rest of the series, this one never came close to making me misty-eyed, which was a bit of a let down.

I'd rate this story at around 3.75 stars and definitely still recommend it to fans of the series, while setting expectations that they might not get the same level of feels that they'd previously experienced.


See All My Latest Reads (Review Quick-Links)

Profile Image for lila ⋆.
150 reviews2,447 followers
June 17, 2023
5 stars

It was warm like a summer day. It was candy canes and pinecones, it was epic and awesome, it was dirt and leaves and rain, it was grass and lake water and sunshine.
It was a forest so alive, so untouched.

beautiful. absolutely beautiful. i’m longing to reread the series already (don’t worry about my self-control, i do have it in spades buuuut this series. omg this series is everything i never knew i wanted in my life 😩). i just want to make the high this series gave me last longer. 😭

“Carter,” he bit out. “Always Carter. Heart. His heart. It went—”
I said, “Thump, thump, thump.”
I could feel their eyes on me, but I only saw Gavin. He scowled. “Thump, thump, thump. Tricky heart. Makes me forget everything else.”

gavin and carter. my beloveds <3

“This is ours. This pack. This life. This world. It’s ours, and no one can take that away from us. We’re going to be okay. You and me. We’re going to live. And maybe it won’t be perfect, but we’ll figure it out. We’ll make ourselves a home. I don’t know what this is between us. I’ll trust you to know what’s right for you. But I just want you to know that I’m here if ever you’re ready. It scares the shit out of me, but I know it’s worth it because I know you are. I’m sorry I didn’t see you for who you really were. You helped to fill in the broken parts of me, and I didn’t even realize it, not until it was too late. I don’t want to ever feel like that again. I came for you because you deserve to have someone at your side, someone who doesn’t want to hurt you.”

what can i say about them?? they’re definitely one of my fav couples of the series. 🥺 gavin does kinda remind me of gordo (no wonder, the genes are so there in him too - grumpy, protective, asshole-ish but also not 🤣) but also? robbie and him are just characters i wanna hug. they’ve just gone through so much, and i swear i just love them so much. gavin deserved someone to look for/after him like carter does. 🥹 the way carter was with gavin? the way he fought for gavin? carter’s always been one of my favs (if not the absolute fav) in terms of characters in this series, though honestly all the characters have a very special place in my heart (in the bennett pack, i mean 😩). i somehow also felt like this book had the most romance? or maybe that was bc there wasn’t really any separation period in this book, idk. but i definitely LOVED, adored, absolutely cherished the romance in this book specifically and definitely the entire series (even though the series isn’t supposed to have romance as a main focus, it just managed to grab my attention and not let go anytime).

“I’m here now,” I told him. “And I won’t leave you again.”
“Yeah. I promise.”

carter and kelly’s relationship has definitely been one of my favs to explore. the conversations between them, the way carter would protect kelly (and joe) from everything?? the past flashbacks when they were children, and the way the role of overseeing and defending his brothers always fell to carter?? i just wanted to tell him, just like kelly did, that he didn’t have to do it by himself. that he had the pack to hold him up and support him too. 🥺

“Real,” he said. “No, I’m not. But for now, let’s pretend I am. Let’s pretend we’re together. We’re happy. It’s you and me and Joe. We’re running together. The wind is in our hair, and the ground is solid beneath our feet. We howl at the moon and the stars because they’re ours, and nothing can ever come between us. Nothing will ever keep us apart.”

i haven’t truly binged a series together like i did with this one bc i always end up losing interest 😭 but this series was such a pleasant surprise, and now i feel so sad to say goodbye to them all. :') jessie, dominique, tanner, chris, rico, mark, gordo, joe, ox, robbie, kelly, carter, gavin. and let’s not forget lil baby joshua. i just love all of them so much and this is gonna stay in my heart forever, i already know. special mention to elizabeth who was such a queen (as always). the interactions between all of them is so superior.

i think probably the only thing that bugged me was the fact that it was insinuated by kelly & joe that thomas had been in love with richard collins? and i was like no, WHAT. like that was so out of the blue and came out of nowhere? thank fuck it wasn’t confirmed at all bc i would NOT have been okay with that.

“You stay here. You stay here with me.”
“With you,” he whispered. He reached up and poked my cheek. My forehead. The tip of my nose. “I found you. You found me. We find each other.”

okay but can we talk about the chapter titles that TJK added?? respect and appreciation fr. 😩 each chapter heading was so unique and pretty and it has my entire fucking heart, as does the series as a whole. 🤍

fav moments


all of us
sing our wolfsong
sing our ravensong
sing our heartsong
sing for all the world to hear

this series has slowly become one of my favs forever, and i don’t say that lightly. it had moments of levity, emotional scenes, all the angst my heart wanted, the found family which was so top-tier, the banter, and the brotherhood between all of them?? i cried. if anyone is even thinking about reading this series, don’t think. DO IT.

p.s. - i adore the concept of platonic mates, and it comes as no surprise to me at all that chris and tanner are the ones who had that 🤣 my babies. 💘

it’s the way i’m so scared (and sad) to say goodbye to all of them 😭 i’m more than halfway through this book but never want this series to end
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,433 followers
February 26, 2022
my heart genuinely hurts having to say “goodbye” to this universe and its characters. i’ve grown attached to everyone (the good ones, to be specific) in this series and i just want more from this world. it’s the way this is the longest book in the series, but it’s not enough for me. 😩

❝I am,❞ he agreed. ❝But that’s not what’s important.❞ He stopped under a large oak tree. ❝It’s about the heart that beats in your chest. And you’ve got a great heart, Carter, one that beats so strongly that I think you might be the fastest wolf who ever lived.❞

Carter (H):
Carter has always been one of my favorites (although i love everyone in the pack, he’s up there if i have to choose). he was that comedic character who made everyone laugh when they needed it most, but this book showed more of his depth. as the oldest sibling, he’s always felt this responsibility to take care of people—his siblings, parents, the pack—and i loved the scene when Joe asked him “you’re always taking care of everyone, but who’s gonna take care of you?”. that actually hit home. 🤧 but seeing Carter fight for Gavin and the lengths he would go through to bring him back…am i ever gonna meet someone who will fight for me the way Carter did for Gavin? i cried during that whole scene bc he really went all out. 😭

❝Carter,❞ he bit out. ❝Always Carter. Heart. His heart. It went—❞
I said, ❝Thump, thump, thump.❞
I could feel their eyes on me, but I only saw Gavin. He scowled. ❝Thump, thump, thump. Tricky heart. Makes me forget everything else.❞

Gavin (H):
GAVIN. (one of) my bb. 🥺 this man, he broke my heart so many times throughout this book. in the previous books, we’ve only seen him in his wolf form until the end of heartsong when he shifted into his human self (after so many years of being stuck as a wolf) just to save Carter and the pack. fuck Robert for making him go through what he did. i just want to hug him tbh. both Gavin and Robbie are some characters i have felt so much for after what they’ve been through in their books. when he asked Rico, Tanner and Chris to help him become more human bc he wants to fit in the pack?? MY HEART SOBBED. he deserves everything. 😭

He gnawed on his bottom lip. ❝I… like it too. When you’re human. Or when you’re wolf. Or when you’re anything. Thump, thump, thump.��
❝Thump, thump, thump.❞
❝Stupid Carter.❞
❝Stupid Gavin.❞
He laughed.
I was in awe of him.

i loved the romance between Carter and Gavin!! i would agree with people who have said this series isn’t 100% focused on the romance (especially book 2 lol) but still, the interactions between the mcs in books 1, 3 and 4 were enough to have my romantic heart satisfied in terms of the direction their relationships went into. Carter and Gavin’s banters reminded me of Mark/Gordo but the pacing of their relationship and how it came to be reminded me of Kelly/Robbie and it’s a good mixture, if you ask me. i just loved them. 🥺

platonic mates:
IYKYK. i just had to add this here bc this whole concept made me laugh so much, but i’m not even surprised it was Chris and Tanner who were involved. 🤣

❝This,❞ he said, taking my hand. ❝You. Me. The pack. This place. The people of Green Creek. That’s the point, I think. We love because we can. We live because we’ve fought too hard to ever stop. And here we are, you and me. Together. In a moment, we’ll go inside and join the others. We’ll eat. We’ll laugh. We’ll tell stories about our day, inconsequential things that mean little to anyone but us. That’s the point, I think.❞

one thing this series developed well imo is the found family aspect of the pack, as well as familial and friendship moments. i love how the title brothersong relates to both Carter (bc of Kelly and Joe) and Gavin (bc of Gordo). i’m gonna miss all the banters/interactions between the characters. ☹️

overall, this series was such an emotional rollercoaster ride of feels. i’ve smiled, i’ve laughed, i’ve cried (like full on ugly crying), but i was able to meet these wonderful characters who deserve nothing but happiness and i wouldn’t change a thing. this is definitely a series that will stick with me in the long run. 🤍
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,478 followers
October 19, 2020
I can't believe this. I've never disliked a TJ Klune book. Ever. This one has rave reviews everywhere AND is a series that I have really loved. I feel like I know the characters. And yet, here we are. Thanks a lot 2020.

Yeah, it's like this series decided to give itself bangs.

So what was wrong?
It was like reading someone's dream journal for the first part of the book. Rambling, disjointed, but also very repetitive. My desire to read someone's dream journal is probably only above my desire to Donald Trump naked.

Once the story got going a little more I got excited and thought we were finally rolling. The romance and relationship between the couple was cute and some of Klune's trademark humor was finally showing up. I was ready to forgive everything...

But the romance story didn't last. It started getting bogged down again. Flashbacks - pages and pages of them - started showing up. Then it was long rambling monologues that were repeated over and over again filling pages. Then it was feelings and realizations that went on and on. There were so many emotionally charged feelings being revealed (aside from the romance - which would have been better) that they lost their value. I wasn't emotionally invested anymore because I was being relentlessly flooded with all of this. It desensitized me. If these "profound moments" were used more sparingly, then they would have had more impact.

Yes, I would rather drown then be subjected to more of those feelings monologues.

As it was, I felt disappointment that this series had to end in such a way. I wanted a great romance with a couple we have known forever, and the villain who has plagued them forever to be vanquished. Instead I got a slow trudge through a swamp of emotional-vomit. Not my idea of leaving on a high note.

Profile Image for tappkalina.
685 reviews515 followers
January 14, 2024
This is one of those moments when I hate the most that Goodreads doesn't let me give a half star.

For me 4 star means I was emotional and cried and see myself reading that book again. 5 star means I'm destroyed beyond reapair and will never be the same. It's for the books that changed my life. Which is Wolfsong, the first one in this series. Almost nothing can top that book.

But I'm a character driven reader. I would give 4 stars to literally anything with these characters in it - and written with this magical style.
Grocery shopping? Sounds fun!
And although it's obviously more than 4 stars, and the series in whole changed my life, this book was not as perfect as Wolfsong. Like nothing is.

Can I go into spoilers? I mean, why would anyone read a review of a 4th book in a series if they haven't read the previous ones?


I have to start with Elizabeth, my queen, my mother, my sister, the love of my life. I would be anyone or anything, if that's the cost I have to pay for her to let me be part of her life. I can't stress enough how much she means to me.
Think about how I felt when from the middle of the book I was convinced she will die/sacrifice herself in stead of her sons. I couldn't breath. I thought I can't read till the end. I wasn't ready.
I was never this happy before to be wrong about something. I'm the queen of theories, after all, and I'm right 99% of the time.

I cried so hard when it turned out Ox will be the one. I cried so hard, even though I knew there's no way he'd actually die. Because I already lived through this with Rico in Heartsong. That time I bought it. This time I didn't. Yet. Yet, the writing style, man. You just can't not cry like a baby when you are reading this series.

The final battle was so cinematic, just like in Heartsong, yet all I could picture was the last battle from Ginga Nagareboshi Gin / Silver Fang.


With the lack of death I am satisfied and frustrated at the same time. I'm that person who needs death in fantasy, especially if you have this large cast. There's just no way everyone would survive. And I'm frustrated I was emotionally manipulated to believe someone would die.


As I've already said, I will reread this series again and again until the day I die. And honestly, I would be okay with some of their deaths, but there are a few I could never recover from. And I could never reread the series, because reliving their death is not something I am emotionally mature enough to handle.
Even if I wach Ginga Nagareboshi Gin since I was like what? 7? and cry out my soul every time to this day, because of course the best characters are the ones to die. But one soul-destroying thing in one's life is more than enough in my opinion.

Let's talk about some happier topics.

I think, after Ox and Joe, Carter and Gavin are my second favorite couple. While Kelly, my soft child is my favorite brother, I always loved Carter. And seeing this side of him, experiencing life through his eyes was such an eye opener. How you see others and you like them, maybe think you know them, but honestly, you don't. You don't really now anyone. You don't know their struggles. How and why life turned them into the person they are now.

His and Kelly's bond. There are no words for that. That's the strongest sibling bond I've ever seen. It's something magical and I can't even think about them without tearing up. They were the solid foundation of this book. The ground under our feets.

And there was Gavin. Oh my lord. My baby. My son. My depressed sunshine. He brought such a uniqe personality to the mix. I never thought we needed someone like him, but now I could never picture the pack without him.
His bond with Elizabeth? He calls her mom? 😭
Sorry, everything about that woman makes me so soft.

I love how the pack got bigger and bigger with every book. We have so much people now in it. And every one of them has a distinct personality. I don't know how T.J does it, but he is a magician. I bow in front of his abilities.

I want to point out, because I feel so loved thanks to it, how amazingly, with so much care, and full of love and respect he writes women, even if all of the books have gay relationships in the focus and there are like 3 times more man than woman in the series. It's just something that stood out to me.

And finishing the last book with Thomas's letter to Ox?! The cruelest thing that could have happened.



When I'm finished gathering the remnants of my soul, I'll write something review worthy.
Until then, let me rest in peace.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,925 followers
October 13, 2020
I am gonna be honest and say that this one didn't blow me away like all the others in the series did.. which is kind of disappointing because Carter has always been my favorite.

I could have done with a bit more Carter and Gavin time. I think there was just too much focus on other characters, like Thomas Bennett and Livingstone.

I was already confused after reading the first page and all the time jumps did not alleviate my confusion.

I am gonna go with 3,5 stars for this one and those are mostly for Gavin, who stole the book for me. I really would have loved reading his pov...

So sad to say goodbye to this series... packpackpack
Profile Image for Sanaa .
1,218 reviews178 followers
October 31, 2020
4.25 stars.

The rusty, broken sound crawled up from his throat, and he was huffing out his nose, but he was smiling, and I understood then what Joe had seen in Ox, why Gordo and Mark were always going to find their way back to each other, why Kelly never stopped searching for Robbie.

My freaking heart man. I swear. Klune is probably the only author who can ruin my heart and put it back together. I'm so sad this series is over.

Like always with this authors books, this review will be super vague. I'll be honest, I was the most excited for Carter's book. After Gordo's book I thought it would be Carter then Kelly. But looking back at it now, it makes sense the way everything is set. I also missed them all more then I thought.

“No offense—you know what? Fuck that. All the offense. You’re an idiot, Carter. Like, the biggest idiot I’ve ever known in my life, and I’ve known a lot of them.”

The beginning and the ending made me bawl. Not even going to lie about it. This series is something special and I knew from reading Wolfsong it would hold a special place in my heart. My only issue is that I wish we got even more romance in terms of Carter and Gavin. But aside from that I enjoyed the book and I'm really tempted to go back and re-read everything.
Profile Image for Lauren Lanz.
813 reviews287 followers
October 13, 2020
“That’s the point, I think. We love because we can. We live because we’ve fought too hard to ever stop. And here we are, you and me. Together.

I find that I lose proper articulation when it comes to my favourite series. The reading experience is special, and often cannot be described in words but rather feelings.
It’s fitting that Wolfsong, my entryway into Green Creek, was the first book I read this decade. It was the start of a profound love for the found family and endless heart within the Bennett pack.

In terms of conclusion’s, this was a great one. Gavin and Carter’s dynamic is everything I could’ve asked for and more. Our pack got a wonderful ending, one I’m overjoyed with. Everything about this book felt too good to be true; if you’re a fan of the first three books, Brothersong is sure to pull you in and never let you go.

There’s something so homely about Green Creek’s atmosphere and it’s characters; I can hardly believe the journey is over. What started with a sweet twelve year old boy who lost his father has progressed into so much more- it’s truly lovely to have experienced.

(Just when I thought Gordo couldn’t be topped for my favourite character of the series, Carter comes through and ends it with a tie <3)
Profile Image for Cecilia.
320 reviews470 followers
June 17, 2024

¿Cómo describir las sensaciones que me dejo esta entrega o, probablemente, toda la saga?

Creo que la respuesta más asertiva sería “una montaña rusa de emociones” en donde pasaba de las lágrimas (literalmente en las primeras páginas) a diálogos que me sacaban una sonrisa o una carcajada. Amé a todos los personajes y que esta historia llegara a su fin me ha provocado un gran vacío 😢. Pero como bien señala el autor, puedo volver revivir las aventuras de estos personajes, que se ganaron gran parte de mi corazón, las veces que quiera.

Si bien me gusto el desarrollo de esta entrega, sé que no fue perfecto, pero de todas formas me encanto; poder conocer más a Carter, como piensa, actua y ama a sus hermanos y familia. También sé que para mí este es el final de esta maravillosa historia, pero para los personajes es el inicio de sus vidas, lejos de las ataduras originadas por acciones del pasado.

Me encanta la manera, que el autor, escribe y describe a sus personajes con sus fortalezas así también con sus debilidades, con la capacidad de ser resilientes, de perdonar y de amar. T. J Klune consigue que el lector se vincule con ellos, sufra y se emocione.

Del mismo modo, la forma en que hace referencia y le da importancia a la necesidad de sentir que perteneces a una familia (manada) y cómo está nos configura.

“... esto es lo que me han hecho esto esto esto es en lo que me he transformado por ustedes gracias gracias por amarme por sostenerme por completarme.”

“Dijo soy padre porque ustedes me hicieron padre.
Dijo soy esposo porque necesitaba luz en mi alma.
Dijo soy hermano porque no podía caminar solo.
Dijo soy alfa por ustedes por todos ustedes mis lobos mis humanos mi brujo mi ManadaManadaManada.”

Y agradezco enormemente al autor por dejarme conocer a: Ox, Maggie, Joe, Thomas, Elizabeth, Gordo, Mark, Kelly, Carter, Robbie, Gavin, Rico, Chris, Tanner.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,612 reviews2,230 followers
April 10, 2021
When I tell you this book made me cry a lot.. I don't think that is going to come across in a way that you'll understand until you read this book. I shed tears, I wept, I held back sobs. Over and over again. I don't know what it is about this author and his ability to wreck me (us) with his words but oh god. Prepare youself for devastation, for beauty, for heartbreak, for healing, for sadness, for quiet moments.. everything.

We weren't Ox and Joe. Or Kelly and Robbie. Or even Gordo and Mark, though the fuck you vibe was apparently a family trait.

I can't really say anything about this beyond that. Not only is BROTHERSONG a sequel but it's an end. For us. Whether something new might begin? Who is to say. So many songs have been sung along the way; from wolves, to ravens, to hearts, and brothers. This series is about bonds, formed out of blood or built out of friendship, connection, and the fact that I'm tearing up as I write this, when I should long have run out of tears, says it all.

"Three years. One month. Twenty-six days. I lived through that. I lived through the thirteen months it took for us to get [spoiler for book three] back. I saw firsthand what happened with Mark and Gordo. And then you decided to.. what? Be wholly original and leave, too?"
"Whoa. That was a bitchy thing to say. Go Ox."

I reread the books leading up to this, thinking I needed it all fresh in my mind, needed to once again be close to these characters before I could say goodbye, and while I'm sure many Klunatics are doing so? It's not needed. So much of this book hashes out previous events, prior wrongs, in an attempt to come together, to finally do more than just apply bandages on still lingering wounds, so they can let go and face this big conflict that might be the end of them. This family, this pack (packpack), has so much baggage and Klune makes them work through it. It can be agonizing at times, to go through it over and over again, to see the same choices lead to the same mistakes, but it's utterly human; for all that these characters are mostly not.

"Will, sit your ass down and leave my customers alone."
"I'm his constituent. I have a right to know what's going on in my local government, especially when it involves shape-shifters. Huh. Of all the sentences that have ever come out of my mouth, that one was the strangest."

Is it perfect? If I were to reread it, would I award it full marks, or would I downgrade like I did on my WOLFSONG revisit? Hard to say. But right now? It gets everything. Not just because I cried an ocean but because I couldn't tear myself away. In a time when even when I'm loving a book I'm still occasionally distracted, reaching for my phone, I didn't do that once. The only moments I stepped away were to blow my nose (seriously, the crying, it was ridiculous) so, I mean, there were a lot of those moments. But it was impossible to look away for anything else.

"Don't take the chance that he'll always be there. We must remember to say what's in our hearts aloud because we can never know if it'll be the last time we'll ever get the chance."

I can't wait for this book to be out in the world, I can't wait for all the longtime fans to get their paws on it, I feel so lucky to have read this early, particularly as I'm rather new to this world, but I promise you it's worth the wait. You know the drill by now; you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll do both at the same time, you'll break apart only to be stitched back together. Again and again. Because that's how it goes.

Packpackpack 4ever.

** I received an ARC from the author (thank you!) in exchange for an honest review. **


This review can also be found at A Take From Two Cities.
Profile Image for kat ☾ ⭒꙳ .
97 reviews140 followers
September 25, 2020
I love ravensong. I LOVE ravensong. I've read it like 6 times, I've memorized a lot of quotes from it, Gordo is everything to me, it's one of my favorite books ever. I'm saying this to make it clear that when I say this book is a close second on this series for me, I mean I liked it, a lot, like a lot a lot. Also when I say I hold the Livingstone brothers almost as equals, I think Gavin is so very precious.

When I started reading it, it ruined everything else in my life, cause I couldn't stop. Sleep? Why? Eat? Just let me finish this chapter. Write an article? Meh. I needed to know everything, from start to finish I was intrigued.

I'm very aware that I cannot spoiler anything so I just wanna say that I literally screamed (at 4am, what my neighbors must think of me...), squeaked, grinned, laughed, cried, made over a hundred notes, stayed awake till 7 am, and that I love Gavin. And Carter. And Gavin and Carter. Ok, that's my statement.

Go read it, you won't regret it, it may be addictive but that's ok, we deserve it, it's the last book, we get to have a few days dedicated to it. :')

Till next year when I read it all again. And again. Thanks TJ. Xx
Profile Image for Amanda.
50 reviews22 followers
October 16, 2020
Green Creek is one of my favorite series of all time and TJ Klune is my favorite author so I was really excited about this book. And a bit sad because I’d have to say goodbye to these amazing characters. But mostly excited, I still can’t believe I got to read this. I was dying to have a whole book from a Bennett’s POV and Carter is my favorite Bennett so I was literally in heaven.

Brothersong follows the events right after Heartsong, so of course you have to read the previous books in order to read this one.

This book wasn’t what I was expecting. It was better. Like, way better.
It made me so happy, (I mean, don’t worry angst lovers you’ll get your share) and I don’t want to say much just go, just go and you’ll have a lot of surprises.

Speaking of surprises, something surprising (or not) was how much I liked Thomas Bennett, yeah I know many people dislike him and even though I couldn’t agree with some of his choices he really loved his family and oh that was one of the parts that hurt.

Something not so surprising though was how much Carter Bennett loved his brothers, it was such a powerful love, his bond with Kelly especially, beautiful, simply beautiful. The three of them, these brothers and the love they have for each other? My heart ached reading about it, it was magnificent.

Another thing I can say is, because of this book I have a new favorite character and he is the best boy in this entire universe, I’m not even kidding. I’m sure everyone will love him just as much.

It was the ending of a great series, it was the end I wanted and hoped, and I can’t thank TJ enough for this.

But I'll try to thank him anyway. So, thank you for this book, thank you for this series. I’ve learned a lot with these characters, about family, friendship and love. All types of love! About bonds people can form with each other and how strong they are. I feel Brothersong was about love in every shape and form and I love this book dearly.

I’ve met amazing people because of these books, it’s crazy how it really improved my life. Honestly, this story is so important to me and I’m so glad it had the end it deserved. Their, no, our song will always be heard.

This ARC was provided by the author.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,138 reviews3,086 followers
August 5, 2024
✅✅ Characters
✅✅ The feels!!!!! So many emotions!
✅ Amazing character development
✅ Relationships
✅ Found family
✅ Plot
✅ Werewolves and witches
✅ Pace and action
✅ Writing
✅ MM romance

A spectacular conclusion to an amazing series.

“Remember something for me, okay? When the moon is full and bright and you’re singing for all the world to hear, I’ll be looking up at the same moon, and I’ll be singing right back to you. For you. Always you.”

Everything felt more raw and intense in this final book. People had open-hearted conversations, and let themselves be vulnerable, and it got to me in a good way. This book was full of emotions, love, family, loss, and packpackpack, and I loved every page of it.

It was warm like a summer day. It was candy canes and pinecones, it was epic and awesome, it was dirt and leaves and rain, it was grass and lake water and sunshine.

Every loose end has been tied up, and since I reread the first books before reading Heartsong and Brothersong, I noticed new details and even some foreshadowing of events that take place in this final book. It’s crazy how thought out this series is, and how the author kept referring to conversations and events that happened in the first books, and it made me feel all warm and mushy inside to be reminded of those moments.

I find that, contrary to the previous books that were character-driven and more centered around the romance, Brothersong was more plot-driven, while also exploring the bonds between the members of the pack. From romantic love to familial love, we also see a platonic mate bond, strong friendships, and the inspiring love that the town has for the pack. I loved how the humans have embraced the pack fully, and how they are willing to fight with them to protect their town.

I could feel their eyes on me, but I only saw Gavin. He scowled. “Thump, thump, thump. Tricky heart. Makes me forget everything else.”

Gavin deserved needed someone to care for him, and show him that he was important. He believed for so long that he was not part of the pack, that he was expandable, and it was heartbreaking to see him fight so hard against Carter when he tried to bring him back to Green Creek. To see how little he thought of himself, but was still so obviously desperate to feel like he belonged somewhere was so sad, but it made his return to Green Creek and the welcome he got from the pack so much sweeter.

“I would say you became part of me. A constant. And I didn’t know what I had until it was gone. I’m sorry that I didn’t see you for what you were. I’m sorry that I took you for granted. I’m sorry that I let you go. And I know you don’t want me here, and I know you said you didn’t want me, didn’t want our pack, but maybe… maybe you could see me. Because I see you now. I see you, and I don’t know if I ever want to see anyone else.”

Carter is such an intense character in his way. When he does something, he gives his everything, no matter the personal cost. He is driven, and devoted, and I am happy to say that I liked him more than I thought I would. He was always more in the background, and we didn’t know much about him before this book, except that he was the funny one who made the others laugh when they needed it. I liked him, but I didn’t really know him, so it was nice to dive into his memories and thoughts, and it made me realize that he is more complicated and layered than I thought.

“Stay here. I can stay here. You go. Run.”
“Okay. If that’s what you want. I mean, I could probably die or something, but you do you.”
He jerked his head up as he growled. “Die?”
I nodded solemnly. “Might trip over a tree root and break my neck. Or Ox could jump on me and crush my liver. Who the fuck knows?”
“Stupid Carter,” Gavin said.
“Stupid Carter,” I agreed.
“Know what you’re doing.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. So I’m just gonna go, I guess. Don’t know if I’ll ever come back, seeing as how I might be dead and all. If only there was someone out there who could have my back and—”
He put his hand over my mouth. “Stop talking. You make it worse.” His nostrils flared. “Fine. I’ll go. Stupid Carter always almost dies.”

“Joe fluttered his eyelashes. 'Ooh, Gavin. You made my cold, dead heterosexual heart burst with super gay life and now I can't--oof!'
I tackled him. Hard.”

The fact that Carter considered himself to be heterosexual up until this book created some interesting and funny conversations with his brothers. It took Carter and Gavin a while to get their happy ending it took them a while to acknowledge what they were to each other, but it was so satisfying when it happened. The slower pace of their relationship development reminds me of Kelly and Robbie’s romance, but they have a witty and cute banter that the other couples didn’t have.

“Protect your brothers with everything you have.”

I thought at first that this book was named Brothersong because we just learned Gordo and Gavin are brothers, but it’s more because it focuses on Carter, Kelly, and Joe’s bond… More specifically Carter and Kelly’s though and I adored seeing how intense and pure their love for each other was. I am not usually a fan of flashbacks, but seeing how Carter took it upon himself to protect his brothers since he was a kid was so cute, I enjoyed every single flashback, and seeing Carter and Kelly loving each other so much made me want to go over to my sister’s to hug her. 😅

Once again, the writing is phenomenal. How T. J. Klune manages to convey such intense and pure emotions with simple words and short sentences amazes me. He manages to capture the essence of the characters and relay their thoughts in a way that has such an impact on me. It truly is a unique style that you have to read and experience for yourself because my words can’t explain how reading this series is an immersive experience.

“We must remember to say what’s in our hearts aloud because we can never know if it’ll be the last time we’ll ever get the chance.”

1. Wolfsong ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
2. Ravensong ⭐⭐⭐⭐
2.5 Lovesong ⭐⭐⭐⭐
3. Heartsong ⭐⭐⭐⭐
3.5 Feralsong ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
3.6 Lovesong part II ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Follow me on Instagram 🙂
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
874 reviews4,133 followers
February 15, 2021
Sadly, it didn't live up to my expectations and it breaks my heart tbh. This series is one I grew to love (after feeling really conflicted about the first book) but Brothersong left me cold and it makes me want to cry a little bit?

Question : Were Carter and Gavin the MCs of their own story? In my opinion they were not. They were robbed.

Of course I love Joe, Ox, Gordo, Mark, Kelly, Robbie... But come on, they got their own books already! I was never invested in Carter's and Gavin's love story. Nope. Didn't believe it. I mean - I felt more for them when Gavin was a feral wolf in the previous books, and isn't that depressing?

Honestly? The whole thing felt repetitive, both writing- and plot-wise. If I understand the need to wrap up the general storyline, the lack of focus on the ones the story was supposed to be about ruined it for me.

I also really disliked the way Carter kept dismissing Gavin's plea not to call him dude. I wanted to hurl something at his thick head. Like. Listen to what they're telling you for fuck sake!

As for Tanner and Chris platonic relationship being treated as a running joke : ahh, nope. No thank you.

Lastly - I did appreciate the discussion about Joe's parents' actions in Wolfsong : the way it unfolded wasn't fair to Ox, and I'm glad it was acknowledged.

For more of my reviews, please visit:
Profile Image for Snjez.
887 reviews807 followers
November 12, 2020
3.5 stars

This one was hard to rate. There were parts of the story that I enjoyed so much I didn't want to put it down. But there were also parts that dragged for me to the point that I wanted to start skimming.

I loved Gavin and Carter. I loved their dynamics and their banter. I only wish there was more relationship development between them, because it happens pretty late in the story. I also really liked Gavin's relationship with other characters.

Another favourite part of this book, and the whole series, is the bond between the brothers. Especially the bond between Carter and Kelly. It really stood out for me in this one.

There were a lot of flashbacks and inner monologues. I think they worked well in the beginning, because they added to the feeling of Carter being alone with nothing but his thoughts. But later on they started to feel repetitive and sometimes they interrupted the natural flow of the story.

I didn't care much about the whole situation with Livingstone. I know that's one of the main plot points in the series, but everything that happens with him feels too unbelievable to me. Though the ending was very satisfying.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
725 reviews42 followers
November 20, 2020
Our songs will always be heard

Bear with me, I'm writing this under influence... Hey now, it's not what you think. Actually, it's probably worse...

Mystical. Moon. Magic.

Yep, it's a thing and I'm the living proof. Let me tell you it works like a charm. Every. Single. Time.

The whole series took me on an incredible and epic journey I will never forget, with Brothersong being the... well, I won't say highlight since I loved every love story - all unique in their own way - but the perfect conclusion. I was dragging my feet here because I didn't want it to end.

I was awed. I was emotional. I was in tears. I was howling with laughter. I was torn to shreds inside towards the end. I was plotting TJ Klune's demise for putting me through this again. But most of all I was in my happy place and that's all I could ever want.

Oh, and Kirt Graves's narration was once again everything!
Profile Image for Layla .
1,328 reviews19 followers
August 28, 2023
Relisten #5
We're the mutherfucking Bennet Pack 🥹

Relisten #4
Stupid Carter 😭

Relisten #3
Thump Thump Thump.

Relisten #2. Just as amazing.
And yes, I read out of order, I couldn't help it.
I had goosebumps through the whole audio and cried just as much. TJ you asshole.


Title: Brothersong (Green Creek #4) by TJ Tj Klune
Audiobook narrated by Kirt Graves

****Spoiler Free Rec****
**** Highly Recommended Endings****
It went like this….
Why read this book:
1. The characters:
Carter: the big brother, the protector, the second to the Alpha of All. Searching for what was right in front of him for years, alone and determined to get it back. #StupidCarter
Gavin: The Timberwolf, the omega with the violet eyes who is almost childlike in human form. Carter’s shadow and protector. He sacrificed and fought and endured, but his pack is howling him home. #DoIBelong

2. The Plot:
This is the end. The culmination of a saga. It’s a cycle, and it should break. There is heartbreak, and love, and happiness and humor and everything in between. Everything comes full circle and the story telling is flawless. #PackPackPack

3. The Romance
Sweet, romantic, eye opening, genuine, poignant and almost virginal. The way Carter and Gavin come together was in a word… glorious. #INeverExpectedItToBeYou

4. The Ending
There is curveball after curveball, surprise after surprise. You are constantly bombarded with things you never though could be possible. There will be the ultimate sacrifice and you won’t see it coming. #BraceYourselves

5. The HEA
This time, the HEA, is for all of the pack. It is nothing short of perfect. The perfect ending to a perfect series. #WereTheGodDamnBennetPack

**** May Our Songs Always Be Heard*****

Profile Image for Drache.... (Angelika) .
1,237 reviews116 followers
July 23, 2024
Reread 07/2024
Loved this maybe even a bit more than the first time around.. I skipped over most of the fighting, though, so I'll leave my rating from a few months ago at 4,25 stars.
Gavin and Carter have something special between them, and I enjoyed their relationship development A LOT.
The focus on the connection between the brothers and between the pack-members was awesome.
Read 04/2024
4,25 stars.
Beautiful conclusion of the series.
I tried to keep my expectations pretty low before reading Brothersong, because I had absolutely LOVED Heartsong, but didn't enjoy the lack of relationship development in Wolfsong. Plus, Gavin and Carter hadn't even spoken to each other in the previous books, so I didn't expect to feel a great deal for them.
Oh I'm so glad I was wrong!

I loved how the relationship between Carter and Gavin was portayed and developed. The first part touched me deeply. And it was awesome to follow Carter and Gavin getting closer once they were back home. I loved the pack and found family as much as I had in Heartsong. The bond between the three brothers had a beautiful and important impact in this book, too.

There was less banter, though, and the Livingstone - issues and Thomas Bennett - issues weren't my favorite themes to begin with, but obviously were a lot on page here.

All in all this was an unexpectedly good end to the series for me.
Yet there's no doubt that Heartsong is my absolute favorite in the series, followed by Ravensong.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,027 reviews2,453 followers
November 4, 2020
3 stars

Okay, I never thought I’d say this about a Green Creek book but…. I DID NOT LOVE THIS BOOK.

I loved Wolfsong, it’s one of my all time favorite books ever. And books 2 and 3 I loved. But this book failed to give me the feels that I am accustomed to with a Klune book. I’ve noticed his more recent books don’t fo it for me like his previous books. Maybe it’s just me. There were a few sweet moments and a few really funny ones. But overall this book was wayyy too long. If it hadn’t been a Klune book I probably would have quit about one hundred pages in because nothing was happening.

Overall I liked this book, but it failed to live up to the other books in this series for me.
Profile Image for Meggie.
528 reviews109 followers
August 17, 2022
”When the moon is full and bright and you’re singing for all the world to hear, I’ll be looking up at the same moon, and I’ll be singing right back to you. For you. Always you.”

This final book in the series: 5 STARS

Series: 5 STARS (I haven’t read Feralsong or Lovesong yet, but since they’re just short stories, they don’t really count)

So, here’s the thing:

People that haven’t read ANY books in this series just want to know if it is worth reading. It is.

People that have read only SOME of the books in this series just want to know if I am happy with the ending. I am.

But the people that have also read and loved this incredible series? That’s who this review is for. So anyone else, I would stop reading right now. Seriously. I’ve warned you. But anyone who wants to relive this experience by following my thoughts, let’s do this!

-One of my favorite things about TJ Klune- and it’s even more noticeable in this series- is the utter lack of toxic masculinity in his male characters. Oh sure, they get jealous; they’re werewolves, after all. But whether another man is their mate, friend, packmate or brother, it doesn’t matter: they love each other, and they aren’t afraid to talk about it and actually show it. The best example of this in Brothersong is Carter and Kelly’s relationship as brothers. Even when they have their mates, they’re still each other’s ride or die, and it is beautiful. Carter fell in love with his brother the day he was born, and that fact made me love Carter more than I thought possible.

"He’s your brother.”
“It’s more than that.”
I was frustrated. I didn’t know how to put the thoughts in my head into words. Words that would show him just how far it went.
Finally, I said, “It’s... he’s everything.”

“You, Kelly,” I said hoarsely. “Always you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

-Oh, Thomas. There was a time I thought Thomas was the Jesus of the story but boy, was I wrong. Thomas meant well, of course, and he tried to care for his pack and his family the best he could, but he made a lot of mistakes. Accepting this about a person you once thought infallible isn’t easy, and it takes a long time. I thought TJK illustrated this journey beautifully, showing us how the loved ones Thomas left behind have come to terms with the damage he left in his wake. I know as a parent, I’m always going to make mistakes, but they’re worth it if my children learn from them. This is Thomas’ legacy: a lot of power, and even more love, but also enough mistakes to change the course of history. I like to think that he has earned absolution, though. I truly believe he deserves it.

My father was a proud man. A strong man. There was a time when I thought he could do no wrong, that he was absolute in his power, all knowing. But he wasn’t. For someone such as him, an Alpha wolf from a long line of wolves, he was terribly human in the mistakes he made, the people he’d hurt, the enemies he’d trusted.

“Theirs was a story of fathers and sons,” the woman said, and I felt like I was floating. “Yours, though. Yours is one of brothers. And yet you’ve paid for the sins of the fathers time and time again. When does it end?”

-That being said, even though Thomas deserved absolution, he didn’t end up being the omnipotent, all-knowing Alpha I originally thought he would be. Neither was Ox, even though Werewolf Jesus was his nickname. In my opinion, this role is filled by Elizabeth, who isn't even an Alpha. But she experiences so much loss, so much heartache, yet she always fights, and protects, and loves unconditionally. She isn't just a werewolf mom, she is a QUEEN. I’ve always been in awe of her, but the way she treats and speaks to Gavin- not just talks, but *speaks* to him, in a way that he needed to hear- touched me so many times. She knows her mate made many mistakes, and though that wasn’t on her, her desire to try to fix them made me respect her almost as much as I loved her. She is hands down the top person in this series that I’d want on my side. Lizzie is everything, and I don't think the pack would have made it without her.

“Regardless of what relationships you forge with the pack, what decisions you make about the future you see for yourself, you will always have a place here. I have missed you. I know the wolf before me, and if you’ll let me, I’d like to know the man.”

"I’ll ask for your forgiveness,” my mother said. “But I won’t demand it. It’s not conditional of you being here. You’ll always have a choice of whom to trust. But if you allow it, I would like to earn it. I know it’ll take time, and time may be something we don’t have. But you are not a thing to be discarded. You are flesh and blood. You are important."

-Gavin and Carter. Man, did these two ever deserve their happily ever after. It seemed like all they did was deal with the mistakes of those around them. The people who loved them, or the people who claim to love them. I did fall in love with Carter, but something about Gavin really touched my heart. He is so pure, so simple. He runs on instinct, which for him means to protect at all costs. Gavin is a survivor through and through, and Carter is his “more.” I wanted that so badly for him, and when he finally got it, I felt that peaceful, green relief right alongside him. He always gave, gave, gave, but he never seemed to get anything in return... until he did. He finally, finally got to belong somewhere.

”I’m sorry I didn’t see you for who you really were. You helped to fill in the broken parts of me, and I didn’t even realize it, not until it was too late. I don’t want to ever feel like that again. I came for you because you deserve to have someone at your side, someone who doesn’t want to hurt you.”

There was something in my head and chest, something that felt like lightning, that sounded like thunder. It was the bonds that stretched between us all. Vibrant and wild. They whispered pack and pack and pack. And if I listened hard enough, if I really dug in and pulled the threads apart, there was a quiet voice buried underneath. I looked at Gavin. He was watching me. I heard him. He said, i think i think i think i’m home.

-Yes, each book is about a couple. But the story is about so much more than that. Everyone needs their pack, but also, your pack can be made of anyone. Blood or friendship, weak or strong, the ties that bind us are what keep us going when we think we can't take another step. It’s okay to rely on those around you. Sometimes you’ll be the strong one; others, you’ll be the weakest link, but in the end it doesn't matter because pack always sticks together.

He said, “Listen well, my son.” He said, “Listen with all your might.” He said, “Your pack is howling you home.”

-The people of Green Creek, especially Will. All human, but no less extraordinary. They stand up for what they believe in, even when it is scary. Even in the face of the unknown. Honestly, even when their life is in danger. And maybe I understood them because deep down, we’re all a little like Will. We all want to leave the world with our mark on it.

Will said, “I mattered. I mattered. I… I….”

We’re with you, Carter. We’ve got your back. And the sooner you realize that, the better off we’ll be. We’re in this together.”
“You’re all fucking crazy,” I said faintly.

-All the miscellaneous stuff that either broke my heart, made me laugh out loud, or made my soul smile. Gavin’s love for pink, sparkly things. His pink work shirt. The way Carter defended him if someone made fun of his clothes. The gayest pack in existence. Stupid Carter. Thump thump thump. Don’t. Touch. Him. Mystical moon magic. “Big bad wolf, but I can be good human.” Chris, Tanner, and Rico taking Gavin shopping. The Joy of Gay Sex. Cockblock.

Because I see you now. I see you, and I don’t know if I ever want to see anyone else.

“I’ve got my claws in you now. Where you go, I go. And if that means following you into the dark, so be it.”

“You hold on to what you can when all is crumbling around you, even if it’s poisoned and dark. It’s all you know.”

I said, “Fuck him. Hear me. Hear me. I’m the voice in your head. I’m your pack.” The sirens screamed.

We love because we can. We live because we’ve fought too hard to ever stop.

Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,511 reviews70 followers
October 28, 2020
3,75 stars

I was charmed and amazed when I read Wolfsong. It will remain one of my top favourite books of all time.
I was riveted and torn apart by Ravensong.
I suffered and rejoiced with the Bennetts and Kelly and Robbie in Heartsong.
And then I waited for a very long time for this final part in the Green Creek saga.

Was it worth that wait?
All in all – yes.

Many things that happened in the past, some of which were never talked about are cleared up and resolved here. People talk with open hearts and minds. And it is all good.

Of course, we knew that the big clash with Robert Livingston would happen this time. I bet everyone was quietly hoping that none of the pack we’ve grown to love so much would die in this fight: apart from all the Bennetts, there are Rico, Jessie, Dominique, Chris, Tanner and Will. (and believe you me, just the fact that I don’t even need to look up any of their names says it all!)

I can tell you that my heart virtually stopped a few times during the last 20% when I was torn between: “Is TJ actually going to kill him/her off?” and “No, surely, surely, he wouldn’t do that to us!”.
Not telling how that went in the end – but what I will say is this: it was blooming TENSE. And that what happened was very fitting for everyone, indeed.

So, what about Carter and Gavin, then?
Good question. This is supposed to be their book after all.
Well it is, and it also isn’t.

The first 25% belongs to them, not that much is happening on the ‘romance’ side. But they are the main protagonists. After that, however, their story is less prominent. It’s there and it progresses VERY slowly, and although there is never any doubt about the love each man feels, we don’t get even as much as a kiss until the later stages of the book.

Looking at this from a romance POV I would say that this isn’t enough. I missed ‘more’ here, more relationship development, more yearning, more everything. Yes, I enjoyed the thoroughly funny moments when Joe and Kelly offer Carter advice "what to do with his penis" in an m/m relationship, and I loved Gavin’s blunt and straightforward language, but somehow I was missing a bit of more depth between Carter and Gavin (who is incidentally a cracking character!).

However, looking at this from the angle of the arc spanning the four books, I can see why quite a bit of the ‘other' (non-romantic) stuff we're offered does, in fact, make sense. Even if it feels a bit crammed with all the various relationships (the brothers, the pack, etc) finding their resolutions.

Strangely, I had the impression that TJ’s writing is running a bit away with him sometimes. While I get that the constant back and forth between present and past in the first 20% shows how Carter’s mind is slipping, I could have done with less of that.
I also thought that the transcendental element is particularly strong in this book. Almost too much for me.

2 thoughts at the side:

1. While I know that this is an alternative universe, I did wonder at various times, how in a small rural village in the middle of nowhere EVERYONE is supportive of the wolves amongst them.
2. I found it very difficult to get my head round these two things: (MASSIVE spoiler alert)

Final verdict:

While this is a worthy end to a fabulous saga, book 4 didn’t tear into me emotionally me as much as the previous three. However, the ultimate message is laudable:

Together, we are strong.
Together, we can make the unbelievable happen.
Only together can we be whole as individuals.

A wonderful message, particularly in times like ours at the moment.
Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
August 24, 2020
So...I'm sitting here after reading this EPIC book and wondering how I'm going to put into words all the emotions I'm currently feeling. This Book. These Characters. This Series. This STORY.

It took me through the wringer and left me hollowed sometimes. But, even at the lowest of lows, when I thought I couldn't read on, this mad genius of an author sprinkled enough heart, love and humour to give me the courage to take just one more step, read one more line and flip one more page till I got to the glorious end. I will admit that there were some one or two threads that I wished were tied up more smoothly than they were but in the general scheme of things, I wouldn't say they were monumental so I ignored them in favour of enjoying the story as it was.

I laughed, I teared up and I screamed at the unfairness of it all at some points but in the end, when all was said and done, I was glad to have embarked on this journey with the Bennett Pack if only to see them finally get the Peace they unequivocally deserved.

As I said, all the emotions are jumbled inside me. There's joy; so much joy that I got to experience this wonderful story but with this joy comes the inevitable sadness that this here is the end of years following this wonderful series. Years of falling in love with Ox, Joe, Gordo, Mark, Chris, Tanner,Rico,Carter, Kelly,Robbie, Jessie,Elizabeth and recently Gavin, Bambi, and Dominique. The stories these characters gave will forever be with me and for that I am glad.

Also, I'm not too distraught because I know I can always re-visit these books again and again and again whenever I miss the crazy, wonderful ride that was the Green Creek Series.

Highly Recommended and certainly worth the wait.

***eARC Graciously Provided by Author in Exchange for an Honest, Unbiased Review***

Guess who got an ARC? 15-Aug-2020

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