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All-New X-Factor (Collected Editions) #1

All-New X-Factor, Vol. 1: Not Brand X

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Serval Industries, one of the world's most trusted names in electronics and leader in cutting-edge internet and weapons technology, has just unveiled their newest contribution to society...the All-New X-Factor. Led by mutant mistress of magnetism, Polaris, the team uses its corporate backing for the betterment of society.

Collects All-New X-Factor (2014) #1-6.

136 pages, Paperback

Published January 1, 2014

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About the author

Peter David

3,465 books1,324 followers
aka David Peters

Peter Allen David (often abbreviated PAD) is an American writer, best known for his work in comic books and Star Trek novels. David often jokingly describes his occupation as "Writer of Stuff". David is noted for his prolific writing, characterized by its mingling of real world issues with humor and references to popular culture. He also uses metafiction frequently, usually to humorous effect, as in his work on the comic book Young Justice.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,818 reviews1,272 followers
June 25, 2023
The first arc of the new series brings the team together including a majority of first time members including Gambit! The art.. to me is a pain, as I can't really tell what is going on during action scenes. The plus is the interesting Serval Industries and its CEO, the great dialogue has also returned. At the time when this first dropped I was just relieved that X-Factor and Peter David were back. :)

2018 and 2015 read
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,671 reviews13.2k followers
August 25, 2014
Nope, this isn’t a comic book version of that shite TV show fronted by the most punchable face on television, Simon Cowell, but a return of that ‘90s favourite, Peter David’s X-Factor. And I should say right off the bat that I was never a fan of that series - I was barely a fan of the X-Men, then and now! - so I wasn’t fanboying out over X-Factor coming back.

It’s also not the best place for completely green readers to start with this series. David basically assumes that everyone reading this will know all about the team members so there’s hardly any intro for any of them with description of their backgrounds or powers; you’re just thrown in at the deep end and asked to swim. You’re bound to know a couple of them though - Gambit, for instance, is relatively well-known, as is Quicksilver, if only for his recent appearance in Bryan Singer’s Days of Future Past and the forthcoming Avengers sequel, Age of Ultron.

Serval Industries is the Marvel Universe’s version of Google. A massive conglomerate that built its fortune off the back of a search engine, it’s decided that it needs a corporate super-team in its quest to do good, and that team will be X-Factor. Gambit, Quicksilver, and Polaris immediately join up and get sent out on a variety of missions, none of which are particularly interesting or well-written.

Their first adventure puts them in the path of a mad scientist who’s found a way of giving himself mutant superpowers. They stop him. Nothing much else to say except it’s super-yawn-worthy. There are also a few other Marvel superheroes making cameos but I have no clue who they are (Fatale?).

Their second adventure introduces them to Danger, the robotic version of the X-Men’s Danger Room who appeared in Joss Whedon/John Cassady’s (rightly) celebrated Astonishing X-Men series. Someone from the Thieves’ Guild (of which Gambit is the head) has hacked into Serval’s servers, so Gambit goes to stop him and finds out Danger’s being used unwittingly to assist major hacking operations. Danger goes a bit loopy and she’s stopped in possibly the stupidest way ever:. Seriously!

The third and final adventure sees X-Factor crossing the paths of Warlock and Magus. Don’t know who they are, but they’re also sentient robots. Again, if you don’t know the characters of this series, there’s nothing in this that’ll enlighten you but I assume fans of X-Factor were loving that Warlock and Magus were back (if they were in X-Factor at all).

That said, David does give characters who we see only once, all the exposition for some reason. So Gambit’s “dad” introduces himself while informing you of his background and recent history at the same time, when that kinda info dump would’ve been more useful for Polaris, who’s in the book throughout. All we find out about Polaris is that she had some kind of freakout in another comic, and that’s it (and I refuse to use a Marvel wiki to read one of their comics!).

I suppose if you’re a fan of Peter David’s X-Factor you’ll get more out of this comic than I did but what this first book doesn’t do is make me want to go back and read more of this team’s backstory. The characters themselves aren’t interesting and when Gambit comes off as the best one in the group, you know it’s a shit group.

The covers are stylish though, I’ll give it that!
Profile Image for Sean Gibson.
Author 6 books6,000 followers
May 8, 2015
I want to like this, mainly because it seems like the best place to get some Gambit action these days. I'm really trying to give it the benefit of the doubt. Not bad so far, but not knocking my socks off.
Profile Image for Kristen ꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱.
150 reviews25 followers
May 29, 2018
the series and the choice of characters make for a great story but this volume was an overall letdown. some of the issues were outstanding — humorous and action packed — while others didn’t meet that bar. i think for a first volume this could have been written better. if i didn’t have all the issues on marvel unlimited and only had this volume, i wouldn’t continue. which is a shame because this series is SO good after this.
Profile Image for Judah Radd.
1,098 reviews12 followers
April 11, 2020
Killer start to a series!

This is the kind of character driven, unique shit that makes people love mutant comics. There are a lot of B List favs that pop up. Doug, Warlock, Danger... hell yeah. I love these characters, and Peter David is writing them very well! Also, It’s always nice to see rude ones like Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit in the mix.

Speaking of Gambit, the book isn’t all about him and his feelings and idiosyncrasies... which is nice. I always groan when he shows up, and this was mercifully not annoying.

It’s too early to tell if this complaint is valid... but the series really doesn’t wait very long before giving you the idea that this Serval company is shady. Maybe the twist will be that they really aren’t shady? Who knows.

Overall, this was a very pleasant surprise. I thought it would be a chore, but instead, I’m legitimately excited to see where it goes.
Profile Image for Tomás Sendarrubias García.
901 reviews16 followers
December 26, 2020
Marvel Now fue el escenario en el que se sumió el Universo Marvel después de Vengadores vs Patrulla-X, y muchas colecciones relacionadas con los dos bandos en conflicto vivieron cambios de alineación, reestructuraciones, etc... Y PAD se subió a este nuevo entorno en la segunda oleada de Marvel Now, trayéndonos All-New X-Factor, una nueva versión del equipo, muy distinta de la anterior.

Así, en este primer tomo del Nuevo Factor-X, titulado No es solo una Marca-X, vamos a ver la formación del equipo, formado alrededor de Polaris, que ahora trabaja para una gigantesca megacorporación, Serval, dirigida por el enigmático Harrison Snow, y que mantiene que si los gobiernos pueden tener grupos de héroes, ¿por qué no las empresas? Polaris se convierte así en la líder de un terceto formado por ella misma, Gambito y Mercurio, y que no tardará en reclutar nuevos miembros hasta alcanzar un número más oficial, los seis miembros habituales de los equipos de héroes, y que se irán uniendo al equipo en sus primeras misiones: Peligro (compañera de Gambito en X-Men: Legado), Cifra (que ya había dejado los Nuevos Mutantes después de conocer a su yo malvado del futuro) y el eterno compañero de este, Warlock. Y es que este primer volumen no trae grandes enemigos, como suele ser habitual para los lanzamientos, salvo la reaparición del amenazante Magus, el padre de Warlock y líder de la Tecnarquía... que la verdad, no tarda mucho en perder gran parte de su amenaza, después de los acontecimientos de Aniquilación: Conquista.

En fin, No es Solo una Marca X funciona bien como lanzamiento de una colección, como siempre con un Peter David más centrado en sus personajes que en otra cosa y que comienza creando un entorno nuevo, el de Industrias Serval, y lo hace acompañado de uno de los dibujantes más reconocibles del mundo del cómica, Carmine DiGiandomenico, que funciona bastante bien y mantiene su excelente nivel narrativo.
Profile Image for Adam Stone.
1,837 reviews26 followers
October 15, 2019
After a long disappointing stretch near the end of his initially excellent X-Factor run, Peter David managed to stick the landing and give a satisfying conclusion to his run. Something neither Bendis, Remender, or Aaron could do with their much shorter runs on X-titles.

ALl New X-Factor does not start nearly as well as any of those series. It's fine. It's the story of a corporate funded superhero team featuring Polaris, Gambit, and Quicksilver, with more familiar X-faces joining before the conclusion of the volume.

Tonally, it works. Peter David is still Mr. Dad Joke but the humor works in service of the story. I also appreciate that he doesn't open the series with the team having to fight The Biggest Threat The World Has Ever Seen.

If you've been a fan of any of David's work, I'd check this out. It's not his best, but it's better than a lot of the other X-books of its time. And if you're into Polaris or Gambit or Quicksilver, you might love this.
Profile Image for Nate Deprey.
1,143 reviews8 followers
January 27, 2019
While I like the look and feel of this title I never fell in love with this. It's smart and clever and I can't think of a time where I found Quicksilver to be more compelling but the rest of the team and the corporate structure it operates under never hit home for me.
Profile Image for Brent.
2,175 reviews187 followers
April 17, 2019
Did I actually read ALL this earlier? Lots of robot X-Men return, along with a few favorite mutants. Peter David serves familiar characters well, as do Camuncoli, et. al. on art.
Mildly recommended.
Profile Image for Sara I.
844 reviews
December 21, 2021
It has piqued my interest, I love a good X-men and I can't say this is exactly what I was expecting, X-Factor being a sponsored team for a corporation, Serval. I am interested to see how it develops.
Profile Image for Tomás.
271 reviews25 followers
April 14, 2016
Tomo muy entretenido que se puede disfrutar gratamente sin haber leído completa la serie anterior de X-Factor a cargo de Peter David, que vuelve a ponerse al frente de este "All New" que viene como anillo al dedo si querés leer una buena historia mutante con el estilo de este autor al cual venero cada vez que abro uno de sus comics.

Los personajes son de mi agrado, es decir, Gambito no es la gran cosa pero le tengo un poco de cariño nostálgico noventoso. Polaris, una de mis mutantes favoritos y Quicksilver también. Los demás no son de mi agrado pero a cargo de David resultan simpáticos e interesantes. La idea de que una empresa "contrate" a este grupo de mutantes está bien planteada, aunque algunas cosas de esta empresa hacen ruido durante todo el tomo, y David tiene muchas cosas que decir sobre estas corporaciones que tanto abundan hoy en día. La secuencia que más me gustó del tomo es en la que los pibes van a rescatar guita de dicha empresa a la Isla Robada donde todos son chorros liderados por Gambito, y se encuentran con un nuevo integrante para el grupo, después de darse rosca un buen rato.

Lástima que esta serie duró poco tiempo, aunque entiendo la negación de Peter David al renunciar a ella. A ver cuando llegan los últimos dos tomos así redondeo.
Profile Image for Fugo Feedback.
4,566 reviews160 followers
November 2, 2015
Arranco la serie y ya me está dando lástima saber que apenitas me va a dar tres tomos de disfrute. Si bien este primer tomo del Todo-Nuevo-X-Factor no me voló la cabeza como sí hizo el ahora más-o-menos-viejo-X-Factor, sí me convenció bastante más que los últimos de aquella, empezando por el dibujante y los diseños y siguiendo por la premisa y el olor a gato encerrado que tiene todo lo que rodea a la compañía del señor este que tan "noblemente" refundó este equipo.
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 26 books150 followers
July 4, 2014
A totally revamped cast has helped David to really revitalize his X-Factor franchise.What he has here is a good mix of the old and the new, and I'm really thrilled to see how they all move forward. The plot is almost irrelevant next to all of that, so I'll mostly comment that I like his use of old continuity.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,603 reviews27 followers
September 7, 2021
So, imagine you took away all the good things about the last X-Factor series. That's what you are left with here. The All-New X-Factor is completely uninteresting with some pretty terrible art (can't tell male characters apart). The book slowly adds random x-characters for no reason. This book has no heart. Peter David is capable of so much more. Overall, a disaster.
Profile Image for Mike.
932 reviews43 followers
May 6, 2014
Quick thoughts: Although it's a mixed bag, there's a lot of potential here. David's still finding the proper pacing for his new team, but the line-up is good, the corporate angle is intriguing, Gambit makes a perfect pov character, and the banter is as entertaining as ever.
Profile Image for David.
2,565 reviews85 followers
August 1, 2014
It took to the end of the book but I came away quite liking the team and David's writing. Have to say though, it's the absolute worst looking art I've seen in a Marvel title for some time, greatly distracting from the story.
Profile Image for Renata.
2,732 reviews425 followers
August 5, 2014
Really I rate Gambit & his cats 5 stars and everything else 3 stars.

One day I hope Marvel will meet the demand for a comic that strictly follows the adventures of Gambit and his cats. Until then, there's this I guess.
Profile Image for Variaciones Enrojo.
4,157 reviews61 followers
Want to read
October 10, 2014
Octavo tomo de "Héroes Marvel: X-Factor", primero en recibir el prefijo "Nuevo". Si los tomos españoles coinciden todos con su equivalente estadounidense, la sub-serie seguro finalice en el tomo 4.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,458 reviews
May 13, 2017
Hm. This company is shady and no one is seeing it? 🙄
Author 2 books7 followers
June 23, 2018
Not sure about this one until the last part which I enjoyed. Childhood relived.
Profile Image for C.
1,754 reviews51 followers
August 23, 2018
Continuing the great x-read of 2017/18...

I love Peter David writing X-characters. He always has a fresh and exciting take on the mutant universe. I was sad to see his long x-factor run end, but excited to see what he could do with a new team.

And this volume... Well, it probably gets an extra star because I trust David to take it somewhere interesting but so far it is slow and meandering and well, just not that interesting.

I love that Marvel at this point is still allowing authors to slowly build their stories and I typically prefer that writing style but so far there seem to be a lot of clichés (gee, who suspected that the head of the shady corporate entity would be an adultering %$#&bag?) and not a lot of actual character development (something David typically excels at). I'm in for the next volume, but I'm not sure that I would be if I didn't explicitly trust the writer.
Profile Image for Jessica Robinson.
644 reviews26 followers
August 2, 2017
This has a great line-up for a team book, a mix-and-match of some of the most difficult mutants to get along with in the Marvel Universe. You have Polaris as the leader (still maybe a little evil), her half-brother Quicksilver (douchecanoe extraordinaire and estranged from the Avengers), Gambit (bizarrely the most emotionally-stable member of the team despite his descent into crazy cat lady town), Danger (the amnesiac lady-faced robot version of Xavier's Danger Room), Cypher (suicidal and hiding it), and Warlock (okay, he's doing fine for the most part but also might be a little evil). Add in their corporate sponsor--totally not evil, you guys--and this was one of the best first issues for a new team that I've read in a while.
Profile Image for Willow.
532 reviews14 followers
January 24, 2022
This was... fine? Probably closer to 2.5 stars. I can't tell if I've outgrown Peter David's writing style or this is just a particularly stilted and awkward arc from him. Hell, maybe in a David comic, a character saying "That's a Doctor Who reference" after the most predictable and obvious Doctor Who reference is a hint the character is evil? But that wasn't the only awkward and weird dialogue in the book, so I'm less inclined to give the benefit of the doubt that it's all intentionally bad. But I guess we'll see.
Profile Image for Louis Skye.
649 reviews8 followers
September 26, 2021
Makeup of this team is fun but it ended just as the entire team got together.

Why is Gambit the protagonist here? And why is there so much of his inner monologue? Would’ve liked to get a bit more from the others. Also, his accent is inconsistent.

Danger is officially my favourite. She’s strong and doesn’t care about social niceties.

The uniforms are terrible though. The worst colour combo in X-history. Otherwise the art is pretty.

Fun read. Going to wait for the next volume.
7 reviews
July 17, 2018
i admittedly picked this up just for gambit and quicksilver interaction, but the style is okay and the story isn't land to read, so it's pretty good. considering some of the shit you can get this isn't a bad choice for a casual read.

i'd give 4 stars but it's lacking something i can't quite put my finger on. and there's a lot of hetero stuff and you lads know i'm not about that life.
Profile Image for Robopjokk.
34 reviews13 followers
January 13, 2019
Actually an entertaining little comic. The founding of a superhero team has always been one of my favourite comic book stories and this is quite good. Mysterious corporations, personal secrets, really great action and some good humour. Too bad the art is sloppy in some places and overall only passable in my eyes. Even so, I liked it quite a bit.
Profile Image for Andy Luke.
Author 10 books16 followers
December 2, 2018
Di Giandomenico (lead artist) delivers clear yet detailed panels with dynamics inherent in strong pacing. Peter David again has a clear vision of fun action story and the cover designs by Jared K. Fletcher have a stylised unique quality pleasing on the eye.
Profile Image for Pie.
1,226 reviews
May 18, 2021
Rereading for the first time in years, and in hindsight, the fact that this one of the first X-Men team books I remember reading probably gave me somewhat unrealistic expectations about the number of cats and bickering siblings that are usually present in team line-ups.
Profile Image for John Geddie.
422 reviews12 followers
January 1, 2023
I wish this had taken off. Peter David is great on dialogue and characterization and I love the art style. This particular lineup of B team mutants has some of my favorites, great underutilized players.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews

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