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Sweet Torment #1

Breathe You In

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Amy Underwood is passionate about her dream of opening a new drug treatment center, but finding the funds hasn’t been easy. Desperate, she sneaks into the biggest political event of the year. But she quickly discovers that in the fast-paced world of politics, everything—and everyone—has a price.

Roman Reese, the disarmingly sexy governor of New York, is learning that his privileged past could destroy his blue-collar support base—and ruin his political future. He needs to find a down-to-earth girlfriend to win the voters’ hearts during his second election. Someone sweet and innocent. Someone like Amy.

The moment Amy and Roman meet, sensual sparks fly between them. Experienced in more than just politics, Roman suavely strikes a deal, asking Amy to be his pretend girlfriend until the moment the polls close. But business becomes breathtakingly passionate pleasure when Roman leads Amy into his bed on an erotic journey. Their unbridled passion could lead to true love…until betrayal threatens to tear them apart forever.

283 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 11, 2014

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Joya Ryan

29 books775 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews
Profile Image for Krissy.
1,677 reviews343 followers
September 16, 2015
Though I enjoyed the book I found Amy quite annoying at times. She's one of those "I'm always a victim" types. It's been a while since I've read a heroine that was such a clingy, needy mess. She came across as incredibly weak. Her parents treated her like shit and she took it. Warren treated her like shit and she took it. Roman treated her like shit and she took it. Bill treated her like shit and she took it. See the pattern? The entire book was one big Amy pity party.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,812 reviews536 followers
March 19, 2014
2.5 disappointing stars

I seem to be in the minority once again. When I read the blurb on Joya Ryan's latest release, excitedly I one-clicked because a good political-based romance always grabs hold of me. I started off highly charged and thinking this was going to make my day. However, it didn't take too long before I hit some editing errors that threw me into a panic mode (simple unexplained errors are a real issue with me) and missing words in sentence after sentence are just too clearly identifiable for a good proofreader. Biting my tongue and forging on, I still hoped for a good well-developed storyline

No need to rehash the blurb -- it's sufficiently defined. However, there's much more of what I will call "porn than plot" in this instance. There is certainly the possibility for a great read but it got buried in all the sex and insta-love than in a convincing dialogue and well-developed story surrounding the re-election campaign and past histories that define the personalities and hurdles facing our main characters.

In my opinion, this one missed its mark on all fronts -- for me at least.
Profile Image for Irene.
17 reviews
March 10, 2014

Wow. I honestly didn't expect to like this book as much as I did. When I first read the synopsis, I thought it would be just a nice, easy book to read. I didn't expect too much from it. I've read plenty of other stories where a "deal" is made between the two main characters, and I always found something far-fetched about the situation. It was something that I would just disregard, because it is fiction after all. However, this is different. The scene where Roman first propositioned Amy was executed so well that it didn't feel contrived at all. I mean, we're not given this kind of offer everyday, but I could easily picture that scene playing out at a real political dinner somewhere.

Aside for maybe the drama with both their parents, this story didn't feel forced to me. I thought it was handled with finesse. I didn't find any of the characters irritating, which is always a plus. Roman...that man is charming as fuck. Also, the sexual tension between Roman and Amy was off the charts. I literally found myself heavy breathing in some scenes.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this a lot! I was happy with how the story ended.
Profile Image for CeCe.
3,547 reviews109 followers
September 1, 2015

Love these type of stories, but this heroine had no backbone. She already did this same "thing" with her ex-boyfriend and honestly she came off as weak. She does not stand up to Roman. While he is making this "agreement" with her, she is thinking about how attractive he is?!?! I like jerk-ish heroes, but Roman I just could not take anymore of him.

I wanted banter, a strong heroine. I got nothing so I quit. This may work for you.
Profile Image for Robin Malone.
76 reviews12 followers
March 16, 2014
I received a copy of this book from the author, Joya Ryan, in exchange for an honest review and that is exactly what you will receive.

The Review

First off, I have to say…this book’s description does NOT give it any amount of justice as to what this book holds within it. Not a single bit. Had I been flipping through Amazon.com books looking for an interesting book to read, this one wouldn’t have piqued my interest. This actually came onto my radar due to a mutual friend(author) of Joya Ryan and I. Until that moment I’d never heard of Joya Ryan or any of her books. To be quite honest, I almost said no to the review based upon the fact the book description portrayed it as something I would really not care for. Now would others have this same reaction? Maybe, maybe not. But this is about my experience. That being said, I’ll quote exactly what I told our mutual friend…I absofuckinglutely loved it!

I have a select few authors I consider my favorites, even less favorite books and it is EXTREMELY rare a book will surprise me. In fact I can only think of 3 at the moment that have actually made me close the book at the end and be completely speechless. The closest I can come to explaining how I felt it is to say this book was like that Trojan Vibrator commercial. It blew my hair back. HAHA!

Would others have this same reaction? Again, maybe, maybe not. I think a little bit of my surprise came from the book description not doing it justice. It’s like seeing a clam and then finding a pearl inside.

ANYHOO…let’s get to the book.

It opens with Amy “crashing” a gala, with the help of her friend Paige, to meet some of the richer society members, in hopes to gain funding for a Drug Rehab Center. She’s a small town girl in the middle of a high class shark tank. When she meets Roman her immediate reaction to him is like a moth to a flame and damn does she burn. He seems quite taken with her too. When he kisses her she knows she’s never felt anything like this before. When she discovers he’s the Governor, she’s shocked, terrified and torn. Her little experience with the rich has not been good and she can’t believe he would be any different. Yet she feels she sees the true Roman, not just the Governor Reese facade he puts on for others. When he “invites” her for dinner a few nights later, she can’t help but show up. What she encounters when she arrives is by NO means what she was hoping for or expecting.

The man sitting at the table waiting for her is angry and she has no idea why. When he accuses her of knowing who he was and trying to use him for her own personal agenda of getting the Rehab Center built, all she can do is sit in shock. When she tries to defend herself, he doesn’t believe her and instead offers up a proposal. She pretends to be his girlfriend to help gain the blue collar votes for reelection and he’ll help her get the funding for the center. When she tries to turn the absurd proposition down, he then blackmails her. She’ll do what he asks or he’ll fire Paige for sneaking her in. He gives her 24 hours to decide.

After that, the amazing roller coaster begins. This book has everything. If you want an Alpha male, Roman is your guy. Amy is a strong heroine, which I really love to see in books. I can’t stand weak leading ladies. If you want sexual tension and chemistry…there is an abundance of it.

There is sex, secrets, tears, love, hate, laughter and did I mention sex? Seriously though, this had just the right amount of everything. I’ve had books make me tear up, but only 2 have had tears rolling down my cheeks in a constant flow. This is one of them. It’s not a bad cry though…it’s an emotional and cleansing one. You know how you feel after you’ve went bouncing from emotion to emotion without getting a chance to breathe and then all of a sudden one simple thing sends you into tears? This is one of those types of cries.

“Breathe You In” is about absorbing life’s ups and downs. It’s about accepting your flaws, accepting others’, accepting responsibility and letting go of guilt. It’s about trusting yourself and trusting others even when you have no reason to do either. It’s simply about taking life and the adventures it holds, one breath at a time.

~Robin - Book Reads and Reviews
Profile Image for Dani.
124 reviews5 followers
April 6, 2014
Not impressed, not even a bit. I get that the Governor is a "wounded soul", but honestly, he just came across as an arrogant jerkwad. Luckily, he's well hung and good at screwing, so Amy falls for him anyway. Nowhere near the character development needed, and the resolutions happen much too quickly.
Profile Image for Rlreader.
8 reviews
March 20, 2014
First time reading this author and have to say... she nailed it!! Great dialog, the characters were likeable, the relationship/romance was believable, and the storyline move. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series!
Profile Image for Nabila Binti.
22 reviews26 followers
April 2, 2017
Politician protagonists have been my guilty pleasure since Brady Maxwell.

Roman is hot and cold...he pulled me in and pushed me away.Well I was thinking of myself as Amy.Enjoyable read.

Recommended to lovers of Record series by K.A. Linde
Profile Image for Tipsy Lit.
39 reviews5 followers
April 29, 2014
Ever since the Shattered Series I’ve been a great fan of Joya Ryan’s work. Originally an indie author, now published with Montlake Romance, Ms. Ryan just has a gift of telling a love story.

In Breathe You In, naïve Amy Underwood is a struggling fish out of water having just moved to NYC for her dream job. She is actively working to secure a position on a team that will build a facility to help children battle their drug addiction. With this effort in mind, she sneaks into a posh affair where the political elite are rubbing shoulders in the hopes of making a connection that will aid her in securing government funding for the new center she wants to have built. Being turned down left and right she meets a tall, dark, and handsome stranger she instantly feels a connection to. Turns out that man is the Governor of New York.

Read Full Review
Profile Image for DaniSays.
157 reviews17 followers
March 23, 2016
Oh my goodness! This book was heart breaking and amazing and happiness and emotional all wrapped into one wonderful collaboration of 26 letters. If I could put into words how wonderful this book was it wouldn't even be enough. It is a cross between Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James and Easy by Tammara Webber. It is now forever on my favorite's shelf and will be read over and over again comforting me until the words fade on the pages.
Profile Image for Night Runner.
1,460 reviews33 followers
May 19, 2021
2.5 Stars for me

An h without a backbone meets an H that is stalkerishly controlling and it turns her on? Really?

The author tries to explain, then rationalize his behavior but it just felt off to me. Add in so much head babble plus 30 seconds to nearly 5 minutes on tangents every time someone talks to someone else and the forward button became my best friend.

I liked the overall story and how it ended but it definitely wasn't a favorite for me.
Profile Image for Lo.
163 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2024

Um so goodreads just crashed and my review got deleted so I’m extra mad THAT I HAVE TO START MY RANT ALL OVER AGAIN. So ig I’m just gonna put this in point form cuz I’m pissed off:

1. This book was fine. Nothing groundbreaking
2. I was mildly entertained
3. Started off great then I got bored
4. That was due to the NON EXISTENT CONFLICT
5. Not well written but still fun (sorta)
Profile Image for Donna Lain.
41 reviews7 followers
November 19, 2018
I really enjoyed this book featuring Amy and Roman, two people who had devastating things happen to them. I do enjoy contemporary political stories. This one had strong leading characters. I highly recommend this book, it's got drama and intrigue, sexy times, and a few surprises along the way.
Profile Image for Auntmolly.
588 reviews
January 27, 2021
A political romance...

This was written very well. I love how the plot unfolded and how much baggage or issues these two have. I felt heart break for them both and how hard it was to forgive.
Profile Image for Britney.
329 reviews13 followers
February 10, 2023
Pretty good

I thought the book was a cute story. A few scenes were a bit steamy and so good! I am glad that even though they had a verbal agreement with each other that they ended up having true feelings for each other.
Profile Image for Khanique McDaniel.
1,128 reviews37 followers
May 4, 2014
Joya Ryan writes sweet novels. It's what she do. It's insta everything and the plots aren't that well developed. It's like she tries to skirt around the many conflicts that all her characters seem to have. This was no different. They aren't angst filled and take on a more simplistic approach, to the point of complete old school sappy romance novels, but always with a flair of betrayal and the requisite dark past. That's why they make for nice, breezy Sunday afternoon reads. Lucky for me, the breeze is crazy today and it so happens to be a Sunday :)

I think Amy and Roman were made for each other. They compliment each other well as a couple and I can't see them as anything else. With time and development, they could be a New York power couple, getting everything right down to a science. To be honest, I expected this story to end with marriage and a baby carriage. It's only fitting.

While they make the perfect couple, I know and connect with Amy because she narrates. A lot about Roman is still a mystery and I don't know when he decided to change his ways, but I just went with it cause it worked. He is open without actually being open. Confusing, I know. Unless they are having crazy passionate sex, the man keeps his distance and has mommy and trust issues all in one.

I've never read about a sitting Governor or any politician run for his current post, but there is something to say about election processes and I wish we had gotten that story also. I would have loved to see them tackle the press as a couple instead of separately. After all, they are the golden couple. Politics was made for Roman and Amy.

Amy was adorable and I respected her struggles at work and the faint competition with Silas. She has a weight on her conscience, that while I can't relate directly, I understand. Her issues don't make her personality and I love that she was the softer side that helped pull Roman from the dark. Despite her past, she wasn't tatted and pierced, looking for love in all the wrong places. She maintained her innocence and fought for her family while preserving her sister's memory. I also love the rapport she built with Regina, because very rare in political novels we see a political family of this caliber.

By the end of this novel, I know and understand the characters but I am not head over heels crazy for the story or said characters. It was a simple book. Not that it's a bad thing but it doesn't give much for me to fawn over. It was cut and clear. The most interesting thing was Amy's parents and her visit. Their disdain and misconception was astonishing and had me sitting up to wonder if they really can be so callous. At least they aren't swayed by fame because the presence of the Governor made no difference to either of them.

I think both main characters have interesting back stories it's just that the delivery was too soft. I might not have gotten bored, but it didn't do such a good job of capturing and keeping my interest. I was more interested in the story when Warren burst on the scene with his diabolical ways or when Bill tried to make Amy feel like gum on his shoes bottom. Call me crazy but I think crazy is sometimes necessary to get and keep a spark in a story.

As I said in the beginning though, it's a Joya Ryan story, so it's soft in it's delivery and I have yet to see a story from Joya Ryan that has the impact of 'Possess me Slowly'. Still, it was a fairly good novel with characters that you can love and relate to. However unconventional the Governor's private life may be, it's still a good read.
Profile Image for Christi Snow.
Author 68 books745 followers
February 20, 2016
My Review:
Overall.... 4.25
Performance... 4.75
Story.... 4.00

The narrator on this...wow, she is absolutely fabulous. She was able to emote with her voice inflections so well. This is a fairly emotional book and she did an outstanding job with the voices. I loved her and this is my first audiobook that I've listened to by her. (I plan to check out what else she's narrated.)

I'll be honest...I have no idea why or when I picked up this audiobook. I've had it for a while and pulled it out of my tbr pile on a whim. I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the story.

When the book begins, it's obvious that Amy has some history that has left her a bit of a wounded creature, but I was surprised as the story went on just how wounded Roman was too. I loved that she pulls emotions out of him that he never planned to experience. She disarms him and he never quite knows what to do with her. He has a very definite plan for how she'll fit into his life, but she pushes outside those parameters at every single turn and I loved that about her and their relationship.

On the surface, Roman is the guy who has it all sorted out. He's the governor of New York. He has a highly successful career and is on the way to getting reelected. Amy is an intern just hoping to get the job and repay society for the loss of her sister, who died of an overdose. Amy's passion is working with addicts to enable their recovery.

Both these characters have some serious familial issues. Amy has skeletons in her closet. Gah...I couldn't stand her parents. How could any parent do that to their child? And I know it happens and I know that this is how I was supposed to react to them, but the unfairness of how they treated her broke my heart. She is such a good person. That's so obvious in everything she does. Then there is Roman. His backstory with his mother was as shocking as it was heartbreaking. The best scene in this book though was when his mother reached out to Amy at the end...gah, so emotional.

I really did enjoy everything about this one. The narrator was so good. I highly recommend it on audio, but will definitely be checking out more of Joya Ryan's work (and Cristina Panfilio's narration) in the near future.
Profile Image for Lizabeth.
24 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2014
I was a winner of this book on Goodreads. I was interested in the synopsis I read and entered to win the book. It was a great storyline, but the where some editing issues. Not enough to distract me from wanting to continue the story though.

Amy Underwood crashed a political fundraiser in hopes of gaining support for the drug treatment center to works for. It would help her gain a promotion and also maybe alleviate some of the guilt she feels about her sisters death due to a drug overdose.

Roman Reese is the Governor of New York and working on his reelection. When he meets Amy they share an intimate stolen moment where she is made to feel treasured and important. Something Amy has not felt since her sisters death and her parents alienation of her. When she agrees to meet him the next day she does so without knowing who he truly is. When she does find out she is torn between then man she met and the cause she is fighting for. But Amy decides to forego seeking financial backing in order to discover the possibility of the man she met.

Once at the meeting place she soon discovers the man she met the night before is not the same man she meets at the restaurant. He is cold, angry and guarded. He tells her of his suspicion she sought him out for financial backing of her drug treatment center. Amy is crushed and confused. When he proposes she acts as is girlfriend to help with his election and in the end she will get the backing she was looking for, or he would see that the treatment center never gets they backing they need. Amy has little choice but to agree. It is strictly business.

Soon desire on both sides are felt, but secrets and damages from their pasts are wedged between them. Just when Amy thinks their relationship may be more than "strictly business" a secret is reviled that throws everything Amy assumed about Roman and the man she thought he was right out the window.

Can either of them forgive and find forgiveness to move on to a future that includes the other.

This was a good story and I did enjoy it greatly. The love scenes were white hot and sexy. The story could have used more believability. But I would definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for Heidi R..
2,187 reviews
March 23, 2014
Breathe You In by Joya Ryan, is a complicated love story that pulls you in from the first chapter and keeps you in suspense all the way through the whole book. I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway and had never heard of the author. I will definitely be reading more of her books!

Goodreads Synopsis:

For years, Amy Underwood has been wracked by guilt over her sister’s fatal overdose. With one last shot at redemption, she is determined to open a drug treatment center—even if it means her shameful secret will be exposed. But when she sneaks into the biggest political event of the year in search of funding, she quickly discovers that in the world of fast-paced politics there is always a price—and this one could cost her everything.

Running for a second term, the young governor of New York, Roman Reese, finds that his privileged past and dark childhood could not only threaten the blue-collar vote—but his reputation and livelihood as a politician. So when he meets a sexy woman with big ambitions, he quickly strikes a deal: He’ll see that Amy’s clinic obtains funding, and she’ll play the down-to-earth girlfriend to help his electability. They’ll keep the relationship strictly business, scripted to the last detail, and end it when the polls close.

But secrecy and desire have a way of binding hearts. As Election Day draws closer, so do Amy and Roman—until the discovery of one final deceit threatens to tear them apart for good.
Profile Image for Randi.
102 reviews16 followers
September 12, 2014
I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway and was very excited to see that I had won. I started reading the book at 8 PM and stayed up past midnight, despite work the next morning, to finish it.
Amy Underwood is fresh from Indiana with a desire to build a drug treatment center in Arbor Hill. Ghosts from her past make her driven and desparate enough to sneak in to a political event to pitch her center in an effort to get funding. What she gets is a memorable encounter with the Governor of New York, Roman Reese.
Roman proposes a deal between them - he'll date her and get the blue collar vote and she'll get funding for her center. As they embark down the twisted path of lies and gray truths, Amy and Roman fight to keep from breaking their deal.
This is a plot that I've read before, so I thought it wouldn't surprise me much. While there were moments you couldn't help but expect there were others that were so heartfelt or painful I was crying.

The darkness that exists in both Roman's and Amy's past I believe is what brings such depth and realness to the characters. Everyone has a past they aren't proud of and tries to either make up for it or bury it. Joya Ryan did an excellent job of tying me in to the characters' emotions.
I enjoyed this book and look forward to more from Joya Ryan!
Profile Image for Megan Ailey.
53 reviews3 followers
March 21, 2014
I have enjoyed every book of Ms. Ryan's that I have read...this was no exception.

The total heartbreak I feel for Amy is just indescribable. They way her parents totally turned against her after the heartbreaking, gut wrenching tragedy that happened to that family is wrong in so many different ways. She is better off without people like that in her life.

But what a strong person she makes herself into. She is able to rise above that tragedy (for the most part) and bring something positive out of it; very admirable.

Roman is another lost soul, who needs a swift kick in the rear on more than one occassion. When you find out his complete story you are left cut and bleeding for him as well. But it in no way excuses the cold behavior he shows Amy from time to time. She definately deserves a medal for sticking by him.

But what I found endearing about this book is that you can see the feelings they each have for the other. You can FEEL them as well in Ms. Ryan's written word. That is what makes a great story.

The sex between the characters is as always spot on. There is emotion, passion...and just pure LUST...it has it all.

But what really made this book, is when push came to shove they each had each others backs because they LOVED each other. Even if they were afraid to show it, express it...they loved.

Well worth the read...as always well worth it.
Profile Image for GraceMyBookSnack.
321 reviews27 followers
December 30, 2014
For fans of tortured heroes with dominating personalities!

I'm so glad I took a chance on Breathe You In. When you meet Roman Reese right at the beginning, he is all-consuming and totally charming! Immediately, I got the feeling that the governor of New York has a dark side that is hidden so perfectly. He doesn't waste time pursuing Amy, and they enter into a “relationship”. He wants to be re-elected again, and Amy could be the right person to help his image. Oh, boy! So many times I just wanted Amy to back away from this deal, but Roman is such an alluring character. She also has her own agenda to fulfill.

I want to make it clear that this story is not BDSM. This is a steamy contemporary romance set against a political backdrop with a hero who has a dominating and controlling personality. Roman is hot and cold and always gets what he wants. Although I could anticipate certain things happening, I still found Breathe You In to be a page turner and well worth my time. I had to keep reading to find out why Roman was so tortured. As the story unfolds, both their stories broke my heart. This series is adequately named, because once you're sucked in, you'll be sweetly tormented until the very end.
Profile Image for Lia Mcintosh.
107 reviews4 followers
February 20, 2015
I'm so glad I took a chance on Breathe You In. When you meet Roman Reese right at the beginning, he is all-consuming and totally charming! Immediately, I got the feeling that the governor of New York has a dark side that is hidden so perfectly. He doesn't waste time pursuing Amy, and they enter into a “relationship”. He wants to be re-elected again, and Amy could be the right person to help his image. Oh, boy! So many times I just wanted Amy to back away from this deal, but Roman is such an alluring character. She also has her own agenda to fulfill.

I want to make it clear that this story is not BDSM. This is a steamy contemporary romance set against a political backdrop with a hero who has a dominating and controlling personality. Roman is hot and cold and always gets what he wants. Although I could anticipate certain things happening, I still found Breathe You In to be a page turner and well worth my time. I had to keep reading to find out why Roman was so tortured. As the story unfolds, both their stories broke my heart. This series is adequately named, because once you're sucked in, you'll be sweetly tormented until the very end.

Cristina Panfilio was great with the delivery of the story
Profile Image for Nadine.
14 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2014
Amy and Roman meet at a political fundraiser where Roman literally sweeps Amy off her feet. I loved how they meet. Both come from troubled pasts, neither wanting to tell their secrets. Roman wants to win another term as governor of New York and thinks that with Amy on his arm he can. Amy wants a drug rehab center built in the name of her sister. Together they come to an agreement they will pretend to date and eachone will get what they want. Of course with any romance, they will fall in love, right. But it is the journey they take that makes this book the great read that I think romance lovers will enjoy. Amy and Roman's story is full of passion and longing. Amy's innocence and hope bring Roman out of his past and into the light something that he never thought possible, mending old wounds.
I did find the book slow moving at times, but I truly enjoyed it. I look forward to reading the second book in the sweet torment series, Paige's story.

I received a goodreads first reads copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jessica Lynn.
729 reviews40 followers
June 29, 2014
To be honest, I wasn't expecting to like this book. This was a book club pick, and when I read the blurb, I got the impression that I had read this story before. I thought that it was going to be predictable and cliche, but I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised. Both Amy and Roman have issues, which gave the story plenty of angst. There were enough twists in the story to keep it interesting, and I liked the push and pull of Amy and Roman's relationship. Roman, especially, had some serious walls that needed to be pulled down. There are plenty of steamy scenes, which makes it more NA than strictly romance, and it had all the things that a lover of NA novels would want. It was a quick read, and can be read as a stand alone. There is a sequel/spin off novel, Only You, which will feature Amy's friend, Paige, that is due out in August. I liked this novel enough to want to read the next one. I'm glad that I gave this one a chance.
Profile Image for Nina.
242 reviews5 followers
August 18, 2014
Really enjoyable

Really enjoyable

Amy has a dark past or so she thinks. I'm not sure why she feels so responsibly, it's crazy if you ask me, but she believes she is responsible for her sister death along with her family. Meeting Roman she finally feels alive.
Roman is the Governor and it's reflection time. Believing Amy is innocent and from a blue collar family he thinks she is what he needs to help keep him governor. Roman had a dark past witch leads to issues with trust.
I enjoyed watching their relationship grow. Roman has always had unemotional sex until Amy but he still tries to shut her out at time. Finally Amy's had enough of his carp.As Amy pushes Roman to talk about his feeling turns out Roman really is sweet. But as always there's a twist it's really kinda messed up. The end was good wish there was more but not bad. I recommend this book to really anyone who enjoys romance with a little sex and feeling involved.
Profile Image for Lauren.
647 reviews12 followers
August 17, 2014
Emotional rollercoaster

Emotional rollercoaster

Amy meets Roman, the governor of New York while crashing a gala in order to get support for a rehab facility. They end up sharing a moment. but when Roman finds out her motives for crashing the gala, he proposes something. She pretend to be his girlfriend until the election, and she get the funding she so desperately desires.

Amy comes off as a little naive. And to me, Roman was kind of a jerk, and very distant. He ran hot and cold for me. I understand that it was because of some emotional trauma., but Amy had some of her own. I wish we could have had a little bit in Roman's point of view, becausse he was a mystery. Amy's parents were jerks, and Amy's friend Paige was a bit of a jerk at one point, as well.

Overall, the story was good. And I liked the plotlines. And the sex was a little steamy.
Profile Image for Amanda .
311 reviews57 followers
June 21, 2019
Short review. Rating 2.5. *Spoilers* While I did like the romance between Amy and Roman I found to hard to completely like Amy and Roman. For Amy it was because she kept letting people walk all over her and didn't stand up for herself especially to her mom is was a B#%* for blaming Amy for her sister's death which wasn't her fault. And for Roman it was because of his constant changing his mind about how he feels about Amy every five minutes. I get that both characters struggle to find themselves but there is only so much a person can takes before it feels like rinse and repeat, every time it look like Amy would stand up for herself and Roman would stick with a decision they would go back to square one once again. The back half of the book really saved me from giving this book 1 star but wasn't enough for me to give it anything higher than a 2.5.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 84 reviews

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