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After a lonely year at home, a trip to Rome with her best friend isn't exactly the reunion Danielle expected, nor did she ever imagine that it would end in her brutal abduction. Imprisoned by four men with demonic eyes, Danielle is tortured for weeks and broken within an inch of her life.
At the last moment, she is rescued by a group of four mysterious young men, who aren't men, exactly, but Lapsi--what others mistakenly refer to as vampires. They hide her from the demons that still want her, and provide for her while she heals from her trauma. She bonds with all her rescuers--especially with Felkyn, who admires her strength, and encourages her to hone her budding power for her protection--but one of the four seems determined to dislike her.
When tensions turn hostile, Danielle realizes that the little band of Lapsi are involved in something much deeper. To Danielle's horror, alliances shift, and she becomes a priceless prize in a dangerous game that threatens her life from all sides.

340 pages, Paperback

First published October 3, 2023

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About the author

Amelia Rose

3 books2 followers
Amelia Rose has a BA in English and Classical Humanities, but barely remembers any Latin. She lives in Ohio with her husband, and fills every moment of her free time with writing, drawing, making beaded jewelry, or constructing cardboard sculptures. She loves dancing shamelessly to all kinds of music, obsessing over musicals, devouring horror movies-the gorier the better--and going to concerts. She never passes up the chance to ride a rollercoaster or get kisses from a dog.

Fallen Idols is Amelia's debut novel, and the first in an ever expanding series called The Fallen Favorites.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for readingismy_happy_place.
128 reviews8 followers
February 17, 2024
I really Enjoyed this book I read it in a day I couldn’t put it down I love the mystery of it all the secrets the lies. I adored the relationship between the boys and Danielle. It was sweet and felt like family. I went in blind so was pleasantly surprise with the supernatural part of this book I absolutely loved it !
I was a huge fan of the darkness this book brings it was so raw and real. I loved how the characters had such a well written back ground it really made them feel real! I felt like I knew them. I loved the over all craziness. It was completely different to my normal reads but what a read it was I couldn’t love it more
My favourite thing is about how completely unique this book is it’s like nothing Ive read before it really draw me in with the mysterious background of the boyband finding it out actually blew my mind!! I’m so excited for book 2 !!
Profile Image for Lunar Witch.
296 reviews7 followers
July 25, 2024
For a book with dark themes, this is an incredibly upbeat book 🤣 There is torture, but it's not gratuitous or overly descriptive. The FMC is strong minded even before meeting the MMC and only grows from there. This is a really unique telling of vampire lore with non stop action. I can't wait to read the rest of this series 🔥
Profile Image for Pamela.
16 reviews6 followers
September 25, 2024
Wow oh Wow! So first let me say that I had the pleasure of having Amelia Rose speak live on my twitch channel during my Boozy Book Talk. It was amazing and if you are interested in seeing this interview stay turned October 6 when it will be released on my Youtube page. I am always looking for authors to come and hand with us and talk about their book. If interested feel free to DM me. www.youtube.com/@Swe3tP_simmer_reader

Now for my honest review. I waivered between 4 and 4.5 stars throughout the book. the parts that turned me off were parts in the book where Danielle (FMC) repeated herself and I could tell it was used to remind the reader things we should already know such as Alexis brother saved me or in a later part in the book when Danielle was..."dreaming" (trying not to spoil) about someone else's past. It kept reminding us that this is what was happening. I found that unnecessary and it made me go down to 4 stars. I also started the book wondering how it would be explained that Danielle was so strong and witty at just 19 years old in the dungeon with demons when prior to this even she had no knowledge of the supernatural. But throughout the book we see the true humanness in Danielle. How sometimes you have to be strong to cope and other times you silently cry and both are okay. I loved how HUMAN Danielle was, down to the mention of her starting her period, and scaring, and emotions, fear, longing, hopelessness and love. As you can tell, by the end of the book I bypassed the 4 and 4.5 star rating and went straight to 5. It was just that good!

I loved how the magic system was explained regarding the Lapsi and their origin. Often we do not get origin stories of a species until book 2 or season 2 of a show, but this book explained it all upfront. The explanation of the back stories did not feel rushed nor did it feel drawn out. It was the perfect amount of information.

This book is dark, fast-paced, action-packed, and left no stone unturned. I am so ready for book 2!
Profile Image for Robyn.
17 reviews
March 9, 2024
I haven’t read a good vampire book since high school, so I was long overdue. Thankfully, Fallen Idols broke my dry spell. Easily the best part of the book was the characters. I fell in love with all of them (not you, Jeremy), and especially loved Danielle, the MFC. She was a sassy, realistic 19-year-old fresh out of high school with big hopes and dreams that were almost immediately crushed. Throughout the novel, she repeatedly had to pull herself from the pits of her depression and PTSD to hope for something more. I empathized with her struggle and found myself rooting for her successes. She reminded me a lot of how I felt and acted as a teenager/early twenties.

I also really liked how the author put a fresh twist on age-old tales, including witches, vampires, demons, Greek myths (Icarus, Prometheus), and Jewish/Christian origin stories. She tied the threads together in interesting ways that kept me guessing at the characters’ true identities and what it meant for Danielle and her crew. The Lapsi curse was also unique–vampires who are driven apart from one another. It added tension: what will happen to the band? Will they eventually split? Will Danielle be turned, only to be driven away by the curse too?

My biggest regret was having to stop reading at 12:30 am on a work night…I stopped right at the big twist, and it killed me not being able to keep reading until the next evening. I devoured the rest of the book once I was back home.

The only hiccups I had were the first few chapters: I wanted more real-time details of Danielle’s imprisonment/each demon’s torture methods, and more sensory details of the settings once Danielle’s rescued. Once we got to the safety of the boys’ mountain apartment, the author really hit her stride and I was immersed.

Easily a re-read for me, and one I’m looking forward to seeing continued in her second book, Fallen Favorites, which comes out on March 18, 2024.
Profile Image for Sali Reads.
56 reviews
March 17, 2024
I've read fallen Idols in a day and a half because the story kept me intrigued. Right from the start a lot happens, it's high paced with multiple POV's. The author introduces the reader to a new take on vampires, demons, withches and mythical history.

Danielle is an introverted young woman who is at the start of her adult life when she gets abducted by sadistic demons. The Kryrie torture her for weeks on end for their own satisfaction. Danielle survives the torture thanks to her strong mind an will long enough to be rescued by a rock band. A lapsi rock band, vampire like men who rescue her and keep her safe and protected. The Kryrie still hunt their favorite "pet" to destroy what's left of her. While she is recovering from her physical wounds she also has to come to terms with the mental ones as well as loss. During her recovery and grief she gets to know her rescuers and falls for one of them.
Her introduction to the supernatural world also gets her more in touch with her own budding powers and who she is. In a final battle where friends and foes are truly reveiled she takes the control back that so long was taken from her.

I enjoyed reading this book and if my Kindle wasn't low on battery i would have continued with the second book immediately. I rate this book 3.5 ⭐️, it wasn't a 4 star read because i missed something i can't put my finger on. I like how Danielle as a character is described, the way her mind deals with trauma and loss is unique to her character but at the same time the switch between an introvert to a sassy mouthed badass almost seems rondom to me. Like there is no in between fase.
Overall i would definitely recommend this book if you like fast pace fantasy stories and can handle the trigger warnings.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brittany Hoctor.
1 review2 followers
October 11, 2023
I really enjoyed reading this book. I had been in a reading slump for a little while, and hadn’t been able to choose some thing that peaked my interest for awhile. I found that with every chapter I wanted to know what was going to happen in the next one and like so many times before I would end up reading this until 2 o’clock in the morning.

The main character is able to pull you in and you really root for her for the whole book, while also having sympathy for what she’s going through. The author did a great job making the characters seem realistic and personable, but not unattainable even with the fantasy theme.

I will give a slight trigger warning for people that are sensitive with abuse and assault in the first few chapters. The villains in the story are sadistic, to say the least and the author did a great job giving their backstory. Their story needed to be told to make sense of the situation.

If you are looking for a well written, fantasy that is super fun to read-this book is definitely the correct choice. You’ll have a lot of fun reading this and connecting with the characters.
Profile Image for Jeffrey Haskey-Valerius.
Author 1 book10 followers
February 11, 2024
Want a book that drops straight into a) a wild plot, b) strong characterization, and c) your feels? ✔️✔️✔️

This paranormal fantasy book is DARK and unapologetic, balanced by a slooowwww burn of a romance and a self-aware protagonist with a laugh-out-loud, self-deprecating sense of humor and a sharp wit. You get the sense the author has a really strong grip on her characters, something which remains steady through to the last page.

Speaking of, the last page is one of those where I didn't realize I was holding my breath. It creates such a strong setup for Book 2 while also closing the chapter on a very well-written character arc.
Super well done.

I appreciated the nods to old myths and stories, namely of Cain & Abel, and Icarus — but these were mini retellings within the book, retellings which, as the best of them do, flip what you think you know on your head and make you wish you had more. (Hopefully the next book in the series will satisfy?! I can't wait to find out)
78 reviews
July 30, 2024
I am honestly a little bit beside myself about this book. I feel thoroughly entertained and emotionally wrung out at the same time lol. I really did love this book! I stayed up late reading to finish it in a day!! Danielle is just an amazing, strong survivor, and the MMC’s…hot vampire rock band…yes, please. The story was really well done, and it was really interesting to me how she took stories we’ve heard all our lives and kinda flipped them on their heads a little bit when she incorporated them into the main story. There were plenty of twists and turns throughout, and I’m still trying to recover from the end of the book! There were dark themes but they weren’t as in your face as some books I’ve read. Still, check your TW before reading. Overall, this was a great read and I can’t wait to read book 2!
Profile Image for The_bookish_cave_of_wonders .
124 reviews10 followers
January 11, 2024
I enjoyed this book. The concept differed from the usual vampire novels I read. The plot was engaging and kept you interested. The twists and turns ensure you are page turning and gripped to your seat and often aren't predictable, which is always a major win for me. The author paid particular attention to building the backstories and depth to the characters, which was brilliant and allowed you to connect with the story and the characters on a much deeper level.

This book can get very dark in certain areas, so I would recommend reading the trigger warnings before commencing reading it is not for the faint of heart.

Overall, this was a great start to the series, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves vampire romance, dark romance, sadistic demons.
Profile Image for Victoria Dotson.
33 reviews
March 2, 2024
I bought this book on Kindle (as my first kindle read in years). I have to say, I haven't had a book hit me so hard in the need to finish reading right now as this one did. I ended up staying up late and reading every chance I could to finish it within 24 hours.

I loved the characters in this book, even the bad guys (Alaric was my favorite bad guy). I love the storyline and the reality of emotions that the main character felt, it was intense all the way through. Everytime I felt like maybe I could pull myself out of reading it as quickly as I did, it wouldn't leave my mind and I would jump right back in. I loved it. The twist at the end really hit me hard and I am excited to go to the next book that this author is writing.
41 reviews4 followers
March 13, 2024
I love me a b@dass FMC, because how are you human and able to make it through weeks of torture from demons? Takes a strong soul to not break and give up, but holding on to the one lil thing that keeps them attached to reality.

Demons, vampires, witches and humans, keep up with Danielle as she discovers the existence of the paranormal, whilst still trying to keep herself from falling apart. I love how protective her rescuers are of her and how they adjusted their routine to accommodate her presence and needs as best they could, having lost all she had in a blink of an eye, they are the only ones she has now.

But how far are they willing to go to keep her safe? Read to find out more.... can't wait to dive into book 2.
Profile Image for Nic Harris.
396 reviews13 followers
January 3, 2024
The premise of this book is a good one - a battle of good and evil vampires, a plot by witches, secret powers and who doesn’t love a vampire rock band?

The characters are interesting. There’s a good mix of personalities and the dynamic between them all was a good one to read.

There are plenty of twists and to keep things interesting and I definitely didn’t anticipate the big twist at the end.

This was an enjoyable read. It’s fast paced and in some paces I would have liked to see it slow down a bit so some of the plot could have been fleshed out a bit more. I wanted to see more of the characters and I hope we will get to know them more as the series continues.
Profile Image for page wandering Nurse EGG.
71 reviews6 followers
January 13, 2024
4/5 ⭐️
Arc book- lucky enough to get a copy exchange for honest reviews.
Whilst I really enjoyed the book and first in a series I feel as though the author had so much going on that at times the story felt a bit disjointed. Feel that the start of the book was a bit bland and the whole ‘torture chamber’ wasn’t really described just was and felt a bit lost as to why that was made as such a huge part of the story when it didn’t feel like it really affected the character Danielle at much, If all. However, the book got better as the pages turned and I really enjoyed the plot twist the came through and look forward to seeing Danielle’s character grow and learn - in all ways witchy ;)
4 reviews
August 9, 2024
Wow, just wow! This book has hands down been the best read of the year! The first chapter had me thinking I wasn’t going to be that into it, not going to lie, but then chapter 2 HIT, literally! DO NOT IGNORE THE TRIGGER WARNINGS. Ok, got that out of the way. The character building in this book is amazing and the research the author has put into it is just-chefs kiss! This is 33 chapters of GOLD-LEVEL writing! The sprinkling of dark humor throughout the book is beautifully done and welcome at times to help alleviate the darkness, and let me assure you, there is darkness here. The plot is so well thought out and the whole story is amazing! I couldn’t put this down! I was literally gasping out loud while reading this book! There really wasn’t any spice, but it was not missed with the way it was written! I can’t wait to get my hands on this author’s next book!
122 reviews4 followers
January 20, 2024
Such a fun and amazing read. It includes a variaty of elements and interwin them in this story.

The main character is Danielle. The author did a great job building her character and describing her emotions through different events and environments.
The guys all have such different personalities which
compliment with each other but also clash with each other.

The book begins very dark. Throughout the story anxiety, sadness and grieve are a red thread.

The storyline is great. The author does a fine job explaining a new sort fantasy world in the real world.
Profile Image for Amanda Miller.
29 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2024
If you’re looking for a fast paced vampire read with all the makings for a good series - you’ve found it. I have not had a good vampire read that is set in modern time in I don’t know how long.

Danielle is rare but does not know and unlocks her true identity with the help of hero lapsus (vampires). The storyline is easy to follow and making it an easy binge read for a rainy day. I really want to read book two and see what happens next for Danielle, Felkyn and Riley. Trigger warnings for violence, death, SI.
Profile Image for Ashley Ed.
162 reviews7 followers
July 29, 2024
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Wow! What a unique story!

Danielle, our FMC, begins as what appears to be a meek and dolicle young girl. I wasn't sure at the beginning of the story as she seems a bit childish and petty. But the story picks up very fast and sadly, Danielle is kidnapped. After weeks of torture she is saved by four guys.

Danielle, grieving the life she led, the family and friends she had. Becomes something new, someone new. And honestly I loved her as an MC! I also really love Felkyn!

I actually can't wait to read more of this story
March 8, 2024
3.5 Stars

If you like YA novels, this is for you. No pearl clutching spicy scenes, so if you cringe at spicy, this is safe for you to dive into. Adventure, action, mystery, paranormal and some interesting concepts. There is also a little romance in the mix. What I liked was how easy this book grabbed my attention and held it. Nice character development and an easy quick read. There is a HFN at the end with the potential for a book 2 but not a real cliffhanger, which I appreciate.
Profile Image for Lovely Afterthoughts.
59 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2024
I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t this! Amelia makes you feel everything-the good and the bad (and there’s a lot of bad). I wasn’t hooked immediately, but it didn’t take long before I finished the whole book and I’m ready for what’s next! I love Felkyn and can’t wait to see more about him. This story was different, somewhat disturbing, but still enjoyable. Mind the TW’s but don’t write off the book!
Profile Image for Brenna.
7 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2024
Interesting read! I was not expecting a lot of the twists and turns that happened in the book. Not having a lot of experience with vampires in my books, this was a breath of fresh air! It was definitely a somewhat heavy book given the things stated in the content warning, but I enjoyed the overall story and how it turned out. Immediately jumping into the next book!
Profile Image for A. MasterReader.
63 reviews
September 8, 2024
A unique spin on a paranormal world with a Cain & Abel backstory. This was a story I couldn't put down! While it started slow with a bit too much detail into make-up, but that's because I'm not much of a make-up girlie. This has a lot of descriptive dark undertones with some quick wit and funny banter. I'm diving straight in to book 2.
2 reviews
February 24, 2024
An easy read that I thoroughly enjoyed. Danielle showed how to be a survivor throughout the crazy ride in this book. The main characters were so likeable. I highly recommend you read this book. You won't regret it! Can't wait to see what unfolds in the next edition.
Profile Image for Claire Bryant.
10 reviews
August 31, 2024
I really enjoyed this one! Danielle is a firecracker and I'd like to think that in the same situation I would keep the fire like she did. I haven't read a lot of vampire books but this was equal levels romance, fantasy, action, and good story telling. Hoping book two is just as good!
Profile Image for Trina B.
254 reviews8 followers
September 9, 2024
good read

I discovered Amelia on TT and loved this book! She combined some of my fave from Greek mythology to Cain and the original sin. I can’t wait to we how the story continues! On to book two!
Profile Image for Mybookmemories.
220 reviews5 followers
December 20, 2023
Good storyline, good twists and good characters! Definitely a book I’d recommend. Can’t wait for the second!
1 review
March 19, 2024
Are vampires, demons and witches something you enjoy??? Then this Cain and Able story is for you! It's filled with twists and turns down the trail of Danielle's trip to Rome and beyond.
Profile Image for Courtney Artmeier.
52 reviews2 followers
July 23, 2024
That sure was a ride but loved every second of it the end I will say did have me a little sad but can wait to dive straight into book 2
Profile Image for Holly Neuner.
7 reviews
October 3, 2024
I love the feisty fmc. While the story was a bit slow in the beginning it picked up and had me hooked.
Profile Image for Shauna Rafferty.
150 reviews8 followers
March 18, 2024
Humans, Lapsi (vampires), Witches, and Kryrie (demons): What more could a girl want in a paranormal, fantasy story?

Danielle, our badass FMC, starts her story in Rome with her best friend before she is abducted by a group of Kryrie, vicious demons who thrive on the screams of tortured humans

After weeks of torture, Danielle is rescued by 4 Lapsi, who strive to protect her from the Kryrie.

Secret plots and lies, torture, and heartache are laced throughout this story, but there are glimmers of hope, love, and retribution.

I devoured this book from start to finish in one sitting, completely enthralled by the storytelling. So invested in these characters, I went straight into Book 2 Fallen Foes.
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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