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The Momcoms #2

Mother Maker

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All I want is one night.

One night away from the falling down brownstone filled with my three best friends, a broody billionaire, and our seven children. Oh, and you can’t forget those adorable raccoons.

But the universe apparently has other ideas because I get drunk and sleep with the baseball player.
Now two little lines turn my escape into a completely new adventure. But we’re just going to co-parent not get into anything serious.

No matter how many times I tell Cortney Miller, who is now sharing my bed and watching my every move, that we’re not meant to be, he won’t let go.

Is it possible he could be more than just the mother maker?

Authors Mother Maker is book two of the Momcoms Series and features an accidental pregnancy romance between a professional baseball player and a fun carefree single mom. Guaranteed to have some laughs with this one bed trope meddling family romcom.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 25, 2024

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About the author

Jenni Bara

18 books573 followers
Jenni Bara lives in New Jersey working as a paralegal in family law, writing real-life unhappily ever-afters every day. In turn, she spends her free time with anything that keeps her laughing, including life with four kids, or five, if you count her husband. She is just starting her career as a romance author writing books with a great balance of life, love, and laughter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 918 reviews
Profile Image for Koryne.
128 reviews46 followers
January 29, 2024
i LOVE an accidental pregnancy when it’s done right and this was perfection!

Courtney was everything a great H could be

✅ obsessed at first sight
✅ not a whore
✅ so supportive
✅ not a whore 😏😏😏

the way he loved everything about Dylan that other people thought were strange was just 🥹🥹🥹🥹

and i hate to say it……but the reason for four stars is Beckett 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he was so annoying in this book i was so upset. so many times i wanted to just punch him and tell him to shut uppppppppppp 🫣

there was no ow/om drama at allllllll! Courtney has a rule (that he broke for Dylan only) that he doesn’t have sex during the season and he was traded mid season so i’m guessing it’s been a while but no timeline was given and Dylan said her orgasms weren’t always by toy and she would sneak out of a hookup’s room the second they were asleep, but no timeline was given for her and honestly…..HELL YES to a single mom who still has time to get hers 😂

this series is so fun and very safe and just….i love the support and love all the characters give each other
May 5, 2024
Подобаються книжки де є або мати-одиначка, або батько-одинак. Хоча я і очікувала від цієї книжки якоїсь нудятини, бо в першій книжці, вона мені не дуже сподобалась, не знаю чого. Цікаво спостерігати за взаємодіями Кортні та дітьми інших подруг, особливо за сином Ділан. Від родини Кортні я очікувала якогось хейту що до вагітності Ділан, але вони її прийняли та полюбили, особливо милий момент, коли вони були на прийомі, і у неї боліли ного, його батьки попросили інших зняти взуття, щоб Ділан не було ніяково. Взагалі книжка комфортна, хоча я і очікувала чогось іншого.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
475 reviews17 followers
January 30, 2024
On hold.

I very much liked n1 in the series but I cannot be bothered to continue with this one. Cortney is dull, Dylan’s too shiny and teenage angst is not right up my alley nowadays, so I’ll continue later on.

Or not 💀
Profile Image for Michelle.
142 reviews3 followers
July 7, 2024
It wasn’t my favorite trope and i didn’t think the plot and the mmc/fmc meshed at all.

Bottom line-The vibes were off
Profile Image for Katie Beasley.
437 reviews39 followers
April 16, 2024
I am in LOVE with this ducking series yall!! I love how all of these ladies have interweaved (interwoven?) so many worlds and characters into this series and then created new series within this world. As a certified series addict, I am in awe! The banter is top notch. The spice scenes are wonderfully delicious. The buildup is great. How the women are all there for each other- it's just so great. I laughed and swooned while reading this one.

We knew sparks were going to fly with Cortney and Dylan at the end of book 1. I am looking at you Beckett and all of your scheming and how it is paying off LOL. I loved Dylan's quirkiness and how she just took what she wanted which was a one night stand with the hot catcher for the Revs. She leaves at the end of the night satisfied, but Cortney finds himself unable to stop thinking about her. He wants more- he wants to get to know her. He is intrigued like he has never been before, and when he finds out she is pregnant he is happy. Dylan expects him to only want to be involved peripherally so she is pleasantly when Cortney asks to move in. He wants to be there with her as much as he can during the season.

So they do it. He moves in. She resists her attraction to him. She can't want more. She has been hurt before from a family with money. She knows how this will go. Except Cortney keeps surprising her. He clearly is also attracted to her. He is being a gentleman. He is trying with Liam (her son). They decide to not fight it anymore and really give their relationship a try. She freaks out though when his family wants to meet her. Not only do they want to meet her, they want her to come to a gala his mom is throwing. This gives her all kind of anxiety because of what has happened with Liam's dad but the entire Miller family proves her wrong- that scene made me SMILE so BIG.

This was a wonderful story! I loved the cast of side characters and have already bought the Fall Out. Jenni has a new series that follows the rest of the Revs' players. I also was intrigued to learn that some of the players Cortney met from his old team ALSO have books. The love that Cortney and Dylan ended up blossoming into was just beautiful. I love that he moved into the crazy house with her. That he never complained. That he was doing it to prove himself to her and to Liam and how it WORKED. I highly recommend this series if you haven't started it yet!
February 2, 2024
DNF at 57%. I’m just bored!

Not a bad book, just not my cup of tea. Didn’t like the family dynamics (way too chaotic) Dylan was a bit too hippy for my tastes. The four women seemed like caricatures, Beckett was too grumpy and uptight (didn’t read his book).
Bored a lot of the time. Not romance heavy, definite slow burn. Lot of family time and scenes with other members of the family. At 57% still very little time with just MC’s. Other characters take up a lot of space and it’s just not doing it for me.
Profile Image for Jen ♥.
1,215 reviews481 followers
February 14, 2024
This was freaking cute, and I love Dylan and Cortney's story.

I can't explain it, but they just worked so well. Before they even exchange words, they can already tell with just one glance what the other needs and wants. They perfectly balanced each other out. Where Cortney tends to panic and overthink things, Dylan was the calming balm to him. Where Dylan is the chill person and always lets the universe do its thing, Cortney is more rational and methodical. There's no better word to explain their relationship and chemistry than to say that they complement each other so well.

I know each book in this series has its own charm, but so far, I have really loved this one more than the first. I'm so excited to read Shay and Delia's book. ❤️

PS: This was almost perfect, had only Beckett known when to shut his trap and not ruin and cause issues in the story. I lost count of the urge I had to throttle this fictional guy. And that's saying a lot because I really loved him in his own book. But, maaan, he was so aggravating here. I just hope Cortney won't turn into an insufferable jerk in the succeeding books.
Profile Image for ⊱✿⊰ Alicia ⊱✿⊰ .
653 reviews451 followers
July 5, 2024
What do you get when four best friends that are all single mums move into a rundown brownstone together? Lot's of fun, that's what!

I liked both Dylan and Courtney's story they were sweet and funny. I am just a huge fan of how this series is written so that each book is not only about the one couple but all the people living in the house. I did get super mad when Beckett told Courtney Dylan's secret.

Looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
172 reviews71 followers
April 5, 2024
Am I going to devour this series and ignore my TBR? Yes xox

Dylan and Cortney are my favourite so far. They were just so drama free with each other. Although there was anxiety and doubt, they spoke to each other freely so there was no frustration as a reader.

This second instalment was hilarious 🤣🤣 I really do love this concept of a house full of mums and kids. It’s about a thousand tropes thrown in at once but it’s done so well you kind of forget about it and just read.

Star of the book though? BECKETT 🤣❤️ his character has developed perfectly. He’s an actual madman that fits so well with the girls. I almost wish we got his POV just cause I know how funny it would be. I know quite a few people didn’t like Beckett in this book but I’m sorry I thought his meddling was hilarious 😂😭
Profile Image for andie.
274 reviews27 followers
July 15, 2024
My new toxic trait is listening to any duet narration even when I know going into it that it's going to be terrible.
Profile Image for Marian..
898 reviews53 followers
June 22, 2024
Second book in this series and I can say it will be a forever favorite. I don't know what these authors put into this series but it's everything I love to read and more.

Dylan and Cortney
exceeded my expectations, their relationship was so beautiful that I just had butterflies in my stomach for them. Dylan is without a doubt one of the four friends I wanted to read the most, she is very free, very relaxed and the whole theme of the universe (which is what I liked the most about her) had me hooked from the first book, seeing her relationship with her son Liam was beautiful to read, plus how she took the news of her pregnancy so calmly, I love it! !!!! and Cortney, oh Cortney, I love love love, I really didn't see ANYTHING wrong with him, our star baseball player, our beautiful man, who when he found out about Dylan's pregnancy was everything she needed, loving, supportive, understanding...maybe I'm just in love with him? No matter!!! Besides the fact that his relationship with Liam is BEAUTIFUL, he didn't leave him out and did everything to make him like him.

Without a doubt this story gave me life while I was reading it, it is one of those stories that as you read each page you have a silly smile on your face because of how happy it makes you, come on there is NO DRAMA, my God, how well is it written? Everything I felt? Let's just say I'm going to read it again soon.

The author has a way of writing that is so enjoyable to read, I had already read a book by her along with another author : Along Came the Girl and this one, which is just hers, I loved and I hope to read a lot more from her in the future.

📌 I received an e-arc, and this is my honest opinion/review of it.


Segundo libro de esta serie y puedo decir que se convertirá en un eterno favorito. No se que pusieron estas autoras en esta serie pero es todo lo que amo leer y más.

Dylan y Cortney
superaron mis expectativas, su relación fue tan hermosa que simplemente tenía mariposa en el estómago por estos dos. Dylan es sin duda una de las cuatro amigas que más quería leer, ella es muy libre, muy relajada y todo el tema del universo (que es lo que más me gustó de ella) me tenía atrapada desde el primer libro, ver su relación con su hijo Liam fue hermoso de leer, además de cómo se tomó con tanta calma la noticia de su embarazo i love it!!!!! y Cortney, oh Cortney, amo amo amo, en serio es que no le vi NADA malo, nuestro beisbolista estrella, nuestro hombre hermoso que cuando se entera del embarazo de Dylan el fue todo lo que ella necesitaba, amoroso, la apoyaba, la entendía… ¿a lo mejor estoy solo enamorada de él? NO IMPORTA, además de que su relación con Liam es HERMOSA, no lo dejó por fuera e hizo todo para caerle bien.

Sin duda esta historia me dio vida mientras leía, es de esas historias que mientras lees cada página tienes una sonrisa boba en la cara por lo feliz que te hace, vamos que NO HAY DRAMA, dios mío ¿lo bien que está escrito? ¿Todo lo que me hizo sentir? digamos que la estaré releyendo pronto.

La autora tiene una forma de escritura tan amena de leer, ya había leído un libro de ella junto con otra autora : Along Came the Girl y este que es solo de ella, me encantó y espero leer mucho más de ella en el futuro.

Profile Image for Lu.
114 reviews8 followers
October 5, 2024

A couple of weeks later...

I'm finally here with the review for this one.

Dylan and Cortney were definitely a match made in heaven. She's the calm to his anxious personality.
Honestly, sometimes I would like to be more like Dylan. She's this free spirit who embraces everything the universe throws at her.

To start, Beckett being the matchmaker of the group is hilarious, and to be honest he's awesome at it. I did want to punch him when he broke the news to Cortney, that was not his place nor his decision. I understand that he was basically trying to protect Dylan but that was not the way. It did piss me off. I loved how their friendship developed, though. He was very supportive.

Now, Cortney living with them was so funny. Starting with Finn wanting to have his hair.
'' I want his hair'' he announced, fluffing my hair around my shoulders. Then he turned to his stepdad ''Bossman, can you buy me his hair?''
Beckett shrugged ''We'll see''
Finn being 100% that Beckett is going to buy him everything he wanted, even Man bun's hair. Iconic.
And the pranks, oh the pranks. When he had his hair dyed blue I laughed so ducking hard. My mind went straight to the Bride Wars scene where Kate Hudson is yelling ''My hair is blue. IT'S BLUE!!''

That was on the funny side, on the romance part?
I loved them so much. He cared for Dylan and Liam, he was freaking out (as he should) about the no walls situation. I loved that he saw Liam as his son, he was already thinking about a fund so he could go to college wherever he wanted to. Cortney did everything he could to bond with Liam, from footing their DoorDash and their swear jar bill (LMAO) to share their hobby.
Honestly, I almost cried when his family accepted and adored Dylan with all his quirks. They had her back, they loved her for who she was. I adored that Cortney trusted 100% on Dylan. With all her crystals, auras, and universe things. She said she's gonna be a girl, he was on board with that without having a test to be sure. As I said, they were made for each other.

Bossman, thank you for paying a lot of money to trade Cortney because you knew he was perfect for Dylan.

Profile Image for LianaReads blog.
2,527 reviews227 followers
April 6, 2024
Mother Maker by Jenni Bara is a delightful romcom that had me hooked from the first page. Set in a chaotic brownstone filled with quirky characters and adorable raccoons, the story follows the unexpected journey of single mom Jenni and baseball player Cortney after a drunken night leads to an accidental pregnancy. Despite my initial skepticism since I avoid pregnancy tropes at all cost, I found myself thoroughly enjoying the banter and heartfelt romance between these two. The author expertly weaves humor and steam into the narrative, creating a perfect balance of laughter and swoon-worthy moments. As a newbie to the author’s work, I was pleasantly surprised and impressed, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more from her in the future. If you're looking for a feel-good read with plenty of laughs and a wholesome romance, Mother Maker is the perfect choice.
Profile Image for Jasmine Acena.
206 reviews7 followers
January 19, 2024
Book two of the Mom Coms and my first Jenni Bara book, I won’t soon forget Dylan and Cortney’s story.
Mother Faker (book one) set the premise of this series as a group of mom friends living and raising their children together. I love a good ‘found family’ trope and Mother Maker further solidified my love for this series!
Cortney is positively swoon-worthy. He does whatever possible to win over his love interest’s teenage son, which is no easy feat. But don’t think he’s all cinnamon and fluff, this man has a mouth and knows how to use it 😉
Cortney was also an interesting MMC- he was open about having anxiety and being a chronic over thinker (hi, me too), and I loved that communication was big between MCs.
Dylan is definitely my favorite mom in the series! She’s super quirky and fun, not afraid to live life and spread her positivity.

Maker Maker was such a refreshing read in the midst of my dark romance and heavy, “hit me in the feels” era ✨
These two have so much amazing chemistry and fun banter (between MCs and other side characters)!
Profile Image for Ashlee B.
1,077 reviews70 followers
July 8, 2024
Dylan + Cortney

-single mom
-one night stand
-accidental pregnancy
-one bed
-found family

ahhhh omg i knew dylan’s book would be crazy & it deliveredddd!!! cort was the perfect man for her & i was so happy with how that turned out with his family!! she is so cuckoo & i love it!
Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book433 followers
March 27, 2024
Um, ok.

Look, all i ask in a romance book is for the fmc and the mmc to spend time together, have chemistry and tension.

Sure, family and chaos and other shenanigans can be part of it, but when we're getting everything else BUT the main couple, this is no longer a romance book.

Plus this was slow burn, so...
Profile Image for Ms reads a lot.
483 reviews
May 27, 2024
4.5 stars ⭐️

I’ve now finished this series and this book was my favourite. It was soooooo cute and sweet. I adored Dylan and Courtney. They were adorable together. The rest of the family and their shenanigans were amazing too.

Dylan is a free spirited pre-school teacher and single mom to a teenage boy. She lives in a large house with her 3 best friends and their kids. The series follows each mom as they find their HEA.

Dylan meets pro-baseball player Courtney Miller at a baseball game and there’s instant chemistry between them. A one night stand leads to an accidental pregnancy and things take off from there.

I loved how all-in Courtney was from the very beginning! He found out about the pregnancy and there was never a moment of doubt. He knew he wanted to be there. He was soooooo sweet to Dylan, her son and the rest of the moms and their kids.

This could be read as a stand alone, but I highly recommend the whole series, especially on audio!
Profile Image for Maria.
2,489 reviews90 followers
March 17, 2024
Dylan and Cort are amazing!! Becketts antics worked, but my goodness was it a disaster at first!!! I love how Cort accepted all of Dylan and her oddness. And his family too! His family is freaking amazing, and what they did for Dylan just perfection. Shows that not all rich people are stuck up assholes like Liams dad! And now they are all social pariahs, lol, which made me so happy! I can't wait for more of this series. Next book is Shay because that girl needs a freaking chill pill. I'm nervous about her book and Delia because they are my two least favorite! Ugh!!
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,950 reviews436 followers
January 28, 2024
Spoilers ahead

Book 2 in the series of moms who're best friends and have banded together to live and raise their kids together.

This is Dylan's story, single mom of a teenaged son and the resident hippy/child care giver. She has a ONS with the new catcher for Beckett's team and gets the shock of her life with a positive pregnancy test.

This was cute, the H was amazing.
Dylan was a pretty cool and chill H
Not as many funny scenarios as book 1 because Liam is older and Courtney had to win him over.
I wanted more time with Dylan pregnant and but I guess I'll see her as the series progresses.
This is such a unique and fun series, all the author's are first time reads for me but I'm enjoying the journey

No cheating
Single parent h
Surprise baby
H wasnt a manwhore
Profile Image for Elyvia (eliv_bookstagram).
542 reviews66 followers
January 29, 2024
ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴍᴀᴋᴇʀ

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Beckett is determined to find a match for the rest of the moms, so he and Liv can move out of the house. He tries to lure Cortney Miller, one of his players and family friends into his house, hoping someone will catch the bait. And of course, someone did, he just didn’t expect it’s gonna be Dylan😏

Dylan never wanted to be married and Cortney is not looking to settle down anytime soon either, so when they get together, they thought it was just gonna be a one-time fling. Cortney quickly changed his mind and wanted to be involved with the pregnancy as soon as he found out. Dylan is the one who hesitates and draws the line, due to her past with Liam’s biological father. I love that Cortney tried his best to win the hearts of the people in the madhouse, even when he got pranked over and over again. He’s just another golden retriever for Dylan, and I’m in loveee with him. He and his award-winning long silkie blonde hair stole my heart.

This book is as funny as the first one, and despite being written by a different author, the story blends seamlessly with the first book. We still get all the characters that we know and love just as they were introduced in the first book, only more fleshed out. I’m excited to dive into the next book, this series has been a blast so far!

The second book of the MomCom series! It stands for Mom Commune, not Mom Comedy, though it should as this book was funny AF. We were introduced to 4 moms, who all will get their books:

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕤 & 𝕂𝕚𝕕𝕤:
Mother Faker
𝓞𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪 - Work as a publisher, recently divorced from a cheating husband
▶️Adeline “Little One” (2yo) - The cutest baby girl
▶️Finn “Huckleberry” (4yo) - Always armed and loves wearing a tutu and camo pants
▶️Winnie “Bear” (8yo) - Artsy little girl

Mother Maker
𝓓𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓷 “Dippy Do” - Hippie Stay-at-home mom
▶️Liam “Demon Spawn” (15yo) - Wear headphones all the time

Mother Pucker
𝓢𝓱𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓪 “Pipsqueak”- Widowed single mom, she’s overprotective and a hypochondriac
▶️Kai (8yo) - Overprotected by his mom, not allowed to eat junk food

Mother Hater
𝓓𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓪 “Medusa” - Men Hating Independent Lawyer
▶️Phoebe “Shining Twin #1” (8yo) - Overly smart 8yo who likes to extort money from adults
▶️Collette “Shining Twin #2” (8yo) - The complicit of the above

*𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝘽𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙩𝙩 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙙

✅𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘
✅𝙴𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚌 & 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚔𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚖
✅𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 ▶️ 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢
✅𝙱𝚒𝚐 𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢
✅𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚢 𝙺𝚒𝚍𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚘𝚖𝚜
✅𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙰𝚖𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙

Thank you to the author and The Author Agency for the copy of the ARC in exchange for honest review!
Profile Image for HappyKT.
907 reviews6 followers
February 26, 2024
This series is chaotic swoony found family fun.

This is book 2 so make sure you read "Mother Faker" by Brittanée Nicole first.

She is the warm gooey center of the Mom friend group. She sees people for their energy, dreams of owning a preschool, and has her place as the stay at home mom in their found family. He is a professional baseball player and was custom built to fit her perfectly in every way.

Dylan got pregnant with her son in her early twenties. All her friends supported her when she had to drop out of college. The father of her child and his family created a deep trauma that had her seeking sole custody. Now her son is fifteen and her life is full of now returning the favor of helping her friends with their kids. When Dylan and her friends agreed to move in together to make a Mom commune she was on board immediately. Dylan is the crystal wearing, good vibes hippy of their group. She sees love and good energy as a sign from the universe even when it comes straight at her in the form of a 6 foot 6 catcher who gives Thor a run for his money.

Cortney Miller can't find his lucky socks. As a baseball player, luck is relevant. As someone who struggles with anxiety, routine is his comfort zone. When he shows up at his boss's house on a retrieval mission he thinks he is being pranked. There is no way this billionaire lives in a run down brownstone filled with kids and chaos. But amidst the fray, Cortney sees the most beautiful woman that he has ever seen. There is just something about Dylan that draws him in leaving him unusually speechless.

Dylan knows a good aura when she sees one and doesn't hesitate to follow the call of the universe by allowing herself the indulgence of one night with Cortney. But two months later, the universe comes calling again bringing the gorgeous man right back to her. Cortney wants more of Dylan's time. He can't get her out of his mind. So when life changing news gives him a connection to Dylan he doesn't even hesitate to be all in on her life. Somehow he finds himself cohabitating with his dream girl in the craziest house he has ever seen. Dylan knows the feeling of an absentee baby daddy especially when his family cares more about social status than another soul. Which is why she is falling hard for Cortney as he is the opposite in every best way.

Dual POV, accidental pregnancy, single mom, he falls first, sex scenes: yes.

I didn't think the first book in this series could be topped. And if it isn't better it's at least equal in its fun. I'm not a huge fan of the accidental pregnancy trope but this one handles it well. Dylan is a light in every room she enters and Cortney is like a moth to her flame. The analogy of a firefly given to Dylan is a perfect moment. Cortney is a darling MMC that can't help but fall hard for Dylan. I loved reading his POV. The secondary characters and chaos once again take a lot of emotional energy, but it's a unique premise. I loved reading these two fall for each other and the way the author handled it. Sweet HEA.
Profile Image for Julie R. .
107 reviews8 followers
January 27, 2024
This story was just so swoony!

The second book in the momcom. series, introduces us to Cortney and Dylan’s story.

Cortney is the newest catcher for the Boston Reds and is an extremely superstitious person , when his lucky socks go missing he heads to the mom commune to get them back from Liam, Dylan’s son, who took them. Cortney is IMMEDIATELY enamored with Dylan. After a hot and steamy one night stand, Dylan ends up pregnant and worlds get turned upside down. Cortney although scared after finding out, cannot be happier at what’s going on, but is of course nervous because of his crazy baseball schedule.

Liam seems to be Cortney’s biggest adversary, as he’s protective of Dylan and tell Cortney how the reason why he got into so many fights in school was because kids picked on Dylan and called her weird and he needed to defend his mom. Eventually, thanks to their mutual love of cars and Cortney’s family owning racing team Liam and Cortney become close as time goes on.

Dylan is of course apprehensive of everything going on because of how Liam’s father’s family who are also very rich, had treated her when Liam was born. However, Cortney’s family is the complete opposite welcoming Dylan with open arms and Liam as well.

The story of Dylan and Cortney is the 2nd in the awesome mom-com series and I absolutely cannot say enough good things about this series!


Thank you to the Author Agency and Jenni Bara for the opportunity to receive an ARC of this book!
Profile Image for Angela - Traumatic Reader.
86 reviews5 followers
February 1, 2024
Oh my gosh - The Momcoms Series is so so good.

Mother Maker by Jenni Bara is the second book in the Series and I absolutely devoured every page.

I'm so invested in this series and I am now diving into Mother Pucker...
If you are looking for a fun read that makes you grin... cackle and swoon - this series is for you!
Go start with Mother Faker and then dive right into this one.

I'll see you all on the otherside *wink*
Profile Image for Kristen.
444 reviews5 followers
January 18, 2024
“You know baseball is my favorite trope. All those guys know exactly how to hit a home run.”
I am more in love with this MomComs crew with each book. Dylan, single mom of one and the stay at home mom for all 7 children has met her match. Cortney is the catcher for the Boston Revs baseball team, that Beckett from book one owns. He has just been traded to the team when his lucky socks go missing and the solution is to go to the MomComs brownstone to get them back.

It’s always amusing when someone new sees the brownstone. The place is habitable but clearly in shambles and it certainly terrified Cortney at first glance but then when he sees Dylan everything changes.
“Your mom is magic. She came into my life at the exact moment I needed her. She’s brightened every detail, every experience, and she’s opened my eyes to all the best parts of the world. I love her, and there is no way in hell I’ll ever let her go.”

The two were great together. Dylan was able to be her “dippy do” self and be one with the universe without Cortney making fun of her. Cortney’s anxiety was always lessened when Dylan was around.
“I’m just a man. A man who worries about too many things. A man who’s terrified of spiders and snakes. Who spends too much time working on puzzles and loves cars and a good prank. And a man so totally in love with you that the rest is just noise.”

Cortney was also great with Liam, Dylan’s son, even after everything he did to get Cortney to leave. The Cortney and Becket bromance was also perfect and I look forward to seeing who joins their crew next!
Thank you @jennibarabooks and @theauthor.agency for the ARC!
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
🔥: “I f-ing love it when you beg.”
Profile Image for Ally Griffeth.
366 reviews514 followers
January 22, 2024
Rating: 10/10⭐️
Spice: 🌶.5
Tropes: Accidental Pregnancy; Single Mom; Mental Health Rep; One Bed; Forced Proxy
Favorite Quote: “I don’t have doubts. Love filled up the cracks where doubt could get in.”

The freaking chokehold it has on me is unreal and I will mourn these moms when I'm done with the entire series.

This book is the second in the momcoms series and follows Dylan and Cortney. Dylan is a quirky mom who goes with the flow and trust that the universe has a plan. Cortney is a pro baseball player who as anxiety and is constantly in his head and together they have a magical one night that wasn't supposed to go past that... until it did.

I didn't think it anyone could hold a candle to Beckett (in Mother Faker) and then Cortney was over here all like "hold my IPA" he is SO SWOONY and the way he takes care of Dylan and all her crazy cravings THE FRIGGEN SOCKS I can't i was so obsessed. & Dylan gosh she was so quirky and so unapologetically herself it was just so perfect. I will never look at a cherry jolly rancher and not think of Dylan

IS. A.

You will laugh
You will Swoon
You will fall in love with the Moms & their Men.
Profile Image for April | Aprilsbooknook_.
359 reviews15 followers
January 25, 2024
“Look at me. And tell me you have doubts about how completely committed to you and our family I am.”

Oh my gosh. I freaking love these two so much.
I knew I was going to love Dylan's story, because she was awesome in Faker. But gosh I was not prepared for this emotional ride. From the beginning Cortney was all in. Boy obsessed much? Like full on. Not only were they a perfect fit, but they matched each other's energy so well. They both had their quirks and ways of things. Things people felt off-out about Dylan, only made him love her more. And Liam's little cold heart thawing was everything. WHEN THE SON GIVES THE STERN "don't fuck with her" TALK TO THE BOYFRIEND... ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That needs to be a trope.

This story was everything. It made me laugh, cry and swoon with every page turn. I cannnnnotttt wait to get more of this chaotic found family in book 3 of the Momcoms series. 🥹🤍🤌🏻
Profile Image for Hayley Giroux.
177 reviews7 followers
January 27, 2024

⚾️ Baseball Romance
♥️ Accidental Pregnancy
⚾️ Forced Proximity
♥️ Single Mama

New fave Series! The Mom Com series is killing it! Jenni Bara wrote Mother Maker, book 2 of The MomComs, and she crushed it.

Mother Maker had me laughing, smiling, swooning and melting!! Dylan & Cortney were accidental pregnancy magic! Their magnetic connection was perfect.

Cortney is sweet and smart and kind and attentive. While Dylan is the quintessential fun-loving, free spirit. They balance each other perfectly!

Add to that a houseful of mom besties, they’re 7 awesome kids, and the grumpy, yet hilarious Beckett, and you have the craziest Boston brownstone around!

Thank you so much to Jenni Bara & The Author Agency for the chance to read & review this ARC.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 918 reviews

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