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'Pendle District is riddled with witches . . . The biggest problem we face is their sheer numbers. You see that's right at the heart of the threat we face - that the witch clans might unite.'

In Pendle the witches are rising and the three most powerful witch clans are rumoured to be uniting in order to conjure an unimaginable evil. Together, they will be capable of raising the dark made flesh - the Devil himself.

Tom and the Spook need to set off for Pendle to avert the unthinkable. Before they go, the Spook tells Tom to journey home and collect the trunks Mam left behind for him. But what dark family secrets are contained in the trunks? And will they place Tom's family in even greater danger?

The fourth chilling installment of The Wardstone Chronicles, the series that inspired the forthcoming movie The Seventh Son, starring Jeff Bridges, Ben Barnes and Julianne Moore.

516 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Joseph Delaney

51 books3,898 followers
Joseph Delaney was a full time writer living in Lancashire, in the heart of Boggart territory.

He was the author of Wardstone Chronicles, Starblade Chronicles, Arena 13, Aberrations and a new book came out in April 2020, Brother Wulf. This is a new spooks story featuring Tom and Alice, but introducing a new character, a young monk called Brother Wulf.

He first got the idea for the Spooks series when he moved to the village where he lives now and discovered there was a local boggart - ‘a man like me needs boggarts around’. He made a note in his notebook ‘a story about a man who hunts boggarts’ and years later when he had to come up with an idea at short notice developed this into ‘The Spook’s Apprentice’, the first book in the series.

He continued to draw upon the folklore of Lancashire and has acquired much local knowledge over the years which he tweaks and modifies to create his fictional world. Another source of inspiration has been Lancashire's varied and atmospheric landscape. Many of the locations in the County are based on actual places in Lancashire.

In the early days of his writing career Joseph worked as a teacher at a Sixth Form College: his subjects were English, Film and Media Studies. He used to get up early and write every morning before work. That way he could write a book a year – which promptly got rejected! When the Americans bought the series he decided to give up teaching and write full time.

Prior to teaching he worked as an engineer in his twenties, completing an apprenticeship just like Tom Ward in the spook’s books.

Joseph described his method of writing as a process of discovery. He didn’t plot too far ahead and often didn’t know what is going to happen until he writes it down. In other words he made it up as he went along. He prefed writing dialogue to description, in which he said he is a minimalist and leaves much to the reader’s imagination.
Joseph had three children and nine grandchildren and was a wonderful public speaker available for conference, library and bookshop events.

The Spook's Apprentice, The Spook's Curse and The Spook's Secret have all been shortlisted for the Lancashire children's Book for the Year Award. The Spook's Apprentice is the winner of both the Sefton Book Award and the Hampshire Book Award.

from publisher's website

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 729 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
January 24, 2019
The Spook's Battle = Attack of the Fiend (The Last Apprentice, #4), Joseph Delaney
The Spook's Battle, written by Joseph Delaney, is the fourth story in The Wardstone Chronicles series. It was released in America in March 2008, and is titled "Attack of the Fiend", as the fourth book in "The Last Apprentice" series.
Abstract: "I see your future clearly. Your master will be dead, and you will be alone. It would be better if you had never been born."
Thomas Ward is the apprentice for the local Spook, who banishes boggarts and drives away ghosts. But now a new danger is threatening Tom's world. The witches are rising and the three most powerful clans are uniting in order to conjure an unimaginable evil.
Tom and the Spook set out to stop the witches before they unleash the demon. But when Tom finds himself on his own, he wonders if he has the courage and cunning to defeat the most powerful enemy he has ever encountered.
Characters: Mr. Gregory, Thomas J. Ward, Alice Deane
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و یکم ماه دسامبر سال 2013 میلادی
عنوان: آخرین شاگرد کتاب چهارم: هجوم فیند، نویسنده: ژوزف دیلینی، مترجم: مریم منتصرالدوله، ویراستار: احمد پورامینی؛ نشر: افق، تهران، چاپ نخست 1392، در 424 ص.، مصور، فروست: رمان نوجوان 104، شابک: 9789643698515، داستانهای نویسندگان انگلیسی – سده 20 م
خطر تازه ای دنیای «توماس وارد»، شاگرد محافظ را، دوباره به هم میزند، «توماس» یاد گرفته، که چطور با «بوگارت»‌ها، و اشباح، مبارزه کند، اما سه قبیله از جادوگرها، تصمیم گرفته‌اند، با یاری یکدیگر شیطان خطرناکی را آزاد کنند. «توماس» و محافظ، دوباره به سفری پرماجرا می‌روند. و ... ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for The Fantasy Review.
273 reviews469 followers
April 25, 2022
The Spook’s Battle by Joseph Delaney is the perfect example of children’s fantasy being able to accomplish something epic! When I was first reading these books as a kid, this was always my favourite.

So much happens in The Spook’s Battle! We follow Thomas, Alice, and the Spook to Pendle, and as we all know, Pendle is crawling with witches. The set up of the three clans, the map of Pendle, and the influx of new characters and creatures is outstanding.

Reading about the inter-clan politics and learning about new creatures, lore, and mythology, while simultaneously following a terrifying story is exactly what you get with this fourth entry in Joseph Delaney’s The Wardstone Chronicles.

Thomas really starts to come into his own in The Spook’s Battle. For plot reasons, Thomas has to be separated from the Spook a lot so we can see him develop under extreme pressure, and he does just that.

He faces witches, a creepy spider-like blood-sucking creature, and the most terrifying threats he has ever had to face before. He’s in over his head and he knows it, but that doesn’t stop him fighting for what is right, as well as fighting to survive.

The story with Alice is intriguing as she is a witch, and now has to face the life she left behind. It’s fascinating to see how she copes with the temptation and threats from the Dark.

The Spook’s Battle is the book where this series really starts to become huge in scale. The first three books introduce us to the main characters, the magic-system/lore/mythology, and foreshadows threats to come. The Spook’s Battle is where those elements come together and create an epic start for an epic series.

View the full review at The Fantasy Review
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,978 followers
June 16, 2011
Up to this point I've liked this series, and I didn't really "dislike" this one. It was however a bit "waring" before it tied up.

One of my friends here on Goodreads observed that her only complaint with the series was that Tom didn't develop... At the time I was only 3 books in and took the view I'd wait and see. So far I'd only covered about a year in Tom's life. This is the 4th book in the series, and right out of the gate (so to speak) Tom pretty much makes the same mistake he made in the first volume.

Oh well.

This volume attempts a somewhat more involved plot and tries to tell a slightly more intricate story. It only "sort of" succeeds. Without spoilers and being cognizant that this is my opinion, I'll say that the story stumbles about more than the prior novels. It didn't hold my interest and I was ready for it to end. The "hook" of the novel, the Fiend of the title works more as a threat hanging over this book and then as a set up for what's to come in later volumes.

How a younger reader will like this book I'd hesitate to say. Again, be aware that the plot points in this book deal with murder, consuming human blood, child murder also witches and "other things" that can look into other's houses through mirrors. This could all be a bit much for younger children. That aside however, the fact that I and older readers will see plot points coming a few miles off may not be as big an issue for younger readers who haven't read the plots that often before.

They may however by now (if they are following the series) note that Tom seems to be pretty thick in that he placed himself in the soup...again.

So, not as good as the previous volumes slightly more tedious and slightly disjointed. I have the next book(s) from the library here already so I plan to follow through at least one more volume.
Profile Image for Richard.
453 reviews121 followers
August 25, 2014

Another enjoyable outing in this series which keeps on impressing. This is the fourth in the series and each one has been consistently good. The only negative I could say is that there hasn’t been a great deal of character development throughout but for the type of books these are and the audience they are aimed at (i.e. not me) you can’t really knock it. They seem to follow a similar formula in each one but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

The stakes are raised somewhat in this outing with Tom, the Spooks Apprentice, facing off against 3 Witch clans who are all trying to bring back the Devil to earth. Tom, the Spook and their trusty witch Alice are on the hunt to try and stop this from happening because it would put a real crimp in your day having to fight the devil instead of some pesky witches. We learn a lot more about Tom’s mam and where he comes from throughout this which does add an extra dimension to the story and we also learn about the witch assassin Grimalkin who is destined to turn up in the next few novels.

Even though these are aimed at a younger audience (think early teens) I still find myself enjoying them and reading them quite quickly. The overall setting is one of the highlights for me in this series as are the descriptions of the actual locations visited in each outing, in this case Pendle. You get the sense that something is brewing with an overall plot arc ready to come into view sooner rather than later which keeps your attention also. An enjoyable read and I will look forward to picking up the next one in the series.

If you like this try: “Magyk” by Angie Sage
Profile Image for Hazal Çamur.
176 reviews214 followers
September 4, 2019
Seride bir geçiş kitabı. Bazı şeylerin açığa kavuştuğu ve gerçek düşmanın şekillendiği bir kitap bu.

Yine ürperdim, yer yer iğrendim. Yazar Delany bu konudaki başarısını aynı şekilde devam ettiriyor. Ancak bu kitapta beni rahatsız eden iki şey vardı: Iki güçlü genç cadının Tom'a bu kadar körü körüne aşık olması.

Bu kitapta Alice'in potansiyeli Tom'un gölgesinde harcanıyor gibi hissettim. Öte yandan Mab gibi bir karakterin Tom'a böyle kolay aşık olup yine böyle kolay bırakması da kafamı kurcalayan bir başka nokta.

Serinin devamında Alice'i adeta başkaraktere aşık ve potansiyelini hiçe sayan anime yan kadın karakteri yerine gerçek gücünde görmek istiyorum.

En azından bir şeyden eminim: seri daha da karanlık olacak. Bundan çok mutluyum.

Çeviri ve editörlük her zaman ki gibi harikaydı ancak Tudem'e yakışmayan bazı harf hataları mevcuttu. Bir de -da alması gereken özel isimlerin -de alması gibi şeyler mevcuttu.

Devam etmek için sabırsızlanıyorum.
Profile Image for Karissa.
4,135 reviews209 followers
December 30, 2010
This is the 4th book in the Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney. Wow was this an excellent book!

After hearing over and over about how bad things are in Pindle; Tom and the Spook are finally going to go there to deal with the witch problem for good. Alice is along to help them, using all her witchy knowledge for good. Nothing goes as planned though when the witches strike first at the place Tom is most vulnerable. Will they be able to root out all the witches? Will the witches raise the devil himself? What is in the trunks Mam left Tom? Exactly who is Mam? All of these questions are answered to some extent.

This was a wonderfully written book; as usual. It may be one of the best books in this series yet. It is very suspenseful and spooky, there is lots of action (more than usual). Alice's character is being developed nicely and Tom really comes into his own in this book. We get to meet more of Tom's brothers; and the future looks bleaker than ever. This is the first book where the greater outside world really starts to have an influence on what is happening to Tom. Usually the books are pretty isolated to a small area, but not this one, things are more dire than ever.

It was just a great book. I was disappointed when I was finished. These are so fun to read and so well written. I love them and cannot wait to get my hands on the next one!
Profile Image for Simona Stoica.
Author 17 books761 followers
July 24, 2015
O aventura perfecta si... GRIMALKIN, ce dor mi-a fost de tine :D.
Profile Image for Woodge.
460 reviews32 followers
June 7, 2011
I've been reading this aloud to Luke (age 9) for the past several weeks. We took a break here and there, but last night we had to read the final 50 pages all at once. We've been really enjoying this series (which currently numbers about 8 books). Sometimes I wonder if it's a bit too creepy for Luke but he's been digging it. After finishing this one he said, "Let's start the next book tomorrow night!" So far I think this book might be my favorite out of the series so far. In this story our three heroes, Tom (the last apprentice), the Spook (his master, John Gregory), and Alice (a young girl descended from a witch clan) face off against three covens of witches in the town of Pendle. They are trying to put aside their differences long enough to bring the Fiend over from the dark into our world. And the Fiend is no less than Old Nick himself. One of the things I like about this series is that even though there are priests in the story, the religious aspects are toned down and impartial. It's not assumed that you the reader, or a certain character is a believer. In fact, there are characters of every stripe. It's well done. And the wood-cut illustrations that begin every chapter are very cool too.
Profile Image for Esma T.
520 reviews73 followers
February 5, 2016
Tom'un annesin bıraktığı sandıklar, Pendle cadıları, cadılar arasındaki savaş ve cadılar arasında kurulmaya çalışılan ittifak... Kısacası dolu mu dolu bir kitap oldu. Yazar nabzı hep yüksek tuttu ve son sayfalara kadar tempo hiç düşmedi. Kitaba yeni karakterlerde eklenmişti ve bunların bazılarını serinin devamında da göreceğiz muhtemelen.
Hayaletin Savaşı kesinlikle güzel bir kitaptı, ben beğendim, diğer kitaplardan daha çok sevdim ve serinin geri kalanını da merak ediyorum. Özellikle kitabın sonunda yaşanan son olaylardan sonra ki o son bölümleri çok sevdiğimi de belirtmeliyim.

Profile Image for Josefina Wagner.
531 reviews
June 6, 2021
Niyetim serinin bütününü okumak teenage kitaplarından olmasına rağmen (kesinlikle değilim) beğeni ve merakla zevkle okuyorum.Beyaz perdeye de uygulanmış ama serinin hepsini okumadan izlemeyeceğim filmi. Harika vakit geçirtiyor anlatım güzel ve ilginç aptallıklar olsada onlarıda tolera etmek kolay oluyor.bakalım düğerlerinde neler olacak....
Profile Image for I'mogén.
1,124 reviews40 followers
March 27, 2016
The Spook's Battle, the fourth book in The Wardstone Chronicles, was action packed and fast paced, whilst still being very plot driven and fun to read. In saying that, it still fell short of the 4 star rating that I gave the other books, as I wasn't completely absorbed as I had been before. However, the 3 stars I've given it is considered a high 3.

The cover was really creepy and mirrors what the story tells within, because pretty much from the first few pages I was over come with a feeling of dread! It was an increasingly dangerous time for the County and I knew that bad things were bound to happen!

Tom's luck really seemed to turn for the worst in this installment, and I was always left wondering "WHERE THE HELL IS GREGGORY!?". Seeing Tom fending off the dark on his own though was really inspiring to see and gave him further depth and development.

I liked the introduction to another family member of Tom's and more characters in general as it put more weight on the risk of Tom failing against evil!

The contents of Mam's trunks were such a surprise!!

There was a gollum like character in this that was really creepy and some of the prophecies it spoke were really unsettling!

One thing that annoyed me about the book is that some locations seemed far away at one point and then seemingly close when it was convinent, so I lost a sence of destination length.

Finally, I really enjoyed Alice's entry at the back and all the new things Tom learned. I feel like there was so much more detail in his diary, this time around.

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy! >(^_^)<
Profile Image for Duffy Pratt.
565 reviews148 followers
December 15, 2012
Another solid installment in the continuing adventures of Tom Ward. This book worked less well as a stand-alone, mostly because the characters mainly fail to achieve the goals they set for themselves at the beginning. And when there is success, it comes more from some outside agency than from the initiative of the characters themselves.

The other thing that bothered me here was, for the first time, I think this book suffered from the "Red Shirt of Death" syndrome. I get the feeling that the last thing anyone should want to be is an old friend of the Spook's at the start of one of these books.

Once again, I thought the writing was straightforward and solid. The characters are staying true to themselves for the most part. In this book, Tom comes across as a bit stupider than in the earlier ones, but to a certain extent that may just be the combination of awakening hormones and the "glamour" that witches use on him. There are at least two times when Tom should have been much more wary that he is. His tendency to rush off to try to help people by himself is part of his character. But by now he should have enough experience to know that he often needs help.

All in all, I thought this was a slight step down from the last two books, but its still quite good, and I'm looking forward to getting my copy of the next one, hopefully before Christmas.
Profile Image for AlvaE.
4 reviews
April 25, 2022
I abselutelly loved this book we got to learn quite a lot about toms mother including that fact that her sisters are lamias which means that tom also has lamia blood in him. My teacher ones took the book because I couldn't stop reading it i 100 recommend this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Hanzel.
173 reviews21 followers
August 16, 2017
okkkkkk.........so again, I want to reiterate my conception of this series at the horror version of Harry Potter, both are truly wonderful coming of age stories, a lot of learning, a lot of mistakes but still in the end, we see our "kid" hero triumph over his enemies!!

So for book four, I just sat around reading it, without any intention of finishing it, maybe jump to a new one, or visit some previous unfinished ones, but the opening chapter seemed to capture my attention, and unknowingly I was half way through!!!!

If the past three books is any indication to fleshing out Mr. Delaney's world, well this one brought out some more faces to our different witches, ummmm British witches, really a mean lot and truly not to be trifled with!!!! Here we learn about the Malkins, Deanes and a new opponent Mouldheels, truly this is an interesting read...........also we learn a little bit more of Tom's relatives on the mother side......and hoooo boy!!!!

Again another interesting time ahead..........
Profile Image for Trisha.
5,196 reviews198 followers
July 13, 2017
"Things are certainly getting darker."

I really enjoy this series. The adventures of Tom and The Spook are fascinating. I love the idea of Tom being the apprentice for The Spook and learning the trade through experience. I also love the layers of witches - and that they all wear pointy shoes!

Alice is such a good addition to the story and I hope she stays around for a long time We learn of the covens and families of the witches in the neighboring town and how they have been a danger that is growing and growing. The Spook was right a book or 2 ago when he said he needed to deal with the thread - it's bad now.

I was sad for some of the things that happened in the story (especially to those close to Tom) but I found the mark that Mab couldn't release the most fascinating! Go Alice! I will definitely read the next one!
Profile Image for Elias Alexander.
583 reviews15 followers
March 2, 2017
This books are just getting better and better. I'm starting to really love this characters. Specially Tom.
April 12, 2017
2/4/14: Waiting for book #3 in the mail before I get to this; I just wanted it lined up for when I finish #3.

2/14/14: Just finished book 3 yesterday, have to finish this quick because it's due back at the library on the 18th.

2/17/14: Review

Attack of the Fiend is probably the best in series since book #1, Revenge of the Witch. AotF breeds spooky atmosphere with just small amounts of blood and gore (it is middle-grade to very young YA, after all). Imagine if Tim Burton was an author of novels, and that's the kind of atmosphere you can expect in these books. Personally, I like that kind of thing. I can handle gore in books/movies, but I don't go "Oooohh! Aaaahhh!" when someone gets de-limbed, so if you're looking for that, you won't get it here. It's more subtle.

I really liked Alice in this book. She could still go either way, of course, but I liked that she proved herself and stuck by Tom & the Spook when not only were they going up against witches (a group Alice has openly sympathized with in the past, as well as used a few spells and concoctions of her own), but most of the witches were her extended family. It showed she's not just a loose canon, behaving only because she fears the Spook's retribution. She could have joined her family and (tried to) help run Tom and the Spook out of town, but she proved Tom means more to her; and that's not only a good thing for Tom, but Alice too. Her family doesn't love her and dark witchcraft would steal her soul (metaphorically, anyway).

After reading this, the 4th book in the series, I created a new shelf in Tom's honor: get-in-the-trunk. It seems like Tom is always getting himself kidnapped. It builds tension, sure, but he's 14 now and he's been an apprentice for over a year; he should know better than to trust strangers, and run off without the Spook's support. It doesn't seem like this should still be happening.

All in all, if you're looking for a good scare, read this book. A lot of adults wouldn't expect to find decent horror in a kid's book, but this series is craftily written regardless of "target audience." Check it out.
Profile Image for Patrick.
1,043 reviews27 followers
December 26, 2009
I'm souring on this series. The characters once again are meh. There is finally a sympathetic religious character, but he ends up being a naive weakling who loses his faith when being killed by an unnatural kid monster. Despite that, the "fiend" of the title is the devil himself being loosed by some angry witches. I like the overarching story of a greater light/dark battle than just the county coming more fully into the plot, but I'm just not liking the characters or the tone. Without exception, the "regular" characters, townspeople, farmers, etc., are blind to obvious magical stuff going on around them and religion is a weak crutch to ignore the crazy evil magic stuff happening.

And while I love Alice in concept, she and the main kid almost never hold real conversations. They just hold hands and know they have a future together despite having nothing in common besides supernatural abilities and interests in the unseen.
Profile Image for Melissa Bennett.
869 reviews12 followers
July 16, 2010
I always get excited when I find that Delaney has written another book for the Last Apprentice series. I also get worried. How can he write about the same thing and have it not get boring? Well Delaney pulls it off every time. I am always on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. He has a wonderful way of writing that doesn't slow down a bit. I have loved every book in this series (including this one). My 2 kids love them as well.
This time the Spook and Tom do not have to fight a witch or two but instead three whole covens. That sounds bad enough but put in the Fiend as well... let's just say they have a lot of ground to cover. On top of that Tom finds himself alone many times and having to put to test what the Spook has taught him. Can such a short apprenticeship and his wits be enough? Read the book and find out. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Nima Kohandani.
Author 15 books332 followers
August 4, 2016
ضعیف تر از جلدهای قبلی اش بود

کشش اونها رو نداشت
و داستان به مراتب ضعیف تر و نخ نما تر بود

ترجمه هم که ایرادات بسیاری داشت در فارسی البته این باعث کسر امتیاز نیست

من بهش دو و نیم میدم از 5

Profile Image for Glenn.
1,556 reviews8 followers
January 6, 2016
The best book in the series so far - lots of information that sets up the rest of the series...
Profile Image for LaPommequirougit.
1,261 reviews50 followers
May 15, 2020

Je continue sur ma lancée avec la suite de l’Épouvanteur. Je ne peux plus lâcher cette saga et je pense qu’il va falloir que j’achète rapidement la suite, car une fois les neuf premiers tomes lus, je risque de me sentir rapidement en manque de Tom et ses aventures.

Cette fois, l’Épouvanteur et Tom vont devoir affronter un danger encore plus grand. Premièrement, Tom devait aller récupérer les malles que sa mère avait laissées dans la fameuse pièce. Ces malles contiennent des révélations sur les origines de sa mère et des informations qui lui seront apparemment utiles plus tard en tant qu’Épouvanteur.

Le problème, c’est qu’en arrivant, la maison a été brûler, les malles ont disparus et ni son frère Jack, ni sa femme, ni leur fille n’est dans la maison. La conclusion tombe rapidement, ils ont été enlevés par les sorcières de Pendle.

Ils devaient justement se rendre là-bas afin d’affronter les trois clans de sorcières qui commencent à créer une alliance, sauf que cela devient d’autant plus pressant vu les évènements récents. Le combat risque d’être rude et difficile. des révélations fort étonnante nous attendent !

Ce tome est mon préférée depuis le début de la saga. Ici, on commence à en apprendre un peu plus sur la fameuse destinée de Tom que sa mère a si souvent évoqué. On découvre également les origines de sa mère et les secrets que même son père ne savait pas.

L’écriture de Joseph Delaney reste toujours autant fluide et plaisante à lire. Je pense d’ailleurs essayer de me procurer le premier tome de sa nouvelle saga, car je suis curieuse de voir ce qu’il a pu écrire d’autre !

En bref, je suis toujours autant accro à la saga de l’Épouvanteur. L’histoire devient de plus en plus intrigante et le danger de plus en plus fort. On commence à entrevoir de plus en plus la vraie destinée de Tom et celle-ci risque d’être semée d’embuche. Très hâte de découvrir la suite !
Profile Image for Sylwia.
148 reviews
January 21, 2023
𝕂𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕚 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕁𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕡𝕙 𝔻𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕪

Wiedźmi Spisek
Tom IV

Thomas J. Ward od ponad roku jest czeladnikiem Stracharza. Chłopak wkrótce będzie miał 14 lat. Jego codzienność to ciągłe ćwiczenia i nauka.

Pewnego dnia spokojny czas w Chipenden zakłóca wizyta Ojca Stocksa, przyjaciela Gregorego. Przymosi on wieści z Pendele.
Trzy klany wiedźm chcą zawrzeć sojusz by sprowadzić na świat zło w czystej postaci.

Tom z Alice  tymczasem wybierają się do rodzinnego domu chłopaka, tam zastają tylko zgliszcza, jego rodzina została uprowadzona, a z tajemniczego pokoju jego matki zostały zabrane skrzynie które mu zostawiła. Wszelkie tropy prowadzą do Pendle i jednego z trzech klanów - Malkinów oraz wroga o którego istnieniu Tom nie miał pojęcia.

Gregor wraz z Tomem udają się Downham by tam utworzyć swój bastion w walce że złem.�� A ostatecznie by wziasc udział w bitwy na wzgórzu Pendele.

Z jakim tym razem wrogiem przyjedzie się zmierzyć młodemu czeladnikowi?
Czy Wiedźmi Spisek sprowadzi na świat Złego? 

To wszystko w jednym tomie!!! 😄

Tak to już czwarty tom przygód młodego Thomasa, coraz bardziej wciągającego w swój świat walki ze złem.  Jeśli seria utrzyma poziom, będę bardzo zadowolona czytają pozostałe 9 tomów. W tej części wprowadzone zostały także postacie które mam nadzieję jeszcze spotkać w kolejnych książkach, myślę że wprowadzą jeszcze wiele zamieszania do świata Toma.

Lubię wracać do Kronik Wardstone, na początku byłam przerażona ilością tomów, ale teraz widzę że dobrze jest mieć taką historię która się nie szybko kończą.
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137 reviews
January 16, 2023
Some themes/issues are bothering me more than when I last read the series:
- "Taking inspiration" from Harry Potter. One scene was uncannily similar to the Horcrux Cave and the behavior of Inferi-type characters. This novel was published two years after the respective installment of Harry Potter. This author could've been WAY more subtle.
- A majority of women are seen as scheming, manipulative through their appearances, and never to be trusted. It's giving kind (and child-appropriate) incel. I didn't notice this when reading as a child because I was a child. There's almost a superiority complex that results in some condescending behavior and typical kindness/humanity; I don't think these attitudes are intentional. Witches are in the book and they are characteristically nefarious. My issue is that there's a lot of taking the witches' characteristics and attributing them to ALL women.

These are themes that have been building over the last four books. Not specific (except for the Harry Potter example above) to this one.

I'll keep reading the series because I enjoy the overall story, but dude.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 729 reviews

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