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Times of Turmoil

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It is 1718 and Duncan Melville and his time traveller wife, Erin, are concentrating on building a peaceful existence for themselves and their twin daughters. Difficult to do, when they are beleaguered by enemies.

Erin Melville is not about to stand to the side and watch as a child is abused—which is how she makes deadly enemies of Hyland Nelson and his family.

Then there’s that ghost from their past, Armand Joseph Chardon, a person they were certain was dead. Apparently not. Monsieur Chardon wants revenge and his sons are tasked with making Duncan—and his wife—pay.

Things aren’t helped by the arrival of Duncan’s cousin, fleeing her abusive husband. Or the reappearance of Nicholas Farrell in their lives, as much of a warped bully now as he was when he almost beat Duncan to death years ago. Plus, their safety is constantly threatened as Erin is a woman of colour in a time and place where that could mean ostracism, enslavement or even death.

Will Duncan and Erin ever achieve their simple wish – to live and love free from fear of those who wish to destroy them?

382 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 29, 2023

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About the author

Anna Belfrage

35 books278 followers
Anna was raised abroad, on a pungent mix of Latin American culture, English history and Swedish traditions. As a result she's multilingual and most of her reading is historical- both non-fiction and fiction. Possessed of a lively imagination, she has drawers full of potential stories, all of them set in the past. She was always going to be a writer - or a historian, preferably both. Ideally, Anna aspired to becoming a pioneer time traveller, but science has as yet not advanced to the point of making that possible. Instead she ended up with a degree in Business and Finance, with very little time to spare for her most favourite pursuit. Still, one does as one must, and in between juggling a challenging career Anna raised her four children on a potent combination of invented stories, historical debates and masses of good food and homemade cakes. They seem to thrive…

For years she combined a challenging career with four children and the odd snatched moment of writing. Nowadays Anna spends most of her spare time at her writing desk. The children are half grown, the house is at times eerily silent and she slips away into her imaginary world, with her imaginary characters. Every now and then the one and only man in her life pops his head in to ensure she's still there.

For additional information regarding Anna, her characters, extra scenes, and teasers for her next books, have a look at Anna's website at: www.annabelfrage.com

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Profile Image for Cathie.
Author 13 books145 followers
October 6, 2023

*The Coffee Pot Book Club – Editorial Book Review*

She should probably have kept her mouth shut. But Erin Melville wasn’t the type of woman who turned the other way when a big, hulking brute of a man chose to punish a scrawny boy in the middle of the street.

Dragged through time, Erin does not belong in this century, but here she is, in 1718. In these times of repression, Erin is a woman of colour and she is married to a man that is white. They must be cautious as there are already talks of laws that could prohibit marriages between whites and non-whites. Erin must be careful not to engage in any behaviour that attracts attention. Upon witnessing a young indentured slave being beaten by his master, Erin felt obligated to step in and stop it. But in doing so she makes an enemy. An enemy that will do anything to ruin her…

Anna Belfrage's Times of Turmoil (The Time Locket Book 2) is a stunning time-travel tale that is brimming with adventure, love and turbulence.

I am a big fan of Belfrage's The Graham Saga series, so I was ecstatic to find out she had written a spin-off series. I knew I was in for a treat since Belfrage is an author who never fails to deliver.

Erin and Duncan Melville are the central characters in the story, but their relationship is far from ordinary since Erin is from the 21st century and Duncan from the 18th. The locket holding the painting is their greatest fear as it has the power to throw people back and forward in time - it was, after all, how they met in the first place. Belfrage's skill in creating captivating time-travel narratives shines through in this book. It's an absorbing story that I became thoroughly invested in.

Erin was a character that I instantly connected with, but she has been thrown back in time into a world that is thwarted with danger for someone like her - she is a coloured woman who now lives in a world where she is classed at best as a second class citizen and at worse, a commodity - a slave. The novel requires Erin to be extremely cautious not to draw attention to herself, but her contemporary views sometimes conflict with the era she finds herself in. In this novel, Erin is subjected to significant hardships mostly due to her skin colour, yet she demonstrates immense courage and a strong will to live a fulfilling life with her loved ones. Erin was portrayed fabulously and I really adored her.

I thought Duncan’s portrayal was fabulous. He's fiercely protective of his family, particularly his spouse. He is fully aware of the dangers that Erin faces because of the colour of her skin, and although he tries to keep her out of trouble, that isn’t always possible. He's not perfect, and his handling of Lettie shows that, but it makes him more human in the telling.

The era has been portrayed by Belfrage with a sharp grasp of the historical context. Young Tim's portrayal is used to scrutinise the revolting treatment of indentured slaves. Despite being a child, he is beaten and abused as his "master" deems appropriate. Belfrage doesn't shy away from the appalling treatment that Tim has to bear, which makes the reading quite challenging at times. Witnessing a child being severely beaten, I would have done what Erin did and intervened. The fact that no one else did was perhaps very telling of the era. But Erin’s intervention also demonstrated the kind of woman she is. Although her husband warned her to avoid the spotlight because of her skin colour, she cannot stand by and watch a child being beaten so cruelly. Belfrage is no stranger to writing about indentured slavery, having previously addressed it in Like Chaff in the Wind (The Graham Saga Book #2). In both this book and Like Chaff in the Wind, Belfrage demonstrates that, while a few were lucky with their master, a majority of indentured slaves experienced hardship and cruelty. Tim's efforts to prevent his master from killing him during a fit of rage showed the child's desperation but also his ingenious. In contrast to Tim's treatment, Hans is under Duncan's indenture. Hans is treated more like a member of the family than a slave.

The other big historical topic Belfrage explores is that of race. The transatlantic slave trade was in full swing, and people of colour were regarded as inferior. In this novel, Erin is a coloured woman, married to Duncan, a white man. Such a marriage was looked down upon, and it was during this time that laws were passed to make marriage and sexual relations between whites and non-whites a criminal offence. Erin and Duncan find themselves in an impossible situation. Their love is unshakeable, yet they still have to reconsider their plans for the future and more importantly, where they will reside. Erin and Duncan's fear about their future was portrayed masterfully, but it was also extremely upsetting, especially for Erin. Erin considered it a blessing that her daughters have fair complexions, so they wouldn't face any criticism when they were older, but she worries that any future children would be of darker colouring which I thought was heartbreaking as she is such a lovely mother. Although it is uncomfortable to read from a modern perspective, it does put 18th-century America into a historical context. Belfrage makes her readers stop and think about what life was like for free-coloured people in colonial America.

Belfrage's final topic delves into domestic violence and depicts the lack of power women had in leaving an abusive marriage during this period. Belfrage has effectively portrayed the true horrors of violence through Lettie's characterisation and she also highlights the husband's advantage under the law. Lettie is a woman who wants to survive and is desperate to escape her endless tormenter, but when she dares to flee she lives in constant fear. She knows that by law she belongs to her husband, and if he finds her she has no choice but to go with him. I felt great sympathy for Lettie, she is a strong woman who has endured so much. At times, in the story, she did play the race card when addressing Erin, but I thought that was done mostly because of jealousy - she wanted a husband like Duncan, not one like Emrick.

The Time Locket Book 2: Times of Turmoil by Anna Belfrage is an amazing story that will have you flipping pages till dawn.

I Highly Recommend.

Review by Mary Anne Yarde
The Coffee Pot Book Club

Profile Image for Rowena Kinread.
Author 9 books169 followers
November 2, 2023
"Times in Turmoil" by Anna Belfrage is a thrilling historical novel that transports readers to the tumultuous year of 1718. The story follows the lives of Duncan Melville and his time-traveller wife, Erin, as they endeavour to build a peaceful existence for their twin daughters in the midst of adversity and relentless enemies.
One of the book's strongest aspects is its well-developed characters. The protagonists, Duncan and Erin, are complex and relatable, and readers will find themselves deeply invested in their journey. Erin, in particular, is a strong and resilient character who refuses to stand idly by when she witnesses a child being mistreated. Her determination to do what's right, despite the consequences, makes her a captivating and admirable character.
The novel also weaves in elements of the supernatural with the reappearance of a ghost from the past, Armand Joseph Chardon. The suspenseful twists and turns as he seeks revenge add an intriguing layer to the story, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.
Belfrage skilfully explores the challenges and dangers of the time and place, making the historical setting come to life. Erin's status as a woman of colour in a period where prejudice and discrimination were rampant adds depth to the narrative. The threats they face because of her ethnicity are portrayed with sensitivity and highlight the real struggles people faced in that era.
The book also delves into the complexities of family and relationships. Duncan's cousin seeking refuge from an abusive husband and the reappearance of Nicholas Farrell, a figure from their past, bring additional layers of tension and drama to the story. These elements add depth to the characters and the overall plot.
"Times in Turmoil" is a compelling and well-researched historical novel that combines elements of romance, suspense, and supernatural intrigue. Anna Belfrage's writing is engaging, and she skilfully balances the historical context with the personal journeys of her characters. If you enjoy immersive historical fiction with well-drawn characters and a touch of the supernatural, this book is a must-read. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love in the face of adversity, making it an unforgettable and thought-provoking read.

Profile Image for Carolyn Hughes.
Author 6 books39 followers
November 13, 2023
Time-travelling novels are not generally my favourite, but I must say that Anna Belfrage’s most recent novel, Times of Turmoil, was a terrific read! I found myself perfectly happy to accept the “magical” aspects of the story for the opportunity to read what proved a thoroughly engrossing, nail-biting and enriching tale of conflict but also love and friendship in 18th century Colonial America.

The time and place were very well drawn, the environment, dress, culture and politics of the time all seemed absolutely spot on, and I felt absolutely immersed in the period and the characters' lives. The main premise of Erin’s situation, as a coloured woman in a place and time where she was not considered by most to be an equal member of society, was handled very well. Erin, being a 21st century woman, is not entirely bowed by this, and her loyal husband Duncan is steadfast in his support of her, despite his fears. For they have several enemies, including some very unpleasant villains. Some elements of their viciousness are very nasty indeed, and the author does not shy away from showing how women of the time – not only women, of course, but perhaps particularly them – were the objects of racism and abuse.

But the story is by no means peopled only with villains, for there are plenty of good folk too. Indeed there is an extensive and rich cast of characters, family, friends and household members, some of whom undergo quite challenging changes in their outlook as the story unfolds.

Several reviewers have said that this can be read as a standalone (it is the second book in The Time Locket series). I did, and I enjoyed it, but I do think my enjoyment would have been even greater if I had read book 1, The Whirlpools of Time, first, as I would have felt more involved with Erin and Duncan, having lived through their first meeting and their coming to America. So I think I would recommend reading both books to gain full immersion in their story.

Having said that, Times of Turmoil was a thoroughly engrossing read, which I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Elizabeth John.
Author 9 books255 followers
October 2, 2023
A good historical fiction author will take the reader on a journey to the past and reveal scenes and characters that pique your interest to read the story and discover more.
A brilliant historical fiction author will take you firmly by the hand, fully immerse you into the period, and lovingly transport you to a world as real as the one you inhabit now. Anna Belfrage is such an author, and her latest work, Times of Turmoil, is a testament to her superb storytelling and authentic research. It is a disturbing novel on many accounts, for it deals with racism, slavery, abuse, and complex emotional conflict and social mores that are the foundation of many controversial divides today. At the same time, it is an enduring love story to not only tolerance, love and equality, but to the struggles of everyday women and men in the early years of America’s growth as a democracy. In both facets, the narrative is sensitive, profound, and perceptive.
I found the novel fascinating. I have said before that I love Ms. Belfrage’s voice, and it rings true in this book. Her characters are fully developed, lusty, joyful, temperamental, and, at times, funny and frightening. And although Erin, the modern-day woman of colour is an anachronism in herself as she navigates her way through 18th century Pennsylvania, she is also a crucible and a mirror to everyone who comes into her orbit.
Ms Belfrage’s ability to speak the voice of her character in all her novels—whether a 13th century lord, a 17th century farmer, or a 21st century woman time traveller—is superb, and Times of Turmoil is one of her best.
Profile Image for Charlene.
Author 28 books52 followers
October 2, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up to 5

Times of Turmoil is book 2 in The Time Locket series. I had read and reviewed book 1 back in 2021, and can honestly say that you'll have no problems falling into this new book if you haven't read the first in the series. Ms. Belfrage expertly weaves the backstory into the characters' lives in 1718.

Ms. Belfrage immerses you in time and place. Her research is impeccable, from settings, clothing, food, politics and culture.

Times or Turmoil has a number of bad guys you would want to steer clear of. Ms. Belfrage's villains are thoroughly disgusting without any redeeming characteristics, and well written. They are people you love to hate. Now I won't say any of them surprised me when they turned up in a variety of places throughout the book. You expect something bad is going to happen to the main characters (MCs), and some of it is not pretty - some is downright horrible. You feel a real sense of danger for the MCs. They'll get past one obstacle, and wham - there's another! The tension builds and you know Ms. Belfrage isn't done putting her MCs through hell.

Despite Duncan's bullheadedness, his love for Erin and understanding of the hardships she faces in the 18th century, makes him an endearing character. Erin, 21st century woman transplanted to the past, is believable and brings a wonderful perspective of the times, of the history. Their passion for each other drives the story.

Well done, Ms. Belfrage. Highly recommended.
*I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cryssa.
Author 7 books97 followers
October 2, 2023
From the opening chapter, I was on pins and needles and in a constant state of anxiety. Duncan and his wife Erin, a modern day woman of colour who was ripped from her time in book 1, have now settled with their family in early 18th century Pennsylvania. They have a wonderful home and a strong marriage, but danger is converging upon them. They're under threat from a local family after saving an indentured boy from abuse, the sons of their old nemesis are searching for them to avenge their father (bringing the fateful locket that could pull Erin and Duncan apart), and they shelter a cousin who is hiding from her abusive husband. To make matters worse, the Pennsylvanian colony is drafting legislation to ban multi-racial marriages, which will threaten their family and home. Belfrage handles the racism with honesty and through the lens of different characters, not just the villains but also through characters who we would feel some empathy for. It's nuanced and complex and thought-provoking.
Times of Turmoil is a page-turning, gripping story that never eases up. It delivers tautly paced action with wonderful characters. When I wasn't reading the book, I was worrying about how Erin and Duncan were going to make it through. It's a fantastic story and, I dare say, my favourite Anna Belfrage book so far!
Profile Image for Alison.
Author 34 books149 followers
October 12, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up to 5 stars Excellent period detail, crackling suspense and two entrancing protagonists

Anna Belfrage is such a good writer that I’m almost frightened to pick up her books as I, too, will be pulled into time travel. Her deep knowledge of the period shines through and it must be the result of thorough research. But piled on top of that is a cracking story.

In making her heroine a woman of mixed heritage in the 18th century American colonies, Belfrage could have fallen into a myriad of traps. But she has tackled a sensitive subject with panache and honesty. Erin is a courageous and steadfast character, backed up by loyal husband Duncan who equally stands no nonsense.

In Times of Turmoil, we have some nasty villains, jealous cousins, grudge-holders as well as some thoroughly decent characters and ‘old friends’ from other books by the author. But Belfrage’s characters don’t stand still. As with real people, they change and develop; some accept, others agonise, some must face the consequences of their actions, sometimes with grace, other times with fear.

An absorbing read – highly recommended.
Profile Image for Joan Fallon.
Author 35 books52 followers
October 27, 2023
This second book in the time-traveller series, The Locket, is equally as exciting and action-packed as the first. Times of Turmoil is a historical novel with a twist - the heroine, Erin, is a young woman of colour from 20th century London and has found herself in early 18th century Pennsylvania. Despite being with her husband Duncan and her two children she does not fit in, and is constantly fighting against the restrictions imposed on women at that time. This is the fast-moving story of a family trying to live a peaceful life despite the prejudices of the time and the constant fear that Erin will be abducted and sold as a slave. And another threat looms in the shadows, a time-traveller has arrived, who is determined to wreak his revenge on Duncan and his family.
Profile Image for Amy.
Author 14 books92 followers
December 20, 2023
Anna Belfrage delivers another superbly-written historical tale with book 2 of The Time Locket series, Times of Turmoil. As a fan of Ms. Belfrage’s medieval historical fiction, I was eager to discover her time-travel historical romances, and Times of Turmoil did not disappoint.

The author’s masterful command of language and rich characterizations make this novel a pleasure to read. The beautifully drawn romance between heroine Erin and hero Duncan is the beating heart of the story—and all of the twists and turns that conspire to keep the lovers apart bring nonstop conflict and tension until the thoroughly satisfying conclusion.

Ms. Belfrage has created a unique and captivating world with Times of Turmoil, and I highly recommend the read.
781 reviews
November 1, 2023
Any amazing book from Anna Belfrage. She had me hooked from the first page and I loved spending more time with Erin and Duncan. Anna is an amazing storyteller who has you turning the pages and staying up late to read just one more chapter. I highly recommend all of her books. Looking forward to more wonderful adventures from her.
Profile Image for gj indieBRAG.
1,659 reviews87 followers
January 19, 2024
We are proud to announce that TIMES OF TURMOIL (The Time Locket Book 2) by Anna Belfrage has been honored with the B.R.A.G. Medallion (Book Readers Appreciation Group). It now joins the very select award-winning, reader-recommended books at indieBRAG
Profile Image for sharlene a dering.
25 reviews1 follower
April 17, 2024
waiting for the fall

This was an excellent book. I enjoyed the continued movement from one bad moment towards another!
Bonjour mon amie Fleix
Profile Image for Patricia Furstenberg.
Author 56 books110 followers
December 20, 2023
A fascinating read.
A lasting love tale unfolds, intertwining themes of tolerance, love, and equality with the challenges faced by ordinary men and women during the formative years of America's democratic expansion. The narrative, touching on both aspects, is marked by its sensitivity, profundity, and keen perceptiveness.
Breathtaking and highly recommended if you want to lose yourself in a book.

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