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Rule Breaker #1

Rule Number Five

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I had my whole life planned out... until I met a hockey player obsessed with breaking all of my rules.

My 5 simple rules for hooking up keep me from being distracted. And now I’m so close to landing my dream internship. Nothing is going to make me break them.

Even a protective hockey player with clear grey eyes, a sharp jaw, and a body that makes my breath catch.

Until Jax wins a bet and one kiss has me breaking them all.

He Falls First
Friends with benefits
Mutual pinning

396 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 2, 2023

6,278 people are currently reading
54.4k people want to read

About the author

Jessa Wilder

27 books1,820 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,221 reviews
Profile Image for Maditales.
624 reviews32.9k followers
July 3, 2023
This book was going to be 2 stars but then he started growling like a dog
Profile Image for nikki.
749 reviews491 followers
June 2, 2023
Umm hello this book had no right to be this good y'all. It gave boy obsessed. It gave "he fell first and harder." It gave absolute fucking perfection. I honestly hadn't expected to like JaxSidney so much but goddamn if I'm not utterly in love with them at this point. Jax had me so soft with his swoonworthy ways ngl. The way he treated Sid's heart with so much care and love...LIKE GAWSH GET ME A MAN LIKE THAT OKURRR😩 Also Sidney, my baby...my heart hurt for her so fucking much. It's a different kind of pain to have a fear of abandonment/abandonment issues and see yourself so greatly in a character. To see her do the same things that you would, only to protect yourself from heartbreak. But I'm so glad that these two finally got their much deserved HEA. That they fought for each other in the end. Overall, this book was undoubtedly a 5⭐️ read and I'm so, so glad that I was given an ARC of this beauty😍❤️

P.S. The way Miss Jessa teased us about Mia's book? And the fact that it's gonna be a ménage and not a love triangle??? A FUCKING MÉNAGE FFS!!! I AM DECEASED AND I AM NOT OKAY AND I NEED THEIR BOOK LIKE RIGHT FUCKING NOW PURRRR😙💅🏻

*Thank you to Jessa Wilder for providing me with an ARC🤎
Profile Image for CassDamm.
643 reviews101 followers
February 15, 2023
3.5 🌟

Honestly, it was better than the majority of what I have read lately. Im on a janky book streak I think.
My biggest issues with the books were personal preference type issues, not issues with the writing or story overall.

I hate when at the end of a book a couple splits up for months without talking and then suddenly gets back together because they can’t live without eachother.
They were literally broken up longer than they were together and I don’t consider that a real HEA. I get a couple days maybe a week or 2, but months? No.

Also, the dramatic ending to why they get back together was ridiculous. Punching her dad? Give me a break.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for RavenOfTheSea.
126 reviews131 followers
February 7, 2023
We were two trains heading toward each other until their inevitable crash. Unable to stop, no matter how hard they break, the impact leaving the wreckage of us.

I am entirely and passionately captivated by Jax. He was nothing like I expected but everything I didn’t know I needed! He wasn’t the usual cocky, player that most college pro-sport mcs are. Instead, he had his own identity, his struggles, and dreams and along with his teasing smiles and confidence, he won over both Sidney (fmc) and me!

This was a slow burn of a doomed, intense attraction between two mcs with big dreams, that were not in the space of mind to sacrifice or compromise their dream lives for each other. Was I frustrated at times with both of them? Yes. But their struggles were genuine, justifiable obstacles that could occur when the right people meet at the wrong time. The low-angst played a big part in the plot as did their chemistry. This couple had a very tender push-and-pull and along with their playful banter, their relationship impossible to resist.

Jax was what you could call a golden retriever mmc with a slight possessive trait. He adjusted his needs, his life for Sid, and bravely put his heart out there. If Jax wasn’t that specific, glorious way, I am pretty confident their relationship would’ve failed.

Sidney, had me struggling a bit. I had that tense need to shake her. However, I admire her hard work, her devotion and her royalty. Sid’s past had left a big stain on her present. Gradually but beautifully, the intensity of her scars and insecurities is revealed. In retrospect, Sid planned her future and reacted to the world around her and to Jax in the most genuine for her way, even if it led to self-sabotageand wreckage.

It was a cute story of two lovely characters attempting to live their lives and feel for each other, sprinkled with a generous amount of soft-angst. I would love to read the story of Mia, Alex, and River. These three had me in a chokehold -especially River- and we only got crumbs, so fingers crossed for their book.

ARC Review

Did I like it? Yeap.
Would I reread it? Sure.
Profile Image for Olivia Hildebrandt.
53 reviews2 followers
March 11, 2023
No, just no. I had such good expectations for this book. And this sucked. They hyped up in the beginning how hard school was and blah blah blah but then never touched on it again. They also hyped up getting a reference letter from this hard ass prof. But IT WAS NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN does she get the letter and pass the class. Who knows!!

I also still have no idea if the hockey team was apart of the school or outside of the school. No clue. The parts on hockey were bland and surface level, when there was a full ass championship that they won but NEVER went into detail about. There was so much potential to use the championship as a focal point in the book and it was wasted.

The whole thing was jumpy especially at the end, with all the time jumps and shit. It bounced around the entire book and logistically it didn’t add up. How do you have a hard ass class. Plus 4 others. And a job etc etc. And still spend every second together. It doesn’t make sense. It was so surface level I cannot even explain. ALSO there is no way you can punch someone out - get cut from a NHL team and then find your way onto another.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Claire.
245 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2023
2.5 ⭐️‘s
This featured an unhealthy number of pages that mentioned the main characters either biting or licking their own lips in what I assume is meant to be an endearing/sexy habit.
Unfortunately, it comes across as annoying… nobody actually does this that often without constantly having chapped lips. It was pointed out so often, I was rolling my eyes on every other page. Yawn.
Profile Image for Natalie Elsholz.
86 reviews
February 15, 2023
I tried not to DNF but I had to. This book is so cheesy in the worst way. I made it to 60% and there were so many times when I found myself wondering why I was even still trying to finish the book.
Profile Image for Tori - Novel Life.
1,524 reviews1,777 followers
May 23, 2023
4.5 Stars

OH, THE RULESSSSSS!! This was such a delight to read. I loved so much of this book. I loved the cheesy pickup lines at the beginning. I love the CARETAKING in the middle and I loved the declaration of love at the end. UGH
Profile Image for samantha ఌ.
300 reviews452 followers
March 26, 2023
Mehhh. Their third act breakup lasted longer than their actual relationship.
Profile Image for ❀ Rose ❀.
344 reviews234 followers
May 24, 2023
🔹 Overall feelings:
〰 I had to fight the urge to DNF this on so many occasions. This is a fairly short book, and the synopsis promised me a mix of all of my favorite tropes. Unfortunately however, this really didn’t work for me.

🔹 The plot:
〰 Kind of nonexistent to be honest. Right off the bat, let me tell you that we have an insta-love situation. Obviously they don’t say the three magic words until the very end of the novel but somehow, they become obsessed with each other the second they meet. I personally didn’t know this going into the book, otherwise I might have made the decision not to pick it up.

〰 At the very beginning of the story the main plot is that Sid just got accepted at an internship in Parliament that she’s super excited about. However, she needs a third letter of recommendation from her professors to cement her position. She meets Jax one night and finds out a few days later that they’re in the same class. This class is supposedly one of the absolute hardest classes you could take and we get this big speech by the “professor” about how half the class will be failing. To give them more of an incentive to study however, he promises his top three students a personalized letter of recommendation; something that Sidney desperately needs. The story is then propelled forward by Sid getting a B- on her first quiz in that class and Jax getting an A and promising to help her study. Thus, their relationship begins… only problem is: Sidney has 5 rules and her most important one is that she doesn’t date hockey players.

🔹 The Romance:
〰 Besides the insta love, this did not work for me for many reasons, which is definitely a problem seeing as the ‘relationship development’ was the only thing happening in this book. You’ll learn more about why I wasn’t into this in the following sections.

🔹 Characters:
〰 For starters, one thing I absolutely hate is when an average Joe is made out to be this incredibly unattainable guy that somehow all the girls want. Jax is legit made into such a big deal and for absolutely no reason which made me feel like his whole character was cringe at times. Manz acts like a celebrity already even though he’s still in college and not even in the NHL yet… I mean that literally by the way. At the very beginning of the book he’s even described to ‘put on a beanie and grab sunglasses’ to be able to walk around ‘unrecognized’. Bro what💀 Worst part is that every single girl he meets immediately hits on him and wants to get with him and I’m just left wondering why the hell this was necessary? I think it was done to show us that he’s truly uninterested in other women but I hate when authors use the “other women” trope to prove to us how into the heroine the guy really is. Can’t he prove his interest in another way? Anyway, it was an added cringe factor to me to be honest. Moving on…

〰 I actually read a lot of reviews saying that they hated her. Surprisingly, I didn’t mind her all that much. She just fell a bit flat for me and annoyed me a few times but other than that, there’s nothing really worth noting about her.

Both Characters :
〰Frankly, we kind of know nothing about them as individuals. Right off the bat they act as if they know everything about each other but truth is, we don’t really get to see a fleshed out version of this “development”. I genuinely don’t know much about them besides the fact that she wants to work in politics and he wants to be a hockey player. I don’t even know where the hell Jax’s dad is. He’s literally never, not even once, mentioned in the book. What’s going on with him? He mentions seeing his mom *once* and then we completely forget about her. He doesn’t even mention talking to her on the phone. Sigh, I hate absent parents in books. It just doesn’t feel realistic. Finally, maybe I missed it but I would have loved to know what part of Canada they’re in. Maybe it’s my Canadian side showing but we don’t really get many books set in Canada so when we do, I love to get all the deets on that lol. Anyway, let’s talk about the part that bothered me the most about this book…

🔹 The Inconsistencies:
Holy crap, is it me or were there so many things that just didn’t make sense or didn’t add up in here? Here’s a few examples:

〰 Right off the bat, we get this scene with Sid visiting her mom’s grave (something that’s never mentioned again by the way). Anyway, she begins by saying how her mom got into an accident 8 years ago. Two seconds later, she says ”She’d left me five years ago, and there was nothing I could do about it.” Ummm… I’m confused? Is she talking about someone else here or was her mom in a coma for three years or what? Did I miss something? Who knows honestly. She does mention later on however that her mom died in a car accident and that Sid was with her in the car… and that when she woke up in the hospital, her mom was already gone… so I know that the coma thing is out of the question.

〰 Another inconsistency: Jax’s dad. At the beginning of the book, Jax mentions once that ”It’s just [him] and [his] parents. [His parents] have been together for almost thirty years now.” This is all fine and dandy except, the only time Jax mentions his parents again he says that he “was leaving to spend spring break with [his] mom. He later on mentions to Sidney how his mom is excited to meet her and that she will be seeing her at graduation. Again, maybe I just missed something but is it me or did the dad completely disappear? Wasn’t he supposedly a happily married guy of thirty years?🥲

〰 If you think we’re done with the inconsistencies, think again and hold on because this one is my personal favorite. A while after Sidney and Jax start growing closer, they’re at this dinner thing with friends when Jax says that he knows everything that there is to know about Sid. The latter obviously says that that couldn’t possibly be true so he dares her to pick three questions and he’ll answer them all correctly. I was expecting some deep or hard-ass questions that will show that they’ve known each other for like two seconds and that will ensure she wins the game. The first question however was—brace yourselves— “What’s my favorite color”… and again, no I’m not joking. Anyway, this is fine but then we get to the second question he’s not supposed to get and homegirl hits us with the “what’s my favorite food”. And jax says this: “She’ll eat pretty much anything, but her favorite is chocolate croissants.” It was a guess, but it was right.” Now, this might have been a cute coincidence to show that he’s been paying attention but let me tell you one thing; it sure as hell was not a “guess”. Wanna know why? Because she literally flat out told him that at the beginning of the book.
This was the exact quote (they’re talking about their favorite foods, Jax says his fav is his hometown pizza and Sid says “For me, it’s warmed-up chocolate croissants.”
So please tell me, was I supposed to be impressed that he got the answer right? Because the only thing I’m impressed by is the fact that both main characters managed to forget this entire conversation even happened lmao. And to think that Sid and all their friends were impressed that he got the answers right 💀 I can’t y’all, I really can’t.

🔹 Other Small Things I Didn’t Like:
〰 How the MCs were supposedly getting to know each other for months and yet Carter never knew that her dad is a hocky coach.

〰 How Sidney never actually communicated with Carter about her relationship with her dad or why she even has her “no dating hockey players” rule.

〰 The incredibly stupid in-person interview at parliament where the literal only question Sidney gets asked before getting the job is “what makes you want to get into politics?”. Again, I’m not joking. If only I have such good luck landing great internship positions like her… Funny thing is, I’m literally in Ottawa too and let me tell you: it is absolutely not this easy to land such a position here🥲

〰 The supposedly super hard class that’s made into a huge deal at the beginning of the book but that we somehow completely forget about halfway through the book.

〰 The supposedly incredibly important letter of reference that she needs from her professor that we once again, completely forget about until the very end where she mentions that she’s “99% sure” that she’s top of her class and that she got the letter in the bag.

〰 The fact that this girl is somehow able to balance this super hard class, her other classes and a job all the while spending all her time with her boo. Seriously, I admire her because I, myself, am a college student and 99% of my time I feel like I can barely keep up (and please keep in mind that I still don’t have a job at the moment).

〰 The fact that we don’t know how she ended up dealing with her dad.

〰 The fact that Jax was somehow able to switch teams like that. Seriously, what? In what world is that something that would actually happen (especially after he got filmed punching his coach in the face). He’s literally a rookie too…

🔹 Final thoughts:
〰 This is literally such a long review for no reason oh my God. I definitely wasn’t planning on writing such an in-depth review but I guess I was more bored than I originally thought (even though I have an exam later today and should be studying). Oh well, guess I learned something from our girl Sidney here. Anyway, I know this might seem like such an incredibly mean review but I swear I don’t mean for it to seem like that. Actually, I really do think that the author is talented. Her writing style is good. However, I think she would benefit a lot from getting beta-readers and editors. Even still, I honestly think that many people might still love this book which is why I won’t tell you not to read it. I’m just a nit-picky reader and I tend to really notice small inconsistencies, especially since they annoy the crap out of me😅 Anyway, happy reading you guys💕

🔹 Tropes:
❣️Hockey romance
❣️College Romance (NA)
❣️Insta-love (in my opinion at least)
Profile Image for addy.
73 reviews34 followers
July 6, 2023
so i totally just binged this entire book on KU in like 6 hours. i was ITCHING for a good hockey romance and this scratched it perfectly lol, i absolutely adored all the characters and the writing was really good! id write more but it’s literally 3 am 💀
Profile Image for Cheyenne .
275 reviews784 followers
January 5, 2024
Jax was way too good for her. Like trying to court a nun.
Profile Image for Darlene I read WAY to many books.
3,570 reviews2,193 followers
June 6, 2023
3.5 ⭐️

This is the first time for me, and I really enjoyed it. This was a slowish burn.. I do wish we got to see them date more.. then be in the friendzone.

Let's go back. Jax met Sid at a party, and he was already smitten, but when Sid found out he was a hockey player, she put them breaks on. She has rules, and one is no hockey players and we find out why she has that rule, but that doesn't stop Jax when they share a class together. My heart just burst that she was the one struggling in class, and Jax was acting it he was smart, and that's how the next "bet" and friendship started. Jax helped her study and still flirted and made his move it didn't matter about Sids rules.
The relationship sorta became friends with some benefits they never officially called themselves a couple since Sid kept that wall up. There relationship was up and down but when they finally pushed for a real try Jax does mess up and they break up, he doesn't understand why she wouldn't fight for them until he meets the reason.
We do get a 2 month separation and reunion.. I do wish we had more when they got back together. The end felt a little rushed.

We also get some good side-charas. Idk whats up with Alex and Raven with Sid bff Mia 3some? Or love Trang, hopefully it's a 3some!!

Low angst, Slight ow/om drama (fangirls and some guys), no cheating, secondary characters, sexy times, no virgins (both had past)

Heat level-🌶🌶🌶

Push away from h
Mentions death (family/friend)
Tiny Exhibitionism
Seperation 2 months
Profile Image for 1000_books_1000_lives.
413 reviews38 followers
February 26, 2023
Jax Ryder might just be the sweetest book boyfriend ever penned!! If you like “he falls first/ he falls harder” this is perfection!! Seriously I loved this story! It’s a spicy hocky romance that’s more romance than hockey but that doesn’t stop it being amazing. I would have liked some more ice action though.
Profile Image for Clairsreads.
354 reviews19 followers
January 13, 2025
Back in my hockey romance era and this one has been highly anticipated after my girl @britt had been raving about the third book in this series I knew it was time to take the plunge.

Sidney has five rules when it comes to men, Jax is determined to break them all. When they meet for the first time playboy hot shot hockey player Jax is turned down for the first time in his life by Sidney. When they two wind up in a crucial class together not only does the time near each other lead to further tension and a blossoming relationship but feelings that neither of them expected or thought they could handle.

Sidney and Jax have both experienced excruciating loss in their lives and because of that handle closeness with another human being so differently. Sidney’s walls are sky high and Jax is just hopeless for someone to love him and help him find his way out of the dark. These two beautifully broken people truly found each other when they needed it the most but the saying “right person wrong time” weighed heavily on both of them until it was too much to handle.

Both Sidney and Jax went through growth in this book that was so beautiful but also broke my heart. The way they loved one another and the raw emotion they expressed had me literally sobbing. This man was the perfect example of “down bad” in a burly obsessed golden retriever type way. IF HE WANTED TO, HE WOULD.

Very intrigued to get into Piper and Lucas’ story as I know we’re going back in time a little bit? And then right around the corner we have a why choose situation thats been heavily hinted at that I can’t wait to dive into.
108 reviews
April 28, 2023

it’s all my fault tbh

- i saw this book on SO SO SO many ig reels over the past month and that convinced me that it HAD to be good
- i believed the 4 star reviews on goodreads
- i decided to look past the shirtless guy cover which usually i don’t even care about
- i kept reading bc it was sooo fast paced, but the writing was subpar
- i decided the read the spice AND THATS WHEN IT HAPPENED… no spice had even occurred yet AND HE SPIT IN HER MOUTH


no thank you, not for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,975 reviews2,346 followers
February 9, 2023
Get it here:
Amazon US * Amazonn UK

I do wish there were some sub-plots in the story that were expanded on a bit more, but overall this was a cute story. I liked that it was Jax chasing after Sidney and the sweetness of their connection had me smiling almost the entire time.
Profile Image for dani.
266 reviews
May 23, 2023
jax did sydney’s laundry while she was bedridden, took her to watch her favorite play, brought her coffee to every one of their study dates without fail, etc. and i’m meant to lower my standards that are already residing in hell anyway? please!

jax was quite literally bending backwards for sydney to give him a chance. he was such a loser—i loved him! he was so, so sweet and attentive that i couldn’t help but want to reach through my kindle and throttle sydney for pushing him away, but she was understandably jaded so i can’t fault her either.

this was such a fun, fast-paced (more boy-obsessed than anything), and sensual read!
Profile Image for ✧₊⁺⋆natalia⋆⁺₊✧.
102 reviews7 followers
November 16, 2024

nie byla to perfekcyjna ksiazka, ale czytalo mi sie ja dobrze, szybko i przyjemnie✨ dlugosc idealna na jeden/dwa wieczory.

momentami brakowalo mi opisu pobocznych watkow, wiecej o pozostalych bohaterach oraz mialam wrazenie, ze jest duza powtarzalnosc wydarzen. chcialabym przeczytac tez wiecej powaznych rozmow o zyciu pomiedzy sidney i jaxem, jakim cudem przez kilka miesiecy relacji nie poruszyli tematu czym zajmuje sie jej ojciec? tak samo bylam ciekawa rodziny jaxa i jego przyjaciela marcusa.

polubilam glownych bohaterow, szczegolnie jaxa🔥

spicy sceny dobrze opisane, bez cringe’u🌶️

bardzo chetnie przeczytam w przyszlosci kolejny tom z tej serii o innych bohaterach.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,842 reviews1,356 followers
February 10, 2023

I ate this book up.

He falls first. She is scared. The freaking angst of knowing they have a time limit but watching them fall. It literally had such good tension and banter, they had amazing chemistry, and the steam was so good!!

Were there some things I wish would have been developed more maybe some repetition remove? Sure. Didn’t it stop my love of all things Jax and Sydney. No. Not one freaking bit.

I am desperately hoping she is going to write the next couple.

Profile Image for пустунка .
294 reviews9 followers
January 14, 2024
ще один хокейний роман у скарбничку. книжка непогана, читається легко й швидко. герої милі та кумедні. часом було дуже гаряче.

на жаль, у героїні лишилася травма після батька, яка їй заважала весь час рухатися далі. але я рада, що вона змогла з цим впоратися, адже це заважало їй щасливо жити, а натомість створювати правила, аби не повторювати помилок батьків.

Джекс себе поводив гідно і навіть не лажав, за це йому плюсик у карму.

Profile Image for kaden ⚝.
137 reviews205 followers
April 6, 2023
new hockey boyfriend unlocked ✔. why didn't I read this book sooner?!?? y'all he read her favourite book !!!!!
"It’s not a sacrifice to love you. It’s a fucking privilege.” 
Profile Image for queen_of_the_books_18.
869 reviews234 followers
February 15, 2023
Not every love story is forever.

Rule number five was an unexpected top read of the year for me!

Hockey ✔️
College ✔️
Angsty ✔️
He falls first ✔️

If I can’t have forever, please don’t take away now.

Jax was everything I want and more in a book boyfriend and the butterflies I experienced while reading this book were unreal.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,221 reviews

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