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We Kept Her in the Cellar

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There are always two sides to a story. This dark and twisted reimagining of Cinderella, told from her stepsister's POV, is perfect for fans of T. Kingfisher and Naomi Novik.

Eunice lives her life by three simple rules: One, always refer to Cinderella as family. Two, never let Cinderella gain access to rats or mice. Three, never look upon Cinderella between the hours of twelve and three a.m.

Cinderella has dark and terrifying powers. As her stepsister, Eunice is expected to care for her and keep the family’s secret. For years, Eunice has faithfully done so. Her childhood flew by in a blur of nightmares, tears, and near-misses with the monster living in the cellar. But when she befriends the handsome Prince Credence and secures an invitation to the ball, Eunice is determined to break free.

When her younger sister, Hortense, steps up to care for Cinderella, Eunice grabs her chance to dance the night away—until Cinderella escapes. With her eldritch powers, Cinderella attends the ball and sweeps Prince Credence off his feet, leaving behind a trail of carnage and destruction as well as a single green glass slipper.

With Cinderella unleashed, Eunice must determine how much of herself she is willing to sacrifice in order to stop Cinderella. Unsettling and macabre at every turn, this page-turning horror will bewitch horror fans and leave its readers anxiously checking the locks on their cellar doors.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published September 24, 2024

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W.R. Gorman

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 150 reviews
Profile Image for Jamie *Currently on Vacation*.
330 reviews284 followers
July 5, 2024
Cinderella meets H.P. Lovecraft. I really think the author missed an opportunity by not calling this book CinderCthulhu, because, I mean, c'mon … that title basically writes itself! But, anyway, this novel is weird and unhinged and gross and I think I probably liked it? It's not my usual type of read (I love horror but it doesn't usually involve tentacles) but overall it was pretty entertaining.

This book is a strange juxtaposition of fairy tale and cosmic horror. One moment you're reading about a ball thrown by a handsome prince, and the next … BAM! … tentacles all over the place. While the storyline does vaguely follow that of the original Cinderella (stepsisters, mice, ball, prince, etc.), it is overall a very different story. Really, if Cinderella had been named something else and glass slippers hadn't been involved, I don't know that I would have immediately recognized it as a retelling. It's certainly nothing like the Disney version – there are no cute cartoon mice or fairy godmothers to be found here.

But, yeah, it's dark. It's creepy. It's gross … so very, very gross. This book is not for the squeamish and not just because of the tentacles. There's rot and death and mutilation and gore and violence.

There were times when the story felt a little YA-ish, probably mostly due to the fact that it's narrated in the first person from a teenage girl's point of view. I don't mind a good YA read so it didn't really bother me, but it's something to be aware of if you're not into such things.

I'm honestly not sure what else to say about this book without spoilers. It's Cinderella, it's Lovecraftian, and it's completely demented. I wasn't particularly surprised by how the climax of the story played out but it was entertaining enough. And the very end? Completely unexpected (and kind of disgusting), but I can't say that there are many books that have left me shaking my head the way that this one did!

My overall rating: 3.65 stars, rounded up. If you like cosmic horror and/or fairy tale retellings, definitely consider giving this one a read.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review. Its expected publication date is September 24, 2024.
Profile Image for Dona.
864 reviews123 followers
September 30, 2024
This one is grotesque and delightful!

Full review:

Regardless of the notes I share below, this is one of my favorite horror books of the year so far! Horror fans can't go wrong here.

The author's style in this one was not my favorite, but the story and monster are awesome. I enjoyed this very out of the box translation of my favorite fairy tale, but Gorman did not preserve much of the original story beyond the name and structure of the family. This book's monster, named Cinderella, bore no resemblance at all to the original character of the same name. So I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't feel any of the story I loved here.

However, considered as a horror story that has nothing to do with the original fairy tale, it fairly blew my mind. I loved the rats. I loved the monster. I really could not wait to see what happened next as I read.

And even though I did not like the florid style (so purple!) Gorman chose for this book, her handling of fiction elements and techniques is impressive. This is a well-built story with well developed characters. I appreciate deeply that she evolves the monster. Static monsters aren't scary!

Reading Notes:

Three (or more) things I loved:

1. I love the rules for caring for Cinderella. This whole concept is a truly entertaining and mysterious reimagining of my favorite fairy tale. *edit the rules governing the monster get a little preposterous. We also never get any explanation about how this monster came to be or how Mr. Father figured out how to care for it.

2. Dang the monster in this is so creepy! The Thing meets The Exorcist!

3. I love that this little girl, the narrator, is terrified more of the workings of her own imagination than she is of her new sister. It really ratchets up the tension and complicates these already interesting characters.

4. The plot is awesome and so suspenseful! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Gorman utilizes foreshadowing brilliantly.

5. Whoa I did not see that turn coming, but it is well plotted!

6. This is a really good execution of first person POV. The narrating character is mindful and aware of herself and her surroundings, so she can provide a lot of details and share insights on the story.

Three (or less) things I didn't love:

This section isn't only for criticisms. It's merely for items that I felt something for other than "love" or some interpretation thereof.

1. There's a great deal of unintended repetition. This should have been caught by editors, in my opinion.

2. The diction waffles back and forth between average contemporary and over proper high English, presumably to mimic original fairy tales. The effect is disjointed and inaccessible.

Rating: 🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌/5 monsters in the cellar
Recommend? Yes!
Finished: Sep 28 '24
Format: Digital arc, Kindle
Read this book if you like:
👻 ghost stories
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 family stories, family drama
👭🏽 teenage girl friendships
💇‍♀️ women's coming of age
😵 curses

Thank you to the author W. R. Gorman,  publishers HighBridge Audio, and NetGalley for an advance audiobook copy of WE KEPT HER IN THE CELLAR. All views are mine.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,654 reviews243 followers
September 23, 2024
Wow. I love fairy tale retellings, but I feel like this is almost its own genre. It’s a bit like Wicked meets H.P. Lovecraft a perfect blending of horror with just a touch of fantasy. This story is told from the perspective of Eunice, of of Cinderella’s two stepsisters but what if Cinderella wasn’t mistreated because of her new family’s cruelty but to contain the monstrous nature of Cinderella? Eunice is 11 when her new stepfather and stepsister arrive and she quickly needs to learn the rules. She lives her life to help keep the secret of Cinderella and keep everyone safe by following the rules. But nothing stays the same for everything and the night of the ball will change everything. This book was creepy and wonderfully horrific and I definitely will want to read more from this author. I hope they tackle more fairy tales, bringing even more horror than the original tales. I listened to the audiobook and I really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Esme.
731 reviews27 followers
September 26, 2024
*absolute chef's kiss*

You will never look at Cinderella the same way again after reading this. This is very much a gruesome, and twisted book that's out of my usual horror comfort zone but I absolutely LOVED it. The writing was excellent, the characters were all great and the plot was just *chef's kiss*. It will not be for everyone, I'm being so serious when I say this book is dark and beyond messed up in some parts but if you can stomach this kind of horror, I recommend it 5000x over.

Pure perfection of a horror honestly, I loved it so much! Can't wait to read more from this author!

audiobook was a 10/10

thank you Netgalley and the publishers for a copy if the audiobook in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Horror Reads.
490 reviews197 followers
May 31, 2024
This is a gruesome, bloody retelling of Cinderella. In this case, Cinderella is a cosmic monstrosity, appearing as a beautiful young woman in her human form but what lies beneath is horrific and terrifying.

Told from the perspective of Eunice, one of her stepsisters, this story pretty much follows the fairytale but we are privy to what's going on behind the scenes. Upon arrival, Cinderella must be locked in the cellar. Her father explains about the rules they all must follow so she cannot escape.

And we'll witness what happens when those rules aren't followed. There's going to be blood and a lot of it when Cinderella changes to her true eldritch form. Her thirst for pain and violence is unquenchable.

Everything you think you know about this child's fairytale will be forever changed after reading this novel.

It's beautifully written, has lots of body/cosmic horrors, and is absolutely frightening. I highly recommend it.

I received an ARC of this book through Netgalley with no consideration. This review is voluntary and is my own personal opinion.
Profile Image for BONNIE SMITH.
172 reviews16 followers
September 26, 2024
A delightful and horrific Cinderella retelling was not something I expected in my life.

But here we are, and I'm tickled that I clicked "request" on my NetGalley page.

In this retelling there are just a few rules one must follow while being the caretaker for Cinderella:
One, always refer to Cinderella as family.
Two, never let Cinderella gain access to rats or mice.
Three, never look upon Cinderella between the hours of twelve and three a.m.

Eunice, her stepsister is the FMC and the lead caretaker. But when she has the opportunity to go to a ball, she shrugs off her responsibilities to another... and all fairytale hell breaks loose.

This is just one fun, twisted ride. If you are a fairytale fan, but would like a spooky twist (and don't mind some gore) give this a chance. It was just released on September 24th- just in time for the fall-halloween- season! I listened to the audio version and the narration was fantastic!

Thank you to NetGalley and Highbridge audio for the opportunity to listen and review in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Coffee&Cliffhangers.
126 reviews70 followers
June 17, 2024
We Kept Her in the Cellar is an interesting retelling of Cinderella with a Lovecraftian spin. I was all in for a dark and twisted fairytale
The story is told theough the eldest sister Eunice whose mother marries a man with a daughter named Cinderella. But Cinderella wasn't a normal girl, she had evil powers, ravaged mice, and couldn’t be looked on between midnight and three. Eunice is in charge of caring for Cinderella as well as protecting the family from Cinderella. But when Cinderella is invited to the ball things go horribly wrong, and it is a battle for who will survive.
we kept her in the cellar

To me this story read like a YA book, aside from the graphic gore. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it in the end, but I can say it was memorable and I haven’t stopped thinking about it. I really wish we were told more about Cinderellas power’s and what she actually was. If you are into fairytale retelling’s with a gory twist this may be what you are looking for. I would definitely read book 2.
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,553 reviews69 followers
June 17, 2024
What do you get when you mix Cinderella with Cosmic Horror? You get a gloriously gruesome fairy tale! What a story!

Oh, this is DARK. While there are a few touches of humor here and there, the author has given us Horror with a capital H.

I also love the fact that this is a decidedly non-Disney Cinderella – the author includes all the gruesome bits we love.

A wonderfully entertaining and very squirmy read!

• ARC via Publisher
Profile Image for Me, My Shelf, & I.
1,103 reviews160 followers
July 21, 2024
I had to go back and check after the first few chapters to make sure I was really reading a debut. I instantly thought that it had a distinct voice and perspective, but was also impressed with how quickly and seamlessly the book was able to set up the rules of the world and start seeding details for later plotbeats.

This story answers the question of 'wtf could be the explanation for the series of events in the original Cinderella story' if the stepsister was the hero and was actually behaving rationally. And I think it overall accomplishes its goal.

I did feel a little foolish that it took me so long to recognize the specific Disney Cinderella influences, vs the original Grimm ones. But I think that just speaks to how well integrated and natural they felt within this story.

While the story is fairly tame for the first 20-25% or so, the body horror and other horror elements goes straight to 11/10 pretty rapidly. There wasn't a trigger warning page in my arc but I sincerely hope there will be by the time this releases. Cause dear lord.

Does the ~dog die?:

Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for providing me an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Lexi.
624 reviews425 followers
June 23, 2024

🦄 Horror fairy tale retelling
📖 Novella/easy read
🩸 Gore
👾 Lovecraftian monsters
💒 Minimal romance

We Kept Her in the Cellar is a weird little retelling with a simple premise. What if the entire Cinderella story was basically exactly the same beat for beat on paper, only theres something going on in the background. Imagine watching the Disney classic, but one of the ugly stepsisters ends up opening her mouth and saying "look, all of this happened because Cinderella is a monster beyond human comprehension"?

Eunice has lived her entire life knowing that Cinderella is a monster. That she can control rats and mice, bend reality to her will, and even eat people's minds. But Cinderella has rules. You must listen to family. Chores placate her. And don't you dare look upon her at midnight.

I was so impressed with how this book bended the plot points of the original legend to fit the books premise. It was all so skillfully done with quite a lot of attention to detail to thread every element of the story in and add horrific implications.

Eunice is a wonderful and incredibly likable heroine that is easy to get attached to in around 200 pages. I was also taken with the rest of Cinderella's so called "evil" family- W.R. Gorman has very charming prose that beckon the characters right off the page. Cinderella made my skin crawl, I truly was rooting against her at every angle.

Much like T Kingfisher, this fantasy horror has quite a few elements of both- It is not a strict horror and makes a strong attempt to build and play off of a fantasy world- but those moments of darkness rival even the most terrifying tradition horror story.

We Kept Her in the Cellar is a very short and easy read that will absolutely appeal to people who love villain origin stories and "villain side of the stories". This is probably my new favorite in a sea of really great Cinderella retellings I have read.
Profile Image for always reading ashley.
316 reviews11 followers
June 6, 2024
This was fantastic! I loved everything about this dark and unsettling, twisted Cinderella retelling. I loved the writing style; it was compelling and full of intrigue that had me hooked from the first page. The pacing was excellent and kept everything moving along at the perfect speed. The world-building was terrific. I loved how she used the original tale and built upon it. And the character development was absolutely superb. I highly recommend this to horror fans, and I think this is perfect for fans of T. Kingfisher, more specifically their retellings. 
Profile Image for Tori Peiler.
265 reviews42 followers
June 22, 2024
5⭐️!!! Holy hell that was so good! A dark fairy tale horror retelling of Cinderella. This is a mix of horror and fantasy. But don’t be fooled if you’re only a fantasy reader, this is HEAVY on the horror!

I loved every second of this! This is an arc that comes out in September (got it on Netgalley) and it is a MUST read if you’re into fantasy retellings and are a horror reader. It’s compared to T. kingfisher, but I think this was sooo much better than the one I read by that author.

I will definitely read more by this author!!
Profile Image for Tucker  Almengor.
1,014 reviews1,681 followers
October 3, 2024
★4.51 stars★

everyone knows the story of a girl who escaped her cruel stepsisters to the ball and lived happily ever after... or do they?

in this horrifying, bloody tale, Gorman weaves a fresh and brilliant spin on a tired classic. i was hooked from page one and there were scenes that had me genuinely wanting to plug my ears (audiobook) because it was so gross. i loved it. highly recommend
Profile Image for Louisa.
7,988 reviews85 followers
June 30, 2024
THis was such a great read, I loved the twist on the fairy tale, it was so good!
Profile Image for Jenna   .
59 reviews3 followers
September 28, 2024
Ty to NetGalley and publishers for the Audiobook ARC!

The queen of darkness, of stars, of rotting and all things lovely. Long live the queen!

Format: ARC Audiobook
Plot/world building: ✔️
Well rounded characters: ✔️
Romance: light
Daaaaaaark fairytale retelling
Eldritch horror ✨
*self mutilation trigger warning*
47/50 📚


What if Cinderella were evil and not her step sisters? Cinderella, being kept in the cellar, has specific rules she must adhere to with her family. That is, until she gets the opportunity to escape and runs straight to the royal family.

Rules for keeping the family safe against Cinderella ✨

Always refer to Cinderella as family
Do not let Cinderella near rats and mice
Never look upon Cinderella between 12 AM to 3 AM.

The good:

- It was a really quick story with a spin off Cinderella horror plot!

- Her powers were so cool and interesting.

- I totally think that Cinderella might be a fae like her dad had said.

- Eunice is very secretive in childhood, eavesdropping to get information. I didn't expect how cute and weird Hortence would be, even with the bugs.

- It was like Grim's fairytales but Eunice and Hortence weren't evil.


- The delirium was written so well when she has a fever.

I love how Cinderella's voice was always described as stars.


The bad:

- It has a bit of a slow start, but every bit is necessary to Eunice's story and Cinderella's.

- I wish we knew exactly what kind of creature Cinderella is. I know her father says her mom might be fae, but she's also got witchy qualities too and I'm so curious.

- How does Cinderella talk about other worlds if she's never been to them?

- The power scale? It seemed like she had one power, then two, then three and four... With no drawbacks at all. Teleportation, shadows, then she gets wings, and growth (the pumpkin). Dream manipulation, taking the energy of other's to recharge.

- The portal opened to get Cinderella to the ball. Eunice never asked but can she go to other worlds? Why couldn't she have escaped before?

- Near the end, why didn't Cinderella want Eunice to look upon her during that time?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica Gleason.
Author 29 books70 followers
September 24, 2024
I am skeptical about fairy tale retellings. There are so many, and I completely understand that oversaturation is a result of initial success of a trope/genre. So, I went into this one with some reservations.

The book, however, surprised and delighted me. It takes the Cinderella story and turns it inside out which is definitely the mark of a good retelling. But, what I liked most was that it was horror. It's gruesome and gory and Cinderella's unfathomable nature and tentacle affinity was a delight.

The story is full of frustration and devastation and really lets that horror sing. It's marketed as fantasy and Cinderella is presumably part fae but we can't ignore the cosmic nature of her design.
Profile Image for Michelle Graf.
268 reviews27 followers
August 8, 2024
Thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the ARC.

A eldritch, body horror retelling of Cinderella, you get exactly what you pay for. This is gnarly, no one is safe from Cinderella. I loved how the author fit each aspect of the story into her twisted world. A little slow at the start, but once it got going, I couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Ellie.
267 reviews874 followers
October 2, 2024
an excellent and gory retelling of Cinderella that i am ALL HERE FOR <3

the writing got a little repetitive and bland in some parts which is why i removed a star, but the main character was awesome and the story FLEW by in the best of ways :) totally recommend for a spooky october retelling!
Profile Image for Reading Rachel .
131 reviews10 followers
July 9, 2024
A wonderfully dark reimagining of Cinderella.
Eunice and Hortense get a new stepsister Cinderella but they get more than they bargained for. Cinderella is a monster that only play by certain rules. Rules that the sisters must remember or pay dearly for.
This definitely isn't your Disney version of the classic story. I devoured this book and all it's weirdness. If you love reimaginings, you'll love this book.
Profile Image for Jamie Loves Books .
502 reviews94 followers
September 27, 2024

I had such a great time with this retelling of Cinderella! The incorporation of Brothers Grimm Easter eggs added a unique twist. While some scenes were quite grotesque, they were described so vividly that I found them perfect despite the initial shock.

I really hope this author creates more retellings like this one. I love stories that reveal the darker side of fairy tales. I’d eagerly read any retelling or cosmic horror they write it was such an enjoyable experience!

I also enjoyed the narration of this book. The narrator brought the characters to life and made it an enjoyable experience.

Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for this advanced listener copy. This review is voluntarily my own.
Profile Image for Jess  Theworddegree.
115 reviews9 followers
August 27, 2024
I’m honestly not sure how to review this book. I have given it 3 stars for now because at no point did I want to DNF. I picked it up thinking it was a dark retelling of Cinderella and then was pleasantly surprised to find it was horror-horror. It’s disgusting and it’s dark and I loved that but there was something missing. It didn’t really have a point, just a whole bunch of gross stuff happened and I still don’t really know why. There are nods to the original gruesome tale but mostly this book just left me wanting more. I will be very interested to see what this author brings out next though
Profile Image for Maria.
2,267 reviews80 followers
September 30, 2024
Incredibly creative but somewhat gory retelling of Cinderella. There are parts in the story that line up perfectly with the original tale but for the most part it is an original work. It starts out similar with the girls having to co-exist but from the first meeting, you can tell everything is a little (!) off. I found the first part to be easier to get through than the second part but they worked together well. There were a few things that didn’t make sense to me, however, particularly the name Cinderella, which is supposed to be given to her by her stepsisters but she comes to the house already named. Otherwise, an interesting story that wasn’t really for me.

I received a copy from #NetGalley and #RBMedia for an honest review.
Profile Image for ScarlettAnomalyReads.
168 reviews2 followers
September 25, 2024
Before I even saw the synopsis, I had hopes from the cover, for what this could be, and I was not disappointed.

This is a alternative POV of Cinderella, but make it horror.
Maybe it's a cliché troupe but I love it.

I listened to this as a audiobook and I'm picky about narration, so I had a few concerns but they knocked it out of the park.

One of my favorite books as a kid was The True Story Of the Three Little Pigs, and It was from the wolf's perspective.

Not saying Gregory Maguire needs to watch out, but Gorman is absolutely right up there with him on twisting old familiar tales.
Profile Image for Sarai B.
136 reviews11 followers
October 1, 2024
This was very good. I'm second-guessing my entire childhood now. It is.... disgusting but very well written.
Profile Image for Mar Que.
93 reviews27 followers
October 3, 2024
Автор этой книги в свое время была большой фанаткой книжной серии "Ужастики" Стайна.

Profile Image for Nurse Jackie.
143 reviews7 followers
September 22, 2024
We Kept Her In The Cellar is a twist on the well known tale of Cinderella, told from the perspective of one of her step sisters. The story stays true to the original and somewhat horrific tale that involved self mutilation. I thought it was an interesting perspective! Thank you NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for the ALC!
Profile Image for Willie Graham.
150 reviews6 followers
September 2, 2024
I am a SUCKER for fairytale retellings. And when you add in horror and gore.... Say Less!
Thank you so much @NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for an eARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.
Starting off with my rating... Solid 3 Star, maybe even 3.5, but I just can't bring myself to round up.
This was FUN. And so, so very gross. And I loved it! Graphic gore. But in a way that I think will entice my 13 yo son to actually pick up a book.
There is no poor, mistreated stepdaughter. No Fairy Godmother. No moments of spontaneous singing with the woodland creatures. There IS death, blood, pain, gore, rot, and disgust. And a prince. But, there is no "fairytale" ending here.

I did find that sitting too long thinking about how I wanted to write my review I was left with several questions and I was poking at holes when it came to Cinderella's powers and abilities and how she was "bound" to family. It seemed that the "rules" weren't followed throughout the story and that can cause the reader to disengage at times. So, my advice to you is to simply Enjoy The Ride. This one is Out There.
Profile Image for Bryna Adamo.
229 reviews11 followers
July 8, 2024
Cinderella an Eldritch Horror. AAAHHH Yes Please. We Kept Her in the Cellar was a graphic and gruesome retelling of the time loved fairy tale Cinderella. I really liked this retelling. Adequately terrifying and satisfying. There are some modern turns of phrase that threw me off from time to time that did not fit with the voice/time of the novel, so at times it was hard to stay engaged. However, it was fun, interesting, worth the read. 3.5 -3.75 stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 150 reviews

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