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Craved by the Hunter: A Post-Apocalyptic Alien Romance

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When a legendary PIP model shows up in my shop, I jump on the chance to work on the sentient shuttle, until I meet Pip’s owner. The surly hunter hates humans and has earned himself the nickname Loose Cannon.

Worse yet, Pip is dead set that I’m Kan’n’s mate! I don’t care that the seven-foot-tall alien warrior has the galaxy’s sexiest jawline, and is covered in delicious purple muscles; he’s a jerk and totally not my type. He does everything to stop me from working on his shuttle, including calling for backup from the mothership.

But when things go haywire aboard the mothership, I find my life in Kan’n’s hands, and the rest of me in his arms.

I don’t trust humans, especially not the female with the sunshine hair and intoxicating scent who has brainwashed my shuttle and makes me feel strange things. Which is why I’m leaving the moment I can.

Eager to get my shuttle fixed, I ask the mothership for help. But when Jask'l arrives, he not only praises Sam for her work but he also invites her up to the mothership with him! There’s no way I’m letting her brainwash him too, so I tag along to keep an eye on her.

When disaster strikes, I see a side of Sam I’ve never seen before. For once, she needs me to protect her. Now that I’ve seen how things can be between us, I’m not sure I want to ever let her go.

Lots of action and steam ahead, and as always, Happily Ever After guaranteed!

211 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 4, 2024

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About the author

Lynnea Lee

49 books390 followers
Lynnea Lee is a recovered serial monogamist who now lives in her forever home with the man of her dreams. Still hopelessly addicted to the feeling of falling in love she now feeds her habit with a routine prescription of romance novels and rampant imagination. When she is not dreaming up fantastical stories of love, lust and romance, her hobbies includes talking to her plants, putting on a full face of makeup to stay home on Saturday nights and hugging her dog longer than is appreciated.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews
Profile Image for kymagirl.
4,250 reviews60 followers
January 8, 2024
Muscled, purple, hot, growly alien protector with horns and special eggplant - that says it all! Kan'n (H) is a Xarc'n hunter who was captured and starved by another human settlement until he was rescued, and now he considers humans to be untrustworthy and wants to return to the mothership. Skilled mechanic Sam (h) tries to repair Pip, Kan'n's sentient shuttle, who is convinced Sam and Kan'n are fated mates, despite their clashing personalities. Sam's strength and intelligence clash with Kan'n's distrust of humans, creating a fiery dynamic between them. Their relationship evolves from mutual dislike to unexpected reliance when a crisis forces them together. The stubborn walls Kan'n erected around himself begin to crumble as they navigate danger, leading to a surprising realization of their destined connection. Despite their differences, the characters' growth and the humorous yet tense situations keep the story engaging, especially with Pip's matchmaking attempts. Hot and steamy alien-human post-apocalyptic romance with lots of action and adventure with the dangerous bugs, human threats, relationship issues, familiar characters, and more.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,244 reviews203 followers
January 15, 2024
It's time for Sam and Kan'n to find their happy place. Frankly, Kan'n does NOT make things easy. He's wary of humans after being captured by them and he isn't exactly friendly to the group that rescued him. And with Sam? Well, despite his ship's insistence that Sam's his mate, Kan'n is convinced that his feelings for her are less on the mate-y side and more on the "don't trust her because she's human" side.

Spoiler: Kan'n is entirely wrong and he kind of drives Sam up a wall with all his lurking and angry growls.

That said, Sam might like Kan'n's muscles and looks, but his grumpy personality leaves a lot to be desired. She is absolutely not interested in him and she's sure Pip has things wrong with this whole mate thing. It takes a scorching kiss, some imminent danger, and a night snowed in during a storm for things to finally get on the right track with these two. Which is also to say that Kan'n has a little groveling to do when he unintentionally hurts Sam's feelings with some harsh words about humans.

A new danger (that's also kind of old, but...oh, just read about it!), a wild crash landing, a hunter who has to recalibrate this thinking when it comes to humans, and a lady who is determined to carve out her place in this world (and hopefully with the warrior she's come to adore). MAN, I like these big purple warriors and the ladies who capture their hearts. *thumbs up*

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Dani Freeman.
105 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2024
I have loved the Xarc’n warriors but

I think this will be the last one I read. I’m honestly just sick of the FMCs and the plot progression (or lack of one). In each of the last few I’ve read it’s been MMC is damaged and doesn’t want a mate, meets mate and they argue about… well, pretty much everything, they somehow wind up forced to be in the same area for a while, he decides this is his mate, drama happens and FMC takes off, warrior has to rescue/find/or grovel, happy ending achieved. The only difference here was PIP and even he was beginning to get annoying by the end. I don’t know if I’ll be reading anymore of the series, I want to say I won’t but I keep hoping for the storyline to become more like the first few books.

But before I go I want to say this. The warriors issues (that came from being betrayed, held hostage etc) toward humans honestly should’ve been given more consideration and in depth treatment in the book. Anxiety, PTSD and hyper vigilance are actual things real soldiers have to face in their day to day lives and for this author to treat it like “oh look, he has issues and acts like a d!ck” honestly made me sad and ticked me off at the same time. Had this been the FMC with this issue there would’ve been pages of healing and talk about it but, much like a lot of books geared toward the female population lately, the MMCs issues are basically kicked in the tenders and ignored which amazes me in this day and age of equality and the fact that men are less likely to seek help for these issues resulting in the #22ADay movement. Authors need to do better.

I’m off my soapbox now and apologize for the euphemisms, I never know what Amazon will let me put into reviews
Profile Image for Destiny.
167 reviews
May 21, 2024
Once again, we have a female lead who does not deserve our hero.
You want to know what grinds my gears?....
When a heroin completely abandons the hero over miscommunication that's not really miscommunication.
This is the sin Sam is guilty of committing. Things were going along fine. I wouldn't call them great because none of the books in the series would be considered great even by novella standards but they were good. And then we get to the third act where our hero suffers an injury and faces a very well-known, common short-term amnesia due to extensive injuries. Let me repeat. Every character in the story knows this is what happens to Hunters who get injured this badly. Incomes are heroin who's supposed to be smart and who says herself that she knows he will have amnesia but still proceeds to hold what he says during that time against him. This leads to a overly dramatic third act that makes you want to roll your eyes.
Another thing that bugs me about the series in general, not just this book is not our heroes always have to grovel for things that are not their fault. I feel like it perpetuates this standard of the male always being wrong even when it is clear that the mistake falls completely on the heroine.
In my opinion it should have been Sam apologizing to Kan'n for not giving him the grace of being lucid in mind before bringing up any issues you may have had. The amnesia wasn't even that long, which again is something she knows. It lasts a couple of hours.
Come on. She really threw her entire relationship for something he said when he was pretty much wiped of his memory for a few hours. That not only shows a lack of a loyalty, but it shows how much she really values the relationship in my opinion, which is not much.
Then she said some fuck girl shit at the end where she was like ”Oh well, if he really wants me then he should do whatever he has to to find me,” knowing that she literally told everyone around her not to disclose her location. This put Kan'n at odds because there was literally no one there on his side. He barely had a friend group and was very much alone in this group of hunters. That was really egotistical and manipulative of her and I just cannot get behind that behavior.
So yeah I like the concept of this book. It was not very well executed and our heroine could use some serious improvement.
That bitch deserved to stay alone in the apocalypse.
Profile Image for Karen Nastasio.
2,647 reviews17 followers
January 6, 2024
This was a fabulous read and is book 11 in amazing series and do I hope there is more books yes I do but I’m not sure. Sam is a human female and what the Xarc’n warriors call her and others a Tech Wiz because she can fix just about anything and when she is asked to fix Kan’n space craft and finds his AI to be a special PIp she is thrilled but the warrior Kan’n who owns it doesn’t want a human touching his ship because he doesn’t trust any of them but she doesn’t let him get to her and try’s to complete job but Pip the AI want them to be together telling her that she is his mate but she doesn’t want to be with his grumpy warrior and his bad attitude even if he is sexy as hell. Kan’n was save by other Hunters after his AI Pip told the other hunters where is was being held now he is concerned that the other Hunters trust these humans to much but if he wants to stay he must learn to get along with the humans but when Sam comes to fix his ship he isn’t happy and lets her know it but she ignores him and does her job and his AI tells him she is his mate but he refuses to have a human mate they cannot be trusted but why does she get under his skin. They need to fix his ship on the mothership and he goes with her to keep an eye on everything she does but when the warning bells sound there trouble coming at them and the scrounges fungus has taken over the transport ship and they need to shoot it down so it does’t land on Earth but while fighting it off the fungus lands on ther ship and they must get to escape pods but Sam promised Pip she wouldn’t leave him behind and so together they pack up Pip memory board to take with them. There is one pod left and they must go together or die but they are attacked before they crash land back on Earth and end up stranded and off course in Canada. Now they need a place to hide so they can be rescued and so while they wait they get closer than either of them thought and sparks fly between them but can there be something more to this romance thats happening between them after they are rescued. There is so much more to this book with the battles they face and all the old and new people showing up was soo good. How does it all turn out in the end get this book to find out.

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Profile Image for Ellie P.
636 reviews11 followers
December 31, 2023
Craved by the Hunter is a post apocalyptic alien romance by Lennea Lee, which is book eleven of the Xarc'n Warriors series. This series does work as a standalone book, I know I've not read them all. However, after the conclusion of the previous book and had seen the hints for a possible romance between Sam, the human mechanic, and Kan'n, the alien warrior - as well as sweet PIP, Kan'n's shuttle with a complex AI personality.

The premise is fairly simply. Set on post apocalyptic earth, alien "bugs" that travel from planet to planet have destroyed much of human civilisation. Right behind the horde of bugs are alien warriors, the Xarc'n. The species is functionally extinct (no females, so no babies) and their planet has been destroyed. So the warriors go planet to planet to save the universe from the bugs. But one platoon discovered that they are biologically compatible with humans... so among the bugs and war and danger, there is a chance for romance and fated mates.

Kan'n's story really did start in the previous book (book ten), Coveted by the Alien Hunter where the human Heather helped Kan'n escape imprisonment by humans and found her HEA with another alien Hunter. He is a very complex character, he has reasons to mistrust, even hate, humans, but dealing with the human spouses, especially Heather, of his fellow warriors has chipped away at his exterior. Sam has become the bain of his existence, this particular human woman is one of the best mechanics in the outposts. However, his shuttle's insistence that Sam and Kan'n are mates is something he resents and is convinced the shuttle has been brainwashed by Sam.

Sam is far less complicated than Kan'n, but she has so much strength that it is clear she is no damsel in distress. She has a lot of passion and fire and smarts. Sam is the first to admit that she is attracted to Kan'n, but the man is beyond frustrating because of his dislike of humans. However, it quickly becomes evident that there is a lot more going on beneath the surface with these two. Sam just has to chip away at the walls Kan'n has created around him.

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Profile Image for Gleeful Goblin Reviews.
351 reviews13 followers
January 1, 2024
Gleeful Goblin Review: I've loved this series more and more with each book. It's a beautiful blend of sci-fi and post apocalypse themes that's highlighted common experiences and struggles as the way two people from radically different cultures come together; and I think this scene highlights that perfectly: "Kan’n, if you can’t understand why I’m upset at the loss of a Xarc’n ship just because I’m human, then I’m sorry, but yes, you are.” Her desperate sadness gave way to anger. “Once this is all over, you might as well catch the first flight off the planet and go somewhere else. We don’t need you here. You’re as bad as the humans who are against working with Xarc’n warriors.” I took a step toward her and grabbed her shoulders in anger before I could stop myself. “I am not.” The words echoed through the room louder than I’d meant to say them. She didn’t show any fear or shy away from my burst of anger. Instead, she shoved me back, hard, looking utterly disgusted. “Let me say it in the simplest-to-understand terms for you. There’s no human side and no Xarc’n side in this war. There’s only our side together, or the bugs’ side. Everyone else just gets in the way. Me, I’m on our side. And every loss, human or Xarc’n, is our loss. So tell me… Are you on our side or not?” The weight of her words rolled over me. This was what Haax’l and Lok’n had been trying to tell me, but all I’d chosen to hear was that we were not strong enough on our own and that we needed assistance from humans. I’d rejected the idea since it made me angry. But Sam’s words made sense. In my anger, I’d lost sight of who the real enemies were."

The romance part of the story is more slow burn than some series and filled with friction a la " I couldn't possibly be into that person!" which is always a fun trope to explore. But once that hurdle is past the story TAKES OFF. I also adore the Pip side character who is so determined to get them MCs together. 5/5 Stars.

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Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,205 reviews76 followers
January 20, 2024
This was another great addition to the Xarc'n Warriors Series. I loved Pip (Kan’n’s intelligent shuttle) and seeing how it insisted on matchmaking Kan’n & Sam together. All the characters and different personalities in this book were a lot of fun. This book can be read as a standalone and while I have read other books from this series (Books 01 - 04, Book 07) I haven't read them all yet (although I plan to) and was still able to really enjoy this book.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Xarc'n Warriors Series
Claimed by the Hunter: Alice & Kaj’k
Wanted by the Hunter: Natalie & Rajiv’k
Taken by the Hunter: Connie & Jorg’k
Cherished by the Hunter: Evie & Tarv’k
Rescued by the Hunter: Nikki & Koriv’n
Stolen by the Hunter: Meghan & Mal’k
Captured by the Hunter: Tilly & Rayk’n
Hunter's Quest: Morgan & Rhaz’k
Protected by the Hunter: Siobhan & Zec’k
Desired by the Hunter: Aanya & Haax’l
Coveted by the Hunter: Heather & Nov’k
Craved by the Hunter: A Post-Apocalyptic Alien Romance: Sam & Kan’n
Profile Image for Kimberlea Richardson.
544 reviews10 followers
January 4, 2024
Learning To Trust Each Other

Ok y’all, so you might think I’m crazy, but Kan’n may be my favorite Xarc’n warrior yet! Hear me out….you can tell he’s just a big softie wanting cuddles and love, but he’s been hurt and betrayed by humans. In this case, we’re seeing a case of one of our Xarc’ns being completely mistrustful of humans, and I loved that we got to see it from that type of viewpoint, instead it always being the Xarc’n having to win the human’s trust. Thankfully for Kan’n he had his shuttle Pip on his side to convince Sam, who’s on the tech team and trying to work on Pip, that she’s his mate. Kan’n has too much mistrust though, and he does not make Pip’s job easy on ANY level lol. He certainly doesn’t help Pip’s case considering how standoffish he is with Sam, even though he hates to admit that maybe she’s different to him. Unfortunately (or maybe thankfully 🤔😉), they find themselves caught up in a very action-packed chaotic turn of events that makes them both eventually have to face the feelings they don’t want to acknowledge, but can’t ignore. With so much uncertainty, will they make it out alive, much less give Pip a chance to say “I told you so” 😉😝 As much as I loved Kan’n & Sam’s story, because I loved their dynamic together, I gotta say that Pip was my favorite character in this book. He was like a precocious kid trying to find his dad a girlfriend lol. I’ve been reading this series since the beginning, and I gotta say that this is one of my favorites so far! I’m so excited for what we’ll see next 🙌🏻💜

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909 reviews8 followers
January 1, 2024
Kan’n hates all humans. He had been held and practically starved to death by humans at a hostile rebel compound. They would have killed him if not for his shuttle PIP. PIP is a sentient shuttle that only agreed to let the rebels use him if they kept his warrior alive. When the rebels crash PIP, practically destroying him, he is still able to tell the Xarc’n warriors that recovered him that Kan’n is still alive and where he is being held so they can rescue him.

Sam is a tech wizard that is working on fixing the shuttle that came in with the last rescued warrior. She is so excited to be able to work on a Xarc’n shuttle and she really likes PIP, except for the fact that PIP thinks his warrior Kan’n is her mate. His attempts at matchmaking have been a total failure so far. Kan’n has been as rude as possible to her and most of the humans in their compound. She wants nothing to do with him. But when PIP’s final repairs must be done on the Mothership, she is invited to go along and help finish the final step. She is ecstatic, until she learns Kan’n is going to go along to make sure she doesn’t “hurt” PIP. Argh! That man is so annoying!

But once they are on the Mothership disaster strikes. Sam and Kan’n escape in a pod with PIP’s “brain” and crash land on earth, surrounded by the scourge. They must depend on each other to survive. A fantastic addition to the series. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. I can’t wait for the next book out!.

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371 reviews5 followers
January 6, 2024
It’s been a long time since I’ve read the Xarc’n warriors series. It may have been the Mountain Hunters, but I do remember the story had a sentient shuttle also name PIP and there was a pet chicken inside the shuttle that drove PIP crazy. 😜 . I got a little tired of the scourge, so I pulled away from the series for a bit.
This story attracted my attention, because as the humans and hunters worked together, there were some fringe groups of humans that were sabotaging unity for self survival. Kan’n was a lone hunter who was lured by one of these groups and imprisoned to near starvation until he was rescued by Heather and her mate. His mistrust for everyone other than his rescuers is profound. Sam is a tech female who is working on his sentient shuttle, also called Pip and identifies as a boy…too cute. ☺️ Despite Pip telling him that Sam is his mate, Kan’n accuses her of brainwashing his shuttle’s computer. Read how Kan’n has to overcome his mistrust and what motivates him to do so. And read how Sam ignores him and his grumpiness, but does manage to convince Kan’n how special Pip is. The conversations with Pip are the highlights of the novel. The other highlight is how Kan’n is able to exact retribution on the nomad human group. For those who are familiar with the series, there is something different going on with the scourge and its mycelium network.
I have received an ARC from Booksprout and I am leaving an unbiased review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.9k reviews321 followers
January 6, 2024
Kan’n and Sam’s Story . . .

In the previous book, Xarc’n warrior Kan’n had been captured and starved by humans. They had imprisoned him and kept him barely alive so they could continue to force his sentient shuttle to do what they wanted, and they had just crashed it, so Kan’n was no longer any use to them. Fortunately he was subsequently rescued, but he despises humans as a result.

So when his sentient shuttle Pip is taken for repair to the top female tech, human Sam, the awkwardness starts since Kan’n despises humans and Pip is insisting Sam is Kan’n’s mate! Kan’n wants to get Sam removed from the job, calling for help from the mothership when Pip gets mad at him and locks him out. He blames Sam for that. But when Jask'l arrives, he praises Sam for her exemplary work and invites her up to the mothership for the last step in Pip’s repair (since Pip insisted she goes with them)! Kan’n goes as well, afraid she will work her magic on Jask’l to brainwash him and he needed to watch her every move around Pip for his final repair. When the ship unexpectedly comes under attack, they escape in a pod, taking Pip’s “brain” with them. Each sees an unexpected side of the other in these new circumstances and they develop a new respect and caring for each other. Will this end up being a new beginning for them? (And I’ll tell you right now, Pip steals the show in this one. I couldn’t stop laughing! He’s incredible and fun and you will not want to miss this story!)
1,845 reviews8 followers
January 4, 2024
Loved the story, loved the characters, loved how our couple bicker and banter, and loved reading their romantic encounters plus the drama and action they encounter surviving the bugs. This story is about Sam a human woman who works with Lenny on the human tech team and Kan'n a Xarc'n Warrior who distrust humans after being caught and caged were a likable couple and our sidekick PIP who's a sentient computer that's afraid to be disassembled is adorable. While trying to fix Kan'n's shuttle Sam and Jask'l decide to take the shuttle to the mothership. While there they receive a message to destroy a supply ship they're expecting. When the see it, the supply ship is infected and fires at their mothership infecting it. The warriors barely escape in the pods. Kan'n and Sam share one pod along with PIP who Sam took his mainframe out of Kan'n's shuttle and packed him in a box. The scuttlers seeing their pod descending from the sky are bouncing and fumbling it to take to their Queen. When they escape their pod, they are being chased by the scutters. Kan'n saves them and they find shelter. They discover they landed somewhere in Canada with PIP's help after Sam temporary hooked him up on the internet. Can Kan'n, Sam and PIP get back to their settlement? Will Kan'n trust his feelings that are blooming for Sam? I volunteer to read and review this copy I received.
152 reviews2 followers
January 2, 2024
“there was a risk that if he were to put his arms around me, he might trigger the mate bond. Kan’n was playing with fire.”

Another thrilling, action packed and sexy addition to the Xarc’n Warriors series, this time Kan’n and Sam, one of the Tech Wizards has their HEA. Kan’n was rescued in the last book by Heather and Nov’k. A group of nomads had captured him and his shuttle. They’d locked him up in the basement, holding him prisoner and starved him for months. Now he is free but angry and suspicious of humans in general. His shuttle was anther advanced PIP model which Sam was helping to restore. When it is determined that PIP would need to go to the mothership in space, Kan’n isn’t going to be left behind while Pip is under repair and insists on going with Sam. When a new type of unforeseen danger is realized, only quick thinking saves them but they are stranded far from home. Sam is an excellent partner for Kan’n, intelligent and courageous but will Kan’n find a way to get past his trust issues to find a future with Sam? Will they be able to find their way back home? PIP as always is great comic relief. This is a great series that keeps getting better!!.

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1,275 reviews15 followers
January 5, 2024
- Sci fi romance
- Sassy ship
- Dystopian

I adore the world that this author created. Each book is a standalone, but they are interconnected and former characters are featured. The books are about a group of cloned hunters whose sole purpose was to eliminate the space bugs that ran rampant on their home planet. Many years later, their planet is gone and the remaining hunters try to find a place to settle down while continuing their mission for bug control.

In this book, recently rescued Kan'n is living in a human/hunter compound. He would leave except his sentient ship, Pip, is still being repaired. The main mechanic working on Pip is the lovely, but irritating, Sam. Kan'n doesn't trust her since he has issues with humans after his recent betrayal and capture. Sam is on the crew that is taking Pip up to one of the motherships to complete repairs.

But when they encounter an unexpected problem, Kan'n and Sam download Pip's computer to a device and eject. Dependent on each other to survive a winter storm, will they form the mate bond?

This book was so good! Kan'n is the perfect grumpy male and Sam is resourceful and competant. And Pip? He is the best matchmaking ship ever.

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737 reviews3 followers
January 2, 2024
New entry in Xarc'n warrior story.

Sam is trying to help repair the ship for the warrior rescued at the end of the last story. Kan'n has no interest in having her repair his ship, and doesn't believe Sam should be doing any repairs at all. She can't even get his ship to listen to her and was gullible enough to believe his ship is special.
Pip, the ship, is terrified of being turned off and never being turned back on, so he is not cooperating while he is trying to set up Sam and Kan'n.

I was floored at the story in this one. The bugs up their game beyond what I ever considered possible. We get to explore new areas of the hunter's world as a result. I enjoyed Pip's character. He is Kan'n's right hand man, but doesn't hold back when he thinks he is wrong. Makes for some interesting scenes.

I'm wondering how Pip knew she was the one before Kan'n had any idea.

An entertaining read I didn't want to put down.

Looking forward to the next one.

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186 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2024
Another installment in the Xarc’n Warrior series. Bug apocalypse has devastated Earth. The Xarc’n warriors have been created to destroy the bug invaders. This book eleven deals with Sam and Kan’n.
Sam is a tech wizard. She can work on the Xarc’n aircrafts. However, the new member of their settlement is a jerk. Kan’n said she ruined his craft after working on it. He doesn’t trust her. Sam is attracted to Kan’n until he opens his mouth. He is constantly berating her work. She definitely doesn’t need him to have mating symptoms for her.
Kan’s doesn’t trust any humans. He was tricked by a female at another settlement. He was held in a basement cell and his aircraft stolen. He was rescued by a human and her Xarc’n warrior. But he can’t trust humans. He doesn’t want a human mate. Yet he begins to purr for the human Sam.
Good story with a strong willed female, a distrustful Xarc’n warrior, witty banter, danger, fated mates, chemistry and bugs.

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Profile Image for Sam.
502 reviews
January 5, 2024
Loved It!!!

Kan’n is a Xarc’n hunter who has not had any good experiences at the hands of humans and he only feels hatred for them now. With his sentient shuttle PIP in dire need of repairs, he reluctantly has to rely on a human female, Sam for assistance. He doesn’t trust her and decides to request help from the mothership instead.

Sam is a tech genius and has done a great job with PIP so far even though she’s gotten nothing but mistrust from PIP’s hunter, Kan’n. When PIP is going to the mothership for the rest of the repairs, Sam is invited to come along much to Kan’n dislike.

When on the mothership, danger forces these two together and Kan’n realizes that he may have judged Sam too harshly. Now with their lives on the line, they begin to see one another in a whole new light.

I love, love, love this addition to the series!! One of my favorite tropes is enemies to lovers and this was so well done! May be one of my favorites so far!

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Profile Image for Rebecca Grove.
3,492 reviews22 followers
January 8, 2024
Kan'n is is a Xarc'n warrior wo doesn't trust humans. He was one of the warriors who went against his orders to come to Earth to help out. He had to hide himself on Earth to keep from being hunted down by more traditional warriors. He was betrayed by a human woman and was captured. Being held prisoner by humans for a couple of years taught Kan'n that humans couldn't be trusted. After being rescued by a hunter and a human, Kan'n became part of the human/hunter community. He is not happy that he has to rely on the human tech wizard Sam to fix his ship. His ship Pip is doing his best to match up Kan'n and Sam.

Sam isn't comfortable being called a tech wizard by the Xarc'n warriors. She does love fixing mechanical things. She enjoys working on Pip until he refuses to be turned off to finish up her repairs. Kan'n makes her very angry because he is always suspicious of her and is always accusing her of things. When the two started spending a lot of time together, their feelings started to change.

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Profile Image for Nina Diab.
3,588 reviews37 followers
January 9, 2024
I loved this book. I was so excited to get Kan'n's story, whom was rescued in the last book after being starved and held prisoner by humans. So that he doesn't like or trust them is understandable. I of course am still in love with Pip. (I want one of my own please thanks!)

'Of all the shuttles in all the galaxies I had the misfortune to work on, it had to be the one with the emotional intelligence of an eight-year-old... Working on Pip is kind of like repairing a shuttle, being a therapist, and babysitting a third grader at the same time.'

I really liked Sam. She was fun and I thought a perfect match for grumpy, distrusting Kan'n.

'I pitied the woman who ended up as his mate.'

I enjoyed the way their relationship developed and deepened.

'I didn’t know how I could help, but I did know I wasn’t leaving without that annoying, beautiful human who made my chest purr.'

I loved seeing the Mothership, and the story became all action and suspense from there. It was quite an adventure and I was hooked. This is definitely one of my favorites in this series. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Iluvbks.
313 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2024
This was a long read. So much information. You learn so much more about the bugs, the Xarc’n, the mother ship and the hunters. This was not an instant love either more an enemies to mates book. The history of Kan'n and his mistrust of humans plays a big part in this book. I like the character the author created. He was a grumpy alpha male plus he hated and trusted no one. Yet he has this side of him that comes out during times of need. We find things Sam's character as the book goes along. She loves to learn. Loves to go "shoppping" and has this hard personality but is really a very caring person. PIP - oh he is a wonderful addition to the story. His part in the book was the best parts. This was a long read and at times was a little wordy. Yet it filled in more the story of what is happening on Earth with the bugs etc. You dot have to read the other books in the series but it does help to understand what is going on overall.

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1,706 reviews5 followers
January 14, 2024
Anti human

Alien reluctantly falls in lust then love to human engineer.
Enjoyed this detail rich addition to the series. I would rate in top 5 of all series of these warriors. Had more depth and realistic relationship and life challenges.
One thing I am confused about. There had to be other scientists, engineers, erc around the world that survived. As well ability to communicate now with satilite and cells, internet back. With truth of what the alien bugs and fungus are they should be banding together in hubs to help Warrior/human fighters beat the invaders and help other survivors. Especially with issues with growing food, meat stocks, and clothing, medicine needs. Not to mention running nuclear plants and power grids from melting down.
Would love new series with slightly longer books (would pay non kindle price for longer books). Revolving around places like canada, south america, europe, Asia showing how they are working on survival, winning battle and thriving with adaptation in new age of earth.
Maybe consider it new global world.
Profile Image for HarleQ.
121 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2023
I literally could not put this book down until it was done!! While each book can be read as a stand-alone, they are so much better when read in sequence. For example, the signage for a town at the end of the book makes total sense if you've read the whole series and you get a bit of a chuckle at the homage.

I really think there would be a picture of Kan'n under angst in their dictionary if there was one. The poor purple guy has had a rough time along with his Pip shuttle. However, he definitely meets his match and learns the meaning of trust, family, and love through some tough lessons.

Really don't want to give away the plot but there were lots of surprises and returning characters. Why I couldn't put this book down and even more invested in this series. Can't wait for the new plot twists that contain nuggets of education in them!

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55 reviews
December 31, 2023
This book happens quite a few years from the start of the first book the scourge have been on earth for a good few years and the hunter groups working with the humans are well established. You don't need to read the other books to enjoy this book it is a stand a lone book but if you wanted to get a good idea of the world building it is always good to start at number one and work your way through as Lynnea has done such a good job of creating the world and building its layers and the interactions with humans etc to reach this point. Sam and Kan'n are a good couple they is just the right amount of push and pull in my opinion and I am now craving the next book to find out why the scourge at acting the way they have been and what has happened to the other hunters on the mothership. I really hope that they will all get their own stories.

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Profile Image for Fiona.
2,272 reviews25 followers
January 2, 2024
I really enjoyed reading this book as I have all the other books in this series. Kan’n is a Xarc’n Warrior who had been held captive by the nomad camp and was in prison for months, while the nomads tried to get as much information out of his shuttle Pip who was a super smart shuttle that the Xarc’n Warriors had created. Now he was living in a new hunter/human camp but he distrusted all humans most especially Samantha, she was one of the tech wizards in their camp, and she was in the process of fixing his shuttle. But it wasn’t until after the mothership had been attacked by the scourge, and they all had to abandon ship that these two became closer than they ever thought that they would. Both characters had to work through emotional baggage until the meat bond formed between them, and they go onto, live as happily as they can.

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27 reviews
January 4, 2024
If you enjoy sci-fi romance, this is a must read. Sam is a optimist and engineer living in a post-apocalyptic world. Kan'n is a monosyllabic warrior distrustful of humans after being deceived and imprisoned. Together with the remaining humans and warriors, they fight the bugs scourging the earth. The interaction between the main characters is fun and believable. PIP, the AI in the fighter, brings the laughter. Overall the story is light and engaging with a few moments of angst to keep the heart engaged.

Kudos to the reviewers for a job well done.

This is the first in the Xarc'n Warriors series I read; while it would be best to read the entire series, it can be read alone. The author created a well-developed world throughout the series and cleverly weaved details into this books bringing the reader along for the ride.

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566 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2024
Kan'n and Sam had me in stitches at times but when it comes to Kan'n I wanted to shake him at times but I could also understand why he felt the way he did about humans but I think the best character of all is Pip, he may be the shuttle intelligence but he is also matchmaker, comedian & loyal friend. The story is really good as it seems that the scourge are evolving and are behaving in a way unseen before. When one of the motherships gets destroyed it means both hunters and humans are facing greater difficulties, that is unless Sam and her fellow techies can work their magic on the downed mothership Can Kan'n ever see beyond the fact that Sam is human and see her for what she really is, a loyal, feisty, strong and resilient woman? But if he does will she be able to get over all the ways that he has insulted and hurt her? Did not want to put the book down.

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Profile Image for Vanessa.
320 reviews
January 6, 2024
This book was so good! It started off with a lot of action right away and it made me excited for the plot of the next books. I hope that the bug threat will continue to level up a bit in the future. I read both series avidly, but forgot about one series halfway through because the bug threat never leveled up and the humans didn't adapt as much so I think that the series could use some more action or a deeper love plot in some books. Now I am back to being a lover of both series.

For this book, I only found it a little bit weird that the first sex scene ended without the explanation that they were cuddling or anything. I was so confused by what the FMC was thinking that I thought I accidentally skipped a page.
While I was never bored reading this I would have preferred there to be less skip to black spicy scenes, because the characters initially did not get along and the book is pretty short.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bee.
426 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2024
Book 11 has the space bugs acting weird. They are waiting for something to come to Earth from space; probably to counter-punch the fungus battle they seem to be losing to the humans and hunters. That thread is left to be tied in a future story.

Meanwhile, Sam (Samantha) one of the resident tech gurus and Kan’n found themselves thrust into an adventure neither of them bargained for when they went up to the mothership to do work on Kan’n’s sentient shuttle. Kan’n had trust issues with humans because of past trauma. Sam helped him through it in ways that were sometimes funny and at other times messy.

There were a few pretty exciting action scenes. Nice addition to the series. Curious to find out what’s going on with this bugs in the next story.

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Profile Image for Toni.
1,622 reviews10 followers
January 4, 2024
SAM is a tech wizard and works on anything mechanical or with a motor. At the moment she's working on a PIP AI that is very unique. Unfortunately for her the flyer is KAN’N who is certain that she has done something to his shuttle. PIP meanwhile has refused to be shut down totally afraid he will not awaken again. It remembers when others like him were shut off permanently and doesn't want that for itself. So arrangements are made to take it to the mothership. Sam promises PIP he will reawaken. But while on the mothership a horror arrives that will test Sam, Kan'n and all warriors and humans to the limit. Will they survive the threat?
A fascinating thrilling fast paced story set around a stubborn grumpy warrior and a human female who has fought all her life to be accepted.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews

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