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Rain Reign

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Rose Howard has Asperger’s syndrome, and an obsession with homonyms (even her name is a homonym). She gave her dog Rain a name with two homonyms (Reign, Rein), which, according to Rose’s rules of homonyms, is very special. Rain was a lost dog Rose’s father brought home. Rose and Rain are practically inseparable. And they are often home alone, as Rose’s father spends most evenings at a bar, and doesn’t have much patience for his special-needs daughter.

Just as a storm hits town, Rain goes missing. Rose’s father shouldn’t have let Rain out. Now Rose has to find her dog, even if it means leaving her routines and safe places to search. Rose will find Rain, but so will Rain’s original owners.

226 pages, Hardcover

First published October 7, 2014

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About the author

Ann M. Martin

937 books2,872 followers
Ann Matthews Martin was born on August 12, 1955. She grew up in Princeton, New Jersey, with her parents and her younger sister, Jane. After graduating from Smith College, Ann became a teacher and then an editor of children's books. She's now a full-time writer.

Ann gets the ideas for her books from many different places. Some are based on personal experiences, while others are based on childhood memories and feelings. Many are written about contemporary problems or events. All of Ann's characters, even the members of the Baby-sitters Club, are made up. But many of her characters are based on real people. Sometimes Ann names her characters after people she knows, and other times she simply chooses names that she likes.

Ann has always enjoyed writing. Even before she was old enough to write, she would dictate stories to her mother to write down for her. Some of her favorite authors at that time were Lewis Carroll, P. L. Travers, Hugh Lofting, Astrid Lindgren, and Roald Dahl. They inspired her to become a writer herself.

Since ending the BSC series in 2000, Ann’s writing has concentrated on single novels, many of which are set in the 1960s.

After living in New York City for many years, Ann moved to the Hudson Valley in upstate New York where she now lives with her dog, Sadie, and her cats, Gussie, Willy and Woody. Her hobbies are reading, sewing, and needlework. Her favorite thing to do is to make clothes for children.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,447 reviews
Profile Image for Tiff.
598 reviews551 followers
March 10, 2015
3.5 stars.

Review originally posted at Mostly YA Lit

Check out my expectations of Rain Reign before reading!

A compelling character study of a girl with high-functioning autism, Rain Reign is a middle-grade novel with a deceptively simple writing style. When I first started the novel, I immediately thought it might be a little too young for me. Middle-grade readers might feel the same, but teachers/parents/librarians should encourage kids to stick with this one: Rose, the narrator and protagonist, is fully developed, with a completely authentic and unique voice. Rain Reign illuminated how it might feel to have Asperger's, and made me really understand and sympathize with Rose's obsession with homonyms, rules, and prime numbers.

Rose's dog, Rain, is almost a secondary character in this book - Martin establishes Rain as the one source of unconditional love in the life of a pre-teen with an alcoholic father who doesn't care about her, a mother who left her, classmates who tease and don't understand her, and an uncle who is kind, but is always being told to butt out. Rose' obsession with precision in her words makes it easy to see Rain in your head from her descriptions.

As someone who has a pet, it's hard to see how anyone wouldn't sympathize with Rose when Rain goes missing, but the added element of Rose' need for routine and order just heightens the panic and distress. What I took from this book is Rose' determination - which lands her in hot water because of it makes her unable to see a rule broken without speaking out - but also gives her the strength to doggedly (sorry) pursue Rain despite her own discomfort with social interactions. What Rose does with what she finds out speaks to that loyalty and determination, and is nothing short of inspiring.

If I have one criticism of this book, it's that it's built for success - there's no way you won't feel for Rose and want her to succeed. There's no moment where you're not on Rose's side, and as a reader, I want a little more complexity.

But there's a lot to like in this novel. Martin gives Rose a clever way of foreshadowing what will happen in order to keep momentum going, and the way that Martin inserts homophones to sometimes mix and change a sentence will delight readers.


Animal Love: Like I said before, if you're a pet owner, you will feel for Rose, and you might cry...


Quirky Words and Numbers: Not only is Rose obsessed with homophones, but she also likes prime numbers. It's very interesting and telling how her obsession manifests in her behaviour, but aside from that, it's just darned interesting!

The Final Word:

If I'd read Rain Reign at age eleven, I know I would have adored it - it has literary merit, heart, and taps into the mind of such a unique character. As an adult, I felt like it was a little manipulative with my emotions. That said, I can definitely see Rain Reign becoming a favourite of middle-grade teachers and I truly hope it ends up in tons of classrooms and libraries: it would be great for discussions of identity and autism, as well as more technical discussions of how to write and build a story.

Recommended for: middle-grade readers looking for feels, animal lovers, teachers looking to discuss autism, identity and/or storytelling
Profile Image for Snotchocheez.
595 reviews424 followers
November 9, 2015
I find myself sucked in to novels (often with first-person narration) of the travails of a high-functioning autistic kid, hoping the author will "get it right", only to be ultimately underwhelmed by gimmickry, or gooey feel-good-ery.

Rain Reign, a (presumably) YA novel featuring 10 year-old fifth grader Rose Howard from rural New York with a obsessive fascination for homonyms (not homophones, there is a difference!), a penchant for over-strict adherence to the rules, and a dog named Rain (yep, another homonym) is another one of those gooey, fluffy books that will probably delight YA readers and parents (particularly those interested in autism and Asperger's Syndrome, and books about dogs) alike.

I didn't dislike this (like I did the similarly themed Counting By 7's) but the story itself was just a little too flimsy and pat to fully embrace. Ms. Martin, though, does have her heart in the right place, and it's hard not to like a book that brings awareness to fascinating, brilliant kids like Rose. I think my daughter (who's 7 now, and high-functioning autistic, and very close to possessing the patience for novel-length books) will probably see a lot of herself in Rose. If it'll stave off even a few people (kids or parents, including one parent who screamed at my daughter on a playground this past summer for accidentally knocking down her toddler, then laughing) from calling her a "retard", then Ms. Martin has done her job.
Profile Image for Kristen.
2,008 reviews38 followers
May 10, 2015
A sweet, sad story told from the point of a mildly autistic girl who is misunderstood, tries every day to be who others want her to be, and loves her dog. A great narrative voice.
Profile Image for Carrie Gelson.
1,242 reviews90 followers
November 24, 2014
I started and finished this book in one sitting. Before the rest of the house was awake. I couldn't imagine putting it down. Rose is a girl I might have met, but this novel gave me a deeper peek into how she ticks and for this, I am very grateful to Ann M. Martin. Any title that helps a teacher think bigger, better, more carefully about students that may come our way, is a true gift. Rose may do a lot of things very differently. She also does a lot much more bravely. Such a read.
Profile Image for Angela.
1,283 reviews26 followers
August 23, 2014
If you were thinking, "Oh, I know Ann Martin. I've read her dog stories before. I don't need to read this one." Reconsider. This book is a great reminder why Ann Martin is a legend. Here she tackles high-functioning autism, a struggling parent, a thoughtful uncle and, of course, a lost dog. It all comes together in a heartbreaking tale of love, loss and small rays of hope and sunshine despite the rain.

Comp Title: Rules by Cynthia Lord

Dear 2015 Laura Ingalls Wilder Award Committee,

I would like to nominate Ann M. Martin for her lasting contribution to children's literature.

Thank you for your consideration,

Profile Image for samantha  Bookworm-on-rainydays.
285 reviews114 followers
December 18, 2017
5 stars. It was amazing. I learned a few new words. and the dog didn't die yay
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 24 books5,807 followers
February 22, 2015
Before I read this book, I showed it to my 10yo and asked if he wanted to read it first, since it had just been given one of the ALA awards. Now I'm glad that he declined because he's halfway through another book. I stayed up until the wee hours finishing this book, tense and sick to my stomach the whole time.

That's not to say the book isn't good. It's wonderful. It's a very real portrait of a girl on the autism spectrum, her struggles at school, and the solace she finds in caring for her dog. But if you grew up in the 1980's like I did, you know that books with dogs on the cover can end very badly (Old Yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows, literally ever other book with a dog written before 1995). So I was initially tense because I knew that if anything bad happened to her dog, Rose would be devastated. Then I got even more tense because of her dad, since he is mean to her, doesn't understand her condition, is bitterly and barely employed, and likes to leave her home alone while he goes drinking.

I really, super duper hated the dad.

I also barely liked her teacher and the aide who sits with her in class, and only liked one of her classmates. This book was just a triple whammy in that you have a main character with a disability, a terrible family situation, and a beloved dog who goes missing . . . I mean, it's just all kinds of tension! But it did turn out all right in the end, though the ending was very different from what I'd been expecting. And I do think this is an important book, and not in a preachy way. This is an excellent book to have a child read and then discuss with them. They may have classmates or relatives on the autism spectrum, and this will give them insights into why they might do some of the things they do. It's also a very suspenseful story, but in a way that kids can handle, and with a good ending. I just don't think my 10yo is ready for it, because since our dog passed away he's very hypersensitive about dogs in books. I will say that the dog lives, but I think the tension around the dog would be too much for him.
Profile Image for Alyson (Kid Lit Frenzy).
2,546 reviews742 followers
February 3, 2015
I finally get to share my book love for this one. Some books you get to the end and you just want to hug the book. It leaves you feeling like you don't want to read anything else for awhile because it will spoil the moment. Rain Reign was that book for me. I loved Rose and she reminded me of students that I have worked with. I had definite sweet spots for Rain and Uncle Weldon. And my heart broke some for Rose's dad who just was so real. I would love to read this one aloud to a class or share in a book club.
Profile Image for Oceana GottaReadEmAll.
813 reviews1,628 followers
March 3, 2022
How can I not give this 5 stars?! 😭
It got better and better as I kept reading.
Written in Rose’s perspective who has Asperger’s, and her life with her dad and her dog. It just hits different from being a teacher and seeing this behavior first hand.
This was incredibly written and I loved it.
Profile Image for Amina .
876 reviews548 followers
May 6, 2023
✰ 5 stars ✰

"There is an ache inside of me, a pain. Is this what bravery feels like? Or loneliness? Maybe this is an ache of sadness."

You don't have to be a dog lover - you don't even have to be an animal lover, but Rain Reign will move you to tears, I kid you not. I haven't cried like this in awhile, and I was a blubbering mess.


Rain Reign is the deeply heart-felt and emotional story of a young autistic girl, Rain, and her steadfast determination to find her beloved dog, Reign, who gets lost when Hurricane Susan sweeps through her hometown near the Hudson River. After a long arduous struggle, with the help of her uncle and assistance from countless others, she eventually does find Reign, only to then have to make a difficult decision that makes Rain - in my eyes - a truly admirable heroine in her own right.

Words are not enough to convey how lovely a read this was -ah, it may have not been the wisest move to select this as my next reading choice after completing When You Call My Name, but I will not regret reading it. With skillful levity and a touching heartwarming manner, Ms. Martin created a character that I felt so much for. I loved how the idea of a homonyms list played throughout the story - that it could add levity to situations, build friendships among classmates, and even test her father's patience during the toughest of times, made for such a unique concept, that I couldn't help but admire it. 💕💕

There were so many scenes that I enjoyed, but nothing can compare to that one instance when Rain shined, when Reign was with her and she still had to do the selfless act that not many people have the courage to do...

I was bawling - I was a wreck - I was inconsolable, I was not even in control of the tears that were streaming down my cheeks - it is NOT FAIR to be so emotionally destroyed over this! It was NOT! Rain was so loyal in her beliefs - she firmly believed in what was right and what was wrong, but with that unexpected twist, it will completely jolt her sense of adhering to the rules.

And to give up the one thing that brought her happiness, simply for knowing in her heart that this is what she has to do truly makes her a winner in my heart. If we could all be as kind and compassionate and brave in our decisions, the world would be such a better place. 🙏

And on a personal note, as a young girl growing up in Pakistan, during the 1990s, Ann M. Martin's Babysitter's Club was a recurring weekly check-out for me from my school library. So suffice to say, it was a surreal feeling to read words like 'ipod' and 'computer' in her works, that definitely earned a chuckle out of me. 😊😊
Profile Image for Christy (TheReaderBee).
847 reviews628 followers
October 7, 2014

I was pretty excited to read Ann M. Martin’s Rain Reign. Martin’s The Baby-sitters Club books were a huge part of my childhood, I adored those books, but I hadn’t read anything by her since. I’m glad to have now changed that. I adored this book SO much.

Rose is such an amazing, complex character. She has Aspergers syndrome, as well as an obsession with homonyms and prime numbers. She explains all of this to us as we read the story, which is from her point of view. The relationship that Rose has with her dog Rain, who her father brought home one rainy night, is more than your average child/pet relationship. They have this really amazing bond that goes above and beyond a normal friendship, and I loved this bond so, so much.

Rose’s father was a difficult man to like. Unfortunately he was not a patient person, and you have to have patience and understanding when you have a special needs child. That doesn’t mean that he didn’t love her in his own way, and wanted to do good for her at times. He just came across as very unlikeable for me. Luckily she had her uncle, Weldon, who was amazing with her and I am so glad that Rose had such a wonderful person in her life.

Having a niece with Autism and a nephew with Aspergers, I feel that I am pretty knowledgeable on the disability. I was curious to see how Martin’s character would be written. She definitely did her homework, or has previous experience/knowledge on the subject, because she hit the nail on the head with this character. So many of Rose’s characteristics were familiar to me, and I love that Martin wasn’t just writing how she thought a character would be, this character was spot on for Aspergers.

I loved the storyline for this book. It talks about a wide variety of things beside autism, including bullying, parental frustrations, love, loss and so much more. I discovered the hard way that this is not a book that you will want to read in public. The last few chapters had me in tears while I was waiting for my daughter’s gymnastic class to end, and I had to stop reading the book a few times to take a breath and calm down.

I love seeing more and more books come out that have characters with autism. There are still SO many people in the world that are uninformed and do not understand this disability. This is one great way to get information out and inform people.

Overall; Rain Reign has won a spot on my Top Ten Favorite Books of 2014 list. And it totally deserves to be on that list. I loved this book so much. You must add it to your to-read list, and read it as soon as possible!

Happy Reading!

Profile Image for Boyce.
174 reviews7 followers
August 24, 2024
This book called to me when I was at the library with my grandsons. Since the main character has mild autism, like one of my grandsons, I hoped they would find interest in the story. They didn't! I decided to bring it home and read it myself.

I've been hesitant to give this book a rating because I just want to be fair to the author. I went back and forth it was an okay story, to not liking it very much, to thinking it was okay again. In the end I'm just thankful Rose had her uncle.
Profile Image for Chadi.
427 reviews404 followers
May 9, 2023

The afternoons are long. They seem to be full of empty space -- space between looking through the box and starting my homework, space between finishing my homework and starting dinner. I don't know what to do with the space. Rain used to fill it. How do you fill empty space?

This is a heart-melting story about a middle-grade girl named Rose (rows, roes) who is diagnosed with high-functioning autism, her dog Rain (reign, rein), homophones*, and how she is trying to do what is right even if it's not necessarily easy.

I love animals (you can say that by me being vegan!), and I'm deeply eager to read and learn more about autism. I never met people with autism but I'm fascinated by them through whatever I've read so far on this matter. It seems to me that there is a genius hidden inside them, focusing only on what is essential... My heart was crying while reading the last chapters. And god how I desperately need to have a dog!!

*Homophones (or typically putting, homonyms) are words that sound identical in pronunciation but different in origin, spelling, and so in meaning; as you can see some examples above in parenthesis.
Profile Image for Jamie Oberheu.
31 reviews5 followers
April 28, 2015
Rain Reign has 226 pages of engaging literature. In this book, Rose is our main character. She is a young girl about 11 years old. She has autism and loses her dog. She encounters everyday situations that all kids face. She has a teacher who is a bit annoying, her dad leaves her to fend for herself most of the time, and Rose has never had the chance to meet her mom. I gave this book 5 stars, because through the way the book is written we learn lessons of compassion and empathy for kids like Rose. If you've ever had the experience of returning a dog to their right owner or loving a dog then this book is for you. The ending is an emotional one that will send you from tears to smiling back to tears in matters of moments.
Profile Image for Ruby Rose.
269 reviews75 followers
March 18, 2020
This was an amazing book about a girl and a dog. It has been awhile since I read this book so tell me if I get something wrong. This girl has a disability that makes it so she loves finding words that are the same sounding but have totally different meanings. Then there is a storm that happens to bring a dog to her. She loves this dog but then when a family is looking for the exact same dog she is forced to give it back. What will happen to her and this dog read "Rain Reign" to find out. Great book! I listened to with my siblings, audiobook! My brother is in first grade and he could handle it so I say as long as you are above kindergarten it is a great book.
Profile Image for Hymerka.
635 reviews116 followers
May 8, 2019
Навдивовижу симпатична маленька книжка про дівчинку, собаку, страшну бурю і любов. А ще про омоніми. )
Profile Image for Cheryl.
11.3k reviews464 followers
July 20, 2016
3.5 stars rounded down, because imo it's not fresh enough to be worth the hype.

If you do decide to teach this, encourage your students to come up with homophones themselves. Several easy ones were left out, like great, and bear, and they're....

Btw, as it happens I recently read Belle Teale and that is a better book, imo.
Profile Image for Darla.
4,103 reviews961 followers
July 21, 2018
This was a great (grate) read (reed) and will appeal to kids who love dogs and especially those who love words and patterns like Rose (rows) does. Would make a delightful read (reed) aloud in a classroom and an opportunity for the listeners to spell out the homonyms that Rose finds in the book.
Profile Image for Barb Middleton.
2,018 reviews132 followers
May 11, 2015
Rose Howard reigns in the world of prime numbers, homophones, and rules. Her autism makes it difficult for her to control the urge to yell in school. She lives with her father, a mechanic, who likes to drink at the Luck of the Irish pub after or during work. Fifth grader Rose lives with Rain, an abandoned dog that her dad found behind the pub, and the two are inseparable and left alone more than is good for a child. She's not too emotional and faces her father's shortcomings with stoicism. Her Uncle Weldon takes her to and from school and is more caring than her father. The family works through problems and issues until they reach a crisis.

The plot of this book is simple and somewhat hard to write about and not give away. It is predictable in one way but with some twists that don't make it boring. The theme of doing what is right and emotional attachments to pets and being responsible are implied by the father's actions versus Rose. It would make for good discussions. The father does the best that he can but does not know how to handle Rose's autism; add in a temper and you have a ticking time bomb character.

I do not think first person point-of-view works for books with characters that are autistic because the voice does not sound authentic in parts. In order to convey complex thoughts and inner monologues, the words the character uses is in contrast with the handicap being portrayed. While Rose speaks in short, terse sentences, sometimes her descriptions of her emotions sounds too sophisticated. This doesn't happen often, but when it does it is jarring and makes me notice the writing while pulling me out of the narrative. Maybe this was the author's intent. But that, along with the bombardment of homophones in the beginning, made me not love this one. I know of too many other books that are more memorable.
Profile Image for Angus.
41 reviews14 followers
March 8, 2014
A beautifully written story about Rose, a child obsessed with homonyms and 'prime number names', both manifestations of her high-functioning mild Aspergers condition. Rose lives with her father in a small upstate town in New York State. One wet day Rose's dad shows up with a stray dog who she names Rain - now they both have names that are also homonyms - a poetry not lost on Rose which also heightens her connection to the dog. A storm hits the area and Rain is lost. Rose is desperate to find her dog and makes a plan with her uncle Walden to track her down and bring her home. The story is straightforward with few surprises but the relationships Are what make this beautifully crafted story soar. Rose's world is anchored by adults who respond to her in vastly differing ways. From her teacher at school and the teaching aide assigned to her, to her father's impatience with her rules and their daily challenges with Rose's peculiar obsessions, Rose has a tough time keeping on the good side of these adults. The relationship with her uncle however is at the beating heart of this novel and it's development over the course of the narrative is so full of warmth, patience and love. It makes for a powerful and lasting impression on the reader and leaves one with a sense of hope for Rose's future. Bravo Ann M. Martin, this is a truly masterful piece of writing that no doubt will receive many accolades and be enjoyed by many a young reader.
Profile Image for ATheReader.
220 reviews63 followers
January 27, 2021
Rain Reign was one of my favorites many years ago, and I didn't love it as much this time around but I already knew the story, I have a MUCH higher reading level compared to that time, and I am not the target age range.

This is a story about a 12-year-old with Asperger's syndrome and her journey learning how to interact with "normal" kids and losing her dog. This book also details her life with her dad who doesn't know how to deal with Rose and he takes out his frustration by yelling at her.

I think this is a necessary story. It teaches kids what it is like to have severe autism and why it is necessary to treat everyone with respect no matter how annoying or rude you think they are. It shows that you only see one aspect of someone's life and you don't know what it is like to have a disability that dictates certain behavior.

The book is pretty basic but the themes and the characters are the main points of the story. One critique I have is about the writing because it was extremely annoying and childish at times. The main character is obsessed with homonyms (which are actually homophones according to Rose) and a typical sentence could look like this:
I really wanted to (too, two) find (fined) Rain (reign, rein) and bring her home.

Annoying right? Anyway, I still enjoyed this read but this is not the reading level of 99% of my Goodreads friends and I don't think I would have liked this book if I hadn't read it before.
Profile Image for Allison.
32 reviews
February 6, 2017
This book was SO good! But, it was really sad. I cried at one point... literally, tears were rolling down my cheeks. This may or may not spoil something, it depends on your point of view:
I have a dog, so it was even more sad.
Profile Image for ChrissiesPurpleLibrary .
416 reviews117 followers
April 5, 2023

A precious girl with a beautiful mind and courageous heart. The story of Rose and her homonyms struck my heart with gladness.

It was especially impactful because the main character Rose is Autistic. And oh how beautiful, heart warming and at times heart breaking to see the world through her eyes.

I have a greater understanding and appreciation for those who have autism. Especially those who care for them and do their best to love them with candor and understanding. I highly recommend 💜
Profile Image for BookishStitcher.
1,315 reviews48 followers
December 20, 2020
This book was so amazing! Rose is an elementary student, who has autism, and her dog Rain is her best friend. This book takes the reader on an amazing heartfelt journey of love, natural disasters, doing the right thing, and all with an adorable sprinkling of homophones throughout.
Profile Image for Leigh Anne.
933 reviews33 followers
August 8, 2015
This book earns its fourth star by virtue of addressing Asperger's syndrome in girls, which occurs much less often than in boys. Any time somebody writes a book that consciously expands the range of people who can see themselves reflected in tween/teen lit, I'm very happy.

Rose loves homonyms, her Uncle Weldon, and her dog, Rain. She loves her dad, too, but it's an uneasy, uncertain kind of love. For one thing, he doesn't have a lot of patience for Rose's quirks (which, besides homonyms, include prime numbers and the importance of keeping rules). The nicest thing her dad's ever done for her is bring home Rain, so named because she was found during a storm. Rose and Rain are pretty much inseparable, except for school. But in a moment's carelessness, Rain is lost in another storm, and Rose's carefully constructed routines are thrown completely out of whack.

Reading this as a grown-up is pretty much designed to break your heart. Thank god for Uncle Weldon, who is kind and patient where Dad is cranky and abrasive, probably because he spends most of his time at the bar. The contrast between the two could come off as cartoon villainish, except that the way that particular conflict resolves itself reveals just what kind of man Rose's dad really is underneath. His character growth is complemented by Rose's: loving and losing her dog not once, but twice, teaches her a lot about empathy, compassion, and being able to understand the way other people see the world.

What makes this novel especially poignant is that Rose and her dad are obviously poor. She keeps her homonym list on paper because they can't afford a computer, and she's stuck in the local public school with minimal classroom support because her Dad can't afford schools that might be more beneficial for her. She's got no IEP, most likely because her dad wouldn't know how to advocate for one; he's not all that open to the help the school DOES offer, implying a typical blue-collar mistrust of middle-class authority. Her clothes, as Uncle Weldon observes at one point, are noticeably shabby, and the kind of food they eat on a regular basis implies a limited budget. It broke my heart, because you know if Rose had been born into a middle or upper class family, it would've been a very different kind of story (albeit still a challenging experience for everybody involved).

So, bittersweet for adult readers, a horizon-broadening pick for most teens. And if you have an Aspie girl in your life, you might want to pick this up for her and see what she thinks.
Profile Image for Brooke.
309 reviews150 followers
June 19, 2017
3.5 stars

Sometimes I need a break from all the heavy reading material I indulge myself in, something that will just let my mind relax a bit. I love Ann M. Martin's books- her plot lines are always well woven together alongside vivid & vibrant characters. In a nutshell, RAIN REIGN is a story about a girl with Aspergers & her dog, but it's a lot more than that.

Fifth-grader Rose Howard lives with her father (he claims that Rose's mother has left them), along with her dog, Rain. Her uncle Weldon lives nearby. Rose finds comfort & safety in homonyms & prime numbers. Martin does a great job of setting up the portrayal of someone on the autism spectrum, for middle-grade readers to get a general handle on what it must be like to be in their shoes. Rose spends a great deal of time with Rain as her father is frequently away, either at work or at the bar.

A storm eventually tears apart Rose & Rain, where Rain gets swept away miles away from her home. Rose is determined to find her & when she does, she discovers a hidden truth about Rain. From this, Rose must make a heartbreaking decision & learn the true cost of bravery.

But of course, that's not all there is to the story. Rose is constantly dealing with her father, knowing the difference between "sober & drunk dad". The decision about Rain isn't the only decision that must be made, for even Wesley Howard needs to learn when it's time to let go.

With a simplistic prose & a clever form of foreshadowing, it is easy to keep turning the pages to discover what will happen to Rose next. The scenes between Rose & Rain will definitely start to pull on your heartstrings. For a middle-grade novel, I really appreciate the extra level of complexity Martin adds to make it a more substantial read. Obviously I'm past my prime for this category, but I still enjoy Martin's books years & years later & I think this would even appeal to those who are fans of YA, as this isn't quite as watered down as your typical MG book. Overall a sweet, recommended read.
Profile Image for Miriam.
172 reviews8 followers
June 8, 2014
Rose's father is not very patient with her. She's obsessed with prime numbers and homophones, has trouble making eye contact or conversations and is extremely sensitive to sounds that don't even register with most people. But he brings her a dog one rainy night and since the animal has no collar or tags, he tells Rose that they don't need to search for the dog's owner. Rose loves the dog and the feeling is mutual. We get the feeling that Rain's been traumatized in some way and she relies on Rose for emotional support. At the same time. Rose's attachment to Rain helps her imagine the feelings of another sentient being and she gains a lot from their time together. Of course, fate intervenes...I won't spoil this read for anyone by revealing too much, but I'll say that the major characters are carefully drawn so that we know enough to believe in them fully and not so much that their backstories bog down the plot. And the minor characters have enough flesh on them to make them real, too. Rose's teacher and her personal classroom aide are particularly noteworthy.

Rose herself is a delight. Or perhaps I should say that it's Ann Martin's intelligent, wry, perceptive rendering of her voice that's delightful. Rose's irresistible predilection for following the rules--so unnerving to most of the adults in her life--propels the story in unexpected directions, yet Martin makes it seem inevitable. A mean (mien) feat (feet)!
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 4 books178 followers
February 25, 2019
A friend of mine suggested this to me since I've been re-reading all the Babysitter's Graphix Books. I tend to forget that Ann M. Martin wrote other books, and I am SO GLAD my friend reminded me. This is the story of Rose and her dog, Rain.

Rose is on the spectrum. She lives with her single father who was an abused foster kid and her dog, Rain. Her Uncle Weldon drives her to and from school every day, and she feeds and walks her dog Rain every night before bed. Rose loves homonyms, Rain and Reign. She keeps a handwritten list of them and also believes in the power of prime numbers.

In the acknowledgements, Ms. Martin said she worked with a school for kids on the spectrum to get this just right. And knowing some children with autism, I think she did a great job showing how difficult it can be for these kids to access and handle their emotions.

What I love most about this is seeing things through Rose's perspective. At times she has a very detached, observational style of narration, but we as the reader can see the deeper meaning behind these scenes. She might not understand how upset she is, but WE do. This was beautiful and heart-warming, and I would recommend it for anyone, but especially those who might have someone in their life on the spectrum and could use some more understanding.
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