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Colin has spent his whole life waiting for something. He doesn’t know exactly what it is, or how to find it—all he knows is that he wants more. When the existence of vampires gives him hope for exactly that, he’s determined to find one for himself. And when he finds out Tucson holds two vampires without mates of their own, he’s willing to do whatever he can to get close.

Fox has spent his whole life looking out for his brother. So when his twin shows signs of bone-deep boredom and ambivalence, who can blame him for wanting to grab on to anything that could bring him back to himself? And if that something happens to be the pushy, prickly blue-haired human on their doorstep—asking to stay, demanding to be fed on—then so be it.

Dane has spent his whole life feeling different. Even as a vampire, he doesn’t quite fit the mold—too attached to his brother, for one, with a platonic, fated bond that can’t be broken. So when a strange human comes into their lives and seems to accept them exactly as they are, who can blame him for starting to hope, just a little, for something… more?

Colin is a heated, fated-mates MMM paranormal romance with a HEA and no cliffhanger. It contains a grumpy, vampire-addicted human and the twin vampire brothers who are hungry for anything and everything he has to offer. It also contains steamy scenes and the moderate violence (and mentions of blood) one might expect from a vampire romance. While each book focuses on a different couple, the series is best enjoyed in order.

231 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 14, 2024

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About the author

Grae Bryan

13 books788 followers
Grae Bryan has been reading romance since she was far too young to know any better. Her love for love stories spans all genres, and while her current series is of the paranormal variety, she knows she’ll be exploring other worlds further down the line.

She lives in Arizona with her husband, who graciously shares space with all the imaginary men in her head. When not writing, she can generally be found reading more than is healthy, walking her monster-dog, or cuddling her demon-cat. She loves anything and everything gothic, strange, lovely, or cozy.

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Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
462 reviews447 followers
April 2, 2024
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes down below.

“You threatening Fox will always be sexy. You’ve got him twisted into knots, little minx.” “I thought I was a lamb.” “You’re fucking everything, is what you are.”

I’m sad about this series ending, but I’m glad we got Colin’s story before it was over. Colin has been a quiet but endearing, grumpy-as-hell side character for a bit, and he deserved to get his happy ending. Of which he got many.

I didn’t really care about the twins going in, but they were good characters too and the book was entertaining. Although, I must admit, Jay completely stole the show. He’s my favorite character from the series, so 90% of my highlights are about him, lol.

Knowing there was no expectation—that Colin could say no whenever, ask for exactly what he wanted when he wanted it—made it easier to want in the first place. He didn’t have to overthink it all. He could go with what felt right.

There was one loose thread that unfortunately didn’t get tied up by the end, which was a little frustrating, but it was good overall. There was an adorable drunk scene (those are my favorites), and plenty of hot threesomes.

I’m looking forward to seeing what Grae Bryan does next. I think I saw something about summoning demons, which can only be highly entertaining.

This book summed up. Colin wants to be snacked on, and finds two golden retriever idiots who are snackish.

⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Twins (no ‘cest)
Fated mates
Gray/ace MC
Golden retriever MCs

⚠️ Content warning ⚠️
Blood consumption
Explicit sexual content
Erotic blood play
Brief mentions of parent death (off page, past)
Parent suffering a stroke (off page, survives)
Mentions of the death of children (off page)

⚠️Book safety ⚠️
Cheating: No
Other person drama: No. The twins drink blood from random humans, but it’s discussed and agreed to by everyone. Not sexual.
Breakup: No
POV: 3rd person, multi
Genre: Paranormal romance
Pairing: M/M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles
Main characters’ age: Not specified
Series: Interconnected series, standalone
Kindle Unlimited: Yes
Pages: 260

Colin had realized years ago that sex appealed to him more in theory than in practice.

Overall, it wasn’t exactly the gothic mansion of Colin’s vampire dreams. More like the crappy haunted house of his mediocre nightmares.

“Why do you need to work?” he pressed. “We’re not charging you rent.” “Rent’s not the only thing that costs money.” “We have money.” Colin looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world. “Good for you.”

“When were you two turned?” he asked. Dane hesitated. He was so used to keeping secrets from the humans around him that it felt weird to say it out loud. But what harm could it do? “In the sixties.” “The sixties?” Colin whirled around to stare at him. “The nineteen sixties?” Dane blinked at him. “Yeah, 1967. Why?” Colin was looking him over, studying him like he’d never seen him before. “So you’re not even ancient. You’re just like…old men?” What the fuck?

You can find most of my reviews on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/booksafety?...
March 16, 2024
I'm bummed that this is the series finale, but this book did not disappoint.

Colin was born to be a vampire. Sullen, withdrawn, and insecure as a human, Colin found his passion when his bestie Jay let him in on a secret: Vampires exist, and they drink your blood. Now that Jay has his Alexei, Colin has missed a vampire's bite.

When Colin moves back to Tucson to take care of his dad who had a stroke, he finds the Ginger Twins: Dane & Fox. He boldly marches in and takes over their house, their lives, their hearts.

This is not a twincest book, but I'm not disappointed. Dane, the sweeter, more affectionate one, and Fox, the wild, snarky one, have a strong mating bond, but it is purely platonic. They never thought they could be bonded to another mate, but Colin is their missing piece.

The twins stick to Colin like velcro. They follow him to the bathroom and insist on meeting his dad. Colin gets all grumpy, but he secretly likes it. He likes it a lot. As he reminds the twins, he wants to feel overwhelmed.

The plot related to a vamp turning children continues. There's a bit of a twist, and the twins, and other vamps, come to the rescue.

We don't see all the couples here, mostly Luc & Jamie and Jay & Alexei. Danny & Roman make an appearance toward the end.

The Vampire's Mate series is near and dear to my heart. I've given every book, including this one, 4 stars, but reader math says the series as a whole is 5 stars and more.

I love all the vamps, their mates, the fangs, the possessiveness, the blood-fueled sex, and the most forever and ever kind of love.
Profile Image for Dani.
981 reviews118 followers
March 15, 2024
Loved Colin, Dane and Fox. I've been waiting for the red-headed twins since they were first introduced and I was so, so happy with this outcome. Colin's grumpiness was adorable 😍 Also my favourite cover model for this series too!

Genuinely sad that this is the final book in the series, but I am excited that Demons are coming next. Grae Bryan is definitely one of my favourite PNR authors!
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,304 reviews166 followers
March 19, 2024
I didn't realise going into Colin that it'd be the series finale. The epilogue was really nice, getting to see the whole gang together. The author said her next series is going to follow Alexei's siblings, so I imagine the vamps might pop up here and there (hopefully).

"If we're vampires, what does that make you? Local vampire slayer?" His voice lowered to a sultry croon. "Is that a stake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

This was another fun time. The romance between Colin and vampire twins, Fox and Dane, had a unique aspect as the twins are already platonically bonded. So it added a little bit of tension as to whether Colin could be their mate with a three way bond.

Like with the other books in this series, the plot had only a small role and mainly only came into play towards the end. It was mainly just a tool to progress the relationship .

Sad to see this series end, but excited to see what Grae Bryan has in store next.

Vampire's Mate Series

Book 1: Roman - 4 Stars
Book 2: Soren - 4 Stars
Book 3: Lucien - 5 Stars
Book 4: Johann 4 Stars
Book 5: Wolfgang 4 Stars
Book 5.5: Cassian 4.5 Stars
Book 6: Colin 4 Stars
Profile Image for Jamie.
648 reviews107 followers
March 20, 2024
I’ve really enjoyed this series and absolutely loved this last one. May even be my favorite in the series. Really liked the cameos from Jay, I really like him better doing cameos in other books than I did in his own book.
Sad the series is over, I really had a good time reading it. I’m not sure the spin off series will be my cup of tea which is a bummer, but who knows maybe I’ll give it a try
Profile Image for Miriah.
902 reviews44 followers
March 20, 2024
This was more enjoyable than I expected. I loved how the twins followed Colin around like puppies hahaha
Profile Image for Lindsey.
333 reviews18 followers
March 21, 2024
The twins shared a look. "We're tethered to each other."
It took a few seconds for the two of them to realize how everyone in the room was looking at them, Luc included.
Dane blanched. "𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵? No."
Fox shot them all a death glare. "Fucking 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴. Jesus."

I have been waiting since Lucien for an explanation of how this hilariousness came about and was so excited when I saw that Colin, would be featuring my favorite twins. I was also a bit worried because MMM is not always my favorite as sometimes it feels like one is left out more than the other. Absolutely NOT the case with this book.

Dane and Fox were hilarious and absolute perfection. I truly enjoyed Colin and his reaction to vampires. Just... casually goes and hunts them down after getting drunk with MY BABY JAMIE, and says he wants a room and in return, they can bite him. Like, Drunk Colin has zero chill and I was here for it.

Fox stepped closer to the human, his voice soft and sultry. "Aren't you going to check our bedrooms, little lamb?"
Colin gave him a blank look. He may have smelled like whiskey, but he certainly wasn't drunk. Or maybe he was just skilled at hiding his tells. "Why? I'm not going in there. You can keep them as filthy as you like."

I'm sorry. I don't think I've ever tabbed one of her books so much but I was CACKLING manically while reading because our baby is just bonkers and sometimes is oblivious and I love both him and the twins so much. Especially when they discover that sometimes Colin just doesn't want sex. He overthinks and can't get into it. Or, sometimes it is literally that. He just doesn't want it. But what do the twins do? Tell him not every boner needs to be dealt with and then they spoil the shit out of him.

"I thought I was your kept slut?" It was meant to be a tease, but everything in Colin went hot, remembering when Fox had told him that. It was the filthiest thing anyone had ever said about him.
Dane's lips were at his ear. "It can be both," he murmured, his hand heavy on Colin's hip. "You can be our kept slut when you feel like it. Doesn't change the fact that you own us."

But it was Jamie who burst in the door, dark eyes glittering with excitement. "Yo! I heard we were having girl talk?"

“I hope you enjoyed the sixth and final book in the Vampire's Mate series.”
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,670 reviews20 followers
June 22, 2024
Audio: 5 stars, it’s Michael F of course it’s a 5!

Book: 4.5 stars

My favorite of the whole series! I loved all three main characters and I felt the chemistry between Colin and the Twins!

I am bummed this is the last book of the series, but I hope the audio for her new series comes out soon and that it’s with a good narrator!
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
616 reviews291 followers
March 17, 2024
i can’t believe this series is done. what will i do with my life now

i genuinely didn’t care about the twins or colin before this and i was slightly pissed because the twins don’t cross swords but damn this didn’t disappoint at all.
the only thing that could’ve made it better was if the vamps talked more. that’s just something i enjoy
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,270 reviews351 followers
July 8, 2024
ETA: Listened to the audio book and I just loved it. Michael is a great narrator for this series, and this is definitely my favorite of the series.

I LOVED THIS ONE! It might very well be my favorite of the whole series - or at least tied with my bb Jay's book!

We met Colin earlier in the series, and I was so interested in getting his story. He's gray-ace, and a bit obsessed with a vampire's bite. And I loved his take charge bravado and attitude and how he just totally owned the vampire twins right from the start.

And the twins! Fox and Dane are so so much more complex and amazing than I ever thought they'd be from what we saw of them in Lucien's book. I love them. I love their infatuation with Colin and their total golden retriever vibe, but still dark b/c y'know - vampires LOL.

I loved seeing so many characters show up in this, I continue to adore Jay, and I absolutely love love love this series. I'm so sad to see it ending. I'm excited we're kinda staying in this world though, with a spin-off series. I have adored all these vampires and their mates. What an amazing series.

I received an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ☆Kylie☆.
280 reviews4 followers
March 21, 2024
I like this series, is very entertaining even if it's kinda predictable but I like that.
It's an amazing comfort series

Review with more details to come, just put my list in order.
Profile Image for ~David~.
72 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2024
This was just as good as I was hoping it would be. For me, this is a 5 star series all the way through!

Colin ending up with Dane and Fox is just perfect, and their romance was a lot of fun to read. It was a pretty interesting take on fated mates, I think.

I think Grae Bryan does great character work. All her MCs throughout this series feel fresh and distinct. I can't wait for her mafia demon summoning series. Especially since it's set in the same world! I hope Jay and Alexei make appearances!
Profile Image for Luzmila✨.
746 reviews62 followers
March 17, 2024
Me lo leí súper rápido! Me encantó!
Lo estuve esperando por un año creo y la verdad es que valió totalmente la pena!

La única pega que le pongo es que quería más momentos de hermanos, Fox y Dane se merecían más momentos juntos, principalmente de Dane aceptando el cariño que le brinda su hermano💖
Profile Image for taylor :) (in a slump).
220 reviews42 followers
April 13, 2024
Okay so I finished this a while back, but Taylor STILL hates writing reviews right now, so I didn’t write one. And now I don’t remember much about the book. So you’re going to get a sucky review.

*clears throat*

Good 👍

Okay seriously I really liked this book. One of my favorites of the series for sure. I loved how the twins just followed Colin around everywhere. They were so obsessed with him, and I loved it. The sex was also sooooooo good. We didn’t get any twincest sadly, but this didn’t disappoint. They just took turns using Colin, sometimes even back to back, and it was fab. Loved it. This author is doing a demon series next, so yay for that.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,762 reviews379 followers
March 31, 2024
Loved this final book

I wrote a really long review for this book but Goodreads seems to have lost it so that's annoying.

Anyway, loved seeing Colin get his happy ever after with the ginger frat boy twins!

Also intrigued by the hints of a new series that's revealed towards the end of this story.
Profile Image for michaela ⚘.
421 reviews25 followers
March 14, 2024
I was a bit nervous to read this book only because i normally am not into MMM nor the whole twin thing BUT this book turned into one of my favorite in the series. I adored Colin, Dane and Fox so much and thought they worked perfectly together. This was a great book to end this series with and i will be looking forward to more work from Grae in the future ( especially after the teaser we got )
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
198 reviews8 followers
March 15, 2024
I really liked this series finale. The MMM aspect was quite well done and I’m now completely OBSESSED with fang-warming.
I just felt like something was missing in the plot with a bit of attention diverted from Colin and the twins to the vamp reunion. Don’t get me wrong I loved the cameos from past characters we all know and love, but I felt like the main story was a tad rushed.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,688 reviews85 followers
April 18, 2024
Colin tuvo que regresar al calor de su pueblo en Tucson, por la enfermedad de su padre. Y ahora ahí se encuentra encerrado en casa con su padre, ayudando en todo lo que puede, pero sin salir de la casa. Así que su padre toma la decisión de "botarlo", pidiéndole que busque donde vivir, que se reúna con sus antiguos amigos y salga un poco mas. Así se consigue viviendo con los gemelos vampiros, quienes se sienten fuertemente atraídos hacía él. Colin de esta forma, tiene un lugar donde vivir, un par de vampiros con quienes saciar su curiosidad, y bastante tiempo libre para poder trabajar en sus "comics". Sin embargo, Colin se cree a salvo con los gemelos, porque ellos ya tienen su "pareja predestinada", pero podrían tener otra? Podría él ser su "pareja amorosa predestinada"?

Esta historia es un poco mas sencilla, vemos mucho de Jay (que es lo que hace divertida la historia), pero también conocemos un poco mas del pasado de Colin y Jamie. Además, nos enteramos de como funcionan otros aquelarres, y la razón por la que los gemelos se fueron.
En fin, el romance es bastante típico, el drama casi inexistente, y la "amenaza" parece que el autor la puso al final para darle un toque de tensión en la trama.
Fue una serie entretenida, divertida, unos libros mucho mas que otros, pero el grupo de vampiros con sus parejas se merecen aparecer en otras historias. Así que si, seguro leeré otras historias de este autor mas adelante.
Profile Image for Tare.
241 reviews19 followers
July 3, 2024
Rating - 4.5 Stars

I petition for sexy twins for myself please and thanks. Fox being sarcastic and feisty and Dane being a big soft boy just 👌👌 And the twins' connection to each other 🥹 they love each other so fiercely. Once Colin entered their lives these two gave off big puppy energy. Literally following him around 😍 And the caretaking and sweet tender moments of just cuddles etc. Ughhhf Not to mention how protective the twins were of each other and Colin. Love to see it.

This was a great conclusion for the series. I loved seeing all the vampires come together in the end.

Other thoughts:
- Jamie is hilarious and I love him so much
- I would kill to be a fly on the wall for Jay & Soren's "girl talk" neither has a filter and you just know it would be top tier 👌
- Lucien rolling around with his vamp face on 24/7 no shame 🤡
- the epilogue with this big found family 🥹

I'm hoping Grae has her next series narrated by Michael Ferraiuolo too because I've been really loving listening to each book by him ❤️
Profile Image for Dan.
1,458 reviews38 followers
September 8, 2024
It was very enjoyable. I really appreciate that Grae took the time to explore platonic bonds and recognize how devalued they are in comparison to romantic ones. Plus setting a triad where the romantic feelings never undermine the platonic ones. That's really refreshing!
427 reviews22 followers
March 20, 2024
The series was a success for me overall, and the last book was no exception. Loved the characters and the signature possessive vibes. The threesome was hot and balanced. Dane and Fox had their own voices and personality. There was no confusion whose POV I was reading. Colin was a pleasant surprise - he didn't stand out in previous books but shined in this one. Loved how he was able to tell the twins apart from the start.
My only complaint is how many times it was stressed that the relationships/bond between the twins is strictly platonic. I got it the first couple of times. There's no need to repeat it all over again. Even a simple embrace or touching was forbidden. I get that the author was trying to avoid any hint of twincest, but it was taken too far (IMO).
Profile Image for Ditte.
414 reviews59 followers
July 8, 2024
Rating: 4.5

Hot, hot, so damn hot 🥵

I abandoned the series after book 1 but kept hearing about Colin (mainly from Dana) so I figured I'd give it a shot, and I'm so glad I did.

I love Colin and the twins! Colin is amazing, and Dane and Fox are so cute, following Colin around like ducklings who have imprinted on him lol

And omg the spice? I was dyingggg, it was hot af. Colin getting off on being bitten by two gorgeous vampire twins? Hell yeah! There's no touching/romantic feelings between the twins but they're platonic mates and they like to share Colin. Which, goddamn!! Those scenes set me on fire with how scorching hot they were 🔥
Profile Image for Vayl.
71 reviews9 followers
June 6, 2024
After reading wolfsong, I was wondering how it would be a Fated Mate story with an asexual character, and omg, Grae Bryan delivered. They did a really good job with this novel it was so sweet.
I didn't trust the story at the beginning, just like colin, I was hesitant about how the twins were gonna take Colin's sexuality.
But it was really great, Collin is a character in the spectrum, but he isn't fully sure about the specifics, and the twins were really great handling the topic. I kinda wish they talked about it more at the end, but it was okey, it's a short book.
Profile Image for Mei ☽︎.
366 reviews67 followers
March 20, 2024
Short and sweet, but super fucking hot. For Grae's first MMM, she nailed it! All under 275 pages too? 👏 Ofc I want more, but this is a perfect quick read. Absolutely loved Colin and the twins here and really felt like the buildup from the other books individually helped make the buildup here work well. Their dynamic was super refreshing and the spice was 🔥. Loved the fluffy feels.

I also LOVED the cameos here for a specific reason (Jamie/Luc are forever the best 🥹) and while I wish there was a book 7 that was just an extended epilogue of everyone in Hyde Park, this was still a lovely send-off. I can't wait for Grae's next series!! The premise sounds super promising. 👀
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,164 reviews77 followers
March 19, 2024
This has been such a great series. Each volume has been charming, funny, sexy, and sweet, and Colin is no exception. His grumpiness fits perfectly with his "golden retriever" boyfriends, as he finally finds the acceptance and belonging he's always needed. But they need him just as much, and they need each other. Seeing the dynamic of a platonic bond between the brothers was unique and moving.

We get quite a few appearances from Jamie/Luc and Jay/Alexei in here, and it solidified my two firmly rooted beliefs that as much as I love everyone, Jamie and Luc will forever be the best couple, and Jay the most precious ray of sunshine.

The epilogue for this was perfect, bringing in all of our previous couples in a beautiful found family.
Profile Image for Devoted❤️Reader.
1,540 reviews29 followers
February 27, 2024

Fox and Dane aren’t the only ones obsessed, and I won’t apologize as I lurve this series!!

“You’re ridiculous.”
He was. He’d never been this soft with anyone in his life, except maybe Dane. He caught his brother’s eye. They were both ridiculous, and they knew it.
Ridiculously obsessed.

A hundred cheers for Colin finding his vampire and because he’s so special one just isn’t enough! I cannot gush enough about how deliciously divine Dane and Fox are, and the three of them together, whoa *fans self*. They must be protected at all costs as should their beautiful and perfect bond. I adore all the cameos, the bickering moments, the vampiric ones even more, and the squishy found family this oddly matching group has made.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 247 reviews

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