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Fae Devils #2

Trials of Dusk and Dreams

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Book Two in the Fae Devils Series featuring Willow and the Six.

516 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 31, 2024

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About the author

Lana Pecherczyk

50 books2,018 followers
Lana lives in Perth, Western Australia and loves writing Paranormal/ Fantasy and Sci-fi Romance. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her creating art and designing book covers. She also fights evil by moonlight, wins love by daylight and never runs from a real fight.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,298 reviews3,566 followers
August 31, 2024
It was so great to get back to these characters and I devoured this story. I was aching after the cliffhanger we were left with and I needed to know how Willow was going to win over more of the Six.
I'm very invested in how things are going to work out.

We had a bit of help from a certain gifted artifact, however, I felt like the use of it was kinda anti-climactic in practice. I was hoping for more of a reaction and a plan to get ourselves out of this. I am also now worried about how many books are going to be in this series as I don't feel like we made as much progress as I was hoping for... We switched to a new member of the Six to get their POV, since Fox is currently occupied and I did enjoy getting that perspective and watching him warm up more to his mate.

I'll also admit that there are too many damn characters in this story. I'm sorry, it's true. Not only do we have SEVEN entities in this RH but there was villains and friends and it was overwhelming. I think I need a cast of characters at the front or back. I don't know if that is in the final copy, since I read an ARC, but it should be.

Okay, well, what did I like? I still love Willow. I like watching her progress towards the badass she is meant to be. I like how she shows no fear when certain members of the Six try to push her around and intimidate her. I am looking forward to her facing off with certain characters in the future. I still love my sweet Varen, but I didn't get enough of him. I missed more of his bee-isms.

Anyway, the writing itself is very well done, as I expect of this author and when I am within the story, I couldn't wait to continue. I look forward to the next entry as soon as I can have it. I'm so curious about Styx's and Varen's POV particularly. I hope we get them soon.

3.5 stars
2.5 on the spice scale
Profile Image for Emms.
828 reviews39 followers
September 3, 2024
So, so good.

However, I thought this was a duology and am now quite angry that I have to wait for a third book for a conclusion.
Profile Image for Teela (bookdragontee).
481 reviews62 followers
August 31, 2024
“This is not about love. It’s not about enduring the suffering. It’s about the pain,” he says, “and the fear. You think you know us, little moth. You think you want to be with us because the gods threw us together. You have no idea what we’ve done. You have no idea what we still want to do. But if you walk through that door, you’ll see what it’s like to be with us . . . it won’t be love,” he says, his voice full of pity. “We’d destroy you, pull you apart. It is in our nature. This is what we’re made for.”


Okay… okay. I think I can be chill for a few moments to at least capture my thoughts before I can go back to panicking.

First, this book was amazing. No surprises there. Two, I love how seamlessly this moved from the events of the previous book into this one. It will make for the perfect binge-read someday, and I really appreciated how Lana didn’t spend a bunch of time retreading old territory. What references she does make are succinct and act as aid to the moment. Third, and most important of all — we’re back to another agonizing slow-burn romance now that Fox is temporarily out of the picture, but I’m absolutely obsessed with the rest of the six and the quality time we get to spend with them.

This book has so much angst, but in a good way, and in a way that’s very different from the angst of the previous book. If COURT OF NEVERS AND NIGHTMARES was all about Willow’s journey to understanding her own worthiness, TRIALS OF DUSK AND DREAMS is about Willow learning to embrace her inner queen while also being the light that her deadly Sluagh mates need as they come to terms with their own trauma, Titania’s curse, and the fractured hive.

Does it all get resolved in this book? Of course not.

But the ground we do cover is rewarding and deeply satisfying — there were so many standout moments in this book. From Willow’s personal interactions and individual connections with each of the Sluagh, to the way they interact as a fractured hive. That brotherly camaraderie is always there, just beneath the surface, even if certain redacted individuals have some questionable methods of dealing with some of their more immediate AND existential issues.

Willow’s arc continues to be excellent — some of the best work I’ve seen from Lana, imho. Even with her newfound sense of self, she still had vulnerable moments that feel genuine and authentic and it keeps her relatable.

The political machinations of our antagonists continue to grow more complex and villainous. Some are more nuanced. Others are more outright and left me wishing not so great things to befall certain individuals. I’m eagerly awaiting some long overdue comeuppance, let’s put it that way.

This book has so many of the hallmarks of what makes an excellent fantasy, from the world building to the lore and the magic systems. The way Lana continues to add more layers of complexity to this universe she’s build, from Fae Guardians to Fae Devils, is extraordinary and really just continues to cement this series as one of my absolute favorites as each new installment is released.

In short: I loved this book. That cliffhanger was pure evil. I need the next one like I need air.

“When a bee finds a good source of nectar, it flies back to the hive and tells the others.” A pause. “You are our nectar.”

I smile despite myself. “That’s better than being queen, I suppose.”

“Shh.” His fingers trace hypnotic circles over my hip bone, lulling me back into my comfort zone—a place where nothing exists but a warm embrace and dream that one day, none of us will be alone, none of us will make sacrifices.

We’ll be a working, functional family. A hive.

We’ll be happy.

PS: I absolutely ADORE Varen, I think he might be my favorite 🥹💜
Profile Image for Riniya.
225 reviews17 followers
September 1, 2024
✨HAPPY RELEASE DAY @lana_p_author ✨

I’m late putting up this review but better late than never!

Book two picks up right where the first one left off and we end up in the heat of it! I loved watching Willow navigate the Hive, struggling to choose who to give their memories back. She had one shot to make a difference in her life, to make them stop hating her, and her choice was … well read it and find out!

Everything that we have been training for in book one is finally here and secrets are revealed and alliances threaten to fall apart. Things for Willow get harder, and she is tested beyond belief, but it gives her amazing character growth!

Things start to heat up between her and some of her mates, bringing an intimacy to the series that was absent until now, considering they didn’t know who she was.. this makes sense. I thought the author does a great job of balancing their desire for each other as well as the Hives fear of their past repeating itself with an abusive “Queen”.

I do wish that we had more time with the actual trials, as they were over pretty quickly, especially considering the name of the book itself, but everything else was enough to counteract the slight disappointment with how the Trials went to keep it as a super enjoyable story!

I can not wait for book three, especially with the cliffhanger that this one ended in. I am addicted to this work and not ashamed to admit it
Profile Image for Brianna Galloway.
44 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2024
(Received as an ARC, does not influence my opinion)
Okay first off... SPICY 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️, honestly... spectacular give me 14 of 'em right now 🥵🥵 alright alright, serious-ish time now. This was great, I was sucked up in the story and I loved reading this. We got to see different sides of the six, and see their struggles and trauma which made me cry at times. Willow herself is learning to trust who she is and not let her past drag her down and she is viciously loyal to the six which makes my heart gushy. I can NOT wait to see what other tricks Lana has up her sleeve after the twist she threw in at the end. I will be patiently but not so patiently waiting for my next dose of the Sluagh.. and how my girl willow handles their growth 😉🖤🌶️
Profile Image for Rachelqueenvixen.
160 reviews2 followers
October 2, 2024
4.5 rounded up to a 5

That ending ! I need book 3 yesterday.

I seriously can't even predict what I think will happen because I will be wrong but in a way that's well done and leaving me wanting more.
270 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2024
Better and Better

I think i held my breath for half the book. The twists ,turns, betrayals ! I could not figure out who to trust and not. This just gets better and better. So looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Sasha Viers.
62 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2024
Lana!!!!! That ending!! You did it again! Once again, an amazing book with Willow and her mates! I absolutely loved every bit of this book and world Lana built. I can not wait for the next book!
4 reviews
September 14, 2024
Edge of my seat. Awesome 👌

Please hurry and finish the next book. Love this series and can't wait to continue with the next awsome book!!
Profile Image for Alex80.
21 reviews3 followers
September 25, 2024
I’m not sure how to feel about this book. The book has to many fillers and absolutely nothing interesting going on and no questions were answered. The only time the book got somewhat interesting was towards the end
Profile Image for Becca.
14 reviews
September 3, 2024
Trials of Dusk and Dreams
4.5 Stars

A wonderful follow-up to the first book in the series! I loved how this book picked up right where the last left off, and the action just kept coming!

While still maintaining her spot as the FMC, Willow takes a tiny bit of a back seat this book in favor of exploring more into the Sluagh and their story in this book. We find out more of their history as a unit, as well as some of the things that make them who they have become (read: Trauma). There's a bit of rewriting of the Sluagh lore going on in this series (in comparison to the Fae Guardians series), but I do feel that it is less out-and-out retconning and more like we're being shown the truth behind the facade that they've allowed to be perpetrated in Elphyne for all these centuries. And oh boy the truth we're being shown!

The Sluagh are just about the perfect morally grey (and that's a DARK grey, bordering on black) bad-boy type. They do relish in a certain amount of chaos and bloodshed, but still do have a code (even if no one but they know what that code is) and a lot of the darkness they find themselves a part of is in service of the Queen they long to have and cherish. I loved how this book continued what is sort of becoming a pattern that is prevalent in many of my favorite why-choose series: while all books contain building blocks for each MMC's relationship with the FMC, each book maintains a special focus on the actualization of the relationship of a specific MMC with the FMC. In the first book, it was Fox, in this book it's .

I also deeply enjoyed the fact that .

Speaking of future books...THAT CLIFFHANGER. I'm not one who typically gets hung up on a cliffhanger. And I will say I'm not like....gnawing at the bars of my enclosure needing to know immediately. But the revelations in the back 20% of this book have me absolutely riveted and I cannot wait to see how they develop and resolve! Between and and not to mention There is so much to be explored and I for one cannot wait to see where things lead!

I have, again, had issues with pacing and editing in this book. I know the author has expressed issues recently with deadlines. And it does show a bit in this book, particularly the back 30%. Not enough to inhibit enjoyment of the work, just enough to notice within the wider context of her work as a whole. I'm hopeful, though, that this will change in future books as the author has explained future changes to how she will work through the actual physical act of writing and editing. I am such a fan of her work overall, and cannot wait to see it return to a (hopefully) similar style as in the books that first made me fall in love with her work (The Fae Guardians books 1-6).
Profile Image for j.
4 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2024
this sequel picks up right where book 1 jumped off of the cliff, and i loved every second of it! i’ll try not to spoil anything, but i would suggest reading book 1 before continuing here just in case. also, i believe this is technically a standalone series, but my recommendation is to read the fae guardian series first so that you know more about willow’s past, her family, and a bit more about the six as well.

trials of dusk and dreams follows willow as she finds herself registering for the mysterious solstice trials in avorlorna on a quest for revenge. along the way, she learns some unsettling news about the targets of her ire: the six, who she believes ruined her life through decades of machinations and manipulation.

as we tag along for willow’s journey, a ton of secrets are revealed, and willow’s ultimate goal shifts. we learn about a faerie war that looms on the horizon, closer than it appears, and how various forces are conspiring to either save or destroy the realm. of course, willow and the six are central figures when it comes to major world events here. willow is tasked with seemingly impossible obstacles to overcome, betraying her friends and being betrayed in turns, all while searching for the coveted sense of belonging she’s been desperate for since she was a child. along the way, we watch as our new friends/enemies/frenemies are subjected to curses, confusion, heartbreak, and very occasionally, a pinch of redemption.

many increasingly devastating plot twists ensue (thanks, lana 😭), and we see willow and her fellow shadows finally entering the solstice trials. the book concludes with an even eviler cliffhanger than book 1, and i am still not okay!

overall, i really enjoyed this read. i mean, it sort of ripped my heart out, but doesn't it seem like the best books always do? i would categorize the pace as medium-to-fast, with a moderate slow-burn spice. i’m desperate to find out what happens next and i’m filled with visceral love AND hate for the characters i met in this book! 4.25 stars because i am obsessed with this world and want to know more about everything—i felt like the ending was a bit rushed, and there were parts that were confusing throughout (even though i’ve read all the preceding novels). that said, it obviously did not detract significantly from the ~experience~ of TODAD (just like how i felt about CONAN), and i highly recommend giving this series a go if you enjoy being emotionally decimated by books.
Profile Image for Cindy.
125 reviews
September 8, 2024
Read the book. Not the review (it’s all spoilery)

Oh boy. I feel like anything I put here will likely be a spoiler… so I guess f**k it. It was an incredible read. Seriously just took me out of real life for a moment and transported me to the magical scary beautiful world.


So basically… it’s all badass. Read the book. You’re welcome.

Some of this is no surprise from book one. But still.
First… I miss Fox. He was just so beautiful inside. I can’t wait for him to be back on the pages. Not as stone (although Willow hugging him and listening to his heartbeat was such a tender moment, I hope he remembers that when his unstoned)
Styx is a bit of a jerk. But he comes out of stone without some important memories. Eventually, he redeems himself. But not how you’d expect.
Emrys, is 100% enemy number one. He’s just a bag of icks. From first page to last. But I think he’s just misunderstood… by himself. Misguided. And broken. I definitely loathed him a bit more here.
Legion, that self sacrificing stud of a broken sluagh. I do love when he has his moments when his walls are down. When he can’t hide his desire for Willow. Swoonnnnnn.
Bodin, my heart freaking broke when he lost his memories again 😭 Titanias curse on them suppressing their memories is the absolute worst for Bodin. The gasp I gusped when he forgot his connection to Willow… holy hell.
And then Varen. He’s still my fav. His warped mind has a reprieve and then Lana goes and does us wrong… I’ll admit to maybe saying “that b!tch” in my head. Then apologizing and saying “I still love you”.

Willow goes through some serious trials here. And then the poor girl has to have her “heat” too? If you’ve read shifter books, you know the reaction of the shifter in heat and to those around her.

Puck is an idiot. Power hungry characters always bite the dust (pun intended, you’ll get it later).
Alfie we already knew was slimy, we get confirmation.

Sheesh, I could just cliff notes the whole book here. I haven’t stopped thinking about it! There’s sooooo much details here. Pay attention to everything you read! If something seems random or trivial, remember it!

Now to die while waiting for book 3.
Profile Image for Em.
214 reviews10 followers
September 15, 2024
I adore Lana’s writing, Ithink I say this every time I read one of her books, but honestly I do!! Her worlds are rich and immersive, they capture me and refuse to let go until the last word. I read this on a camping trip at the coast and I’m pretty sure my husband was a bit frustrated because I just couldn’t put it down!!

I love that we get more of the guys view points and how they fear the control of another queen who could potentially manipulate them (as if Willow would!!!!). We get A LOT more of their backstory and the lore associated with them, with multiple POVs and I am her for it!! Bodin was one of my fave POVs, as well as anothers that I’m not mentioning because SPOILERS!! It was also amazing to see Willow become the bada33 lady/warrior she was born to be!! Their struggles, the tension between them all, their undeniable tension between Willow and the guys, urgh absolutely worth the frustration of the slow burn!! Well slow burn with SOME of them... I’ll leave it there!! With steamy scenes, training montages, one of the best found family gangs I’ve ever read and so much mystery (but also answers, how does Lana do that??)

Honestly, this series gets better and better with every book and I cannot WAIT for the next one... especially as this one ends on a cliffhanger that had me straight in Lana’s DMs raging about the injustice (sorry about that!!) Although this is a stand alone series, technically, i would definitely recommend reading the Fae Guardian’s series first, if only because they are awesome, but also to get the background on Willow and the guys. Anyway, remember... ‘We are smiling, yes?’ (want to know what I’m talking about?? READ THE SERIES!! I BEG YOU!!)
Profile Image for Claudia.
342 reviews3 followers
August 31, 2024
“One will betray you. One will try to kill you.” Varen whispers against her lips...

We follow our sweet Willow as she bravely tries to hold on to the remains of her magic, knowing that her mates have no memory of who she is, who they are to eachother, how she is supposed to be the center of their hive.

Fox is gone, the memory of what they shared, a bite mark on Willow's neck. He traded places with Styx, who emerges from his stone emprisonment, suspicious of her, angry to have been forgotten.
The First, Legion, eyes her with suspicion, unaware of what they should have together, until Willow gifts him a pair of enchanted spectacles, and his vision changes, swaped with reverence..
The Second, Legion, is the Protector, and allthough he fights it, he'll ensure the safety of their mate.
Despite the dangers of the Gentle Interlude trials, Willow soon realizes that the Third, Emrys, is the most dangerous sluagh of their hive.
Could there be any truth in the Fourth, Varen's, bee talk? He remembers she's their Queen.
The Fifth, Fox, is encased in stone, what they shared, only a memory, for now.
And the Sith, Styx? Hot and mysterious he may be, but soon Willow finds that, he may betray her...

What a fast paced, adventurous book! Willow's compassion will gather around her, those worthy of her trust. But can she trust others, when her secrets are revealed?
And what of Titania's slumber? Can Willow win the trials and get her wish?
The Fae Devils series is not for the faint of heart, you will laugh, cry, and fan yourself from all the heat inscribed in these pages!
What a fantastic read!
58 reviews2 followers
September 4, 2024
I’ve taken a bit to collect my thoughts after finishing. Don’t read this review if you have not read Castle of Nevers and Nightmares because it is impossible to write a review without spoiling book 1. No spoilers for this book.
After Fox’s sacrifice, Willow must continue with none of the remaining Six knowing who she is and she must continue in the trials to save Avorlorna. I loved the blurb below about the Six and I spent the book trying to untangle the prophecy mentioned about who would betray Willow.

One hates her.
One confuses her.
One distrusts her.
One is encased in stone.
One rejects her, and,
One thinks she’s a dangerous distraction.

I absolutely loved this book. It was a great follow up to Castles of Nevers and Nightmares. Lana has created such a deep and detailed world and has developed each of the characters so they are rich and complex.

I won’t lie, I did miss Fox in this book because I absolutely loved him in CONAN, but encasing him in stone took him out of the picture and allowed us to dive deeper into the remaining Five. We got glimpses into all of their minds in this book as they try to remember what and who Willow is to them. We spend most of our time in Bodin’s mind and it was interesting to see how he views Willow compared to Fox who never forgot what she was. She had to earn his trust and respect despite not remembering who she was, which was a complete change from Fox. It made for a fresh new dynamic and a lot of character development as they untangle the lies and deception.
Let me talk about that ending though. What a wild ride that last section was. Death, betrayal and a twist. Can’t wait for the next book.
71 reviews2 followers
October 2, 2024
In the first book I very much disliked the writing. In this book the writing is changed so she either had/got a ghost writer or an editor. The writing has improved slightly. At least I don’t feel like I’m reading a power point presentation any more. I’m still not entirely in love with this series. Just interested enough to force myself to read it anyways.

Again the plot is interesting but executed poorly. This book is quite long and yet nothing happens, likely looking for that 6 book deal. I skipped large sections and still knew what was going on. It’s held together by insta-love, tropes, and pointless flash backs. I am not a fan of this whole “it used to be earth and plastic is blocking magic” thing? It’s not a good plot point.

The fmc is irritatingly needy and dumb. I hate it when the fmc has only been there a week and is all of a sudden calling their home her home, professing love, and general forcing her way into everything. Lust is not love. Love takes time to write and grow and in my opinion insta-love is just the author pressing the easy button.

The mmcs are likeable and I’m guessing they’ll each get a book? Not sure if it’s me or the author not having the fmc better fleshed out but I find most below to average books tend to have a unlikeable, poorly written fmc but amazing mmcs.

The spice is, ok.

I’ll read the next books, probably. I am not sure I’ll enjoy them. The Cainsville series by Kelley Armstrong does Slaugh, The Wild Hunt, and fae BEAUTIFULLY. It’s a much better read. It has little to no spice by the plot is out of this world.

24 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2024
TODAD hit all the check marks I have for a five-star read. There was angst, character growth, world-building, plot twists/mystery, forgiveness, toe-curling romance & spice🌶️, found family, and so much more. Willow’s strength shines through in so many ways, but most importantly in her unwavering loyalty to her friends and the men she loves.

This novel features a multi-POV(which I’m a huge fan of!) If you also love reading an MMC POV(or maybe 6 MMCs 😉🥵) this is the book for you! In TODAD you’ll get glimpses into Legion and Bodin’s minds—buckle up for the slow burn! 🔥🔥🔥 There are also pivotal moments of Varen, Styx, and Emry that we see through Willow’s eyes. To see how each individual’s past forms their judgments and struggle with self-loathing was extremely moving to read about as they each fought their demons.
You’ll also catch a few glimpses into the villain’s mind! From the witty banter of Willow to the brotherly camaraderie, this story sent me on a rollercoaster of emotions.

With that said, Lana did an amazing job of writing about trauma and giving the characters time to process, grieve, and find forgiveness. In this aspect, Max, Geraldine, and Becky’s friendship shows how a great support system can help in the healing process. TODAD does end on a cliffhanger, but I cannot wait to read the rest of this series!

(I received an ARC cpy in exchange for my honest review.)
Profile Image for Jesse Lemire.
100 reviews
September 9, 2024
4.8 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5 🌶🌶🌶

🔥I need the next book more than I need oxygen🔥

✅️Dark Romance
✅️Why Choose
✅️Fated Mates
✅️Touch Her and Die
✅️Hate to Love
✅️Political Intrigue
✅️Multiple Points of View
✅️Dystopian World


Points of View

Styx has been freed and Fox has been turned into stone. Without Fox around to remind the hive who they are, it's up to Willow to find a way for her Mates to trust her. Meanwhile, preparations for the tournament are in full swing. Bodin has taken to personally train Willow and her friends to increase their chance of survival. Willow's relationship with Bodin blooms. Legion and Styx are still a little weary. Varen's mind is still too fractured, and Emrys remains cold and closed off. Puck is plotting against Titania and his plans are endangering not only Alvorlorna but the Hive as well. Willow has to overcome her past failures and figure out who to become. Not only do her Mates depend on it, but also the nothings who don't stand a chance.

Willow is such a beautiful character. Is she perfect? No, but she accepts full responsibility for her errors.

"I wish I can be a falling star...then maybe...Maybe I'll be wanted. Lovable. Everyone will hunt nightly for a glimpse of me in the sky." - Willow

So much happens in Trials of Dusk and Dreams, yet I still need more!
103 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2024
Warning: This is not a short read. Subsidiary warning: This book will mess with your sleep!

I was engrossed in this book, it's written in more of an EPIC style to my mind, there are lots of characters and lots of slow development of them all throughout the novel. Compared to the first one, and the Fae Guardians series, there is just SO MUCH going on here. If you are distracted at all while reading, you will lose your mind.

Because of that, it took longer to read than I thought because I had to concentrate, and at times I admit I had to remind myself why Willow was in this situation and what her purpose was. But the distraction is also the most delightful interweaving of the POV of the Sluagh. Seeing a little bit inside their heads was so powerful. I loved this book more because of that, but if you are not great at switching POV then beware. But this is all part of the build because you start to see the growth of *all* the characters.

My only peeve with this is that I kept forgetting the stories of the rest of the humans who knew Willow from "before" and had to keep reminding - probably best to read this book soon after the previous for that reason. I had left a big gap and read all of the Fae Guardians books to date in between so kind of got lost.

All up a really nice build for the Fae Guardians universe and buildup for the next book.

I reviewed an ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sarah.
293 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2024
*I received the eArc of the book from the author in exchange for ahonest review *

The second book of the Fae Devils series picks up right where book one left off. After the ending of book one, Willow is left trying to get the rest of the Sluagh to remember who they are without the help from Fox. As the story progresses memories start to return, secrets are revealed, and we get more information about this new fantastical world and why it is the way it is. 

I really liked the group dynamic in this book. The main relationship in this book is focused on Bodin and Willow, with a little bit of Legion involved. Willow learns more about the slaugh and what they mean to her and each other, and I still really appreciate the slow burn aspect that is brought into play with this why choose romance. We as readers get to learn about each individual slaugh in relationship to Willow slowly which makes the tension/spicy bits that much more satisfying. 

The expansion of the world and plot line is also what I enjoyed about this book. In book one, Willow is dumped into this new world with no understanding of what is really going on, but by the end of book two we as readers learn more about the history of the world and the slaugh along with Willow. 

Overall, a solid second book in this series and the cliffhanger ending definitely leaves the reader wanting more answers. If you like why choose, slow burn romances, fantastical world settings, a strong FMC, and group of misunderstood villains who would do anything for their queen, then this series is for you. 
Profile Image for MaryLovesRomance.
641 reviews6 followers
September 1, 2024
I’m not going to lie, this series (?) trilogy(?) is really dragging on. At this point, I’m hoping it’s just going to be a trilogy because I don’t want to read much more. Not much really happened in this book to advance the story.

Willow is involved in the trials. Some intrigue is revealed. Plotting and planning on the part of some of the Sluagh is revealed but it is stretched out over a slow-moving action plot and almost no further story development.

This book was fine. I just felt like not a lot happened. It was exciting at parts but I felt like it could have been cut down and combined with whatever is going to happen in the next book. Maybe even the previous book could have been edited a little and this whole story could have been a duet. (I don’t actually know if this is going to be a trilogy but I’m hoping that’s as long as it’s going to get.)

This book was fine and you definitely can’t skip it in order to move onto the next one but I wanted more from this story. I love the writing and the characters but it felt too drawn out. There were sections that unjust skimmed because it was just exposition in the midst of a story that wasn’t really going anywhere anyway.

I wouldn’t read this book again but overall I’m enjoying this story.
Profile Image for Samie Treat.
59 reviews
September 1, 2024
Another Wicked Knockout! Lana does it again with her amazing story telling and her outstanding characters.

I absolutely loved this book, and it makes me nearly feral for the next book. I enjoyed the growth we saw for some of the Six, and the foreshadowing for the others. I really enjoyed the individuality they all had, which I imagine can be hard when writing so many different main change. I feel they’re all so interesting and unique. I still love Willow so much. She is and had been one of my favorites since the very beginning. I have a feeling we’re in store for a quite a few more books and I can’t wait, as each story Lana writes is something I immensely enjoy.

I do think it is beneficial to read the Fae Guardians series before this, as to really get an insight into the world, and characters, it’s important to know their history. And all of those books are amazing and worth the read. Also, I was crying in the first few chapters of Book 1, and felt a huge emotional pull in that book. I wasn’t as emotional in this book, but I loved all the events and I feel like we’ve been led into a great spot for some knockout moments in the coming installments.

Overall, I absolutely recommend this book and all the others in the connected series!
698 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2024
The Sluagh are back!

Book one left my heart pounding and book two has too!

So many twists, revelations, angst and the bitterest of betrayals that I didn’t see coming. I won’t spoil anything but I want to shake a certain Sluagh.

The dynamics of the hive have changed and it was so unique to see how Willow handled the anguish of seeing her mates suffer and still trying to navigate a world that wants to see her fail. She is such a strong character but we get to see her vulnerable side here too.

It was also fun to get more glimpses into the Sluagh’s past and more of their personalities. I can’t wait to see them fully restored.

A rh fantasy romance set in Avorlorna. A fight for survival, trials set up to see only one champion, intrigue, battles, nightmares, betrayals, finding love and lots of magic.

Ahhhhh! I can’t get enough of this world. From the Guardians to now their daughter Willow off on her own, navigating her way through trials and fighting to keep her hive healthy and alive.

Lots of povs, including from secondary characters, told in first person.

Same characters as book one with some additional secondary characters added in.

Steam - some steamy scenes as Willow connects with more of her mates
Profile Image for Erin Penn.
Author 3 books19 followers
October 2, 2024
I needed to get absorbed into solid worldbuilding with complicated lore, but still easy to understand if you have the basics of Fae folklore. I needed a strong woman and the love or loves of her life. I needed them to fall in love and overcome the darkness.

I didn't expect to need them to be part of the darkness. We have previously met the love interests in another series set in the same world. They have been on a slow, slow redemption arc. Never doubt they were once monsters. Never doubt our Main Character, kidnapped and raise by evil, knows how to embrace monsters.

The Dark who-choose Romance series of Fae Devils continues in the second book of the series. Ms. Pecherczyk tends to write trilogies, or, more accurately, story arcs in groups of three, with the actual series being nine books or six books. Since there are six men to court and have their hearts won over, I am thinking this might be a six-book series, with the first major set-of-three connected stories ending with the next book of the series. But that is assumptions on my part. I look forward to the next book of the series.

(I should note that while Fae Devils is set in the same world as previous series, this series does work as a stand-alone.)

Book read through kindle unlimited.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
45 reviews1 follower
August 30, 2024
We pick up right where we ended in Castle of Nevers and Nightmares and the emotional damage is still there.

I will once again say it louder for the people in the back 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝! He is the sweetest, most venerable soul and he holds a special place in my heart.

Bodin is the main love interest in this one with a sprinkling of the others. We get some interesting interactions with Styx. He's a little sh*t, but you can't help but like him. Legion is going to be Daddy, I just know it.

There is a lot of emotional trauma that we work through and Willow tugs at my heart. She still feels the effects of her life with Nero and losing Rory. She just wants to know her place in the world and the guys don't make it that easy.

When I finished this book, I was left hurt and a little confused. Actually, I was left slightly mad. I can't wait to for the next book in the series!

There is a lot of world building detail that blows my mind. Lana is such a genius when it comes to this. How she has so much creativity after all the books she has written, I will never know.

Trials of Dusk and Dreams is available tomorrow on Amazon and KU.
Profile Image for She Dreams In Books.
461 reviews5 followers
September 3, 2024
🖤🖤 What a damn ride this was! There was so much packed into this one book I was wondering how on earth I am going to write this review. First of all, I love Avorlorna. Lana has created a world that easily has me drawn to and is a wonderful escape from reality.
The push and pull between Willow and the 6 broody, tormented but hot and lovable Sluagh will get your heart going. Love Willow's strength, loyalty, and kindness to others, even those with questionable characters. She is amazingly patient with Legion, Bodin, Emrys and Styx. I wanted to throttle them at times. I wished sometimes Willow would just scream at them, but then I remembered it is not in her nature, but in mine!
Honestly, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat. Forget taking a breather! Just when you think you've gotten over a twist, turn, or revelation, Lana throws some more at us. I needed to know, and I needed to know yesterday.
Lana has written an awesome follow up to Castle of Nevers and Nightmares. It does end on a cliffhanger, but geez it is a banger of a cliffhanger. You'll be itching for the next book after reading this.
Profile Image for Lilia Atkin.
153 reviews4 followers
September 10, 2024

Well we finally got to dive a bit deeper into our lovely hive full of men. I really love the distinct personalities and interactions with all the MMCs. Each one has a good depth and range of experiences and emotions that bring them to life and allow you to really latch onto them. The plot in this one was a little slower for me. There was action but I felt like it lacked a little bit of direction until we got to the very end. Because there was a lot of fighting/action I think it did make it a bit easier to read but much of it felt almost like filler.

I really like our MMCs in this one. The addition of Styx was fun. He is so much trouble and I felt it was sort of refreshing seeing some of these MMCs being a stark contrast to the more devoted men by just giving no craps.
Willow and the way she is written I still don’t mesh with her well. I think she comes off as too immature for my liking especially as someone who is so highly trained and was once so powerful. I really want to connect with her, and therefore the story, more but I just had a hard time. I will say I did like her more in this book than in the first.
The bit of the storyline that includes her ex and her friends is still a big hard to grasp at times but I do like that she has those friends and other connections within the world other than her hive.

The ending was super fun ! It was a big twist, that I saw coming, but I still liked it. I’m always eager for a good blindsiding. It really stirs things up and has me excited to read the next one to see what becomes of everyone.
Profile Image for Jennifer Davis.
298 reviews7 followers
August 30, 2024
Lana has such a beautiful way of breaking my heart and putting it back together again only to rip out in the end! But it's ok because I am here for it! I absolutely love this world that she has created in the Fae Devils series. Willow and the Six are just to die for! I cannot put these books down once I start them. A lot happens in this book, and I feel like it really progresses the story along nicely. Fox is still stone, but now Styx is free and completely suspicious of all things Willow. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but A LOT happens in this book! Willow isn't quite so alone anymore, and her curse is broken so she's really coming in to her own. A couple of the Slaugh are completely irresistible and a couple are ridiculously stubborn and hardheaded. These tortured men are just so wonderful but sometimes you just want to shake some sense into them! As always the world building and magic system that Lana has created is just breathtakingly beautiful. I'm really excited to see where book 3 takes us!
Profile Image for Jenn Beck.
144 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2024
4.0 ⭐️ | Giving this a solid 4 stars, a smidge of an upgrade from the first book, because the world building wasn't as confusing this time around {but I promise I still am in moments} and because we get more of the Six's POVs. I stress again that I think I would have benefitted from reading the original series but no sense in making any U-turns now.

Legion is literally daddy, Bodin is a babe, Varen didn't get enough screen time, Emry's can jump off a cliff and never come back for all I care {WHAT WAS THAT WITH THE REVELATIONS!?}, Styx confuses me, and our Foxy boy is still MIA. Willow's character arch progresses nicely and honestly I think she could do without her friend group because they kinda low-key suck and are irrelevant.

I honestly don't know where the plot goes at times outside of our girl trying to build relationships with the Six but I do wonder how long this series is going to be since we barely did anything in this installment and the ending felt very rushed.

Looking forward to book 3 already!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews

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