This book contains everything you need to know about the parent-child relationship, including developing a healthy bond with your children, communicating effectively, establishing and respecting boundaries in the family, handling your own and your children's emotions, and developing their and your self-esteem.
The Parent Child Connection is one of two books, and we don't believe you've really mastered the principles of parenting until you've learned what's in the other book, Sidestepping the Power Struggle, with is of equal length to this one.
Dr Alison Miller is a Canadian Psychologist. She developed the LIFE (Living in Families Effectively) Seminars for parent education. Since 1990 she has specialized in treating survivors of organized criminal abuse.
Nothing is better than attending seminars with Allison Rees, but this book has on paper a lot of what you learn from her in the sessions. Very helpful, and also encouraging--highly recommended for any parent wondering if they are doing things right.