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Fighting for Love #2

Tempting Princess

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Vanessa McGregor s'envole pour Hawaï où elle doit organiser le mariage de sa meilleure amie. Elle y retrouve le bel athlète de haut niveau Jackson avec qui elle doit partager un bungalow sans rien tenter avec lui, car au travail comme en amour, elle a sept règles à suivre, sept règles que Jackson compte bien briser.

383 pages, Paperback

First published March 31, 2013

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About the author

Gina L. Maxwell

32 books3,965 followers
Gina L. Maxwell is a New York Times, USA Today, and #1 International bestselling author living in the upper Midwest, despite her scathing hatred of snow and cold weather. As a lifelong romance novel addict, she began writing as another way of enjoying her love of Happily Ever Afters.

Her debut novel in 2012, Seducing Cinderella, hit the bestseller lists within a month of its release and continues to be a fan favorite a full decade later.

When she’s not reading, writing, or spending way too much on planners and office supplies, Gina enjoys hanging out with her grown children, experiencing everything life has to offer, and dreaming of her someday-move to someplace tropical.

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Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,964 followers
April 7, 2013

4 stars.****Review posted April 7, 2013

Oh my, this was fun! Gorgeous MMA fighter and passionate surfer dude meets….

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…DA 'princess'

"There a problem, princess?"
Princess? She gritted her teeth. (…)

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"Secondly," he said, interrupting her would-be rant as he dropped his amusement as easily as removing a mask, "contrary to your belief, I know exactly how to treat a woman. In every aspect."

"I don't use lines. I use compliments. And telling a woman something she already knows isn't a compliment. You have to tell her true things she doesn't know."

"I'd tell you you're the most intriguing woman I've ever met, and I'm dying to discover what's underneath that sexy confidence you wear so well."

The sparks are flying!
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Yo, Jackie! Come on over here coz I wanna have a little chat with you. Oh, and stop giving me your death glare, darling, otherwise I'm going to discipline you. *saccharine smile* First off, I'm gonna call you Jackson instead of Jax. Hmm…Jax…jaxie. I don't think you'd like me to associate your nick name to jaxie. *cough* Besides, Jackson is such a cool name. I really like it. Now that we set the record straight, let me get down to business.

Dear Jackson,

Do you remember when you arrived at Honolulu airport and met your sister's best friend, Vanessa MacGregor, for the first time? Yeah, right, how could you ever forget such a memorable arrival? V made an impression on you, that was for certain. Though you made an impression on her as well. It is only unfortunate that it wasn't in the best sense of the word. You should know that women appreciate punctuality. Also, I can't wrap my mind around the fact that you did not consider that your BS lie would bite you in the ass eventually. Come to think of it, it's not surprising that your brain cells did not work at that specific moment since all your blood went south, right? I'm very glad, however, that you recognized your mistake and made it up to Vanessa. Besides, we all know how charming you can be. Irresistible. *sigh*

I have to tell you, Jackson, you are one mighty fine specimen of a man, and I know I shouldn't tell you that. I gotta wipe that smirk off your face, dude. *rolls eyes* Hold that thought, Jackson. You are dark and delicious and built like a god. And with your panty-melting charm you seduced your faire share of women in the past. You know it's not a secret that I love gorgeous fictional characters who are sporting a sexy tattoo. Topaz eyes and a great smile are completing the very appealing package. By the way, it doesn't hurt one bit that you are a champion MMA fighter. Also, I didn't mind at all to witness your training session aaaand will wonders never cease coz you even had a little training fight. Sorry for being a tiny bit sarcastic but that's exactly what I was missing when I read Reid's story Seducing Cinderella. Well, just so you know, there was lots of seducing without a training session or a MMA fight after all. *pouts* I was actually wondering if Reid knew how to use his fists.

Ok, Jackie Jackson, sorry for going off on a tangent. I'll be back to your interesting story in no time flat. Where was I? *scratches head* Oh, right! Let's talk about your viper, Vanessa. You are so right, Jackson. She is one striking woman. She is tall, has a great body, beautiful curly red hair and emerald eyes. But one of her best features is her mouth. Not only does she have full lips, she knows how to use it. She is intelligent and spunky and is able to give great head as well. Yup, smart Vanessa had you quite revved up with her personality and you felt intrigued. *Baba beams*

"So, V, tell me about yourself."
"Your sister calls me Nessie. Most people do."
"I know your ancestors hail from Scotland, what with that hair and last name and all, but you don't look like an elusive aquatic dinosaur hiding in a loch to me. I'll stick with V."
"Strange," she said in the sarcastic tone he was growing accustomed to from her. "Lucie never mentioned how incredibly annoying you are."

She's' back, ladies and gentlemen.

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"The day a vibrator satisfies my lover more than me is the day I make myself a eunuch."

Well, as a prosecutor Vanessa knows how to be in control. Besides, she loves to call the shots. In the bedroom, however, you wanted to hold the reins. On the one hand, you love to domineer a woman between the sheets (or wherever you happen to have sex for that matter), but on the other hand, you are man enough to accept that a woman may boss you around a little bit outside of the bedroom. Also, I appreciated it very much that you were so determined to unravel her lucky seven rules. In the end, you made up your very own special rules, 'Jackson's Lucky Seven Rules To Love By'. Well done, Jackson!

Sex behind a waterfall. No comment. Just read the book. *grin*

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Bullshit Body Shots.

Yep, Jackson, you may lick me too!
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"My turn again."
"And where, pray tell, do you plan on doing it this time?"
"Talk is cheap, Counselor. I'm a man of action." He captured her wrists and placed them above her head on the arm of the couch. "Be good and keep those there for me."
"And if I don't?"
"Move 'em and find out." He nipped her earlobe, then whispered, "I'm kind of hoping you do."

Jackson, I LOVED the Bullshit Body Shots. This specific interlude was so incredibly sexy and left me a little breathless. *deep breath* Even though you are not a prosecutor I have to tell you that you are such a sly dog. There is no getting round it to admit that I enjoyed the steam level and you sure know how to satisfy your lover. As a matter of fact, Vanessa told me that you satisfied her every sexual need and she nearly fainted because the sexual tension was almost unbearable. Stop grinning from ear to ear you show-off! *Baba beams in secrecy*

BTW, I have a little gift for you. Here it is…(readers, go ahead and look at the spoiler. It's nothing special only an ugly gif).

Yes, darling, I swear by everything holy that I'm going to take this fascinating tidbit to my grave. Awww, don't feel bad now coz it happens to the best of us. Poor you. *pets* *snicker*

And after you were done with the Bullshit Body Shots you came down to business. And how you came…nom noms...

"Now," he rasped as he dragged the pad of his thumb in circles around her clit, "I want you to ask me for what you want. Ask me to let you come, V."
Could you die from orgasm deprivation? She'd bet the answer was yes, but she had no desire to find out.
"Please, Jackson," she said, not only pleading with her words but in the way her back arched toward the ceiling and her fingers dug into her breasts. "Please let me come."
The muscles in his jaw leaped with a slight flare of his nostrils. "My pleasure."

Your gorgeous V finally let go in every sense of the word. She felt safe and happy with you until said lie caused the little drama. Truth be told, that's the biggest issue I've had with your entertaining story. It was very predictable and irritating. Besides, that Vanessa felt the need to blame herself for her sister's life wasn't to my liking either. Sorry for being so straightforward but Kat is responsible for her own f@ck-ups. Another issue was the ending. It pushed the sweet tooth a bit too much for my taste.

Anyway, all's well that ends well, right?

"But just as a fighter can't predict what an opponent will do as he works to execute his plan, we can't predict what love will throw our way as we search for that perfect person." Eyes alight with the setting sun met hers, melting her resolve from the inside out. "And more often than not, who we think we need isn't at all who we really need."

"I gave you But this…" He tapped a finger next to the fresh ink. "This is for you, for us. I wanted a tattoo of you on my skin, because I can't show you the one you've already left on my heart."

Last but not least, please give Gina my best and tell her that she delivered another winner. In fact, I'm already looking forward to reading Fighting Irish which should be released coming fall 2013.

What's up, dude? Don't be shocked and close your mouth please. You still have to learn that I love to hold the reins when I'm reviewing a book and you have no say whatsoever. Just suck it up and practice your rules Hasta la vista, baby!

As a side note
Rules of Entanglement is by no means a BDSM story. There was no need to include any toys whatsoever because Jackson is a he-man. Getting women off so easily became second nature to him. His voice, mouth, hands and d@ck were good enough to make Vanessa a very happy woman.

Thank you, Susanne, for doing the buddy read with me! <3

**ARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
April 3, 2013

4.5 Fun and Sexy Stars!

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“I’d rather fight and lose than never step inside the cage.”

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Vanessa is an attorney taking a week off before her best friend Lucie’s wedding to help her out. Jax is an MMA fighter who happens to be Lucie’s brother. Vanessa has a set of rules, 7 of them to be exact.

7.Never take your responsibilities lightly
6.Never indulge in the poison of lies
5.Never let a fling last more than three days.
4.Never date a man who choses fists over words.
3.Never date a man who lacks a stable future.
2.Never relinquish control.
1.Never fall in love.

She follows them for a reason. She does not want to relive her past. After spending a week with Jax, he gets her to break every rule.

Jax is easy going, charming, sexy- loved him! Vanessa, she was a little more structured, uptight, but also feisty, and a lot of other things...
“Yeah, Vanessa. I also call her Red, Viper, Princess, and behind her back, Woman-who’s-driving-me-fucking-insane.”

Jax finds himself enamored with her right away. But he rubs her the wrong way at first. Jax has to bend the truth a little to get her to spend time with him. He tells V that they have to pretend to be a couple (Lucie and Reid) while at the resort or it could jeopardize Lucie’s wedding plans. Vanessa reluctantly agrees. After spending more and more time with Jax, Vanessa opens up to him a little more and realizes he is not the man she first thought. She is attracted to him, so they decide to have a fling. One of Vanessa's rules... It can’t last more than 3 days. Jax has 3 days to try to get her to change her mind about them.

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If you loved Seducing Cinderella like me, you will love this one! Jax and Vanessa had a ton of chemistry, and the steam was off the charts!
“Enjoy your last few hours of being in control, V. Because after that... you’re mine.”

It was sweet, romantic, and hot(Tequila body shots with Jax- SIGN ME UP!) And the ending... Jax rule’s were just too sweet. Loved it!

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Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
May 5, 2015

Omigawd! Straight to favs! *Widest grin on the planet* It was the best contemporary romance that I've read in a long time. With the most amazing hero ever!

Add a laid back MMA surfer who takes charge in the bedroom, a fiery heroine with emotional baggage, a faux-engagement, wedding planning and lounging in the Hawaiian sun, and you end up with a delicious, funny, romantic and hot romance. It had it all! Amazing hero, feisty heroine, awesome setting, great plot, smexy talking and a couple of giggles

Jax. He is the most amazing hero ever! He is hot. And he is swoony.

"Dark and delicious. Those were the first words that popped into her head."

"Oh, he was definitely doable. Did Hawaiians have a saying 'Save a surfboard, ride a surfer?' If not, she was totally starting it."

"But for as easygoing as he was in every other aspect of his life, there were two areas he insisted on dominating. Fighting and sex."

I loved Vanessa. She has her issues. But she is credible and reasonable and I loved how she slowly opened up to Jax. Her back story made me cry. I really hope her sister gets a book and a HEA.

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The gorgeous setting. It is like you are on vacation to the most beautiful place on earth. I wanna visit Hawaii like yesterday!


The wedding planning bits. As a bride-to-be, I immensely enjoyed the cake tasting, and all the other wedding stuff.

And all the amazing things you have to experience when reading this book. The Bullshit Body Shots. The Panty Melting Sex. The Waterfall. And Jackson’s Lucky Seven Rules to Love By. I actually danced around in my apartment after finishing this book, and I'm still all giddy and gooey.

Thanks Baba for reading it with me!

And my biggest thanks to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. Without it, I might have missed this gem!
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,060 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
April 13, 2013
I made it to 38% and could go no further. This is the type of book which a lot of people will love, but it doesn't work for me. Wanna know why? I'm thinking no, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

There were too many romance novel cliches for me to feel like I was reading something new or exciting.

~ The "oops, we got stuck sharing a room" incident.
~ A wedding is the reason for the couple to be at the same location.
~ The heroine has a "list of rules" that she lives by (at least this time it wasn't a list of what she was looking for in a man).
~ An overuse of the nickname baby.
~ A facial habit. This time it was a wink.
~ Bad pickup lines.

There were things that just annoyed me as a human being.

~ Hero said : Come alive for me. Let me make you feel good. (no guy I've ever known would SAY THIS)
~ Hero also said : She'd come very close to making him tap out. Just in case we forget he was an MMA fighter, we were GOING TO BE REMINDED.
~ Heroine was noted that she performed a chorus of moans, heavy breathing, mewls and whimpers - all in the same sexual encounter.
~ There was a cake tasting scene. Is this ever interesting to read about?
~ The nickname Nessie dragged me kicking and screaming back to Breaking Dawn.

But, there was ONE shining moment out of the 38% of the book that I read.

"I could compliment you properly all night long."

This was actually a damn good line.

Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,575 followers
April 6, 2013
4.5 MMA crush STARS

I'm in girly crush heaven with Gina L Maxwell's addictive books. After reading (and lusting over) Seducing Cinderella, I could not wait for the next in the series and let me tell you 'Rules of entanglement' was well worth the wait.

Where to start ... This sexy novel is jam packed with everything I could want to start the coveted Lisa book butterflies ~ Quirky enjoyable characters, HOT sexual encounters, witty one liners, tones of chemistry and that's not to mention the MMA dream book husband lurking around on the pages ~ YES book heaven.

Gushing aside, this book was well thought out (ok no awards for originality, but I'm not splitting hairs over that). It is Written to 'escape in your kindle' perfection. I HEART this dreamy series and anyone who fell in lust with book one, do NOT delay ~ get one clicking!

4.5 MMA stars from me.
Profile Image for ❤️Emma Book Lover ❤️.
499 reviews295 followers
February 5, 2020
4.5 Stars

I think I liked this one even better than the first book. The couple is Jax ( Lucie's big brother) and Vanessa ( bff of Lucie) .
Its the week of Reid and Lucie's wedding , but after a food poisoning they have to stay behind until the day of the ceremony in Hawaii, so Ness and Jax will deal with the wedding arrangements for them. Well.. their start was bumpy and charged, and Jax tells a few innocent lies to keep V close to him so they can spend more time together to know eachother: meaning they are going to pretend to be the soon newly weds.
Vanessa has a set of 7 rules that she lives by , but in the short amount of time she spend with Jax she broke them all.
They are so good together. The H is as well a MMA fighter but a surfer too, enjoying his life on the island for 10 years. We know from the last book that V is a lawyer , so she is confident , snarky and brutally honest. Both of them open up to eachother and what they discover makes them fall in love.Adored them!Him being easy going and flirty and her matching his stride, plus they seem to burn off the pages in bed. My favorite moments are the waterfall scene and Jax's best man speech. Awesome!

This being said... can someone PLEASE take me to Hawaii 😁😁😁😁

Profile Image for Jamie *Gypsy Smut-a-teer*.
484 reviews263 followers
May 2, 2013
"Never indulge in the poison of lies."

This book was so damn good. Matter of fact, I'm head over heals in love with this whole series. I can NOT wait for the next installment.

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"Do you have any idea what you do to me? Every time I look at you, I f*cking lose my mind."

The story begins with Vanessa arriving in Hawaii to help Lucie with her and Reid's wedding. Lucie can't be there due to illness so it's up to Vanessa to plan the whole thing. Problem is her ride is an hour late and she can't get him on his cell to even find out where he is. In walks Jackson, lol. Instantly, Jackson and Vanessa hit it off all wrong, to the point Vanessa takes a cab instead of the ride standing right in front of her. Jackson, however, is intrigued with Vanessa and decides she isn't getting off so easy. So, he comes up with a way to spend more time with her, he makes up a lie that forces them to spend more time together.


"You can spank me if I get to shave your balls with a straight razor."

Vanessa and Jackson both have secrets. And Vanessa has built up walls around herself in the form of Rules to protect herself from ever falling for the wrong guy, or that's what she thinks she was doing. The attraction between the two is so strong neither can deny it. So Vanessa gives in and makes a deal with Jackson. Have a fling, but there are rules, one of them being it can only last three days and after the fling they never mention it again and only remain friends. As time passes and her and Jackson gets closer she starts to understand herself better and her walls start to crumble. The two of them confess there secrets to one another and completely start to fall for the other, and both are even wanting to see if what they have can last longer, maybe even forever. But like all lies they eventually come out, and in this situation it has the ability to ruin everything.

This story was amazing. I loved both characters so much. Jackson was fun and flirty, but also can be soft and tender. He seems like a really fun guy to be around, but he has two places in his life where he has to be in control, that is in the fighting ring and in the bedroom. And believe me, he can have all the control he wants there. Vanessa was a very likeable heroine. She's strong, confident and sassy. She doesn't take crap from anyone but knows when the right time presents itself she shows her more hidden tender side too.

"They're small with soft, vulnerable underbellies, so the tops are tough with tiny spines that protect from predators. And if that isn't enough, they're able to drop one of their arms-literally leave a piece of them behind-so they can escape. It takes a long time, but eventually they grow a new arm to replace the one they lost."

I totally recommend this book and series. It was an amazing read with flirty conversations, a very romantic HEA for Reid and Lucie from the first book, (btw I loved being able to be there for their wedding), heartbreak, touching backstories, a whole slew of breakable and unbreakable rules, and scorching scenes between Vanessa and Jax. Between body shots, jet ski adventures and a glorious waterfall scene these two couldn't keep their hands off one another. Go, GO,...Don't wait, go pick this one up, it's a must read. :)
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
January 31, 2014
4 Cute Stars

Vanessa has a 7-Rule List to live by. She never breaks them. Breaking them would meant be too close of her past than she would ever want.
But now, her best-friend got sick one week before her destination wedding in Hawaii and she has to go there to settle all the wedding arrangements for her. And next to her is her best-friend’s older brother, Jax and an MMA fighter as well.
He feels immediately something for her and bends the truth a little telling her than in order for them to be able to check-in in the resort, they have to pretend to be the engaged couple.
Things starts to get heated between them but Vanessa has one vital rule: never let an affair last more than three days… so Jax has now seven days to make her change her mind, or lost her forever.


This book didn’t hooked me as much as the first one, but it was almost equally good. The story is sweet, a little frustrating at some points but you won’t be able to stop reading it. The final list of Jax is absolutely endearing.
Definitely, a series to no not miss out on.


Rating: 4 stars.
Storyline: Somewhat predictable (as they normally are in these types of books) but sweet and engaging.
Writing Style: First Person. Dual POV. Well written and nicely developed.
Character Development: Albeit some annoyances, Vanessa is a pretty likeable female character and Jax is a pretty amazing alpha-male. Not to mention it was nice to see more of the previous characters.
Steam: Hot.
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
April 26, 2013
I wanted to love it. I enjoyed the first half a lot. The Hawaiian setting is one that I love, just because I'm such a Midwestern girl, anything remotely beach-y is a winner for me.

Short plot recap...Victoria goes to Hawaii to set up the details for her best friend's wedding. The best friend contracted food poisoning and can't do it herself. But her brother lives on the island, and meets Victoria at the airport...an hour later than he's supposed to. Jackson has already broken one of Victoria's seven dating rules and they only just met. And the trend continues for the next few days. Jackson tries to trick Victoria into spending loads of time with him by pretending that they have to act as the soon-to-be married couple. Victoria goes along, falling more and more each day for the gorgeous MMA fighter.

I liked Jackson. Honestly, he was pretty much perfection. He's super protective of Victoria when he needs to be, but not overly possessive. He's fit, he's lean, he's not materialistic or shallow, and he's fascinated with this strong willed woman, his baby sister's best friend. He's been so bogged down by responsibility after raising his sister that he is now living just to cut loose and relax, to fight and fuck and surf. And he's made a great life for himself.

I had problems with Victoria and her stupid rules and her ability to turn the noble deeds of Jax into something terrible and selfish. His romantic gestures and outright heroic tendencies made her mad. The moment I started swooning was the moment she started making Jax into a bad person in her head, and then he starts groveling...Why, I asked...just why do you want the rigid whining woman? She turned drama queen, and my love for the book took a nosedive.

I'd say, if you enjoyed the first book of the series, if you like a side of angst and drama with your romance, you may like this one too. Both were fairly forgettable for me, so I doubt I'll be continuing.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
August 6, 2016
4.5 Cocky, Stubborn, Delicious, Mindful Stars * * * * */*

January…. First month of the year… time for fresh starts … time to make resolutions….
Well, my resolution was to start my reading with wonderfully, sexy men who fall for women who actually have brain matter.
To experience the igniting of the senses; all of them… my want to touch, taste, see, hear, speak, smell and feel… to wish the words and characters on the page were either me or people I would want to know.
And to indulge in these stories fully … as if I was consuming the most sinfully rich desert I craved… because it is January… Resolution Month and of course, I am keeping to my diet.

Oh….. But in reading Rules of Engagement… I was able to tick off all the boxes in my list and not break my diet.

I had Jackson Maris, accomplished MMA fighter… incredibly confidant…knew who he was and what he was about; dedicated his early adulthood to taking care of his sister, Lucie, after their parents were killed in an accident. He never took the easy way out; made sure she had all that was needed and put his own wants on the back burner. This is a man who trains hard, surfs well and has no complaints from his women friends… well… at least never in the “benefits” department. He is the easy going guy… the sex you up and takes charge lover…… so I had my guy….

Then I had Vanessa Macgregor… Beautiful, sexy as hell, an attorney… so she had the smarts and was very, very feisty. She had a past which impacted her in such a way as to guide her to create 7 rules which kept her focused, safe and in control. She was Lucie’s best friend from college, always spoke the truth, supported her and was loyal.

Together these two collide. They combust. They are flame to oil and the results of this mixture hits every one of the required senses. It was a thing of beauty.

Briefly the story surrounding all this testosterone and estrogen mixture is the Hawaiian Wedding of Lucie and Reid at this very chi chi resort with a wedding planner extraordinaire. Rober’t only will work with the actual couples and Lucie is really ill. She cannot come to the location until the actual rehearsal dinner causing the need for Vanessa to substitute for her. Jackson is to pretend he is Reid so everything runs smoothly.

I loved this book from the first page to the very last sentence. The tone of it; the set up, back stories, depth of feeling and conflicts worked. These characters were people who had lives; who weren’t unhappy; how they thought they were ok…. Yet when put together… they jumped off the page. They were flesh and blood with an intensity that vibrated.

Jackson was use to charming his way out of whatever misdeed attributed to him… running late… ok smile, let the eyes twinkle and offer a lunch to make it up. Works every time…….
With Vanessa….Ms. Attorney, controlled, orderly and expecting the type of respect a professional of her level gets…....no…
Twinkle in eye, cute…but no……. not even a sorry from him and she is thinking Hell to the no…
This is how it starts and it just gets better from there…

We experience them circling each other …. Sniffing … Watching…. Touches… Whispers and Moans… till finally “The I can’t hold back… think you may die from how great… all consuming kiss…".

The sex in this book is friggin off the charts… it is hot, and then it turns sweet. It then flips you back to a strong, intense rocking event. The way Jackson communicates and just Is… causes a condition I am very familiar with…

CSA…. Constant State of Arousal… yes… CSA is what Vanessa ends up having when around Jackson and we as readers benefit from Jackson’s methods of relieving it.

This is a story which tackles rules and control… why people want it; use it, need it and when to finally let go of it. There is so much to love about this book because it really has the depth to make you care about both, the guy and girl.

This is part of a series, yet can be read on its own. The next book is Fighting Irish and I cannot wait to devour it… and I can… because it is in keeping with my diet.

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Profile Image for Lauren coffeebooksandescape.
245 reviews34 followers
June 11, 2022
“Well, at least I can fix my problem with a shower, darling. You need a tiny blue pill to fix yours.”


It’s Lucie and Reid’s wedding week, but Lucie is ill so her best friend Vanessa flys in to secure the reservation and make the wedding decisions on Lucie’s behalf. When she lands, Lucie’s hunky brother Jax arrives late to pick her up, with even worse news that they must pretend to be their friends for the week before the golden couple arrive! From the moment they met they both burned fire in each other, but attractions rise. Will Vanessa’s seven rules of dating get broken?

Smutty, smutt, smutt! Daymnnnnn I’m loving this series more than anything in the world right now. It’s feel-good, attraction at its finest! Maxwell has an affinity for writing about men that wind women up so tight it’s attractive! It’s just hilarious, you can almost feel Vanessa and Jax playing each other off, and winding each other up so tight, it’s the best kind of romance!

This book definitely has a lot more feistiness than the first. There’s a lot more going on in the plot of this one compared to the first, but in a good way! The addition of rude Akana particularly, and all the background to V. There’s just so much more happening, making it so much better. I laughed out loud so much at the wittiness and cried at the emotional aspects. It’s a page turner from page one!

Recommend for a light smutty read!
Profile Image for Sandra .
160 reviews375 followers
April 22, 2013
Welcome to the breathtaking world of Hawaii!  photo hawaii2_zps63600a3b.jpg surfing in hawaii

"Save a surfboard, ride a surfer."

This book made me wish i was a freaking billionaire so i could live in Hawaii. There were so many beautiful places, and i want to see them for myself *sight*, sadly that's no gonna happen anytime soon.

"Dancing is no different than sex. It's all about moving with your partner. Finding a rhythm together. It's like having sex while standing up."

So the main character, Vanessa, is going to Hawaii for her best friend's wedding (Lucie). There Lucie's older brother is supposed to pick her up. Does he? Yep. 1 hour late.

" So did you have a car problem or something?"
" To be honest, i was surfing and sort of lost truck of time."
" I wish i would've known it was going to be an issue for you to come and get me," She said, trying hard to keep irritation out of her tone, and failing...

Vanessan and Jax do not get along very well. But Jax is intrigued by this woman who spits venom in his face, and stands up to him. He wants to spend more time with her, so they agree on a 3 day fling. But what will happen when Jax's and Vanessas feeling start growing, and he finds reasons why she is the way she is? Most importantly, will he be honest, and own up to his mistakes?

My Vanessa
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My Jax ( Jackson Maris)
hotmale zps0ab44573

...here they were. Like two halves of the puzzle that filled the other's empty spaces, making them whole for the first time. Jax knew in his soul there would never be another woman who completed him so perfectly.

I heard so many great things about this book i just HAD to pick it up. And it was very good, i really enjoyed it. I haven't read book one yet, but it doesn't matter, because you don't have to. This is sort of like a companion to it.

Why i liked Vanessa?: I liked Vanessa a lot, she had a sassy mouth and a cheeky attitude. I LOVE characters like her. They remind me of myself,lol. She is a hardworking, independent woman who lives by 7 rules.

7.Never take your responsibilities lightly.
6. Never indulge in the poison of lies.
5. Never let a fling last more than 3 days.
4. Never date a man who chooses fists over words.
3. Never date a man who lack a stable future.
2. Never relinquish control.
1. Never fall in love.

'Frustrated that he didn't have the decency to answer her, she did the first thing that came to mind...she slapped his ass as hard as she could.'

Why i liked Jax?: I liked Jax too, from the very beginning. He's a bit big headed, and sarcastic. He has to have control in the bedroom, but outside he doesn't mind if the woman has. I think i like him the most because he made Vanessa break all her rules. Did i mention what a hottie he is?! He's a current rich MMA fighter. dissectmma body shot e1310252592380 So you know how his body must look like! Muscles all over *swoon*. tumblr inline ml7zr9 KHDJ1qz4rgp zps4b09d105

The sex scenes! Holy shit! They were so hot, i swear it was like 56 degrees in my room. drooling zps92d6dc5b

There were body shots, which made me want to try and do it.  photo tumblr_mkgoi4e_Sq_Y1raqqzmo1_250_zps5f1a53de.jpg And the best thing, was most likely the waterfall sex.  photo tropical_waterfall_wallpaper_zps80117331.jpg tumblr mdyi8jyvo P1rvpxxdo1 400 zpsedb917d7

"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" His voice sounded harsh and broken, like he'd lost it the day before and it was only now starting to come back. "Every time i look at you, i fucking loose my mind."

The ending was a little disappointing. I mean they did have a HEA. But i wanted to see more. But i have to say, i absolutely loved how Jax made his own 7 rules.

"You're mine. Right here, right now. Only mine." (....) "Only Yours." Two words. Three syllables. Nine letters. Something so small shouldn't have such a tremendous power over him..

OverallRules of Entanglement was a satisfying and steamy read. It was sweet, romantic, entertaining, and simply awesome! Definitely recommend this to romance lovers ( mature readers though!). I will certainly pick up book 1, somewhere this year.

Jax'x 'Lucky 7' Rules To Love By.
7. Always be 100% honest.
6. Always own up to your mistakes.
5. Always negotiate in terms of forever.
4. Always use fists in the cage and to protect her when necessary, but never bring violence in your life.
3. Always be willing to move out of your bachelor shack into grown-up house.
2. Always understand the balance of control and give as often as you take.
1. Always, always, always...tell her how much you love her, now and forever, before it's too late.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,023 reviews968 followers
April 20, 2013
Good one!!!

Sexy MMA fighter Jackson...

[image error]
Beautiful Attorney Vanessa (The Viper)

The Location....Hawaii..

[image error]

Jax is an MMA fighter that lives and trains in Hawaii.. he's not a local but has been there 10 years..his sister Lucie is marrying his best friend, former MMA fighter Reid (Couple from Seducing Cinderella) in a week on the island. Luce has HER best friend Vanessa going to the island ahead of her to meet with the wedding planner and get everything set up. It is Jax's job to pick up Vanessa at the airport and get her settled in at the resort. The catch is... Vanessa and Jax have to pretend to be Lucie and Reid and meet with the wedding planner. They have to fake it.

V is very unimpressed with Jax. He shows up late to pick her up, he's pushy, controlling, and too laid back. V is stubborn, opinionated, and likes control of everything. The sparks are there right away and their verbal insults and bantering was nothing but foreplay because it was obvious where this was going...

Vanessa has some emotional scars and fights letting Jax in, but he's not giving up without a fight. Vanessa just wants to have a short fling with the hottest man she's ever seen but once they both get a taste of each other neither wants to give it up.

V and Jax were so hot together.. the sex was awesome and the story was fun. Not to deep, very little angst , just the right amount of drama, and an HEA. Even if you don't like books about fighters I think this one would still appeal to anyone that likes a nice steamy sexy romance.. Jax is total alpha and you can never go wrong with sexy strong willed man.. total YUM!

Can't wait for more from Gina!

Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
April 22, 2013
My Jax


All righty, first of all...what the heck kind of rock have I been living under that I have only now discovered the awesome that is Gina Maxwell? Seriously?! This was the first book I've read by her and it was

Vanessa McGreggor has 7 rules that she lives by
7. Never take your responsibilities lighty.
8. Never indulge in the poison of lies.
5. Never let a fling last more than three days.
4. Never date a man who chooses fists over words.
3. Never date a man who lacks a stable future.
2. Never relinquish control.
1. Never fall in love

That is until she meets Jackson "Jax" Maris, who sets out to break all of them.

Vanessa comes to Hawaii to stand up in her best friend, Lucie's wedding. Jax is Lucie's brother that is sent to pick her up from the airport.

To say that things start of rough between them is an understatement. It was a case of hate at first sigh...well...with some lust mixed in. I mean c'mon, Jax is a super sexy MMA fighter and surfer after all.

Oh, he was definitely doable. Did Hawaiians have the saying "Save a surfboard, ride a surfer?"

Vanessa is a tough cookie and gives Jax hell for being late, and completely disregards him to top it all off. Jax, a man not used to women not throwing himself at him, is immediately intrigued with Vanessa and finds himself telling one heck of a lie to get to spend more time with her.

What follows is a story that is filled with humor

"Glad to hear it. ow I'm going to go surf off this raging hard-on while you relax."
She couldn't help but laugh. "Good luck with that."
"I'll need it. It'll probably throw off my balance."

hillarious banter,

"Am I being examined on the stand, Counselor?"
"Just making conversation. Believe me, if I were examining you on the witness stand, you'd know it by the fear clawing your gut."

"I promise you'll like it, V."
If she hadn't heard the smartass smile behind his offer she would've already plotted the demise of his family jewels. But he didn't have to know they were safe."You can spank me if I get to shave your balls with a straight razor." Then she added in a mocking tone, "I promise I won't slip, Jax."

and a whole lot of steam
"Enjoy your last few hours of being in control, V. Because after that...you're mine"

Did I mention the steam???
"Understand, Vanessa, that I never take my release before my lover. However," he continued, his gaze boring into her, I also have the resolve to keep you on the edge like this for hours. I won't give in until you give me what I want."

The banter between Jax and Vanessa was a lot of fun to read. I enjoyed that Vanessa was such a fire cracker. She was feisty, knew how to stand up for herself, and had a terrific sense of humor. I think this is what made her eventual submission to Jax that much more enjoyable to read. This is not a BDSM book by any means, nor is Jax a Dom. He simply likes control in bed...and this reader did not mind one bit!

This book probably had 2 of the hottest scenes I have read in some time. First, I am forever ruined for tequilla shots. I mean damn! Jax, that was the most impressive and inventive drinking game I have ever read

Vanessa and Jax together just burn up the pages

I will be going back to read Seducing Cinderella since that is the couple getting married in the story and if their book is anywhere as good as this one was, I am all over it like white on rice!

I enjoyed that Jax was a sexy Alpha male, but not overbearing or super controlling. Vanessa, while giving Jax hell for a good while in this book, also was fun to read. She had issues that are revealed later in the story, but they just endeared me more to her when I found out what they were. It certainly explained a lot.

Now when does the 3rd book come out? I need it! I want it! I gots to have it!
April 9, 2013
4.5 stars

I LOVED this book!!! This was one hot little book, wow I cannot wait for the 3rd book to come out.

Okay let’s start…

I got the pics from the authors Pinterest page: (Link below)

Just look at this hottie the author chose for Jackson! Good Lord his HOT

[image error]

OMW I thought I liked Reid Andrews in the previous book but Jackson (Jax) just does it for me!

Vanessa an attorney is off to Hawaii to organize her best friends wedding and where her brother aka Jackson lives.

Jackson meets her at the airport and the first meeting doesn’t go well. Vanessa Mac Gregor’s lives by 7 sets of rules that she never breaks…. Until she meets Jackson (Jax) Maris.

He is determined to make her break all her rules while she is in Hawaii.

Jackson is a MMA fighter and on his off days he surfs.

Save a surfboard, ride a surfer

Vanessa and Jax strike a deal that will work for both of them… and in the process they fall in love and break all the rules.

This book spans over a week and how they fall in love.

Like I said this is ONE hell of a hot book! Favourite scenes:

1. The body shots – holy freaking moly that was sooooo hot
2. The waterfall – WOW
3. The best man speech where he made his own set of rules and called it: ‘Jackson’s’ Lucky Seven Rule to Love by.

Favourite quote:

“And more often than not, who we think we need isn’t at all who we really need”

If you haven’t read this series. Go head and get this series. I LOVED IT!

I cannot wait for the 3rd book… Hopefully it will be released soon.

Over and out. xxx

Profile Image for Syndi.
3,286 reviews958 followers
August 19, 2019
This book should be titled Rules of Disentanglement. Its bad...

I was expecting a rom com type of story. What I got is, neither rom com, nor drama/ angst. A lot of sex scenes. But the sex scenes does not supporting story development. Also there is no character development. Until the end of the book, I do not understand why the hero and the heroine want to sleep together. A holiday fling?? More than that? I do not know. I also do not get why the heroine needs to have this 7 rules.

I just can not.... I try to like the book, but the book does not give me something that I liked.

2 stars
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,083 reviews898 followers
February 8, 2014
3.5 Stars

What could be better than a romance set in a tropical paradise? Lying on the beach, sipping a margarita, and (hopefully) finding someone as hunky as Jackson to sweep you off your feet. Well, at least we can read about it, right?

Vanessa is the high strung, best friend of Lucie we first meet in Seducing Cinderella. Lucie is set to have her dream wedding in Hawaii when she gets food poisoning. Fear not, Vanessa is truly a best friend and comes to the rescue by going in Lucie’s place to arrange all the last minute wedding details. Lucie’s brother, Jackson is filling in for Reid. These two have an unfortunate first meeting, get their nose’s bent out of shape, and the sparks fly!! Jackson knows they got off on the wrong foot, but doesn’t want to miss his chance with this gorgeous red-head, so he misleads her to believe that the wedding planner is so finicky he’ll quit if Lucie and Reid are not present. He convinces her that the only solution is to impersonate Reid and Lucie, thereby buying more time with Vanessa.

I think this is the third fake-engagement story I’ve read in the last three months. I kid you not. Do these things actually happen in real-life? No!! At least, I don’t think so, unless maybe, you’re a Kardashian. Do I care? Not really, especially when I’m reading for fun and spice. Where the plot lacks in originality, it makes up in snarky, sexy, banter! Because of this, Rules of Entanglement had loads of sparking sexual tension with great chemistry between the characters.

Vanessa has a very troubled past which leads her to make a set of “rules” to live by so she never ends up like her mother. This is probably the part of the plot that irritates me the most: Vanessa and her rules. All her rules warn her to stay away from Jackson, because he violates most of them. I thought she was a bit snooty and judgmental with him at first, so it took me a little time to warm up to her.

Jackson more than makes up for things, though. Hot Alpha male that wants control? Yes, please!! For the most part, he was totally sweet, laid back, and funny. Did I mention HOT?!! Topaz eyes, chiseled body, and a sexy voice. I wouldn’t mind playing his game of body shots:

Grabbing the saltshaker in one hand and her wrist in the other, he kept eye contact with her as he brought his face slowly closer to his target. He licked a languid path across the soft skin, felling her strong pulse speed up against his tongue. Vanessa’s pupils grew larger as he added a dash of salt, then licked it off in the same manner as before.

Rules, schmules! Lol!

It was nice to “see” Reid and Lucie again. They’re vows had me laughing and warmed my heart. I was glad they could smack some sense into aid Vanessa! ;)

I breezed through reading this sinfully delicious story, giggling, and fanning myself throughout. Can’t wait to see what Ms. Maxwell comes up with next!

A copy was provided by Entangled through Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews609 followers
April 2, 2013
3.5 to 4 Stars

As much as I truly enjoyed Rules of Entanglement it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Vanessa and Jackson are the best friends of Lucie and Reid from the first book of the series, Seducing Cinderella. With Lucie and Reid’s island wedding just a week away and Lucie’s inconvenient case of food poisoning, it’s up to Vanessa to head off to Hawaii early and make sure everything goes off without a hitch. As a Hawaiian local and brother to Lucie, Jackson’s in charge of making sure Vanessa gets from the airport to the resort in one piece. What’ll happen when the uptight, controlling Vanessa finally meets laid back surfer and UFC fighter Jackson? **Raises hand and waves it in the air** “Let me guess! Let me guess!”

Did Hawaiians have the saying “Save a surfboard, ride a surfer?” If not, she was totally starting it.

The writing is strong but also really predictable. More than anything else, Vanessa cannot tolerate liars so of course Jax schemes to spend more time with her by lying and saying they need to pretend to be Reid and Lucie for the week or else the resort will kick them out and cancel the wedding. Vanessa’s got a list of rules she doesn’t do when it comes to relationships such as flings lasting more than three days and conceding control. Somehow I just knew Jax would break through and get her to break those pesky rules. Vanessa was so uptight from the beginning and it took me quite a while to warm up to her character. She has her reasons for all that rigid control, but I still wanted her to lighten up a little.

For as predictable as the story itself was, I still enjoyed it. Jax, though deceitful at the beginning, is a hot piece of man in the form of a UFC fighter. And he surfs. Yeah, that’s pretty much enough said. He’s also intelligent, sarcastic and loves his family and friends more than anything else in the world. Vanessa, for as tightly wound as she is, has been through hell and back in her young life and I loved seeing her take a deep breath and have some fun. The love scenes were sensual but not over the top and the dialogue between Vanessa and Jax made the story, whether they were having a serious conversation or just trying to piss each other off.

”You can spank me if I get to shave your balls with a straight razor.” Then she added in a mocking tone, “I promise I won’t slip, Jax.”

While I wish there would’ve been a few more surprises, I still had a great time reading Rules of Entanglement. I can’t ask for much more than that.

ARC provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
April 5, 2013
Rules of Entanglement is the story of Vanessa MacGregor's stay in Hawaii to set up her best friend, Lucie's perfect wedding to Reid (our main characters from Seducing Cinderella). Vanessa has the assistance of Lucie's brother, Jackson Maris to complete all the preparations.

Vanessa is a lawyer who is constantly following her list of rules to keep her heart safe. From the moment she meets sexy Jackson they are instantly attracted to one another. Jackson tricks Vanessa into spending more time with him. These two can’t keep their hands off of each other. Who could blame Vanessa? Jackson is a yummy, surfing, MMA fighter with a heart of gold.


Vanessa craves control in her life and Jackson craves control in the bedroom…it appears that they are a perfect match. Vanessa offers an agreement for three days of vacation sex no strings attached. Jackson jumps on the opportunity all the while knowing he will have to come clean about his deception.

Will Jackson come clean about his deception? Will Vanessa throw her rules out the window for a lucky set?

Overall, this was an okay read. I loved the beautiful setting of the book and you can count me in for the next game of Bullshit Body Shots with Jackson Maris!

*ARC courtesy of Random House Publishing Group via Netgalley*
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
April 15, 2013
***4 Stars***

Vanessa McGregor is in Hawaii, to help her best friend Lucie for her wedding. When Jackson “Jax” Maris, MMA fighter and Lucie's brother, picks her up from the airport late, he informs her that they will have to usurp Lucie and Reid for all of the wedding planning because they aren't there yet due to Lucie being ill. If they don't do this, the wedding planner will cancel the wedding. Jax is intrigued by how Vanessa was quick to dismiss him after showing up late to pick her up. So he would do anything to spend as much time with her during her trip. Vanessa is attracted to Jax but she has rules she lives by. Rules that she believes in and would never break. But Jax is determined to make her do just that, break her rules to let the real Vanessa come out.

Vanessa’s Lucky 7 Rules To Live By:

7. Never take your responsiblities lightly.
6. Never indulge in the poison of lies.
5. Never let a fling last more than three days.
4. Never date a man who chooses fists over words.
3. Never date a man who lacks a stable future.
2. Never relinquish control.
1. Never fall in love.

I loved Vanessa’s feisty personality, strength, independence, and wittiness. She didn’t back down to anyone. She wasn’t perfect, though, and her tough upbringing made her into the woman she is today. Her past is what had inspired her to have structure and order in her life, which is why she came up with her rules.

”Baby, I admire you so much. More than ever I know you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met.”
Vanessa shook her head, but he quickly put a stop to it.
“Yes, you are.” He prevented any further dispute by capturing her mouth with his for a sweet kiss.

”Dark and Delicious. Those were the first words that popped into her head.”

I was swooning over Jax. He was super sexy, confident, an alpha, and very laid back. He was really HOT but also so SWEET. I wouldn’t care if he lied to me at all. I loved how he was able to get Vanessa to put her hair down. I would be begging him to take control! Seriously, had me swooning!

Oh, he was definitely doable. Did Hawaiians have the saying “Save a surfboard, ride a surfer”? If not, she was totally starting it.

”Dancing is no different than sex. It’s all about moving with your partner. Finding a rhythm together.”

They had some great ”Fun” times. I mean some smoking hot good times. The Tequila body shots and the waterfall scene had me drooling for him. There were also moments of tenderness that were so awesome! *sigh* Oh and his nickname for her had me laughing "Pupule Wahine". I googled it as soon as he said it, haha!

”Feel my skin on yours. Feel me inside you. Feel how perfect you fit me. Just feel, okay?”

Their banter had me chuckling, and their chemistry was very enjoyable to read. I really loved the story. It was a fun sexy read!! I definitely recommend it. I wonder if Vanessa's sister will be having a book, too?

Profile Image for Becca.
2,003 reviews26 followers
June 23, 2013
What can I say? Gina has hit another home run with Rules of Engagement! And dare I say that I think this book is even better than Seducing Cinderella! (GASP!!)

If you have not read Seducing Cinderella, I highly recommend you reading it first before reading ROE. It will help set up the story nicely for you, filling you in on the characters a little more.

Lucie and Reid are heading to Hawaii for their dream wedding. Only one problem - Lucie gets sick with food poisoning before heading out to arrange the wedding details a week before the wedding. So in steps Maid of Honor and best friend Vanessa to save the day. With Reid's best friend, best man and future brother-in-law in Hawaii already, things should go smoothly right?

Things don't start off in the best way when Jax is late picking up Vanessa at the airport. Jax is taken back with Nessa and knows that he is slowly digging a whole bigger with each smirk and teasing he comes up with. Nessa is a rule follower, especially when it comes to guys. Yes, there is an attraction to Jax but when he starts off breaking a few of her cardinal rules for dating, she is totally turned off (kinda). In order to spend time with Nessa, Jax comes up with a little white lie telling Nessa that she must pose as Lucie, while he plays the part of Reid ~ otherwise this wedding is a no go.

The pull between Nessa and Jax is electric. They both feel it and both deny it. So Nessa decides the best way to get rid of it, is to have a fling with Jax (all within her rules) for 3 days. The fling starts to get hot and heavy and Jax knows he only has a few days to impress Nessa and get her to see that the rules are not necessary and a little on the crazy side.

Jax has the one week to the wedding to convince Nessa he is her guy.

I love love love this story! I am so glad that it was not edited down or cut. It is hot, steamy, romantic and pure sexy! I just didn't want it to end!

I was given an ARC copy of Rules of Engagement for an honest opinion.

See my trailer for Rules of Entanglement here:
Profile Image for Len.
296 reviews71 followers
January 25, 2014
4 Jax Maris Stars

"Always, always, always tell her how much you love her, now & forever, before it's too late."

The banter of Jax & Vanessa, hilarious!!

But when the two are not fighting and challengig each other, oh boy, they are H.A.W.T
I ended fanning myself after I read the sexy scene.

The two both has past that affected them so much for good and bad. Vanesssa tried to protect herself to get hurt by people so she made a rules for herself. Jax hide the secret of himself to everyone. But I love how he live his life how he wanted it. I like his big brother act to Lucie.

At first I find it ridiculous, but I understand her after all.

Why not 5 stars? It was predictable which I hope much more after I read Seducing Cinderella. But overall I loved & enjoyed it. I will for sure will follow and read Gina Maxwell works.
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 5 books30 followers
March 31, 2013
If you have read Seducing Cinderella then you are aware of the awesomeness that is Gina Maxwell. You met Reid and Lucie in this book. Now it's the next installment, and now we get to know Lucie's friend Vanessa and brother (also Reid's friend)Jax. Vanessa with her "rules" and Jax well.. his laid back style is a cause for trouble. They both have their own secrets and neither want to relinquish control, or their emotions to each other. Add in the backdrop of Hawaii and you are bound to see sparks fly.
I really enjoyed learning more about these characters. V and Jax a two complex characters worth reading. I would advise reading Seducing Cinderella first since it will introduce you to all the characters featured. I was glad to see Reid and Lucie make an appearance.
Was this book worth the wait? ABSOLUTELY. I don't know how I waited so long without harassing the author about when this installment was released.
I didn't know I would like Jax as much as Reid. I was mistaken I not only liked Jax. I loved him.
Gina I am so glad you wrote this story. Can't wait for the next story!

The blurb above the book says it best, "She has seven rules. He has seven days to break them."

I was fortunate to receive an ARC copy of this book to give an honest review.
Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
April 3, 2013
4 stars!

I'm really loving Entangled's new Brazen line. This one is another hot and steamy read from Brazen.

Rules of Entanglement follows the story of Lucie's big brother Jackson "Jax" Maris and Vanessa "Nessie" McGregor. Nessie is a stickler for the rules. In fact, she has her own "Lucky 7" rules to live by, which she had followed to the letter until Jax that is.

Jax is an MMA fighter. Laid-back, charming and not a rules kind of guy. And being the kind of guy that he is, all he wanted to do the moment he met Vanessa was to make her break every rule that she has. The result was a fun, steamy and engaging ride with two very likebale characters, add in some witty banter that had me in stitches or just fanning my myself is what made Rules of Engagement a 4 star read for me.

Profile Image for Laura.
1,466 reviews246 followers
April 12, 2013

Vanessa MacGregor holds tight to her seven rules to live by, but seven days in Paradise with Jackson (Jax) Maris might just change that list to seven rules to break.

As soon as these two headstrong personalities meet and clash, a deliciously sexy push & pull chemistry propels this story along with attitude, heat, and fun. Vanessa and Jackson sex up the page and each other with every touch, kiss, lick, nibble, and growl. *shiver* These two throw off some intense heat! Jackson is a wicked, wicked man. The man surfs, fights, and loves with all the right moves, control, and power on land and in the water. I was drooling all over the place!

”In your dreams, surfer boy.”

He dropped the joking manner and stared directly into her eyes. “Actually, I’d appreciate it if you’d stay out of my dreams. Lusting after you during my waking hours is about all I can handle right now.”

BUT….Yes, there is a but here. The “rough, primal, fuck-me-baby sex” hit me in all the right places. *grins* Obviously that’s not the problem. There was an element missing for me that I can’t pin down in words though. I just did not feel the fall or fast trust between Vanessa and Jax. It was all too soon for me. My heart can’t truly escape in a book if I don’t believe the connection or next step in the relationship. My heart skidded to a “whoa!” and “what?”. Did he just say that out loud? But this hiccup is all me really.

Please read this story. See and feel for yourself. Ms. Maxwell has a wonderful relaxed, hilarious hold on the page. A writing style I will visit again and again for passion, fun, and humor.

”A kangaroo could make me horny at this point. It has nothing to do with you.” Hehe….Yeah sure. :D

Laura’s List of Lucky 7 Loves

7. Very sexy cover. Ooolala

6. Beautiful setting that will warm you from head to toe. Made me want to curl my toes in warm beach sand.

5. Hammock cuddling

4. Jackson Maris is a beautiful man inside and out. A true force of nature on the page.


2. Sharp, sexy banter.

1. Body shots! Gotta love the magic of tequila! ;)

Profile Image for Angigames.
1,333 reviews
November 14, 2015
Quando ho cominciato questa lettura pensavo che si sarebbe rivelata una lettura piacevole, in fondo il libro precedente era stato carino. Invece no, no… stavolta la Maxwell ha toppato alla grande!
Non appena Vanessa mette gli occhi su Jax, non riesce ha controllare più gli istinti del suo corpo, il fatto che ha creato 7 semplici regoline per evitare di soffrire ancora non è più rilevante. Jax è troppo WOW, come si può dire di no ad un uomo che ha il corpo di un dio greco?
Così è iniziata la mia agonia. Ammetto di non sopportare più i colpi di fulmine, basta! Primo perché non sempre sono credibili, secondo perché queste attrazioni fatali sono diventate ormai un cliché, come i passati strappalacrime dei protagonisti o la solita dichiarazione di eterno amore nella parte finale.
Quello che non ho proprio sopportato è la “passione” dirompente tra i due, io la chiamerei tranquillamente brama sessuale o smania sessuale (scegliete voi). In pratica per quasi tutto il libro questi se la spassano alla grande cercando di convincersi l’un l’altro che si sta parlando di una storiella breve, senza risvolti duraturi. Vanessa è appena arrivata all’aeroporto stanca e accaldata ma non appena vede Jax comincia a pensare a tutte le posizioni del Kamasutra messe insieme, così dalla prima pagina del primo capitolo, Jax del canto suo mente e inganna all’istante per cercare di portarsi a letto la cara V…
Insomma, avrei capito l’attrazione istantanea se si fosse trattato di un romanzo erotico esplicito ma da un libro così, che si, ha un pizzico di hot ma che è sempre di base molto romance… cioè NO. No, ci è mancato poco che i due finissero a letto senza neanche conoscere i rispettivi nomi!
Nei due capitoli finali la Maxwell ritorna se stessa, la storia si fa leggermente più appassionate, più adatta ad un libro del genere, ma ormai è troppo tardi.
Sinceramente è stata una lettura ripetitiva e noiosa.
Profile Image for moi, k.y.a..
1,981 reviews366 followers
October 17, 2017
Kadın karakterlerde ki ortayı bulamama sorunu nedir yahu? Ya çok salaklar ya da olan akıllarını kullanamayı beceremiyorlar. Çok mu lazımdı bunca kural?
İlk kitapla karşılaştırıldığımda çok sönük kaldı.
Profile Image for RomanceBookVixen .
713 reviews108 followers
July 1, 2013
5++++ SMOKIN- HOT- SENSUAL- EMOTIONAL- STARS...... I love Vanessa and Jackson. This series just gets better and better. I cannot wait for book 3.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 898 reviews

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