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Silber #1

Dream a Little Dream

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Mysterious doors with lizard-head knobs. Talking stone statues. A crazy girl with a hatchet. Yes, Liv's dreams have been pretty weird lately. Especially the one where she's in a graveyard at night, watching four boys conduct dark magic rituals.

The strangest part is that Liv recognizes the boys in her dream. They're classmates from her new school in London, the school where she's starting over because her mom has moved them to a new country (again). But what's really scaring Liv is that the dream boys seem to know things about her in real life, things they couldn't possibly know--unless they actually are in her dreams? Luckily, Liv never could resist a good mystery, and all four of those boys are pretty cute....

319 pages, Hardcover

First published March 8, 2013

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About the author

Kerstin Gier

53 books7,967 followers
Kerstin Gier is the bestselling author of the Ruby Red trilogy, as well as several popular novels for adults.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,037 reviews
Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
January 12, 2022
"Home is where your books are."

I preordered this as soon as I heard about it. And then I read it as fast as I could. And you know, I liked it, but not as much as Rubyred. Sometimes I just had the feeling the author tried too hard to be funny and romantic and in the end it was a little too much for my taste.
Still, I enjoyed this one, the characters were funny, the idea and what she made of it very original. And the guys...oh well the guys...


Find more of my books on Instagram
Profile Image for not my high.
341 reviews1,200 followers
October 29, 2023
Jedna z moich ulubionych książek. Czytałam ją już z 5 razy 😎👍

PS chyba czas na reread
Profile Image for Hailey (Hailey in Bookland).
614 reviews85.5k followers
December 22, 2015
Just like the Precious Gemstone Trilogy, this book had charming characters and great potential, but it just fell flat. Things were dragged out and I was just bored. This time I don't think I'll be continuing with the trilogy.
Profile Image for Ecmel Soylu.
155 reviews2,954 followers
July 12, 2015

Kerstin Gier'in hayal gücüne, yazış tarzına ve karakterlerine bayılıyorum ben.
Aşk Tüm Zamanların İçinden Geçer serisini de çok sevmiştim ama Silber'i daha çok beğendim sanırım.

Bu kitap küçükken okuduğumuz hikaye kitapları ya da absürd çizgi filmler gibi, okumaktan o kadar keyif alıyorum ki anlatamam. Böyle ilgi çekici bir konuya bir de absürd, komik ve sıkmayan diyaloglar ve tam da sevdiğim tarzda karakterler eklenince zevkten dört köşe oluyorum.
Liv'in kardeşi Mia'ya bayıldım ya. Yok böyle bi şey. Karakterlere eklenen minik ayrıntıları da çok seviyorum. Mia'nın diş telleri var mesela, Liv de lens kullanmaya üşenince gözlük takıyor. (meraba ben efjsdkjfs) Lottie ve Liv'in annesini de çok sevdim. Üzerime bi tane Henry fırlatın zaten *-*

Rüya kapıları olayı çok hoşuma gitti. Böyle şeyler okuyunca direk kendim hakkında düşünüyorum. Doctor Who'nun bi bölümünde bi otele düşüyolardı, herkes için bi oda vardı ve odada en büyük, en içten korkuları saklıydı. Kendi korkumu çok merak etmiştim, hala da merak ediyorum. Bu kitabı okuyunca da kendi kapım neye benzerdi, nasıl bi şey olurdu diye düşündüm sürekli. Bi gün çizmeyi denicem mutlaka ama hiçbi şekilde böyle bir şey gerçek olsaydı o şeklini yansıtmaz diye düşünüyorum.

Aşk Tüm Zamanların İçinden Geçer serisini beğendiyseniz beklemeyin zaten, koşun gidin alın. Bir de kitabı okurken Neil Gaiman geldi aklıma. Onlarda da hikaye havası, mizah var ama Neil Gaiman daha karanlık tabii ki. Biraz daha hafif bir öneri olarak Neil Gaiman sevenlere de öneririm ben. Umarım kitabı kafama fırlatmazsınız. Fırlatmayın ama, cildi çok güzel ya :')
Profile Image for Anne Goldschrift.
327 reviews409 followers
February 7, 2017
Ach, das war ein schönes Buch - unerwarteterweise :D Aber, ich kann mir gar nicht so richtig vorstellen, wie es zu der Geschichte noch zwei weitere Teile geben kann? Ich bin gespannt :)
Profile Image for Ksenia.
812 reviews195 followers
September 19, 2014
First off: no love triangle! Yay! Liv is a fun character and her dialogue was a hoot to read! She just tells it like it is. The story is quite the sassy and ridiculously fun romp! Oh, and the boys weren't so bad either ;)
Profile Image for Kiki.
208 reviews9,074 followers
August 23, 2016
Hngh. This book's difficult. I'm not even sure I rated it correctly. I've been in a massive reading slump lately, and I've been seriously flagging with my reading challenge, which is disappointing, since I was smashing it for the first half of the year. Until about May, I was never less than 3 books ahead. Now I'm three books behind and bricking it. I thought this book might pull me from my funk, but it was a bust.

This book was a pretty quick, easy read, and the best thing about it is the narrative voice; I loved Liv's character, loved her narration, loved her careful balance between dry and joyful. I usually hate this "woe is me, I have too much money and too many opportunities" narrative trend in a lot of YA, but Gier strikes a nice balance between Liv's hermitic loneliness and her easygoing nature. I related to it, which is saying quite a lot. It's also been brilliantly translated from its original German, which helps.

The problem is that this book just didn't make sense; it was like an acid trip, and not in a good way. Not in a pleasantly disorienting way. In a way that made me wonder if my copy was missing pages. It's not really about Liv instantly becoming friends with these Londoner Raven Boys, which is unlikely but not impossible - I did a two-day intensive TEFL course in Glasgow a few weeks ago, and after about an hour in a class of 15 students, we were all soul mates. I mean it. We'd have taken a bullet for each other. When I was querying my manuscript, I had an agent tell me that it was weird that the protagonist makes such fast friends when she moves to a new city, but I swear to god, meet the right people in the right setting and you really can experience the gush of instalove. Sometimes I think about the people I met in that classroom, people I knew for a maximum of 20 hours and will never see again, and I pine.

But it's more about the way that none of the characters get freaked out by this whole dreamscape thing, and nobody thinks it's weird, and then there's the strange ball, and I know I'm not explaining this very well, but it was all so surreal. Like The Mighty Boosh. (What the fuck was that all about.) I'm not getting my point across very well, probably because it was something I couldn't put my finger on - maybe the atmosphere, or something like that. It was just bizarre.

I haven't read Gier's Ruby Red series, and I'm not sure I'll bother, because I just really don't care for stories about London. I'm done with them for now. I don't want to read anything else about London. But this book was a strange mishmash for me, and while I'd love to read more of Liv's voice, I don't think I can really justify throwing myself back into this psychedelic funhouse for another 300 pages. I have better things to do.
Profile Image for Paige  Bookdragon.
938 reviews632 followers
September 1, 2015
My two star rating said "It was okay.

I think that's true because this book is okay. It's fun sometimes but it was overall disappointing. I was expecting something magical and fun and some adventure. Not 4 golden boys who made a pact with a devil. Enter this girl who says YES to the things that should be said NO to and who's sometimes badass but most of the time a tad annoying.

So this is okay but I sure as hell want something different.
Profile Image for Beyza.
52 reviews12 followers
January 15, 2022
Liv, yeni kaydolduğu okulun dört bal saçlı çocuğunu –bir nevi F4 ’ünü– rüyasında bir mezarlıkta ayin gerçekleştirirlerken görür. Daha tuhaf olanıysa, birbirleri hakkında bir şey bilmedikleri halde, rüyada öğrenilen bilgilerin gerçeklerle uyuştuğunun ortaya çıkmasıdır. Gizem ve bilmece hastası Liv’se bu durumu çözmeye kararlıdır ve bizleri de beraberinde büyülü bir rüya yolculuğuna çeker.

Karakterlere elinizi uzattığınızda dokunabilecekmişsiniz gibi o kadar somut hissedebiliyorsunuz. Hatta kedi Spot ve köpek Buttercup’a bile uzanabilseydim sevgiye boğardım :) 

“Gerçekte ya da rüyada olsun, bazı cümlelerin üzerimde karşı konulmaz bir etkisi vardır. ‘Aslında bunu sana söylememem gerek,’ de bunlardan biriydi kuşkusuz. ‘Bizden uzak dursan iyi edersin’ den hemen sonra geliyordu.”
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
1,931 reviews34.3k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 26, 2015
I really, really liked the narrative voice, which was engaging and humorous. The story didn't feel as cohesive as I would have liked, however, and there are a lot of things going on, a lot of characters, and it just felt a bit all over the place. I am definitely interested in reading the author's Ruby Red trilogy now, though. I like the way she writes, I just hope the plot and characters are a bit more clear cut in her other series. Seems like other people are liking this one better, which I understand--I just haven't the patience for this right now.
Profile Image for Mirayda.
148 reviews
July 10, 2015
Ya aslında klişeler yok değildi ama çok keyifli vakit geçirtti bu kitap bana. Diyaloglar falan eğlenceliydi. Şimdilik Aşk Tüm Zamanların İçinden Geçer serisinden bi tık önde benim için. EN ÖNEMLİSİ DE AŞK ÜÇGENİ YOK. Karakteriyle konusuyla vs. sevimli bi kitap kısacası. Baskısının mükemmelliğinden söz etmek bile istemiyorum :')
Profile Image for Odette Brethouwer.
1,647 reviews293 followers
July 24, 2016
This is how books with a fantasy element should be: unique, like nothing you've ever read before. I've enjoyed reading this book a lot, happy to be continuing this story with book 2 and 3!
Profile Image for aysu.
109 reviews67 followers
August 10, 2015
Kitap fantastik olmasına rağmen hiç bir şekilde sizi yormayan bir kitap. Hem kafanızı dağıtacak hem de sizi apayrı bir dünyaya sürekleyecek bir şekilde, çok iyi kurgulanmış. Sürekli bir olay olmasa da kitap hiç bir şekilde sıkıcı değil, aksine çok akıcı ve merak ettiren bir kitap. Bittiğinde direk ikinci kitabı okumak isteyeceksiniz.

En sevdiğim karakterler Mia ve Henry oldu.
Ayrıca o Arthur ne öyle yahu? Hiç sevmedim.

1.Eğer İblis varsa Olivia'nın dileği sonucu İblis'e ne olacak?
2.Eğer İblis yoksa bütün bu olanlar nasıl açıklanabilir?
Profile Image for Nina.
877 reviews320 followers
September 17, 2017
This was a very interesting book and a quick read! I really enjoyed it and since I already own the other two books in the series, I'm definitely gonna read the second book now. The only negative things I can say about this book are that I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed "ruby red" and the other books in that series and I was also a little disappointed that the main character of this series reminded me a lot of the one of her other series. They were a little too similar for my liking and I had just been hoping for someone different as the mc this time. But the book still deserves 4 out of 5 stars!
Profile Image for alittlelifeofmel.
913 reviews389 followers
December 11, 2017
Upon 2017 reread: original review stands. Fun and entertaining. Finally continuing on with this series.


This book was unexpectedly good! I am not going to lie, from the blurb, I was picturing a sort of The Raven Boys knock off story and the only similarities is that there are dreams, and 4 boys and a girl. Otherwise, they are nothing alike!

Dream a Little Dream follows a hilarious girl named Olivia who moves to London and meets 4 boys in a dream one night, and these same four boys go to her school. What ensues next is Liv, using her love for solving problems, trying to figure out what the boys are up to, and how she fits in to everything.

The best part of the book is by far the characters. Really diverse and intricate characters. All have a unique voice and really bring something to the story.

Plot wise this book was great! I love the creativity of the story. I love the pacing. Never too fast or too slow. I felt like every scene was necessary and helped further the plot in some way. I also love the ending because it has a bit of an open ending, but if this was a stand alone I wouldn't mind.

I truly adored this book and I hope that book 2 and 3 get translated to English soon!

I definitely recommend this book, and probably the entire trilogy, to everyone who like a bit of a light fantasy read with nothing overly complicated.
Profile Image for Mel.
153 reviews190 followers
October 30, 2019
Auch beim erneuten lesen, hat mir Silber wieder wahnsinnig viel Spaß gemacht. Das verrückte an dieser Geschichte, sind die Träume, die sich auch bei mir immer wieder präsenter gezeigt haben.

Für mich ein toller Einstieg, zwar etwas jünger gehalten, könnte aber definitiv auch Lesern von der Raven Boys Reihe gefallen - soweit diese auch auf jüngere Geschichten stehen und es daher nicht ganz zu verrückt wollen. Dennoch ist es immer wieder schön den Humor von Kerstin Gier zu lesen, die tollen Charaktere kennen zulernen und dazu weiß ich ja bereits, dass sich Band zwei noch einmal steigert.

4 Sterne von mir für Silber: Das erste Buch der Träume.
Profile Image for Meli.
664 reviews455 followers
March 24, 2017
Lo amé mucho. Mega fresco y entretenido, como no podía ser de otra manera con Kerstin. Es una genia total. Amo su estilo, amo que sea tan graciosa, irreverente y distendida a pesar de que se nota que es una mujer muy culta.
La adoro y ya quiero seguir con esta trilogía. Lastima que no la tengo completa, porque daba para maratonear ❤
Profile Image for Sharon.
506 reviews301 followers
May 8, 2017
I have been stalling to read this series for 2 years, but I think I am ready now. One of my absolute favorite trilogies was written by Kerstin Gier and I am really hoping this one would be just as amazing, if not more.

Also, that cover is GORGEOUS.
Thoughts on the 1st half of the book
“But maybe I wasn’t doing the film justice and it wasn’t the usual high school garbage with the malicious blond cheerleader, the charming but superficial football captain, and the impoverished, beautiful outsider with a heart of gold.”

---Damn… Kerstin Gier calling them out, and I. Am. Here. For. It.
I forgot how relatable her characters were.

I’m not really the type to laugh when a funny scene appears in a book/movie. Not because I don’t find it funny, but because I’m more of an “internal laughter” type of person (wow, way to sound creepy) However, this book had me outright choking out laughter – and I just love it. Liv, the protagonist, said the most hilariously relatable things.

The plot was interesting. Slow, but definitely different. Liv, started sharing dreams with other people – dreams where she and the others could do pretty much anything (like fly), enter other people’s dreams, and communicate with one another. It was very eerie at times and incredibly fun at others seeing Liv discover how these dreams worked. I mean, would I like to be able to do anything in my dreams, go anywhere, see anyone??? Fuck yeah, that’d be awesome! Unfortunately for me, I’m never aware that I’m dreaming in my dreams so no control here.

Thoughts on the 2nd half of the book
Honestly, I got bored. The plot was not really moving anywhere. So much secrecy, so little answers. It did not feel progressive. The bits of mysteries and reveals speckled throughout the book did not make me more curious. I just felt disinterested and was waiting for something amazing to happen. It didn’t really.

Also, I felt like the characters got a bit dull. Don’t get me wrong. I really liked some of them, such as Liv’s sweet nanny named Lottie and her adorable, funny sister named Mia. The thing that was lacking was in the friendship department. Because a good part of the book was set at school, it sucked to see that most of the girls we met were so…nasty. They were boys-obsessed or superficial or just plain ugh. I know this is a “YA book,” and these books often times have that, but can we get anymore cliché? Thus, Liv had one “female friend” at this school named Persephone – who was also one of those superficial, boy-obsessed girls – and what was more unpleasant that Liv hung out with her everyday even though she found Persephone annoying AF and didn’t even like her. And it’s like, What are you doing, Liv???? I suppose Liv’s sole support system would be Mia, her sister, but despite the apparent closeness that we saw at the beginning between them, I was somewhat surprise that Liv did not even THINK or debate on telling Mia about her weird dreams. Not that she should, but she did not even consider it, which was weird when she treated Mia almost like a best friend at the beginning of the book.

Furthermore, a big focus of the book was on these 4 “hot, popular” guys at school (no, not the Raven boys). A bit of a cliché, but I’m OK with that. My problem was that we did not really see any developments or true connection among them. Clearly, they were “best friends,” but I did not feel the chemistry. I just felt blah about them, which was disappointing. In addition, Liv’s dreams and her agreement to pretty much save all their asses – I felt like that should have made the boys want to actually KNOW her, or at least feel more appreciative. However, she just said yes, and they told her only part of the plans, and that’s it. No real development after that. I thought she was going to get included in the group somehow because she was an integral part of their mission afterall.

These characters were not developed very well in my opinion, except for maybe Henry and Grayson. Henry – because he was the love interest of Liv, and Grayson – because he was sorta-kinda her brother now. Arthur and Jasper – I did not get a good grasp on their characters, but all four boys as a whole were just blah for being a central part of the book. With that being said, I’m hoping that these characters would become less bland and more endearing in the future books.

I liked the romance in the book. It was a bit cheesy and sudden, but still very cute. There was some cute bantering and funny and sweet moments. My problem with Henry would be his secrecy but I’m not too concerned about that for now because there are still 2 more books to go. I can’t wait for more developments because this could easily become the best thing ever or just go up in flames.

Final Thoughts
I’m giving it 3 stars. I certainly like certain components of the book, like the initial plot, the humor, the romance, and Liv’s family, but a lot of the core things, such as the slow development of the plot and characters, and the rather unpleasant school setting and friendships were disappointing. And because I have to – I am going to compare this with The Ruby Red Trilogy, also by Kerstin Gier. I have to say that Ruby Red is certainly better in pretty much every aspect – the plot is better-paced and more fun, the characters are more endearing and funny, and the protagonist is just…perfect. However, the one thing that this series perhaps has done better (judging by this 1st book) is the romance. At this moment, I like Henry more than Gideon. Anyway, I am curious about how the future books will develop. It has been overall a fun first book with a lot of promise, even if I am disappointed with some aspects of it.

Things that you might want to know (WARNING: Spoilers below)
Is there a happy/satisfying ending?
Love triangle? Cheating? Angst level?
Favorite scene?
What age level would be appropriate?
Profile Image for hillary.
739 reviews1,543 followers
April 30, 2022
Here’s my proof—I’m not the heartless bitch I thought I was for the last two years when it comes to rating and reviewing books. Often it’s just the books I read are bad (for me). Glad it took this reread to realize it because this book still holds up 100% for me and I had the best week in a while only because of the dream corridor and these amazing characters <3


Omg I really love Kerstin Gier's YA books!
Time travel and dreams, could have I asked for something better?
Her characters are also the best. Liv is strong, bold, a bit clumsy and so funny, and I love reading the story from her point of view. I also really really really like Henry 😍

My favorite moment was the one at the cemetery :D
Profile Image for Daniela.
493 reviews23 followers
February 19, 2020
Nachdem irgendwie immer alle so von Kerstin Gier geschwärmt haben, wollte ich nun doch auch mal was von ihr lesen - zur Wahl stand die Edelstein-Trilogie - oder eben Silber :-)
Da ich von der Edelstein-Trilogie schon den ersten Teil als Film gesehen hatte, fiel die Wahl daher auf die Silber-Reihe.
Die Sprecherin des Hörbuchs war echt klasse, so richtig zum Wohlfühlen, es hat Spaß gemacht ihr zuzuhören.
Die Charaktere fand ich allesamt sehr gelungen und weitestgehend sympathisch - am meisten hat es mir Lotti angetan, wobei ich denke, das liegt zum Großteil an der Vertonung!
Die Geschichte selbst fand ich ziemlich spannend und auch neuartig irgendwie, aber dennoch hatte ich zwischenzeitlich das Gefühl, das es durch die gefühlt tausend Charaktere manchmal etwas wirr zuging und ich einen zweiten Anlauf (also zurück spulen ^^) brauchte, um zu folgen.
Dennoch hat mich der 1. Band der Silber-Reihe gut unterhalten und ich bin gespannt, wie es wohl weitergehen wird...
Profile Image for Aditi.
920 reviews1,450 followers
April 30, 2015
“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”

---- Edgar Allan Poe

Kerstin Gier, a German bestselling author's Silver trilogy is being translated into English by the popular English translator, Anthea Bell. So the translated version of the first book in this series, Dream a Little Dream has been released this month, that centers around the life of an unconventional teenager who is admitted to a new English school in London and so as her dreams take a new turn, exciting adventures are waiting for her that will change her life.


Mysterious doors with lizard-head knobs. Talking stone statues. A crazy girl with a hatchet. Yes, Liv’s dreams have been pretty weird lately. Especially this one where she’s in a graveyard at night, watching four boys conduct dark magic rituals.

The strangest part is that Liv recognizes the boys in her dream. They’re classmates from her new school in London, the school where she’s starting over because her mom has moved them to a new country (again). But what’s really scaring Liv is that the dream boys seem to know things about her in real life, things they couldn’t possibly know—unless they actually are in her dreams? Luckily, Liv could never resist a good mystery, and all four of those boys are pretty cute.

Liv Silver, a 15 year old teenager leads a pretty unconventional life compare to her age, mainly because of her mom's constantly changing jobs, she has got to live and see a lot of new places and this time her mom's new job and her mom's new boyfriend, leads her straight to London along with her Mia and the au pair named, Lottie. Liv is enrolled into one of the poshest school in London, Frognal Academy, where girls have stupid names and boys are terribly hot with great hair and everybody is subjected to their school's very own blog, Tittle-Tattle Blog, with an anonymous author. Following her entry to this new school, her dreams started to get weirder and weirder, where no doubt she could see her number one crush from her school, Henry and in someone she feels her dreams her actually real. And eventually Liv started investigating those dreams and what she finds out is not at all nice and friendly.

Having never read any of the previous books by this author, I had no idea what to expect from her writing style, but from the very first page, itself, I was drawn into the story, mainly because of Liv's sense of humor and her witty demeanor of cracking up jokes with her sarcastic comments. Yes, I can vouch for Liv and say that she is the life of this book, without her the journey would be very dull.

The pacing of the book is good, but I believe that the translation is not much polished compared to the original book. Liv's fun-filled adventures certainly kept me going through the book, well since it falls under middle-grade genre, the mystery felt bit predictable layered with childish drama.

The characters apart from Liv are not that impressionable, especially those four boys, except that hot, sultry looks! Yes, there is romance between Henry and Liv which is sweet and innocent, but the author never shifts her focus from the main theme of the book which is the mystery surrounding Liv's dream.

So if you want to delve deeper into the worlds of dreams and wants to float in them, then do read this cute and funny book that is filled with thrilling adventures.

Verdict: Drams worlds with strange door knobs, fantasy world, Gossip Girl kinda feel with some hot dudes- if these are things that you love to read about, then definitely go for this book.

Courtesy: Thanks to the author's publicist, for giving me an opportunity to read and review this book.
Profile Image for Denise.
602 reviews
February 25, 2018
3.5-4 Sterne

Letztes Jahr habe ich innerhalb kürzester Zeit die Edelstein-Trilogie gelesen und nachdem ich bisher auch viel gutes über die Silber Trilogie gehört habe, musste ich die Reihe auch unbedingt anfangen 😄

Meine Meinung
Die ersten Kapitel war ich ehrlich gesagt ziemlich skeptisch, da mir alles sehr oberflächlich vorkam.

Nachdem die meisten von euch die Bücher bestimmt schon kennen, oder zumindest schon mal davon gehört haben, muss ich ja nicht mehr viel zur Handlung sagen, oder? 😊
Es geht um die 15 jährige Liv, die plötzlich sehr merkwürdige Träume hat und dabei auf vier Jungs aus ihrer neuen Schule trifft. Nur komisch, dass diese tagsüber Sachen wissen, die sie nur in den Träumen hätten erfahren können 😏.

Liv war mir eigentlich recht sympathisch, auch wenn sie mir zeitweise sehr jung vorkam. Vielleicht liegt es auch einfach daran, dass ich mittlerweile eher selten Bücher mit 15-jährigen Protagonisten lese, aber wer weiß.
Sie hat bisher schon einiges erlebt, da sie oft umgezogen ist und am liebsten wäre es ihr wohl gewesen, wenn jeder sie in Ruhe gelassen hätte. Auch wenn alles mit den Träumen sehr merkwürdig ist, glaubt sie nicht an das Übernatürliche 😊.

Dann gibt es natürlich noch die vier Jungs. Ehrlich gesagt hat mich das erstmal an The Raven Boys von Maggie Stiefvater erinnert 😅 (das Buch hab ich letzten Monat gelesen 🙈),aber die Charaktere waren dann doch anders 😊.

Henry fand ich irgendwie richtig süß 😄. Er wirkt von allen erstmal am nettesten, offensten und vor allem am ehrlichsten. Zu Hause hat er es wohl nicht immer ganz leicht und ich bin schon gespannt welche Geschichte da dahinter steckt. Außerdem bin ich mir noch nicht sicher, ob er nicht ein bisschen zu perfekt ist 🤔 vielleicht passiert da ja noch was 😂🤷🏻‍♀️.

Grayson ist so ein richtig cooler großer Bruder 😊. Insgesamt bleibt er aber blasser als Henry, obwohl er eigentlich auch recht oft auftaucht.

Zu den anderen beiden kann ich jetzt gar nicht so viel sagen 😅.

Es gibt noch einige Nebencharaktere und gerade Lottie und Mia fand ich cool.

Die Handlung geht eigentlich recht schnell los, aber es hat ein bisschen gedauert, bis sie mich wirklich abholen konnte. Danach wurde es wieder ruhiger und man hat nach und nach immer mehr darüber erfahren was eigentlich vor sich geht.
Zum Ende hin war ich tatsächlich überrascht, denn einen Charakter hätte ich wirklich total anders eingeschätzt!

Der Schreibstil von Kerstin Gier ist genauso wie bei der Edelstein-Trilogie locker, flüssig und humorvoll. Trotzdem konnte mich das Buch nicht so mitreißen wie es z. B. Rubinrot geschafft hat.

Ich bin schon gespannt wie es weitergeht, aber ich werde wohl noch eine Weile warten bis ich Band 2 lese 😊
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
2,054 reviews996 followers
February 28, 2019
I’m quite pleased to say that I enjoyed this book way more than I thought I would! I really didn’t enjoy another series by this author so I was a bit skeptical about this one and definitely proved me wrong. It was an incredibly interesting concept and definitely unlike anything I’ve ever read. I also loved that it was a hell of a lot darker than I thought it would be and I was all for it. Demons and dream walking? Sign me up! My only minor complaint is that the relationships between the characters kind of annoyed me at times and it affected my enjoyment of the book slightly.
Profile Image for Katerina  Kondrenko.
498 reviews1,002 followers
January 5, 2021
10 out of 10

Ревью в моем блоге/This review on my blog
Living A Thousand Lives
(please use Chrome/Yandex browser or Android/IOS to see the page; otherwise, spoiler-tags I use to make my post compact may not work)

Genre: fantasy, YA
Stuff: dream-walkers, a lot of fun
WOW: original concept, humor
POV: 1st-person, female
Love-Geometry: light

"It's in dreams more than anywhere else that you get to know people best - along with their weaknesses and their secrets."

I've read it in Russian and have to admit that our translator did a good job! The last time I was laughing so hard was my Angelfall-reading. I don’t know what this book like in English and I don’t know German but hope you guys had (or would have) as much fun as did I.

I really liked “Precious Stone Trilogy”: it was simple, funny and cute. I’d been shelving “Silber” for a few months, ‘cause I thought I'd be kinda disappointed or this book would turn out to be very similar to “Precious…”. I was worrying for nothing. From the very first pages I got that I will love this series. Near to 30%, I even made a sacrifice to the god of awesome books (by eating some halva while reading the book, I think this god is a sweet-tooth, also I have no goats).

What do we have here?

A Family #1: an extravagant and a bit of babish mother who moves from one country to another because of her work contracts (she’s professor), 13 and 16-year-old sisters with good wits, a nanny-for-all-occasions Lottie who sometimes twists English in a very funny way, and a cute
and active dog.

A Family #2: a calm and wise dad, 17-year-old twins (a daughter who wanna be the best in everything and a son who's more like his dad and can call a demon), a cute and passive cat.

The Family #1 + The Family #2 --> under the same roof = LOL

But this is just a taste of what's to come!

Lucid dreaming, British Gossip Girl, and her blog, four handsome seniors who want something (and fast) from our MC named Liv, a demon who can fulfill your wishes and wants to break loose into our world, school days, and teenage problems. And it’s all set out in a very laughable manner!

But lord forbids you to look in this book for strong sense, morals, etc. If you pick up “Silber”, you should remember for what/who and why this thing was published. There will be naivety, mismatches, predictability, but you will love this because of its writing style.

It’s like communication with people. You can be clever, wise and thoughtful but uninteresting and boring. On the other hand, you can be as plain as day, but friendly, nice, with a great sense of humor. I bet that people would love to pass the time with the second you. And "Silber" is just like that.

Silber Trilogie (Трилогия сновидений):
Silber: Das erste Buch der Träume (Зильбер. Первая книга сновидений) #1/3
Silber: Das zweite Buch der Träume (Зильбер. Вторая книга сновидений) #2/3
Silber: Das dritte Buch der Träume (Зильбер. Третья книга сновидений) #3/3
Profile Image for Nikoleta.
706 reviews327 followers
December 14, 2015
Αν και αρκετά μικρό βιβλίο, δεν του λείπει τίποτα. Γρήγορη πλοκή, περιπέτεια, γλυκό ρομάντζο και ωραίες περιγραφές. Την ιστορία την βρήκα πολύ πρωτότυπη. Βέβαια το πρώτο βιβλίο είναι νομίζω εισαγωγικό. Ανυπομονώ για την συνέχεια. Η Gier είναι πλέον μια από της αγαπημένες μου συγγραφείς, καθώς έχει ένα συγκεκριμένο μοτίβο στην συγγραφή της, το οποίο αγαπώ. Χιούμορ, ανάλαφρη αφήγηση, τσαούσες και αστείες ηρωίδες, κίνδυνο για ανθρωποθυσίες, υπόνοιες για αιρέσεις και χορούς με υπέροχα φορέματα. Τα βιβλία της είναι το καλύτερο φάρμακο για κρίσεις μελαγχολίας!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews853 followers
March 13, 2015
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Dream A Little Dream by Kerstin Gier
Book One of the Silver Trilogy
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Publication Date: April 14, 2015
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher

Summary (from Goodreads):

Mysterious doors with lizard-head knobs. Talking stone statues. A crazy girl with a hatchet. Yep, Liv’s dreams have been pretty weird lately. Especially this one where she’s in a graveyard at night, watching four boys perform dark magic rituals.

The really weird thing is that Liv recognizes the boys in her dream. They’re classmates from her new school in London, the school where’s she’s starting over because her mom has moved them to a new country (again). But they seem to know things about her in real life that they couldn't possibly know, which is mystifying. Then again, Liv could never resist a good mystery. . . .

What I Liked:

Kerstin Gier does it again! I wish all of her books could be picked up by USA publishers, because I've been quite in love with her books since Ruby Red was published in the United States, in 2011. The Ruby Red trilogy is one of my favorite series of all time!

In this new series, Liv is leaving one place for another, but her new home has some... interesting people to it. Her and her younger sister, Mia, are constantly traveling and moving, as their mother is a professor (their father is as well, but the parents are divorced). The girls show up in London, and the first person their mother introduces them to? Surprise - her boyfriend! Whom she will be marrying, and Liv and Mia will being moving in to his house. Liv's soon-to-be stepbrother, is a strange, quite one, and her soon-to-be-stepsister is pushy and a bit rude, and her soon-to-be-stepfather is old and just a bother in general. Attending school means meeting new people, and Liv immediately meets Grayson's friends - Arthur, Jasper, and Henry. Things get weird when Liv starts dreaming, and the four boys are in her dreams. Or she's in theirs. When they want her to join their strange dream group, Liv is skeptical, but she joins. But perhaps things aren't so plausible - perhaps things are much more sinister than they appear...

One thing that strikes me in all of Gier's books is the humor. I love how funny Liv's voice is, how Gier makes Liv a tiny bit awkward, a lot sweet, and a bit sarcastic, in a funny way. This book is hilarious, even if there are parts that are very serious, and borderline scary.

I liked Liv. She has a distinct voice, and it's so great to watch the story unfold from her perspective. She likes logic and science, and likes to figure things out. She joins the boys and their bizarre rituals, but mostly she wants to help them, and wants to prove to herself that demons aren't real. See, the boys tried to summon a demon who will grant their hearts' desire. On Halloween. Wild.

I like the boys. There are four of them, one of them being the stepbrother (Grayson), the other three being his friends. They're all described as super good-looking, like shampoo commercial guys. Each has their own personality. Jasper is very rambunctious, and doesn't really take things seriously. Grayson is a bit protective. Arthur... he's an odd one (and you'll see why, at the end of this book). Henry is the mysterious and brooding one, but he's also very sweet.

Another thing that I really liked about this book is the sister-sister relationship! Usually, the younger sister is SO ANNOYING, and I dislike her a lot (like, genuinely dislike her, not dislike her as the kid sister). Mia is about five years younger, but she's mature for her age, yet fun like a child should be. I liked her a lot, which surprised me.

The story is quite interesting and goes by very quickly. I was really strapped for time this week (soooo many exams and papers and research), but I finished this one faster than I expected. I love how Gier writes - her writing is beautiful, but also very easy to read and pay attention to. Seriously, anyone could read her books, translated or not, and know her writing style and voice.

There IS romance in this book! Check out my Swoon Thursday post from yesterday (March 12th) if you want a little insight on the romance. The love interest is pretty swoony, and he's more than a love interest - he plays quite pivotal roles in the book. No love triangle, and while Liv becomes infatuated with the love interest pretty quickly, I wouldn't call it insta-love. More like insta-interest. There are no declarations of love or serious feelings, so no insta-love. The romance is really sweet, but also very subtle and a bit in the background compared to the story.

The story was intriguing and almost scary at some points! Dreams are beautiful and scary places. I didn't see the climax coming - and it occurs pretty late, around 90% of the book. But I couldn't stop reading. This book wraps up pretty nicely, but in a way that you KNOW there will be more books (hence, the Silver Trilogy). No cliffhanger though, yay!

What I Did Not Like:

Nothing in particular - I might have wanted a little more from the romance, but I know how Gier writes in the romance into the story of her books, and it's always very slow and subtle. Which is cool, I'm fine with that.

Would I Recommend It:

Yes! Great paranormal/fantasy read, set in the contemporary world. This one was fun and easy and quick, and not to mention lush in details and gorgeous in writing. And the cover is pretty great! I liked the original USA cover, but this new cover is spectacular. In any case, I'd recommend any Gier book I've read (now four), this one included!


4 stars. I'll definitely be reading book two as soon as I can get my hands on it! Noooow, please! I wonder if there are editions in Spanish (bilingual for the win!)... I'll buy one of those, if I have to!
Profile Image for zoha (A book maestro).
208 reviews212 followers
August 25, 2017
Oh boy! It was so refreshing! Just what I needed. I hadn't read anything in months because I was in the WORST reading slump of my life. And all the cutziness and fluffiness of this cloudy book got me out of the slump.

I mean who can resist the charms of dream traveling???

“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.”

♥This book was full of gossipy shenanigans! Liv's life couldn't be any more cliche. Divorced, career-obsessed parents, a loving nanny, future ex-step father and his family, new school, gossip blog, four boys,yes mind you! FOUR BOYS! yada yada yada! But the narration! THE NARRATION!!! Liv's relatonship with Lottie(the nanny) and Mia(her sister) was LOVE!

♥Liv and her sister's life has always been in travel. They never had a home. Her mother's job never allowed them to settle in one place. And this year her mother is going to teach in Oxford and hence they all reached London! And there began the drama!

Spencers are Liv's new family; future step-father and future step-siblings. Ernest is Liv's mother's new boyfriend and Florence and Grayson are his twins. I absolutely loved Grayson and absolutely hated Florence!

Frognal Academy is our MC's new private school. I loved her new school and her new friends even Persephone grew on me after some time. And the blog was such a fun to read!!

Henry, Grayson, Jasper, Arthur! I LOVED their gang! Their friendship! Everything about them. Even Jasper aka Shaving Fun Ken and boy he was something!!

I will give it to Kerstin Gier the idea of dream-traveling is freaking awesome and refreshing! I mean we can spy people in their dreams and do the inconceivable and change our shape and form and can be an owl or a panda or whatever we like!!! And we can wander all night in the dream corridor!!

The demon and Anabel's thing was cool but stupid!

I loved him the moment I laid my eyes on him! I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!! Henry and Liv were so so soooo adorable I can't even! Henry and Liv and the DREAM-CORRIDOR!


You are my heart's desire, Liv Silver!


If you haven't pick it up yet, what are you waiting for???!!!!


Profile Image for Zeynep.
105 reviews28 followers
July 10, 2015
Aşk Tüm Zamanların İçinden Geçer serisinden daha çok sevdim. ÇOK DAHA İYİYDİ. Rica ediyorum birisi ikinci kitabı buraya fırlatsın
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