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Barriers #2

Hidden Barriers

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**You should read Frozen Barriers (Barriers #1) first. Hidden Barriers can be read as a standalone, but some situations overlap with those in Frozen Barriers.**

Josh & Sam's Story

Love has been hiding for too long. What happens when it reveals itself?

Josh Page, a Massachusetts State Trooper, wants nothing more than to put his first love behind him. His career is all he’s ever known for the last ten years. Seeing her is a constant reminder of what he could have had if he had not put his career first years ago.

Relationships and dating women have never been part of his lifestyle. He continues to have meaningless sex with women as an attempt to distance himself from his past. That is until he opens the door and a sassy roller derby girl stares back up at him.


Samantha Daley’s past haunts her. After college, she spends years building a new life with new friends, roller derby, and a bustling business under her feet. Her past suddenly comes rushing back after just one phone call.

Afraid to love, she never imagines a life where one man can turn her world inside out and make her reevaluate what she wants in her future. Almost instantly, she’s attracted to the man in front of her. He pushes her trust to a new level and is willing to take a chance with her.

Will Sam be able to handle the reminders of her troubled past enough for her to be with Josh, or will it be Josh’s secrets that threaten to tear them apart in the end?

***As with all the books in the Barriers Series, there isn't a cliffhanger.***

**For mature audiences. 18+. This book contains sexual and abusive situations, and strong language.**

260 pages, Paperback

First published August 11, 2014

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Sara Shirley

9 books90 followers

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Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews51 followers
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March 25, 2020
🎁 The complete Barriers Series (4 book series) is FREE on Amazon today (3/25/2020)! 🎁
Profile Image for Stacia.
1,128 reviews
September 3, 2016
Definitely read book one Frozen Barriers before starting Hidden Barriers- this book is a semi-stand alone, but characters from the first book cross over.

Josh Page has been running from love and relationships, ever since he let what he thought was "the one" slip through his fingers. That all changes when he meets Samantha Daley. She is also running, but her past is twisted, frightening, and leaves her jaded where all men are concerned.

"It’s time to start moving my life in another direction. I just need to figure out what direction that is."

This is a second-chance love story of sorts. Both Josh and Sam have been hurt and are trying to find that special someone that they can trust and give their heart too. Sara Shirley wrote another sweet love story, with humor, romance, swoon-worthy characters, and a great support cast that could easily branch into additional books.

"When you fall asleep in the arms of a beautiful woman, that’s peace. The moment you wake up next to the woman who’s quickly taking your heart in her hands, comfort and peace cease to exist. This is absolute euphoria."
Profile Image for Stefanie Kral.
731 reviews23 followers
August 31, 2014
✯✯5 Heart Warming Stars!!✯✯

Where am I supposed to start? I read Frozen Barriers and fell in love with Emily & Jeremy. I fell in love with their story and Jeremy's family was the best of the best. When I found out the next book was going to be about Jeremy's older brother Josh. I was stoked!! But, I was not expecting was to fall in love with Josh & Sam MORE then Emily & Jeremy. Yet, I totally did.

Josh can not escape Sue his first love. They broke up years ago. But, she became best friends with his younger sister Courtney. Now, she's pregnant with his brother's best friend Dave. His parents have basically adopted her. Like they do with all their children's friends. Josh doesn't plan on settling down and have a family with the white picket fence. Instead he keeps to the one night stands. He might keep them a little longer. But, that's it and he doesn't plan on changing it.

Samantha AKA Sam AKA Sammy Sweet Cheeks is running from her past too. After the worst experience of her life she moved. Only her parents & younger brother Drew knows where she's at. She wants to keep it that way. After her ex-boyfriend Stone, Sam never wants to be with another guy for the rest of her life. Sam owns a successful wine bar called Vines and is on a roller derby team. She lives with her roller derby team. Sam doesn't realize just how strong she is. I think one of the reasons why I love her so much is her favorite drink is Jack Daniels. A girl after my own heart!

After Sam & Josh literally bump into each other. Josh is instantly intrigued with the feisty girl who's dressed all crazy in the middle of winter. After they bump into each other. Josh thinks about Sam all the time.

Josh wants to get to know Sam. He hasn't been this crazy about a girl in 10 years. Sam can't seem to keep Josh out of her mind. All her derby girls and brother think it's time for her to move on. To find love. And, the fact he's a cop makes him even better.

Both Josh & Sam are falling head over heals in love with each other. Yet, Sam pushes Josh away every chance she gets. Josh on the other hand is totally confused with what he's feeling. He hasn't felt this kind of feelings in forever. He's falling deeper and deeper for Sam then he ever thought possible.

Josh & Sam finally tell each other everything!! They both agree that their feelings are real. Josh & Sam agree to give it everything that got and go from there.

Josh is so so sexy. He knows Sam has a major sweet tooth. He'll show up with enough candy for cavities to fill 5 people's teeth. LOL.. Sam & Josh are perfect together!!

Just when things in Sam & Josh's life are finally starting to come together. They are the happiest they've ever been. Then, everything comes crashing down around them.

Josh has to really let Sam in 110%. He must finally let his past into his present. But, he doesn't know how too. Sam's past comes back full force. Now, she's lost. She's a shell of herself.

Josh & Sam and all their friends and family must fight. Fight to keep Sam & everyone she cares about safe.Sam has to get over her insecurities. Josh must let out his feelings. There is definitely a lot these 2 must get over in order to make it work.

Now, even though this is considered a standalone. I strongly, strongly urge you to read Frozen Barriers first. Because, there was enough of Jeremy & Emily's story that was in it coming from Josh's POV. Which I loved!!

This is definitely a must read series!! Between Courtney (Josh & Jeremy's younger sister)and his parents. Then, Sam's brother & derby friends. You'll love every one of them. Sara made me really feel everything the characters were feeling. I still can't believe it's her 2nd book. She;s def a author that is going to be on the #1 sellers lists. Because, she's a natural!!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
491 reviews16 followers
August 29, 2014
Hidden Barriers is the second book in this series but can be read as a stand alone. I really enjoyed this book. We first met Josh in Frozen Barriers and honestly I felt bad for him and wanted to see him get his HEA.

Josh is a State Trooper who has been trying to move on from his first love, but it’s not easy when she is his sister’s best friend and the guy she is having a baby with is his brother’s best friend. So yes she is basically always around. About 10 years ago Josh chose his career over love and in ways has regretted that choice. For so long it was always about his career. Having nothing more than meaningless sex with various women. But one night he runs into the very spunky Samantha Daley and his idea of love and relationships starts to change. There is something about Sam that has drawn him to her. Desite the attraction he still has these walls up around his heart. He stills needs to let go of his past and move on. And Sam seems to be the perfect person to help him with that.

Sam has her own past that she is running from. Her ex boyfriend is an abusive jerk. Actually he is a bit of a scary monster to be honest. She has moved away from her hometown to escape the past. She has met new friends, became a roller derby girl an owns a wine bar. Everything seems right in her world. She has her own walls up. She is afraid to trust any man again and therefore has walls up herself. When she meets Josh things slowly begin to change. She likes him, is certainly attracted to him but she is still afraid of getting close to him. She has been through so much and trust is something that does not come easy to her. Josh and Sam are very patient with each other and slowly build a wonderful relationship. Sam helps him to forget his past and open up his heart again. And in return Josh helps Sam to trust again. But along the way there are many obstacles that they will have to fight through. Their pasts and secrets come back to haunt them. Are they both strong enough to fight it or will they run?

I really loved Josh and Sam together. I will admit that it took a little while for me to warm up to Josh. He made a few mistakes and some poor decisions that I had a hard time with in the beginning. Honestly I didn’t really understand one of his stupid decisions. But as time went on and we see how much he cares for and loves Sam I really started to like him. He really was and great guy who was very loving, sweet, caring and protective of Sam. He would do anything for her.

Sam was a great heroine. She had her own issues ad at times may have been a little frustrating and jumped to conclusions. But understanding her trust issues and what she went through made it easier to love her. Josh an Same were perfect together. I loved watching their relationship grow and loved watching them open themselves up to each other and to love.

Hidden Barriers was a great love story. It was funny, heart warming, sweet and had it's swoon worthy moments. There are moments towards the end that you will be on the edge of your seat biting your nails. And then there is the epilogue which was just perfect. This story is about moving on from your past and learning to love and trust again. The supporting cast of characters were a wonderful addition to this story. They were an amazing support system, especially Josh’s sister and Sam’s brother. I am hoping that they get their own story. Loved this one and looking forward to more from this author.

Profile Image for Bethany.
861 reviews12 followers
May 13, 2016
There is no hiding the fact that I loved Hidden Barriers! I love Josh and Sam’s story.
Josh is a broken man. He left his heart behind when he dumped his ex-girlfriend to pursue his dream of becoming a State Trooper thinking he was saving her from his career, he didn't realize what he was giving up until she moved on. Josh felt he could never love again, closing his heart off. Little did Josh know that the worst night in his brother’s life turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.
Sam crashes in to Josh's life quite literally, into his body and his heart all at once. He is instantly drawn to this feisty girl. When he bumps in to her again, he knows he just simply cannot walk away from this woman, ever.
I love Sam, better known as “Sammy Sweet Cheeks” on her roller derby team and for her sweet tooth. As sweet as she is, Sam comes with a past as well. One that is not going away anytime soon, in fact that past is getting out…of jail that is. Sam’s ex that tried to kill her is getting out of jail and with his violent past will be out for revenge. Can Sam let go of her fears and live the life she deserves?
“We all have something in our past that makes us reevaluate our future.”
Josh knows his future is with Sam, he just has to show Sam that she is not a dirty little secret and move on from his past. Sam knows Josh is the sweetest and is “better than cake”, coming from a self-professed sweet tooth, that is priceless. I love how they grew together and overcame the ghosts from the past.
Even though Hidden Barriers can be read as a standalone, I highly recommend you read Frozen Barriers. Frozen is where you meet all of these beautiful characters and they dig in to your heart, Hidden Barriers is when these characters dig to your soul and make you want to be a part of the extended Page family. Jeremy can melt your heart. Josh can cure your sweet tooth. I love, love, loved the epilogue and I also wonder what Courtney could have in store for us. I hope to find out someday (wink, wink). Five Candy Loving Stars!
Profile Image for Dawn Nicole Costiera.
686 reviews26 followers
July 16, 2014
Hidden barriers took me on a journey with two people still clinging to their pasts. Both for entirely different reasons. One too afraid ....and the other not willing to move forward. Both stuck in a suspended state.

Despite Sam's fears, she's a very brazen girl. She part of a roller derby crew and owns a wine bar. She seems to having everything going for her. But she's constantly terrified and living in fear. She swears she will never again trust a man. Until one faithful night destiny slams into her.

Josh is stuck in the past pinning for his first love. Unable to move forward. Now he's the love em' and leave em' type. Swearing he will need open his heart to another woman.....

Sam's ex boyfriend Stone is one scary dude. He's the type of guy that your mother warned you about. He has no regard for woman. He takes what he wants from them. Sam learned the hard way just how bad he can be....He is her living nightmare.

When Sam & Josh's world's collide, it's not instant love. Both have built very high walls. But through patience and understanding, they slowly learn to trust each other. With Josh's help, Sam starts fighting through her fears. He taught her to fight for those she loves, instead of running from them. In turn, Sam showed Josh how to open is heart again. These two are meant to be together....But there are many bumps in the road. Can they navigate through them?

I loved the support system this couple has... both their families and friends are extraordinary. Always there to help. I'm in love with Josh 's whole family. The Derby girls are the comic relief. In between laughs, they give comfort and assistance whenever necessary.

The last 15% of this book my heart was in my throat and my stomach was turning. It is intense. The ending and epilogue are outstanding! This is Sara Shirley's second book. First is Frozen barriers, which is excellent also.... seems she is on a roll! I can't wait to see what is next.
Profile Image for Karma Queen.
294 reviews
January 27, 2021
4.5 Stars
I love the fact that Sam was part of a roller derby team. She has moved to start over after an abusive partner nearly ended her life. He's in jail but up soon for parole. Josh is a state trooper who nearly knocks Sam over at the hospital. They run into each other again and one of Sam's friends is convinced it is fate. This is proof that she's ready to date again. Josh has his own issues with a past relationship but Sam seems to pull him out of his funk. Little by little, they let each other into their hearts, but both of them are holding back a bit. The situation gets tense when Sam's ex is granted parole and then disappears.

There is a HEA and this is the second book of a series. It can be read as standalone but there is some overlap with events in the prior book (Frozen Barriers). Read them in order to get to know all the players.
Profile Image for Hope Sheesley.
66 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2014
First let me say, if you haven't read the first book in this series, Frozen Barriers - go and do that now before reading this one. This can be considered a standalone but there is a lot of crossover with characters in the first book so you need to read it to get the full experience. Moving on......

Wow!! What a ride this book was! Josh is a Massachusetts state trooper and is living his life remembering the one that got away and using random women to 'cope' with what he things was the worst decision he ever made. Sam is a woman living day to day running from a past that she can't seem to escape or forget. Both are dealing with their demons in very different ways but neither one of them is truly living - just existing. There are some intense moments and situations in this book that made it hard to turn the pages at times because you weren't sure where it was going next. I FELT so much during the course of this book, both good and bad, and that is what made me fall in love with it.

This is my favorite quote from this book - I found myself reading it out loud to my husband and over and over to myself because that's how much I loved it......

"When you fall asleep in the arms of a beautiful woman, that’s peace. The moment you wake up next to the woman who’s quickly taking your heart in her hands, comfort and peace cease to exist. This is absolute euphoria."

Amazing!! I have to say that I was very emotional saying goodbye to the Page brothers but based in the preview at the end of this book for Lucy's story - I think Jake may give them a run for their money. I will anxiously waiting..........
Profile Image for Stephanie (Between the Coverz).
578 reviews6 followers
January 16, 2016
I was blown away by this book/series. I "purchased" four books (Frozen Barriers, Hidden Barriers, Burning Barriers, and Broken Barriers). The books were all for free so I thought why not. I didn’t anticipate a great read as lately it seems a lot of the "free" reads are smut filled, thrown together and poorly written books. However I have found some good authors by the "free" book.

Boy, I was in for a surprise!!! I wasn't anticipating being blown away with this refreshing read. Each book is a well written and complete story with no cliffhanger – each book is a standalone. It is told from alternating POVs. In my opinion, this made the story so much more complete seeing it from both sides. You get to see and feel what each one is thinking in the same situations. The words seemed to flow effortlessly and it was so easy to feel the emotion of these two people coming off the pages. The characters and scenes are descriptive enough that you feel you are there experiencing it right along with them. The erotica was just the right amount without being over the top. It is not a smut filled romance - it has just the right amount mixed in to compliment the story.

There are plenty of heartbreaking and dark moments with a mix of happiness and fun. Each book plays with your different emotions that will make you angry, laugh, smile, and cry. The way that she wrote each story keeps you connected and not wanting to put the book down. When you get done, you are eager to start the next one.

If you are looking for a great read with the perfect amount of sex mixed in, then you need to read the Barriers series books.
Profile Image for Lisa.
473 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2014
This is Josh and Sam's story.

Josh has been in love with his first love that is now his ex-girlfriend for years. Or so he thought. It took one tragic night to make him realize what he was missing. As he was pacing in the hospital waiting for news on how Emily and Sue condition after a tragic accident that he runs into a girl that he literally knock on her on her butt. He didn't know exactly what would happen from then on.

Sam was just getting ready to leave the hospital after getting hurt in practice for her roller derby bout. She didn't realize that when she left the hospital that she would not only leave with an injured shoulder but also a guy that would change her life and make her forget her dreadful past.

Josh and Sam's relationship starts of rocky and unknowing where things will go. She has a hard time with trusting men and allowing people close to her. When Josh starts dating her she has to try and get past her issues. Josh she feels is the only that can help her with that. But for Josh he is so lost in the beginning because Sam won't let him in so she keeps pushing away and he is so lost. Once Sam finally tells him about her past he vows to never leave her and to always keep her safe. Only there is one person that could change all that. His name is Stone, Sam's ex-boyfriend.

What happens after Stone enters the picture will put their relationship to the test. Will Josh and Sam make it or will Stone have his way? What will happen to Sam? This is a wonderful story about true love and testing the limits.

I would recommend this to my friends.
~ Lisa The Book Nuts
Profile Image for Anke Zweel.
Author 8 books97 followers
January 21, 2015
I got a copy of Hidden Barriers in exchange for the blog tour I am Hosting for Burning Barriers.

Let start with Sam and Josh. The book is told out of their point of views. Josh is this too hot for his own good cop and Sam is the no taking shit girl that runs her own bar.

They way these two meet is what stories are made off. It is the type of story that your grandparents tell you and you can't believe its true but yet you wish it will happen to you.

"There is something that makes my stomach twist in knots and my heart race whenever you're around"

So Sam has a dark past and don't let anyone - guys specifically - get close to her. Something terrible happened to Sam and it makes your heart break when she tells Jake what it was. Sam does everything a woman in her position will do she push the guy away. Thank heaven Jake is a fighter and he doesn't allow her to do it. Sometimes, actually more the sometimes it takes him a bit longer to realise he must fight for her but in the end he does.

"He pushes something inside me to fight through the barriers I have kept up for far too long"

Now let just get one thing right, through out the whole book you feel something is going to happen and the closer you get to the end the more nervous you get. Something does happen that will make you skip a few pages just to check if everyone survives and go back to continue.

But don't fear there is the happy ending that will leave you with a smile on your face

I give Hidden Barriers 4.5 Hidden stars

March 13, 2016
OK so I am either losing my mind , goodreads is eating reviews or I am losing my mind and forgot to write the review for this ?? So here I am - I read this awhile ago and as I mentioned in my review for book 1 I grew up in Mass. so this series has a piece of home in it - a big connection. I may have spent my winters ice skating but any other time of year and winters I spent my Friday nights at double session roller skating in Lawrence at Roll On America !! I have never watched or been in a roller derby BUT this was another unique spin on the series.

I enjoyed Sam , the feisty fun roller derby chick with a chip on her shoulder and a haunting past !! Her derby girls were great friends and this book had a serious note yet they still managed to bring some humor and fun. The Page family is AMAZING - we saw how they treated Emily in book 1 and now we see how they are there for Josh and Sam in book 2. Amazingly hot and caring sons and a strong family bond - not a common theme in many series. Josh lost his one true love and has now turned into our typical love em and leave em - not looking for love or anything with feelings. Sam had a horrible past and her ex is a real scary piece of work. His part in this story is very horrific and may be a trigger for some that have dealt with abuse. I know for me it gave that much more of a connection to the story. Josh and Sam do not make it easy for each other but there is no denying they make a great couple and their story is great. I know I enjoyed book 3 as well so I am very happy to have been able to read the series.
Profile Image for Athena Freya.
586 reviews134 followers
August 27, 2014
Hidden Barriers is another wonderful romantic book from The Barriers Series..

It’s not only about love or the hardships of a relationship or even the steamy scenes. It’s about patience. About being patient and waiting for your other half to be ready for you. About being patient and guiding them through their pain. About being patient and never stop fighting for them.

And Josh is that man. That patient understanding man with unyielding devotion and strength; ready and willing to pick you up and keep you safe.

Josh was pretty much amazing, despite some lack of judgement here and there...You know, he had his I-am-a-man moments. But he is a very good man. Hot and Good. I loved his personality; patient, understanding, careful, capable of pleasing a woman..Let’s not forget about that..He is the ultimate man!

Sam is a woman who has been through so much and suffered physically and emotionally too much, much more than any woman should ever have to endure..She feels something with Josh and she tries to move on. She tries to put her scars behind her and move forward with her life. She wants that for herself and she wants that for Josh. She is so strong and she doesn’t even realize it. She falls apart but she picks herself up. She has amazing friends, Drew, Nick and Josh’s family who want to help and support her.

I liked Sam and enjoyed reading about her finding her happily-ever-after with Josh…

Sara Shirley gives us another great romance, full of angst and hope for a brighter future.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed the book. It was different from any other. Most books don’t have this fast-changing emotional transitions and the slow-paced story evolution. But I found that I liked it. However, it’s not exactly how I envisioned it. I wanted it to be more snarky, I wanted more banter between Josh and Sam. Sam is very feisty, but it seems to me that we saw that mostly in the beginning or between her and her friends. Like I said before, I really enjoyed and liked it. But I feel like there’s something missing.

So, 4 Gorgeous Stars go to Hidden Barriers!!
Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,852 reviews116 followers
August 27, 2014

I really enjoyed this book. I will start out by saying that I read this book without reading book one and while there are some overlaps from book one, I did not find this book hard to read at all. This book was a nice change of pace from the typical romance. This book was full of ups & downs, love, lust, emotional moments, and moments that make you laugh out loud.

This is Josh and Sam's story. Josh is a state trooper (yes ladies a man in uniform so go ahead and prepare to swoon!). Sam or "Sammy Sweet Cheeks" is a wine bar manager by night and a roller derby girl by day. When these two meet, there is an attraction but Josh is still working on getting over his ex (his "one" that got away) and Sam has no interest in a relationship after her last one scarred her. But fate has a way of making it almost impossible to not give in to temptation or the feelings that begin to develop. Will Josh and Sam be able to move on from their pasts and learn to love again? Will they be able to get their own happy ending together?

I liked all of the characters in this book. I really liked Josh and Sam together. They were perfect for each other. Both had been running for such a long time. While this wasn't a second chance love for them, it was in sorts. It was a chance to heal and learn to love again. I loved the other Derby girls! And I also loved Josh's fam. Great cast all around.

I highly recommend this book.
While I did read this book first, I am going back to read book one! :)

Blog Tour---> http://reneeentress.blogspot.com/2014...
Profile Image for Diane Lynch Lynch.
1,811 reviews46 followers
August 28, 2014
Massachusetts State Trooper, Josh Page, struggles with the loss of his first love. Since their break up, women have meant nothing to him until he knocks over roller derby player Samantha Daley.

I relished hearing Josh’s story. I felt bad for what happened with his relationship with Sue in book one; I like that he found Sam. Josh is a wonderful protective man who deserves to be happy.

Sam is strong and courageous. She is amazing for fighting to survive after an abusive relationship. I enjoyed that she participates in roller derby. It was interesting to learn about the sport and the confidence it gave to Sam.

I love Sam’s friends. They are like a family, looking out for one another.

I like that this story overlapped with book one, Frozen Barriers, and we got Josh’s viewpoint on what was going on with Jeremy and Emily’s relationship, while he was dealing with his own life.

Courtney is the best little sister. I find it fascinating that she is always saving her brothers’ relationships. I also liked Sam’s younger brother Drew. They have a great sibling relationship.

I love that this story is told in two-person point of view (or actually briefly three people). It made me feel more connected with the characters, having their perceptions.

Sara Shirley continues to do an incredible job with this series. I love all the characters (except the bad guys, but I do love to hate them). The plot is insightful and realistic. I underwent numerous emotions that made me feel connected to the characters. This is a wonderful contemporary romance that I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Paige Smith.
661 reviews7 followers
July 9, 2014
Even though Hidden Barriers is a standalone novel, it is highly recommended you read Sara Shirley’s debut novel Frozen Barriers first in order to fully understand the plot mixing of characters. And, why not read the first novel? It’s fabulous!

In Hidden Barriers, Josh Page is a state trooper who’s not looking for love. He did the ‘love thing’ a long time ago, and it left him heartbroken. Rather than settling down and chancing a repeat, he finds pleasure in random hookups and no strings attached relationships.

Samantha (Sam) Daley is a hard-nosed, quick-mouthed, roller derby girl and bar owner. Trying to escape her tragic past, she seeks solace in knowing she has a support system of fellow derby girls and family members who always have her back.

When Josh and Sam collide in a chance meeting, sparks instantly fly. As their relationship blossoms, trust issues come to the forefront, causing both to step back and determine what’s most important.

Hidden Barriers is a second-chance love story with a plot twist mixed in that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This novel is a feel good, heart-warming story where love is found in the least likely of places and when the characters are not even looking for it to begin with.

I loved this story! Josh is the perfect combination of sweet and sexy, and Sam is the sassy fireball with an attitude. The secondary characters in this novel are just as wonderful as they are in the first novel in the series, and this one has a few extras.

Great job, Sara Shirley! I can’t wait to read what you have planned next!
Profile Image for The Book Fairy Reviews.
2,341 reviews42 followers
August 30, 2014
Book 2 in the Barriers series we get to see how Josh how Josh handles the loss of his first love. How he fills the hole in hie chest through meaningless hook -ups that leave him feeling lonelier. He thinks about the woman he bumped into at the hospital the one he bumped into now 3 times, Sam. Coincidence or fate? Isn't it the same thing? Now Sam and Josh have to issues of trust and pasts that threaten to come barreling into their present to destroy their future.
I loved the complications that they had at the start because it forced Josh to come out and admit that he was falling in love and that Sam was more than he had ever could have ever imagined love would be. Sam has to learn to trust while forcing Josh to not keep her a secret.
Powerful issues that they have to overcome just to be a normal couple and enjoy what they have. Now we have to deal with the issues that Sam has suffered painful past and fears that are threatening to come back to finish what was started years ago.
I loved all of the complexities of this story and even more the simple fact that they suffer and love all filled with romance and commitment. I loved the first book Frozen Barriers, but as much as I did Josh and Sam have topped it. A beautifully complex story of a love so deep that he would sacrifice everything to protect. I cried, I mean I was heaving at how beautiful this story was and how deeply it touched my heart. Amazing! Sara has taken love to the next level of compassion and commitment. Bravo!
Profile Image for Amy Shelton.
425 reviews10 followers
July 15, 2015
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I Dig Good Books.

**Disclaimer: I received a copy of these four books from HEA Bookshelf in exchange for a fair and honest review.**

Josh and Sam have a chance meeting, at the hospital of all places. Sam has a black heart and a sordid past she is still trying to move past. Josh has a broken heart that is still in love with the girl he lost. Will their chance meeting be enough to stir up some sparks to take a leap of faith? Can Sam open up enough to let Josh in and be the knight in shining armor she deserves? Will love be enough?
I really enjoyed this story. Sam is quite the spit fire character! It’s always fun reading a book that is focused around two main characters, with hints of other characters in the background. I enjoyed really getting to understand Sam more and understand her personality. The author really did a great job writing her as such a strong female character. I think her character could definitely help some women who are going through similar situations with domestic violence and abuse. There are definitely not a shortage of emotions going on in this book. There are highs and lows and they keep you reading. The sadness and darkness is what keeps me reading because that happiness always makes it worth it!
Profile Image for Starla.
365 reviews8 followers
August 27, 2014
I was very excited to read Josh's story after meeting him in Frozen Barriers which was Jeremy and Emily's story. Although you don't have to read Frozen Barriers to read this one. I just knew from what I had seen of Josh in the first book that he would have a very good story and I loved it!
From their first meeting Sam and Josh were off the charts in chemistry. I did get frustrated with some of their missteps along the way but that just added to their connection.
Sam and all the Naughties were a great bunch. I loved all the support she got from her girls. Nick was great at being there for Josh as well. I adore Josh's sister Courtney and hope she gets a book of her own as well.
I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn't had the chance to read this but it is such a great story. I could not put it down because I had to know what was going to happen next with Sam and Josh.

I also recommend the first book as well Frozen Barriers.

I will be recommending Hidden Barriers to all my bookworm friends and probably those who are just the occasional reader as well. I loved it and look forward to reading more by Sara Shirley in the future.
Profile Image for ByoBook Club.
458 reviews40 followers
March 1, 2015
Josh is trying to move on after he realizes that the girl he loves, the girl he gave up years ago for her own good, has already moved on and is starting a family with another man. Sam is trying to move on and forget her past and the man she thought loved her that tried to kill her. She needs a hero, a protector; He wants to be her hero and protector. But, how will Sam learn to trust again after the last time it almost ended her?

Once again, this author has written a sweet love story. Sam is the kind of heroine I like. She's damaged but tough and independent. Josh is strong and caring. These two make a great combination.

Just like in Frozen Barriers, the whole family stole my heart. They are the family that everyone wishes they had.

I would recommend this story to anyone who likes strong, mature characters and a happy, sweet story.


Profile Image for Hooked On Books.
1,887 reviews64 followers
August 25, 2014
I was given this novel in return for a honest review by hookedonbooks.

Hidden Barriers is Sam and Josh's story as they struggle to put there pasts behind them in order for them to trust and love again.
Josh is trying to put his first love Sue behind him by sleeping around with random women. That is until he meets Sam. Sam has been starting a new life running a successful bar and living with her roller derby friends while trying to hide from her past traumas. But will this young couple be able to move forward and find the strength to trust again. Sam sees things she's never seen before, hope, strength, desire and possible love. But with her past traumas threatening to barrel into there future will there relationship be strong enough to see it through until the end.

I loved josh and Sam's story more than Emily and Jeremy's. There was more passion, I loved how sassy Sam could be, in fact I loved all the characters much more this time around. Excellent novel, I fully recommend and can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Spunky N Sassy.
5,245 reviews114 followers
January 14, 2015
~~~~Zarah's Review~~~~

I want to be adopted by the Page family!

4 stars

I received this title courtesy of Sweet and Sassy Book-Aholics for an honest review

Hidden Barriers is the second in the Barrier Series and is the story of Jeremy's brother Josh and Sam. I really enjoyed these characters, loved them both.

Sara Shirley did a great job of building the suspense surrounding the possible return of Sam's ex boyfriend who has been in prison for the past three years after almost killing her. We see her struggle to learn to live and love again.

Josh, struggling to come to terms with his ex moving on with someone else meets Sam and loses his heart to the Sexy, Sassy derby chick with a dangerous secret. Of course, her makes a few stupid decisions along the way (as we would expect from a man :-)) but he fights with everything in him to gain her love and trust and then her fights for her life.

I was not left disappointed with the drama at the end and I hope to see Courtney's story come out soon.
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,461 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2024
Another home run

I'm not sure where to start except to say that I have never read an entire book with my heart lodged in my throat. Each and every page I kept waiting for that nutjob to show up. I was a wreck through the whole thing. Well maybe not the whole thing. When Sam was with Josh, I knew she'd be ok. But the suspense and waiting for that shoe to drop was one of my favorite things about reading this book.

I also have to say how much I really enjoyed the build-up between Sam and Josh. Hmmmm. Josh. He's definitely a hottie. Loved him.

And I loved all the new characters. Lucy is a hoot and I can't wait for her story. And Drew? I'm already making Drew my next book boyfriend.

Once again Sara has given us a great story with awesome characters and a wonderful loving family. I wonder if Grace and Travis would consider adopting me...
54 reviews8 followers
January 24, 2015
Josh is trying to move on after he realizes that the girl he loves, the girl he gave up years ago for her own good, has already moved on and is starting a family with another man. Sam is trying to move on and forget her past and the man she thought loved her that tried to kill her. She needs a hero, a protector; He wants to be her hero and protector. But, how will Sam learn to trust again after the last time it almost ended her?
Once again, this author has written a sweet love story. Sam is the kind of heroine I like. She's damaged but tough and independent. Josh is strong and caring. These two make a great combination.
Just like in Frozen Barriers, the whole family stole my heart. They are the family that everyone wishes they had.
I would recommend this story to anyone who likes strong, mature characters and a happy, sweet story.
Profile Image for Annie.
377 reviews9 followers
March 15, 2016
Sexy cop meets hot roller derby girl - must read ***read Frozen Barriers 1st***

After falling in love with Jeremy & Emily's story, I knew that I had to read the this book & who am I kidding I am going to read the entire series. Even though each book can stand alone, it really needs to be read in order. There are too many detail from the previous book to read it out of order. In the first book you get to meet Jeremy's super awesome family and you fall in love with them as well. This book is about Jeremy's older brother Josh and Sam, the girl he runs into in the hospital in the 1st book. I love how Sara intertwines past issues with both characters & shows you how true love can conquer all. This book will wanting to smack the Josh in the back of the head & have you reading to find out if what you think will happen, happens. I am looking forward to reading the next book.
Profile Image for Ellen  Small .
199 reviews5 followers
August 31, 2014
A huge 5 stars to Sara Shirley....I loved frozen barriers but Hidden well wow just wow... Josh is my guy!!!

Josh sweet, kind, loving but has a past, thinking he gave up his one and only chance at love, he accepts his lot in life by using any willing woman's body. life loves to throw you a curve ball though so what has fate in store for Josh????

Sam withdrawn from life from a past that nearly killed her, she doesn't want dates...affection or love from any man cause she's convinced she's broken beyond repair, still terrified her past will collide with her future where will these two end up???

This series just keeps getting better...the Page brothers are all kinds of hot...and once they pick the one that's them set there's no going back

Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,352 reviews77 followers
August 27, 2014
5 stars

Both characters are living in the past. Can they overcome past issues in order to move forward?

Sam is living in constant fear. Josh is still stuck pinning after his first love.

Can they learn to trust each other? No insta-love for these two. They have to work hard and fight through their fear and trust issues in order to make a relationship work. In no way is this an easy road.

With their family and friends help can they push pass all the hard time to have a beautiful future together?

I didn’t read the first story in this series but I enjoyed this one.
Profile Image for Kiki.
199 reviews
August 4, 2014
This is Sarah Shirley's second book. It can easily be enjoyed as a standalone.

Hidden Barriers is a story of two people finding their way. One knows what they want and the other is avoiding a dark cloud. This book takes you on an emotional journey filled with lusty moments, heartache, love and fear. Sometimes our past don't stay hidden so well!

Get swept away in this incredible book about self discovery and following your heart!

Full review coming at Sassy Divas Book Blog
August 8, 2014
This is the 2nd book in the Barriers series and absolutely amazing. If you think you fell hard for Jeremy just wait for Josh.
Josh I loved him, he might have made a couple mistakes but he's a man trying to do his best in every situation. Then there's Sam a beautiful broken spirit. This was a beautiful story about 2 people needing to find their way to happiness.
I loved it. It has everything you look for when reading a great book. I can't wait for the next!

Profile Image for Jenny (Novel Idea).
203 reviews31 followers
January 17, 2015
I loved the debut book of the series and was impatiently awaiting the sequel. It was worth the wait, dare I say/ I enjoyed it better than the first book. The author obviously did her research for certain aspects of the book and as an almost would-be derby girl, it was much appreciated! The characters in this series are so relatable and so well written. Hurry up with the novellas Ms. Shirley!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 37 reviews

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