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Play by Play #3

Les règles de l'engagement

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Jenna Riley frôle l'overdose de sport. Ses frères sont des athlètes reconnus et elle gère le bar familial qui accueille essentiellement une clientèle de sportifs que cela lui plaise ou non. C'est ainsi qu'elle fait la rencontre de Tyler Anderson, champion de hockey. Séduit par Jenna, Tyler devient un habitué du bar et essaie d'en savoir plus sur cette beauté insaisissable. La jeune femme a beau le trouver parfaitement à son goût, elle a juré de ne jamais succomber au charme d'un sportif. Fera-t-elle une exception à la règle ?

432 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published March 6, 2012

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About the author

Jaci Burton

145 books8,185 followers
Jaci Burton is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of over 85 books. She lives in Oklahoma and when she isn’t on deadline (which is often), she can usually be found wrestling with her uncooperative garden, wrangling her dogs, watching an unhealthy amount of television, or completely losing track of time reading a great book. She’s a total romantic and longs for the happily ever after in every story, which you’ll find in all her books.. Visit her website at www.jaciburton.com for excerpts, book information and contests.

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Profile Image for Shawna.
3,656 reviews4,711 followers
November 13, 2014
4-4 ½ stars – Contemporary/Sports Erotic Romance

Thoughts Before Reading

OH HOLY &%@^*#$!!!! I’m feeling very parched and suddenly thirsting for a sexy, salty, sweaty Studtastic man chest!!!! And looking oh so HOT in unbuttoned, perfectly fitted, crotch-hugging, low-slung faded denim jeans, too?! *Be still my male fantasy lovin’ heart!*

Thoughts After Reading

I loved the first two books in the series, particularly The Perfect Play, and although I enjoyed this, it didn’t quite live up to those or my super high expectations. Ty is a sexy, sweet, yummy-as-sin hero and there’s no doubt that Jaci Burton can pen some seriously scorching hot sex scenes, but Jenna annoyed me to the point that it impacted my overall satisfaction and kept this from earning a 5-star rating.

Until around the 80-85% mark, Jenna earned a solid 7 on my ‘girl get your head out of your ass’ and ‘I wanna slap/smack a b*tch silly’ meters. Her immature, judgmental, stubborn resistance to Ty, even though he’s a total sweetheart, perfect for her, and a skilled, generous stud in the sack, just because he happens to be a pro hockey player and she’s staunchly anti-sports, at least in terms of being adamant about not dating athletes, got really aggravating. She finally put on her big girl panties and fought for a relationship and future with Ty, but it sure took her a long time to wise and woman up.

Ty and Jenna had combustible chemistry and were definitely compatible when it came to sex. They shared insatiable lust but I didn’t really feel the love or romance as strongly between them. And I really wanted an epilogue. Still, it’s an entertaining erotic sports romance that’s set off the smoke alarm steamy and also had me shedding some tears when Jenna finally opened up to her family and Ty. I can’t wait for Cole’s book, Playing to Win, to come out!

Profile Image for Auntee.
1,336 reviews1,444 followers
March 3, 2012
I just love this series. Give me a hot, erotic sports romance with a feisty heroine, a sexy, swoon-worthy hero, plenty of spicy dialogue, some terrific female bonding moments, the return of characters from the previous books, and most of all...a decent story, and I'm going to be all over it!

In this third book of Jaci Burton's Play By Play series, youngest Riley sibling Jenna gets the HEA she is not looking for. Jenna's the bartender/manager of her family's St. Louis sports bar, taking over for her dad who's had some health problems. Jenna's the responsible type, and while running the family business isn't her dream, it's something she's good at and feels she has to do.

Pro hockey star Tyler Anderson has been making a lot of post-game visits to Riley's, and it's not just for the great food and drinks. He's intrigued by the tattooed, pierced, beautiful bartender Jenna. Despite Jenna not being his usual physical type, he likes her feistiness and their conversations, and the sexual sparks between them keeps him coming back for more. But Jenna has made it clear that she doesn't date athletes...does Tyler even stand a chance with her?


Oh wow. I just loved Tyler. Not only is he hot, gorgeous, a sexual stud in the bedroom and a gentleman elsewhere, but he is just so darn supportive to Jenna, and knows just how far he can push her. He's perceptive, understanding, patient, puts up with her sometimes bitchy moods and gets her. Even though he has no intention of ever marrying or having a serious relationship (due to witnessing his parents own unhappy marriage) he pursues Jenna in the most exciting way, breaking down her walls and fears. You just know he's going to change his mind about marriage, once he realizes he doesn't want to live without Jenna. But can he get Jenna to conquer her fears of failure, and take a shot at what she really wants in life?

Now Jenna...there were things about her I didn't understand at first. Why the anti-athlete stance? (I kept waiting for a big reason) Why didn't her family know Why was she so hesitant to go after what she really wanted? I loved how Jaci Burton used the relationship with Tyler to let the reader learn more about Jenna and her fears. Despite her outward confidence, Jenna really did have a fear of failure, which surprised me. I felt that the relationship with Tyler was the best thing that could've happened to Jenna. She learned an awful lot about herself when she was able to open up to Tyler and reveal her past and why she quit pursuing her dream. With his encouragement Jenna realized it was time to start living life for herself and stand up for what she wanted and deserved. I just loved the support he gave her (and the support she gave him regarding his parents).

Of course being a Jaci Burton book, you know there's going to be ample hotness, and JB doesn't disappoint. Tyler and Jenna have absolutely no problems in the bedroom (actually, they have more adventures outside of the bedroom--a private box at the rink, on a pool table, on a bar top, in the shower, on the floor...and the most risque--against the boards on the ice!) Yeah...like I said, no problems with their sex life whatsoever.

This book was such an easy, enjoyable read. There were no slow spots, the dialogue flowed smoothly, the sex scenes didn't overwhelm the story, and the characters were fully fleshed out. There were plenty of details and no fillers. Everything made sense (except for some clunky descriptions regarding the hockey action). I loved seeing Mick and Tara, and Gavin and Liz again, and loved when Jenna got together with her two sisters-in-law for some heart-to-heart talks (some lol moments there). I wanted to keep turning the pages because I was curious to see how it would all play out. And when it ended, not only did I have a few tears in my eyes, but I was disappointed there wasn't more (sure would've loved an epilogue)! But maybe, just maybe, we'll catch up with Jenna and Tyler again in the next book--Jenna has a football playing cousin--Cole--who we briefly meet in this book, and he's getting his own book (Playing to Win). Yay! 5 stars

Warning: This book contains explicit sex (including oral and one anal scene) and language. Not for the faint of heart.
Profile Image for Julie James.
Author 19 books9,575 followers
March 20, 2012
I LOVED it!!! The previous book I'd read was a book club book that bored me, and TAKING A SHOT was such a breath of fresh air after that. I think Ty is my favorite of Jaci Burton's heroes, and that says a lot because I love her heroes. It was fun, hot (really hot!), and just a great book to sink into at the end of a hectic day.
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
March 20, 2012
I'm so sorry because I really wanted to like this book but I just didn't. It took me forever to finish it and I just couldn't concentrate on the read for longer than a couple of hours. I'm not sure what it was, I didn't have a problem with neither of the characters nor did I actually hated anything I read... I guess it was that I just never clicked with any of them and the plot never really grabbed me.

Jenna Riley was the only one that frustrated me a bit and only because she used to be a character I admired and really liked and she tuned into an insecure and emotional woman. She went from 100% independent to 100% needy. I loved her in the first reads but this one, which was her own, really disappointed me. Tyler Anderson, the Hero, was great but predictable. He was everything we readers usually crave in the male lead: sexy, alpha, a bit vane but loyal and caring. AS SO MANY OTHERS. And the chemistry between them just never worked for me. Too long was it only lust that once the romance came I was already bored and it just felt false.

Another huge problem I faced with this read was that the plot was uninteresting and slow-paced. Hundreds of words and NOTHING important really happened. EVER. I just hate when that happens because the the book turns into a read that makes me feel like I lost so much valuable time.

I just hope next book is better or I'll quit reading the series.
Profile Image for The Anxious Bookaholic.
188 reviews37 followers
March 24, 2012
I just LOVE all the Play by Play covers, they’re so lickable.*wipes off computer screen*
And isn't that Jed Hill? I am in love all ready. Jed.is.a.GOD! I swear the guy is too hot for his own good!
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
March 18, 2012
Very enjoyable and I absolutely LOVED it!! In my opinion, the best book in the series. I understand that quite a few reviews have expressed their annoyance or dislike for Jenna, but once she explained herself, I was on board with her feelings. I had my issues with her too, but as I continued to read and the big picture presented itself, it made sense and I gave her my sympathy. She never once laid blame on Ty for anything and always reprimanded herself when her actions towards him were unacceptable, unfortunately only in her head. Was it right how she treated him?! No, but then there would have been no drama. She always expressed her admiration for Ty, again, only in her mind. Jenna accepted the hand that life dealt her and did her best to do what she felt she needed to do. She took a backseat and never complained outwardly when the responsibility of the family business fell on her shoulders. Her brothers continued to pursue and live their dreams; with her full support. She went with the flow, at times begrudgingly, and that is why she came off as a sour puss maybe even bratty. Nonetheless she took on the challenge and I am a Jenna advocate.

Okay now on to the crème de la crème of this book. TY! Tyler Anderson *swoon-sigh-faint*!! I could not find one damn thing wrong with him. What a man. Sexy, smart, sweet, passionate, thoughtful, understanding… he was PERFECT!!! He was so hot...HOT HOT HOT; I’m surprised the ice didn’t melt under him when he skated! Oh my, did he lay some smokin,’ sizzlin,’ lovin’ on Jenna, over and over again…oh and then some more…wait, again… oh why not one more time! He used his mouth for more than just talking…ALOT! I’m still trying to recover from the ecstasy; I’m in a euphoric haze!

Jaci Burton must be a hockey fan, because her writing in relation to the game and the fans was spot on! I felt like I was right there in the stands watching Ty and the Ice play. There is no other sport quite like it. If you’ve never been to or watched a game, you are missing out on a truly exhilarating experience. The game is brutal, demanding, fast-paced and watching the players can be quite the turn-on!

I just loved the overall feel of this book. From the family gatherings to the lunch dates that Jenna, Tara and Liz had on a weekly basis, and their sassy, funny banter! Not only did we get to see Ty and Jenna’s relationship develop, we got time with and a look into the lives of the wonderful characters from the previous books. They were all involved at some point and I welcomed them with open arms. It has me thinking that as the series continues, could Nathan take the spotlight at some point? Hmmm, now that would be awesome!

Even though the ending was satisfying, I wish as I did in all the previous books, that JC would give us an epilogue. I just love them. Other than that it’s a great read, with fantastic dialogue, good storyline, a warm family feel, some laughs, plenty of sexy time and …TY!! He alone is worth 5 Stars!

I can't help myself, so I'm adding a picture of Ty, because this is the image I had in my head the whole time I was reading. Enjoy!!

Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews711 followers
June 3, 2015
This was some incredible sex on ice, and I mean literally
Not really sure, i would try it though...LOL
But good read, anyway :D
Profile Image for Amanda.
527 reviews1,108 followers
August 11, 2017
So… after reading Taking a Shot I think I might “take a break” from this series. While I really enjoyed the first two books in the series, Taking a Shot felt like the exact same story again but with less likeable characters. I mean this is a contemporary romance series so it should be expected that the stories would be somewhat formulaic but this was just too identical plot wise and it got a little distracting.

I think the thing that pulled me out of connecting to the story was that Jenna was an entirely unlikable character. I freaking LOVED Jenna in the previous two books! She was sassy and quirky and I was so excited for her to get her own story. The thing is, in Taking a Shot Jenna became the whiniest person in the world. Honestly, she was bugging the hell out of me. If I were Ty, I’m not sure I would have wanted to bother with all her whining. Ty was about the same as all the other guys in the series. He was a good guy who treats women well and is spectacular in bed. He wasn’t anything in particular to write home about. If I were to be blunt I would say he’s pretty bland for a lead character. He was a great guy but besides that there wasn’t anything else about him to really make him stand out.

Like with all of the other books in this series, the covers are really something to behold. They are always graced with a delicious bit of man candy which basically guarantees smutty delights will be found between the covers. As usual, the smutty delights here were top notch. Jaci Burton can really write some grade-A smut! The only thing is… the smut is getting to be formulaic. I think all the books in the series follow a similar smut trajectory. Here’s an example: In all of the books I’ve read of the Play by Play series there’s one anal sex scene and it happens chronologically in the same spot in all the books. So while the smut is still stellar and super-hot, it’s also a bit predictable.

Overall, Taking a Shot was an ok, if predictable, romance. I didn’t particularly connect with either of the main characters. Also, their romance is for the most part boring. Nothing exciting happens. NOTHING. I can see how the reader is supposed find Ty loveable and root for Jenna to achieve her dreams. However, Ty was boring and Jenna ended up being so whiny that I just didn’t want to listen to her anymore. The saving grace here was a smut because that is really something special. So if the smut here wasn’t as good as it was this may have been a 1 star book for me. As it stands now, I’m giving this 3 stars because it was just “ok.”
Profile Image for Pepa.
1,001 reviews261 followers
June 24, 2015
Entretenido. Me ha gustado mucho más que el primero. El segundo todavía lo tengo pendiente, a ver si lo leo pronto.
Como es de imaginar, el peso de la relación lo lleva la atracción sexual entre ambos y no dejan de practicar El es un amor desde la página uno y hará que ella vaya dejando atrás sus miedos.
Muchas escenas con las parejas anteriores que son las amigas de la protagonista.
Creo que hay escenas que se me han hecho un poco repetitivas, pero en general una lectura hot, amena y entretenida
Profile Image for Toni Aleo.
Author 81 books6,612 followers
March 12, 2012
I liked it! it was a good book, really strong male lead, and I even liked Jenna sometimes. She was a little annoying but thats okay cause Ty made up for it. The only complaint I have is that this book is not lendable. For 10$, it should be. Just saying.
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,496 reviews315 followers
Shelved as 'quitting-series'
July 8, 2017

DNF at 40%

It's OFFICIAL>>This book feels like a replica of the prior two with minor details changed (and actually the beginning felt fresh, Ty felt really different)

I got through the last one because of the sexy times. I quit this one partially due to the overuse of the word sexy. Go figure.

It's a total shame that this felt like it was borrowed from Burton's prior work because
I like Ty’s brand of alpha more than anything about this book. He’s so confident, he doesn’t flip when he sees Jenna pick up another man. Sure, he’s slightly jealous, but he notices they lack chemistry, and keeps his chill.

I think I’ve seen that approximately never in a romance before. Not purposefully that I can recall any way. Why is this amazing? I feel like it’s how a mature confident man would typically act. My husband is not really either of those things but he still manages to be confident in me ending up with him without being a jealous d-bag.

What a bummer. Because, like, these covers. Maybe it's just better to eat these than read them anyway...
Profile Image for Dee.
1,500 reviews173 followers
March 20, 2012
I Loved it - definately worth it's 5 star rating....A well written good story with lots of graphic sex making it a very hot read :)
Profile Image for P.A. Lupton.
Author 2 books415 followers
October 14, 2013

I’m really disappointed with this book. I was irritated with the heroine all the way through the novel right up until the last 1%. If I heard her say “I don’t date guys who like or play sports” one more time I was going to strangle her. You might as well say I don’t date guys with a penis. I haven’t met many who don’t like or play sports. Besides, am I the only one who finds that superficial? Here you have a great guy with a great job who is good to you, but you’re going to hold something he loves against him. I understood by the end that this was just a way for her to push men away, a defense mechanism. But she did so much pushing I didn’t feel like she deserved the happily ever after she got. Ty was WAY too nice and understanding. When he said he was done I pumped my fist and cheered for him. I think I’m probably the only one who was disappointed this couple got a happily ever after, this is one of the first books where I was actually hoping for a break up:(
Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 1 book156 followers
May 27, 2012

Love Burton, Play by Play is a HOT series. Burton does not shy away from modern cuss words and her writing is sexy as hell. Definitely give this series a try.
Profile Image for ~♥~ Sil.
384 reviews6 followers
October 27, 2015

Por fin he podido disfrutar de la tercera entrega de estos libros, la verdad es que a cada cual que leo me gusta más! Si no os habéis animado aún a leerlos, no dudéis en hacerlo ya!
Los Riley me tienen enamorada pero Tyler ha conquistado mi corazón, es un deportista nato que adoro el hockey sobre hielo, tiene un toque violento en los partidos pero cuando está con Jenna es de lo más cuidadoso y cariñoso. Me encanta como cuida de ella y piensa en sus sueños, sobretodo me ha gustado la fuerza con que la ayuda a seguir su sueño, a pesar de que ella se niegue a vivirlo.
Jenna, una chica que ha vivido rodeada deporte y lo tiene aborrecido, busca un chico que no esté relacionado con él, pero la química que siente con Tyler no la siente con ninguno, asique decide romper su primera regla y se mete en una relación que le hará cambiar su vida. Aprenderá a enfrentarse a sus miedos y revelar sus sueños y secretos.
Me encanta ver las parejas y los personajes de los libros anteriores, hace que la historia sea más real y podemos ver que su relación va viento en popa.
Profile Image for Antonella.
3,794 reviews528 followers
March 28, 2019
Did you see this cover..
I loved Ty...
Long story short just here adding already read books..long time ago...

September 16, 2015
4.5 Stars

This review was posted at Under The Covers

If you thought this book only had a hot cover then you can think again. Jaci's Play by Play series has been blessed by the cover fairy but it also has some of the most perfect men in fiction history! There just isn't a thing wrong with them!!!

As the books before him, Ty is one hot male specimen as well as an all around nice, sweet guy. And he knows exactly how to make a woman happy. In and out of bed. *purrrrrr*

He's a big deal hockey player but very down to earth. I love that Jenna catches his interest. She's not his type. She has short hair, tattoos, small breasts, and a very spunky personality. The opposite of what he usually goes for really. But I love her, and obviously so does Ty.

The only problem is Jenna doesn't date athletes. She's had sports shoved down her throat her whole life and she doesn't want that in her love life as well. So after one night of deliciously hot monkey sex she gives up on Ty and figures she should find that perfect non-sports-like man.

Of course, I won't tell you what happens next! Just know that this book had me ready to spontaneously combust on more than one occasion, it is heart skipping, mind blowingly hot! Ty is just that take charge kind of man that can make your insides melt.

And at the same time I loved seeing those two put their hang ups and issues behind and face the facts that they made each other happy. Without caring what others thought, or even what they thought they should be or do.

I really don't know why I torture myself with reading the teaser for the next books in this series, I do it everytime after I say I wouldn't. Now, I'm twitching with need to get my hands on the next book! This one is a baaaaaad boy!

Man! Just writing this review is making me want to re-read it! Yes ladies, it's that good! *sigh* At least I get to wake up to the sight of Jason Vendryes' abs every morning, since I still have this by my bed.

*ARC provided by publisher
Profile Image for Readsalot81.
294 reviews34 followers
July 30, 2013
I know a lot of people like these books. They have some off the charts sexy heroes and downright steamy scenes

But this didn't work for me on a couple of levels. They start out already knowing one another, and you know from the beginning of the book that Ty wants more than just one night. So he has to convince Jenna to give him a chance. Yes, give the good looking hockey stud a shot. (pun intended) Anyways, her reasons for not wanting him come across as a wee bit contrived and there was never any doubt that Jenna would relent. She has a great job tending bar, is great looking, has a supportive & loving family complete with professional ball players and is unhappy because she's been too much of a wimp to tell her family she writes & plays music. Because of what is relayed to you at the beginning of the book, it lacks the tension I really like in romance novels and the complete discovery of who the other person is. They're familiar with one another, he knows one of her brothers & future sister in law and thus the developing romance felt rather lackluster. It never felt like a friends to lovers type of trope, just more of I've seen you around, I know the same people you do, and I'd like to bang you b/c you're hot. Snooze alert.

Definitely competently written, just wasn't what I was expecting.
Profile Image for Noelia.
273 reviews10 followers
May 5, 2016
Me ha gustado más que el primero, pero menos que el segundo; está en un lugar intermedio. Sobre todo me ha gustado Ty, Jenna me gustó más como secundaria en otros libros.
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
March 9, 2012
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads

Jenna Riley is running her family’s sports bar now that her dad is home resting after a health scare. She’s been surrounded by sports her whole life. She enjoyed playing sports, following her brother’s success in their professional sports careers and now she’s running a sports bar. The last thing she wants is to date a guy whose life revolves around sports. Or so she thinks. It’s hockey season and the Ice are in a playoff run, led by Tyler Anderson, who keeps showing up in her bar after games trying to get Jenna to talk to him, go out with him, even just pay attention to him. Even though Jenna is wildly attracted to Ty, she knows she’ll never want anything long term, but what can one night with him hurt?

Ty is the ultimate hero – I loved everything about this guy. Athlete, check. All around nice guy, check. Drop dead gorgeous, goes with saying, doesn’t it?! He’s the type of hero that any heroine needs to grab hold of and never let go. His sights are set on Jenna and when she flat out tells him that she wants nothing to do with him and his sports centered life, he wants to prove her wrong. He, unbeknownst to Jenna, starts sending men her way, just to prove that while they may be guys that she “thinks” she wants, the chemistry won’t be there. Of course, it isn’t. She eventually gives in and stops denying their attraction, but it takes her a long time to think of Ty as just a man and not let his career be the main focus in her eyes.

Jenna’s been living a life that she sort of fell into. She has an incredible singing talent, but her fear of rejection and failure has held her back. Ty pushes her, in a good way, to take a chance, to be honest with her family about her desires and wants and she doesn’t take kindly to that. She’s pretty mean to Ty, says some nasty things to him and even though she would instantly regret it, it takes her quite a bit of time to overcome her fears, all with Ty’s help. He doesn’t let her push him away and stands up to her when she needs that push. He’s really her perfect match and while Ty sees it early on, it takes Jenna a bit to get with it and see what her life could be both personally and professional if she stopped being scared.

“Sex.” He shook his head. “Yeah, that’s a problem.” He brushed his shoulder against hers. He understood the chemistry thing. Just being near her made his dick spring to life.

She turned in the chair to face him. “It is. What should we do about that?”

“I don’t think sex is a problem for me, Jenna. You already know how I feel. The question is, what do you want to do about it?”

She slid her fingers down the lapel of his jacket, the look she gave him burning him from the inside out.

Yeah, definite chemistry. He was surprised flames weren’t sparking between them. His breathing quickened and if she didn’t make a decision soon he was going to have to make a quick exit, because this woman was driving him crazy.

“I think you should come home with me tonight and we can talk about it,” she said.

“Ready when you are.”

Jaci Burton gives us another Play by Play series relationship that is completely, scorching hot. Jenna may think that she and Ty won’t have a future beyond the bedroom, but those bedroom scenes are sexy, naughty and sweet all rolled into one. While I found myself a little frustrated with how Jenna kept giving Ty the brush off early on, and not really giving him a fair chance, I did really enjoy seeing their relationship progress. Aside from the sexy times they have, I loved the little “date” moments, it brought out the sweeter side in both of them. Whether it was watching movies at home, holding hands, or meeting the parents, those moments sold me on their relationship and made their connection deepen as the story went on.

“…You know how I feel about jocks. There will never be more than just the sex.”

“Hmmm.” Liz gave Jenna a sidelong look, then dug into her salad.

“What does that ‘hmmm’ mean?”

“Just that you’re protesting an awful lot. If you didn’t care, you’d just laugh it off and enjoy him until the new wore off, then you’d dump him. I think he gets to you.”

“What he gets is into my panties, which is exactly where I want him.”

Liz wiggled. “Oh, the mental visuals swirling around in my head right now.”

“Stop that. You do not get to visualize Ty and me having sex.”

“Why not? Just because you’re icked out at the thought of your brother and me getting down and dirty doesn’t mean I can’t imagine Ty naked.”

“He’s your client, Elizabeth.”


“You are evil.”

Liz grinned and lifted her wineglass in toast. “Thanks for the compliment…”

One thing that I wasn’t expecting was Liz and her blunt, laugh out loud lines throughout the book. She had me cracking up whenever she came on page and I loved the friendship that Jenna has with her and Tara. We get plenty of Riley family scenes and it’s always nice to catch up with the Riley’s and see what’s going on in everyone’s lives. Mick and Tara’s wedding also takes place during the book and while it doesn’t take up much of the story and overshadow Jenna and Ty, it was nice to have it included for them.

I have a big love of sports themed series and series that are centered around family’s and siblings – this combines the best of both worlds. Ty is a sweet, loving guy who won’t let Jenna settle for a life that she never signed up for. He puts up with her attitude early on and Jenna grew on me as the book went. They’re a great couple, fun and sexy, and as I was reading, I looked so forward to them getting their HEA. This can be read as a stand-alone, but I like the extra layers you get with the supporting characters coming back into the story after leading their own books. This is a really enjoyable read, with a hero I fell for completely.
Profile Image for LUNA.
660 reviews168 followers
December 13, 2022
Tristemente lo mejor del libro es la portada.
Lo peor es que no me ha gustado como estaba escrito, no se si será traducción o es que simplemente es la escritora, aunque mas bien creo que es una combinación de ambas, el resultado es una escritura muy simple, básica y sosa, y no me sonaba normal a veces. Puede que sean cosas mías por supuesto.
Tampoco me han gustado los personajes, ella no le gustan los deportes por vivir en una familia dedicada a ella y claro que detrás de ella este un jugador de hockey profesional no ayuda, sobre todo si al parecer no gustarte los deportes este mal visto, no han jugado muy bien con este dilema. Y la historia mas que amor es de metesaca, sin mas.
Profile Image for Smut Junkie.
136 reviews79 followers
August 15, 2012
Oh, Jaci Burton, how you get my heart racing and falling in love with fictional characters!
It is a well known fact that I adore this series...honestly, this series got me started on my contemporary 'smut' kick, if I recall...

So this one is Jenna's story....Jenna is Mick and Gavin's sister. She is the martyr...you know every family has one. So, while her brothers played sports and became professional athletes poor Jenna didn't have the courage to vocalize her dreams and desires and is instead stuck managing the family bar. She is a hot mess, really. She is petrified of love or commitment and is hell bent on NOT getting involved with an athlete because she is surrounding by all sport all the time....

All I can say is THANK GOD she gave into the temptation that is Ty, cause good lord, the chemistry between these two is off the charts! And really - what's not to like about a hot hockey player? And Ty is a keeper. He puts up with her crap and is so dang persistent - just what Jenna needs - even if she didn't figure that out right away. It is clear from the start that he is NOT the giving up kind, and who doesn't like a man who just won't give up? I'm in love - again! ;)

Without giving too much more away I can say - another awesome addition to the Play-by-Play series!! I love Jaci's books and can't wait for the next installment...Cole is going to be a hand full!!!
Profile Image for QuinnReads.
3,349 reviews171 followers
December 10, 2020
Ty and Jenna are off-the-charts, scorching HOT! 💥 The thing I love most about Tyler is his support of Jenna's dreams, even when she doesn't believe in herself. He's a swoon-worthy hockey player with a heart of gold and she's a closeted musician who has too much in common with a scaredy-cat.

While reading earlier books in the series isn't required, you will get updates on the prior couples. It's something I love - getting the updates but not needing to know all of the details if you have joined a series partway through. Plus, I love the bonus scenes with couples that were fun to watch fall in love and traverse their challenges.

I enjoyed the narration by Lucy Malone and will be listening to another book in this series with her at the mic in the coming month.

Story: 4.5 stars
Narration: 4 stars
Profile Image for Wminbc.
1,136 reviews82 followers
March 10, 2012
Purchased last night and read about 8 Chapters...had to stop myself!!!
I didn't want to miss any of Ty's yummy goodness to sleepy eyes, but could not stop myself from starting this book. Ty is just so sweet and charming...and Jenna with her piercings and tat's is just not. I really like her personality though...

Having a father and 2 brothers totally addicted to sports/watching sports/talking sports, I choose a man who wasn't a sports fan...then what happens??? I have a son who eats, sleeps and breaths sports, especially football and basketball (just like my brothers!). Nature? Nurture? Face it Jenna, sports will forever be in your life! Go get that hockey hottie and have some fun!

Ohhh, Ty, what is taking you sooooo long. Come on over here!
Profile Image for Emma ~ The Indecisive Reader ~.
227 reviews57 followers
July 30, 2023

Am loving this series. And this one didn't disappoint. In Taking a Shot we got Jenna (Mick and Gavin's sister) and Ty's story. Jenna, well i love hearing the sister story in family series, even though her stubbornness annoyed me, i loved it at the same time. Ty, well i wanna go watch me an ice hockey game and find me a Ty. He was so sweet and so hot! Did i mention he's hot?!?! I loved it. They both had a great background story of what was stopping them moving forward and for me when Jenna got to her big moment of realisation, I actually even got teary! It's hot steamy erotic romantic! Just how I like it.
I'm really loving my sports romance at the moment.... Time for book 4!
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,612 reviews2,228 followers
April 8, 2017
TAKING A SHOT, the third book in this more-than-sexy-times, oops it's erotica, sports romance series, had the most potential in an otherwise mostly frustrating series of books. I was completely, and delightfully, surprised by how much I enjoyed the first 30%. Which made the complete lack of follow through, the merry go round of annoying bullshit to then endure for the last 70%, wasting all that good potential, really frustrating.

But. I said I would finish the first three books, thereby completing the stories of the Riley siblings, and I did. So I can close the chapter on this series and move on.

Sadly would not recommend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,014 reviews

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