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Charity Evans wants nothing more than to leave her troubled past behind and start afresh. The teacher at a London school for orphans is encouraged to have her memories blocked by hypnotist Samuel Gladstone, but when they experience visions with an unknown third person, they realize the past can never be truly erased.

Now her past is returning to haunt Charity all over again.

Samuel is determined to help her, but how can a woman who trusts no man trust a hypnotist? And what dark secrets changed the charming gentleman into a desperate man who'll do anything to keep those secrets buried?

214 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2014

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About the author

C.J. Archer

90 books4,687 followers
Over 3 MILLION books sold!

C.J. Archer is the USA Today bestselling author of historical mystery and historical fantasy novels including the GLASS AND STEELE series, the CLEOPATRA FOX MYSTERIES, the MINISTRY OF CURIOSITIES and the FREAK HOUSE books.

C.J. Archer has loved history and books for as long as she can remember and feels fortunate that she found a way to combine the two. She spent her early childhood in the dramatic beauty of outback Queensland, Australia, but now lives in suburban Melbourne with her husband, two children and a black & white cat named Coco.

Subscribe to C.J.'s newsletter through her website to be notified when she releases a new book, as well as get access to exclusive content. Her website also contains up to date details on all her books: http://cjarcher.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews
Profile Image for Brittain *Needs a Nap and a Drink*.
373 reviews475 followers
October 16, 2014
I received this book in exchange for an honest review through Lovers of Paranormal.

The Memory Keeper is a story of an abused woman seeking relief. When she approaches a hypnotist and friend of a friend, he takes away her horrible and disturbing memories, hoping to let her live a normal life, free of fear. Unfortunately, there were unforeseen consequences and now Charity has to face her past and fight the fear.

This book definitely started a bit slow and picked up as it went on. Charity Evans is a woman that you can relate to but I did not pity her, which I think was the point. She was never portrayed as a helpless woman, huddled in the corner. She definitely wanted to take hold of her future and not let things in her past rule her. She shows her faults and they are ones brought on by having to protect herself. She pushes people away and that is understandable.

I think that's what I liked most about this whole book. I understood the reactions and could say I would react the same way. There was no jumping in front of trains or making daring covert operations. It was how many people would have reacted. Despite her unusual surroundings, it was not like Charity was pushed by magic to make choices. It was merely part of her reality.

That was another aspect of the book I enjoyed. Some books love to do an info dump at the beginning and explain everything that was going on. Instead, in The Memory Keeper, we were introduced to the setting and the rest was explained as the book went on, much like the world it existed in was normal.

I can't wait to read the next book and possibly go back to the others in the previous connected series.
Profile Image for Erin.
444 reviews180 followers
December 14, 2021
Charity- I'm not quite sure how I feel about you. Or Samuel. I hated Charity in the past books, but really liked Samuel. I didn't hate Charity as much in this one. She had a few things that bugged, but it was understandable given her background. But Samuel kinda changed and not just because of taking on Charity's memories.

His love for charity was a bit too much for me. He seemed obsessed with her from the beginning and no matter how many times she rebuffed him he kept trying. Not in a really creepy way. He was never forceful, but maybe just give up?

The storyline was great however. I enjoyed the idea of the master and seeing visions from each others perspectives. Hopefully over time I will grow to love the characters more. Also, glad we are getting more Sylvia and Tommy. Imma need a conclusion to that romance.
Profile Image for Nemo (The ☾Moonlight☾ Library).
697 reviews317 followers
May 20, 2016
Charity Evans has arrived at Freak House to have Samuel Gladstone block her most horrific memories, so that she can once again feel the ability to love. But she and Samuel start experiencing strange visions including a third person who might be a threat to Charity’s life. And why has the memory block turned this once charming man who could force her to love him in an instant into a hot-tempered beast determined to protect her at all costs?

I love CJ Archer. This is no secret. The 1st Freak House series is probably the best self-published series of books I’ve ever read, and I don’t normally read historical fiction or romance, let alone a historical romance that was self-published! I was recently in the same city as CJ and it took all my willpower not to message her on Facebook and ask if I could meet her in person. Creepypants, I know. I think it’s better if we stay in different states.

I love the way CJ writes her Victorian heroines, I love their character voice and the way they narrate, and I certainly didn’t think I’d like Charity Evans based on what I saw in the 1st Freak House series. I guess I still saw her as a rival to Jack, whom I love and firmly ship with Hannah. And I certainly never expected to swoon over Samuel, who is a handsome, charming man with the supernatural ability to hypnotise people. He doesn’t need any help getting people to like him, but I do. He’s so sweet and loyal and courageous, especially when Jack was off on his honeymoon and it was up to Samuel to be the big strong alpha male of Freak House. Man, did he step up! I love Jack, but now I’m firmly torn on whether I’m Team Jack or Team Samuel. I want them both, the handsome brutes!

This book is a little more grown up than the 1st Freak House series, due to Charity’s turbulent past. She’s a ‘loose’ woman, one who’s slept around (and been physically abused), which I guess in Victorian times was a big no-no. The book was very suggestive of her past trauma and I think it’s aimed at readers a little older, maybe more of a New Adult audience rather than Young Adult. Charity dwells on her non-virgin status a lot, and her class, and whether she’s good enough for Samuel, whom she doesn’t like or trust at the beginning.

Charity is an amazing woman whom I thoroughly underestimated. She’s brave and resourceful, and even though she’s not gifted like Jack and Hannah and Samuel, she still makes for a riveting protagonist. She’s thoughtful and although she makes a few mistakes, it’s understandable, and she’d happily put herself in danger to help another unfortunate. Due to this being a Victorian-era novel, I think I’m getting used to my heroines being a bit less active and kick-butt, and the fact that Charity doesn’t actually save herself or solve her own problem doesn’t bother me as much as it did when Hannah was the main character in the 1st Freak House series. I think it also doesn’t bother me as much because Charity’s a Victorian woman who isn’t gifted, whereas Hannah was and Samuel in this novel is. I think normally that kind of thing would bug me, but it really works in this novel and I quite enjoyed the climax.

I actually closed the book squeeing and swooning. Thank goodness CJ Archer can publish these books so quickly because I am dying to know what happens next.


I’m casting this book as well. Click to see the dream cast for the 1st Freak House Series and the 2nd Freak House Series.
Profile Image for Toby.
1,906 reviews70 followers
January 11, 2016

I picked this book up, without having read any of the other Freak House books. Archer does say that this book/trilogy is a standalone, and I would agree that it works decently as a standalone book (well, trilogy, since The Memory Keeper does kind of end on an odd note, and the second book starts off immediately where the first left off). However, I did wish that I had some backstory on Freak House and its inhabitants. Perhaps more background will come as I read further in the series - not entirely sure.

I liked Charity and felt as though I understood her fairly well. That being said, I think there could have been a lot more personality shown throughout the book. The best description I can think of Charity is: "She's someone who is trying to prove herself but is entirely stuck on the fact that she used to be a prostitute, and although she says that she doesn't enjoy attention from men now - at all - she states that she used to, but it's never really clear why that changed." She also continuously tries to prove herself - or doesn't try, because she feels that "everyone" knows of her "tarnished past."

I also wasn't entirely sure if I should have liked Samuel or not. I didn't at the beginning, then I kind of did, but by the end of the book he'd changed so much that I really didn't know how I felt about him. And his eyes "swirl" a lot. Not sure how eyes can do that... but his did. Continuously. Maybe one of those unspoken side effects of dealing with the paranormal...

The Memory Keeper opened with some interesting mysteries/questions. Onto book 2 for some more answers... :)
Profile Image for Annmarie.
29 reviews
May 16, 2014
CJ Archer and her books are a recent find for me for which I am very glad. Have read the Emily Chambers trilogy, the Freak House #1 trilogy, and now The Memory Keeper. This is book 1 of the Freak House #2 trilogy. It's great to return to Frakingham mansion (Freak House) and the characters we met in the first trilogy. This book centers on Charity and Samuel. He is a hypnotist who 'blocks' painful memories for teacher Charity and we see how this decision affects her life. If you enjoy paranormal romance, I would recommend all of CJ's books.
Profile Image for Sue Gerhardt Griffiths.
1,042 reviews56 followers
November 12, 2023

This is the 1st book in the 2nd Freak House trilogy and here we focus on Charity and Samuel whom we have already met in previous books. Charity wants her memories wiped and Samuel is the one to take them away.

A hypnotic read filled with a few surprises.

I look forward to reading further instalments.
Profile Image for Gabby.
106 reviews9 followers
September 12, 2014
I received this book in exchange for an honest review through the goodreads group Lovers of Paranormal. I rate this book 3.5 stars.

The Memory Keeper was set in the year 1889 and followed the main character Charity Evans. The story was rooted in history with a touch of the paranormal. Which made this book completely irresistible! C.J. Archer is a very talented writer I was completely submerged in her story.

I definitely went out of my comfort zone with reading The Memory Keeper. I have always stayed away from historical fiction but C.J. Archer has made a believer out of me! There was such an air of romance in her writing. Everything was so beautifully composed and well thought out. Even the language that the characters used was accurate. I now find myself calling people "toffs"!

The only regret I have with reading The Memory Keeper was that I did not read the first freak house series beforehand. Some say that this is not a necessity but in my honest opinion it is. There is numerous references to the first series, so in certain parts of the book I felt very lost and confused.

I completely urge you to read The Memory Keeper!
Profile Image for Meghan.
168 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2022
I kind of like that the male in this book doesn't dance around attraction and doesn't pretend it isn't happening for several books. On the other hand, this was 0 to 60 in no time flat. I suppose if this series is constrained to a trilogy, it had to move faster.

I had a hard time following the back story of the characters. I kept feeling like I had missed the first book somehow. I was trying to figure out if there was a 1st Freakhouse trilogy I had missed somewhere.

There are also aspects of the supernatural plot that not only weren't explained (that would have been ok, it is supernatural abilities that are somewhat inexplicable) but never really even mentioned. Perhaps book 2 will shed some light?

*****Comments about Audio version narrated by Kasey Logan******
I can't find a version of this book in goodreads for the audiobook, but that is the version I read. I have listened to a LOT of audiobooks and lots of different narrators. This narrator is pretty irritating. She has a lovely voice, but EVERY word is over-emphasized and over-enunciated. It boggles the mind. You don't know where to focus your attention as EVERY word is emphasized. It is painful to listen to and takes you out of the story over and over. It has made it hard to concentrate on the book and I suspect that is why I am confused about characters and their backstories.
88 reviews11 followers
August 26, 2018
The Memory Keeper

I read the first Freak House trilogy some time ago, after reading the Emily Chambers books. Archer has started a new storyline, focusing on the point of view of a pair of minor characters in the first trilogy, and still managed to deepen and broaden the reader's understanding of plotlines from the earlier books.
In The Memory Keeper, the themes of memory, personality and emotional development are prominent and woven together with the supernatural through the medium of hypnotism, which seems to exist in the gap between mysticism and science. The author handles this aspect of the time in which the story is set in an accomplished and skillful way, without detracting from the suspense or supernatural elements of the tale in any way.
The above may sound very dry. C. J. Archer is anything but dry. We are pulled into both the premises of book and the lives of the characters and remain involved, so that it would be nearly impossible not to read the next installment of the trilogy, unless one doesn't care for the genre at all, in which case I would advise that one not go on board in Freak House. If one enjoys historical fantasy, the books are a joy!
Profile Image for Sandy Jones.
406 reviews18 followers
July 2, 2020
I love CJ Archer. I have loved everything I've read of hers and this book is no exception. I love Charity and Samuel. I liked how the present lead us to more details about Charity's past. I loved how she starts to recover her humor and affection once the traumatic memories are removed. I also loved how she wants her traumatic memories back when it becomes clear to her that her experience, however traumatic, could help someone else. It is good to see her embrace her courage. This is an interesting (although admittedly fictional) exploration of trauma and how it changes a person. One of the supporting characters, Langley maybe, tells Charity that perhaps she didn't give herself enough time to recover from the trauma. While the idiom is that time heals all wounds, I think that we see with Charity that time alone is not sufficient to heal all traumas. The story is fast-paced and the characters are interesting. You should definitely read this.
Profile Image for Camilla.
1,464 reviews10 followers
October 23, 2019
I didn't like Charity in the first trilogy because she was a sort of threat to Jack and Hannah (although if I understood Jack at all, I'd know that's not the case). But she really becomes a great protagonist once you discover what she endured in her past and what she chooses to become in her present. She's an admirable, self-sacrificing woman with no designs on anyone. I especially liked that although we understand certain vague details of her dark secret, the author doesn't go into exhaustive and cringe-inducing detail since all of it is very dark and ugly. We know just enough to know that Charity is a hero for surviving.
Profile Image for Lisa Eiff.
966 reviews25 followers
October 1, 2020
I really enjoyed reading this book. It starts the second trilogy in the Freak House collection, and this time Charity gets to tell events from her POV as she returns to the Freak House in an attempt to get Samuel to help remove memories of a painful past relationship so she can open her heart to love for her schoolchildren and potentially other suitors. If you enjoy historical fiction with a hint of romance in hiding and an array of supernatural events, you will probably enjoy reading this book.
Profile Image for Andra Shaw.
1,024 reviews7 followers
March 31, 2019
Suspense meets the paranormal

Through the Freak House series C.J. Archer is developing a strong base of characters for future books. Samuel and Charity are the stars of The end Freak House Trilogy. We learn quite a bit about the gorgeous Charity in this book, and we experience a very painful part of her past come back. This book is a great mix of the paranormal and suspense, and the end leaves you ready to read book 2 in the series.
Profile Image for Kelsey Bedolli.
67 reviews1 follower
July 9, 2019
Charity as a character is far more compelling than Hannah, so this Trilogy is already off to a stronger start than FH1. Charity's story breaks with Archer's typical convention and is almost moralistic, showing us that no matter how much we want to forget our pasts, they are part of who we are and we must face and process tragedy in order to truly move on. Her struggle is so human, so relate-able, that some of the other nonsense can be both forgiven and overlooked. And you really feel for Samuel in all of it.
Profile Image for Mischa.
983 reviews
October 26, 2020
I feel like I don't really have much to tell - this is basically the standard (or lack of it at times, to be completely honest) I have come to expect from Archer. I usually enjoy her books, even if they're far from perfect, though, so there is that.

Also, I was not actually reading this book for several months. I was just too lazy to update my goodreads lol.
Profile Image for Nikolina.
324 reviews5 followers
January 23, 2022

Hypnosis worked. or did it? Memories are too vivid to keep at bay. They are also to much for one person to keep. Charity has had something happen to her that no one should experience and yet she becomes aware that there may be another going through it. Can she survive it?
339 reviews2 followers
July 14, 2017

This story is the first in this series. I need to get to know the caricatures in this series better so I will continue on to read the next book in the series.
So book 2 I will find where the story Leeds.
34 reviews
August 19, 2017
Not as good as the others

Got the impression that each trilogy was a stand alone but that didn't seem to be the case. I just couldn't get connected to the characters or engage with the plot.
Profile Image for Aimee.
405 reviews1 follower
October 26, 2018
Very good

I won't spoil the ending. But it wasn't what I expected. Oh, the climax went about how I figured it would, but after that. Overall, the book was well written with an interesting concept.
Profile Image for Sarah Battease.
49 reviews
March 13, 2019
I like all of C. J. Archer's books that I've read. They are entertaining, quick reads. No, the characters (women especially) do not act like typical Victorians. However, magic wasn't really around then either, so I think a little artistic license should be allowed.
Profile Image for Suze.
124 reviews
July 25, 2021
Really enjoyed this book by C J Archer.

It’s been a while since I read the first trilogy and even longer since I read the Emily Chambers books, and I’ve always meant to go back and finished reading the rest of the series.

It looks like the time has finally come for the second series!
Profile Image for Michelle Messner.
455 reviews7 followers
November 9, 2021
I was glad that this 2nd trilogy featured Samuel but I wasn't too sure about Charity. I have a hard time with strong characters that do weak things for silly reasons but I ended up liking her as well. I hope that some of the feelings get resolved in the next book!
Profile Image for Alison O'Brien.
83 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2022
The narrator for this second Freak House trilogy RUINED the story. She sounded like a robot- wrong inflections, characters names pronounced different then the first trilogy, I can’t listen last two books because the narration was that bad- disappointed this was my last book of the year 😕
1,283 reviews5 followers
August 24, 2023
Very different type of novel with an interesting premise. Some of it made me uncomfortable, but I am glad I finished it. I am curious about the next in the series. I borrowed this audio book from the Sacramento Public Library through the Hoopla app.
225 reviews3 followers
March 7, 2024
Usually love CJ archer but this books narration is soo annoying. I am guessing the narrator is trying to have a proper English accent however it is just being read staccato. Might as well hit a drum beat for every word stated. Overwhelming to listen to.
Profile Image for Sandy.
181 reviews
August 26, 2024
A new narrator in this second of the Freak House series, who unfortunately did not keep me glued to the storyline.. yes, I will complete the series, but just not as compelling.
Overall though, C.J Archer can conjure great stories.
5 reviews
May 21, 2017
Good read but to short

Would recommend to a friend. love the thrilling excitement of these books keeps me wanting more cannot Waite to read the next one
Profile Image for Larissa.
257 reviews
May 17, 2019
I'm glad they were able to figure out what was going on. I loved that even with her being scared she was able to move forward. I'm quite curious as to how things are going to end up playing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
March 19, 2020
Like this series.

This is the first book of the second series of Freak House. I’m enjoying this series and look forward to finishing all the books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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