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All-New Ultimates (Collected Editions)

All-New Ultimates, Volume 1: Power for Power

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The next generation of The Ultimates is here!
Spider-Man, Black Widow, Kitty Pryde, Bombshell, Cloak and Dagger unite to tackle the vicious, rampant crime wave overtaking Hell’s Kitchen! But the young Ultimates are put to the test as they try to survive their first mission: going head-to-head with the city’s most ruthless gang, the Serpent Skulls, led by Diamondback!
Meanwhile, detective Brigid O’Reilly and her anti-gang unit are on the hunt for a serial mask killer called Scourge! As Jessica Drew adjusts to the mantle of Black Widow, Spider-Man falls for a villainess, and Bombshell’s life is changed by tragedy, Crossbones joins the fray! These young heroes have fought Galactus, but can they survive super-powered street gangs and psychopaths?

Collecting: All-New Ultimates 1-6

136 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2014

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About the author

Michel Fiffe

125 books75 followers
Michel Fiffe is the creator of the action series COPRA, published by Bergen Street Press, and the intimately surreal Zegas, collected by Fantagraphics. He's worked with Marvel, Valiant, and BOOM! and continues to serialize COPRA when he's not writing massive essays on comics of note. Fiffe has produced Bloodstrike: Brutalists (Image Comics) and G.I. Joe: Sierra Muerte (IDW) in their entirety and has recently launched a new title, Negativeland.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,820 reviews1,274 followers
October 26, 2022
Ultimates? Um, this is a Spidey book! To next generation of the so called Ultimates Spider-Man, Black Widow III, Kitty Pryde, Bombshell, Cloak and Dagger are put through their paces in this weakly conceived, poorly drawn and badly written by mostly new-ish creatives, a sad end to the Ultimates! You got to know when to let something end, and let it end on a high!

Yet I just had to Three Star (6 out of 12) this book because of the pretty cool characterisations of Spider-Woman, Bombshell, Cloak and Dagger. Even the banal storytelling and even more trite antagonists were not enough for me not to get a little something from them :)

2022 read; 2017 read; 2015 read
Profile Image for Chad.
9,156 reviews1,002 followers
April 26, 2020
The dialog is terrible. Everyone talks like they're on the Wire, not like the teenagers they are. Amilcar Pinna needs to take a "How to Draw Anatomy" course. I've never seen so many distorted faces outside of a Pablo Picasso exhibit.

The "ultimate" line used to be some of the best comics Marvel published. Now it's just Spider-Man and then a bunch of filler garbage Marvel uses to justify that the "ultimate" line is still a line.
Profile Image for Stewart Tame.
2,400 reviews111 followers
July 25, 2018
So what we’ve got here is brand-new team of superheroes. This isn't actually their first appearance, but it is the first time they’ve had their own book. Some of them are familiar to me from other comics I’ve read: Kitty Pryde, Cloak and Dagger, even the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man. I don't recognize either Bombshell or Black Widow--who is not Natasha Romanov, but someone formerly named Spider-Woman, but who is not the black-haired Jessica Drew version from decades ago even though this woman is also named Jessica Drew. Confused? Yeah, I kind of am too. It's a Marvel thing. We just roll with it.

Anyway, this gang bands together to defend the neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen from crime. One thing that struck me about this book were the fight scenes. They tend to be random and chaotic and don't always end well. Combatants don't pair off neatly into little sub-battles. Everyone is all over the place. It gives it all a fairly realistic feel, which I like. There's very much a sense that this team is still unsure of what they're doing. I like that.

Sometimes the book gets a bit too chaotic. Scenes cut away without much warning, and the action gets hard to follow at times. There's one scene where a couple of detectives are searching an apartment belonging to a suspected vigilante named Scourge. I’m still not sure what's going on in that middle panel. Scourge and the one detective appear to be in the same room together, but neither reacts to the other's presence. Is the detective covering for him, or something? The bottom tier of the page seems to imply Scourge is hiding in a freestanding cabinet that never gets checked because of a timely phone call, which would make the middle panel just an example of crappy storytelling.

Overall, this is pretty average stuff. Besides the fight choreography, I also liked a scene where the women of the team go to the beach and just hang out together. There are some great character bits in the dialogue, and it's just a fun, relatable moment. Not recommended, but do check it out if you're curious.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,743 reviews336 followers
February 9, 2015
Really disappointing. I love Miles Morales as a character, and I read this because I wanted to see more of him. If this had been by Bendis, I have no doubt that it would have been a much, much better book. Fiffe can't fill his shoes. His dialog is leaden, his story is dull and uninteresting, the stakes feel embarrassingly low. This is the only team book left in the Ultimate universe, and the heroes are stumbling around after a street gang? Awful.

To make matters worse, the art is atrocious. It's ugly and horribly inconsistent. Not only do the characters look bad by themselves, they all look quite different from their established appearances, and quite like each other. Even the colors don't do the book any favors. It made reading a dull book even more of a chore.
Profile Image for Chantaal.
1,163 reviews176 followers
August 26, 2014
I had high hopes. High hopes! The teenagers in the Ultimate universe are the only thing good going for it right now and I continue to love Miles Morales, so naturally the Ultimate answer to the Young Avengers should be promising right?

Yeah, okay.

This started off nicely enough with getting the team together, but then you throw in some nonsensical plot about a gang and...some cops, and...I honestly don't remember what the actual plot was. Gang warfare! Ultimates fighting them! Cops getting in the way! Lots of explosions in issue six because apparently going Michael Bay is the only way to create excitement! (It didn't.)

Pinna's art was not the best for this series, especially after getting used to David Marquez's fantastic work on Ultimate Spider-Man (where these teens were born) and Miles Morales: USM. It's not hard to tell characters apart when they're in costume, but Pinna has this complete inability to draw any of the girls in different ways. If there were no color in this book, you wouldn't be able to tell Jess apart from Lana or Kitty or Tandy.

And then there's this:


Unfortunately I'll be dropping this book, unless there's a change in creative teams. At least I still have Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man.
Profile Image for Gavin.
1,219 reviews89 followers
November 20, 2015
Awful. Stupid storyline, boring characters, bad art, and I swear the "writer" had to label the characters every few pages with their name so that he'd remember who they were.

No interest in any of this. Even made Crossbones into a pussy. Scourge and Crossbones are too similar, and both Cap villains I think.

Profile Image for Craig.
2,516 reviews28 followers
March 22, 2015
Yechhhhh....terrible story, terrible art. Absolute, bottom-of-the-barrel garbage.
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 26 books150 followers
June 21, 2017
I had high hopes for this comic spotlighting the teen heroes of the Ultimate universe, but the result was sadly ... mediocre.

The biggest problem is that Fiffe's writing feels unpolished. It's very staccato, and that could be done well, but here it just feels abrupt. Also, Miles and Kitty both seem way out of character: Miles is much too confident and comfortable, while it's very hard to believe that Kitty would leave Utopia behind without even a second thought. I enjoyed the other characters more, but that's probably because Fiffe didn't have to match any one else's vision. Her Spider-Woman was particularly great (at least in issue #4, when she gets some character time) ... but her change from Spider-Woman to Black Widow was one of those abrupt, hard-to-believe things.

The actual plot was Meh. There were way to many villains to get to know any of them and there was way too much hard-to-follow fighting.

If I didn't really love some of these characters, and if I didn't know this series had already been cancelled, I wouldn't pick up the next volume; as is, I'll get the complete set.
Profile Image for Dan.
2,194 reviews66 followers
February 10, 2015
Like everyone else I too was let down by what potentially should have been a great rebranding, but this is so full of so much techno colored suck.
Profile Image for Centauri.
Author 1 book4 followers
January 24, 2021
Going to be brutally honest. I was disappointed and wanted better out of the story (rushed and cliche, and not clever) and characters (which were bland and one-dimensional).
The random "zombie-guy" panels???

A gang war erupts in New York, and for some reason only these kids cared to get involved. But they don't really do it on purpose,they sort of get sucked into it. The teen heroes personal lives all sort of entwine with the events in one manner or another, which is apparently the only reason why a gang turf-drug war would matter to kids that helped save the world. I was so looking forward to getting back to the grime and dirty streets of New York which needs rescuing; I get tired of always reading about cosmic crisis and the such. The world is always in peril, and not just because of vile gods, alien invasions, or cosmic happenings. Humanity's own hubris, greed, loathing, and narcissism is world-ending worthy.
Instead of that I got a story of random life clippings from some teens. I never got the fear of the crime spree. I never felt like the teens were in peril or risk of disolving. The random and sudden changes characters displayed had me scratching my head. I can go on with more stuff like this ... but I won't.
The writer(s) dabbed a bit at teen angst, but didn't dig deep enough. They cliched the whole teens of different attitudes coming together, almost to a comic-parody way. They literally have dialogue talking about it, pointed out as "matter of factly" in case the reader missed the point. The whole 2-4 pages about Miles' "kiss" was insulting. The depth for Bombshell had fragments of awesome but fell short of the mark. You never actually "go on the hunt" for the serial killer with NYPD. It was glossed over. Okay, serious, not gonna talk about the failings anymore.
Maybe the creators of this arc had big plans but didn't get them approved? I dunno! I was left feeling unimpressed and questioning whether this title was even worth trying out.
It was like an attempt at what made the Marvel brand but the target barely got glanced.

I felt that there was greater depth potential in the characters, and the actual story itself, but it got missed.
Profile Image for Josh.
139 reviews
May 14, 2018
I have to vent. I was going to list what was wrong with this book but there is simply nothing good that came out of the creatives involved. A complete disappointment considering the putting together of this team had been one of my favorite Miles Morales stories so far next to Spider-Men. I was genuinely excited about an Ultimate title for the first time since the relaunch after the Death of Spider-Man arc, until I saw that Bendis wasn't going to be writing it and rightly so. The last thing I want to mention is, if you are going to have a team that is 2/3 female, get an artist that can actually draw women.
Author 2 books61 followers
November 5, 2014
Terrible dialogue, a story you couldn't give a fizz about, characterisation that's barely caricature, and a disjointed narrative all add up to "who cares?" An absolute waste of my time and money - this peed all over characters I have enjoyed in other works.

Profile Image for Soph.
84 reviews14 followers
December 28, 2022
3.5 Stars

This volume was a classic cast of strong characters, weak story. Some elements of it I really loved and this team has my whole heart, which just makes me wish they had the arc they deserved! The colourist for this series does a phenomenal job though, it’s absolutely mesmerising, and who among us doesn’t love to see Spider-woman canonically a lesbian?
Profile Image for Brian Garthoff.
448 reviews3 followers
December 15, 2022
This book is pointless and very rough art-wise. Everyone’s head looks tall and skinny and has the same awful body type. Kitty Pride looks like a starved holocaust survivor with a wonky eye. The dialog is bad, the story and conflict are not interesting, and it probably should be a one star book. But I did care at one point about this weird band of heroes, and though I no longer do- at all, I don’t outwardly hate ALL-NEW Ultimates. It is just plain and bad.
Profile Image for Matt.
2,505 reviews28 followers
April 6, 2015
Collects All-New Ultimates issues #1-6

I had to read this collection because I've been loving the Miles Morales-led "Ultimate Spider-Man" title, and this new teams stems directly from an "Ultimate Spider-Man" storyline. I was really forward to this book, and had high hopes because they were such a fun team in "Ultimate Spider-Man."

Unfortunately, this volume was horrible. It was just one step above pointless, and I only give it that one step because of some minor character development for Miles Morales and Jessica Drew.

Now, the story was bad, but the artwork was even worse. The characters were drawn so strangely sometimes, that they looked villainous or like monsters. Other times the artist took no care to make them appear the way that they've appeared in the past (especially when it comes to Miles' friend, Ganke). Furthermore, even with the text, multiple times throughout the book I couldn't follow exactly what was happening from panel to panel.

This is a poorly done comic, and I had the distinct feeling that Marvel just wanted to publish something under the "Ultimate Comics" banner, and didn't care about the quality. The saddest part about this is that it truly tarnishes Mile Morales' otherwise spotless record.
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,505 reviews326 followers
March 18, 2016
With hindsight, this title must always have been intended as a stopgap, given it launched when Jonathan Hickman was already well underway with the Avengers story that would lead to the erasure of the entire Ultimate Universe. Fortunately, there was little risk of All-New Ultimates upsetting those plans by turning into a surprise smash hit. I'm not familiar with the creators' other work, and have an idea they were sold as new talents; to some extent, you can see them learning on the job. For instance, as the story progresses, fewer characters have that weird hybrid baby/skull face which I usually associate with 17th-18th century portraits of severely inbred aristocrats; issue 4, a break from the main plot for a day at the beach, even manages to get some OK character work done on the teen heroines*. But for the most part, this is a confusing, generic and repetitive slugfest which completely fails to capitalise on the premise of a new start for a devastated world.

*Admittedly, even here your mileage may vary significantly when it comes to the idea that this world's Jessica Drew is into girls because she's a clone of Peter Parker. I'm not sure that's how genetics works. Or sexuality. Or anything, really.
Profile Image for ˗ˏˋ janet ˊˎ˗.
169 reviews51 followers
May 24, 2019
I was so excited to read this because of Miles and Cloak & Dagger but it was such a let down. Horrible writing, art wasn’t that good. What was this?!
Profile Image for Ethan Whitted.
28 reviews
November 11, 2023
3.5 stars. This is one of my favorite Ultimate Universe comics I have ever read! (Which, admittedly, is a low bar.)

I'm a sucker for street-level stories where the relative stakes are high but it's not a galaxy-spanning quest that's going to affect every single other comic series currently running. This All-New Ultimates run was exactly that street-level adventure that I love and I am all here for it!

Pinna's art is nothing to write home about, imo, and they don't draw people particularly well. (Everyone has at least one panel of looking just a bit ugly and off-putting.)

Fiffe, yes, writes teenagers that act a bit older than real teenagers, but they're actually *closer* than most authors make teens out to be. There was also some surprisingly decent dialogue between the members of the Ultimates team as the kids grew closer together and learned more about each other. Listening in on characters chatting in their "off time" can really make or break how organic dialogue & characters feel, and Fiffe did a pretty good job. (I was particularly impressed by issue #4.)

The panel composition was not the greatest and I think the book tried to get too creative a few times with non-traditional panel layouts that just made the reading more confusing rather than adding bonus emotional impact.

A lot of characters felt random and I didn't care about them a ton by the end even after six issues. Like Scourge, what's up with that guy? Who is he and why am I supposed to care? The whole gang system and gang wars was something you could tell the author put a lot of world-building time into and probably intended to go into more with the story (especially when you look at their sketchbook in the back of this compilation) but they had to narrow it down to just the essentials for the few issues they had to work with. This left the whole system a bit overburdened with "lieutenants" and "captains" and various random gang ranks that kept having to be named through narration boxes and took away from the story rather than added to it.

Overall, an enjoyable little romp that allows Miles Morales to have some fun adventures and make friends with characters outside of his main book in a self-contained way. This trade paperback compiles issues #1 - 6 so I am liable to change my review once I read the rest of the run in #7 - 12. Right now, I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend this to anyone as something super special, but if you're progressing through a full Miles Morales read-through like me, this will be a fun stop along the way.
Profile Image for MatiBracchitta.
563 reviews
February 4, 2021
Es difícil juzgar esta historia, al menos para mi, porque está notoriamente apuntando a un target al cual yo no pertenezco. Creo que si hubiera leído este cómic con 15 años y estando más involucrado en el universo Ultimate, me habría encantado.
Como no ha sido así y lo he leído con 26, conociendo lo justo del universo Ultimate, pero conociendo bastante del universo 616, puedo decir que no ha sido del todo de mi agrado. Es una propuesta fresca y atractiva para los jóvenes, o al menos eso quiere parecer. Por momentos realmente parece escrita por un boomer que intenta meterse en la piel de un millennial, pero vamos al cómic en sí.
Se trata de la clásica historia de superhéroes adolescentes que forman un grupo medianamente disfuncional para luchar contra el mal que, en este caso, está representado por las bandas de la ciudad que trafican drogas y armas.
Como detalles: Todos los superhéroes que participan (Spider-Man, Kitty Pride, Jessica Drew, Dagger y Cloak) los hemos conocido por sus encarnaciones de la tierra 616, y si bien estos personajes están modernizados y con otro tipo de trasfondo, resulta cuanto menos una pereza el hecho de usar versiones adolescentes de personajes ya conocidos. Si bien entiendo que la premisa del universo ultimate es bastante cercana a esa, me parece que es una pereza el no aprovecharlo para crear personajes interesantes desde 0 tal como se hizo en otras sagas hace no tantos años como Avengers Academy, Young Avengers e incluso en la maravillosa serie de La Iniciativa.
Aunque la saga parece ir en crescendo, la verdad me he quedado en el número cinco, pues no he podido conseguir más que esos primeros números. En fin, no me ha parecido gran trabajo desde el guión, el dibujo me ha desconcertado y no sé exactamente que opinar sobre los colores.
Seguiré buscando los cómics que faltan, si los encuentro veré si mantengo lo dicho hasta ahora, o si me trago mis palabras.
99 reviews1 follower
July 18, 2022
It's...okay. A 2.5 probably.
I like the general IDEA that this is a team that needs to learn how to be a TEAM and as such their initial foray into the world of being a team is way more difficult than they had anticipated and they're laid up by what amounts to (in comics) petty thugs. The problem is they never shake this off, and the book never earns the title of calling this group the Ultimates. They never feel like any version of "The Avengers" or anything like that, just a few super powered people who used to be alone, and wind up bonding. Which is okay...but it doesn't make for something that feels worthy of the Ultimates line.

Not to mention, while I'm not terribly familiar with the other characters that appear here, Miles is not well-served by being SO leaden and serious. Bendis is sorely missed.
Profile Image for John.
1,674 reviews38 followers
December 4, 2018
Very disappointing. I'm a huge fan of Michele Fiffe's COPRA comic and the Ultimates is my favorite superhero team book (Millar, not Loeb, Hickman, Ewing, etc.).

This basically subverts and neuters what made the team so great. The Ultimates was a marvelized version of The Authority. People who would punch holes in the moon, kill God and depose corrupt politicians. Ultimates under Hickman and Ewing would wratchet the book to even higher levels.

As such this "grounded" street level view seems to miss the entire point to me, and is probably the worst run on the book (and I was immensely disappointed with Sam Humphries (although I did enjoy Fialkov's short stint).

475 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2023
Despite the 2 it wasn't necessarily bad, it just didn't really have any heart or soul, it undeniably exists but existing is about all it manages to achieve. I like the fact the characters are continuing to get a story, particularly Miles, Kitty and Jess but this is also the bad side of the ultimate idea where you get real consequences. You then end up with a team of B/C/D Listers as a headline title.

Doesn't help the art is at best average, though generally sucks.
Profile Image for Christian.
422 reviews25 followers
August 18, 2023
It's better than I remembered. The art and writing are both only okay, but I do care about this particular band of misfits and they do help to carry the book. Not terrible, which is more than I can say for a lot of Ultimates titles.
Profile Image for Brenda.
52 reviews
September 18, 2023
Genuinely terrible. The dialogue was full of "How do you do, fellow kids," the art ranged from decent to horrible, and they did all the characters so dirty. Extremely disappointing after the way we saw the new young ultimates at the end of Miles' run.
Profile Image for Charlie Easterson.
402 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2017
I mean, it tried I guess. But the pacing and the dialogue bogged the whole thing down pretty quickly. I started this one with a smile and pretty quickly petered off into boredom. Such a shame.
Profile Image for Colin Oaten.
338 reviews1 follower
May 26, 2019
A showcase for Miles Morales Spider-Man in this new incarnation of The Ultimates taking a more street level approach to the previously high powered Ultimate Universe team.
Profile Image for Frans Kempe.
2,560 reviews11 followers
May 30, 2019
A new young crew takes on the Ultimates cape and fights crime in Hells Kitchen. A new crew lead by Crosbones and Diamondback is fighting against them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 71 reviews

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