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Welcome to your wildest fantasy...

The invitation arrives out of nowhere. No name. No address. Just one simple challenge.

'Play with me.'

The games are intoxicating, each one more thrilling than the last. And pleasure is the ultimate prize.

He knows my secrets. He sees my darkest desires. He can drive me to ecstasy -- and I don't even know his name.

This is your invitation. Now it's your turn to decide.

Are you ready?

Discover the red-hot new erotic series from the author of THE SEDUCTION.

158 pages, Paperback

First published September 28, 2014

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About the author

Roxy Sloane

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Roxy Sloane is a romance junkie with a dirty mind. She lives in Los Angeles and loves writing sexy, complex stories about pushing the boundaries and risking it all.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15.1k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★★! The Invitation, book 2 of 3. A mysterious invitation to carnal games & kinky sex. But at what price? And who is behind it all?

“I can show you the union of pleasure and pain. I can make your body feel things you never imagined.”

The Invitation series is a stand-alone sequel to The Seduction series.

Books best enjoyed if read in order:
Book 1: The Invitation: Prequel
Book 2: The Invitation: Surrender
Book 3: The Invitation: Release

The Invitation: Surrender (book 2) picks up a three years after book 1’s ending. MBA graduate Ashton Pierce, Ash has since returned to England to take over his family empire as CEO for Venture, Inc. while Justine Jenkins, JJ passed the state bar, moved to Los Angeles and took a job at a law firm. More on why and what exactly happened will unfold with story.

Finally all of Justine’s hard work has paid off. She is heading to New York to serve as lead counsel in a copyright infringement lawsuit. Imagine her shock when she arrives for a disposition and learns that her former best friend and one-night stand, Ashton is the silent investor behind the opposing party.

Things in her work life pretty much goes downhill from there as Ashton and Justine go head to head in the lawsuit manipulated by a hot-cold and elusive Ashton. Add to that that Justine has no love life and not much of a life outside of work.

But her sex life takes a turn for the better. Upon her arrival she starts receiving mysterious invitations, notes and gifts taking her on a merry-go-chase of its sender while exploring her sexuality. Justine is used to being in charge, but for the first time is willing to let someone else be in control of her actions and pleasures.

“Welcome to your wildest fantasy. Are you ready to play?”

Though working with Ashton is stirring up old feelings much stand in their way; work, unresolved issues and secrets… Plus her mysterious lover is pulling her deeper into his world of carnal games and BDSM. What started off as fun and sexy play quickly becomes complicated when Justine finds herself so caught up it’s taking over her mind, body and soul

Who is the master puppeteer and what does he ultimately want?

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I am totally captivated by the mysterious and larger-than-life Ashton Pierce, Ash. He is everything that I could ever ask for in a hero! Eight words to describe Ashton: Aloof, charismatic, enigmatic, focused, jaded, burdened, complex and ruthless.

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I feel that Justine Jenkins, JJ does a good job holding her own. Seven words to describe Justine: Driven, smart, decisive, complex, lonely, adventurous and successful.

The Invitation: Surrender (book 2) offers a mixture of sex, drama and mystery, set against the backdrop of Justine’s journey of sexual exploration and growth. Needless to say it ends with a cliffy. I am looking forward to book 3, The Invitation: Release for the conclusion of their story.

Mysterious and suspenseful plot! Larger-than-life hero, Ashton Pierce! Strong heroine! Off-the-charts sexual situations! Excellent story-telling! I am highly recommending!

“When you’re begging. When you’re drunk on my cock, wet and gasping. I’m going to ride you, darling, ride you till you break.”

Hero rating: 5+ stars
Heroine rating: 5 stars
Sexual tension rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 5 stars
Plot rating: 5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5 stars
Storytelling rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): N/A
Overall rating: 5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes.
Would I re-read this series: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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ARC provided to me by author Roxy Sloane in exchange for an honest review.

The Invitation: Prequel, part 1 is FREE for a limited time! [AMAZON] [SMASHWORDS]
Profile Image for Mysza.
478 reviews401 followers
November 6, 2015

Just when I thought, she can't get better than her last thing, Roxy Sloane proves me wrong every time. Every next thing she writes is better than the previous one. She is the real master when it comes to writing erotica and dirty talking. But what appealed to me the most here was the fact that she not only delivered hot sex and filthy mouth, but added more sensuality. That scene in sex club? Oh my, not only was it sexy and dirty but oh so exciting, arousing and so so sensual.

JJ is working on a case in New York. It's big, it's important and it's a focal point in her career. There are some serious money and huge company on the other side of the table with a mysterious CEO. And surprise, surprise, this mysterious CEO is none other than Ash. He is back, but he is no longer someone she used to know. He is cold, ruthless and distant. And with no explanation why he didn't bother to contact her for the last three years. That's the mystery I need answers for!

In addition to Ash, we have another mystery man. He leaves her messages and gifts, alluring her, enticing her, making her bend to his wishes and fulfill her wildest fantasies. And we won't find out his identity until the last pages...
"Leave your door unlocked. Put on the blindfold and wait for me. I want you naked on the bed on your hands and knees."
Who would say no to that, huh? JJ doesn't, thank god, and they play....Oh boy, do they play....

I loved this one, obviously. But damn! I need answers like yesterday. As always, waiting for another installment will be torture.

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
September 19, 2014

I couldn't wait to dive in to this one and find out who sent the mysterious invitation....was it Ash? Someone else?

The whole book invitations continue to arrive but the mystery man's identity is never revealed...

Wear me...

Play with me...

Welcome to the Underground...


I want to touch you...

Leave your door unlocked...put on the blindfold and wait for me...I want you naked on the bed on your hands and knees...

...caught up in the feelings this mystery man brings out in her, JJ revels in the suspense and naughtiness. She gives over control to the man behind the invitation. She savors the pleasure he brings. Bringing her to the edge but never completely taking her. Always leaving her wanting more.

Just because Ash hasn't been revealed as the mystery man, doesn't mean he isn't back in the picture.

On the opposing side of the case JJ is representing, Ash is the money behind the project. Gone is JJ's best friend from law school. The man she spent the best night of her life with. Ash is now ruthless and hard. Completely changed from the man he was three years ago.

Now they are working against each other. JJ is torn between what she feels for the mystery man and the lingering feelings she has for Ash. Why didn't Ash ever contact JJ like he promised? What happened to Ash over the last three years?

And then the final invitation arrives...
Mystery man's identity will be revealed...

"The Plaza Hotel....5th Avenue Suite...8pm...

Wear me...

They finally come together...
The blindfold is removed....

Was the mystery man Ashton?!?!?!

"The only man I’ve ever wanted.
The only man to break my heart."

This one ends on a bang....I think....maybe.....IDK!

That last damn line of the book....

ARC kindly provided by Roxy Sloane in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
October 2, 2014
(BR with Dee, Mel, and Sharon)

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This series keeps getting better!
I am truly a fan of Roxy Sloane!
She has proven she can deliver some of the BEST Erotica stories EVER!!!
From the last paragraph of the Prologue, I felt like Roxy went into my mind, found out what my deepest fantasies were and wrote this one just for me!!

Most other men don't realize. They think sex is about friction and girth. They think surrender is a pair of handcuffs and a silk scarf. They don't understand, a woman's most powerful erogenous zone is her mind.
But I do.
I know your darkest desires. I see what you crave when he's holding you at night.
I can show you pleasure beyond reason, beyond your wildest fantasies.
All you have to do is accept my invitation.

Are you ready to play?

I was ready!!!

Three years have passed since JJ graduated from Law School.
She's living in L.A. and is heading up her first huge case.
JJ has flown to NYC to meet with the lawyers of a company that is suing her client for rights to a video chat software program he developed.
She never expected that the client would turn out to be Ashton Pierce.
They haven't seen each other since the last night they spent together on graduation night. JJ has never forgotten Ash and feels as if he treated her as a meaningless one night stand since he never bothered to keep in touch.

There is a bit of tension between them and at first Ash comes off as being very cold and indifferent.

During all of this, JJ is receiving mysterious letters and extravagant & sexy gifts from a secret admirer. The things that this man will have her doing were so INCREDIBLY HOT, I almost had a meltdown. I seriously can't remember sex scenes as FREAKING HOT as these!! I needed a couple of cold showers!!!

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The time she went to the sex club, I had to wipe the drool from my mouth.
OMG that was beyond some of my deepest fantasies and that ending??!!!!
Holy Hell!!!!

I am 100% in LOVE with ASHTON PIERCE!!
Thank you Roxy Sloane for creating a character that I swear I feel like I already had a deep connection with. He is the man I've been fantasizing about for quite some time now. I seriously feel like you took a peak into my fantasies and brought him to life in this story!!

Ladies, I HIGHLY recommend this series!!
It is simply FANTASTIC!!
Profile Image for Sophie's Reading Corner .
878 reviews394 followers
December 20, 2015
3 stars

Justine lands on New York for a new case and as soon as she arrives to her room, an invitation awaits her with a gift from an unknown source. Her intrigue is piqued, but she has to focus on her case, which is crucial for her to win, not only because she wants to help her client, but also because she wants to walk proudly back to LA, with a successful first case.

But as soon as she meets the opponent lawyer, she loses her balance, realizing it's Ashton, her best friend who left back to London after their graduation and the one and only passionate night they experienced. He had promised her that he would keep in touch, but he didn't keep his promise and Justine is bitter not only because of this, but also because he now seems different. Colder. Determined not to let him win this case, she will do the best that she can to stay unaffected by him.

The gifts from the mystery man keep coming and as they become bolder, Justine will want to unravel the mystery surrounding this person. Who is it? Why is he being annonymous? What will happen if he reveals himself and she'll be disappointed?

Okay, I have to say that I enjoyed this one, it was really hot, but something was feeling off the entire time I was reading this. Maybe because it seemed too creepy to me. I know it's fiction, but realistically thinking, the heroine would be too stupid and naive to follow this mystery man and his orders. She hadn't seen his face, she had no idea who could be the mystery man, but she was willing to join underground sex club and sign contract in the dark -even though she's a lawyer and knows how important can be a signature. And say I'm okay with that. The most stupid thing she had to do was She had her best friend living in town, why didn't she let her know her plans and to keep an eye on her or something? I mean, if she had taken meters, like set a camera or something, anything I would be cool with that and the mystery, but this was too naive and stupid for me.

Other than that, I appreciated the angst with the case and the whole mystery surrounding the man, which made me wonder, if it isn't Ashton, who else could it be? With so many twists in books, my mind sometimes works on its own. Anyway, this was a good book, really hot and most of my friends loved this one, so I hope you'll enjoy this more than I did.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
September 29, 2014
4 HOT Stars

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This second installment was just as short, just as intriguing and if possible even sexier than the first book. Justine Jenkins, JJ is now a practicing lawyer who heads to NYC for a case in which her client is suing a big corporation with a mysterious owner. Can you guess who this mysterious owner is? You guessed correctly Ash, the hot Britt friend from law school she shared that one night with three years ago.

Along with working a case against Ash's company, mysterious packages and invitations keep arriving leaving JJ unable to resist her sexual admirer. The author tortures a reader to his unveiling till the end of the story and so a reader will go back and forth questioning who this admirer is along with JJ.

”Thoughts of my mystery man keep me awake all through the night. The waiting is driving me crazy.”

The sex scenes were very hot as JJ’s sexual admirer lures her to different locations on a sexual adventure. Finally she can't take the mystery any longer and he reveals is identity.

”Please,” I sob, desperate. “I need to know you. I need to see your face.”

[image error]

I’m looking forward to the last and final installment set to release on October 27, 2014.

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
September 28, 2014
LIVE http://www.amazon.com/Invitation-2-Ro...

4 It’s getting hot in here…Stars

I couldn’t wait to jump into this one after the way the prequel ended. It has been three years since JJ and Ash’s epic one-night stand, and she hasn’t heard a word from him since. It was hard for JJ to lose her best friend, confidante and lover in one night, but she fought to move on from that heartache. She moved back to Los Angeles, is working at a firm and is on track to make partner in three years.

The story picks up with JJ in New York City to work a case of intellectual property theft. When she arrives to her corporate apartment she receives a mysterious key and invitation.

This is only the beginning, JJ receives multiple invitations and has multiple interactions with the sexy mystery man. I cannot adequately describe how steamy the mystery interactions are, this guy is a dirty talker - which I love! Their meetings are off the chart hot and just my cuppa tea.

Some books are all sex, but that is not the case here. JJ is in New York for a case and when her opposition enters the room, you are hooked.

“I see his gorgeous face-the face that’s haunted my dreams for the last three years.”

Ashton Pierce.

Can they move on? Does she even want to when she has a mystery man spoiling her and providing countless orgasms? More importantly who is this man?

This one has you going back and forth, anticipating what will happen and then BAM its over…that final sentence leaves you guessing. I loved this installment, I am hooked, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

ARC kindly provided by Roxy Sloane in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews597 followers
October 17, 2014
*****5 Seductive Stars*****

(BR with Mel, Patty and Sharon <3 )

My imanigination has gone haywire with this book! Please excuse me while I get a hold of my emotions so I can properly convey an acurate description of this highly erotic story…

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Ok I'm ready now…

it's been two days and I still can't get over how hot this book was, please be ready because you will go absolutely crazy with this novella but, in a delicious way. ; )

So, this second book picks up right where the first one left of, JJ has just landed a big case and she is in New York City to meet with her new client as well as the company they will be fighting against. The minute she walked into her new fabulous apartment her best friend is letting her use, there is a beautiful box with an expensive looking key inside but no note but this is enough to intrigue her. This trip to the big city turns out even more interesting for Justine when she learns at her big meeting who is the CEO of the company she gearing up to go to court with, none other that the man himself, Ashton Pierce. She's happy yet sad to find her long lost best friend who she left after the best sex of her life three years ago. He's changed though, he's no longer the charming and funny guy she once knew, he is still devastatingly gorgeous but also cold and and calculating. After a few fights, Ashton keeps trying to spend time with JJ but she is also getting attention from a mystery man who has been sending her seductive gifts and drives her crazy with lust. On one hand she wants to forgive Ashton for not contacting her in all the years and start up their friendship but she's also very intrigued by all the sexy things the other enigmatic man in her life is making her do; he is showing her a wicked world she is enjoying very much. The whole time you are reading you are right there with Justine, bitting your nails trying to figure out the mystery man real identity and what is it that Ashton really wants, lucky for us we find out in the very delicious and intense ending that will leave you screaming and craving more of this sexy story.

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Please Hurry up!!!Roxy Sloane and release that third book because I really need more. I gotta say I'm allergic to cliffhangers but the ending of this book wasn't bad at all, the author gave us our answer but is impossible not to be needy for more. I enjoyed this author's writing style and needless to say I plan on reading every single one of her books, I really think she's a master of the erotica genre. If you are looking for a really steamy book and you like gorgeous British man you will hit the jackpot with this read…
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,230 followers
October 27, 2014
4 SO HOT stars!


I can’t tell you much about this without spoiling it. So here it comes: After being apart for three years Ash and JJ are now against each other in a case. Ash never forgot her and he now believes it’s the right time for them, but he broke her heart three years ago so he has to try harder.
At the same time we have *the invitation*. And these unknown guy (she is always blindfolded) is showing her a complete new world she’s getting addictive to.
Eventually she will want to know who her mystery sexy guy is … but is she ready to handle the truth?
Get ready for another awesome and scorching hot wild ride!
October 3, 2014
It's been three years and Justine hasn't heard a word from Ashton. So it's on to bigger and better things. Like the case she's just been put in charge of...this could make her career! But when she gets to New York, there's a mysterious package waiting for her and it's something she can't resist.


Well, I'm definitely in Justine's (aka JJ) court especially with her not hearing from Ashton in all this time. I was as shocked as she was and couldn't wait to find out why.

JJ heads into the oppositions camp to get things rolling with the case only to find out that it's run by Ashton (aka Ash). But he's not the same Ash she knew...he's cold and extremely business like. I really didn't like the way he treated JJ and how I would have loved to have had his POV!


JJ goes back and forth with her feelings for Ash. She misses what they had but she can't forget how he didn't keep in touch like he said he would. And it doesn't help that he's on the other team, how can she trust anything he says or does? Then she finds out some information that only makes her feel even more betrayed!

And she has to deal with the mystery person who keeps sending her things...things she can't seem to resist. And she just digs herself in deeper and deeper with this stranger!

And wow...what a place to end!! I LOVED it. Thankfully we don't have to wait much longer for the last book and for getting some answers!!


Favorite quotes

♥ “You wouldn’t want to catch something.”

“Hey!” The model frowns.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I meant from him.”

♥ "The only man I’ve ever wanted.
The only man to break my heart."

♦ BR w/Melissa, Dee & Patty
Profile Image for Eda**.
720 reviews438 followers
October 4, 2014

** 4 "Talk dirty to me Ashton Pierce!" STARS **

I can show you a pleasure beyond reason, beyond your wildest fantasies.

All you have to do is accept my invitation.

Are you ready to play?

It’s been 3 years since that magical night Ashton “Ash” Pierce and Justine “JJ” Jenkins have spent together and JJ hasn't heard a word from Ash since, even though he promised to contact her once everything is settled back at home.

Her heart says he might have a good reason, maybe... But her mind tells her:

...so she does the only thing there is to do: MOVE ON.

Now JJ works at a law firm in LA and is currently in NY, working for a lawsuit that will determine the future of her career. With the mysterious key and oh-so-sexy invitation she found in her new flat (of which we read about at the end of Book #1) at the back of her mind, she goes to a meeting with her client's opposition and comes face-to-face with the last person she would have ever expected to: Her ex-bestfriend, the person that once knew her the best, her one-night-stand that she has never been able to get out of her mind, Ashton Pierce.

But he is different now. He is cold and calculating. Distant. The intimacy they once shared, is a long memory. There is one thing that has stayed the same though: Ash is still gorgeous and his baby-blue eyes still make JJ's knees weak when they meet hers.

Meanwhile, the mysterious packages with gifts and notes keep coming and JJ finds herself intrigued by all of it. She lets herself get carried away by this enigmatic and sexy man that she has no idea about the identity of, meeting up with him but never seeing his face. He always lurks in the shadows and hides behind blindfolds. But the gazillion orgasms are SO WORTH IT!

"You don't need a whip or handcuffs to know I'm the one in control here. I tell you how I want it, I tell you when. You don't come until I say you can, is that clear?"

With so much going on, JJ finds herself torn between the lingering feelings she has for Ash and all the alien feelings that the mystery man has sparked inside her.

I have someone who wants me - a man who drives my body wild. Any woman would kill to have someone lavish her with attention, gifts, and crazy-hot orgasms.

But what about your heart?

Will JJ be able to forgive Ash for ignoring her all these years? Why didn't he ever contact her like he promised? Does JJ still have feelings for this man that has broken her heart? Can she ever trust him again, after working so hard to move on from the heartache he caused?

And most importantly, WHO THE HELL IS THE MYSTERY MAN?

To be honest, the answer has been obvious to me from the very start, but still, that doesn't mean that I didn't love reading the suspense JJ was in, so the fact that I wasn't surprised at all didn't bother me that much.

What Book #3 needs is to be a dual-POV, so that we can better understand Ash I think. What he's been through for the last 3 years is still a mystery and I would love to learn it through his thoughts.

Best thing about this book: HOLY JESUS, that dirty talk! I was panting and clutching my e-reader like my life depended on it the whole time I was reading! That man is HOT HOT HOT! Pheeeew, I want more !

"When that lush body breaks apart and you come screaming for more, you’ll be looking me in the eyes. You have my word on that."

P.S: Mystery man picked up the BEST SAFEWORD EVER!

Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
September 29, 2014
I really enjoyed this second installment but it kind of creeped me the fuck out at the same time.

JJ responds to her invitation from her secret admirer and ends up meeting up with him, first in a sex club where he's hiding behind a grille, and then again in a hotel room where he pleasures her like never before. She finally ends up doing the dirty with him but I could not fathom anyone having sex with a stranger whilst wearing a blindfold. I mean what if he looked like this?

I know people do stuff like that but I just couldn't get on board with it. The sex was really hot though so I won't complain.

Meanwhile, she discovers that Ashton is the silent partner in the company that is on the opposing team of her big case. She's not sure she can forgive and forget the fact that he never kept in touch with her when he returned to England.

Question is, is he the secret admirer? Or not?

Ends on another great cliffy, looking forward to the conclusion.
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,415 reviews1,487 followers
November 25, 2014
4.5 "I Remember Everything" Stars!
(BR with Sharon, Patty & Dee)

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Justine heads from LA to New York to be lead council on her first big case. She is shocked when she comes face to face with a man she hasn't heard from in 3 years. A man named Ashton Pierce who not only was her closest friend, but gave her the most memorable sexual experience of her life.

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-"Did you ever think about me?"


-"I've thought about you too, JJ."

-In case that wasn't clear."

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Justine is stunned to see him again & shocked how different he seems. The man that was once her best friend now comes across as cold & remote, and like a stranger. Even though he hurt her, she still feels a connection to him. She had never experienced that kind of chemistry with any other man. She once felt he could be her future.

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As Justine is busy obsessing over seeing Ashton again, she starts receiving these mysterious packages from a secret admirer. This person leaves anonymous gifts, and invitations giving her instructions. These notes and presents excite her. This sexy strangers sensual words make her open up, embrace her deepest desires, & feel alive!

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This new man in her life consumes her thoughts, and has become the center of her fantasies. Submitting to him turns her on, & she finds the anticipation and pleasure delicious! This man seems to know all her most intimate private thoughts and desires.

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-"This is what you do to me. This craving you're feeling right now."
October 26, 2014
4.5 Sizzling Hot Stars!

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Light on plot but heavy on erotic, sensual, all-encompassing sex scenes, this series delivers in spades.

Justine has flown into NYC to cover a case for a client, meeting up with the enemy, and his silent partner. She's determined to win this case for her client. It's her first solo case and she will not fail... She's thrown for a loop when said silent partner is none other than her ex-best friend and best-fuck ever Ash.

JJ is taken back on Ash's aloof nature with her. He, at first, acts as if he doesn't even know her. It's been three long years since they parted, him going back to England. Three years of no word. No returned emails. Nothing. He's obviously very rich and successful and she's clearly a women scorned. All the more reason to win this case.

When JJ starts to get secret notes, gifts, within her apartment promising her of her secret fantasies being brought to life, she can't resist the draw. She's intrigued. Who is this strange man? Why isn't he revealing his identity. She agrees to meet with him, can't resist the temptation.

Let the fantasy begin...

As I said, this installment delivers HUGE on the erotica. Slow building and sensual, the reader is drawn into this secret game between a dominant, dirty talking enigma of a man. The reader is seduced right along with JJ.

“Dammit, you’re just begging to be fucked, aren’t you? I’m going to stretch you wide open, my sweet. That tight, juicy cunt is going to take every inch of me, and trust me, I won’t hold back. I’m going to fuck you until you’re screaming, until you beg me to stop, but we’ll both know you want it deeper, until you come so hard you forget your own name.”

Looking forward to the final installment due out Monday October 27, 2014.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,602 followers
October 3, 2014

“I can show you pleasure beyond reason, beyond your wildest fantasies. All you have to do is accept my invitation. Are you ready to play?”

The second installment in the series picks up three years after the first book’s ending. Justine is in NYC working on a big case. Her client is suing a big corporation with a mysterious owner, nobody knows who he is. She is absolutely shocked when she discovers who the owner is – Ashton Pierce, her former lover and best friend.

Ashton is changed. He’s cold and remote, but Justine is still affected by him. He’s more polished, more refined and more powerful and she’s more captivated by him than ever.

Mysterious invitations continues to arrive. She is intrigued by this mysterious man and she gives over control in order to know what real pleasure is.

“You don’t need a whip or handcuffs to know, I’m the one in control here.” His voice turns harder, so fucking sexy I could die. “I tell you how I want it, I tell you when. You don’t come until I say you can, is that clear.”

This mystery man convinces her to do things that she has only ever fantasized about and he shows her new things about herself.


“When that lush body breaks apart and you come screaming for more, you’ll be looking me in the eyes. You have my word on that.”

So who’s the mystery man?

I really enjoyed this one. We have more mystery and suspense in this installment. Every interaction between Justine and her mystery man is fantastic, intense and really hot and the sex scenes are amazing. The chemistry between Justine and Ash is great also.

Unfortunately, this part ends with a cliffy...and I can’t wait to read the third and final installment!

Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
June 6, 2020
3.75 Play With My Mind, Turn My Body On Stars
* * * 3/4 Spoiler Free
Writer's have it hard. They come up with concepts... pray that they work...causing readers to buy in and go for the intended ride. If they hit the mark, giving the reader a perfect ride... then two things are about to happen...

The reader in love with the experience will be salivating for the next gem from the author... expecting to love this new installment as much as the first. The second is the author works to produce an installment that equals or surpasses the first. As a reader, I can understand how daunting it must be to plan out a series and figure out how to lead all the readers where you want them to go.

So with the surprise enjoyment, I had reading with the first installment of The Invitation by Roxy Sloane, (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...), I was ready to experience the next part equally as much.

What had stunned me and set me up in the prequel was presented in this book, as well. Roxy Sloane has figured out how to suck the reader into the mindset she wants us to have from the first page. With the first book, it was new, fresh, and surprising to me. I read it with my mouth dropped open and was thrilled to see this type of approach. I had not read The Seduction, so I hadn't experienced this way of talking to the reader.

It worked.

In this installment, the opening was similar; touching all the bases.... training our minds to be in that space...

The space where we, the reader, can envision all of the things described... Where we are reading this book but also running our own "sub" story in our heads which will tap into all the things written but also all the things we personally think about. To get the reader there in just a few choice phrases, sentences, and planted thoughts is an art form. Ms. Sloane has a way with words.

What happens next is the presentation of our story and characters. We met them in the first part. It is three years later and they have evolved.

J.J. has worked hard to become a rising young attorney on the brink of being noticed by her firm and put on the partner track. She has put her intense, seductive sexual life on the back burner. She thinks about the one man who slayed her over the years... Ashton... because not only did she lose him as a possible lover, she lost her best friend, too.

We find her in NYC to handle a huge case. Her client's program was stolen by his partner. He is fighting to receive the recognition of part ownership. This is a battle of David and Goliath proportions as the thief has partnered with an investment firm with unlimited funds. J.J. finds herself as the lead on this due to a change in her firm.

As she arrives in NYC, her accommodations are through her friend. She has loaned her a penthouse apartment for her stay. Sitting pretty on a table wrapped in silk is a box with a card attached. She opens the card and imprinted on it is:

Play with me.

There is a golden key in the box and nothing to identify the sender...
Curious as almost no one knows she is here...

She puts this aside... and goes the scheduled meeting with her client and the opposing attorneys. As she waits for the start of this critical confrontation, her client mentions the silent partner of the company fighting him is actually here. J.J. had tried to find out who he was... there was almost no mention of him in any of the documents released. She is on guard and waits to make sure she is in control of this situation.

The gathering in the boardroom begins, places are set, J.J. starts and the surprise guest turns to face her.

Yes, it is Ashton... her Ashton... but he is cold, calculating, and acting as if he has never met her before. She is stunned. She must pull herself together... she fights with everything she has to make it through this first meeting.

It becomes obvious to her, she is in turmoil Her body is responding to past remembrances, her mind fighting to stay focused. She is almost finished and escaping when Ashton asks for her to stay a moment. She tells her client to go ahead and she braces herself for what is about to take place.

Except what happens isn't like any of the times she has played this in her head. He is not her
"Aston", he is cold, manipulative, and closed off. She calls him on it and after a few fleeting seconds of seeing something cross his face, he turns back into the steel closed off capitalist. There will be more scheduled meetings with him and J.J. vows to get a grip and just handle the case, win the case.

Plus there are these invitations teasing her... who is sending them... touching all her sexual buttons. Things are happening... she has this stranger in her head and he is bringing out all of her sexual needs.

This book follows the pattern of the first... teasing, tempting, and terrific sexual situations. A smorgasbord of playing from mental mind games to watching.....to oh, so much more...

So why did I give it 3.75 stars... what's up with that?????

Well, I am an old mystery reader from way back. One of my besties here on GR named me Naughty Nancy Drew because I seem to figure out things early. Which brings me back to why the rating.

There are lots to like... and there is so much more coming in this series. I will continue with it because I am hooked with the way this is presented, the keying into the reader's mind, and the characters. Things plan to get even more intense and I am ready... Just like Bette Davis... I will fasten my seatbelt and get ready for a bumpy night.
The Invitation (The Invitation, #1) by Roxy Sloane The Invitation (The Invitation, #1)
Surrender (The Invitation, #2) by Roxy SloaneSurrender (The Invitation, #2)
Release (The Invitation, #3) by Roxy Sloane Release (The Invitation, #3)
The Invitation Complete Series by Roxy Sloane Invitation (The Complete Set)

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
December 15, 2014
4.5 Sexy Secretive Stars

 photo TheInvitation2_zps7bbde2ea.jpg

Justine, JJ, has done well since she graduated from Law School. She lives in LA and is making a name for herself. She's been given a big case to handle and she goes to NY. As she settles in, a beautiful package with her name is waiting at her door.

Welcome to your wildest fantasy. Are you ready to play?

No name on the card. A mystery man. Life keeps getting better and better. But Justine is about to have her world shaken when Ashton Pierce walks back into her life. My best friend, my closest confidante. And for one amazing night, the most mind-blowing sex of my life. Justine is suing his company, she hasn't seen him in 3 years, not since that one magical night together. But he's different, he's not the man Justine remembers but Ashton remembers JJ completely. They become adversarial with each other, but the sexual tension is still there. But the mystery man has plans for Justine. He sends more gifts and plans interludes. Each time they connect, Justine completely surrenders to this man. He breaks down the walls.....at the club, at the Underground and then at the hotel.

But during each time with her mystery man, Justine fantasizes that this man is Ash. But there is no way it can be, he has no accent. She can only wish. But Ashton begins to work on slowly repairing the relationship with JJ. He has secrets and is working on making things right with JJ. While JJ is not fully trusting Ash, the mystery man makes Justine forget. He ignites feelings of surrendering and submitting and he indulges her every sexual fantasy. The only time she has ever felt this way was her one night with Ash.

Then the night comes when she finally meets her mystery man face to face......I'm off to read the last installment as that ending was OMG!!!

This book was mysterious- super sexy(panty melting)- and very entertaining!! Thank you Roxy Sloane♥

Profile Image for Nikki.
255 reviews37 followers
October 2, 2014
5 Holy Hotness Stars!!

Let the games begin!!
We start where we left off in the last book. JJ is in NYC and has a very interesting secret admirer. He leaves her little fun things throughout the book...random keys, lingerie, oh even a vibrator!

This book was way hot. JJ and her mystery man have some major steamy scenes. They aren't even looking at each most of the time and its so damn hot.

One of my favs, their first date I guess you could say.
Pretty much.

Finally JJ realizes...
And yes she is. Girfriend found that inner slut and unleashed her to the world.

I also really enjoyed the story here. Yes, there is a story along with the smut. The whole court case deal with Adam was very interesting and even more so, because that is what brought Ash back into JJ's life. He is the money behind the opposing side. Ash, unfortunately, has changed quite a bit the last few years. He seems cold and callous. He cut JJ off for reasons the reader doesn't know about yet.

So do we find out who the mystery man is? I'll never tell, but will leave you with this.

"You promised I would see your face.
Once you do, there's no going back."
No more secrets. No more hiding. Nothing between us anymore.
Profile Image for Alice.
342 reviews79 followers
November 28, 2014
4.5 stars

This series is a great surprise . Roxy Sloane definitely knows how to write a hot story and I can't wait to read "The seduction" series.

After 3 years, JJ and Ash meet again. She's leading her first huge case in NYC and guess who's the owner of the company behind the opposition party??

Oh yes, my friends, it's our Ashton Pierce.

And the way Ash speaks, his confidence.. HOT HOT HOT.

And in the meanwhile, JJ receives some hot invitations from a mysterious man..and the scenes with this man.. TOTALLY PANTY-DROPPING.



I wish we learned the identity of this man not at the end of the book but I enjoyed it the same.

I can't wait to read last book of this series, even if I'm a bit afraid to go on, since I've heard mixed feelings about it.
Profile Image for Vivian Jane ✯.
167 reviews43 followers
October 31, 2014

*don't read this review if you didn't read Invitation: Prequel*
>>Link to my review of Invitation: Prequel | Release<<
OMG. THIS BOOK WAS TOO SHORT! Need the third book.....
I was too busy trying to figure out who Mr. X was, that I didn't even realize I was at the end of the book even when I read "To be continued..."


No more secrets. No more hiding.
Nothing between us anymore.
The Invitation 2 starts years after the Prequel of the series. Fast forward to three years later, JJ is now a lawyer. She is currently working on a case and things are not looking good for her. She also meets the "silent partner" on the opposite side of the case and guess who it is? Yes!! It's the Ashton we all fell in love with in the prequel! JJ is still undeniably very attracted to Ashton and from the looks of it, it is the same for him. However, he is a changed man. Now the CEO of his deceased father's company, he is harsh and cold--nothing like the man JJ once knew. Despite their past, JJ refuses to forgive him about the fact that he never contacted her and basically disappeared from her life... until now. Besides seeing Ashton once again, there is a man who has been sending her naughty notes and gifts. Who is the mysterious man JJ calls Mr. X? Is he Ashton? Or is he someone JJ would never have thought of?
After the entire novella building up to this point, JJ finally meets this mysterious Mr. X....


SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 //

Profile Image for Dana.
131 reviews3 followers
September 24, 2014
Where do I begin without giving anything away...


After the Prequel, the 2nd book takes place years later, after Justine has found her place in the world...we get to see Keely again from The Seduction, which was really neat for me. I love when authors bring in characters from previous books and tie them together. Not a-lot but just enough.

When the Invitation get's sent, you're immediately start trying to guess who it will be...

The mystery of when the next invitation will come.

The scenes are smoking hot with anticipation

Imagine not knowing what is going to happen next, waiting for the next clue to the puzzle.

Raw and exposed to someone who you have never met... or at-least you don't think you have.

I cannot wait for #3... there wasn't a cliffy, so to speak, but it will leave you wanting the rest of the story!

I give this 5 AMAZING stars!! *****
Profile Image for Andrea.
211 reviews44 followers
October 21, 2014
4.5 Stars


“Welcome to your wildest fantasy. Are you ready to play?”

This installment is awesome, intriguing and so steamy. I more than enjoyed the read.

I will say this, the things and events that take place during these “invitations” are panty dropping ladies, keep that spare on hand. You’d need that.

As for the mystery man, I started to have some doubts whether my choice was right, even till the end. The details began to suggest other possibilities that made sense. I really liked the fact that even when the identity was reviled I was still a little surprised. That takes some skill that Roxy definitely has.

As much as I loved book 1, I really adored book 2, holy shit it was hot, hot, hot!
Profile Image for Sher❤ The Fabulous BookLover.
922 reviews582 followers
January 8, 2015
☆4.5 Holy Crap This is Scorching Hot Stars!☆

Roxy Sloane delivers yet again! This story was one erotic journey! The sex scenes were scorching and intense. Ashton Pierce is piercing my heart! His swagger and confidence makes him the perfect alpha. And this whole mystery man is so hot it had me on the edge of my seat. I'm not usually one to overlook the fact that no woman is going to let a stranger come into her house while she's blindfolded (that sort of thing would make me DNF a book), but for some reason it works in this story. I'm not even going to list my favorite naughty quotes because there were just too many.

If your looking for short, sexy, rock your world love scenes with an interesting plot, then this story is for you:)
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,050 reviews942 followers
September 29, 2014

“That’s right, my darling. Let me pleasure you. Feel me, only me.”

J&G: Okay, well…ummmm….we’ll just venture out of the freezer for a moment to write this review. Bloody hell that was HOT! The passion and intriguing seduction is off the charts in this second installment

“You like that, naughty girl?”

After finishing up The Invitation: Prequel we couldn’t wait to get our grubby mitts on this one. We were already missing JJ and Ash and couldn’t wait to see them again. Ash returned to stir things up – he’s still as sexy and commanding as ever but there’s a mystery man on the horizon teasing, tantalising and torturing JJ’s body with absolute pleasure. Some girls get all the luck! Seriously!

“I think it’s time I gave this pussy the attention it deserves.”

So just who was this filthy talking hot as fuck mystery man who was tempting our heroine with promises (and deliveries) of sexual satisfaction and fantasies beyond her wildest dreams? Well, weren’t we dying to find out and let’s face it, whoever he was, he can distract us that way any day! Wow! Wow! Wow!

“You can take it, darling…he thrusts deeper….I’m just getting started.”

Gulp and SHOUTY CAPS GULP! We certainly knew who we hoped it was that’s for sure. Could it be him? Is it? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll tell you this much, it sure was fun and sexy finding out the man behind the fingers, the tongue, the teasing…….well, you get our drift….

We did have quite a few questions as some things just didn’t add up or even seem plausible but you know what? In this instance we didn’t necessarily think it damaged the enjoyment we got out of it. At the end of the day, this was a hot romp, a lot of fun and we seriously enjoyed every minute! We’re going to spontaneously combust waiting for the final book. Bring it on!!!!

“You always count. Most of all.”

**Reviewed honestly off an ARC copy provided by the author with thanks**

TB Review for The Invitation : Prequel Book One


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Profile Image for Brenda.
769 reviews157 followers
April 3, 2015

I had high expectations, I think.

It was too obvious, I mean c'mon!

and girl, you're lucky! what if he was hideous? what if he was a murderer?

Anyway, this story didn't work for me...

PS: That dirty talking, man!

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