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Hope #1

McFarland's Farm

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Wealthy, attractive Lucas Reika treats life like a party, moving from bar to bar and man to man. Thumbing his nose at his restaurateur father's demand that he earn his keep, Lucas instead seduces a valued employee in the kitchen of their flagship restaurant, earning himself an lose access to his father's money or stay in the middle of nowhere with a man he has secretly lusted over from afar.

Quiet, hard-working Jared McFarland loves his farm on the outskirts of Hope, Arizona, but he aches to have someone to come home to at the end of the day. Jared agrees to take in his longtime crush as a favor. But when Lucas invades his heart in addition to his space, Jared has to decide how much of himself he's willing to risk and figure out if he can offer Lucas enough to keep him after his father's punishment is over.

123 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 10, 2014

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About the author

Cardeno C.

62 books2,356 followers
Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.

Heartwarming Stories. Strong Relationships. Forever Love.

Website: www.cardenoc.com

Blog: (Shared Blog) https://gayromanceauthors.blogspot.com/

Twitter: @CardenoC

FB Profile: http://www.facebook.com/CardenoC

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
July 9, 2020
3.5 stars!

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McFarland’s Farm is an easy, sweet and sexy read.

Lucas has gotten into hot water one to many times with his father. He’s being cut off. He doesn’t have much of a choice but to go to Hope and stay with a family friend, Jared. That’s the only way he has a chance at getting his credit cards back.

Jared spends his days farming and his nights alone. When he’s asked to take Lucas in for a while, he can’t say no. Both of these men have known one another for a while. Both are secretly attracted to one another....

Jared and Lucas couldn’t be more different if they tried. Where Jared is quiet, respectful, hardworking, sweet and humble, Lucas is slightly obnoxious, bratty, snobbish and doesn’t know a thing about hard work because he’s been spoiled rotten. Seems like an unlikely pair, right? Yeah. I thought so too. When they say opposites attract, they aren’t kidding.

I thought Jared was wonderful from the start. There was nothing I didn’t love about him. Lucas, not so much. It took me a long while to warm up to him. Being with Jared changed him. Slowly, little by little, he became a better man. I liked seeing that growth in him.

I listened to the audio book, and I have to say that the narrator did a fantastic job alternating the ‘voices’ of Jared and Lucas. It suited each of their personalities.

This was a sweet romance with just enough steam to balance out the sweet. As much as I enjoyed it, my main complaint is that it was much too short. It ended too soon and I wanted more.

 photo d8701ef3-237f-46c9-852e-0e0d940bd5c1_zpsd9018851.jpg

Audiobook ARC received in exchange for an honest review
August 21, 2014
Well, damn it, that was short.

But delicious. It was delicious, y'all, a delectable, bite-sized treat of CC fare.

Spoiled, pretty-boy Lucas is sent by his father to Jared's organic produce farm so he can learn a lesson about respect and earning his keep. What he finds is a hot but shy man with a huge heart. Jared has lusted after Lucas for ages, but Lucas is younger and far out of Jared's league. Or so Jared thinks.

Lucas is a huge brat at first, and his change of heart was perhaps too easily accomplished. Or maybe not. If I had Jared as a prize, I'd suck it up too, suck it up and down and around the corner.

This was so insanely cute, I can barely stand it. Don't judge this novella by the somewhat lackluster cover and title; it's better than that, and contains lots of feels, steam, and wicked fun.

Plus, Jared is a ginger and a bear: a Ginger Bear! And I can't even with that.

I want to know so much more about these boys and can't wait to see where this series goes.
Profile Image for Rosa, really.
583 reviews322 followers
September 15, 2014

The title?


The cover?


However, the author?


Cardeno's either my first or second favorite purveyor of sugar fluff nuggets. (The other author is, naturally, Mary Calmes.) I love to gorge myself on her books like it's 8am on Christmas morning. (I was never one of those kids who paced themselves so they had three pieces left the next July. Or the next day. Whatever.) This book is quick and therefore more of a snack than a full-on gorge -- but it is the sweet treat we've come to expect from Ms. C.

Not entirely sweet? Co-MC Lucas Reika. In fact he provides a profound lesson in how we readers may recognize a spoiled little prick. For instance:
-V-neck t-shirts
-Alligator luggage.
-Negative statements concerning iceberg lettuce.
Freakishly, not only do I own 4 pairs of sunglasses, a large collection of V-neck t-shirts, and an alligator carry-on -- I have been known to advise against the consumption of iceberg lettuce as it consists mainly of water and you’re not getting your vitamins or fiber that way. I know, I’m super opinionated (and a hypocrite, see above candy consumption) and apparently a spoiled prick. (I would like to add that I’ve never said that to a waiter/waitress, though. I’m not a total asshole.)

Of course, we already know Lucas is a spoiled little shit from hearing about his many selfish acts from his half-sister. But Lucas experiences a complete turn-around in personality when Jared tells him like it is:
I don’t abide freeloaders, Lucas. Doesn’t matter who your father is or who your sister is. You’re stay in my house, eating my food, disrupting my day. That means you will pull your own weight....You work in the greenhouses alongside me or you work in the office on the computer. I’m giving you a choice of one or the other. But if you want a bed to sleep in and food in your belly, you will work.
And Lucas? After hearing the exact same thing from his father for years thinks, Said that way, Jared’s request didn’t seem as unreasonable. It almost made Lucas feel ashamed. Okay, right, yes. A lifetime spent acting like a spoiled little shit and then 2 hours in the company of a big ole sweet ginger bear and one statement about how it's going to be and suddenly, except for one small setback, you’re a hard worker, dedicated to making said ginger’s life more comfortable ---

Okay, wait, I just changed my mind. It’s more than possible I’d pretend to love gardening just for a shy ginger bear who can fuck like a bossy machine. Regard:
“Turn around and bend over the counter.”
His breath hitching in reaction to the command issued in Jared’s deep, husky voice, Lucas flipped around and propped his forearms on the counter. “Like this?’ he asked shakily.
“A little more.” Jared kissed the small of his back and pushed him down until his chest rested on the cool marble. “Spread your legs real wide for me.”[....]
“Look at you,” Jared said, sounding awed....”Showing me everything....Tell me what you like, baby”
I like that! I really, really like it!


Okay, it’s more than possible I’d take to small towns, the Arizona sun and office work plus getting dirt under my fingernails for that. So, although the personality switch is a teensy tiny bit unbelievable, Jared’s sweetness and hotness does make up for it. I also like that it was Lucas’s love and attraction that made Jared less socially inhibited and more dominant. Rawr!

Although I did like this novella, I don’t think it’s Cardeno’s best. (That could be because I’ve been listening to my favorite Cardeno book's on audio recently.) But any Cardeno fan will enjoy it and it’s a good introduction for new fans.

3.5 stars

**Copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
October 27, 2014

4.5 Stars! Wonderful heartfelt story sets the stage for this new series!

Once I started I couldn't stop. It never fails to amaze me how much depth, feeling and emotion Cardeno C. packs into a story. The characters are always likeable and easy to connect with, the stories flow and while there are issues to muddle through, they aren’t filled with an overwhelming amount of angst. McFarland’s Farm is no exception.

Jared is a sweet, humble, beautiful man and Lucas is a wild child, a snotty little brat, used to getting his own way. Even though Lucas tosses one barb after another at Jared, criticizing everything from what he eats to his overall lifestyle, Jared doesn’t go back at him. In his quiet, steady demeanor he lays it out for Lucas and tells him how it’s going to be and what’s expected of him. The two of them settle in, and this unlikely odd couple find themselves sexually attracted to each other and wondering if there could be more.

I loved the deep meaningful conversations smattered throughout the book; Jared and Susan, Lucas and his father, and most especially Jared and Lucas as they were sorting out their relationship. Cardeno C. doesn’t just tell you what the characters are feeling, you experience it along with them, and that is always a plus in my book. While the focal point of this story is about Jared and Lucas, it’s also about connecting with family and healing broken relationships. Lots of love here in many forms, and when you turn the last page you feel good and want to go back and start all over again.

I’m “hoping” that the Hope series maintains a character connection from book to book, because I would love to see Jared and Lucas again. Either way, I’m looking forward to whatever this series and Cardeno C. has in store for us!

*A copy of the book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
September 4, 2021
Woulda shoulda coulda....
If I could go back, I'd skip the audiobook and read this story.
I think I would have enjoyed it SO much more.
I enjoyed the characters and the story.
It was sweet and spicy but...
the voices in my ears didn't match the voices in my head.
Sounds awkward but you know what I mean, right?
Especially during the sex scenes! Ugh, the breathy moans were totally...off.
I don't often do audiobooks but I was flying and it was the perfect time length for my flight.
Ahh well, CC and I usually click and this won't stop me from continuing to pick my way through her backstock.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,034 followers
March 29, 2015
This is a great low-angst book that left me a happy camper. Definitely recommended for my fellow M/M romance friends who want a quick, fluffy, sexy read.

Thank you Susan for the great rec!
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,260 reviews260 followers
February 26, 2016

Want a quick break from reality with some fluffy goodness? Check this one out! 3.75 Stars ♥
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews503 followers
March 22, 2016
One word: Amazing!
I just recently disovered my personal weakness for gay farmer MCs. For some reason these down to Earth type of guys looking for a partner to come home to after a hard day in the sun push all my buttons.

So it’s no surprise that shy Jared McFarland was love at first sight for me.


At 32 years, he is a divorced farmer in Arizona who wants nothing more than finally find a partner who sees more in him than just a brawny hick with a scar on his face. He is on friendship terms with his ex-wife and is unable to say no when she asks him to take care of her younger gay half-brother Lucas for a couple of weeks.

Lucas Reika is a self-absorbed man-whore – let’s be open about it.


He’s 24, graduated from an expensive private school, paid for by his rich father who owns a chain of high quality restaurants, not intending to actually work for a living and instead uses daddy’s unlimited credit cards to pay for his expensive life style in the gay party scene of Los Angeles. When he manages to seduce a *straight* chef in the kitchen of one of his dad’s restaurants – and gets caught in the act, his father draws a line.

Cutting him off from all his credit cards, Lucas’ father sends him off to his ex-son-in-law’s farm, where the young man is supposed to work and earn his keep.

Good-natured Jared takes in the spoiled brat and manages to show him that life is about more than partying all night and having a fresh face in bed each day.

This novella certainly has a fairy tale quality to it!
I *loved* Jared. He’s an awesome guy with wonderful values and attitudes. The story was a bit too short to include any *real* conflict between these two guys, but still their romance was a pleasant ride for a few hours.

Definitely 5 star material for me!
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
October 23, 2015
A very nice, angst free story by Cardeno C. She has the ability to write books that always make me feel all warm inside.


This story has a cute, but very spoiled brat named Lucas. His dad sends him to Jared’s farm to learn how to make something of his life.

Jared is a hard working farmer and pretty lonely. He always had a thing for the brother of his ex-wife. So when Lucas comes to stay with Jared, he is very tempted to act on his feelings.
Luckily Lucas does seem to change when being around Jared and the two of them grow pretty close.

Lovely story, great characters, from the spoiled Lucas to the scarred Jared. I loved it.

Oh and did I mention the awesome sex scenes?


Read this when you’re in the mood for something that will make you feel goooood.
863 reviews230 followers
October 5, 2014

3.5 stars

Cardeno C writes the kind of fluffy smut that I can eat up any time, any place. Add in a lonely farmer who just wants to be loved? *swooooooon*

I love Jared McFarland. He's that stand-up guy who does right by anyone and has a HUGE heart and tons of love to give. He stole my heart.

Lucas, Jared's ex-wife's brother (long story...told in a bit of this, erm, short story), is a young party boy who misbehaves and has no direction in life.

Until someone shows him how to work and how to love.

This is a sweet short story that packs both an emotional punch and a lot of va-va-voooom. It was HOT.

I wish, oh how I wish, that it was a little bit longer so it didn't feel so "how did they fall for each other and change behaviors so quickly?" But, I can overlook it...because I had so much fun reading it!

Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,365 reviews1,193 followers
September 3, 2014
Originally posted on The Book Nympho

Quick summary
Lucas Reitz is a party boy who tested his wealthy restaurateur father one time too many. Dad gave him the ultimatum of losing access to his money or going to Jared McFarland's farm, his organic produce supplier in Arizona. See, the thing is, Lucas has always lusted after Jared, unbeknownst to anyone, including Jared...and vice versa.

What I adored about this story
Jared. How could you not? He's a big, red-haired, lovable guy who was hard working, a little lonely and respectful of everyone. Even when faced with Lucas's rudeness and bad behavior, Jared still found a way to deal with dignity and humbleness.

Lest I paint too nasty a picture of Lucas (which he earned), just know that once you read his point of view, your perspective will change. And, the romance sizzles after Jared shows other sides to his gentle demeanor.

The bottom line
This is the sweet, heartwarming story Cardeno C. promised. I loved the romance, which didn't develop quickly, and the strength of character in Jared and the people in his life. It's a short story but reads like a full length novel. I'm hoping this isn't the last we see of Jared and Lucas. And, I've got to get my hands on more books by this author. The hype isn't a myth.

(I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review)
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,546 followers
December 17, 2015
Meh. It was nice, but not overly memorable.

Note: Cardeno C. *rocks* time and again. This one just fell a bit flat for me, but I'll still be keeping my eyes out for her next books. : )
Profile Image for Leaundra.
1,187 reviews47 followers
April 30, 2017
It ended up being a sexy and sweet story. I'm glad there will be more ;-)
Profile Image for Adrianamae.
649 reviews42 followers
September 18, 2014
This was barely an okay read for me. Maybe if the book had been longer I would have have had a chance to feel different about this romance, and the growth of Luke as a character. But in this short story, everything happened too fast, including the sex scenes...and in that venue, I prefer one long, well set, well-thought-out, sensory, emotional sex scene that a lot of quickies.
July 20, 2015
I loved Bratty Lucas
I loved strong quiet Jared
I loved the small town

It's Cardeno C so you know it's gonna be sweet and hot.

There was enough in this quick read to make me look forward to rest of the series.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,005 reviews119 followers
September 10, 2014
I'm a hardcore fan of CC's and without it sounding condescending, I just have to say how very proud I am of her for taking a chance on self-publishing. I can only image how scary that must be, especially after having a long-term relationship with a publisher. Oh, I don't think she's finished using a publisher, but I commend her courage in striking out on her own, and dipping her toe in the water. With that said, let me be the first to say how much I loved 'McFarland's Farm', book one in a new series entitled 'Hope'. This author is a wonderful weaver of stories that always resonate within me. My only complaint? It could've been so much longer. *grins*

Jared lives in Hope, Arizona and he works his farm. He grows quality organic produce and his biggest customer, Paul, owns a series of exclusive restaurants in Los Angeles. Paul's daughter, Susan, is Jared's best friend, she was his high school sweetheart, and, briefly, his wife. Now she and her new husband and kids live in Phoenix, but she is still the only family Jared has left. Unfortunately, she has a half brother, Lucas, whom Susan describes as "an entitled, self-absorbed, lazy prick." He's also the most gorgeous man Jared has ever seen, and whenever Jared has been around him, his already lacking social skills fly right out the window. This leaves Jared, a six foot five, beefy guy with shaggy red hair, and a scar across his face, stuttering. Now Jared has to host Lucas for two months or else Lucas loses out on Daddy's generosity.

I wasn't very impressed with Lucas at first glance. He is, literally, Beverly Hills snobby, I'm too good for everyone and everything. Actually, my second glance didn't change that opinion. When I discovered how big of a crush Lucas has always had on Jared, I cut him a little slack. Of course, when Jared gave him the talk about not being a freeloader on his farm, I figured these two were off to a good start. Lucas was doing really well, too, handling all the paperwork in the office and streamlining systems. Lucas even seemed content for the first time in his life. Then he did the one step forward and twenty-five back, and put himself right back at selfish and spoiled. Oh, Lucas, honey—grow the eff up!

I fell completely, 100 percent, head-over-heels in love with Jared. A true gentle giant, Jared is a good, honest, compassionate, loving man who dreams of having someone to come home to, someone to whisper his secrets and dreams to in the dark, someone to love with everything inside of him. When he was telling Lucas about how his mom died while they were boating when Jared was fifteen, and how the town came together and helped take care of him, my eyes definitely teared up. It took quite a bit longer, but I grew to adore Lucas. He lost his mom at an early age, was raised by a single father who works constantly, and he grew up in an area where pretty and rich get you everything you want. I didn't forgive him for his poor behavior in the beginning but I understood him much better by the end.

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Sweet, sexy, gentle, hot, and beautiful, this is a love story worth reading and rereading. I'm adding it to my list of favorites and the guys, too. I can't wait for the next installment!

NOTE: This book was provided by the author for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,305 reviews152 followers
September 16, 2014

A review by The Blogger Girls.

This was a really sweet story. It’s short, so things happen fairly quickly once the guys are together.

Sweet Jared is a produce farmer. He works very hard but lives a somewhat solitary life, having lost his mother when he was a teen and never really knowing his father. The town basically took him in and helped him along until he became successful on his own. He married young, but they were more best friends than anything, and still are. He is a bit scarred from the accident that took his mother, so he is a bit self-conscious about meeting people.

One of Jared’s good friends is his ex-father-in-law, whom he also provides produce for his successful restaurants. When his son, Isaac, is caught having sex with his master chef in the kitchen, he calls in a favor to Jared asking him to take Isaac in. Isaac is basically a spoiled brat. He basically has to go stay with Jared to find and earn his own way or be cut off completely.

When he shows up at Jared’s, he is pretty unlikable. He is rude and really just the spoiled brat extraordinaire. But it turns out there is more to it than that and he is mostly using that to stave off his attraction for Jared. He discovers what he wants to be happy is a quiet life with Jared, and Jared is more than happy to be a part of it.

These two go through a bit of a rough start, but get to know one another a bit before they give in to their feelings. They were really sweet as they figured out their feelings and got on the same page. I really enjoyed this short story. It moves along at a nice pace and reads very smoothly. I definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a nice little bit of sweet.
Profile Image for Dee.
486 reviews6 followers
November 18, 2014
3.75 stars

Well this was delightful, pure sweet goodness though it seemed sadly short (or I once again need to try and start pacing myself reading-wise). Lucas was such a spoilt immature brat that it was lovely to see his metamorphosis and Jared was just plain adorable (I do love me a gruff bear with a squishy centre). There was no real angst or drama just a slowly pleasant romance I would dare to call heartwarming - in fact it was like comforting carrot soup that had a dash of ginger (because the sexual tension and eventual sex was spicy!).
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
September 13, 2014
Short, sweet and romantic, but I did want more from Lucas. How he went from spoiled rich young man to worthy of someone like jared. I didn't see it honestly. still sweet and I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for AngelFire.
767 reviews57 followers
December 31, 2023
This wasn't marketed as being erotica but it should have been. The story starts out with a solid plot: having a spoiled, rude and immature Lucas be forced to come work on Jared's farm when Lucas has annoyed his father one too many times. Their connection is through Lucas' half-sister, who is Jared's ex-wife. She only appears at the beginning but I really liked her character and it was a shame we didn't get to see more of her.

In contrast with outgoing, confident Lucas, Jared is a shy gentle giant who struggles with social anxiety. He has no idea what to do with Lucas when the latter arrives but when Lucas decides to help with Jared's paperwork (Jordan is an amazing farmer and handyman but he's not good with technology), things were on the right track. . At about the one third mark, Lucas and Jared get into a disagreement (more on that later) and Lucas calls his father to have a temper tantrum about how hard Lucas' life is and he demands that his father fix it. To my delight, .

The way things were set up in the first third of the book made me really excited and I honestly thought this book had 5 star potential. I thought we'd get a nice, slow burn romance between Jared and Lucas as they get to know each other and I hoped the majority of the story would focus on Lucas' character development arc. I was worried when I realized how short the book was, but I remained optimistic.

Well, I'm the fool in the scenario because the story veers off in a completely different direction after the first third. Despite Lucas agreeing to use the new opportunity to approach things differently (things like sex), he still .

But the absurd instalove isn't what pushed this into erotica territory IMO. It was the ridiculous amount of instalust that was coming from Lucas. From the start of the story, the man is a walking sex bot. Sex occupies his thoughts 24/7 with him sexualizing and getting aroused by every single thing Jared did or said. His constant state of arousal would normally be a medical concern except this is erotica so it's used to justify getting the MCs into bed together way earlier than they should have.

Here's the big problem with it: the author created Jared as a being a character who struggles with social anxiety and he's particularly shy around Lucas because he's had a crush on the guy forever. In fact, they have a big misunderstanding when .

The whole thing was a mess because a character like Jared isn't the right kind of character for an erotica scenario like this. It's no wonder that Jared's shyness disappeared once Lucas got into bed with him because otherwise, the readers wouldn't have viewed it as happy sexy times.

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. The MCs were great and I loved the potential the premise had but it's clear the author wanted to churn out a quick piece of erotica instead of giving the MCs the story they truly deserved.
Profile Image for Manfred.
789 reviews48 followers
June 21, 2017
I am not as happy about this, as I thought I would be.
Sure the plot sounded great and honestly this had all the potential to be a 5 star read.
But then, somewhere near the end it felt the author had other things to do and just finished it within a few pages, without bringing the story to a close.
One day the (very sweet) main characters dance around each other, next day they are having sex, declaring their everlasting love and while in their first real sexual encounter the book suddenly ends.
I kept flipping pages because I was sure I must have missed something, but no, that was it...
I am not against short stories but this felt beyond rushed at the end and I was so frustrated I wanted to smash this book against the wall (unfortunately I was not reading it in paperback, so that would have been really bad...)
With an nice epilogue and maybe not a declaration of love after the first sexual encounter this could easily be an awesome read, at the moment, unfortunately, it is just average and 3 stars for me.
Profile Image for Trio.
3,357 reviews186 followers
May 29, 2018
Well... okay. I guess this is one of the least interesting books of Cardeno C.'s that I've ever read. Usually this author can pack a lot into a short novel, but this one wasn't very effective. Insta-love and a huge about-face by one of the MC's didn't work for me.

I did the audio version and I'm getting spoiled by all the amazing narrators I've been enjoying lately. Sorry to Paul Morey, he didn't do anything wrong, he just didn't wow me with his performance. Though in his defense he didn't have all that much with which to work. (ouch, sorry about that)
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