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Shutter #1-6

Shutter, Vol. 1: Wanderlost

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INDIANA JONES FOR THE 21st CENTURY! Marvel Knights: Hulk and Glory writer Joe Keatinge teams up with artist extraordinaire Leila del Duca for her Image Comics debut in an all-new ongoing series combining the urban fantasy of Fables and the globe-spanning adventure of Y: The Last Man. Kate Kristopher, once the most famous explorer of an Earth far more fantastic than the one we know, is forced to return to the adventurous life she left behind when a family secret threatens to destroy everything she spent her life protecting. Collects Shutter #1-6.

136 pages, Paperback

First published November 12, 2014

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Joe Keatinge

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 369 reviews
Profile Image for Sean Gibson.
Author 6 books6,000 followers
September 1, 2016
If you’re going to name drop Fables (my favorite comic series of all time) and Indiana Jones (easily one of my top 10 favorite guys who wears a fedora and wields a whip…he probably checks in around #8) when you describe what your series is like, you’re creating impossibly high expectations right out of the gate, meaning that odds are good you’re going to under deliver (I used to do a similarly stupid thing in my dating days when I guaranteed my dates that the evening “wouldn’t suck as much as a root canal”; turned out that wasn’t always the case and I, like Keatinge and Co., was overpromising and under delivering).

Generally speaking, I like Keatinge’s work, and del Luca’s art is solid. But...

Shutter is no Fables. Or Indiana Jones. Or even Y: The Last Man, for that matter (another comp trotted out in the description, though one could argue that Saga is a more analogous title—but, again, it falls short there, too).

It’s got potential, but there are just too many fundamental questions about the characters and the narrative that remain unanswered after 6 issues. I’m all in favor of mysterious origins and gradually unfolding back stories, but I shouldn’t be left wondering why the heck the series is called “Shutter” and what, exactly, was the purpose of heroine Kate’s adventures with her dad (I’m okay with not yet knowing why she “retired” from the adventuring life—that’s the kind of backstory point you can gradually unpack—but I should have SOME idea at this point WHY she used to run around on other planets with dangerous creatures).

So, that leaves me with the question: continue on with Shutter, or re-read Fables for the eleventeenth time (preferably while eating chocolate chip scones, which I’m now suddenly and inexplicably in the mood for)?

I think we all know the answer to that one…
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,671 reviews13.2k followers
November 10, 2014
I suppose it had to happen - with the success of Saga, imitators have begun popping up, with Joe Keatinge and Leila del Duca’s Shutter being one such example.

A magical world where giant eagles and dragons, minotaurs and kids with horns, flying cars and saucer police, Scotch lions and gorilla doctors, dinosaurs and a talking platypus, are all de rigeur; a strong female character and a child, together with a talking cat sidekick, on the run from forces who want them caught, including a male and female bounty hunter. All of this sound familiar to Saga readers? This is Shutter.

Kate Kristopher was a child Indiana Jones but, for some reason (probably due to her father’s untimely death), she’s hung up the adventuring gear and settled into a quiet civilian life. Then on her 27th birthday some purple glowy ninjas try to kill her and she realises her quiet life is over, as well as finding out that she’s not an only child. And her newly discovered siblings? They’re kinda assholes.

Besides the derivative Saga flavour, Shutter suffers from a similar problem of Saga’s: the lack of any real story. Kate basically meanders through a storyline that’s unclear most of the time. What does she do for a living now that her exploring days are done, why is this series called Shutter and has her posing on the cover with a camera when it’s not at all referenced in the book, who’re the antagonists and why is she so important anyway; who knows?

Kate’s character is Generic Strong Female Lead, the kind that, if you’ve read a lot of contemporary comics, you’ll instantly recognise. That’s not to say that she doesn’t sound like a 27 year old woman - she does - but she lacks a distinct personality from the sea of other clones out there.

Keatinge tries glossing over all of that by stuffing the aforementioned oddities and more into the panels, as if seeing talking mythical creatures makes up for a lack of a driving story or involving dialogue, except it fails. It’s much too obvious.

On the other hand, del Duca’s artwork is simply stunning, helped by Manifest Destiny’s colourist Owen Gieni, and while I was puzzled as to why this world had to be quite so random, I was glad for it if only to see del Duca draw it all so skilfully and beautifully. Where Keatinge’s script doesn’t engage, del Duca’s artwork was there to pick up the slack.

This first Shutter volume establishes a tone but little else besides. None of the characters are particularly interesting or original, in terms of personality. Kate’s quest is unknown, the point of the series itself, including the title, is difficult to discern, and it seems to be a celebration of haphazard arbitrariness more than anything. Perhaps fans of Saga might enjoy this - perhaps - with the caveat that it’s not as good; otherwise, I’d skip this one.
Profile Image for Jan Philipzig.
Author 1 book293 followers
January 20, 2016
Definitely the noisy, outrageous kind of story: lots of explosions and mayhem - that sort of thing. Not to mention the talking cat/clock hybrid, the gorilla doctor, the skeleton butler, the ghost siblings, dinosaurs, minotaurs, you name it. It all feels a little random and silly, but I guess that's the idea: none of that anal museum stuff, this one's supposed to blow you away! So does it get the job done? Well, I'm afraid I'm still standing - let's just say I appreciated the rascally humor underneath all the hullabaloo.
Profile Image for Mir.
4,915 reviews5,234 followers
June 5, 2018
Ridiculously misleading title -- the fact that the main character has a job as a photographer is alluded to in one line and we never see her taking pictures, nor is there anything photo-frame about the illustration style.

Otherwise this is a fun, imaginative, slightly gory story about a woman whose family has a tradition of adventuring and some dangerous secrets.

The 4th star is earned purely by the artwork.
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,973 reviews845 followers
January 25, 2016
Kate Kristopher was once a famous explorer on Earth, well on an Earth a little more special and the one we know. But suddenly one day she is attacked and now she must once again return to her adventurous life…

I liked this other Earth, with all its different kinds of species. I had some trouble getting into the story and when I finally did it was not many pages left. Unfortunately, the art was a bit so-so, it would have been a bit nicer to read if it had been a bit more evenly drawn but now and then the art looked just rushed.

Also, I liked Kate Kristopher and her weird family, but I would have loved more answers, like why her sister wants her dead, how come she has an 8 ½ year old brother when her father died ten years ago?

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!
Profile Image for Gavin.
1,219 reviews89 followers
February 11, 2015

OK, so I agree with those who say this is trying to ride the wave of Saga (Sam) and I can see where that comes from.

The art is colourful, the story moves forward at a breakneck pace, and we're introduced to all sorts of crazy characters...

Kate is an appealing enough leading lady, but other than the fact that she's been in a rut for 10 yrs following the untimely death of her father, there's not much we know about her.

Turns out, she's got a bunch of siblings she never knew about, and we only hear her mother mentioned briefly, and it's clear that she's not a fan...so who's the whore? Daddy or Mommy? Seems like Dad, as the one sibling we meet is an 8 yr old boy who is also Dad's.

There's a skeleton butler, who is in servitude to the family, but if you look at little clues, is he in service to Mom or Dad's side? There's the nanny, an old woman called 'General' who used to adventure and take care of Dad before he grew up, and there's a talking cat clock (the black and white one) who seems to have some silly accent, and is supposed to be comic relief.

There's a best friend who's had a sex change from man to woman, no big deal, OK, but I wonder why it was necessary? It seems like it's there to get a pop for having a gender reassigned character, even though that character isn't very involved in the story for much. I like different characters, but this one seems like it was put in to seem like the author is some wonderful champion of humanity. It's not at all relevant to the storyline to do background on how she used to be a he, it just seems to be a sort of self-congratulatory "we're so progressive!" detour.

Considering the time spent on the best friend's gender, you think they would have had the time to give us more on Kate or her family or whatnot, but no.

Everyone's a character, there's humanized animals, like Fables, or Elephantmen, or anything really with talking animals. This is just accepted, OK, but it's not like there's a couple of races, like in Saga, there's all kinds of things, like these lion men, and foxes, a Gorilla doctor, robots, pink ghost ninjas (hmm...Saga's babysitter anyone?), and the skeleton butler.

It's definitely varied, and I can see the appeal of Kate, should we get to know more about her, but with all the stuff about her siblings, and fantastical creatures out to kill her, there's just an air of familiarity to this if you've read Saga.

I'm not saying it's a bad book, because it's not (lord knows, check out some of the other Image Humble Bundle books and you will see BAD!) so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, and wait to hear where it goes from here, but I'm not going out of my way to follow.

Sometimes overloading us with visual stimulation and colour doesn't work if you don't have a good core holding it all together. In Saga it was the love story, here, there's just Kate WTFing about her life, and being pissed off about whatever her dad did behind her back for years.

A decent book, worth a look if you liked Saga, and if you like your female characters strong and spunky, if not totally original.

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Profile Image for GrilledCheeseSamurai (Scott).
637 reviews115 followers
August 23, 2017



So there's this robot cat clock...


So there are these Ninja ghosts and some lion gangsters...


Okay. This lady called Kate is making her way in the world. The world is like ours...only there are talking animals...and...things in it that we don't have in our world.

That's not right either.


I have no fucking clue what I just read. I do know that it had a skeleton butler in it. Some kind of steampunk robot, there was a Minotaur riding the bus with our main character at one point and, before I forget, the doctor in the story was a gorilla. Speaking of doctor's...a prison guard in the story turned into a fire breathing dragon. Somewhere in that mess, a doctor would probably come in handy. You know what...here; a panel from the volume where our main character is staying at the freaky ferret Inn and they are attacked by a talking Lion, wielding a sword, while riding on a dinosaur:

 photo Screenshot 2017-08-22 22.42.13_zpstayn71mu.jpg

So yeah, I don't know whats happening. I cant figure out why the comic is called Shutter (other than the single sentence that briefly refers to Kate taking some photos once), but there is so much crazy cool shit happening and the art is pretty right on (this must be a really fun book to draw) that I don't really care that I don't know whats happening.

It's fun. It doesn't bother me (this time) if the storytelling is sloppy as fuck. I mean...there's a platypus in a back alley handing out assassination assignments to hitmen. How often do you get to read stuff like that?
Profile Image for Christopher.
354 reviews56 followers
June 25, 2016
Oh my goodness, I mean, man...

Look, you can do complicated plots. You can do vague plots. You can do complicated backstories that impact the current plot. You can do vague backstories. You can do complicated worlds. You can do wacky worlds. You can introduce fantasy elements into an otherwise normal urban setting. You can introduce 20 different animal races. You can have multiple plots going at once. You can do all of those things.

But if you plan to do all of those things at once in the opening volume of your comic series, your writing has to be on point. It has to be ridiculously good. Like, insanely good.

I'll leave it to your imagination how I felt it was handled here.
Profile Image for Steve.
962 reviews107 followers
November 16, 2014
I'm not entirely sure what this book was about, and that makes it hard to rate. An archaeologist who isn't one any longer is all of a sudden the target of assassins. Or something. No explanation and incomplete flashbacks/back story leave this reader lost, and no real reason to look for the next volume.
Profile Image for 'kris Pung.
192 reviews27 followers
November 25, 2014
I really enjoyed this although I'm not sure what the heck is happening story wise. That said I liked the fantasy world Keatinge is building so I will be on the look out for the 2nd volume.

**thanks Netgalley for an advanced copy**
Profile Image for Jeannette.
729 reviews191 followers
March 25, 2017
Also available on the WondrousBooks blog.

*** 3.5 stars ***

I previously reviewed the first issue of Shutter, and I stand by my prediction that this book has a lot of potential.

Shutter is a nostalgic journey back into the stories of our childhoods: Indiana Jones, The Mummy - adventurers, unknown lands, suave villains. With one exception. Shutter is not limited to our small planet.

The main character of the book, Kate, is a retired explorer who is trying to lead a normal life, but even if she's not looking for trouble, trouble sure finds her.

That is not to say that Shutter is a book for kids. It's more like all of the adventures you dreamed of having when you were a child, but seen through the mind of an adult. Including the cursing.

I found everything about Shutter very charming: the characters, the setting, the story, and even the space-time continuum. As I mentioned in my previous review, the first issue gives little away about the world Shutter is set in. From the rest of the volume it becomes clear that this is our planet, and nation states such as Brazil and the UK still exist. Also, it seems that the story is not set in the future, so it seems to be set in an alternate reality instead. One that is full of endearing absurdity. Such as Kate's best friend, her clock.


However, don't be mistaken that the story of this book is one that's easy to understand. Having finished the first volume, I can tell you that in no moment is it explained why it's called Shutter. Or anything much beyond the prelude. The book leaves a lot to be answered in the future. Where I usually draw the line here for books that take too much time to get to the point, I found myself interested enough to go on. There are many things that I would still like to learn, and I am willing to sacrifice some patience for that.

And also for the fact that the art of Shutter is beautiful! The art style is very specific and there's something quirky about it that I can't exactly put my finger on, but I do thing that it's very pleasing and adds to the story.

Profile Image for Imane.
213 reviews12 followers
August 6, 2018
Well, this is promising! I can't wait to pick up the second volume! + Love the art!
Profile Image for Erica.
1,424 reviews480 followers
May 5, 2016
I encountered a dichotomy while reading this: I really liked the story but I didn't really like the writing.
How is that even possible?
Who knows, but, apparently, it is.

The story: A former Lara Croft type, Kate Kristopher, now living with her childhood BFF, Alain the cool-haired scientist, works as a real estate photographer. She gets by. The girls go drinking. Things are fine. Perfect. Whatever. She has a Felix-the-Cat-like alarm cat -- honestly, those need to get on the market ASAP because I'm gonna need one to bake me cookies on bad days -- that tries to keep her on task and it's sort of working UNTIL! she's attacked by ghost ninjas on her birthday while visiting her father's grave! The injustice of it all! Turns out, her father may have not been overly transparent with her during her formative years and then he went and got killed and she doesn't know her mom, so she's been wandering lost, family-less, with only her friends and alarm cat to keep her sane. Turns out, she's got a kajillion siblings she never knew about, too.
Even if she hadn't had family, she had staff back at the ol' homestead who were as good as family:
There's a cursed butler who has no face left. His body is just a skeleton. I love him for that. I like most things skull-related, so that's no surprise there.
Kate's childhood nanny is a General. She knows things that she hasn't been telling Kate.
Seriously, Kate, make do with what you have, you sad sap.
Then, all of a sudden, there are problems galore, but guess what? No more boring life for Kate, that's for sure.

So there's Best Friendmanship, there's action, there are delightful characters and it's all drawn nicely. I liked the art, even though it ran toward something more sketchedy than I tend to prefer.
But the thing is, graphic novels are comprised of a lot of dialogue and the dialogue in this story is hard to read. It doesn't flow. Sometimes, it doesn't even make sense. And this isn't one of those Hunter S. Thompsonesque thingies where everything is supposed to not make sense. This has a storyline. It may be weird and there may be all sorts of intrigue and bizarreness but it's still a solid storyline that doesn't need to be obfuscated through poorly-written conversation. It's a communication meltdown in here.
Even after I got the flow down, I was often left wondering, "Who even SAYS shit like that? It doesn't make any sense" and that took away from my reading enjoyment.

However, it did not stop me from diving straight into the next volume, which I totally did.
Profile Image for Sanaa.
445 reviews2,573 followers
August 18, 2015
[4 Stars] I wasn't quite sure what to rate this because I have pretty mixed feelings. Things I loved: the action packed plot, the crazy stuff going on, the adventure, the entire premise, and the ARTWORK. Oh my goodness the artwork is glorious. Things I had issues with: the plot was pretty meandering, too much going on at once, and there wasn't enough about the characters to make me fall in love with them. All that being said, this was a really fun and entertaining read which is why it falls closer to 4 stars than 3.5 stars. Have I mentioned the artwork because it is freaking fabulous!? One last thing I want to say is that I definitely get the Saga comparisons. If you are a fan of Saga, I would recommend this. Though I don't think this is quite as polished.
Profile Image for Dan.
2,194 reviews66 followers
December 17, 2015
Really strong start. It seemed fun but then went south when it started to get weird and do that let's tease you and not really reveal too much because we want you to read another volume....yea not gonna happen. I really didn't find the plot reveal all that interesting. Sorry but I see this as being one of those that will lead you on forever.
Profile Image for Bram Ryckaert.
137 reviews2 followers
June 8, 2015
Shutter... Yeah this book is the real deal. The gorgeous art alone is a selling point, but it has the story and characters to back it up as well. What I like most is how the book has a light-hearted Indiana Jones-type tone at one point, but it can suddenly shift and go some dark and disturbing places. Case in point, one of the best side characters, bounty hunter Shaw

You could argue that story-wise not much really happened in these first 6 issues, but there was a lot of character development and some insane action setpieces. Kate also starts to question her father, since more and more of his secrets are coming to light. To think that this was mostly a setup arc, makes me even more excited for the next volume.

It's been compared to Saga, and yeah I'm pretty sure you'll get a kick out of this if you like that series.

This series filled me with a sense of wonder, and every page turn is a new discovery. It's rare that I'm actually excited to turn a page in a comic book just to stare at what's next. Shutter makes you feel like a kid again. Which is just about the highest praise you can give a fantasy/sf book.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
1,170 reviews
June 21, 2018
Oh man, that was so bonkers. There was so much (too much?) going on--dragons, dinosaurs, skeleton butlers, what looked like Tik Tok from Return to Oz. It even had anthropomorphic animals. And I didn't even care. I just liked it more and more with each page. A sad lion buying an Aimee Mann record? I think that was the clincher.
Profile Image for Taylor Ramirez.
487 reviews25 followers
April 7, 2018
Don’t really know that much about this series. Just found it at my local used bookstore so here goes nothing.

The main character is drawn horribly. Sometimes her face looks creepily gaunt. In chapter two there’s a flashback and her face looks so creepy. The art in general is kind of ugly. The backgrounds are sometimes nice but all the characters just look unpleasant.

The story was kind of boring. I ended up skimming the last few pages. I won’t be continuing on with this series. It’s not really for me. The concept was cool but the main character was overly violent and didn’t grab me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for RG.
3,087 reviews
April 17, 2018
This is a weird mash of scifi fantasy adventure but starts off a little confusing. It slowly develops a good story that doesnt take itself too seriously. Feels like it knows its being wacky and over the top. Will give Vol 2 a go.
Profile Image for Stewart Tame.
2,400 reviews111 followers
January 25, 2016
This was a lovely little romp. So we have a weird version of Earth that contains both fantasy and SF elements, and it's inhabited by all sorts of aliens and robots and anthropomorphic beings in infinite variety. And seemingly normal humans too, of course. The idea is not a new one--precedents include Cynosure from John Ostrander and Tim Truman's old series, Grimjack, as well as Bugtown, from Matt Howarth's Those Annoying Post Brothers, to name a few--but it's done well enough to feel fresh and new. Kate Kristopher used to be something of an adventurer, carrying on in a long family tradition of such. She retired young--she's celebrating her 27th birthday as the book opens--but adventure, it seems, hasn't retired from her. Naturally there are dark secrets in her family's past ... This is fast-paced, madcap, slightly loony fun, a bit on the shallow side, maybe. But it's just so goofy and energetic that you just can't help liking it at least a little bit.
Profile Image for Sara J. (kefuwa).
531 reviews51 followers
July 5, 2015
Hmmm... this was more of a 2.5 than a 3... was interesting enough but even after 5 issues I am still a bit in the dark about the whole point of this. Seems like it *could* be more interesting... but doesn't compel me to purchase the follow up...
Profile Image for First Second Books.
560 reviews575 followers
April 25, 2016
This science fiction adventure filled with girl power was a lot of fun -- and the art by Leila del Duca is marvelous! I love how she depicts all the surprise crazy fantasy beings throughout this world.

I'm definitely reading volume two!
Profile Image for The Sapphic Nerd.
1,012 reviews45 followers
July 18, 2017
On paper "Shutter" has a lot of cool stuff going for it: action/adventure, mystery, a female protagonist, characters/references to polar culture... But somehow, the execution is just okay. Sure, it sounds unique and exciting. It just doesn't make it all the way there. I wanted to be interested. I wanted to care about the characters. It didn't happen. Maybe it'll get better later, but do I want to spend $15 on something I'm not sure of? Nah.
Profile Image for Mixofsunandcloud.
41 reviews10 followers
June 25, 2017
A serious story set in a very silly world. It's fun, but incongruous, in a way that can be jarring. It is hard to suspend disbelief and be immersed when
Profile Image for Ashly Lynne.
458 reviews46 followers
December 14, 2016
Kate is one of the best adventurer’s on the planet, or perhaps in the galaxy, but she has retired that life for a more quiet one as a photographer. She lives in the big city and works to support herself. After her father died, she took up her own life path, but what did he fail to tell her when he was alive? Or, did he ever really die? Could he be out there alive somewhere? Now that his old secrets are coming back to haunt her…and hunt her, what will Kate find out about her past? Did she even know her father at all?

Shutter, Vol. 1: Wanderlost by Joe Keatinge, Leila del Duca, and Owen Giene
Genre: Comic Series/Fantasy
Release Date: November 2014
Source: ComiXology – Borrowed

I loved this comic volume! It’s packed with action, adventure, and super lovable (and totally hateable) main characters.

I’d seen this volume at the Library a lot, but failed to pick it up each time despite this crazy feeling I had that I knew I would like it. Then, I found volume 1 on comixology.com and finally decided to dive in, not knowing anything about what to expect.

I had no idea this was going to be an awesome, (more-than-not) high-fantasy adventure with magnificent characters. But, it was, and I’m so glad I decided to read this.

Let’s get the complaints out right off the bat. I don’t really like the title of this comic. The MC’s career is mentioned fleetingly and then never again. I’m still holding out hope that the title will come into play later on in the story, but I’m unsure at this point, so I’m left a little wanting on that aspect.

The plot is really slow. I’m not hugely opposed to a slow burn plot, but there was a little left to be desired. This story revealed too much and too little. The writer seems to be creating too many questions and not enough answers.

That all being said, I still loved nearly everything about this. The plot is super interesting and definitely sucks you in. There’s so much going on and new surprises were around nearly every page turn. Warning: There is quite a bit of graphic violence in this. I really enjoyed all the fight scenes and everything that happened. (That sounds strange to say about gory scenes, but, hey, it was part of the plot and it was well-executed, so what else am I supposed to say?)

So, if you haven’t guessed already, I adored the artwork. I liked the vibrant style and enjoyed the details. There was so much to see on every page, and I found myself reading slower than I typically do to appreciate everything about the stills. I wanted to fall into the world that these artists had created, but they made it leap off the page, so it was close to the same thing.

The last thing to talk about seems to be character development and depth: It was incredibly well-executed. Even if the plot is a bit slow, the character development isn’t. I found Kate to be believable, and I understood all her choices. She’s definitely got plenty of dimension and keeps the reader guessing what she’s going to do next. The other characters were realistic (even if they physically weren’t), and I loved all of them, even the baddies. They were all so well-developed and well-drawn. I just…ughhhhh…I love them. I love this. I love it all.

I recommend this to comic readers looking for a new fantasy read, but really I recommend it to anyone looking for a new and good fantasy read. This was so much fun, and I can’t wait to continue with the story in volume 2!

Review originally published on my Wordpress blog Dreaming Through Literature.
Profile Image for Raina.
1,662 reviews152 followers
January 9, 2017
I love how many storybuilders are explicitly going mashup these days.
I LOVE this world.
Sometimes, when illustrators try to combine multiple illustration styles, it doesn't work. Here, it does. And it helps that the concept behind the world is pretty great.

Kate is the cherished daughter of an Indiana Jones type. Now, she's all grown up, living as a photographer in a tweaked version of NYC with her bestie and pet anthropomorphized talking cat clock. Then, there's a big action scene that came too soon for me and felt too superheroish, but then it settles back into a twisty adventure Lostish story that I liked a lot. A lot of different entities are trying to kill/kidnap her, and there are Family Secrets.
I like how stories like this and Saga keep you guessing - you never know whether the talking bird will have wings or rollers, or if the next world will be full of leprechauns. There's a freedom to it.
Oh yeah, I should mention its super bloody and has a touch of cursing, for anyone who cares. Sorry to say no sex so far. ;)

I got the first two volumes of this at a library conference, signed by Leila del Duca, the Artist and first-billed Creator. This tells me she's prolly responsible for all the things I love here.

Bad new is that I doubt I'll track down the rest of the story, since they're not readily available in print from my library. But that's more about me than about this.
Profile Image for Ma'Belle.
1,157 reviews43 followers
August 22, 2015
Every page of this book was mesmerizing and fun, omg! It really was the most enjoyable comic I've seen in a long time.

Some of the things included:

-Cute Talking Animal Assassins!

-Irish Lion Criminals who sometimes decide to go shopping for rare Aimee Mann records in the middle of dangerous missions!

-Snarky Felix the Cat alarm clock robot assistant!

-Tic-Toc the Clockwork Army robot from Return to Oz!

-References to Scooby Doo and probably lots of other classic adventurer/sleuth franchises!

-Fuckwords and graphic violence like if Quentin Tarantino directed some of the most memorable Jim Henson Studios movies.

The script/dialogue was a *little off* at times, but for the most part, the charm of the characters and the number of times I LOL'd made up for it.

In the words of a friend and fellow comic illustrator who personally knows Shutter's artist, Leila del Duca (she's from where I live apparently, and a peer to some of my friends), "She can draw circles around just about all of us."

Seriously, del Duca's art is SOOO good at striking balance between busy linework and clean, clear storytelling. Owen Gieni's colouring adds a lot to the vibrancy and fun feel of the book as well and should not be overlooked.

Shutter is now one of my favourite current comics and I can't wait to get my hands on more of it.
Profile Image for Nancy O'Toole.
Author 18 books60 followers
December 3, 2014
Shutter is a new series from Image comics. Kate Kristopher once traveled the world and went on adventures with her father, which later inspired a series of bestselling books. But now she's an adult, her father has died, and her adventures are behind her. That is until she finds out that her family history is more complicated than she first suspected.

Shutter has a lot of good things going for it, the most obvious being the incredibly vibrant artwork by Leila del Duca. Joe Keatinge has crafted a wonderfully creative world quite unlike anything in comics today, and del Duca does more than her fair share in bringing it to life. But while the art is amazing, the world is unique, and the characters pretty damn likable (talking alarm clock cat!), the book is somewhat bogged down by simply having too much going on at once. I found myself wishing that it had taken a little longer to have us get to know the characters and Kate's world before everything is completely thrown on its head. I also wasn't fond of the side story involving the anthropomorphic lions. Still, there's a lot of great potential to be found in Shutter. I will certainly be checking out volume two when it is released, but I'll likely try and get it from my library instead of paying full price.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 369 reviews

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