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His, No Matter What

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Dear Author,
I’m both nervous and excited about my big brother attending my college graduation.

I’ve always looked up to him, but something changed when I was about thirteen. He’d gone away to college and came home for Thanksgiving. Any lingering doubts about my sexuality vanished. It had just been a few months, but somehow he looked very different: older, hotter, more sophisticated.

I know I shouldn’t feel this way about my brother, and I swear I’ve tried to stop thinking of him in that way. But no guy I’ve been with has measured up to him. I haven’t seen him since before I started college, but I’ll never forget the way he looked at me that last time. It gave me hope that he might feel the same for me.

This weekend, I’m going to find out.

Photo Description:
The young man, his defined chest bared and jeans hanging loosely around his hips, stares out from the picture. From beneath the shadow of his sweater’s hood his eyes glitter, dark and enticing but troubled. His hands are clasped behind his back, as though he’s trying to stop himself from reaching out to grab something or someone.

This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

58 pages, ebook

First published August 28, 2014

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About the author

S.J. Lenox

2 books2 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,445 reviews507 followers
May 19, 2019
3.5 Stars

Geezus. That was intense.

I'm not one for much taboo, so this was above my pay grade like 100 times.

Now granted, I've read rock and adored it. I’ve also read Dark Soul: The Complete Collection which was too brief to fully contemplate. However, this entire story is all about the forbidden love between Adam and Patrick, and it was filled with realistic turmoil and want and need.

Oh so hot and oh so wrong. I’m conflicted but regardless, this still wrought out a happy win and I wish them all the best.
Profile Image for Irina Elena.
714 reviews168 followers
January 3, 2015
This is bad. This is really, really bad.

For starters, incest is great, incest is cool and fine and dandy (in romance - I wouldn't know about real life, but to each their own), but what was going on between Adam and Patrick felt creepy as fuck. On Adam's part, it felt more like sibling worship plus sexual obsession than a crush, or love, or whatever it was meant to feel like. On Patrick's side... well, let's just say the unbrotherly feelings began to make an appearance long before Adam was age-appropriate for sex. And my definition of age-appropriate is extremely loose.

Also, you know that thing where an author overuses qualifiers to such an extent that you feel like throwing up with every sentence you read?
Two adjectives for every noun, one adverb per verb, all throughout this thing.
Do you have any idea of what I've just been through? DO YOU?
Guys, good writing is subjective, tolerable writing isn't.
And nobody likes overdramatic, slightly nonsensical storylines.

I also had the imponderable pleasure of assisting to an excessive number of overlong sex scenes featuring no characterisation whatsoever.
Just swell.

It's not as if I hadn't read worse (there's always worse), but let's just say I am so very relieved it's over.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
September 28, 2014

(This is my brocest smile)

I love brocest, better than twincest especially with a decent age gap. (5 years, don't freak)

*owns the pervosity*

Other than my prompt, this was the one I wanted to read the most. And it was goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Some parts dragged but overall, le yum. I bought the desperation and lust between Adam and Patrick.

Nine years worth of longing and that was a smutty ending. And we get a HEA too? Well for brothers. I really liked it. There was a plot, we got the forbidden feelings.

And the sex. It was pretty hot, taboo smut that didn't overtake the entire story but the 30-35% of smut was nice. *grunts*

Thanks to the author and the team behind this story. 4.25 stars

Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews476 followers
August 30, 2014
Brocest. Gotta love who you love.

Little rushed in the transition, but nice yearning and then plentiful smexing after they finally came together. They felt like brothers, but were in that suspended reality with no interactions with outsiders until the end. Hard to get across emotions and motivations in a short time, but pretty convincing.
Profile Image for Kristan.
379 reviews38 followers
July 24, 2015
I can't believe I'm rating a brocest novel 4 stars considering I try to stay away from this genre. But you know what? It surprised me. I adore the type of angst that's a result of unrequited feelings and this was done so well that in the end it didn't matter to me that the two MCs were brothers.

Adam has been the faithful puppy to his older brother, tagging along wherever he went, and adoring him his whole life. At 13, he begins to realize that not only is he gay, but he has some serious feelings for his brother that won't go away. That was the year that Patrick inadvertently came out as gay, and their mother hasn't welcomed him home since. Nine years later and Patrick comes home for Adam's college graduation and all of those unwelcome feelings are there, but stronger. It seems that Adam is done fighting it, and Patrick is too.

The writing is great and the characters are well realized; although I think Adam more so than Patrick. At one point Adam muses to himself how little he knows of his brother and it's a reflection of how little we are told about his life. This is more of a slice in their life now (this very weekend) rather than an over all feeling of who they are or their past experiences. The story unfolds in a bubble as there are no outside forces or people involved, and it takes place over a weekend. Both MCs get POVs and even a HEA (although how they plan on addressing their relationship to others is a mystery as they never discuss it).

A short and steamy read, and all around enjoyable.
My thanks to the author for their time and participation in the Loves Landscapes event.
Profile Image for Dee.
486 reviews6 followers
September 3, 2014
2.5 stars rounded up.

Well, I love brocest, not an issue for me. Not so keen on the under age issue . The issues in this story for me were the nine years no contact whatsoever. None. Between two very close, loving brothers (out of the gutters people, I'm not even talking romantic love, I mean purely fraternal at present). Internet anyone? Letters? Third party bystanders? I mean there's enough contact nine years later to know your mum's not attending your brothers graduation but not enough to throw him a line meanwhile about how you've been doing? Also the ending. But, the sex was bloody hot!
Profile Image for C.M. Walker.
Author 6 books21 followers
August 31, 2014
Thank you, S.J. Lenox, for taking on my prompt with the "taboo" subject and coming through with such a lovely story. Even just the title had me excited and anxious for the story...perfectly capturing the tone I'd hoped for.

I loved both these boys and am now joyfully imaging where they go from here...should you ever feel inclined to write a sequel. ;-)
Profile Image for W.
1,431 reviews138 followers
May 15, 2019
A free, short and 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥taboo story.
Profile Image for Sandra.
4,100 reviews13 followers
October 31, 2014

Offered for FREE from the M/M Romance Group's Love's Landscapes event. Thank you too all the amazing authors who participated!

Hmm, well, the story doesn't really fit the picture at all. The brothers both have black hair, Patrick has a hairy chest and Adam is scrawny. Weird, but okay.

Given the subject matter, this was a fairly light read for me. Of course there is angst initially as Adam worries over his feelings, but once the guys get together it goes pretty easily and is pretty hot. They are both adults once the smexin happens, but I thought that 'almost' scene when Patrick was 18/19 and Adam was 13 was unrealistic.

I guessed at our little HEA twist , although I think it should have been done differently . But I liked that we got to see Patricks POV too. It explained a teensy bit why he went radio-silent, but I still think just showing up after 9 years without a word is weird. And just like my spoiler tag above, way too coincidental
Profile Image for Lizzie.
446 reviews11 followers
August 30, 2014
I always thought that I wouldn't like a story about this subject matter and I have come across a few that just shouldn't have gone there, but then you find a story like this. This was so well done and the character so sweet and so torn over their feelings you can't help but root for them. It also makes you wonder if sometimes Fate or Mother Nature or God, whatever you believe in, just doesn't get it right the first time. That maybe they make a mistake in putting soul mates in the wrong roles and this is what comes of it. Because really, it has to be an incredibly strong pull for a person to commit incest. And I'm not talking about abuse or rape or coercion, but falling in love. Anyway, enough of philosophizing since all I really wanted to say was that I liked it.
Profile Image for Jeanne 'Divinae'.
994 reviews17 followers
August 29, 2014
I liked this story. Even though the love is there between both of brothers, they struggle with their feelings for many years. Finally, they are able to go against society's views and enter a relationship.

They loved each other will all their heart and being.

Adam and Patrick are brothers. Patrick has been away from Adam for nine years. Patrick has finally came home to Adam and Adam is an emotional roller coaster. Their type of love, is the kind that involves sexual fantasies. Adam has craved his brother for almost a decade. Patrick was and is his only love. He knows he shouldn’t have these feelings for his brother, but his heart feels otherwise. It is torture being so close, yet so far away.

Patrick has loved his brother for a long time, much more than a brother should. He wants Adam as his lover. He knows he should push his feelings of (this type of) love away. When their mother found out he was gay, he was kicked out. It was best opportunity to run away from his feelings. He was certain he had seen his brother look at him the same way. After nine years, he finally comes home to Adam. But soon they both realize that no time apart will ever make their feelings for one another fade.

We follow their journey from brothers into a ‘forbidden relationship'. We see them both struggle with it. But finally, they both fall over the edge together and there is no going back, only going forward.
Profile Image for Jenna.
669 reviews33 followers
September 7, 2014
3.5 stars

I read this while sleep deprived, so unfortunately I don't have many coherent thoughts about it other than it was hot, and I loved the way the author was able to show the depth of their feelings for each other through their actions (the way they looked at one another, lingering touches, etc). Good stuff.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
917 reviews7 followers
October 13, 2015
I loved this story. It was sooo sweet, such a great build up of sexual tension and a beautiful happily ever after. The sex was soooooo deliciously hot (what can I say I love some brocest) hmm definitly will re read when I'm after a short, sweet and satisfyingly sexy story.
Profile Image for Lori.
Author 2 books98 followers
September 3, 2014
A guilty pleasure...but oh, the love and the heat. And the love. Hmm.Thank you for this story. X
Profile Image for Makhda.
874 reviews141 followers
December 19, 2014
3.5 stars

I feel weird for liking this. Considering I try to stay away from this genre.


But they clearly hopelessly in love with each other and I feel the chemistry between them. :)

Thank you for participating in this event and sharing this with us, dear author^^

Profile Image for melek.
1,186 reviews9 followers
April 12, 2015
Be warned this story may not be for everyone 9 years ago Patrick left after his mum found out he was gay and now his back for his brother Adams graduation. And what they feel for each other goes both ways. They in love they know it's wrong but they can't help it it just happened.
Profile Image for Michelle.
254 reviews7 followers
September 2, 2015
This is one of those times when I'll say read Kristan's review because she said all there is to be said, especially the part about how they're gonna address their relationship now since they decide to have a go at it once they're in Seattle.
Profile Image for Mel.
649 reviews79 followers
July 18, 2015

To love your brother. To have this deep unbreakable bond and trust. To fall in love with your brother... The idea fascinates me. Not because I can imagine this for myself, but because I like to think it is possible to have auch a special relationship.
You can think this is wrong or gross, unethical. I think love has no boundaries, and who am I to judge.

You can see I am intrigued by this subject. I love to fantasise. And while I liked 'His, No Matter What', it din't blew me away. I liked it, but I'd rather it be better and different.

The writing style... Too much description, not enough dialogue. Too much build-up, not enough sexual tension. Too much sex all at once, not enough talk between the brothers in the end. Why weren't there more conflicted feelings after the deed? What made them decide to give their relationship a real shot?
The POV was a bit confusing. While it was clear whose perspective you are reading, it felt weird to nearly always read Adam's POV, but sometimes Patrick's, too. I think it would have been better if it was divided more equally. I guess, the sexual tension would have been a lot better, too, then.

Why didn't they talk more about their current lives? They hadn't seen each other for so long... This didn't feel natural.
While there were glimpses of their brotherly bond, I would have loved to read more about it. What did they experience together to forge it?
We get that they are attracted to each other, but why exactly do they love each other so much? What sets their relationship apart from that of other siblings?

Why the heck didn't they use protection??? No contagion between relatives, right?

As I said, I liked the book. It's free and therefore I recommend it. I would have just loved to see more. My curiosity is not entirely satisfied.
Profile Image for Siina.
Author 34 books21 followers
February 16, 2016
I admit that gay brotherly love is a kink of mine. It's just that I'm not in it and all the gay stuff for the sex, really. It's a great bonus when well written, but I'm much more interested in the psychological aspect of it and it is usually lacking from stories like this. His, No Matter What is a short story about Adam, who's been in love with his brother Patrick since he was thirteen. Patrick got kicked out of the house because he was gay and now he's back to see Adam graduate and well, then some hot man sex morals flying through the window faster than you can say "boner". The story is written OK and the flow is good, which makes this a quick read. Lenox can write, although the sex scenes are somewhat hard to grasp at times. The scenes would've needed some other content around them too, since now it's just bonking and more bonking in a different position.

The problem for me is that this is erotica for women. There's hardly any plot and all the brothers can think about is how gorgeous the other looks. It's like they cannot function in the proximity of each other. Same thing happens in many YA books when all the main character can think is how awesome someone's muscles look glistening with sweat. Is it so wrong to want more from my porn (or YA for that matter)? So seldom do I find stories in which the main point isn't the sex, which gets boring thanks to the repetition and in a way, pointlessness. His, No Matter What is still one of the better erotica novels out there, which tells more about the genre than anything else. Incest as a topic would need better handling then just "I just couldn't help myself and stuck my dick in my sibling, oh the bliss".
Profile Image for Arlyn.
1,137 reviews86 followers
April 2, 2016
Adam is young when we meet him...about 13 years old . He always idolized his older brother Patrick, who is 5 years his senior. However, lately his adoration of Patrick has taken a distinctly sexual turn. Adam vascillates between lust and shame when he's around Patrick, always afraid his secret will be revealed. Every day he spends with Patrick, his fixation on him grows.

Patrick has always made room for Adam in his life, never talking down to him or excluding him because of his age. Patrick is horrified to find that he is lusting after Adam, and doesn't trust himself to be alone with him.

One terrible night, the brothers are devastated when they are separated against their will. Years go by before they are reunited. Only now Adam is an adult, and it seems their time apart did nothing to temper their lust. What's in store for Adam and Patrick as they struggle to control their urges or face what could undoubtedly be a volatile situation?

I'm not telling you what happens next.

If you're curious, the read is relatively short and available for free through the M/M Romance Group.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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