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Un grand amour peut en cacher un autre

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« Pour attirer le regard d'un homme incarnant la perfection masculine, je savais qu'il allait me falloir exploiter mon potentiel au maximum. Bien entendu, je n'imaginais pas une seule seconde réussir à me métamorphoser en cygne, toutefois j'étais bien décidée à me transformer au moins en… je ne sais pas, moi… en oie du Canada ! »

Depuis qu’elle a quatorze ans, Millie flashe (sans succès mais avec une persévérance sans faille) sur le beau, le sublime, le parfait Joe Carpenter. Ses études de médecine terminées, elle retourne s’installer dans sa petite ville d'Eastham au bord de l’océan, dans la région de Cape Cod, bien décidée cette fois à conquérir celui qu’elle considère comme l’homme de sa vie, et la perfection incarnée sur la terre. Après beaucoup d’efforts (jogging à la limite de l’hyperventilation, régime sans pitié, séances chez un coiffeur à la pointe de la mode capillaire, révision intégrale de sa garde-robe…), Millie parvient — enfin ! — à allumer une étincelle de convoitise dans le regard de Joe. Sauf que rien, mais alors rien du tout, ne se passe comme elle l’avait rêvé…

448 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2006

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About the author

Kristan Higgins

52 books12.3k followers
Kristan Higgins is the New York Times, USA TODAY and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than twenty novels, which have been translated into more than two dozen languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. If you want to receive a free short story and be notified when Kristan releases a new book, sign up at kristanhiggins.com.

Kristan enjoys gardening, mixology, the National Parks and complimenting strangers on their children. The mother of two entertaining and wonderful humans, and the grandmother of one perfect child, Kristan lives in Connecticut with her heroic firefighter husband, cuddly dog and indifferent cat.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 773 reviews
Profile Image for Tammy.
126 reviews
September 22, 2009
Reading this book was like chewing on a lemon, hoping it would taste sweet. Chewing harder didn't change the taste. Adding sugar only covered the sour taste temporarily. Pretending the lemon was a juicy, sweet plum didn't help either.

Millie Barnes has had a crush on Joe Carpentar since middle school. She knows everything about Joe and I mean everything. Millie is a world class stalker. Unfortunately, Joe is one of the cool kids and he never really notices plain ole', overweight Millie.

Millie leaves home to attend medical school. She returns to Cape Cod several years later as Doctor Millie Barnes and she has a plan - to finally win the attention of Joe Carpentar the Carpentar. (The name of his business alone should've been her first clue!) She moves into a house she inherited from her grandmother and begins remodeling, adopts a dog (because Joe has a dog), volunteers at the Senior Center (because Joe is working construction at the center) and she takes up jogging to lose weight (running by Joe's house or work).

The book started with too many cliches ...

Girly makeover?


Gay best friends who own a salon?


Beautiful, perfect older blond sister?


Gorgeous, dumb jock who is desired by all women?


In spite of Millie's hair-brained attempts to attract Joe - and let me tell you there are some doosies! - he doesn't notice her until she heroically delivers a baby on the beach. Joe asks Millie on a date and the relationship she has always dreamed about finally comes to fruition.

Several dates into the relationship (and a couple of bad sexual experiences later), Millie realizes dating Joe ain't what it's cracked up to be. For a woman who is supposed to be smart enough to be a medical doctor, she isn't very bright. Not true to the character the author was trying to create.

There is a very interesting subplot involving Millie's gold-digging sister, Trish, her teenage son and her yummy ex-husband, Sam, who is a local Cape Cod cop. I loved Sam's strong, quiet ways. For Sam and Sam alone I am giving this one 3 stars!

Millie doesn't wise-up until the last 60 pages or so of the book when she realizes she is in love with someone else. A very yummy someone else. *hint hint* 60 pages or so of sweetness! That's it! Not enough sugar to make lemonade out of sour lemons. I love Kristan Higgin's books, but I felt gypped and the whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth. I highly recommend Just One of the Guys if you want to read something by this author.

Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,810 reviews6,711 followers
May 20, 2018
Fools Rush in is a sweet but complicated story about a girl who thinks she knows what she wants. She just has to get "what she wants" to notice her. And sometimes when we want something for too long, the reality just doesn't live up to the dream we've stored on that very attractive pedestal.

This Kristan Higgins standalone romance features a likable heroine that you can't help but want to shake sometimes. The storyline is full of internal conflict and decision making that doesn't quite seem to fit with our very educated and professional heroine's persona IMO. It's predictable and a bit confusing at times due to the aforementioned contradiction. Regardless, I found Fools Rush in an extremely pleasant way to spend a rainy afternoon. Romantic, funny, and thoughtful, Kristan Higgins' fans will want to add this one to their list.

My favorite quote:
"Busy is when you need to do your grocery shopping, clean the bathroom and go to work all on the same day. Raising two children, especially without a husband, was a holy mission."
Profile Image for Jennifer.
498 reviews36 followers
October 18, 2013
There is something wrong with me. Maybe I am actually a Kristan Higgins heroine, smart but compulsively unable to avoid what I KNOW is bad for me! I mean, I give her credit, she writes very breezy, readable books. But lordy, her heroines are dingbats. Dress them up as doctors or what have you, they are all pretty much romantically stunted - all the way back to high school. My big question is how Millie's supposed straight-talking, no-nonsense, bitch-on-wheels bff actually stayed friends with her. Can you imagine a single mom of two boys being entertained by the selfish phone calls and pre-teen lovelorn ramblings of her 30 year old pal?

Also, the actual love story - was not as advertised per book blurb. 'Twas a bit more fraught than indicated. Again, I should have known better, because she definitely has a formula - which is to drag family crap in whenever possible.

I KNOW. People hate when reviewers review books they know they won't like. I swear I've learned my lesson, ok? So two stars for me, but just take it with a grain of salt, will ya? If you love chick lit and..the Cape?..you might love this!
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews285 followers
May 21, 2014

" Millie," he whispered a little hoarsely, " I want you to know that this is not some passing thing. I look at you and see the rest of my life."

Yet another successful and emotional book by KH! Seeing as this was her first book, it definitely didn't read like a debut. It was just as emotional and affecting as her later work, and I loved it. There's something to be said about all her stories. Romance, humour, lots of family dynamics and at least in my case, much room for tears--the good and sad kind.

Millie returns to the Cape after her residency to set up shop as a family doctor. She also sets her sights on her long time crush and megahot ladies man, Joe Carpenter. She makes a plan and many hilarious lists in order to finally get Joe to notice her. She's always believed that with the right prodding and 'accidental run ins' her fairy tale would finally come true.

But all throughout this time she has her great friend and ex brother-in-law, Sam Nickerson. His divorce from her sister, Trish, has been finalized. They're friends and slowly, with spending time with each other, lines get blurred. But Millie can't see past her infatuation with Joe. What I loved so much was how we saw that sometimes the person we build in our head is nothing like the one in real life. I think we've all had crushes on people and thought we knew them just because we knew some of their habits. That made Millie so relatable because although she put Joe on a pedestal he didn't deserve, she suffered from what many girls have done before her. Minus the fact she's an adult, I remember doing that when I was a teenager! But when reality clashes with fantasy, it's very humbling.

Loved Sam, that was his quote up there. He was such an amazing man. He was rugged yet handsome and confident in himself. He was loyal and kind, a great father to his son, Dan. His pure and intense feelings for Millie were natural and you couldn't help but feel these two were destined. Some people might suffer the 'ick' factor since Millie is trish's sister, but I didn't get that. I guess knowing about all the details surrounding Sam's and Trish's life together made the relationship between Sam and Millie non-incidental.
I did feel really bad for Joe, eventually. Poor guy was just a big kid. And the last 20 or so pages had me crying and sniffling till the end! And that's the one thing that makes me love KH so much...her ability to affect me so profoundly with her fantastic storytelling. I have one more book, than I've exhausted all the work she has out. Then it's waiting for the upcoming books in her Blue Heron series, which is among my faves by her. Who am I kidding? Freakin' love EVERYTHING by her!
Profile Image for Christiane.
41 reviews
January 7, 2012
Let me just tell you what happens so you don't have to waste your time and read it. Millie Barnes is endearing for 3.7 seconds and then turns into the most annoying, immature, unlikeable person ever. Oh, and she's a doctor. I don't know how, because she's so stupid, but whatever. Ever since high school she's been pining over the most perfect, gorgeous man, Joe Carpenter the Carpenter (I'm serious) who is, you guessed it, a carpenter. She loses weight and pretties herself and stalks him (something she's been doing since high school) and eventually gets him to fall for her. She dates him for a little while only to find out he isn't as perfect as she made him out to be in her nutjob head. Eventually she figures out that she is in love with her sister's ex-husband, Sam (I could have told you this from about Chapter 2). And what a shocker, he's in love with her too! All this boring, not important stuff happens and they end up married at the end of the book, which is just weird.

There are also other characters in the book: her sister Trish (also unlikable), Trish and Sam's teenage son/her nephew Danny (cool kid, just kind of unrealistic), her parents (I can't even remember their names), Digger (the dog she adopted as part of her plan to win Joe over), Joe's 3-legged dog (can't remember his name, either, but he was pretty cool), her best girl friend (nope, don't know her name, either), and her two typical best gay guy friends (you guessed it, their names slipped my mind, too), among some other people who don't really matter.

I am all for mindless, cheesy chick lit, but this one was just bad. I could have written better dialogue and I definitely don't have a way with words.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
984 reviews141 followers
July 20, 2017

Another enjoyable read by Kristan Higgins. I so enjoy her characters. Millie was great though there were moments when she was going on and on about Joe that I just wanted to pinch her and tell her it might be time to move on. And talking about Joe, he might not have been the brightest bulb but what a good guy he was.

Daniel was great too. He was such a sweetie. And then Sam. He really was perfect. Kind, patient, loving and sexy in his own way.

If you enjoy KH then this one is worthy of your time. I will say that it did take a bit of time for 'things' to get going so have some patience. :) I especially adored the last chapter and loved the Epilogue. ❤

Profile Image for Laura.
775 reviews189 followers
February 14, 2023
Contemporary romance with a main character that pines over a guy for decades. They finally get together and it takes her a couple of hundred pages to figure out he's nothing like who she built up in her head. She finally faces her true love is her brother-in-law (divorced from her sister) when the sister comes back into the picture to reclaim her ex. It ends with a happily ever after but has a lot of drama for a romance novel.
Profile Image for BookLover.
387 reviews80 followers
May 28, 2017
Once again, Kristan Higgins drops her readers into the life of her heroine and makes you feel like you’ve known her your whole life.

Millie has her heart set on a life she has built up in her head to be perfect and that perfect life revolves around her crush since high school, Joe. Who among us hasn’t created a perfect version of someone in their mind, one with bits of reality and a LOT of fantasy?

I really enjoyed this story. Millie gets exactly what she has always wanted and soon realizes that reality does not live up to her fantasy.

Sam was the best part of the book. I loved Sam’s interactions with Millie. Their closeness and banter was great. Millie took longer than I would have liked to work through her feelings but it was a great payoff when she finally did.

Really enjoyed this one!!
Profile Image for Lorna.
1,561 reviews71 followers
July 3, 2020
4.5 stars rounded up. Narration by Xe Sands was 5 stars as usual. I loved the story and the characters even if a bit predictable although it did surprise me at times. Half a star taken off due to the heroine’s actions at times in the first part of the book. She’s a doctor and should be more intelligent than that. Or at least have more common sense. Any book that I finish with a big smile after not being able to stop listening deserves at least 4.5 stars. Xe Sands narration certainly added to that as it always does. Heartwarming adult read for ages 16 plus. Highly recommended to romance readers. Great listen!
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,192 followers
July 12, 2019

“I want you to know that this is not some passing thing. I look at you and I see the rest of my life.”

A sweet romance, dished up in full Kristan Higgins style. Only a few quirks for me, mostly to do with the gullibility of the heroine, and the beta nature of the hero. Other than that... I loved it.
Profile Image for Ariannha.
1,211 reviews
February 18, 2019
Me he reído mucho con esta historia, no es de las más memorables de Higgins, pero tienen su toque, y son excelentes para pasar el rato.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,390 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2017
Millie is back on Cape Cod, after ten years. Her teenage crush, Joe is still there and she feels she has to up the ante to catch his attention. Ok, maybe a bit immature to be crushing on the one person for over 15 years ... but, it's fiction. Hey, maybe it happens in real life too.

OK, maybe the cottage is not exactly on the ocean ....

Here she is, ladies and gentlemen. Dr. Millie Barnes, winner of the Boston Marathon! I looked at my watch again. Twenty-eight minutes. 1.7 miles. That was awesome. I had done it. My convulsive gasping took a while to stop, but after all, what a workout.

LOL. You have to start somewhere.

Ok, Joe was good-looking but, dear Lord, not the "sharpest knife in the drawer." I used to have a boyfriend who was friends with my brother ... my brother and his friends used to call him "Bung". When I asked why they called him that, he answered, "'Bungalow', you know, 'nothing upstairs'."!! No, the relationship did not last.

"I want you to know that this is not some passing thing. I look at you and I see the rest of my life."

Sam was kinda perfect.

All of a sudden, summer was over. It was a bittersweet time. Never had I felt so in tune with the seasons ... My summer brightness had faded, and I felt a long winter of the soul coming on.

I enjoy this author. She has a quirky, fun sense of humour.
Profile Image for Veronika Can.
274 reviews36 followers
June 24, 2020
Labai silpna knyga.. užvertei ir pamiršai :) iš tokių lengvų knygų tikiuosi humoro ar gražios ir romantiškos meilės istorijos, bet čia visko pritrūko, nebuvo įdomu. Nuspėjama. Gražus ir nuotaikingas knygos viršelis. Ir tik tiek :)

🖋️ Man patiko sudarinėti sąrašus. Jie teikdavo malonumą ir saugumą, mažindavo klaidų tikimybę ir padėdavo susitelkti į tikslą.
🖋️ Kai esi su žmogumi, kurį tikrai myli, savaime atsiskleidžia tavo gerosios savybės. Tau nereikia apsimetinėti, kad esi geriausia iš visų.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
614 reviews40 followers
January 8, 2023
12/17/2022 Re-reading on audible

But I felt stupid, crying by myself, and besides, Digger kept trying to climb up on my lap and lick the delicious combination of salty tears and Cheetos dust off my face. I pushed him down and blew my nose. I wanted to call someone....There was nobody. Nobody would understand. Boo hoo hoo. Pulling the afghan over me, I fumbled for the remote and clicked on the TV, unaware that the next day, everything would change.
This was the second to last book in my Kristan Higgins Marathon. This one started off slow, but I liked it more and more as the book went on. I always enjoy a good evil sister/good sister angle. Much of the humor in this one came from the reader being able to see through Millie's crush from the very beginning, and her being so blind and clueless as to his true character and intelligence level. When is she finally going to see through him and recognize her true feelings for Sam? It kept me in a constant state of anticipation. (What will finally make the light turn on??) As it turns out, it is pretty bad. Kristan is very great at showing a character's personality, rather than telling. It's up to the reader to read between the lines. Kristan has a whole set of gimmicks that she uses in every single book. Someone should really do a spreadsheet. Cute interjection? lovable old people? unlovable old people? quirky townspeople? Secondary romance? older relatives' marriage on the rocks? Mean but misunderstood relative? check check check and check. Still, I enjoy even the cliches written by her, I get sucked in every time.

**01/08/2023** Not too many thoughts to add upon finishing the audio version as a re-read. Xe sands is far from my favorite reader, but she was OK with this one. My last few sentences about Kristan's little gimmicks do not really hold true, though, in this novel. This one does not include a family marriage on the rocks, and I don't recall any quirky townspeople or cute interjections either. another common Kristan trope is not in play here either: a very difficult mother. However, it does include some other tropes: Gay best friends, solid best girlfriend, disastrously hilarious date, a fun local bar, and wonderful and flawless teenage boy beloved by all. But Kristan does these so well they just add to the enjoyment.
The drama near the end was very entertaining, believable, and added a good bit of tension, emotion, and suspense. I loved that the misunderstanding providing a final roadblock to the happy ending was resolved quickly, sensibly, and romantically. It was also pretty cute and funny. The ending in this one was particularly satisfying and touching. Lots of descriptors there in one short paragraph there!

Profile Image for Linda .
1,879 reviews311 followers
July 11, 2016
Kristan Higgins is one of those endearing authors that has a romance formula that works. She takes a gullible, needy, susceptible thirtiesh woman and adds some family drama, a dog and an attraction to a man who is (usually) out of her field. She includes light humor, some goofball embarrassing instances and lots of realistic moments. ->As in, this could have been you.<- Elementary school friendships, cherished hangouts and cheery softball games add to the homespun yarn. Older parents are still alive and petty adult sibling rivalry exists. Like in real life.

FOOLS RUSH IN is Ms. Higgins first published book and a stand-alone as far as I know. I have read several other stories by this author and have enjoyed them tremendously. Bittersweet at times, the stories are often simultaneously heart-wrenching and heartwarming.

Millie Barnes grew up loving Joe Carpenter from afar. She was the younger sister of a self-centered, thin, drop-dead gorgeous teenager. As for herself, she had been overweight, had issues with acne and was one of the little-remembered crowd throughout high school. She yearned for the day sumptuous, handsome Joe would ask her out. It took a makeover, exercise, losing some pounds and sixteen years. She was a doctor now and had returned to her hometown. And Joe.

For the majority of the story we see Millie going through various ups and downs resettling herself now that she was home. Yes, there are a lot of cliches but sometimes it is nice to escape into a goofy story. Along the way Millie finally grows up and learns some valuable life lessons. And maybe, just maybe, the person you were meant to love has been in front of you the whole time.
Profile Image for Ririn Aziz.
761 reviews100 followers
February 10, 2021
3.5 stars

I'm not sure how many times that I read this book. Maybe 3 or 4 or maybe 5 times haha. And I used to love this so much. Friends-to-lovers is one of my favourite trope.

But this time around, I think Millie is shallow and selfish. She's fun and all that, but when it comes to the heart matters, all her smartness is gone, blinded by her obsession with Joe.

I really feel sorry for Joe. When he thinks he found somebody who really care about him, he was told that it was a lie all along. As soon as Millie realized that Joe is not as perfect as her imaginary man, she dumped him with the flimsiest excuse. I knew she was sorry and knew it was her mistakes all along, but still it felt wrong.

It was tricky when your perfect man was there all along, it's just out of your reach until fate gives you the opening.
Profile Image for Bertha.
312 reviews6 followers
February 2, 2020
zo,n heerlijk boek. Die wil je gewoon doorlezen. Een boek met heel veel liefde, humor en af en toe een traan.
Profile Image for 〰️Beth〰️.
741 reviews59 followers
May 6, 2019
It’s hard to like a book when you dislike the heroine!

Basically the first 2/3 of this book could have been scrapped, ok shrunk to 50 pages or less. The writing was good, but the main character was annoying. Crazy when 80% your cheering for the one dimensional older sister.

After that some improvements in story and character arc. I might actually read book two because I liked both those characters in this book and see great potential character arcs.
Profile Image for Mela.
1,777 reviews236 followers
November 9, 2022
Kristan Higgins took a rather difficult issue. I know she writes always deeper books but I was quite anxious how she coped with it. But she did it well. It only shows that she is a really good writer.

The summary of this book doesn't tell the most important thing about the plot, you must read the novel or believe me when I say the plot/love story is more complicated than the summary suggests.

So, I have read another charming, witty and wise romance by Higgins. Two proofs/quotes:

Real love would be when no matter how happy you were at any given moment, it would be better with the person you love. Like having that person there would make it perfect

I want you to know that this is not some passing thing. I look at you and I see the rest of my life.

Comparing to modern romances it deserves four stars, but comparing to other Higgins' book I have read I rate it on three stars.
Profile Image for Gwen (The Gwendolyn Reading Method).
1,702 reviews477 followers
October 1, 2017
Millie annoyed me a LOT at first. But I love the character of Sam. He's the type of leading man I wish there was more of in romance. And after a while the character of Millie got less annoying, til the point I really enjoyed this book. The ending to me felt rushed, I felt like there needed to be more dedicated to especially his son coming to grips with the whole thing. I think it would have made the emotional denouement more satisfying.
Profile Image for JuD.
539 reviews17 followers
March 24, 2019
Leer a Kristan es siempre un acierto y es que esta autora siempre logra engancharme a sus libros, consigue sacarme una sonrisa y emocionarme mucho con sus historias.
En este caso es cierto que al inicio la protagonista me daba algo de miedo por su obsesión con Joe, pero a la vez tenía unos momentos especiales en los que no podías parar de reir.
Profile Image for Andrea.
836 reviews177 followers
April 19, 2019
ONE! That’s all that’s left on my Higgin’s backlist- those lovely, escape-from-my-reality books she writes so effortlessly. So, I closed this heartwarming story somewhat sad knowing there’s only one left. All I can do is send sparkly encouragement out into the world hoping it will reach Higgin’s and inspire her crank out more fabulous new books. (And I’m guessing her other readers are just as impatient as I am!!)
Profile Image for MRB.
89 reviews
June 11, 2013
WARNING: Review contains some mild to moderate spoilers! :)

I'd always remembered this book as my least favorite of Kristan Higgins' novels. Convinced that the problem must be with my sieve-like memory rather than with the book itself, I tried rereading it a couple of months ago, and was pleased by how adorable and engaging and...OH. I soon recalled all too vividly why I could barely bring myself to finish this one the first time around. I try very hard to avoid using spoilers in my reviews, but in order to go beyond a very unhelpful "eh, it just didn't work for me!", this time they can't be avoided. Bear in mind, though, that these spoilers are evident to the reader quite early on!

***************SPOILER ALERT********************

I can deal with Millie stalking the guy she's convinced she's meant to be with though very, very obviously isn't. It's played mostly for laughs rather than as a sign of instability, and sets up a nice 'be careful what you wish for' theme that always resonates with me. And so many of KH's heroines are adorably pathetic in this same exact, weirdly likable way that it barely fazes me by now. What DOES bother me is that, in all too typical KH-ish fashion, we devote so much time to this clearly-going-nowhere storyline about the guy who's so obviously wrong for her that we hardly get to know the actual "hero" at all. Even the fact that we barely get to know the main male love interest, though, is so typical of KH's books (most of which I feel are more "chick lit" than romance anyway) that it's something I'd happily accept, only...

...that love interest happens to be her sister's ex-husband! And not someone her sister married years ago on a whim and quickly divorced, but someone her sister had been married to for about TWO DECADES! And you can't even dismiss it as ancient history: when the books opens, Sam had split from Millie's sister fairly recently...so recently that he's still actively mourning his marriage to our heroine's sister through much of the book.
I don't come from an especially rigid or traditional family---far from it, in fact. But even I can't imagine pursuing my recently divorced brother-in-law, a guy who had been married to (and sleeping with) my sister for more than 20 years! The sister in question is highly unlikable, by the way, though for me that in no way makes this okay---it just means we get stuck reading about an unlikable character.

This scenario happens to be a squirm-worthy dealbreaker for me, but if it isn't for you, you'll probably enjoy this book. :)

***************END OF SPOILERS****************

Like pretty much everything that KH writes, this book has more than its share of charm, humor and warmth. If the issue described above happens to be in the category of things that doesn't bother you (and if you have a fairly high tolerance for KH's typically needy, stalker-y yet sneakily lovable heroines!), then I'd recommend hitting that 'buy' button. If the setup happens to make you squirm like I did, though, rest assured that she has many other delightful, mood-lifting books from which to choose! Some of which even have heroines who are less pathetic than Millie :)
Profile Image for Sara ♥.
1,369 reviews142 followers
August 16, 2013
From the reviews I read before I started the book, I think most people agree that this is Kristan Higgins's weakest novel. I was sort of hesitant to start, especially since the hero is the heroine's sister's ex-husband (Jerry Springer, anyone?)... But my verdict is:

If this is Kristan Higgins at her worst, bring on the rest! I REALLY liked it! Okay, YES, Millie is a crazy stalker. I didn't realize you could get a medical degree from CGNU, but apparently you can! (GOSH, I love that video! That takes me back!) I mean, don't get me wrong, in HIGH SCHOOL, my friend and I drove past this one hott guy's house like 3 times (Forrest.... mmm... he was pretty!), but she deserved a restraining order! My goodness! Crazy.

And some people were saying things like, "She's a DOCTOR! She wouldn't be this stupid about men!" *raises an eyebrow* How does spending 8 years studying so hard PLUS 3-5 years working so many hours a day you can forget about a social life make someone socially competent? The two don't equate, people. Have you never met a ridiculously smart person who was a bit lacking in social skills? Just saying.

Anyway, Sam was fabulous. And besides Millie's bizarre half-her-lifetime obsession with Joe, she was really great, too! It was a BIT strange that they fell for each other, but I thought it worked. (Maybe because even though he and Trish were pretty recently divorced, things had been not so great for a long time.) I wanted to tear Trish a new one (I just found out what that means... haha!)... what an uber-beeyotch... Danny was great, Katie was great. The other side characters got kinda confusing... I couldn't really keep them straight. But overall, it was a REALLY cute book! I'm glad I took the time to read it!
Profile Image for Mojca.
2,132 reviews162 followers
June 6, 2010
Meet Millie Barnes. She's almost thirty, she's a family doctor recently returned to Cape Cod and she's been secretly harboring a crush on Joe Carpenter for sixteen years. Oh, Joe Carpenter, the Carpenter. Perfect Joe Carpenter. So beautiful he makes traffic stop, so stunning his smile can make a woman's heart flutter at fifty paces. So...Just so Joe.

Well, since she'll be turning thirty soon (which pretty much means she'll enter old age), Millie has finally decided it's about time to make Joe notice her. Because he's perfect, and she's completely in love with him and he's in love with her, he just doesn't know it...And did I mention he's perfect?

And just as it seems her plan might not work, the perfect Joe Carpenter notices she's a woman after all. And asks her out...And she's already picking up glasses and china for their wedding. Because it will be the perfect wedding. A perfect days for her perfect wedding to the perfect Joe Carpenter...Only, not everything is perfect.

I had a rather hard time getting though this book. Don't get me wrong, it was funny when it was meant to be, sad when it was meant to be, hilarious when it was meant to be, angsty when it was meant to be...But I guess it just wasn't "meant to be". It was just too predictable (also thanks to the blurb), and the heroine really got on my nerves. She was a tad too desperate, a tad too blind, a tad too naive, a tad too everything...And rather silly for a thirty-year-old doctor.
And her gay best friend was a tad too déjà vu-ish for my taste, though this time there were two of them.

Too predictable, and too slow in certain places, a story.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,997 reviews157 followers
February 11, 2017
I think I may start just throwing 5-star reviews at all Kristan Higgins' books. This had just the right balance of angst, good pacing, tension and romance. It broke my heart and made me smile - just the right combination of happy/sad. Loved Sam and Joe and especially Millie, who really did remake herself from a chubby kid with braces into a beautiful accomplished doctor. I never stopped rooting for her.

Xe Sands is perfect for the audio. She captured the Cape Cod accents perfectly. She also balanced out the guys, making each one distinguishable with the accent. She's my favourite narrator for Higgins' books.

I just can't get enough of these romances. This is such a great one!
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987 reviews1,105 followers
May 16, 2011
4 1/2 stars. This was a very unique and sweet story. I just loved Millie and her crazy strategy to get Joe. It made for some really funny stuff. The most endearing and charming character was Sam...send him my way, what a man. At times my heart just broke for him. I have to say I shed a tear for Joe too. Katie was so real with her "tell it like it is" advice. Just a great bunch of characters that blended together nicely, some broken hearts, but an ending...as Millie would say...that left my eyes wet!

My only complaint was that I wanted more time with Millie and Sam.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 773 reviews

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