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How to Be a No-Limit Person

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Dyer shares his program for breaking down the barriers that stand in the way of success, telling listeners that they, not their parents, spouses, or supervisors, are in control of their lives. He shows how internal signs--emotions, attitudes, and beliefs--can help deal with frustrations and problems.

2 pages, Audio CD

Published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Wayne W. Dyer

223 books3,295 followers
Wayne Walter Dyer was a popular American self-help advocate, author and lecturer. His 1976 book Your Erroneous Zones has sold over 30 million copies and is one of the best-selling books of all time. It is said to have "[brought] humanistic ideas to the masses".

He received his D.Ed. degree in counseling from Wayne State University. He was a guidance counselor in Detroit at the high school level and a professor of counselor education at St. John's University in New York.
He first pursued an academic career, publishing in journals and running a successful private therapy practice, but his lectures at St. John's, which focused on positive thinking and motivational speaking techniques, attracted students beyond those enrolled. A literary agent persuaded Dyer to package his ideas in book form, resulting in Your Erroneous Zones; although initial sales were thin, Dyer quit his teaching job and began a publicity tour of the United States, doggedly pursuing bookstore appearances and media interviews ("out of the back of his station wagon", according to Michael Korda, making the best-seller lists "before book publishers even noticed what was happening"

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews
Profile Image for Jenny Baker.
1,396 reviews202 followers
February 9, 2022
Sara Blakely recommended this book in her Masterclass, "Self Made Entrepreneur" and discussed how much it changed her life before she created Spanx.

It's only a 2-CD audiobook, but it still has a lot of great content. Dr. Wayne Dyer is great at pointing out the idiotic things we say and do, but doing it in a very nurturing, compassionate way. I love how he makes me question my beliefs and actions while suggesting a better way. We are products of our choices and we need to own up to that. The crap in our heads is just that, all in our heads, which means we have the ability to eliminate it. We have the power to change our lives for the better.

He says you choose your personality and how you age based on your beliefs and choices. And, we can make a living doing anything we enjoy doing. I love that. He makes me feel like I have the power to achieve whatever I want in life.
Profile Image for Kimball.
1,301 reviews20 followers
March 30, 2022
Wayne W. Dyer is my kinda guy. This book was terrific. I'm surprised with all the haters though. Ashley and I listened to most of it while we were camping in Palo Duro State Park. So now I've embedded those book memories there. I'm going to not return it to the lie bury yet so I can listen to it again. Some notables were:

"How you process an event determines your level of happiness and fulfillment and success as a human being."

"You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you."

This last one resonated with my Sweetest Wife, Ashley.

I thought it was interesting of the study of people that were underground and went about their daily lives only slept about 4-5 hours per day. This confirms my belief that "Sleep is for the weak" and apparently it's also for the bored. I can't wait for the day when we find a cure for that dang 1/3 life killer. Those people also ate less food too. People think just because it's a certain social meal time means you have to fill your stomachs. No, dang it, you don't. Skip a meal just for fun every once in awhile and watch the Willpower increase.

Dr. Dyer at the end talked about choosing when our deaths occur. Since this book was written more than a decade before he died I wondered if he "chose" his own death-date last year. He's one of the people I'm really excited to meet in Heaven. In fact, I want to watch the rerun of when he first comes to Heaven and see his reaction. I'm curious.

I really need to cut out the shoulda, coulda, wouldas in my life. They're ruining and going to be the death of me.

***Re-read on 10/6/2016***

I liked his advice when someone is responding to you in anger from something you did. We ought to just volley the ball back by saying "you really feel that way, huh?" Or "You didn't like that then?" Instead of using an "I" statement. Focus on them. That helps to defuse the situation and understand more empathetically what they are going through.

When he talks about pain being in the mind it reminded me of one day after doing a hard weight lifting workout, my muscles were really sore. I ached and could hardly walk down the stairs. Then I had the thought "This isn't so bad, I can hardly feel it." Immediately when I ceased to focus on how much the pain hurt to it not being that bad I felt 50% better.

The people who make you upset in life force you to face yourself. The solution is in the problem.

What you don't face controls your life. That's a pretty profound statement if you think about it.

And finally the majority of people you see on TV are just being smart alecs to each other. Let's not be like that. Let's drop the sarcasm and smart alec-ness.
Profile Image for Eric.
686 reviews9 followers
April 12, 2021
I listened to this after hearing Sara Blakely talk about it in her Masterclass project, and she was not wrong. This is life-changing stuff.
Profile Image for Eva.
486 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2013
This book didn't super resonate with me and/or I'd heard it before...but it seemed like it could def. be useful to some people. Some of his basic ideas are:

1) Bad feelings come from your response to facts, not from the facts themselves. Recognize this and stop feeling victimized -- by traffic, by someone's bad mood, whatever. This sounds like the ABC theory of CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy).

2) Stop thinking that things "should" be different, because your unfounded expectations are making your miserable. This relates to point (1), and it sounds like Adler's work (he talks about "musterbating" and "should-ing all over yourself" :))

3) Take responsibility for changing your life. Maybe there was a time you couldn't, when you were a kid. But now you have the power to do something about it.
Profile Image for Roland.
Author 3 books15 followers
April 9, 2008
Wayne Dyer is truly a douche bag, but this CD set wasn't that bad. It's loaded with crap, sure, but there was also some good advice in it. So, grudgingly, it gets three stars.
Profile Image for Jennifer Gamboa.
Author 10 books27 followers
August 28, 2019
Until we push we don’t know what are true limits are but most people stop way before their limit. With negative self-defeating comments. This book will help you move fast that.
Profile Image for Seemy.
853 reviews8 followers
December 25, 2023
great listening, didn't even know much about dr wayner dyer until going through this program, and was impressed to read/listen to more of his stuff, makes some great points and although could be seen as the typical self help malarky...its good to learn in a new style of teaching and examples shared are great from him

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Profile Image for Terry Koressel.
287 reviews24 followers
September 13, 2017
This is my second listening of "How To Be A No Limit Person". I rarely, if ever, re-read or re-listen to a book, so this is a high recommendation of this book. I have read most of Wayne Dyer's books and they are well worth the time invested. They will change your perspective on life....to the positive. The real value of Wayne Dyer's message is its singular focus on personal responsibility: you are responsible for your happiness; you are responsible for your success; you are responsible for your friendships; you are even responsible for the way people treat you. It is a hard-nosed message, but wonderful and motivating in its limitless possibilities. Wayne Dyer is one of my favorites. It is too bad that it is not required reading for all 1st year college students....they would be better persons with this wisdom.
Profile Image for Kate.
262 reviews25 followers
March 11, 2009
1.5 stars. I only listened to two discs because I got so fed up with Wayne bitching about the ways that... erm, I mean I personally did not enjoy hearing him articulate the varied reasonings behind perceptions of the world OTHER than his ideal NEZ perspective.

I figured after he spent 90% of the second CD talking about how you only get sick by thinking negative thoughts / allowing yourself to wallow in sickness, there would be something uplifting again, but I really started feeling agitated by all the complaining guised as wisdom, so I returned this to the library and started a Kurt Vonnegut CD instead.

Why keep doing something that displeases you, right?
Profile Image for Heather.
71 reviews6 followers
March 5, 2016
I listened to the audio version. I love Wayne Dyer's stuff, but this book was a bit lackluster. The ado was a mix of a love seminar he did coupled with studio recording. The book lacked the true "meat" his other books have.
24 reviews
December 31, 2020
Great book by Wayne Dryer read / listened to it twice! A game changer in personal empowerment..
Profile Image for Suzy J.
1 review
August 17, 2022
This book/audio was recommended in Masterclass by Billionaire Sara Blakely (the founder of Spanx… she started the company with $5000 dollars of her own savings). Anyone that feels unhappy with their current situation, or if you are working on self growth, I highly recommend this audiobook. For some of you, this will be the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard… for others that will be life changing. It will depend on your ability to understand the bigger concept. Just start with an open mind.

In just one week it has awaken something beautiful in me. At first I was getting very defensive and was resistant to some of the things he was saying but I kept listening until the end and I realized what his point was… if you are not living like a No-Limit Person, the alternative will always lead you to unhappiness and feeling unfulfilled. Some of the things he talks about I was already implementing but I learned very valuable others! I’ve already started implementing his lessons and what a difference it’s making. Long road ahead of me ☺️
Profile Image for Chris.
29 reviews
June 28, 2021
Some parts are fantastic such as: you don't need to accept what people say about you as true, you don't have to feel the way that society expects you to feel.

And some parts are ridiculous, like the idea in chapter 4 that you can think your way to good health. The placebo effect is real but it's not all-powerful. And there was another part where he said we only age because of our thoughts. Pretty sure we age because our telomeres shorten due to a limitation with how DNA copies itself. So that part is bogus as well.

Overall a great book, but watch out for those pitfalls.
Profile Image for Ryan.
249 reviews16 followers
January 8, 2019
So what does it say about me that I start off the year listening to a self-help audiobook? Sigh.

I found this to be an interesting time capsule. While Dyer is very level-headed and gave a lot of really great advice and made me start thinking about things in a different perspective, this audiobook is a recording of an almost 5 hour lecture by him, and it feels somewhat cringe-inducing in its tone at times. Glad I listened to this, though. Helping me recognize self-sabotaging behaviors.
Profile Image for Joseph Scaduto.
62 reviews
June 26, 2020
I listened to "How to Be a No-Limit Person" on audible, and I think I enjoyed it much more than if I were reading it from a book. Wayne Dyer is a very good story-teller, and I enjoyed references he made to familiar places where I live on Long Island. Although I was inspired by his view and perspective, I don't think he provided a lot of actionable advice and guidance. That being said, I enjoyed listening to him, as he was both entertaining and informative.
Profile Image for Tracey Axnick.
101 reviews
March 27, 2021
I really like Wayne Dyer, but this audiobook was “packaged” very poorly. There are sections that are professionally recorded and very well done, and then there are other sections that seem like they were recorded on a handheld tape recorder in 1978. Couple that with weird little music bumps between each section, that really didn’t “fit”.
Last, there was more fluff than worthwhile content.
If you’re a Wayne Dyer fan, best to skip this audiobook,
Profile Image for Esperance A Mulonda.
139 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2023
I tried, I really did cause someone recommended it to me; and today, I learned for sure that these types of books are not for me.
There are probably 5 or 6 sentences I found useful, but the rest was so condescendingly useless.

PS: Toxic Positivity is not the answer. You can't vibe your way out of problems. Feeling even the most negative emotions is necessary, but we shouldn't get stuck there cause the action we take afterward is the true test.
Profile Image for Franz Schrepf.
117 reviews3 followers
January 18, 2023
Best listened to as an audiobook. I found out about Wayne Dyer and "No-Limit Person" through an interview with Sara Blakely from Spanx. She attributes a lot of her success to the principles Wayne Dyer describes.

I've re-listened to the book twice now: it's a hilarious and enjoyable reminder to not take yourself too serious and challenge the boundaries you and others have set for yourself.
Profile Image for Apoorva Patil.
4 reviews
August 31, 2022
nothing new here if you're already taking responsibility for your own life.

also found it a bit inconsiderate for people with chronic health issues, difficult life circumstances etc but given the time when it was written/recorded I'm not surprised.
27 reviews
October 17, 2022
Listened to this on audible to and from work. Really motivating and inspiring. Instead of just absorbing everything, formulate ur own opinions from his lecture to get the most out of this. I rlly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Daniel Astacio.
92 reviews2 followers
January 16, 2024
Excellent book about personal responsibility! If you want to achieve better results you have to look at yourself and not your boss or the stock market etc. What is it that you can control and don't let others negatively place labels on you that you don't approve of. Choose positivity
Profile Image for Colleen.
109 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2024
I read about this in The New Yorker and decided to check it out - dated but some great stuff here. I've read two books by Wayne Dyer and saw Oprah interview him and I'd say he's got some life-changing suggestions for sure!!
5 reviews
April 19, 2018
He has nothing interesting to say and don't know what he's talking about.
Profile Image for Celdema.
306 reviews1 follower
April 4, 2019
Je l'écoute en boucle depuis plusieurs jours.
Profile Image for Lisa.
19 reviews
September 26, 2019
Interesting concepts but all I noticed was how many limits he expressed, especially in communicating with others.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 39 reviews

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