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Carrigans of the Circle C #5

A Cowgirl's Christmas

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For years Callan Carrigan has been her father's right hand man, so when her dad's will names city slicker Court McAllister the new owner of The Circle C Ranch, Callan feels betrayed on every level.

Then she and her sisters find their mother's diaries, hidden from them by their father since their mother's accidental death 18 years ago, and the shocking revelations explain a lot. Reeling, Callan seeks refuge in the local saloon, where it seems no one can reach her, until Court offers her a challenge.

If she agrees to be foreman at the Circle C for one year, he'll deed the ranch back to her and her sisters. The deal seems too sweet at first--until Callan realizes Court has his eyes on something she protects even more than her family's land--her heart.

165 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 27, 2014

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About the author

C.J. Carmichael

105 books795 followers
USA Today bestselling author C. J. Carmichael has written over 50 novels, including two mystery series, as well as romance and women’s fiction. Three of her novels have been nominated for the Romance Writers of America RITA Award, including A Bramble House Christmas. A film version of A Bramble House Christmas premiered as a Hallmark Mystery movie in 2017.

Married, with two grown daughters and some adorable grandchildren, C. J. and her husband and their Welsh Springer Jazz divide their time between their home in Calgary, Alberta and the family cottage on Flathead Lake, Montana. C.J. enjoys giving workshops to aspiring authors--her talk on writing a Christmas story is a favorite.

Visit C.J.'s website at http://CJCarmichael.com

For information on C. J.’s new releases and giveaways please sign up for her newsletter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews
Profile Image for Bookish Indulgenges with b00k r3vi3ws.
1,617 reviews255 followers
February 22, 2017
When Callan Carrigan’s father leaves the ranch to Court McAllister, Callan is shocked to say the least. For years she had worked alongside her father to keep the ranch running smoothly and it has been her home and her life. She also discovers letters to her and her sisters from her late mother that bring news that change their worlds. While Callan fights to regain some amount of control over her life, Court lends his not only his supportive hands but also makes a proposal that could give Callan some resemblance of her old life.

I absolutely loved the characters, especially that of Callan and her sisters. They share such a cool bond and are really close and understanding. Callan emerges as this strong girl who is used to running a ranch and confident that she can continue to do so on her own after her father’s death. At the same time she has this feminine quality about her that is really attractive. Court on the other hand, at first at least, feels a little bit of an outsider. He is handsome and sexy and understanding. However, I really did not get their relationship. There wasn’t much interaction between them, let alone courtship… yet they end up in each other’s arm. For me it was like two strangers professing their love for each other.

The plot had some twists which were a welcome change from the usual romance novels. Court’s background and Callan’s mother’s letters provided some additional depth to the book. However, the letters written by Callan’s mother felt too clinical in nature and lacked the warmth of a mother. The letters read like appointment letters rather than a letter from a mother to her children, especially with the news it delivers, one would expect some emotional words.

C.J Carmichael is one of my favourite romance authors, but this book disappointed me a lot.

Profile Image for Jonel.
1,717 reviews311 followers
June 28, 2015
Carmichael had me in tears well before the end of the 1st chapter. She also made me laugh more than a time or two. I was emotionally engaged and intellectually stimulated throughout this short but sweet story. I love the way Carmichael takes a read, down to earth look at ranch life. It isn’t a rodeo. It’s the hard work and rewards that are at the forefront. Her vivid & picturesque descriptions take you to Montana while her captivating storyline keeps you there. Readers receive shock upon shock alongside the characters, really keeping them on their toes.

Getting to know these characters definitely added to my enjoyment of the novel. The main characters were fantastic individuals separately and explosive together. Carmichael makes sure that we get to know them in a very real way. We find out some little tidbits about them, and some big, explosive events that have shaped who they are. The supporting cast was brilliant as well. Assuming that you’ve read previous Carrigans of Circle C novels you’ve met the sisters and their significant others before, but even if you haven’t, Carmichael lets us get to know them in a way that this can just as easily be read as a standalone as part of the series.

I definitely found myself thoroughly enjoying this novel through and through.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Emily.
1,576 reviews122 followers
November 17, 2014
'A Cowgirl's Christmas' by C.J. Carmichael is a great read. This is part of the Carrigans of the Circle C series. I really enjoyed this story and all the characters. I haven't yet read the other books in this series, but I definitely will be in the future. This is a great Christmas story about family, over coming loss and recovering from family secrets. I recommend this story to all those that enjoy stories about family, ranch life, cowboys.

**Received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review**
Profile Image for Tiersa.
182 reviews3 followers
December 22, 2021
Was totally shocked by the mom's letters.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books376 followers
July 24, 2021
When a father's death brings shocking changes and revelations to his daughters, one daughter takes it harder than the others because her whole life just shattered and no city man or his pitiful proposal is going to salvage any of that. The author is familiar as is her Montana ranching smalltown setting, but so is her strong characterization, tough life situations, and slow, steady romance development.

A Cowgirl's Christmas is the fifth of the Carrigans of the Circle C series. I've read two out of order so far and it worked out fine, but I can see how progressing through the series from the beginning would have been even better.

So, Callan, the youngest of the Carrigan sisters and the one who stayed home and ranched alongside their hard, silent, and isolated father because ranching is what she loves and she desperately works hard to prove herself and gain her father's love with their shared work. But, when her dad dies, he leaves some surprising bequests in his will that involve a nephew who is a stranger and an old trunk full of secrets from their mother. The secrets are as devastating as is the knowledge that nothing in her life will ever be the same including her beloved ranch home.

Court knows the shocking devastation his uncle's will is having on the Carrigan women and he hates the pain that he is part of, but he was promised that the women would come around and he was promised the chance at a future in ranching. One meeting with Callan is all it takes for him to hope for so much more, but her bitter anger and pain might be too strong for anything else.

A Cowgirl's Christmas was heartbreaking to read at first. Hawksley Carrigan's death opened up a nasty can of worms. I was so angry and him and his dead wife for letting those women find out the hard, bitter truth right when they were losing so much. Especially Callan. She tried so hard to win Hawksley's love. Fortunately, Court was a stalwart, patient and empathetic man. He stood quietly beside Callan even when she blasted him with chilly hatred or ignored him. He thought he understood Hawksley until he came to Montana and saw a different side of the man and now understood just why these women felt as they did.

This story is Callan's. Oh, there is a backburner romance with Court, and there are lovely appearances of her sisters who already got their stories, a cousin, nieces, and the town, but this was a woman whose life crashed to the very bottom and she had to pull herself back up. I felt for her through it all. She tended to take out her anger on Court as the closest available target, but later she knew he wasn't responsible and was even wonderful about things. She had the temptation to drink, to go into a depression and push her family away, and she struggled with turning into that hard, bitter man who had done all this to her and her sisters.

Speaking of sisters, I love how Mallie, Dani, Sage, and Callan- all so different- were so close and there for each other. There were wonderful scenes with them all together during their time of grief, discovery, and later holidays. Their men, children, and the extended family were all a tender, fun part of it all, too. And, I did love the build up to Christmas on the ranch.

All in all, this was a heartfelt story that I devoured in one sitting. I will go back for the older books I'm missing in the series and progress through the newer ones. The more I read of this author's writing; the more I crave her books. I would recommend this mostly as a women's fiction with a romance crossover.
Profile Image for Joan.
2,199 reviews
December 21, 2017
This was not really a Christmas read - Christmas doesn't 'appear' until nearly the end of the story so in a way I felt cheated.

There were several things I didn't like about the novel - the backstory about Callan's mother and the biological parents of the children was uncomfortable reading as well as overly complex. the relationship between Callan and Court was way too rushed and Callan seemed to spend far too much time getting drunk with the cowboys and recovering from a hangover.

However, the part that really concerned me was this: (Dani is on maternity leave, and at home with her new-born baby, Beverly)

The child had been born with Down Syndrome, which made all of the Corrigan Clan - especially Dani and her new guy Eliot Gilmore - love her even more than if she'd been born 'normal'. (Authors quote marks)

WTF!!! Am I the only person who finds that sentence offensive?? And the implication is that any 'normal' (shudders here) child would NOT be loved because they are... sadly 'NORMAL'

Ye gods. I despair.
387 reviews10 followers
January 5, 2018

The whole story was of a different kind of love A love for daughters and a different love for father. Each one was different but still love
Profile Image for Christina Reed.
856 reviews10 followers
December 19, 2014
I really wanted to like A Cowgirl's Christmas far more than I actually did. C.J. Carmichael had a great concept, but her story fell short. Callan Carrigan has been working the family ranch by her father's side for years, but when he dies he leaves it to his cousin's son Court McAllister. For most of the story Callan goes out of her way to avoid Court and is determined to turn down every nice gesture he makes. It was understandable because she felt betrayed by her father, but I couldn't really see how it resulted in her falling in love with Court. Court falling for Callan was a little more believable, but I also felt like their interactions weren't very strong or frequent in the story. Towards the end, it felt like the author hit her maximum page count and suddenly had to finish the story. To make it more believable I feel the story would have had to go on another 100 or so pages and the characters should have actually dated or at least had more than a couple of pleasant interactions. I can only give this story 2.5 stars and only recommend it to someone who wants a quick Christmas read.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,088 reviews9 followers
November 23, 2014
I really really liked this book. My heart really broke for Callan. Just when I thought the story line was going to change and go the way I wanted it to, nope it kept me going and left me hanging and wanting more. This book also allows you to catch up with the rest of the Carrigans and I was really happy about that. I haven't read all of the other Carrigans stories, but it was not hard to catch up and find out what was going on with the book . I loved Court and his trueness. Court seemed real, which was nice since in some of these books they make them so unrealistic. This book is a short read but is worth every bit. It really puts you in the Christmas spirt and enjoy the simpleness of a small town.
Profile Image for Patrice.
777 reviews46 followers
December 17, 2015
This is a well written story where the characters find that all is not as it seemed. With the sudden death of their father, Hawksley Carrigan, his 4 daughters gather together as his will is read. Suprisisngly, a cousin. Court, that they knew nothing about, is also invited to the reading of the will. There are many surprises in store for all the Carrigan girls and a few for the cousin. Callan Cassidy, the youngest sister, is as shocked as all the other sisters to learn that Hawksley didn't leave their ranch to Callan, only the house that has been Callan's only home.
I liked how this story played out and the character development. A very good story and one, in the series, that brings some closure to the characters.
Profile Image for Gwen.
794 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2014
when you want to cry throughout a story that means that it is a good one. An emotional read that tugs at your heart. Callan, our heroine, has worked hard on her family's ranch, looking for approval from her father. When he suddenly passes, he will's the ranch to someone else, leaving her justifiably angry. Even though this is the 5th book in the series you don't need to read the previous stories to enjoy this book.
This story grips and keeps you reading all the way to the end. Great story.
Profile Image for Romance.
1,076 reviews9 followers
May 31, 2023
This felt incestous and convoluted

Granted the couple (callan and Court) just met at callan’s fathers will…it’s possible but why not? The reason made zero sense- that they would somehow figure out that their mom had multiple children and none belonged to her husband…🫣. While technically the couple is unrelated (only because callan is the result of an affair between her mother and the neighbor-which she doesn’t know until after her father is dead) callan would clearly see court as a relative and an interloper…not the best scenario for a romance

Why on earth did her father stay with her mother and why did he let callan stay and work for him roughly a decade after she was of age if he were bitter and didn’t care about the children?? It’s illogical for her dad to change his will upon his wife’s death and to name his blood nephew Court as heir to the ranch and not prepare court to take over the ranch…and he’s had plenty of time…his wife died 18 years ago so why not teach him the ropes?! Why not remarry? He could have when both Court and Callan were kids. This would ensure court could take over and callan would have left the ranch and pursue a career away from the ranch when she was 18.

Plus why give Callan the ranch house that is in the middle of land court would own? That makes no sense for anyone. She’d have to have some right of way to enter and exit the property. That screws Court who owns a large ranch with no residence and yet Callan, a single woman, is given the residence but lost the ranch (her livelihood) and would face that every time she looked out a window. She’d have zero desire to stay. It forces her into the position of selling and only court would be interested in buying so why not give the whole ranch to Court? This was a weird plot device.

I also thought it weird callans siblings encouraged her to stay in the house in the middle of court’s property so they could visit the ranch at Christmas? Yet none of them had good memories of their father or the place. Only callan seemed to get along with their father who obviously didn’t care about her.

Honestly I can’t imagine under the circumstances that callan would be anything more than civil to court. She would not be making goo goo eyes and get romantic with a first cousin she just met. I stopped after she agreed to help court and let him stay at her house. This book made zero sense. The only way callan got the ranch she worked her life as the owner’s daughter was to hook up with her 1st cousin…😳😬.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
238 reviews1 follower
December 21, 2017
This book was quite a disappointment, primarily because I thought Callan was awful. I think that the author intended her to come across as strong and independent, but really, she just comes across as a complete bitch. I'm all for a strong, fiesty female character, but Callan was just downright rude to Court. I kid you not, until 80% of the way through the book she had barely said 2 nice words to him. I have no idea what made him so attracted to her. I understand that she was upset that Hawksley left the ranch to him, but he offered her a great deal from the very start and she was nothing but a jerk about it. She also came across as a bit of a closet alcoholic. When she wasn't in Grey's Saloon drinking her sorrows away, she was sitting at home in the dark drinking bourbon. I just don't understand how people could actually like her character. Court on the other hand was so sweet. He was always kind to her, even when she was unkind to him.

Another thing that lowered my rating was the fact that so much of the story revolved around her mother's relationship with Hawksley (and Bill) and how it impacted the sister, or else updates on what was happening in her sister's lives. I would have preferred a lot more Callan/Court scenes than all the other extras.

Definitely not CJ Carmichael's best book.
Profile Image for Emily (Mrs B's Books).
1,641 reviews84 followers
November 10, 2019
**Copy Provided by Netgalley and Tule Publishing for an honest review**

This book brings the four girls story to a conclusion and we get closure of some sort for the girls and their mother. Their father will always be a sore point to an extent.

Although i preferred this story to the other sisters Callan cam off like a petulant child who did not get what she wanted. Therefore 95% of the book has her ignoring Court and there is very little action between them.

Court is a lovely man and helps Callan out and makes friends with the Circle C staff, getting to know his new duties and new staff. He never gives up on Callan and finds out that the nice man he knew was not the man that the girls knew and it troubles him.

Again very little actually happens between the pair and we just get one or two light kisses before they suddenly realise that they have fallen for each other.

The sisters are a great support for each other and it is nice to see that they all got nice men that they deserved.
1,070 reviews5 followers
January 30, 2023
I could feel Callan's pain while reading this. Have tissue handy

My heart hurt for all of the Cardigan girls but especially Callan because she was there with their dad when he died and she worked the ranch with him every day of her life thinking she would inherit it. When the will is read and all she gets is some money and the one acre that the ranch sit on, she is devastated and angry. The remainder of the ranch is left to Court, a distant cousin they have never met. So all secrets are revealed and the reason for this is clear. Because of her anger, Callan will it even consider the deal Court is making to try to right things and make them the way they should have been all along. But the longer they spend together Callan is frustrated that she is having feelings for him and he lets her know he has feelings for her but she fights them. Will they ever work things out between them to coexist on the ranch or will Callan go through with selling the house and moving on? Will she finally admit to her feelings?
Profile Image for Brenda.
215 reviews10 followers
January 1, 2018
3.5 Stars – A Bit Depressing

This novella wraps up the last of the four Carrigan girls’ stories in the series. Basically a nice holiday read with some angst thrown in. Just a few notes:

- Secrets are revealed and not everything is resolved. However, the author is open about this revealing that although the girls may never have closure, they can still let go and move forward. In reality, we rarely gain closure so I'm ok with that.

- The chemistry between Court and Callan is pretty good, but Callan seems a bit immature most of the time.

- The story alluded to Callan drinking too much and too often but was left unresolved, unless you are assuming that getting over her dad's death cured her of the problem. Not a good assumption because we are left wondering if she do this every time she's faced with a difficult issue.

My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Diane.
2,438 reviews18 followers
June 22, 2022
I was intrigued with Callan’s story because it’s heartbreaking after a major life event throws her and her sisters lives into utter chaos. The storyline started out promising but it got bogged down with Callan’s anger and resentment which made the story start to drag and it took her 98% of the story to cope with the decisions her father made and to finally grieve his passing. In the meantime she shut everyone out, shut down her emotions, treated her supposed love interest with disdain and then magically comes around just in time to end the story. It’s a shame because there are so many different ways the author could have explored Callan’s healing process instead of an instantaneous lightbulb moment that would have made the story worthwhile. Instead I just feel ripped off. And, calling this a romance is a farce since it also happens instantly at the very end of the book. I listened to the audiobook version and I did like the narration talents of Emily Caldwell.
Profile Image for April.
632 reviews
January 6, 2018
What would you do when the death of your dad turns everything topsy-turvy? Callan and her three older sisters discover that his will left most of the ranch to a male relative they've never met before. Court arrives to a hostile Callan. He understands her feelings and offers a chance to stay on and after a year, own half of it. She turns him down flat. Callan might have the respect of the ranch hands, but she is not a likeable person because she guards her heart and gives no man a chance to get to know the real her. Sure she's had a couple of meaningless flings but when emotions get involved, she grabs the nearest whiskey bottle and takes a guzzle. Hopefully in time she will mature enough to realize and appreciate the gifts she was given all along. Sure this ended on a happy note but I can't help but think that Court got the bad end of the deal.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
June 19, 2024
Callen's father Hawsley passes away on the ranch and her sisters come back for the funeral. When the will is read though, they are all shocked. Callen wasn't left the ranch like they all expected. Instead Hawsley left it to Court, a distant relative. When Court shows up to take over, Callen is furious with him and her father.

Hawsley was a character that seemed very hard at times and although we come to learn why, it didn't make me like him any better. Court, however, is very kind and really doesn't want to be in the middle of the drama, but that's where he is.

Overall I found the storyline a little predictable and the story a bit too much "insta-love" for me, but the relationship between Callen and her sisters was sweet and I like the character of Court.
1,759 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2019
A cowgirls Christmas

Great read, the story of a love of a father and his daughters only to learn they are not his biological family. A death is all it took to find out that four girls had different fathers and no one bothered to tell them. The youngest Callun loved her father but when he passed away and his will was read she learned the truth, the ranch was left to a cousin of his. This was a book well written and explained what can happen when everything goes wrong. A book for all to read and find out what happens and how everything comes around in the end. This was a free Arc and this is my review. Norma Gorrill
Profile Image for Niki.
3,138 reviews7 followers
June 3, 2021
This is the 4th of the Carrigans of the Circle C series. Callan is the one who still lived at home and was her fathers right hand man. She was with him when he was on the trail with him when he had a heart attack and died. Their father was never nice to any of them and they know their mother had an affair but they were all surprised when their father left the Circle C Ranch to Court Mcallister their fathers cousin from the city they had never even met. Court had been asked to be there before the will had been read and was as shocked as the girls that he inherited the ranch. Now how to figure out how to run the ranch that he knew nothing about.
Profile Image for Julie.
896 reviews7 followers
December 25, 2017

This is a wonderful story of a family, and one particular daughter in the family, coming to grips with their family history, rife with parental affairs. But the lead character, Callan, the youngest daughter, is in such heavy grief during the entire length of the book that I couldn’t figure out exactly how or when she could have fallen in love with Court. They spend so much time apart, it doesn’t seem realistic for them to have fallen in love like that.

It’s a good story. Don’t expect much heat (hardly any).
Profile Image for Trish R..
1,772 reviews55 followers
November 26, 2019

Well, I wasn’t crazy about this novella. I really didn’t like Callan. I didn’t like her until the very end of the story when she stopped feeling sorry for herself. I liked every other character but she got on my last nerve. I wouldn’t be thrilled with another book/novella by this author.

This was a very clean story. Definitely rated G.

As to the narration: Emily Cauldwell is a very poor narrator. Any female who can’t sound even a little manly shouldn’t narrate. Just because she can do a woman’s voice doesn’t mean a thing.
Profile Image for Tara.
1,034 reviews7 followers
November 17, 2021
The story was amazing in that it hit so many of my emotions, loss, grief, love, anger, happiness but it didn't feel like a roller coaster, each paged flowed seamlessly to bring this story together for me with an ending that left me smiling. Emily Cauldwell does an amazing job portraying the characters, bringing them to life and humanizing them with their emotions, attitude and personality. He does more than giving their characters their voices, he falls into the roles and becomes the characters.
Profile Image for Barbara "Cookie" Serfaty Williams.
2,689 reviews4 followers
December 26, 2017
A Cowgirl's Christmas (Carrigans of the Circle C Book 5)

The Christmas love story of Court and Callon. When the Cardigans sisters' father die their world is turn upside down. He has left the ranch to a cousin of his and only give the girl money. Callon the youngest sister has give her life to the ranch hate the idea. Can she and Court find a way to work together land find love? Great story.
Profile Image for Donna Huber.
Author 1 book302 followers
December 27, 2017
Another book in Marietta, MO or at least close by. This one isn't set at the same time as the other ones I read this season. It is a bit confusing keep these series straight and I think to really do that you might need to read them all in order (if there is a time sequence being followed by all of them). But if you don't care about keeping it all straight then it can be read easily as a stand-alone.
Profile Image for Debbie.
354 reviews9 followers
December 30, 2017
Probably a 2.5

Since I can't rate anything with half a star I will round up to a 3. But it is more of a 2.5. It was mostly clean. It had a little innuendo but no scenes really. I thought there was going to be one but it ended before it began. The plot itself was ok. The love story was sweet but seemed a bit rushed. The whole situation with their family was a bit disturbing. Quick easy read though.
Profile Image for Katie O'Connor.
Author 38 books121 followers
June 18, 2018
Heartwarming and moving.

I've loved this series since the beginning. Realistic characters, family tension and struggling for love and dreams makes them infinitely re-readable. Secrets, lies and insecurities come smack dab against dreams and goals in this touching story. I WILL be reading it again. Carmicheal gives the reader a tender, loving story with a realistic portrayal or rural and ranch life.
Profile Image for Janet Friesner.
940 reviews13 followers
October 9, 2017
Finished this 5th book of the 6 book series. Had read the 6th one first. Loved the series. A couple were novellas but the rest made up for that and it was truly a good story. This 5th book was the most surprising. I would recommend this series but hopefully you will start with the first one. I really liked it.
Profile Image for Will Decker.
Author 23 books12 followers
December 24, 2017
A nice enjoyable read on a cold night when Christmas is just around the corner. The characters are developed and believable, even if the main theme behind the plot is a tad far fetched. Possible, but not very plausible. Well written, lots of romantic suspense, and cleanly edited. Just lacking the raw edge of real life. I like Carmichael's style and look forward to many more from her.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 174 reviews

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