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Meeting Sarah

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Original Fiction, Short Story, Science Fiction

Daniel Stoltz sat comfortably in the back of his Limousine as it conveyed him through town. He held a phone to his ear...

4 pages, ebook

First published December 13, 2010

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About the author

Andy Weir

48 books53.8k followers
ANDY WEIR built a career as a software engineer until the success of his first published novel, THE MARTIAN, allowed him to live out his dream of writing fulltime. He is a lifelong space nerd and a devoted hobbyist of subjects such as relativistic physics, orbital mechanics, and the history of manned spaceflight. He also mixes a mean cocktail. He lives in California. Andy’s next book, ARTEMIS, is available now.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,107 reviews1,158 followers
April 28, 2016

“If you value your personal relationships, rewinding time would be risky.”

A cute little break from books and if you need one, you could read the short story here.
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
March 24, 2016
I usually don't read or review short-stories (well I guess I shouldn't be reviewing anything I haven't read, but you know what I mean).

Now in the last few days I've read two short stories, both written by Andy Weir. I really enjoyed Annie's Day but thought I would leave it at that for now.

Well it was 4:00am and I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to read the novel I'm reading right now as it is super intense and would have riled me up even more. So when I saw the link for Meeting Sarah I thought...what the heck.

I thought I was so smart and had it all figured out right away. Nope.... I was way off.

I really enjoyed it. Just like Annie's Day, it's a clever little story and I'm glad I read it.

Oh and if you decide to read it. I would advise against reading too many reviews beforehand. There are a couple that give just a little too much away.

If you have a few minutes, check it out here

Now here's hoping I can get at least a couple hours of sleep.
Profile Image for Brina.
1,107 reviews4 followers
March 18, 2016
Another brilliant short story by Andy Weir. These are perfect for these busy days I am having where I can't seem to find time to sit with a book. Because of the length of the story, I can not justify rating higher than three stars even though the writing is superb.
In this story Daniel Stoltz a nuclear physicist PhD candidate turned venture capitalist finds his own way to travel through time. As in Weir's other much circulated story Annie's Day, there is a twist at the end. Both these short stories demonstrate that Weir is a gifted writer and I hope to get around to reading The Martian sooner than later.
Profile Image for Christina.
256 reviews270 followers
March 18, 2016

Aw, I loved this :) A pretty interesting twist on time travel and some thoughts concerning time travel popped up that I hadn't ever considered.

To read this short story (and you should!) click here
Profile Image for Zoeytron.
1,036 reviews851 followers
March 24, 2016
Andy Weir has a real talent for these shorties. You can read it in a trice. Don't be surprised if there is a wee tug at your heartstrings before all is said and done.
Profile Image for Somormujo.
174 reviews138 followers
October 26, 2022
"Meeting Sarah" es un relato corto de Andy Weir, que puede leerse directamente en la página web del autor, aunque, eso sí, sólo está disponible en inglés. No obstante, se lee con facilidad al tratarse de una entrevista telefónica que una reportera realiza a Daniel Stolz, que es un inversor de éxito, sobre todo en la financiación de empresas tecnológicas de alto crecimiento. En el transcurso de la entrevista, la reportera sugiere a Mr. Stolz la posibilidad de "rebobinar" el tiempo:

"In one paper, you state it could be possible to 'rewind' time, sending your current consciusness back to a younger version of yourself"

Mr. Stolz niega tal posibilidad arguyendo sobre los riesgos que tal marcha atrás en el tiempo tendría sobre el viajero, trayendo reminiscencias de la famosa película "Regreso al futuro":

"If you value your personal relationships, rewinding time would be risky".

Una vez acabada la entrevista, el relato nos describe hacia dónde se dirige Mr. Stolz y con qué fin, lo cuál naturalmente no desvelaré para no incurrir en spoilers. Sólo insinuaré que encontré puntos de contacto con la novela "Un silencio atronador", de Ray Bradbury.

En definitiva, es un relato muy corto, que se lee con facilidad y agrado y que, en mi opinión, bien podría haber merecido un mayor desarrollo, que es la razón por la que lo valoro con 3 estrellas. Aún así, me parece recomendable para los amantes del género.
Profile Image for Marcos GM.
360 reviews216 followers
September 5, 2024

Review with spoilers, they won't be major but enough to talk about the story, otherwise it would be impossible.

If you value your personal relationships, rewinding time would be risky.

At the express request of Xabi, very polite and kindly 😜, I review this short, very short, story by Andy Weir. And I say it with all the letters, there are 4 pages and it gives what it gives, I wish it would extend more and we could see more things.

We have here a certain Daniel Stoltz, who in the late 1980s - early 1990s, receives a phone call for an interview. In it, the interviewer asks him about his success in investing in companies, since they all end up being great successes. With this and the quote above you can guess that we are talking about time travel here, and I will say nothing more.

Being so short, it seems more like one of those samples that they give you of a product so that you can then buy the large size, and the truth is that I would like that, because it suggests many things but I would like to know more about everything behind it. If you read in English, and you have 5 minutes, do not hesitate (here)


Reseña con spoilers, no serán gordos pero lo suficiente para hablar del relato, sino sería imposible.

If you value your personal relationships, rewinding time would be risky.

A petición expresa de Xabi, muy educado y amablemente 😜, reseño este corto, muy corto, relato de Andy Weir. Y lo digo con todas las letras, son 4 páginas y da para lo que da, ojalá se extendiera más y pudiéramos ver más cosas.

Tenemos aquí a un tal Daniel Stoltz, que a finales de los 80 - primeros de los 90, recibe una llamada de teléfono para una entrevista. En ella la entrevistadora le pregunta por su acierto a la hora de invertir en empresas, pues todas acaban siendo grandes éxitos. Con esto y la cita de arriba se puede adivinar que hablamos de viajes en el tiempo, y hasta aquí diré.

Siendo tan corto, parece más una de esas muestras que te dan de un producto para que luego compres el tamaño grande, y la verdad es que lo pide, pues deja intuir muchas cosas pero gustaría saber más de todo lo que hay detrás. Si lees en inglés, y tienes 5 minutos, no lo dudes (aquí)
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,206 reviews172 followers
March 16, 2016
This short story cinched it, I love Andy Weir. He knows my mind. If you would like to read this story, and you should in my humble opinion, then read it here

The perfect read.
Profile Image for Debbie.
479 reviews3,630 followers
April 4, 2016
Nope, not for me. This 3-minute read bored me to tears. Too much unnecessary dialogue, which is wrong in such a short story--stick to the point, please. I know that people loved the ending; it didn't work for me. Wrong genre is part of the problem. At least the pain was staccato.

Check out the story here:

No, I have not read The Martian and am not sure whether I'll read it. However, just read another of Weir's 3-minute reads, Annie's Day, and loved it!
Profile Image for Denisse.
519 reviews299 followers
September 22, 2015
Interesting. I never thought about that inconvenient with time-travel. I need to read more time-travel that's for sure.

Sweat short story. When you have nothing to do, go and read Andy Weir :D
And read The Martian now if you haven't. It's awesome
Profile Image for Daniel.
804 reviews74 followers
January 1, 2016
Ocekivano posle svih ovih procitanih mini pricica ali cute ending.
Profile Image for Remo.
2,387 reviews158 followers
September 22, 2022
Otra historia corta 1) de Andy Weir, 2) que habla de viajes en el tiempo. Por supuesto que me ha encantado. Alguna de ellas deberían ser relatos cortos o incluso novelas cortas. Vemos que el autor parte de una idea interesante y luego lanza toda la artillería en dos párrafos, y podría quedar mejor extendiéndose un poco. Pero son entretenidas, desde luego.
Profile Image for Ankit Saxena.
596 reviews215 followers
March 17, 2021
Again a good sci-fic from Andy Weir. Expected for some girl from past but meeting a cat is quite out of thought. Time-travel for a cat is weird but some says love knows no bar.
Profile Image for Nadin Doughem.
770 reviews68 followers
September 8, 2017
“There would be some serious downsides. You’d have to re-make all the relationships you had. At least, the ones that are important to you."
Profile Image for Marcia.
1,089 reviews116 followers
November 25, 2017
Helaas bestaat het grootste deel van 'Meeting Sarah' uit dialoog, waardoor het verhaal weinig emoties bij me binnenbracht. Maar het idee was erg interessant: dit is echt zo'n verhaal wat ik graag verder uitgewerkt zou zien. Na het lezen van een aantal kortverhalen van Andy Weir ben ik bovendien tot de ontdekking gekomen dat hij graag in de laatste zin een onthulling doet die het hele verhaal in een ander licht plaatst of die je aan het lachen maakt. Tof, maar nu heb ik het wel een aantal keer op rij gezien..
Profile Image for Todd Coburn.
Author 5 books53 followers
April 16, 2017
Short. Clever. I didn't like this one quite as much as Andy's others, but maybe you will.

Profile Image for brea.
337 reviews34 followers
May 31, 2016
Time travelling stories always mess with my head, and this one was no different.
However! The ending is super adorable and is absolutely perfect!
Profile Image for Julian.
146 reviews3 followers
April 1, 2016
After reading a couple of reviews, I see that this short story was really good and you just have to dissect the story a little bit to know what is going on.
Profile Image for ➸ Gwen de Sade.
1,191 reviews108 followers
January 26, 2017
So Mr. Weir has a thing for cats :D *spoiler* ... I think we would make great friends in real life. Andy if you're reading this, write me xD
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews

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