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Judy Moody #3

Judy Moody Saves the World!

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Get ready, world--Judy is taking over in paperback (ages 6-10)!

It all starts with the Crazy Strip contest -- and the dream that she, Judy Moody, might one day see her very own adhesive-bandage design covering the scraped knees of thousands. But when her "Heal the World" motif merits only an honorable mention, Judy realizes it's time to set her sights on something bigger. Class 3T is studying the environment, and Judy is amazed to learn about the destruction of the rain forest, the endangered species (not) in her own backyard, and her own family's crummy recycling habits. Now she's in a mood to whip the planet into shape -- or her name isn't Judy Monarch Moody!

160 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

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About the author

Megan McDonald

283 books711 followers
"Sometimes I think I am Judy Moody," says Megan McDonald, author of the Judy Moody series, the Stink series, and THE SISTERS CLUB. "I'm certainly moody, like she is. Judy has a strong voice and always speaks up for herself. I like that."

For Megan McDonald, being able to speak up for herself wasn't always easy. She grew up as the youngest of five sisters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her father, an ironworker, was known to his coworkers as "Little Johnny the Storyteller." Every evening at dinner the McDonalds would gather to talk and tell stories, but Megan McDonald was barely able to get a word in edgewise. "I'm told I began to stutter," she says, leading her mother to give her a notebook so she could start "writing things down."

Critically acclaimed, the Judy Moody books have won numerous awards, ranging from a PUBLISHERS WEEKLY Best Book of the Year to an International Reading Association Children's Choice. "Judy has taken on a life of her own," the author notes, with nearly 3 million Judy Moody books in print. Interestingly, the feisty third-grader is highly popular with boys and girls, making for a strong base of fans who are among Megan McDonald's strongest incentives to keep writing, along with "too many ideas and a little chocolate." And now -- by popular demand -- Judy Moody's little brother, Stink, gets his chance to star in his own adventures! Beginning with STINK: THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING KID, three more stories, and his own encyclopedia, STINK-O-PEDIA, Stink's special style comes through loud and strong -- enhanced by a series of comic strips, drawn by Stink himself, which are sprinkled throughout the first book. About the need for a book all about Stink, Megan McDonald says, "Once, while I was visiting a class full of Judy Moody readers, the kids, many with spiked hair à la Judy's little brother, chanted, 'Stink! Stink! Stink! Stink! Stink!' as I entered the room. In that moment, I knew that Stink had to have a book all his own."

More recently, Megan McDonald has recalled some of her own childhood with the warmth, humor -- and squabbles -- of three spunky sisters in THE SISTERS CLUB.

Megan McDonald and her husband live in Sebastopol, California, with two dogs, two adopted horses, and fifteen wild turkeys that like to hang out on their back porch.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews384 followers
October 21, 2020
‭Judy Moody Saves The World (Judy Moody #3), Megan McDonald

Where would the world be without Judy Moody? Judy Moody's in the mood to whip the planet into shape. Her class is learning about the environment, and Judy is startled to learn about the destruction of the rain-forest and the endangered species in her own backyard, not to mention her own family's crummy recycling habits. So, never one to take things lying down, Judy Moody gets on the case The latest adventures of Judy Moody are bound to put you in a very Judy Moody mood

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز شانزدهم ماه نوامبر سال 2006میلادی

عنوان: جودی دنیا را نجات میدهد؛ نویسنده: مگان مک دونالد؛ تصویرگر: پیتر اچ رینولدز؛ مترجم: محبوبه نجف‌ خانی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، نشر افق، چاپ نخست 1385، در 96ص، مصور، از سری جلد سوم از دوازده جلد جودی دمدمی؛ گروه سنی ج، شابک 9789643693510؛ موضوع کتابهای کودکان، داستانهای تخیلی، ماجرایی، داستان خواهران و برادران از نویسندگان - سده 21م

برادر کوچولوی «جودی» نباید تندتند نفس بکشد، ممکن است لایه ی اوزون نابود شود؛ این را آقای «تاد» آموزگار علوم «جودی» گفته است؛ «جودی» و اعضای گروهش، «وزغ» برادر کوچولوی «جودی» را، در نهر رها میکنند، تا دنیای بهتری برایش بسازند؛ در زنگ علوم، آقای «تاد» بچه ها را به شصت ثانیه سکوت دعوت میکند؛ در این شصت ثانیه، صد هکتار جنگل در سرتاسر دنیا، نابود میشود، «جودی» مدادهای همکلاسیهایش را میدزد، اما لو میرود؛ بچه های کلاس «جودی» بطری جمع میکنند، تا از پول فروش آنها، در جنگل بچه ها در «کاستاریکا»، درخت بکارند؛ ...؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 29/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Darla.
4,103 reviews960 followers
September 23, 2024
Second time through and I am adding a star. Perhaps it is viewing this one through a new lens. Or it might just be that J's enthusiasm for Judy Moody is contagious. I have been a fan for quite some time, but it is so much fun to read this with a buddy.

As is our practice we spend a bit of time discussing our favorite chapter once we have finished reading. J chose the final chapter (an excellent choice) entitled "The Winking Disease." In this last chapter, Judy and her class are pleasantly surprised by a school assembly. Wink, wink. 😉 For me, the best chapter was "Luna Two" in which Judy attempts to enact a tree protest. Mouse joins her in the tree for a bit, but both decide to leave when exciting mail arrives.

J wants to continue the series so our next read will be Judy Moody Predicts the Future.
Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,016 reviews2,616 followers
March 16, 2021
Book reviewed on www.whisperingstories.com

Judy Moody is a series of book about a young girl of around 8/9 years old. She lives with her parents and her brother Stink (he has his own series of books). I reviewed the first book is the series title ‘Judy Moody‘ a couple of weeks ago. Today I am reviewing another book from the series ‘Judy Moody Saves the World’.

At school, Judy’s class are doing a project on the environment and how we are destroying it and how it can be saved. The pupils are to come up with some ways to help save the Earth. They are also learning about endangered animals and are each given an animal to find out about. Judy’s was the ‘North-east Tiger Beetle’, which she found there was very little information about.

As well as trying to save the Earth, both Judy and Stink have entered a competition to have their drawings on band-aids (plasters).

The Judy Moody books are great fun. Judy has a big personality for such a little girl. She also has great friends, classmates, teachers, and family that all play a part in the stories.

This book covers a wonderful and important subject, The Planet and how to help save it from destruction. It will teach young children about recycling, light pollution, noise pollution and about some endangered animals too. There is also a section about an activist called Julia Butterfly Hill who lived in a 1500-year-old California redwood tree for 738 days to prevent loggers working for a big company cutting it down. I’d never heard of Julia before.

The books are filled with lots of humour and provide children with a brilliant light-hearted story that they can get engrossed in. The series is also pretty big with at least thirteen books and that’s not including the spin-offs and the movie too.

I believe that children will adore these books. They are a great read and include some wonderful black and white illustrations too which add to the overall enjoyment.
Profile Image for Sweetdhee.
501 reviews115 followers
July 10, 2010
Ngiri liat momo ngikik di kamar Kak Roos dan kemudian baca review yang ini..
Apalagi pas Bang Jimmy bilang di sini kalo harganya cuma lima ribu.. wekz, cuma lima ribu???

Jadi sedikit tergoda waktu Muthe ngajak ngubek2 di Gramed Matraman.
Apalagi diiming-imingi bakso Erie SF yang tersohor itu..eh, salah.. Bakso Erik, dink maksudnya.. (tuh satu kali ya, Aki Nan Keren Tiada Tara..eh, udah dua tuh..ihihihihi)..
Akhirnya, walaupun udah dibantuin Harun dan sambil nunggu Ayudha, cuma dapet yang ini, padahal serialnya ada banyak..
Batal lagi deh puasa beli buku nya!!!
*namun tetap bertekad nyari sisa nya di TM Point Square*
Beni mau nitip?

Besok paginya, sempet kesandung-sandung gara2 terlalu fokus baca mood nya Judy

kalau semua anak dan orang-orang dewasa punya semangat seperti Judy, apa jadinya ya?

Judy terlalu bersemangat dan ngotot untuk menyelamatkan dunia
kepalanya terlalu bising dengan ide-ide, dari mulai bikin gambar untuk crazy strips (h****plast kali kalo di Indo yaa?) menguras isi kulkas, sampe membebaskan Toady yang membuat Stink adiknya ngambek tiada tara..
Seisi rumah, sekolah bahkan senegara bagian Virginia terlalu sempit untuk otak encer dan semangat 45 yang dimiliki Judy

Suatu saat Judy kesambet ide cemerlang
Tapi apa Judy benar2 berhasil menyelamatkan dunia?

hix..harusnya bisa ngakak di keseluruhan buku ini, tapi malah berkaca-kaca waktu ayah Judy muncul bawa kamera..hix
Kang Erie...tanggung jawabbbbhhhh!!!!
(ehehehehehe, udah 3x!!! yipppieeeee, ketiban jadi tambah kereeeeen)
Profile Image for Emilija.
144 reviews7 followers
November 9, 2020
Mnogo sam je volela kad sam bila mala, a uzela sam je samo da bi me izvukla iz krize u koju sam upala. Čitala sam ovo dok sam doručkovala, a to defintivno nije bila pametna ideja jer ima dosta smešnih delova.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews412 followers
February 14, 2016
2.5 stars. Dear Lord, I didn't like Judy in this one. She is way too impressionable. OMG my teacher talks about rainforests and it being destroyed, let me take everything to the extreme and bother everyone and only make things worse! :| Sorry, but do you have a brain? Or do you not have one? Yes, rainforests disappear, that doesn't mean you have to act like this. :|
Profile Image for Abigail.
7,514 reviews230 followers
January 7, 2020
Judy Moody is in a mood again in this third installment of Megan McDonald's engaging chapter-book series chronicling her adventures at home and at school. Unable to come up with a good idea for the Crazy Strips band-aid design contest - as a collector of band-aids, Judy feels she ought to be able to create a winner - and chagrined that her younger brother Stink (as usual) seems to have it easy, she turns instead to a campaign to save the environment. Inspired by her teacher Mr. Todd's talks about the importance of protecting the rainforest, she embarks upon a crusade to "fix" her family and classmates' destructive habits, with predictably disastrous results. While confronting the consequences of one of her misguided campaigns - stealing and hiding all of her classmates' pencils - she hits upon an idea that might actually do some good...

As with previous entries in this series, I found Judy Moody Saves the World! to be both humorous and heartwarming, with a heroine who manages to be believably immature at times - I was chuckling at some of her antics, particularly the scene where she piles all of the household products that originate in the rainforest on the kitchen table, and then confronts her bewildered (and still sleep-addled) family - while also essentially goodhearted. I was interested to see that Julia Butterfly Hill was mentioned in the story, and becomes something of an inspiration for Judy, as I had the pleasure of attending a talk and book-signing conducted by Ms. Hill some years ago, when I was in San Francisco. All in all, another engaging entry in the Judy Moody series, one I would recommend to beginning chapter-book readers, especially those looking for stories featuring feisty girls!
Profile Image for Alla.
1,043 reviews53 followers
January 27, 2015
Judy Moody is a very funny and cool character. Number two was a bit funnier than this one, but it was enjoyable non-less.
Profile Image for Caleb.
156 reviews
February 3, 2020
Caleb (age 5): "If it was possible, I would give this book a 762,000 star rating." Mom: "What did you love about it?" Caleb: "I'm not saying why because I really want to inspire people to read it."
Profile Image for JoAnna.
447 reviews19 followers
March 16, 2023
Very cute and I love anything about saving the planet. Van Gogh, bats, and art? Yes, please.
Profile Image for isabella ros.
7 reviews
July 30, 2024
þessi var frabær til að svæfa börnin i vindo. sma tounge twister: skrípaplástrakeppnin. þurfti að segja þetta óþarflega oft.
Profile Image for Lt Thompson.
28 reviews2 followers
October 24, 2012
This story is a great representation of what children are capable of doing! Judy Moody hears about how being good to the environment can change the world! Then an amazing opportunity arises where Judy Moody has the opportunity to create her own Crazy Strips Bandaid design, and submit it hoping that she will be the lucky winner of a new pair of roller blades and her design of "Heal the World" on tons of bandaids. In the mean time, she goes on the pursuit to do what she can to save the world. When she lets her brother's, Stink, toad go and is sent to her room she goes up to a tree and says that is her new room, and never going to come down, but is tricked by her brother and Rocky. She decides she will do what it takes to save the world! One day, the mail arrives with two letters from the Crazy Strips Contest. When Judy finds out that her brother has won and not her, she is stunned and decides to come up with another way to save the world. Judy Moody finds out that she is able to save the world and have her class help her! This story is great for children because it shows them that they can save the world despite their young age. Even the front page of the book seems environmentally safe. It looks like a paper bag or some sort of recycled paper with cut outs to make it more interesting. There Judy Moody stands with a cape on, recycle shorts and a stick with a world decorated in bandaids on it. From the cover, you know this girl is on a mission. The drawing inside the book are drawn by pencil and are theatrical and will catch any young child's eye! This is a great series, and is easy to read and fun as well!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
2,547 reviews9 followers
February 15, 2018
When Judy Moody's class start learning about the environment and rainforests she takes up the crusade in a big way by trying hard to convert her family into doing their bit to help.
The cause turns into such a big deal the whole class take up the project and start raising money to plant trees to save the rainforests.
A sweet tale that involves and educates kids as to what they can do to enable our Eco system to thrive in the future for further generations.
A book with a moralistic yet enjoyable theme woven into the story all enhanced by lovely illustrations throughout.
32 reviews5 followers
September 5, 2016
I liked this book. It was really good. They're ALL good books! Judy Moody actually, kindofish saved the world. She is a hero to me.
Profile Image for Kira.
247 reviews
May 13, 2018
It was a great story. This book shows you a lesson: That one little difference can CHANGE the WHOLE
January 2, 2021
- Caca Faca jedna je "obična" devojčica, čiji planovi nisu novogodišnje želje ili pisma za Deda Mraza, već da spasi svet!
- Kako ona navodi svet je prepun smeća, plastike, ili prljavog vazduha, od čega želi da ga očisti. -

- Potpuno sam uživala, jer se vrlo lako čita uz šta dolaze i poneke ilustracije. :)
Profile Image for Enrique Suarez-Ojedis.
66 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2017
My favorite part of the book was when Judy was up in the tree. She was staying there arguing with Stink and Rocky because they wanted her to get down and she wanted to stay up.

Judy saved the world by not doing stuff that kills the plants.
Profile Image for Rasta Nasseri.
81 reviews18 followers
November 27, 2017
این کتاب به من بعضی از حیوان ها را آموخت.
مثلا سوسک راه را ساحل شمال شرقی.
آن درباره محیط زیست و حیوانات بود.
Profile Image for Katy Kelly.
2,313 reviews99 followers
April 4, 2018
A 'green' heroine for primary-aged readers

Judy reminded me of characters in my own childhood reading in this episode, from Judy Blume and Paula Danziger books. The newly-educated environmental enthusiast.

Still occasionally moody about life, Judy here learns with her class about a few of the problems facing the world today (and some incredibly current - plastic use and recycling), and 'begins at home' with several schemes that flummox and frustrate her family. She and her brother enter a 'band aid' (UK: plaster) competition to design a new winning band aid. The whole book pivots around the theme of saving the world, which is no bad thing at all for this age group.

Judy's enthusiasm is adorable really, and just as it should be at her age - a little naive of course, but determined to make a difference. And the conclusion will have readers feeling more than satisfied.

I've only read the first book before this, but still knew about Judy's brother, cat and toad, the names of her friends at school, so it isn't a series you must read in order.

As with the others in this re-packaged series, there are stickers at the front, and lots of illustrations throughout. Far fewer 'rare' exclamations, but I'm sure readers will pick up on the general meaning.

The readability remains suitable for a 9 year old or older, and hopefully boys will be interested in this rather neutral female lead.

With thanks to Walker Books for the advance reading copy.
Profile Image for Louise Jones.
288 reviews11 followers
June 9, 2018
Profile Image for Harumichi Mizuki.
1,924 reviews78 followers
December 23, 2023
Kueren! Cerita sederhana tentang anak perempuan yang langsung ingin menyelamatkan lingkungan hidup setelah mendapat pelajaran dari gurunya. Dia memang nggak memenangkan lomba desain crazy strip seperti tujuan awalnya. Tapi dia memenangkan hal yang lebih penting dan mulia dengan menggerakkan teman-temannya untuk mengumpulkan botol demi proyek daur ulang agar bisa mendapat uang untuk menanam pohon di Costa Rica! Yeaaay!
Profile Image for Auni.
33 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2021
This book is awesome 👏. There was this girl called Judy Moody. She wanted to do a contest so she has to make a crazy strip.Her brother wanted to make a crazy strip too because he wanted to win rollerblades. Judy moody had no ideas what to draw on her crazy strip so she asked her friend. Her friend said maybe an invisible crazy strip but her crazy strip couldn’t be seen so she made a heal the world crazy strip. She drew banana peels on her crazy strip. She won the contest in the end. I like this book a lot.
Profile Image for Anne.
741 reviews8 followers
March 30, 2020
Full of precocious behavior -- not what I would want a child reading.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 401 reviews

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