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Out of Time #2

A Time to Speak

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What happens when you live longer than you wanted to?

Parvin Blackwater wanted to die, but now she’s being called to be a leader. The only problem is, no one wants to follow.

The Council is using Jude’s Clock-matching invention to force “new-and-improved” Clocks on the public. Those who can’t afford one are packed into boxcars like cattle and used for the Council’s purposes.

Parvin and Hawke find themselves on a cargo ship of Radicals headed out to sea. What will the Council do to them? And why are people suddenly dying before their Clocks have zeroed-out?

458 pages, Paperback

First published October 16, 2015

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About the author

Nadine Brandes

8 books2,901 followers
NADINE BRANDES has been known to do wild things (like ride a sleeper train across Russia) in the name of book research. She is the 4-time Carol Award-winning author of seven Young Adult novels (ROMANOV, FAWKES, WISHTRESS, THE NIGHTMARE VIRUS, and The Out of Time Series.) While inventing worlds is fun, she is most passionate about Jesus, motherhood, and creating with the Creator. Nadine and her husband strive to live out Psalm 34:3 with their four exuberant children.

(Connect with her on her Instagram and her YouTube)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews
Profile Image for Madelyn.
84 reviews103 followers
September 30, 2016
My my my. A Time to Speak transcended its predecessor, A Time To Die, in so many ways I can hardly recount them all. If you happened to read my raving review of the last novel, you'd know how head-over-heels I am with Nadine's work, and how exceptionally hard it is to surpass A Time to Die's fabulousness. Nevertheless, Mrs. Brandes stunned us all again and left us hanging on her every word.

Spoiler Alert: If you have yet to read or finish A Time to Die, I wouldn't recommend reading the following review, as it might give away several things that are inherent to the plot of this book, but still a mystery in the first novel. :)

I'll be honest: I'm at a loss for words. I feel that I covered the themes and leading technology in the first review, as well as the characters (there weren't many new voices, but there were several characters who showed up that were mentioned in the last book, and you got to know them better *heart*). So, I think I shall resign myself to a random post on the way this book spiritually impacted me. This is a first, so bear with me, please :)

Valuing Time
"Now that the Clock is gone, I never know if today is my last day. I might die tomorrow. And that brings me to life."

I've heard everything from "live in the here and now" to "focus on your future" - and the message that goes with each is equally persuading. I've found myself stuck, unsure of which to believe and live out. This book, along with the first in the series, edited my mindset on the whole. I realized that it's wrong to focus on just one - the present or the future. It's about living for both. Living like today is the last day, that this is your chance to leave a legacy. Living every day like it is the future you've been waiting for. Ultimately, A Time to Speak taught me to value my time as if there was no tomorrow. (if that sounded morbid, so help me, this book is not :)

​ Strength
"I don't want to step into the boxcar graveyard. But I do it anyway. I don't want to weave my way around the ragdoll bodies bleeding into the thin straw covering the floor. But I do it anyway. I don't want mother to have to sit in this black space that smells of blood and trauma. But she does it anyway. And I sit beside her... Because strength is a choice"

Parvin is strong, but she's not the tough-as-life-itself independently obnoxious modern feminist you'd imagine when you hear the words "strong woman." She's quietly in control of her emotions; she has the full ability to guard her heart, to manage how she reacts to pressing and stressful situations. Nadine, through Parvin, reminded me that it's possible to be tenacious, but not the picture that modern-day secular sources pin to the word, specifically when it applies to women. That it's possible to be resilient and uncompromising, but still submit to God and your authorities. As I have been copiously noted as strong (and many other synonyms I'll decline to use) it's comforting to know that. She has a strength that comes from God. Proverbs 31:25 fits effortlessly into the message of this book:

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

"The only reproach I need to stay above is God's, and he's on my side."

This hit home, and hard. Can I share a bit of personal story with you? *smiles meekly* In the past few months, my life has been crazy. Not in a bad way, necessarily, although onlookers might refer to it as such. It's been crazy in the fact that I've taken a 180* turn on some of my viewpoints, and I've been convicted of many things which previously I, on all accounts, noted as acceptable. God, I suppose you could say, thought it was about time for me to get on my game. So he did something about it.

Throughout the summer I've been a whirling mess of emotions. No fun. But now that I think (and pray, desperately) it's over, I can confidently say God was right (who woulda thought!).
One of the multiple things I believe Christ revealed to me was this: We should be wholly unconcerned with how the world and people view us, simply because God's furious longing for us is so, so much greater than their approval.

This book came to me at just the right time, and when I read this portion, I completely had to stop, shut it, and realize the beautiful ways in which God can confirm his will to us.

Now that I'm confident I've over-bombarded you with life-lessons (for today!) I'll leave it at that. Just be aware, everywhere you look in Nadine's writing, God shines through. This is what I personally found relatable, although there was so much more I could have listed. You'll probably see that God speaks to you in so many ways through this book. Even if He doesn't, it's an excellent story without any questionable content. That's always a plus and is becoming increasingly hard to find.

And, everyone remember...... A TIME TO RISE COMES OUT OCTOBER 14TH!


FULL REVIEW HERE: http://literarycafe.weebly.com/home/a...
Profile Image for Nadine Brandes.
Author 8 books2,901 followers
February 12, 2017
Here's the parent's guide for book two! Thanks to everyone helping me make these as thorough as possible. :D


I recommend this book for ages 14 and up, like the first book A Time to Die. Again, keep in mind that the maturity of the reader plays a big part.

Profanity: NONE

Intimacy: There's attraction between a boy and girl, one kiss.

Violence: Like the first book, there's certainly a lot of action and violent moments. I mean, it's a dystopian book. :P Personally, I have always considered this book less-violent than the first. But I've listed the situations of violence below in the spoiler section. I try to never be graphic with the violence.

Scary scenes: These scenes may not be violent but they can be scary.

Readers, if I've forgotten anything, please say so in the comments and I'll include it in here. :) For some reason, I seem to draw blanks when writing this. :P
Also, if you would like to know about anything else that hasn't been included in here, just let me know in the comments.
Profile Image for Shantelle.
Author 2 books372 followers
October 18, 2016
A gripping second book to the OUT OF TIME series by Nadine Brandes! I quite thoroughly enjoyed it … not left bored for a moment!

A Time to Speak starts off soon after where the first book left us hanging. Parvin Blackwater struggles to accept her brother’s death – struggles to accept the reality that the clock she always believed in was wrong. She’s still alive.
So what will she do with the life she’d thought she didn’t have? Or will the wicked Council decide that for her?

After being left slightly stunned by the end of A Time to Die (Book One), I was really excited to dive into this book and see what would happen with Parvin, Solomon, Willow, Elm, Tawny, and the others. I was not disappointed! (Perhaps a bit shocked again, by the time I got the end, but definitely not disappointed! *grins*)
With an engaging writing style, staggering, new trials, and our beloved characters, Nadine Brandes continues to unfold this harsh, riveting, heart-breaking, beautiful story. Shalom. My heart is caught up in this tale as I watch eighteen-year-old Parvin strive to bring that back to her people. To know God more. To do what He wants her to do with what life she has left. I watch her trust deepen. Her love deepen. I watch this broken, scared girl become a fearless leader. Leading people to Truth.

I loved this book even more than the first! I still haven’t decided … four point five stars or a solid five? Hmm, I think it deserves five. Never mind the ending. There’s a Book Three to come in 2016! ^_^

I don’t even know quite why I’m enjoying these books so much. Just to warn you, neither A Time to Die or A Time to Speak are light reads! There’s sorrow. Violence. Pain. Threats. Death. Wrong. Evil. But in the midst of all that, light shines bright! Hope pulses! The faith theme of this series is so vibrant and real. I just love it! It’s so meaningful. It challenges me, encourages me, helps me grow. And books that do that are just my favorite! <3 I so love journeying and growing with Parvin. Sometimes, I’m right with her. Sometimes, her faith astounds me. And I’m like: I want that! Go Parvin! Hallelujah, my God is amazing! *smiles* Even through the dark times, this book gives a beautiful message.

Adore seeing Parvin grow closer to a certain young man. So sweet … And I adored his description of love!! <3 <3 Now, that was just perfection! I want to see this relationship progress! Please! I’m still hoping … I’m not sure how foolishly …

Once again, there’s some violence and a bit of gruesomeness. Not too bad. There are some frightening or horrifying situations. Caution to younger readers. I myself felt it was all done in a pretty tasteful way – showing a harsh reality without getting into too much gory detail.

Oh my, did you notice the cover, by the way? Ice and snow? Yeah, well, prepare to freeze. I mean really. Nadine Brandes definitely knows how to make you feel what the characters are feeling! At one point, I felt like my bones were turning to ice. Shivering while I read, my one desire was to bury myself under three blankets and eat a hearty, steaming-hot meal; like, ahh, this is the life! *grins and winks* Seriously though, those were the thoughts going through my head. I could feel that cold. Oh yes, I could feel it. And now you know why this book is so gripping. You’re there. You’re feeling the bone-chilling cold. You’re seeing the ice and snow. Your heart is beating with adrenaline and the need for a plan …

Captivating. The story is coming more together. Mysteries are slowly unraveling. Secrets, unearthed here and there. Hope! It’s shining so brightly! Then it’s the end. I’m calmer than I was with the end of the first book (perhaps because Parvin is calmer); but now my mind is whirling. What if … ? Eek! Book Three, come soon, please!

This is an unforgettable Christian dystopian series … written with rawness and feeling … bringing across a beautiful message of faith in and nearness with God. You don’t want to miss this story! Meet Parvin and go on a life-changing adventure!

I received a copy of A Time to Speak from the author.
Profile Image for Nicole Dust.
196 reviews34 followers
October 24, 2018

Okay, before I get into the review, I need to say that I’m not even going to try and avoid spoilers. For those of you who are considering reading this book, know this: There’s really no bad content, and it’s an excellent book.

Now, on to spoilers!

- Parvin. Again. Seriously, her faith and trust in God is so inspiring and beautiful. And her relationships with every character was just so well-written, especially....
- Parvin x Solomon. Guys, I might have found a new OTP. I wasn’t a huge fan of Parvin x Jude, but THIS I can get behind.
- The cover. Let’s all take a moment to stare at that piece of artwork.

Done? Let’s move on.

- The ending. WHAT. I CRIED. (Although, come on, there’s a third book. Guess who’s coming back to life?? ;) )

- I was a little skeptical about why on earth the Council would send them to Antarctica, of all places. So were they trying to kill the Radicals, or just torture them????

Overall, this is an absolutely incredible book that will make you cry. Highly recommend this series, guys. READ IT. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Profile Image for Brianna Silva.
Author 3 books111 followers
August 6, 2016

That ending. Um um I don't know what to say, except that I need the next book.


In other news, I liked this book a lot more than the first one, for three main reasons:

1. Parvin became about 10x more awesome. Talk about character development. She started off so wimpy in Book 1. Now she's become a hero. (There's hope for all of us!)

2. Solomon. I loved this guy. So sweet and kind and vulnerable. I shipped him and Parvin desperately.

3. The romance was SO, SO refreshing. I've gotten sick of overly sexually-driven romances that just feel shallow and gross. Their love story is deeper, focused on a soul connection... You know, like, HOW TRUE LOVE ACTUALLY IS. (Physical attraction is awesome but it doesn't make a sufficient foundation for a relationship!) Not only did this romance touch me in the feels waaaay more, but it was "cleaner," if you know what I mean. ;)

I'm giving this 4.5 out of 5 stars, rounding up to 5.

Meanwhile I'm going to sit in a corner and process all my post-book pain. *whimpers*
Profile Image for Katie Grace.
174 reviews5 followers
December 30, 2015
Okay. Things I reallyyyy loved.

- Parvin's character development.
- The amazing amount of tension built up in this book. o.o
- The powerful but not preachy approach to God.
- Passing notes in the boxcar. *melts* So adorable. :P
- I was able to fall into the story right away despite it being a sequel.

Things I didn't love so much:

- The amazingly done but killer cliffhanger.
- This book made me feel cold. I don't like being cold. *raises fist*
Profile Image for R.M. Archer.
Author 4 books147 followers
April 13, 2021
Solomon. Parvin's relationship with Solomon. The themes. The portrayal of faith. The WRITING (so many great lines, man. I need a second copy that I can underline and mark up to my heart's content). THE ENDING. WHAT WAS THAT. I NEED BOOK THREE ASAP. I hugged this book at least once. I paused many times to squeal or let emotions settle. Have I mentioned SOLOMON??? And there were so many moments, especially toward the end, that gave little peeks at shalom and were so heartwarming and encouraging and real, and I loved those. I loved A Time to Die and I related to Parvin and I loved the faith elements and the worldbuilding and Jude... and A Time to Speak is even better. I would give it six stars if I could. I still related to Parvin. I still loved the faith elements and the worldbuilding, and I liked Solomon even better than Jude (even though Solomon didn't have a tune chip) and everything that was done so well in the first book was somehow even stronger in this one. It's simply amazing and encouraging and challenging and needs to be read by everyone.
Profile Image for Lisa.
211 reviews233 followers
May 11, 2017
Have I really finished this already? *groans* Why do the best books end so quickly!? Just a warning here: If you haven't read A Time to Die, you might not want to read this one because SPOILERS.

Now, in short:

I already said I liked Parvin in the other review. And I still like her. She was determined, and brave, and she trusted God. Yes, she did have her weak moments, but overall, she was incredibly strong. The other characters ... I liked Solomon. *grins* This is a conversation I was having with myself:

me: Do you like Jude or Solomon more?
I: *frowns* I don't think that was the right thing to say...
myself: *yells* who is asking me this question?! I refuse to answer!

And yes, I missed Jude and Reid. A lot. But it was nice to get to know the rest of Parvin's family better. Especially her mom. I don't really understand Tawny, but I can see how hurt she must be. I can see how every other character that had a name in book one is important in book two. Some of them were really frustrating and annoying here when the Council Is it possible that of so many grown adults, many of them who were more than willing to none of them could step up as a leader or an example? Of course, never having been in such a situation (probably a good thing) I don't know how people would react. I think what happened here would be very possible in real life. But I think it's shame on the rest of these characters that it was a teenage girl who showed most leadership and strength. Also, I think I am learning to hate Skelley Chase. Sort of. Just when I thought I'd gotten a hang of it, Parvin decided which kind of ruined the effort. What I like about Chase is that I have no idea what is going on with him and what he is really aiming for and what will happen to him so while I really really want to punch him sometimes, I am not, like, wishing for his death or anything like that.

A lot of terrible and exciting things happened. Captures and escapes and rescues and fights and death and friendships and trying to strike deals and schemes and being manipulated and threatened to do other people's will so on and so forth... and there's a really cool new setting: Antarctica. Also, I visited new cities, met new believers, saw old friends from Ivanhoe and the Independent village ... things like that. It was very intriguing and fascinating and exciting. My head is in a whirl now. Parvin has learned so much and come such a long way. And I can't wait to see how she will rise up again after the end of this book, but unfortunately I'll have to try to be patient until I can get the third book. *sceams* who knows how long that will take?! I'm going to give this book 4.5 stars, but rounding it up in the rating here, you'll see it as 5. :) Well, Parvin, tally ho until the next book!
Profile Image for Dominique.
352 reviews62 followers
October 5, 2016
What the book is about:

What happens when you live longer than you wanted to?
Parvin Blackwater wanted to die, but now she’s being called to be a leader. The only problem is, no one wants to follow.
The Council is using Jude’s Clock-matching invention to force “new-and-improved” Clocks on the public. Those who can’t afford one are packed into boxcars like cattle and used for the Council’s purposes. Parvin and Solomon team up to rescue the people. Instead, they find themselves on a cargo ship of Radicals headed out to sea. What will the Council do to them? And why are people suddenly dying before their Clocks have zeroed-out?

My review:


(Also here is my review for A Time To Die if you would like to look at it
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... :)

Sometimes the second book in a trilogy isn't that good. That wasn't the case with A Time To Speak.
This series just keeps getting better :-D

Parvin, she just keeps growing in her faith more as these books continue, and she such a strong character. She just wants to live life to the fullest and do God's will. She is amazing :)
So we get to see more of Solomon in this book, and he is just amazing and I just <3 <3 <3
The Radicals, while at times you just want to shake them and tell them not to be stupid X) were amazing as well
Basically all of the characters are amazing(Other than Brickbat)
and I also might not have mixed feelings about Skelley...still trying to figure him out XD

Also, yes, yes I did cry while reading this book as well X)

So here is a spoiler section for those of you who have read the book XD

So basically this whole book is amazing and I love this series and yeah X)

Go read this series. And love it. And hug the books. ;)

Profile Image for Melissa (Sailing the Greek Isles).
4,906 reviews2,691 followers
June 21, 2024
The second installment in Brandes’ Out of Time series propels the story forward and provides an incredible amount of action and adventure. Sometimes, Parvin can come across as conceited, as if she is the only one who can save everyone. Yet, this is typical of the teenage thought process, and she does go through change and growth over time. The plot is complex and imaginative and will appeal to all ages.
After Parvin Blackwater returns from the west to discover that the Clock belonged to her brother, she is more determined than ever to help Radicals escape to the relative freedom she found. Yet the Council of the East doesn’t want this to happen, and uses the technology they stole to create new Clocks for everyone. At first, this seems like freedom, but the people soon figure out that the government has evil intentions behind this endeavor. Can Parvin and the others find a way to help everyone experience true freedom?
Profile Image for Kaytlin Phillips.
Author 13 books203 followers
October 13, 2023
Wow! This just keeps getting better and also ripping my heart out... so many plot twists! And just...yes, this is so good! I ordered the whole series last night so I can have physical copies!

Parvin has so much character growth, and her strengthening faith in God is beautiful! I love her pursuit of shalom! It's such a beautiful story and purpose!
Solomon, I love him! I mean, he's the sweetest! Love him so much!
Willow! I love her! So brave and strong!
Mother is a great character too...though she seems heartless at times, she really does care about Parvin.
Father is so sweet and gentle! Love him!
And yeah, so many good characters! Cap had me laughing the whole time! And Kaphtor...
There are so many good ones!

Unity and bringing shalom to the world. Making things as God intended and being free to have a choice. It's beautiful!

Touches of it! So beautiful and sweet!


Nadine Brandes knows how to jerk my heart out and piece if back together...and those endings are heart-wrenching, but the books are so good!
I loved this one... maybe more than the first! So good!
Ages 12+
Profile Image for Ashley Bogner.
Author 2 books74 followers
August 1, 2016
The second book of a trilogy almost always stinks. I don't know why, but the middle book is usually slow, overly dark, and tends to seem disconnected from the first book.

A Time to Speak , however, is one of those few instances where the second book is just as good, if not better than, the first. I think I liked this one better than A Time to Die . I was glued to the pages and never wanted to put it down. For me, I found the plot to be quicker-paced and I loved Parvin's role as a leader.

Nadine Brandes' writing is, like with the first book, amazing. The way she can pack so much emotion into a single sentence...I think that's one of the things that really sticks out to me about this series. It's more than a rebellion against a corrupt government. The Out of Time series has depth. I love how Parvin's faith in God is important to the story and not just "thrown in".

The characters are fantastic. Parvin has grown so much from the selfish, confused girl we met in A Time to Die . She is (while not perfect) a strong and compassionate leader whose faith is in God and not herself. I love Willow's spunky optimism. And Solomon...he was so sweet and loyal.

One of my main complaints with the first book was that I thought it was a little dark and gruesome. A Time to Speak is a serious read, and there is some violence, but I never thought it reached the level of A Time to Die .

And the cliffhanger...I'm very happy the third book comes out soon.

I am still a little confused about the Clocks and how they work. I wish there was a little more information given on how they can predict the time of a person's death, even if they die in an unexpected way. Maybe this was explained somewhere and I missed it--I was reading really fast and wanted to get to the end! :) I also didn't fully understand the point of the chapter with the underground church people. For some reason it just felt odd to me and I didn't really get it.

As for content, like I mentioned above, violence can be intense but isn't overly-graphic. Sexual content is mild. No profanity.

All in all, A Time to Speak is, I would say, one of the strongest sequels I've read in a while. I've grown to love the characters, and I can't wait to see what happens in A Time to Rise !
Profile Image for E.C..
Author 1 book101 followers
May 3, 2021
Definitely more action-packed than the first one!

Without giving spoilers, let me just say—the new (and old) characters introduced in this book were. . . hilarious. I found myself laughing more than once, which isn't usually normal. XD But in all seriousness, the depth the new characters had—and wow, that ending. . . was gorgeous.

I loved seeing Parvin grow as a character, from the selfish teen to the leader she is now. It's scary because I feel like Parvin is SO similar to me, which makes for a unique reading experience. Seeing her grow is so inspirational to me—I hope to one day be courageous and trust God like her.

As for what I didn't like. . . I felt like Solomon was a bit TOO perfect, but he is such a good character. I also thought a lot of the side characters could be fleshed out a bit more. There were also some typos in the book as well. Not enough to pull me out of the story, but enough to make me re-read a sentence or two.

Another thing I didn't like was Parvin's relationship with God in the book. He was constantly speaking to her, telling her what she should do. I just got the impression that her relationship was condition-based—which seems odd to say—but the character of Parvin made me wonder: if God didn't constantly talk to her all the time, would she still love and serve Him?

I know, that's a weird thought, considering she's a fictional character. But I just felt like her relationship with God wasn't really relatable, in some ways. I would have liked to see her struggle with the times when He seemed silent, where she wasn't sure where to go next. And seeing her struggle with wondering whether the voice really is God's, or something else, would have made her a lot more relatable.

But the big thing I loved about this book was how Nadine Brandes wrote the Radicals. Oftentimes, I get frustrated with how dystopian authors portray large groups of people. I get the idea that a lot of the time, they're just faceless crowds that are affected by the government that don't really do much. But Nadine Brandes wrote the Radicals in a way that made them living, breathing people—while not having to describe/introduce us to every single one of them. That made the emotional connection just so much more there.

Overall, I enjoyed A TIME TO SPEAK, despite the things I listed above. I can't wait to read A TIME TO RISE next!

4/5 stars (very wow-worthy).
Profile Image for Tricia Mingerink.
Author 12 books414 followers
October 16, 2015
Sounds amazing, right? Well, it is. In my opinion, it’s even better than book 1 A Time to Die. While A Time to Die is a sucker punch in the gut that keeps aching in your heart long after you’ve finished it, A Time to Speak is a stirring marching song that straightens your spine and sends you out into the world determined to do something.

After the events of A Time to Die, Parvin has to come to grips with the fact that she’s still alive. Not only is she still alive, but her friends Willow and Elm are in trouble and her family is in shambles. Parvin is determined to help her friends, help her family, and help her village.

I adored Parvin’s determination, and I think it is the main reason I enjoyed this book better. While Parvin had to search for her path in book 1, she has found it in book 2. While her determination sometimes get her into trouble and makes her a tad reckless, I could connect with her need to accomplish something. Her courage and faith is inspiring.

I thoroughly enjoyed A Time to Speak (though that ending!), and I can’t wait for book 3!

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Ry.
139 reviews1 follower
December 28, 2021
Wow. this was amazing!! So far, it's my favorite of the series! It gave me Hunger Games vibes because they were fighting the people in the government and all that. So, Parvin reminds me of Katniss a little! And speaking of Parvin. PARVIN AND SOLOMON ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol I love Solomon. XD But the cliffhanger at the end. I feel sorry for all the people who read the books as they came out! lol
Profile Image for Jay.
115 reviews57 followers
August 23, 2016
A Time to Speak
Parvin didn't die-- much to her disappointment. Unity village is a foreigner to her, yet she loves the people and they hate her.
Everyone hates her.
Reid is gone.
The council has the clock matching info, and they're claiming she brought it to them.

This book, the sequel to A Time to Die (which means you probably shouldn't be reading this if you haven't read a time to die...) is amazing and blew past my expectations. actually, I was quite sure what to expect. Between clocks, albinos, atoning, futuristic marble buildings and tight rope walking fights in the last novel, I assumed this one would be just as odd and amazing.

What I liked:
EVERYTHING. ALL THE THINGS. I love Parvins continued progression in her faith and leadership, and her succumbing to God's will for her to SPEAK.
Parvin and Solomon. It's not cute fluffy "he's so hot aaaahhhh." It's acutually nothing like that and I love it. It's a rich relationship founded in God and ARGH I flailed once or twice reading. *happy sigh*
The bad guys. Their world just got bigger. Kinda cool. Also love the continued theme with Skelley, avocado green fedoras and lemons. (If I ever see an avocado green fedora...)
And Skelley at the end... October 14th can't come sooner.
Random side note, but I really like the idea of knowledge caps.... Can I get me a Bible cap?
Also, with the underground illegal Christian group that meets in Prime, I love how they went around asking who was going to "step out." That is such great wording for what God calls each of us to do in our own way. (Or His own way, I should say.)
Everything is paced so well, and woven together with great foreshadowing and other awesomeness.
They survived Antarctica. I mean, seriously.
Nadine Brandes thought through everything. I mean, the projected wall?
I loved the city of Lost Angel, and the whole concept of living in the flood remains of that I assume to be Los Angeles. Despite the fact that I don't eat sea food, I would love living there in the salt and sea air...
Clocks. They're still confusing me but I love how things are progressing, or should I say crumbling away, amwhahahahahhaa.
The messages in the book and potent and powerful and are not something one will easily forget. I certainly haven't.

What I didn't like:
Uhm well, this is awkward. I pretty much loved this book. If I had to mention anything I would say that the train incident towards the end felt a little rushed. That could be just because I was reading chapter after chapter.
Other than that I have nothing to say in the cons department.

In conclusion, this book is amazing and has taught me so much about God love, protection, and pursuing His love.
If you're reading this Nadine, thank you so much for taking the time *wink* to write this book because Parvin and the rest of the gang have touched my life. <3
Profile Image for Abigayle Claire.
Author 11 books225 followers
October 31, 2017
Now that I'm past my tear-streaked haze of awe and exhaustion ... as the 2nd book in a trilogy, this did not disappoint! Everyone knows the 2nd books is either the best or the worst. And there's no way this one is the worst ;) Any tiny things I didn't like about book 1 (very tiny), were 100x better in this sequel.

Parvin continued to grow and struggle, and doesn't always make the smartest decisions.

Just when I thought the setting couldn't get cooler??? Yeah I loved all the geographical tidbits in this one. Lost Angel?? Yeah, that's not freaky in a dystopian story at all ... ;P

So this story had its own individual storyline, but still tied in because Parvin is desperate to get back. The action scenes in the arctic wasteland are still what stick with me most after finishing the trilogy now. So. Cool.

And that ending?! Of course I'm going to keep reading o.o Thank goodness I'm not having to wait on book 3.
Profile Image for S.G. Willoughby.
Author 11 books122 followers
June 11, 2024
Wow. Just wow. Just ask my sister who was in the next bunk bed over when I finished it... she finally asked me to stop bemoaning/relishing the ending so that she could read her own book. When I read the first book in this series, A Time to Die, I was actually slightly disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was a good book... it just didn't live up to everything I'd heard about it. This one was just as action-packed at the previous one, though, and the author did some things that I as a writer admire, and as a reader loudly bemoan, but secretly makes me enjoy the story all the more. ;)
The main thing I disliked was some of the passing mentions of modesty and integrity, but it was so cool to see how Parvin's faith progressed in this book from the last one. And the dystopian world is just amazing, and well done. :)

3rdish read-through:
I forget how much I love these books and characters. Looking at the above review from the first time I read it... all those negative things I no longer agree with. XD During my 2nd read-through it became my favorite of the trilogy because it was SO where I was right then. Now, I don't know what my favorite is, but I just love the themes, characters, and world-building. <3 Also, I ALWAYS shiver through about 1/3 of this book. ;P
Profile Image for Zac.
46 reviews69 followers
May 10, 2016
I'm an emotional mess right now. My body and soul ache. (THAT ENDING?!!) This book took me forever to read, but I think it was better that way. Drawn out. I took in the story piece-by-piece, slowly, and it was beautiful. This story surpasses amazing, inspiring, greatness, beauty. It's completely indescribable in its entirety. Epic, perhaps? But I think that's too small a word. Magnificent, bold, uplifting...still these words don't do this story justice. Nadine proves once again that she is a master of words, of story, of inspiration. I am better because of this book. So read it. Love it. Flail about it with me (PLEASE). But prepare yourselves. You'll dive into this story hoping to find a good read, adventure, excitement, and there is that, but what you'll find deep down is hope, boldness, beauty, passion, heart. Shalom. You will find the Father woven into and speaking through every page. You will be changed.
Profile Image for Sierra Faith.
195 reviews42 followers
April 4, 2024
A Time To Speak by Nadine Brandes

Genre: Dystopian, Christian.

Favorite Quote: "We have to become uncomfortable in our lives to become comfortable in our faith."

Age Range: 15+

Stars: 5/5

Series: Second book in the Out Of Time Trilogy.

Oh my gosh, I am so happy I got the privilege to be on Nadine's launch team for this book! I missed Parvin's world so much, and A Time To Die ended at such a horrible cliffhanger!

Parvin has grown physically, mentally and spiritually since A Time to Die. In the first book, she barely survived, but in A Time to Speak she came back stronger than before, ready to tackle all of her problems! She is still nervous and feels like God is calling her to speak, though she isn't sure about what or to whom. That really spoke to my heart because God tells us to speak and sometimes were aren't sure what about or if to a specific person. Maybe we are just supposed to speak about our faith to everyone.

I love how strong Parvin's faith is throughout the book. God is an important part of her life, and it shows. The theme of the first book is Shalom, or peace. Parvin finds her peace with God. She trusts God to bring her through the difficult times even if it takes her out of her comfort zone. That leads into the theme of the second book, boldness.

I am excited that Solomon Hawke is a main character in A Time to Speak. Solomon helps Parvin along throughout this book. I am pretty sure Solomon would do anything for Parvin. I like how he isn't pulled into all of the technology of his world. I am really looking forward to seeing Solomon and Parvin's relationship grow in the third and final book.

Overall: I love a Time To Speak and all the characters! Nadine, you outdid yourself :)
Profile Image for Katrina Michelle.
222 reviews
August 5, 2020
What a cold, gut-wrenching, powerful, incredible book. This is the book where I fell in love with the characters. I wasn't sure about them in book 1, not even Solomon and certainly not Parvin, but now I love them alllllll. Especially Parvin, and especially Solomon. XD

Everything about this story was amazing. I have zero complaints. None. Loved every single moment of it. My emotions are all over the place and I'm sad that I probably won't have access to book 3 for a while.
Profile Image for Saraina Whitney.
Author 4 books64 followers
July 18, 2022
RTC (I'm noticing a pattern of RTCs... I will catch up, I promise! 😂) All I'll say for now is that it was my favorite out of all three books and my poor heart hasn't recovered. (IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Profile Image for Tracey Dyck.
Author 3 books87 followers
February 6, 2019
Well, there goes my heart in a hundred pieces. Nadine Brandes did it again.

I can’t tell you how much Parvin’s journey is resonating with me. I wish I’d known her five years ago, but I’m glad to have met her now. She’s grown so much since the beginning of the first book—in purpose, in courage, and in tenderness.

And that shattered heart I mentioned? Every piece of it was stolen by Solomon Hawke, and I don’t think he plans to give it back. <3 He and Parvin share one of the most solid and mature relationships I’ve ever read in YA!

I won’t even begin to flail over the plot, because there’s no way I want to spoil it for anyone! But I will say that...

a) Nothing is easy
b) Not everyone survives
c) Everything is vivid—the pain, the cold, the hunger, the hope

That’s what I love about this trilogy. It’s a gritty dystopian—like we’ve all seen before—except there’s hope burning brightly in the midst of darkness.

And with that ending? Yeah, it’s way more meaningful than any other dystopian I’ve read.
Profile Image for Addy Smith.
189 reviews68 followers
August 9, 2018
5 stars!!!

"I loved you first, Miss Blackwater."

This book was beautiful. It was heroic. It was romantic. It was full of hope.

What more can one ask when reading a book? I absolutely loved the first in the trilogy, and I just HAD to buy the next two. And I'm glad I have the third on hand because the ending of A Time to Speak was torture.

I HIGHLY recommend that you read these over and over again. I will be doing just that. Here is the rundown:

-Language: CLEAN!! That's one of the many things I love about Nadine Brandes. She doesn't include unnecessary words in her books!
-Romance: more romance than the last one (where do I begin with Solomon?!) In short, it was sweet, and they took it slow and didn't just immediately fall in love like most of the other books I've read. (Great job, Mrs. Brandes!!!) As for the details, there was one real kiss, forehead kiss, lots of hand-holding, hugging, etc. All of it was 100% clean and I loved it.
-Violence: as with A Time to Die, there was a good bit in this one. For readers who don't like violence/blood/gore, this trilogy may not be for you.There was lots of detail about fighting (bullets, guns). People got seriously injured.
-Blood/Gore: lots of detail about blood. People got gravely injured and many died from bad injuries. There was an explosion and there was detail about the aftermath and people trapped and injured under rubble. Parvin gets injured several times and so does Solomon. Details about a electrocuted person who was charred black.

My thoughts:
I LOOOOVVVVEEEEDDD this book. Loved it. Couldn't-get-out-of-it loved it. The storyline is PERFECT and the fact that Parvin is trying to save her people and bring hope to them is incredible. Inspiring. She is awesome. <3 Not to mention Solomon.


Can we take a moment to talk about this WONDERFUL human??! I want ALL books that I read to have great people like him in them. His faith in God, his love for Parvin, and his strength to keep moving on is incredible. He will ALWAYS be a favorite. He was so sweet with Parvin, and I'm certain they'll marry in the next book. :P


Like I said earlier, she is SO COOL!! I find that her bravery to put her faith in God instead of the Clocks awesome. Even though she lost part of her arm, she's still shining for God and is still serving him!!! It was fun reading about her conflicted feelings for Solomon, and how she finally admitted she loved him.

Final word:

READ.THIS.BOOK!!!! The whole trilogy. Start at the beginning!!! If you like clean, Christian, dystopian romance novels, well, THESE ARE FOR YOU!!!

The only thing I had to complain about was the ending… it was torture!!! But I can't say anything without spoiling it..

-Recommended readers age: 13+

Nadine, your books are GEMS!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
164 reviews
November 2, 2016
What I thought:

(Quick thing, though, I haven't read this for a few months, so we'll see how this goes...)

So, first thing that I'm going to say is: the first book has a waaay different feel then the first. Like, really different, but in my opinion (and I think a lot of others), it was better!

In some ways, it almost had a WWII feel to it, like how all the radicals are being boxed up and taken away, just like the Jews. (But don't worry! If you don't like that kinda stuff, you'll still like it! It's different enough that it won't upset ya.)

And this book is also DEFINITELY Christian. In the first book, I almost felt as if the Christian aspect was a bear attacking me, since I wasn't expecting that much Chrisitian. But this one had a more ... manageable amount. And it was written beautifully!


I really like Nadine's writing! It's beautiful and easy to read and I really love it! Even when she is killing my favorite characters!

The plot is great and carried out awesomely! Yay Nadine!


Yeah, I definitely liked Parvin better in this. And ... Solomon. :) He is just awesome! Like, Nadine, can I please take him???

Ooh, and I like how Nadine did Parvin's mom. The secret and how her character was written was just amazing!

Now, Milkman (I can't remember his name! Why can't I remember his name??!!), he was ... ugh. His character was written well, and by well, I mean really unlikable. And that's coming from me, who likes all the unlikable character. Yeah.


Hmm. I feel that it did borrow stuff from WWII a little much, and Solomon was impossibly brilliant.

And I know there's another thing or two, but my poor brain can't think of it.


So, I LOVED this book, and am anxiously awaiting for the third and final book! (A little bitter sweet).

There is kissing, but that's as far as it goes. And, there's a lot of death. Like, *sniffs* a lot. *glares at Nadine* Some of the deaths are worse then others (like, one or two or more people are blown up, and Parivn sees body parts, though it's brief and not too described. But, just that kind of stuff.) And make sure that you're ready for some of the characters you're attached to DIE IN HORRIBLE DEATHS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR VERY LITTLE EYES.

Ahem. So, yes. But I'd definitely recommend this to teenagers who want a good Christian book! (And even if you don't like dystopian, I think that you'd like it.)
Profile Image for Kristina Hall.
Author 19 books416 followers
June 7, 2022
Characters: Parvin and Solomon were easy to care about. Parvin had enough flaws and problems to make her relatable.

Language: Clean.

Moral: This book had many great morals: using your time wisely, standing up for what's right, doing what God tells you. And I'm pretty sure there were several others as well. :)

Plot: This book did not drag! Plenty of action and adventure to keep things moving.

Romance: Clean.

Writing: Nadine Brandes did an excellent job of writing Parvin's first-person POV. The details were so good that I felt as if I were right there with the characters. The description of the cold... Chills!

Overall: I really enjoyed this book. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys dystopian Christian fiction.
Profile Image for Emily.
Author 11 books133 followers
September 27, 2016
Wow. I really enjoyed this book. Way more than the first one even. Review coming soon!
Profile Image for Jenna.
Author 2 books168 followers
December 18, 2019
2019 UPDATE:
THIS BOOK HIT ME THE SAME WAY THE SECOND TIME AROUND. So powerful, moving and well written. Parvin will probably forever be my favorite and most-relatable character. Her spiritual journey is so like my own; I learn so much from her in these books. ❤️
And can we just take a moment to appreciate that Nadine has DISCUSSION QUESTIONS in her books? Very cool.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews

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