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Memories #2

One Step Further

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Alex Stern has it all; good looks, charm, a job he loves and everyone calls him a friend. He lives life to the fullest at a breakneck pace, in the city that never sleeps. But Alex is also a master pretender; not even his best friend sees the pain that Alex hides so well. Alex himself isn’t sure who he is or what he’s searching for, he only knows that he hasn’t found it yet.

As a veterinarian, Rafe Hazelton loves each animal that crosses his path; they don’t care if he stutters a bit or that he prefers men. Their love is unconditional, but his life is still empty; they can only give him so much. New friendships convince him it’s time to break the wall of loneliness he’s hidden behind since childhood and discover what he's been missing.

Alex and Rafe forge a friendship that turns physical, and they both swear that the relationship will last only as long as the fun does. But when old heartaches come to light and secrets hidden for years are revealed, Alex and Rafe discover if they accept what’s in their hearts and take it one step further, the greatest reward is waiting for them in the end.

247 pages, ebook

First published June 27, 2015

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About the author

Felice Stevens

85 books1,623 followers
Felice Stevens writes romance because what is better than people falling in love? Her favorite part of a romance novel is that first kiss…sigh. She loves creating stories of hopes and dreams and happily ever afters. Her stories are character-driven, rich with the sights, sounds and flavors of New York City and filled with men who are sometimes deeply flawed but always real.

Felice writes M/M romance because she believes that everyone deserves a happily ever after. Having traveled all over the world, she can safely say that the universal language that unites people is love. Felice has written in a variety of sub-genres, including contemporary, paranormal and has a mystery series as well.

Felice is a two-time Lambda Literary Award nominee and the Lambda award-winner for Best Gay Romance for her book, The Ghost and Charlie Muir, as well as the e-Lit gold medal winner in romance for Broken Silence.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 204 reviews
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
July 7, 2015
I just might be the only person on Goodreads who feels like Stevens' portrayal of angst-riddled brooding is lacking and her dialogue is hokey and unrealistic. Her characters say things that have all the corny sentiment of a Hallmark movie, but which would never, ever be spoken in real life. Her idea of deep emotional conflict is... Laughable. I'm all for some angst and brooding MC's, and I understand that parental rejection can leave deep wounds in a person's psyche, but Alex's level of angst seemed disproportionate to what he'd been through. It had been 15 years since his loss, yet he'd never spoken of it with anyone? I just couldn't reconcile the events with the level of angst, and the corny declarations and sentiments made for more eye rolling than I'm generally comfortable with.

Also, there were some continuity errors that made my brain itch. The timing of Alex's tragedy didn't always line up with what he said, and at one point, Rafe and Alex take a shower in the bathroom of Alex's childhood bedroom. A bedroom Alex hasn't stepped foot in in 10 years, yet there's bodywash in there.

I don't know why, but that made me laugh.
Profile Image for Kade Boehme.
Author 35 books1,047 followers
July 2, 2015
Aw another sweet, make me happy read from Felice. I love her feel good style <3 just wanted to give Rafe ALLLLL the hugs. Great read.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
March 28, 2016
This started out good. I especially loved Rafe, who was shy and had a stutter. But he got on my nerves when he told Alex he wanted more than just sex and still agreed to be friends with benefits. Can anyone say doormat??

And the way these guys were constantly overanalyzing everything, it was awful. They got on my nerves fast.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
January 7, 2017
Another sweet and sugary romance - love, love and lots of love ! While both Alex & Rafe carry painful memories from the past, they are able to move forward and learn to trust. Both characters had issues with parents and their families but they stayed strong in the love for each other which was really warming. If you like a low angst fluffy fluff romance, then this is is it - awwweee
Profile Image for Macky.
1,951 reviews230 followers
July 20, 2015
Everybody who's read Memories of the Heart will have been chomping at the bit for this follow up, as it features gorgeous, cheeky Alex: best friend of Micah...and endearing Rafe, the veterinarian who befriended Josh after he found Lucky—now his and Micah's much loved dog—abandoned in an alleyway, and as a love pairing they do make for an interesting couple.

Male nurse Alex is a charmer. On the surface he's the man everyone wants to be around. He's fun, flirty, friendly and engaging. In a way he's the best choice of friend for someone like Micah; a perfect balance for his more taciturn, straight to the point surgeon friend, who as we know can be a bit of a self absorbed grump...but despite that, they've been steadfast friends and colleagues for years.

Rafe, on the other hand is shy; lacking in self esteem because of his stutter, and much more reticent in character. He's an absolute sweetie, who when he's dealing with his animals can be himself, but around strangers and people he's not comfortable with, is not so confident. And Alex's interest totally discombobulates him. He doesn't believe that someone as outgoing and popular as Alex, could ever see anything in as ordinary a man (as he thinks) he is. Whereas Alex doesn't understand why Rafe can't see how truly attractive he is, and finds himself more and more drawn to the lovely, quiet, reserved man; which makes the push and pull between them an ongoing conflict.Two complete opposites...but then we all know how that saying goes!

For rest of review follow Link-> http://bit.ly/1fYB1t7


December 4, 2015
There was so much that was good about this opposites attract story; angst, hot sex, sappy declarations and pet names, and Romance (yes that's a capital R)!

If you've read Memories of the Heart you've already met quiet veterinarian Rafe and Micah's fun-loving best friend Alex. Rafe had a lonely childhood with parents that showed no affection and put him down and a stutter that resulted in grief from other children. He withdrew and only found solace in his furry friends and still has a shaky sense of self-worth. Alex, on the other hand, seemingly has it all. Outgoing and friendly, Rafe can only imagine what a player the sexy nurse is, but under it all, Alex hides his own pain even from his best friend. On the heels of Micah and Josh's wedding, the two men get closer. Rafe has a tough time at first reconciling the man he sees behind the "player" as Alex tries to convince Rafe that he really does like him.

Both men soon have to face up to their heartbreaking pasts and I loved watching them open up to and lean on each other. It's a hard road for both, with tears and pain but ultimately happiness and love. Their times together are sexy and sweet and their chemistry is great. Even if you haven't read the first story you can pick this one up and fall in love with these two men. Something I definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Kizzy.
1,024 reviews35 followers
December 22, 2015
Another hit from Felice!

What can I say about this book? Out of all the books I've read, this is my top fave. We met Alex and Rafe in Memories of the Heart. We are Alex as the life of the party and Rafe is the quiet veterinarian. Little did I know the stories that these two had. I just wanted to give them both hugs.

I was so emotionally invested from the beginning. My heart broke Rafe and Alex for what they went through. It turns out they end up spending time together becoming friends and learning so much about each other. seeing their relationship grow made me so happy. certain things happen and their relationship changes.

This is a story you need to check out. Felice is becoming one of my favorite authors and I look forward to see what she has in store for us next. From anger, hurt, love, acceptance and forgiveness, this had it all. it was also great catching up with Micah and Josh as well as their grandmothers. once I was done, I was happy and content.

Awesome job Felice!!
Profile Image for Candice.
932 reviews
September 8, 2015
I started this book and didn't realize that this was the 2nd in a series. Luckily, you can read this without reading the first one. I felt so bad for Rafe, his life just seemed so lonely. Even though he accomplished so much, becoming a vet, owning his own clinic, he deserved to be happy and he didn't get that growing up. As for Alex, I didn't like him at first, but you could just tell there was more there than what he was letting everyone see. These two turned out to be so good for each other. Each helping the other and getting the happiness they had both not really had. Great read.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
June 29, 2015
Slick's review posted at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

4.5 Stars

Felice Stevens offers up another heartfelt story of two men who must let go of their past hurts in order to move forward and discover what it is finally like to feel love. I appreciated the complexity of this story, the less than perfect heroes, and most of all the time they took to really get to know one another. Their journey opened up some old wounds, it revealed some pretty big secrets and through it all they persevered and found the love they both wanted and needed in their lives.

As a surgical nurse Alex Stern has seen the best and worst in mankind but he's also seen that in his own family not that any of his friends would know that including his soon to be married best friend, Micah. Everyone see the outgoing, happy go lucky party boy image Alex puts on for the world but Alex is harboring some deep wounds something that no one has ever seen.

Rafe Hazelton has always been better with animals than people which is why his life as a veterinarian is perfect for him. His nervousness around people intensifies his stuttering which he tries to control through exercises he's learned throughout his life. As his best friend Josh gets ready to marry the love of his life Rafe fears he'll be even more alone and he fears he'll never find the kind of love that Josh has found in Micah.

These two found each other at the right time in their lives with both of their best friends marrying each other they were feeling more alone than normal. While Alex is more of a "one and done" type of guy that isn't Rafe's lifestyle and so they agree on friendship that turns into so much more. I appreciated that way Alex began to insinuate himself into Rafe's very lonely life and they way he took care of him even when Rafe didn't think he needed taken care of or even when Rafe thought he was only doing it to get him into bed. The fact that Alex soon understood that Rafe's stuttering got worse when he was anxious or uncomfortable especially when he worked so hard to make Rafe feel safe with him made me love Alex even more. Rafe's very insightful look at Alex showed him early on that there was more to Alex than he let the world see. It was very telling that Alex opened up way more to Rafe than he had to anyone in his life including his best friend. While their friendship did eventually turn into more I liked that they really spent time getting to know one another before taking that step. Most of all I loved that when they both had to face some pretty big demons from their childhoods they had each other's back.

Author Felice Stevens did a great job tempering the pain and angst in their backgrounds so that it enhanced the romance rather than overshadowing it. Two men who needed each other more than they ever thought possible leave the pain of their pasts behind and embrace the future they both never thought possible, one filled with friends, love, and family.

Review copy provided for an honest review.
Profile Image for Suzanne Ellis.
179 reviews3 followers
June 8, 2015
I have absolutely loved every single book that Felice Stevens has ever written. All of her stories are rich with emotion and realism, making her one of my very favorite authors.
But I have never loved one of her books more than One Step Further. Though it can be read as a stand alone, it follows after Memories of the Heart, a book where both of the MCs in One Step Further are introduced.
All of her characters are amazing people. They are deeply flawed for many different reasons, but none more so than Rafe Hazelton and Alex Stern. They both bring deep-seated feelings on inadequacy to the table, both for vastly different reasons. Each feel as if they are not enough for someone else. One hides his insecurity behind flirting, light-hearted exchanges and one-night-stands, never allowing himself to take the chance to get to know someone in a real way and the other disguises his shyness and resulting stuttering behind the quiet, steady nature that is shown to the world.
It was a truly amazing journey as I watched these two men slowly come to realize that they could really connect with another person on a deep level. I watched them slowly dig through the years of hurt, eventually exposing their pain and fear of not being good enough to each other. I found myself crying right along with them as they shared the deepest part of themselves and smiled as they were rewarded for their leap of faith.
I came away from this book just One Step Further to making Felice Stevens my favorite author of all time.
Profile Image for therese ❀.
304 reviews24 followers
June 11, 2022
i love rafe so much. rafe defense squad!!!!
alex was so good in book 1. he was kinda unserious in his life with a kindhearted soul. he is also a very very good of micah.

see i understand now why alex is so closed off towards micah not like micah wasn't with alex. but i understand them both now. i love how micah changed. love that rafe is so understanding and him having a stutter did not stop him from expressing his thoughts to alex. i love the give and take relationship and the development of friendship to love.

the thing that made me hesitant about giving this a 5 star or maybe ill change my mind soon is that the author likes a dysfunctional family trope or a broken family one or a shitty parents. and them reconciling a bit or the found family vibe. dont get me wrong i love it. i eat that trope every time. thats kinda the author's trope on all of the books of them ive read. and the mcs not wanting to open up with other mcs because of it or it is their "deep dark secret" ive already mentioned about how much the "deep dark secret" is a good plot device to make your book longer and its not working for me it just makes me annoy and piss of that my agony is prolonged and its not worth it every damn time. this one is fine. but just a minor inconvenience.
Profile Image for Candice.
2,922 reviews133 followers
July 24, 2015
When I first read Memories of the Heart I wanted to know more about Rafe and Alex. Little did I know that these two would end up together.

Let me start with Rafe. GAH! My heart ached for him and his cold upbringing and his lonely life today. It really hurt.

Now Alex. Wow. I don't think I can put into words how I felt about him. Can I see him keeping secrets from Micah? Yep. Why? Because Micah is a giant douchebag and an asshole friend. I might have warmed up to him in Memories, but I went back to hating him in this one. The things he did and said pissed me off way to much and I hold a MEAN grudge. So yeah, I can see him holding secrets from selfish Micah. I would, too. Then Micah has the nerve to be hurt by this? Bull.

I loved how shy, quiet Rafe could see through Alex though. I loved that he made Alex own up to his behavior and TALK.

Overall, fantastic.
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,932 reviews414 followers
July 3, 2015
This was a lovely beautiful story that I read in one sitting.

Alex and Rafe are both broken souls. They've been hurt by people close to them in the past. Alex is a nurse and Rafe is a vet. Both have a caring nature and deserve so much happiness. Will they find that with each other?

Well written m/m read. I found it to be a quick read and really enjoyed it. Loved it.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,329 reviews387 followers
November 8, 2017

*** 5 second chance stars!***

Put the book down with a happy smile, that was a perfect ending. After I put on hold at 89%, because I can't read with my teary eyes. Took a deep breath, and finished the book, with my favorite Alex and Rafe, satisfied.

I remembered, I asked Felice Stevens to write about Alex story after I finished Micah and Josh's story, and Felice said, 'maybe'. And the 'maybe' became , 'okay', and turned out into a beautiful love story about Alex and that adorable shy Dr.Rafe. (Ugh, at some point I want to kiss Rafe myself!).

Alex and Rafe are far from perfect, especially Rafe with his , but that what's made their imperfections became a 'perfection' in my eyes.

I loved that I can see Micah and Josh again, and not just a glimpse of them, but for the whole story. That's why you need to read Memories of the Heart before you jump into this book. Micah and Josh were definitely made for each other, and Josh...*sigh* , that sweet man, he's perfect for that grumpy Micah.

This book easily crawled under my skin and became one of my favorite of Felice's books.
In the future, I need to read another beautiful stories from Felice, one of very short list of favorite authors.
Great job !

Highly recommended!


Whohooooo got my ARC now!!!! Thank you Felice Stevens!

NOTE : Thank you for generous ARC Felice, for I can't read Romance during Ramadan (not in exchange for anything). And you know how sinful Felice's boys could be . *smirk*

Some of my favorite quotes :

"“Well, baby, all I know is Mr. Friend of a Friend was busy checking out your ass and looked like he wanted a piece of what you were shaking.”

"“If only may be the two saddest words in the English language, you know? We all question fate sometimes, imagining how we might be happier if only we didn’t do that act that led to something bad happening. Or how much happier we’d be, if only we were rich or thin.”"

"“I’m not boyfriend material; I won’t be sharing my feelings, calling you to say hi during the day with silly jokes or buying you roses and champagne.” He rubbed his cheek against Rafe’s. “But I will make sure your needs are well taken care of and you always go to work with a smile on your face.” He kissed him again and whispered, “I won’t share you with anyone, and I’m yours for as long as you want me.”"

"“You brushed your teeth? Did you use my toothbrush?” Rafe knelt by the side of the bed. “You had your mouth on my cock this afternoon.” His lips curved in a teasing smile. “Does it bother you if I used your toothbrush?”
Hmm. Point taken."

"“Baby, I’ve got your back and your front and every piece of you in between. I may be a crazy, fucked-up jigsaw puzzle, scattered all over the place, but the important pieces, my heart and my brain, haven’t been lost yet.”"

"“I finally have you where I want you; here, alone with me and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop for anything except to put on a condom and get inside you.”
“Then do it. Fuck me until I scream the walls down.”
Profile Image for Valerie Degeorge.
337 reviews124 followers
June 29, 2015
I Absolutely Loved This book

One Step Further was such a beautifully written book,it has just the right amount of angst and the whole set up up from beginning till end flowed perfectly another beautiful story from Felice Stevens.

The story starts off at a bachelor party for Micah and Josh that Alex had arranged at a male strip club. We met Micah and Josh in their story Memories of the Heart where we got to first meet Alex Stern Micah's best friend of fifteen years.

Alex is a very fun loving and practical joker type always the light of the party but what we get to see in this book is looks can be very deceiving. Although he is very happy for his friends engagement he is feeling saddened realizing that he and Micah aren't going to be as close as they have been now that Micah has found love with Josh he is set on thinking that he will never find that one special love.

Alex is hiding his past he keeps the demons hidden by always joking and being the light of a party but can he hide his past when he is suddenly realizing he is attracted to Josh's good friend Veterinarian Rafe Hazelton?

Rafe is a very quiet almost too shy guy being bullied and ignored all his life because of a condition he feels makes him different.
Rafe finds peace in caring for the animals at his clinic which to him cannot cause him grief and show judgement towards him.

Rafe spends his days at work and his nights at home but when attending his friend Josh's engagement and setting his sights on Alex he begins to feel things he is not used to and afraid to pursue. Luck has it that Alex is persuasive and not afraid to go after what he wants at no cost.

I absolutely loved watching both Alex and Rafe start to explore hanging out together and slowly watch how Alex begins to break down the walls Rafe has built up but on the other hand we see Rafe also helping Alex open up and let him in.

This story has so much depth to it I cried at times just watching these two troubled men reach out to each other and become each others strength and yes the second between them is Hot!!

There are twists in here that I didn't see coming and it was written so well and it brings us a better understanding why each of these two were the way they were.

Felice did not disappoint again and watching both Alex and Rafe reach their HEA was such a breath of fresh air I highly recommend this book I read it in one sitting and was left with such a happy heart.

Thank you Felice for another wonderful read.

"Jesus, you're such a princess."
"No, baby. I've said before. I'm your fairy godmother and me and my magic wand are going to make all your dreams come true tonight."

"I'm irresistible."
"You're impossible."
Rafe kissed him again.
"Impossible to resist," he whispered.
"I love you too, Rafe."

Profile Image for Marcia.
487 reviews5 followers
June 25, 2015
Every time I read a Felice Stevens' novel I am shocked at how much emotion, love, and can-do spirit she packs into each of her books, and One Step Further was no less emotional and a triumphant than Memories of the Heart, the story of Micah Steinburg and Josh Rosen finding their happily ever after and introduced us to Alexander "Alex" Stern and Raphael "Rafe" Hazelton. One Step Further is the story of Alex, the gorgeous and outgoing surgical nurse and best friend of Micah, and Rafe, the beautiful and shy veterinarian and very good friend of Joshua. Their story, together and individually, pulled on my heart strings and had me cheering them on through of all of the obstacles that were thrown in their way, past and present ones. The friendship that sparks between two men who seem so entirely different--Alex, who is the life of the party, and Rafe, who is the quiet, reserved one--will lead them to discover that they are not so different after all. Each man hides behind his own façade to cover the years of pain and loneliness that threaten to consume them.

Felice Stevens does an excellent job of telling each man's story as well as their story as a couple. One Step Further is an extremely well written heartfelt read that will have you engrossed from page one. I must say that, although Alex's story was heartbreaking, it was Rafe who stole my heart, and had me cheering for him the most. I honestly loved this book. I could not put it down once I started it. Of course, I was able to catch up with Micah and Josh, a couple that I love, although I must say, Micah did upset me in this one very much. Truthfully, this was just another wonderful book written by a fantastic author. I highly recommend it!! Bravo, Felice Stevens!! Bravo!! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us readers next.
Profile Image for Tracy~Bayou Book Junkie.
1,566 reviews47 followers
July 4, 2015

*copy provided to bayou book junkie by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review*

5 + Stars

I wish I could give this book 6 stars! I love Felice's writing. Every book I read just gets better and better. From the first moment Alex and Rafe's lips touch for the first time, you feel the love, tenderness, caring and emotional bond between them. The chemistry is electrical and the sexual tension palpable.

Each believe for different reasons they aren't worth enough for anyone. I loved watching them fall in love and discover they were worth so much to each other. I loved their journey and was so sad to see this book end. I think this may be my favorite Felice book I have read so far.

The author pulls you in and holds you captivated with her writing. Her stories make me feel. I feel the love, the sadness, the sweetness, and eventually the joy when I pick up one of Felice's books.

These characters were introduced in Memories of the Heart, but this can definitely be read as a stand alone, and I highly recommend it!!
Profile Image for SiKReviews.
1,305 reviews5 followers
July 11, 2015
Reading this book reminds us never to judge a book by it's cover. There is always something deeper in a person. Sometimes people put on a happy face to cover up some trauma in their life. I totally got that. Alex was one of these people. But for that one special friend, that one connection to a certain person, that mask is forgotten. They can allow that person so see to their very soul. That person for Alex was Rafe.

Dogs know a person on a level that humans just don't see. When Rafe seens how Alex is with the dog he is watching, he knows there is more to Alex than he lets people see. He tries to stay away to protect himself from being one of those people Alex uses to keep the pain away. Lucky for him, Alex can't stay away.

These two men needed each other to heal from their pasts and to mend relationships. Their love was almost tangible to me. The chemistry jumped off the page. Read this in one sitting. Teared up in many places. Love is Love!
Profile Image for Gina.
175 reviews6 followers
June 6, 2015
ARC for an honest review. Wow! The story between Alex and Rafe was heartbreaking and so full of emotions but yet the love was there. Alex was such a wonderful and funny MC. He's carefree attitude and easy going ways made me love him more than ever. Rafe was such an endearing MC and how his caring attitude despite all he suffered made him such a strong and amazing man.

Another phenomenal story from Felice. I highly recommend this and all her books. The writing is amazing!! Thank you for introducing me to Alex and Rafe, as well as Micah and Josh and the grandmas.
Profile Image for Julie Jackson.
2,251 reviews10 followers
June 5, 2015
ARC for a honest review. Beautifully written and a excellent storyline.

Alex is a nurse with bigger ambitious. He is longing for something more in life but needs to get the situation with his parents on the mend as well.

Rafe is a vet and a loner. Socially awkward and has always been made to feel inadequate.

These two meet and after a year, finally seem to be headed in the right direction.
Can both of their pasts be mended enough to make both of the see just how much they need each other?

This one is a must read. 5 STARS
Profile Image for Claudia.
1,030 reviews
August 9, 2015
Great love story!

I was in love by this book since the first time I read the blurb.

Rafe is such an amazing, sweet and caring person and OMG, he so deserves to be loved!!!!

I loved how Rafe was able to see through Alex façade and step by step, get him to open up and givem them a chance at hapiness.

This is such a sweet and gorgeous book!!! I loved every minute of it!!!
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews155 followers
November 18, 2020
Rafe is a shy veterinarian who tries to keep his interactions to those he knows & trusts and the animals he treats. The don't mind his stutter.

Alex is a surgical nurse, life of the party, and fleeting flings. Or that is the persona he projects to the world.

They know each other through their mutual friends Micah & Josh from Memories of the Heart and when those two lovebirds go on their honeymoon Alex & Rafe have cause to get better acquainted as caretakers of Lucky, the happy couple's dog.

I liked this couple. Alex & Rafe are good guys who've tried to hide from painful pasts. There aren't long lasting misunderstandings, the communication is good given the time span of story, and the smex was pretty pretty hot 🔥🔥🔥 There's also a pretty sweet epilogue featuring Micah & Josh, but more importantly what Obergefell meant/means to so many. I teared up a bit.

Michael Pauley did a really good job with the audio giving each guy a distinctive voice. I particularly loved his version of Rafe.

IMO the story did dance a bit close to telenovela style drama, with both MCs dealing with intense issues in a short span of time, but thankfully neither Alex or Rafe were given to hysteria.

A good listen.
Profile Image for Kirstin.
1,756 reviews22 followers
July 26, 2019
I listened to the audio version of this with Michael Pauley narrating and really enjoyed it.

I feel like both MC's were so normal which is always a plus. There was no misunderstanding that kept them apart, it wasn't full of angst. It was just the real life issues that normal people encounter with an added bonus of sweetness and a stutter that was adorable.

Loved it.
Profile Image for Chris.
905 reviews
July 3, 2015
5 out of 5 stars

Description ~

Alex Stern has it all; good looks, charm, a job he loves and everyone calls him a friend. He lives life to the fullest at a breakneck pace, in the city that never sleeps. But Alex is also a master pretender; not even his best friend sees the pain that Alex hides so well. Alex himself isn’t sure who he is or what he’s searching for, he only knows that he hasn’t found it yet.

As a veterinarian, Rafe Hazelton loves each animal that crosses his path; they don’t care if he stutters a bit or that he prefers men. Their love is unconditional, but his life is still empty; they can only give him so much. New friendships convince him it’s time to break the wall of loneliness he’s hidden behind since childhood and discover what he's been missing.

Alex and Rafe forge a friendship that turns physical, and they both swear that the relationship will last only as long as the fun does. But when old heartaches come to light and secrets hidden for years are revealed, Alex and Rafe discover if they accept what’s in their hearts and take it one step further, the greatest reward is waiting for them in the end.

My Review ~

So in the last year I discovered a handful of super awesome authors. Among those is Felice Stevens, who like Cardeno C., has some of the best character driven romances in the m/m genre at this time. Felice Steven's books will bring you to your proverbial knees and either make you cry over the heartbreak her characters have lived through or want to hug them and piece them back together again. That's not to say the entire book is angst driven, she tends to toss in a good dose of levity either with the secondary characters or our favorite furry companions.

With each new book from this author, I fall deeper into her addictive writing style. Her characters are top notch in so many ways, and with each book I say I loved this set more than the last. Again.. I utterly adored Rafe and Alex in this story. Rafe's own self-esteem issues, stemming from having a stutter he has never overcome, and Alex's way of covering his emotions and need to keep everyone at arms length sucked me into this pair of main characters.

Discovering why Alex is the way he is will make you want give him hugs and banish the distance in his eyes. Rafe's recounting his childhood and things his mother said to him, will make you want to erase all the years of pain and hurt and loneliness from his life and hug him till he squeaks. Add into the mix one precocious dog from the previous book, and many other dogs and a cute bunny from Rafe's clinic and you have a lethal mix of book addiction. Well, at least for this reader anyway.

I know the moment I start reading a book from Felice Stevens that I'm guaranteed one hell of a story with strong characters who are willing to fight for love, and will end up with a Happily Ever After. I know that shouldn't be a requirement for a book, but I want to know that the couple I've invested my reading enjoyment in, is more than just a passing fling. I love the utter escape that this author's books provide me even if I sniffle or tear up a bit on the journey. At the end of each of her books as I finish reading them, I'm sad that the story is over. For me that's the mark of a good book, and an excellent author.

I can't recommend her books enough and as always I look forward to the next book(s) she'll write and share with her very addicted readers.

Profile Image for Elyxyz Elyxyz.
Author 7 books49 followers
May 26, 2017
Voto: 4.5
Quando il primo libro di una serie ti è piaciuto, speri sempre che il successivo sia all’altezza. Se poi è persino migliore, come in questo caso, credo sia una doppia fortuna!
Per quanto mi riguarda, la storia di Micah e Josh è stata piacevole, ma questa ha decisamente una marcia in più.
Nel precedente volume avevamo già avuto modo di conoscere Alex, l’infermiere, che è il migliore amico di Micah. Qui lo ritroviamo in crisi, perché – pur essendo sinceramente felice che Micah e Josh siano così innamorati e pronti a sposarsi – sente che il suo mondo sta per cambiare, che l’unico vero amico che possiede, e che si è sempre affidato a lui per oltre quindici anni, ora avrà qualcun altro a cui appoggiarsi, e Alex è scombussolato, spaventato e malinconico. Invidia quel legame speciale che crede gli sia precluso e si finge allegro e spensierato con tutti, perché non vuol rivelare come, in realtà, abbia dentro di sé un dolore grandissimo e un animo lacerato.
Alla festa di addio al celibato di Micah, Alex incontra Rafe, che conosceva già di sfuggita, perché è amico di Josh e il veterinario della piccola Lucky, l’adorabile cagnetta di Micah.
Anche se è un bell’uomo, Rafe fatica a relazionarsi con la gente perché è timido e ha un problema di balbuzie, che si accentua quando è agitato e lo fa imbarazzare molto, precludendogli approcci sereni con chi gli sta attorno. Per questo, l’uomo ha pochi amici, anche se è una persona gentile e disponibile, con una sensibilità spiccata perché il suo lavoro con gli animali ha affinato la sua empatia.
Come Alex, anche Rafe ha un passato doloroso che lo ha segnato con profonde cicatrici interiori ed entrambi gli uomini, a ben vedere, non hanno mai avuto relazioni amorose significative.
Quando iniziano a incontrarsi, concordano che una semplice amicizia potrebbe giovare ad entrambi, anche se ben presto i ‘benefici’ non tardano a spingerli verso un rapporto più stretto.
Alex, che sembra allergico all’amore, fa capire a Rafe che innamorarsi di lui sarebbe un grosso errore, ma che potrebbero godere di un sincero legame amichevole.
Saranno due eventi imprevisti e drammatici a piombare nelle loro vite, conducendoli in un viaggio reale e metaforico verso il passato, verso i loro demoni personali e verso una riappacificazione con se stessi. In questo cammino, sostenendosi a vicenda, avranno modo di fare luce sui loro sentimenti.

Come ho detto all’inizio, questo libro mi è piaciuto tantissimo e la storia d’amore di Alex e Rafe è dolcissima, intensa, a tratti commovente. Senza contare i numerosi momenti coccolosi e molto hot. Mi è piaciuta la loro evoluzione, sia personale che come coppia.
Nella trama si toccano vari argomenti seri, come il lutto, la malattia, la morte, l’omofobia, ma non c’è niente di eccessivamente drammatico.
È stato piacevole ritrovare i vecchi protagonisti (anche se Micah avrebbe meritato un bel paio di ceffoni), così come le care ‘nonnine sprint’, mescolati con nuovi personaggi secondari.
Il libro ha un buon ritmo e una piacevole alternanza dei punti di vista di Alex e Rafe, che ci regalano delle belle introspezioni. La resa italiana è piacevole, associata ad un editing quasi perfetto.
Adesso non vedo l’ora di leggere il prossimo, perché Alex e Rafe saranno ancora al centro della scena e possono continuare ad emozionarci. Ma, intanto, spero che questo vi piaccia quanto l’ho adorato io.

Profile Image for Zane Kage.
3,055 reviews28 followers
June 30, 2015
An unplanned sequel, “One Step Further” is the result of supporting characters Alex and Rafe (introduced in “Memories of the Heart”) attracting a fan following. Once MCs Micah and Josh got their HEA, Felice’s readers rallied. Most wanted to read more about Micah’s best friend (Alex); some wanted to know if he’d be paired with the veterinarian that had shown interest in Josh (Rafe). 

It isn’t necessary to read Memories first, but I recommend doing so. You’ll have a better understanding of the characters and their stories and, of course, it’s a great book. In “One Step Further” not only do we get Alex, Rafe and their heartwarming story, but Micah and Josh are back! This time they are supporting characters along with their sweetheart of a dog (it really isn’t a Felice Stevens book without a furry friend in it) Lucky. We even get to visit with two of our favorite grandmothers, Ruth and Ethel.

Alex and Rafe were both sweet and sexy. As things progressed and they began to open up to one another we also saw the shared humor that comes from closeness and confidence. Alex exuded it from the beginning, and then soon after, shy, quiet Rafe came into his own. It was delightful to see them bond – they had such fun together, building a true friendship/relationship, exploring trust at levels new to each of them. I loved how they navigated what was for both of them unchartered emotional waters.

I was originally a fan of Alex – “I want Alex, is there a book for Alex?”  I was among those clamoring for him. After reading, much to my surprise, sweet unassuming Rafe won me over. That’s a big leap for someone who tends to favor the classic broody/broken alpha male, and it is a testament to this writer’s ability to create characters that truly resonate with her readers.

Alex and Rafe were so loving and genuine. Reading their story from both points of view as they mended themselves and one another while falling in love was so heartwarming. Don’t fool yourself, this is still a Felice Stevens book. There are definitely ups and downs, but of course, love wins in the end. All in all, this might be her sweetest book yet.

Complete with signature sweet moments and declarations of love, and of course the guaranteed HEA, this book was a joy to read. Felice says she likes writing shmoopy, sigh worthy romance… well, I am here to tell you I LOVE THE SHMOOP!! Bring it on. And bring on Felice Stevens because I love her and everything she writes. If you liked Micah and Josh, you’ll love Rafe and Alex. If you like Felice Stevens you’ll love Rafe and Alex. And yes, if you like the shmoop, you’ll love them all!

. ** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through www.mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com **
Profile Image for Heidi Ryan.
309 reviews12 followers
July 1, 2015
This follow up to Memories of the Heart is fantastic. Felice Stevens has a real gift for story telling. I loved this book that focuses on Rafe and Alex. As supporting characters in the previous book, we got to know them a little, but getting to find out their whole story is priceless. Alex, best friend to Micah and all around "fun" guy, isn't really who he pretends to be. He is outgoing to hide his own pain of loss and feelings of worthlessness. He was a failure to his father, and his tragic loss tears him up daily. He always looks like the life of the party because it is easier. Rafe is a gentle spirit, a caring vet, a bit of a stutterer, and he is afraid. He doesn't think anyone would ever want to be with him. And he is too shy to try. But when these two cross paths, they each seem to help the other. And they learn a lot about themselves along the way. This is a beautiful story of two lonely souls finding something they cannot live without in the other. They learn to trust, to not make snap judgments,and they learn to forgive while also allowing someone to love the real them. It is a powerful story that can only help brighten your day. Love is possible for anyone. If you adore a great love story that takes you somewhere, this is the book. I may have to reread this again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 204 reviews

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