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Straight Guys #3

Just a Bit Unhealthy

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When the line between “need” and “want” gets blurred...

Gabriel DuVal, a rising soccer star.

Jared Sheldon, a team physician.

To the outside world, they’re just good friends. But the truth is, Gabriel isn’t entirely sure what they are to each other.

Some call their relationship unhealthy. Some call it codependency. Gabriel calls it confusing. He knows Jared wants him – as more than a friend. He doesn’t want Jared. He’s straight, he has a girlfriend, and he loves her. But Jared is… Jared is more. Jared is his. He needs him – his touch and his strength.

But is it enough for Jared?

Publisher's warning: This is not a light-hearted story; this is a rather twisted gay-for-you story. It contains some steamy MM scenes, explicit language, and two people so wrapped up in each other that the nature of their relationship goes beyond friendship--and beyond normal.

193 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 26, 2015

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Alessandra Hazard

28 books7,373 followers
MM Romance Author

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,281 reviews
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
October 19, 2021
Seventh re-read: 19.10.2021
I know so many people are on the fence about this book, it being so unhealthy, but you know what? I don't care. I love it. The codependency and the possessiveness is so hot.

Sixth re-read: 25.03.2021
Don't give me those eyes. I can't help it. I just had to. It's been over a freaking YEAR since I've re-read this one and it just felt wrong. It really can't be a damn year...

Fifth re-read: 21.02.2020
That's it. I'm the one who's having an unhealthy relationship with this series. I keep re-reading it! It's like I can't stop. It's annoying me that I'm obsessed with this series. I need more, I crave more and each (re-)read is leaving unfulfilled. I'm guessing it won't be long until I'm re-reading it again..

Forth re-read: 09.08.2019
Is it wrong that I want someone to be so possessive over me as Gabriel is over Jared? Is it? Anyways, I can't believe I've read this book five times now, and I still enjoy it. This series is addictive and obviously unhealthy to me :P Anyways, I wish we get a sequel to each couple (though some I couldn't care less for *cough Tristan cough*), because one book each isn't enough. I most want another book for couple in book one, two and in this one. There's just something about their relationships. This review is becoming really long with all the re-reads I'm doing...

Third re-read: 26.01.2019
Jesus, can you believe I've read this book FOUR FREAKING TIMES? As I had re-read (again) book one and two, I couldn't not re-read this one as well. Of course I couldn't skip this one. I do love this toxic relationship and Jared and Gabriel is kinda great. I love Gabriel's possessiveness, it's the best part of the whole book. But yeah, I need more from this book though. I really hope the author one day decide to give us a sequel for each couple, specially this one (hell specially the first three books in the series). I also see a tons of reviews were they don't like this book. And I can totally understand it as the first time I read this one, I didn't like it all that much.

But the more I read it, the more I like it. It's the same with the whole series. I just gets better each time I read it and this time was no different. Highly recommend everyone to re-read the series :P Though, for some reason I hate Tristan. He's such an ugly person inside. A bully in a way, a liar and a horrible person who hides behind a smile. Can't stand him. So weird, since everyone else loves him. But I'm going to give his book a second chance and hope I like it more than the first time around.... Good luck to me.
Gabriel lifted his gaze to him, his eyes the only color on his pale face. “You told me to walk on my own.” A crooked smile curled his lips. “That was me walking on my own. I think I did pretty well, don’t you think? I scored two goals.”
Jared stared at him. “Don’t do this to yourself.”
“Why? Why do you care?”
Jared stepped closer and hauled him to his feet. “Are you trying to make me feel guilty? Is that it?”
Gabriel shrugged, looking aside, his jaw clenched.
Jared chuckled, shaking his head. “Are you kidding me? So what am I supposed to do? What? Stay by your side, watch you build a family, and be alone for the rest of my life?”
“You said you love me,” Gabriel said, still looking aside, his voice tight. “If you really loved me, you wouldn’t leave me.”
Jared inhaled sharply. “You can’t use this against me. Not this. Do you have any idea how much this sucks? Unrequited love isn’t fun.”

Second re-read: 18.10.2018
Is it weird that I re-read this one again? I mean, this is a seriously unhealthy relationship, yet I crave it. I love Gabriel's possession of Jared. L O V E it. I wish I could find more books like that. The book is actually written quite well, but it should've had more scenes with . All these books in the series feels like a prequel for each couple. Seriously, there should be two books for every couple. That way you really get a sense of a bond and relationship. Overall, what am I doing re-reading this series again? I weird. I can't help it. It was so much potential. Don't think I'll re-read Tristan's book though. I don't like the fucker. Btw, my rating keeps getting better for each read....
New Rating: 3 stars.
“You’re a weirdo,” he said, stroking Gabriel’s nape and dropping a kiss in his hair.
“But you love me anyway, right?” The neediness in Gabriel’s voice was impossible to miss.
“I love you,” Jared said. The words tasted bittersweet on his tongue, but it was also a relief to be able to say them. He tipped Gabriel’s face up and dragged his mouth gently across Gabriel’s jaw. “I love you.”
Gabriel practically melted into him, tucking his face into the crook of Jared’s neck. “I love you more,” he whispered, brushing his lips against Jared’s throat. A chaste kiss. Chaste words.
But there was nothing chaste about the way his body reacted. Jared’s heart was hammering in his chest, the familiar mix of want and longing, pain and euphoria coursing through his veins.
Jared closed his eyes and wondered if this was how it felt to be between heaven and hell.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*So lacking in depth, but I couldn't find anything else*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Re-read: 11.04.2018
I'm lost. I can't find anything to read. Nothing AT ALL. I'm going mad. So I just picked something. And picked this one. Strangely it wasn't so bad as I remember, but there's so much missing. The lack of depth is pretty much killing the book. I wish, though, that more authors would right book with a story like this one; friends (best friends) so overly possessive and needy, and touchy with each other, while still being straight. Until they aren't anymore. I crave those kind of stories. Probably why I ended up choosing this one again.
“I’m not depressed,” Gabriel said again, as if repeating this would make it true. “I’m just…I just have to wait it out. It will pass. It will. Jared said so.”
Claire cringed at the desperation mixed with belief in his voice. Jared said so. That thing was very far from passing.
What was it? Some kind of messed-up dependency? Love? Could platonic love be that strong? She didn’t know. She was afraid to ask. Afraid of the answer she’d get.
“You miss him,” she murmured, clenching her hands together.
Gabriel laughed. It was a horrible sound. “Miss? I don’t miss him. I…” He trailed off.
When he spoke again, his voice was barely audible and full of resentment, “I just feel empty. Incomplete.”
Claire bit her lip. God.
“It’ll pass,” he whispered hoarsely, grabbing her hands and squeezing. “It will. I promise.”
His grip hurt, but she didn’t complain. “Okay,” she said with far more conviction than she felt. For their child’s sake, she had to believe in that.

Gabriel and Jared isn't healthy when it comes to each other, but it works for them. I just wished we had gotten more depth. Specially with . The lack of that just didn't work for me. Also I wish that there had been some... fight or at least Gabriel finding out .
New Rating - 3/2.5 stars.
“Jay, don’t do this. Please. I can’t—I can’t—”
“You can,” Jared said.“It’s time to walk on your own. You already did it once. You can do it again. This…our relationship…it’s not healthy for you.”
“I don’t give a fuck.” Gabriel squeezed his arms tighter around him. “This is what I need. You.”

Other characters:
Claire, a model and Gabriel's girlfriend. Seems dumb and naive.

Tristan DuVal, Gabriel's adopted brother. A dick. Egoistical.
Zach Hardaway, one of the best physiotherapists and fitness trainers in Europe.
Rebecca ‘Becca’, Jared secretary.
Paul Mewes, coach for the football team.
Oscar Mone, an American footballer and .
“You know the most fucked up part?” Gabriel said, his voice muffled a little. “If Claire falls in love with someone else, I’ll let her go. It would suck, but I would respect her decision. Because I want her to be happy. But it’s different with you. When I imagine you loving someone else—someone else being more important to you than me—it drives me mad. You’re mine. Mine and no one else’s.” His hand fisted Jared’s shirt. His voice became tight. “It’s fucking silly, but I honestly feel like—like you were created for me and no one else has the right to have you.” Gabriel chuckled, still hiding his face in Jared’s shoulder. “Say it: I’m a weirdo. I’m sick.”

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*A bit disappointed*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

First read review:
Strange enough, this one was my least likable in this series. Strange, you wonder? Well, I L O V E possessive men and rising soccer star Gabriel ‘Gabe’ ‘Gabi’ ‘Gavriil’ DuVal (20-21) was so possessive of team physician (the Head of Sports Medicine at a top Premier League club) Jared ‘Jay’ Sheldon (30). However, something just didn't work. But yeah, I loved their connection, Gabriel's possessiveness and neediness for Jared and I adored Jared's heart. Yet, I didn't like the selfishness. I dislike selfish people, yet I still understand Gabriel. Overall, I hated Tristan (Gabriel's adoptive brother), I wanted to see the couple being a couple. I wanted more of a closure. Uncertain if I actually want to read Tristan's book.
Gabriel bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a physical ache in his gut. He became acutely aware of the sound of the clock’s ticking. Time, slipping away.
He didn’t know what to do.
So he did what he always did when he felt lost, or angry, or upset: he closed his eyes, burrowed closer into Jared’s side and pretended the problems didn’t exist.
He was good at that—as long as he had Jared.
As long as he had Jared.
The clock ticked away.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M)
Series: - Series (Standalone?), Book Three.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Jared ‘Jay’ Sheldon.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - No..
Rating - 2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews67 followers
February 13, 2020
Oh, Jared, Jared. What's your excuse for being a shoe-debris-catcher? Huh?

That this is an M/M story excuses nothing, silliness transcends sexual proclivities. I won't say much to spoil because the Book Blurb does a spiffing job of that.

Essentially, the entire series is premised on the evolution of hetero men who find themselves thrust into situations that make them question their sexual orientation notwithstanding they'd never been so inclined.

What bothered me about this story was the lack of respect. You cannot be in a sexual relationship with someone while emotionally entangled with another. It happens sure, but that doesn't make it acceptable, IMO. You cannot have a child with someone, be neglectful of said child and mother, who BTW are living with you while obsessing over another to the point you bring said person to live in the same house with you, the GF and the baby.

That the said other person is a man, is hardly relevant. If a guy had done the same with a woman he was obsessed with, the GR community would probably go apoplectic, brimming with righteous hailstones and indignant fire. While we may likely overlook the living in the same house thing however, crawling into bed- at every opportunity- to snuggle with the OW/OM cannot be ignored! Dress it up as an obsession, warped love, childishness or whatever, still, it's crass.

Aside from these, to find that the OM is, at 30, a decade older than the love interest, begs the question: Jared, why are you a shoe-debris collector? That the younger love interest is hetero and one who tells us (though he acts otherwise) he has zero sexual interest in the OM, makes this all the more disturbing.

I simply could not root for Jared as I had zero respect for his choices. Likewise Gabriel, who acted poorly toward his GF/baby mama and his baby. Love doesn't always conquer all.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
727 reviews1,148 followers
June 23, 2024
|| 2.5 stars ||

First read: March 2022 | ★2.5 stars
Second read: July 2023 | ★2.5 stars

Okay.. So.. I actually think this book deserves an even worse rating than I gave it, as I absolutely hated everything about it. But then again.. I also found myself enjoying hating it.. If that makes any sense??
Like, yea, it's terrible, but I wasn't bored once and it did capture me in some way? Like, I wanted to keep reading, even when I hated it. I know. It's weird.

Anyway, back to the actual reasons I hated this.

Firstly, I have to say that this one had far too much inner monologue for my liking. I was really craving a bit more action and dialogue.

More importantly, however, I just hated these characters and their entire relationship.
Gabriel is no saint, and I found him a bit of a pathetic character, but nothing compared to my annoyance and dislike towards Jared. The sheer audacity and entitlement of this guy was outrageous.
And the worst thing about it is that Jared is portrayed as the good guy, and Gabriel is set out to be like some horrible human being. But, seriously, how is Jared not the problem??
The whole drama of this book starts only because Jared somehow thinks Gabriel owes him his love or something. For some reason, the idea is that gay guys cannot just be friends with a straight guy; that would somehow mean that Gabriel is leading him on???? As if it is his fault that Jared has a crush on him and cannot accept the fact that he is straight. The fuuuuuck???
The premise is literally: Jared cannot be friends with Gabriel if he won't put out. He would literally terminate their friendship over Gabriel's sexuality. What a dick move. I genuinely felt bad for Gabriel when he was being abandoned by his best friend because of this. Imagine that? Your friend saying 'yo, I have a crush on you, but I know you don't swing my way, so I'm gonna remove you from my life after all these years, because.. well... Because.' I would cry.
Gabriel said it best himself:

"Unrequited love? What are you talking about? What unrequited love? You're not leaving because your love is 'unrequited'. You're leaving because—because sex means more to you than love."

And Gabriel was genuinely trying, you know. Jared literally got him to start putting out just so Gabriel could keep him. The fact that Gabriel eventually started 'liking' it on his own was a mere coincidence and doesn't take away from the sheer creepiness and unfairness of it all. He shouldn't have to be sexual with his friend just to keep him? Fuck Jared. Seriously. Gabriel was so attached to Jared, he would do anything for him. Jared was his physiotherapist when Gabriel was a sixteen year old, paralyzed boy who didn’t think he could ever walk again. He had no one. So he thought he needed Jared. And Jared took advantage of that. He groomed him. So seriously, how is Gabriel not the victim??

"I can give you anything you want."
"I don't want a pity fuck."
"It wouldn't be a pity fuck. It has nothing to do with pity. I love you and want to make you happy. What's wrong with that."

Honestly, Gabriel's girlfriend voices my thoughts pretty accurately, and I was quite literally screaming 'PREACHHH girl' when she finally snapped and gave Jared a piece of her mind:

"You know he can never love you the way he loves me. So what is the point? Stop ruining our relationship! He was sixteen when you two met. He was an impressionable, vulnerable, paralyzed kid and you took advantage of him—you must have encouraged his weird fixation on you. And now he wants to make you happy. Don't you see you're coercing him into something he doesn't want? You make me sick."

You know what might possibly have annoyed me the most, though? The way every single person pretended like Gabriel was Satan incarnated. No one has a good word to spare for the poor guy.
Not even Jared. Jared who supposedly loves him soooooo much that he cannot accept being merely his friend, and is basically emotionally manipulating him into giving him what he wants sexually. Yea, that guy. That guy apparently not only thinks Gabriel isn't much to look at, but also thinks he has an absolute shite personality.
Jared repeatedly talks about what a trash human being Gabriel is; how selfish, how rude, how unkind. I think the only positive thing he has said about him is that he is supposedly loyal. Kay. Great. So, um, quick question: WHY EXACTLY ARE YOU IRREVOCABLY IN LOVE WITH A DUDE YOU DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE KIND WORD TO SAY ABOUT???????
At the end of the day, I cannot for the life of me understand how this poor kid's confidence wasn't absolutely shot to hell.

"What do you see in me? I mean... Looks-wise, I'm nothing special. And it can't be my personality. I'm not nice or anything."
"Who told you only nice and conventionally beautiful people deserved to be loved?"
"So you don't really think I'm attractive. You love me despite my being plain and weird-looking."

Really, though, plain and simple: Jared was a freaking creep. And apparently he knows it too:

"You probably think I'm a pervert. I thought so, too. I tried to convince myself I wasn't attracted to you. You were a teenager and I was an adult. You were so vulnerable and fragile—and you depended on me—so I had no right to feel it, but it was useless. You could make me breathless just by looking at me. You should have never trusted me."

So glad we can finally agree on something, Jared! You are indeed a pervert, and Gabriel should indeed never have trusted you. Too bad you only say it this once, and afterwards go back to ignoring it and pretending like you are holier than thou, while Gabriel is somehow a dickhead for being straight??
God forbid straight guys are super close with their gay guy friends!! They must be leading them on!! *sigh* Yea rightt

'Straight Guys' series:
0. Straight Boy - 3.0 stars
1. Just a Bit Twisted - 3.5 stars
2. Just a Bit Obsessed - 3.0 stars
3. Just a Bit Unhealthy - 2.5 stars
4. Just a Bit Wrong - 3.5 stars
5. Just a Bit Confusing - 1.5 stars
6. Just a Bit Ruthless - 4.0 stars
7. Just a Bit Wicked - 3.5 stars
8. Just a Bit Shameless - 4.5 stars
9. Just a Bit Gay - 1.0 star
10. Just a Bit Dirty - 3.0 stars
11. Just a Bit Wrecked - 2.5 stars
12. Just a Bit Bossy - 3.0 stars
13. Just a Bit Heartless - 3.5 stars
14. Just a Bit Captivated - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,657 followers
December 28, 2017
Two words.


Are you tolerant enough to deal with DENIAL for 85% of the book? 😑 Obviously, I’m not. 😒 And the rest of the 15% was also just so-so for me. Gabriel is one of the most pathetic, hateful, disgusting and emotionally unstable characters I’ve ever read and I’m sure he’s in one of my top 10 hated MCs. Seriously! Jared should have tied up that brat and fed his cock years ago and the problem will be solved. I mean I just can’t understand the part that ”you said you love someone but you were so bigoted and close-minded that you weren’t even open to try a bit of physical affection with the person you claimed to be your soulmate?” It’s not even that repressed sexuality that bothered me. It’s just how selfish, self-destructive and to others, egoistic Gabriel’s character is. And I hate the part of Gabriel’s girlfriend and having a baby with her. I totally think pregnancy part was absolutely unnecessary. 🙄 May be this one is just not my cuppa … who knows? 😬 Some people really seem to love this one but for me, this is such a total failure.

2 I wanna flay Gabriel stars
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,537 followers
July 23, 2021
i think it’s fair to say that my favourite couples in this series will be the ones that are the most toxic & the most fucked up! 🤣

what can i say… i’m just VERY consistent with my love for toxic relationships in books.

gabe was such a little prick… an absolute NIGHTMARE at times. i constantly wanted to beat his ass. i think he might be on the scale of psychopathy.

but honestly… gabriel’s never ending obsession and clinginess is what made this book so great for me. i’m a big fan of neediness, jealousy and obsessiveness in my romances, so this was VERY satisfying for my codependency & obsession loving soul.

jared though…🥺 what a sweet, patient man. i can’t believe he suffered in the friend zone for years and it FINALLY paid off! he truly dealt with gabriel’s bullshit so effortlessly… what a man!

for real though, these two were MADE for each other.🥰

(this is definitely a new fav along with books 7 & 11!)
Profile Image for Ele.
1,312 reviews40 followers
March 5, 2016
*1.5 stars*

I wish somebody had told me this when I started reading this story. I wasn't planning on it, because I hated the previous book , but the fourth of this series sounds promising and I thought...wth, it's short. Well, fooled me once....

This wasn't just a bit unhealthy, it was insane, all kinds of fucked up and I came pretty close to giving up. Reasons:

*Gabriel. I shit you not, even after finishing it I don't know what this guy's deal is. And I don't mean that he was a selfish, manipulatve, arrogant, spoiled asshole. No, disgusting personality aside, I mean I just couldn't figure him out! Is he gay? NO. Does he want Jared? NO. Is he attracted to Jared? NO. Did he leave Jared alone to go on with his life since he doesn't want him? NO. Does he have a girlfriend and a baby on the way? YES! Did he agree to get intimate with Jared to get him to come back? YES!

*Jared.He was pathetic. He agreed to go back and live with Gabriel, Claire and their newborn, for what? To be in a fucked up sexless three-way?

*Claire. Like in the previous book, the girlfriend is the bitch and in this case with a plotline I truly despise. Getting pregnant to trap her boyfriend. NO.

But hey...there is sex and Gabriel realises in the end he is in love with Jared (what?) Add a baby to the mix and there you have it.

Overall it was weird and unsettling. Skip it.

Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
April 4, 2020
2.5 stars

Oh well! That was bound to happen. They all can't be winners.

This is a case of dumb, dumber, dumbest.

I love me some co-dependent relationships, this one took it on another level that it because stupid.

Jared is a total dumb-ass and a doormat. Ugh! how could he let Gabriel walk over him like that? I wanted to scream at him RUUUUUNNN!!!!

Gabriel! Laaawd! I am needy, but Gabriel takes it to another level. He is needy, co-dependent on Jared, selfish, possessive and a serial killer in the making. (He will kill anyone who comes near Jared)

The whole drama with Claire and the baby was so unnecessary. Ugh! I feel like this was a wasted story opportunity. The

I enjoyed some parts, especially the evil-sweet Tristan, i am curious to see how his story plays out.

I hope we don't have the stereotypical mm female characters in the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,708 reviews25.1k followers
August 12, 2023

Just a Bit Unhealthy is book three in the Straight Guys series by Alessandra Hazard. First, I need to admit that I was a bit apprehensive to read this one and I’ve been putting it off. I had met these two in the previous book and because of the way their relationship was introduced, I didn’t think it was for me. And wow was I wrong. This surprised me in so many ways.

Jared Sheldon is the Head of Sports Medicine at a top Premier League football club in England. He first met Gabe five years earlier when he was doing his physiotherapy residency. Gabe had been very seriously injured and Jared was assigned to him. What first began as an impossibility of ever walking again became a miracle. That with Jared as his dr., Gabe was completely rehabilitated and was able to return to the sport he loves. And now, five years later, Jared is working for the same team as a dr.

Gabriel ‘Gabe’ DuVal is a star player who is straight. He has a girlfriend. But it’s his best friend, Jared, that keeps Gabe grounded. That gives him the will to do better. Gabe loves Jared. Love might not be a big enough word. Maybe obsessed? Gabe is straight and Jared is not.

The relationship between these two is unhealthy to say the least. Jared is completely in love with Gabe. But he has somehow kept his love disguised as friendship. Gabe also loves Jared but not in the way Jared needs. His love is more of a dependency.

I didn’t think I was going to enjoy the relationship between these two. But I did. They really did love each other, even if it was in different ways. I can’t explain why I liked their co-dependency but I really did. Neither of them was at fault, their relationship just was what it was. I couldn’t help but to want them to find a way to make things work, for both of their hearts to get what they needed.

We are also introduced to Gabe’s adoptive brother, Tristan, who is the focus of the next book in the series, Just a Bit Wrong. I can’t wait to read it.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,433 followers
November 12, 2022
the first 67% was horrible, both Gabriel and Jared were unlikable characters to me, for different reasons. although i don't mind manipulative characters at all (and i even have my favorites), Gabriel was the type i couldn't stand. not only does he manipulate Jared into staying with him, but he's selfish bc he knew Jared loved him but, rather than doing the right thing and letting him go bc he couldn't give 100% of himself to him, he chose to take advantage of Jared's love instead and he literally acts like a child when he doesn't get his way. it was so annoying. as for Jared, he was way too nice and could never say no to Gabriel. he had his moments where he was okay, but i wasn't completely pulled in by his character.

i hated the OW/OM dramas, but i was surprised when things took a different turn once Gabriel and Jared started living together. i still didn't like their romance or both mcs, but those moments in the second half were more tolerable compared to the beginning.

anyways, i loved the Alec x Christian crumbs in this. 🤍
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,183 reviews781 followers
July 5, 2018
2.5 Stars

I knew I wouldn’t like this one but you know I have to read series in order even if they all are standalone! I’m obsessed with reading series in order! The push/pull was so exhausting and not in a good way! I didn’t like Gabriel; he was on my nerves. He was so so selfish and idiot! And at the end, I didn’t think of his feelings for Jared as love! Jared was like a fixation for him, a twisted obsession but not love! I couldn’t understand Gabriel! Told in multiple POV, 3rd person. It’s a quick read and mild angsty. It’s the third installment in the "Straight Guys" series with character crossover but you can read it as a standalone. Hope you enjoy it more than me!
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,396 reviews665 followers
October 24, 2015

I can't fault this book and say how needy and co-dependent these characters were on each other because it literally tells you in the title that it's gonna be 'unhealthy'. The relationship frustrated me as much as it did, Jared. The man at least tried to leave the fucked up situation. But then he went and had himself talked into being in some kind of fucked up three-way without the sex.
what the fuck photo: davey_whatthefuckareyoudoing.gif

Then we have Claire...
Her boyfriend literally comes home all fucking giddy (authors words) and extremely happy after being depressed for months (even after having his son born) and informs the mother of his child that a man, that he loves and will put before anyone, is moving back and that this man is in love with him and he has promised this man that he will do anything to keep him and make him happy. What does she do? She agrees with this fuckery.
what the fuck photo: da fuck? stwart.gif

what the fuck photo: what the fuck vfxoc2.gif

Who the fuck agrees to this shit?

Then in the end it's too much for her. REALLY?? Didn't see that coming. But then it's revealed that, with the oh so helpful advice from her 'friends', and I use that term loosely because no friend would give another friend the advice to get pregnant ON PURPOSE just to keep a man. bitches be stupid photo: tumblr_m1ha13O1Lo1qj8sac.gif

I felt no remorse for how shit ended up for her. I don't have patience for that kind of stupidity.

In the end I didn't love the book as much as the first two. I am looking forward to the next one because I got a taste of Tristan and Zach at the end and they seemed very sarcastic and fiery. That's my kind of people. ;]
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,925 followers
November 24, 2017
 photo tumblr_m4kab5DkVv1qjemo2o1_500_zpstkczbgpu.gif

Well...I've read all the other books in this series, so I figured I would give this one a try too, even though the reviews made me kind of nervous. I was right to be nervous.....every damn character in this book (except maybe Alexander and Christian) pissed me off !!

I'm sad to say that I didn't enjoy this one. Both of the MC's were such idiots.

Gabriel, is a famous football player, who was paralized, when he was 16 years old. That's when he met Jared, the team physisian. Jared helped Gabriel heal...physically and mentally. This whole ordeal however resulted in a very unhealthy relationship between Gabriel and Jared.

Now two years later Gabriel is heavily dependend on Jared, and Jared is in love with Gabriel. This was such a shitfest.

Gabriel knows about Jared's love for him and even though he can never give Jared what he wants (because he is straight), he doesn't want to let go of him either. He thinks Jared is his, and nobody else can have him...he was such a spoiled bitchy little brat !! He really didn't care if Jared was happy, just as long as he himself was... He has a girlfriend to have sex with, and figures that for everything else...he has Jared. He throws a hissy fit whenever someone alse claims Jared's attention.

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Now Jared...damn he wasn't much better. The man had zero spine. Can you say doormat...

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He was happy with all the scaps that Gabriel threw at him. He was always there for Gabriel, placating his every fucking need. When he finds out that Gabriel's girlfriend is 5 months pregnant, he feels betrayed. Not because of the pregnancy, eventhough he's hurt by that too, but because Gabriel never told him. It's an eye-opener and Jared decides that it would be for everybody's best interst, to cut his losses and leave...He goes back to the States, leaving a freaked out Gabriel behind.

I was so proud of Jared in that moment. I thought he was finaly done being a freaking doormat for Gabriel....but I was so fucking wrong. After the baby is born, Gabriel goes to the States and does his very best to convince Jared to come home. Eventhough he won't have sex with Jared, Jared is allowed to kiss him if he needs it and he will do anything else to keep Jared happy. Gabriel convinces Jared they can be happy together, even without having sex...because he just doesn't feel that way about him. Of course Jared follows him, like the pathetic dog that he is...

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I had absolutely zero respect for these characters !! The author was right about one thing....this was a very unhealthy relationship indeed !!

As for Gabriels girlfriend...I would have felt sorry for her, but even she was a pathetic bitch, getting pregnant on purpose to keep Gabriel..

It's been a long time, since I've hated a character as much as I hated Gabriel. I thought Tristan was a brat (book 4), but he had fucking nothing on Gabriel !!!

2,5 stars.....I will still read the rest of the books that come out in this series, because except for this one I have really enjoyed all of them !!
Profile Image for eli ♡ .
160 reviews136 followers
July 25, 2021
note: this review contains major and minor spoilers for the novel.

.·:·.☽✧ 2.1 stars ✧☾.·:·.

"Jared owned him: his heart, his soul, and now his body. He belonged to Jared and Jared belonged to him."

although I was warned the relationship(s) in this book were unhealthy, I didn't heed said warning. I've read my fair share of romance novels with unhealthy/toxic relationships, so I thought this one couldn't be that bad, right? wrong.

the relationships in this novel were atrocious. call that description dramatic, I don't care. the reason I call these relationships atrocious is because they were led by horrible decisions. and the characters making these decisions had their minds clouded by love, lust, jealousy, potential happiness, and more. if I couldn't support the relationships these characters had, then how was I supposed to support or, dare I say, fancy the characters themselves?

maybe I should ask the author, Alessandra Hazard, that. back to the point I was trying to make: I couldn't like any of the characters in this book because they made so many poor decisions that I wanted to bang my head against a wall, repeatedly. here's my examples with quotes for evidence:

example #1: Jared moved from the States to England, just to be with Gabriel.

I can't blame Jared much because he was a hopeless romantic, and love can make you do some crazy shit. but my dude, you left your home and family for someone that doesn't reciprocate your romantic feelings and has a girlfriend he supposedly loves.

"Truth be told, if it weren’t for Gabriel, Jared would have never left the States in the first place. He had left his home and everyone he knew for the young man who had crawled so deep under his skin, Jared couldn’t imagine being an ocean away from him. But in some ways, being so close was far more painful than he had expected."

example #2: Gabriel hid Claire's pregnancy from Jared because he was in a panic and knew Jared loved him.

although I understand where Gabe's coming from, how long did he think he could hide it? obviously, Jared would eventually find out. it was inevitable. but I don't understand how Gabriel wants nothing to change, when that clearly can't happen. and Gabriel knew that. otherwise, he wouldn't have hid the pregnancy.

""This—this is never going to work. And you know it, or you wouldn’t be hiding Claire’s pregnancy from me. That was stupid, by the way. For how long were you hoping to do it? Sooner or later, I would have found out, anyway. Then what?”"

example #3: Claire got pregnant on purpose so she could "lock Gabriel down"(?).

this is a tricky one. I'm severely disappointed in Claire for doing that because it's horrible to bring a small human being into this Earth, only to tie your man down.

"Did he love her enough to stay with her? He was young and famous and could have any woman he wanted. That was when her friends advised her to get pregnant and tie Gabriel down once and for all. She had listened to their advice. Had it been the right thing to do? Claire pressed her hand to her belly. It had to be."

because he could've left Claire since she was pregnant, it's even more horrible. then Claire would be alone, and the child wouldn't have the environment they could've had--if Claire had the child when both partners in the relationship were ready.

but I can partially understand why Claire took that route. Gabriel was in his own bubble, and Claire wanted the same attention and love she had when they first met each other. she was desperate to get things back to how they were before Jared came into the picture.

and yet, it still doesn't make it right. while I can see where she's coming from, it still was a horrible decision to make, and most definitely did not give her the results she wanted.

example #4: Gabriel kisses Jared at Alexander and Christian's party, but Jared has a boyfriend.

to give a little context, Jared left England and went back to the U.S. after the situation in example #2. and Gabriel went to the U.S. to get Jared back, even though he already knew Jared had a boyfriend. all the while, Claire very recently had their baby boy, Jules, and they're both back in England.

so Gabriel makes some weird proposition to Jared where Jared can kiss and touch him, but he can't have sex with him. Gabriel makes this proposition because he wants to touch him, and have Jared to himself.

"“It has nothing to do with pity. I think it’s pretty fair: I give you something you want, and you give me something I want.”[...]“Just think about it and it will make perfect sense.” His expression softened. “You know how much you mean to me. It won’t gross me out if you kiss me sometimes. If it means I get to keep you, I’ll do it happily.”"

I understand that desperation made Gabriel want to kiss Jared, but I don't understand why they both agreed to that proposition. why couldn't Jared and Gabriel break up with their significant others so they could be together? yes, it would be pretty difficult. but they clearly cross a lot of boundaries set just to be with each other, so why would they not cross another line? I just don't get it.

example #5: Jared decides to temporarily move-in with Claire, Jules, and Gabriel because Gabriel insisted.

who said that was a good idea? Jared did acknowledge that it's a bad decision, but he still went along with it, so his objection doesn't help much.

"Gabriel licked the corner of his mouth. “Stay with me.”
“Stay at my place,” Gabriel said with more conviction.
“What about...your family?” Your son and his mother.
An unidentifiable emotion flickered across Gabriel’s eyes and was gone so quickly that Jared wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined it to begin with.
“It’s a big house. Claire doesn’t mind. Really.”
Jared knew he should say no. It was a terrible idea. He had no desire to watch Gabriel with his partner and their child.
“Please?” Gabriel’s green eyes practically pleaded him to agree.
Against his better judgment, Jared said, “Only for a few days, until I find a place to stay.”

seriously, I don't know what was going through Gabi's head when he proposed that idea. like, I nearly screamed out in frustration. usually when I know drama is about to arise, I'll be that one bitch who quickly makes some popcorn for the occasion. but since I knew the severity of the drama arising, I wanted to literally run for the hills.

example #6: Gabe left Claire and Jared home alone together.

this one isn't as bad as the others, but it's still bad. that morning, Claire found Jared and Gabriel sleeping together in one bed, and Claire was filled with hatred for Jared. so do you think she would be polite to Jared? of course not.

"You know he can never love you the way he loves me. You will never be enough for him. So what is the point? Stop ruining our relationship! He was sixteen when you two met. He was an impressionable, vulnerable, paralyzed kid and you took advantage of him—you must have encouraged his weird fixation on you. And now he wants to make you happy.” She laughed.

“Don’t you see you’re coercing him into something he doesn’t want? You make me sick. I have nothing against gay people, but why can’t you stay away from the rest of us and stick to your own kind? There’s nothing more pathetic than a gay man pining for a straight, taken guy. You’re—” Claire stopped mid-sentence and paled."

but that doesn't mean she should have said what she said to Jared. did she make some points? yes. should she have said it the way she did? no.

I want to sympathize with Claire, but I just can't. she acknowledges that Gabriel doesn't care about her, and yet she doesn't break up with him. she instead takes out her anger for Gabriel and his neglect on Jared because Jared is the center of Gabriel's attention, not Claire. she really needs to move on and find someone who will love her and pay attention to her, since Gabriel clearly can't do that for her.

but I can't put all the blame on her because hey, this is a two-person-tango. Gabriel is in the relationship too, and he should've broken it off as well. you think Gabriel and Jared's relationship was unhealthy? well, I'll show you an unhealthy relationship right here:

Gabriel and Claire's relationship

as you can tell, Gabriel and Claire have a dysfunctional relationship. Gabriel neglects Claire and doesn't care about her. Claire is always arguing with him about this and takes care of their newborn, Jules. but she still has hope that Gabriel will see she is the perfect girlfriend, and they'll be happy. based on what I've told you about these two so far, I think you know this won't happen.

I was pissed at both of them for the whole novel because I just wanted them to break up, so they could be happy. if they broke up, Claire could share custody of Jules and find someone who actually cares about her. Gabriel could be with Jared, and have partial custody over Jules. yes, they break up at the end of the book, but still.

after reading about all their bickering and huge issues, I just felt bad for Jules. for the first 3 or so months of his life, he had to see and hear Claire and Gabriel argue and bicker whenever they were around each other. yes, Jules was an infant, so he was still developing his eyesight and hearing. but children, especially the young ones, are impressionable. they pick up on everything in their environment, whether Claire and Gabriel acknowledged that or not.

in conclusion, I'm upset and disappointed. maybe I should be happy because Gabriel and Jared got their happy ending, but I can't be. every character involved in this book got on my nerves and disappointed me in one way or another.

and while Tristan low-key pissed me off in this novel, I will still read the sequel because the synopsis for it has me slightly intrigued. since I started this book journey, I might as well finish it 'cause lord knows I should stop starting series and not continuing them.

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initial review:

as much as I wanted to enjoy this, I couldn't. too many stupid choices, too much jealousy, too much--god, it was all too much. my head hurts after reading this, so I need to go to bed. I'll probably write a ranty review tomorrow because hopefully, by then I'll have my thoughts together and my mind wouldn't be clouded with anger. don't be surprised if I fight every character in this book though.

Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews237 followers
May 30, 2021

-Couldn't stand Gabriel
-Couldn't stand the doctor because of what he allowed and enabled.
- The situation with the girlfriend was awkward and unnecessary.
- My least favorite. 🥰
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books560 followers
August 3, 2021

Jared is just so incredibly fucked!

Understanding Gabriel is like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I actually understand why he can’t let Jared go and I feel bad for both of them. At the same time I want to wring his neck for being such a selfish little shit.

“You’re not leaving because your love is ‘unrequited.’ You’re leaving because—because sex means more to you than love.”

That statement is bursting with so much meaning and it totally makes me understand where Gabe is coming from. I might even be on his side which is shocking to me because he’s still a selfish asshole.

My god Tristan is something else!

When Gabriel says he loves Jared more, I actually believe him. I mean this might be the strangest story I’ve ever read, but I understand it. It’s weirdly organic; Gabe’s love. (Btw I’ve read a book about a woman having sex with a ghost, just to put how strange into perspective 🤣)

So, I’ve got to say, especially now that I’ve finished, Jared has an edge of a pedo. Maybe it’s because Gabe acts so young and he definitely doesn’t help by babying him. Either way his attachment to Gabe definitely had a feel that was a little disturbing.

Having said that, it didn’t take away from how much I enjoyed this one. I think they were toxic but I also think they were inevitable. God bless anyone that came between them because they never stood a chance.
Profile Image for ⊱ Poppy ⊰.
340 reviews296 followers
December 28, 2016
The best book in this series, for what I've read yet. It was a total mindfuck but beautifully written with such a plot line that will keep you in your seat. I finished this book in less than 45 minutes. I have never read a love story like this, so unhealthy, so ugly but beautiful at the same time.

Profile Image for Makhda.
874 reviews141 followers
March 9, 2017
5 stars. It couldn't get less than that.

My god. That was overwhelming. I can't believe I cried a little over a book. I'm an emotional mess. Damn.

Gabriel was so needy, clingy and obsessive. He considered Jared as his yet he always thinks he was straight-straight. Straight as an arrow that couldn't get bend. And Jared...my goodness, he just takes what he could get even though seeing Gabriel with his girlfriend breaking his heart over and over again. They're both f***ed up. This is the moment where I want to bitch slap my characters.

When Jared decides to leave Gabriel that's when conscience kicked in. Gabriel would do anything to get Jared back to him. Anything. And Jared being Jared he would accept everything Gabriel wants. He would take what he could get. That's just so f***ed up.*SMH*

If you don't mind with an angsty book, I suggest you consider to pick this one. I have to warn you this is not some cute, sweet, all flowery romance book. I think you could read this as a standalone if you prefer that way. But you would leave all that fun behind. ;))

I think I need some sugar after this...

Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews512 followers
October 28, 2021
“...I love you.” Gabriel’s voice, soft and sincere, whispering in his mind. “You can’t say I don’t feel it only because I don’t want you that way. I love you in every way that matters.”

I'm torn between rating this 3.5 stars 🌟 or 4 stars 🌟 and that's mainly because I really did enjoy this book, the loved the moments between Gabi and Jay, with G being a clingy cuddle slut and J looking at the lord above, asking for his almighty patience.

Gabriel scowled. “No.”
“You’re adorable,” Jared said with a smile.
Gabriel’s scowl deepened. “See, I’m right. I’m ‘adorable’ to you. I’ve seen you check out other guys— even that prick Tristan—but you never do it with me.”
Jared looked up, as though asking for patience, and exhaled

But then I also feel like, I wanted to see JUST A BIT MORE. I just wanted to see perhaps their past a little bit more and got to witness how their relationship got to be, but more I also wanted to see another chapter before that epilogue, because HOW, WHY and just WHAT is Alessandra thinking to just end a book there?!

But then I go back to my fond moments of this book and I just want to gush over this all over again.

sigh* it's complicated people.

and I have to say, I know that Tristan is the spawn of the devil for everyone, and he kind of definitely is, but alsooooooo I read his book first before this, (which is also why it took me some time to read this) and I know, he is grade A level trash, but just... Reading him through this book, before Zach, Tristan is just Grade A+ Level Trash and I was here for him every second of it.


Don't look at me like I'm crazy.

The rivalry and hatred between Tristan and Gabriel is so... I wouldn't say unique but I feel like, their relationship puts to coin the meaning of how Hate and Love aren't that different at all.

Jared shook his head to himself. He’d never understood the fierce rivalry between Gabriel and his adoptive brother, Tristan. They were the same age, both orphans, both loved football and both were incredibly talented, but they couldn’t stand each other.

Anyways, part of the reason why I was hesitant to read this initially was because I was thrown off by what everyone was saying, it felt like everyone was claiming this was toxic, manipulative and I thought themes of non-con or at least, dubious would be present, “... Everyone knew that Gabriel DuVal was very bad at sharing. It was obvious on the football pitch, too: he was often selfish and ruthless, wanting to be the one to score all the goals. For that reason he was the favorite target of the media’s scathing criticism, universally hated and reluctantly admired.” and in the light of the bloody Straight Guy's series, this book is pretty chill.

I mean, yeah this might throw you off your moral compass, but nothing what the Falloucast series didn't already do to me.

Moving back to this book, I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship between Gabi and Jay, I don't mind that their relationship was already and extremely progressed by the start of this book (A prologue would've been appreciated Mrs. Hazard) and I was in extreme awe of the Trust, Love and how Smitten Gabi was with Jay.

Everyone had thought Gabriel’s career was over before it even properly began—doctors weren’t optimistic about his chances of walking again, much less returning to football—but Jared made him believe he could do it. And he did. The day he took his first steps without falling, Jared hugged him tightly and whispered, his voice full of pride, “That’s my boy.” And Gabriel never wanted to let go. Jared was his. He didn’t know what he would have done without him.

I was in awe the way Gabi showed his vulnerability, without a hint of hesitation and embraced his heart to no one but Jared. There was no doubt, even as reader that Jay would and will always will come first to Gabi, Jules be damned 😳 (I really don't want to get to THAT part).

Gabriel squirmed, tightening his arm around Jared’s middle.
A warm, strong hand settled on his nape. “Gabriel?” Jared’s voice was serious now. Concerned.
Gabriel forced himself not to lean into the touch too much. “They are right, you know: I’m really an asshole.”
Jared went still.
Outside, the blizzard whipped snow against the window.
“All right, what’s wrong?” Jared said slowly.
Gabriel shook his head. “Never mind. Just…promise me something?”
“What?” Jared’s fingers started running through his hair.
Don’t leave me.

And the way Jay was just POWERLESS under and over Gabi's green eyes and dark blond hair, my mind was stunned and speechless beyond proportion of just how wrapped he was around Gabi's tennie tiny pinky.

There was something about that pale, strange-looking boy that brought out every protective instinct in him. He wanted to see him smile. He wanted to see him happy. He wanted to see him healthy. It had become a bit of an obsession, and in the following seventeen months, Jared found himself spending the little free time he had with Gabriel. The boy did have a difficult personality, but Jared didn’t mind. Gabe was like a wounded animal (a puppy, Jared thought affectionately) that wanted help and comfort but tried to hide it. Through trial and error, Jared had learned how to handle him. When Gabriel threw tantrums, Jared just gave him an unimpressed stare; when Gabriel refused to do exercises “because there was no point,” Jared called him a coward and a quitter; when Gabriel was depressed and started to lose faith, Jared pulled him close and held him, whispering sweet nothings until Gabriel smiled and regained his stubborn belief that everything would be all right.

And the love he has for Gabi, his sweet soul deep and gut wrenching love, was both so beautifully painful and achingly deep. At times admirable, and at most, completely blinding.

I guess, the historians had it right, love truly was blind.

Clenching his jaw, he looked straight in front of him as Gabriel hugged him. “Thanks,” he muttered, his lips brushing Jared’s ear.
Damn it all. Sometimes Jared felt like killing him. But he let himself wrap an arm around Gabriel and pull him closer. He savored the feel of Gabriel’s body against his and drank in his scent as if it was air and he was a drowning man. It was a special kind of hell: to be so close to him and know he could never have him.

Of course, in true Alessandra Hazard fashion, there will never be a time where she squeezes in plot that just makes you beg, why? The day Alessandra has mercy on us readers will be the day hell freezes.

And until then, I will continue to the binge the ever so decreasing backlist I have of of hers.

Gabriel bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a physical ache in his gut. He became acutely aware of the sound of the clock’s ticking. Time, slipping away.
He didn’t know what to do.
So he did what he always did when he felt lost, or angry, or upset: he closed his eyes, burrowed closer into Jared’s side and pretended the problems didn’t exist.
He was good at that—as long as he had Jared.
As long as he had Jared.
The clock ticked away.

→Initial reactions
No. Fucking. Words.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
524 reviews261 followers
July 14, 2024


This series is so completely, utterly good! Is shocking how many people don’t know about its existence and have never read it. They are missing some good things.

I need more. Damn, I’m Addicted.

Loved this book. Short, sexy and FUCKINGTASTIC.

I don't have a complaint about this series.
Is just all good. Like, everything.
Profile Image for Stephani Rozier.
131 reviews7 followers
March 27, 2015
Goodness, I LOVE this series! As I was reading this book I kept looking at the bottom corner of my Kindle, watching the percentage, and I kept thinking 'NOOO, I'm not ready for it to be over!' Ah, but the book did end and I FUCKING LOVED IT!!!
Profile Image for JAN.
1,198 reviews919 followers
August 3, 2022
This title, what a joke. 🐽😂🐽🤣

Such an unhealthy relationship, but oh so addictive for this reader.
I seriously had a blast with Gabriel's possessiveness and manipulative character.
Very entertaining.
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews337 followers
January 2, 2022
***3.0 rating***

"Jared owned him: his heart, his soul, and now his body. He belonged to Jared and Jared belonged to him."

Hello beautiful people!💕

I hope you all had a lovely New Year's despite the pandemic. I am going into this year with a positive and optimistic mindset🙏🏻 and I hope 2022 is better than last year! (One can hope).

My first review of 2022 is of course one of AH's books.

If you have seen my recent reviews, you might have noticed that I have become somewhat addicted to this series. Its entertaining af😩🤣.

AH has my weaknesses captured in all of her books: two people falling in love, possessive handsome men, toxicity, and last but not least, jealousy 😏.

Yes, it is only natural that I would binge this series. Haha.

I have to say I have enjoyed it so far, it's been great.

But with this book, Idk what to think. I didn't love it nor hate it. It was alright.

The title of the book is self-explanatory, especially when it comes to the plot and the relationship between the mains.

The relationship between Jared and Gabriel was toxic af and unhealthy obvi😉. But, it is important to note that when you read these types of books you go in with the mindset that it is not realistic and its only read for pure entertainment. That was my take on it.

I didn't like Gabriel tbh. Our boy was messed up. He played two people, Claire and Jared. Even though he knows deep down he "loves" Jared.

The sex scenes felt weird tbh. It didn't feel like Gabriel was into it. I didn't get the vibe that he truly loved Jared but I guess in his own way he did.

This quote from the book in my opinion, explains their relationship best:

"Maybe their love for each other was too deep and all-consuming to be very healthy, but he didn’t give a damn. Every love was different. He wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world." .

I do have to say that despite what I thought of Gabriel I liked how needy, and possessive he always was of Jared, even when he was trying to figure out his feelings and sexuality. The possessiveness and the neediness, was always consistent. So, I enjoyed that.

I was not a big fan of Tristan either, he came across as a little shit lol. I have a feeling I will like him in his book with Zach.

All in all, an okay read. I can see why this one had mixed reviews. However, despite my overall rating for this book, these two were very cute once they did get together👬❤
Profile Image for Jel.
148 reviews41 followers
January 14, 2023
Left a bad distaste in my mouth. While I was reading about Gabriel and Jared, I felt as if I’ve stepped on a pile of cow dung. I hate unrequited love.

I kept postponing this book since I did not like Gabriel from book 2 but decided to give it a go anyway. Welp I was not disappointed one bit. Gabriel is a selfish, possessive asshole, nasty, intolerable lil bish. Jared is also selfish, doormat, and a total loser. I guess they do fit together after writing down their personality traits. Anyways Claire, the typical girl in mm books you would find disagreeable, she decided to baby trap Gabriel to tie him down but that turned out to be a big fat joke. (Unnecessary drama)

Gabriel was an orphan who wants to live the American dream however, he found that he couldn't live with Jared, the man who had helped him heal his legs and showed him unending love. He is as straight as an arrow while Jared is gay.


Gabriel knew Jared had feelings for him and used that to manipulate Jared into staying with him. When Jared found that Gabriel knew of his feelings and that Gabriel had kept Claire's pregnancy from him, he wanted to go back to the States. However, when Gabriel gave him the option of being with him (no sex), he took it and literally crawled back to Gabriel. YUCK. Man has no dignity. He also did not really bother thinking about Claire and G's son (he did ask but just for the sake of it like what would Gab do with them). Gabriel had the nerves to say Claire would agree if it made everyone happy. DOUBLE ICK. When they finally had sex it was also nasty though a bit better than the first part of the book.

What I found displeasing was that Jared used others like Owens or Eric (I forgot their names) in order to forget about Gabriel. He even kissed Gabriel even though he had a 'boyfriend.' Jared is the biggest loser ever and a dead doormat. He isn't even charismatic enough compared to his cousin Alexander.

None of the characters are pleasant. I really liked Tristan though. His green tea personality is really interesting. So excited to read his book!!
Profile Image for alyssa.
961 reviews194 followers
October 17, 2021
[3.6] i bet y'all weren't expecting the lover of everything fluffy and wholesome to enjoy this but what can i say? i'm full of surprises 😏

the lab results came in and the doctors officially diagnosed me last night 😔

of course it has to be tastefully(?) done but when it works....sparks be flying in my heart!!

truthfully i would've rated this higher if the whole pregnancy trap gf drama had just been excluded from the picture. i'm not a huge fan of established relationships between mcs and a third party because we all know it's going to crash and burn sooner than later, and i'd rather have the precious pages saved for scenes exclusively with the mcs but that's my greed talking heh.

Gabe and Jared both have their fair share of issues, but damn, Gabe's manipulative & selfish possessiveness/neediness fascinated me on another level.

we can call Jared a doormat, but bearing in mind the emotional fulfillment he gets from Gabe, it sorta makes complete sense he acts as such? and even though 99% of the time he can't say no to Gabe, i was both pleasantly surprised and proud that he managed to go so far as to force that physical distance between the two of them (despite how fruitless his efforts ultimately were upon seeing Gabe in person again 😆). the low-key grooming and pedo vibes Jared emits (since this unhealthy attachment begins when Gabe is 16 years old and in an extremely vulnerable state, physically and mentally) oddly balance things out in my eyes.

sure they enable each other to act in all these objectively unhealthy ways, but they're basically two fcked up puzzle pieces with no other half that perfectly slots into their lives like they do for each other so it works and i'm a big fan :D

now to better represent Gabe's clingy nature in pictorial form:

just add a mini dagger in his pocket for when people get too close to Jared and you have Gabe in a nutshell

(on a side note, after reading the toxicity displayed here, i think i need to reexamine my definition of "toxic" because in my head i had it down as "lock your loved one in a shack because they're mineminemine and i'd commit actual murder to keep it that way" yandere level of intensity. obviously relationships can be toxic in many different ways, but with my brain immediately jumping to the above thanks to the dark and wtf manga i've come across, majority of this barely had me batting an eye 🤣)
Profile Image for Vickie.
152 reviews9 followers
June 13, 2021
2 dissatisfied stars
I was already hesitant to start this book because we were introduced to Gabe in book two and I already thought he was a piece of shit. This book did nothing to change my mind at all. Jerad has been in love with Gabe for years but can’t act on that because Gabe is straight and in a relationship. They’re very close and it hurts to see Gabe loving someone else, all very good expect Gabe knows excactly what the fuck he’s doing. It’s revealed in book 2 that he KNOWS Jerad is in love with him!! So not only is he a piece of shit but he’s also a selfish one.

And Jerad isn’t much better. He’s Gabes little yes man and does everything he asks/ tells him to do. And that ranges from Gabe telling him to be unprofessional and risk his job just to spite his brother to asking/ telling him to move across the country. I honestly don’t know why he puts up with his shit there NOTHING and I mean nothing appealing about Gabe. Finally Jerald leaves after Gabes girlfriend get pregnant * rolls eyes* ( wtf even was the point of adding that) and realizes Gabe will never see him like that blah blah blah. But of course little Gabe can't survive without his favorite toy. So he starts acting like more of a dick to everyone and everything. His And Claire’s relationship is failing and he isn’t connecting with the baby. So he goes running and Jerad comes calling.

He shows up to a party uninvited( because he’s an entitled asshole) and gets all possessive when he sees Jerald with another man *rolls eyes*. Jerald is finally happy and with some who actually LOVES him the way he’s supposed to be loved and Gabe fucks it up? Ohh I get it Gabe can be with another person, have a baby, claim that Jerald belongs to him but he won’t even let him be happy? Surprise surprise Gabe being a shellfish jackass. Anyway it’s impossible for Jerad to resist ( because he’s a doormat that Gabe walks over) and they end up kissing while his boyfriend is in the other room. And then Gabe tells him to come back home and that he knows he's in love with him( is it just me or would I be the only mad if someone told me they knew that I was in love with them? And didn’t fucking do anything ) and he loves him back just not like that and he’ll kiss him and try to make him feel better if he comes back. Wtf? Like that’s so messed up, and why the hell would Jerald agree.

So if of course Claire’s not happy and just over Gabe. And all though she wasn’t my favorite I still felt bad because Gabe was a dick to her too. Anyways in typical Gabe fashion he leaves her and his son without so much of a backward glance and moves in with Jerald. Gabe continues to pull all these mind fucks and goes from being hot to cold. One second he’s all over Jerald and snarling at anyone who looks at Jerad and the next he’s saying he doesn’t want Jerald like that and he’s super straight ( ok dude). And then Jerlads finally like fuck it and goes and looks for a hook up. You guessed it ...he’s interrupted by needy little Gabe pretending to be sick. He comes home and finds him naked and waiting. They do the deed and Gabe finally admits he wants to be with Jerald. about fucking time Gabe. Anyways I just couldn’t be bothered to care once they got together because it was straight toxic like Jerald admitted to being attracted to Gabe when he was 16 and he was 26 umm and Gabe was legit obsessed. In conclusion this book was disappointing and the two MCs sucked.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,152 reviews381 followers
June 28, 2019
This is the lowest rated book in the series. I'm convinced not to read it after reading some reviews.

Update: I changed my mind again and read the book. Maybe it was the idea that not reading ONE book out of the whole series makes my OCD tendency blare with frustration. Maybe it was Jared, the H...he always seemed like such a good H.

So I read it. I enjoyed it. The Amazon reviewer who "convinced" me not to read it probably didn't get far enough to realize that the gf Claire was rather a bitch. I wouldn't say she "deserved" to be left, but it's understandable. She's a normal woman who wanted a guy, obviously didn't love him enough to give him everything he needs to be happy (which was Jared) and decided to "keep" him by purposely getting pregnant even though he wanted to wait. So she lied and manipulated him. Created a child from those measures and wanted to trap him with her with that child.

I never had much sympathy for Claire to begin with - it's obvious she's not the love of Gabe's life. But at that point, I didn't feel like what Gabe did was all that assholish or objectionable. Marriages break up too. All the time. Couples break up even when they have a child together. If you don't love each other, best thing to do is break up, esp. if you KNOW you love someone else and that someone else loves you back.

Gabe I thought I'd dislike, but I don't really. His desperation for Jared made him a sympathetic character to me. I could viscerally feel his desperation, confusion.

Jared I really hurt for. He loved Gabe enough to leave him, because he thought Gabe was better off without him, obviously he wanted to save himself from the pain, it was too much, but he also wanted Gabe to have a "real" life with his family.

Maybe it's the fact again that they're men, but somehow the other relationships and sex didn't bother me. It's not "cheating" per se, because they were never in a relationship until the end. But if it were a M/F romance, I would have chucked my ipad at the first mention of sex with anyone else when we, the readers, KNOW the H/H are in love. And they have admitted it themselves as well.

Just the one sexy scene at the end. AH's other books in the series has more hotness. This one had more angst.

But I liked it anyway. :)
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