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Bagram Special Ops #5

Collateral Damage

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Pride tore them apart…

Warrant Officer Honor Girard made the worst mistake of her life in walking away from the man she promised to marry—and she knows it. An attack on base unexpectedly pushes them together and in the aftermath she realizes she can’t let him go a second time. Only he’s not willing to let her back in. After orders send her back stateside she realizes she’s probably lost him forever. It will take either a miracle to bring them back together—or a life-altering tragedy.

Only forgiveness can bring them back together.

Major Liam Magrath lives his life on the edge, flying dangerous missions with the Army’s elite Night Stalkers. Since losing Honor he’s been totally focused on his career, his missions and the welfare of his crew. Then she’s suddenly thrust back into his life and tells him the last thing he expects to she wants another chance. Losing her once was hard enough—giving her another shot isn’t an option. He’s determined to keep his heart walled off from the only woman he’s ever loved, until a catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil changes everything. Now that he’s finally made up his mind to go after her, however, it may be too late. Liam is determined to fight for her at all costs—but first they’ll have to fight for their lives in a disastrous attack that hits far too close to home.

327 pages, ebook

First published April 14, 2015

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About the author

Kaylea Cross

94 books1,769 followers
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards and has been nominated for both the Daphne du Maurier and the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband and family.

Kaylea loves to hear from readers, so please feel free to drop me a line and say hello.

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Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,964 followers
April 12, 2015
2 stars. DNF @62%. Review rant posted April 12, 2015.

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Dear Author s,

What's up with pussy being described as sweet?
Chocolate is sweet. Pussy isn't.
Please consider checking out other options.

Thank you.



This final installment of the Bagram Special Ops series was irrevocably damaged and over for me once I hit the mark when this mind-boggling and long ass drama took place right after I posted my update at 29% (that's actually a mistake, instead of 29% it should have been 27%). I tried to see some kind of sense in all this but failed. I tried to recover from this crock and…maybe…just maybe if I had been in a different frame of mind I might have been able to get over it. As it was, I wasn't feeling like leniency seemed a worthwhile option. I'm sorry.

Here's something good for you before we come to the annoying crap…

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One look at her face and it was obvious she'd closed herself off from him again. Rather than feel relieved, Liam was overcome with the sudden, almost uncontrollable urge to grab her face between his hands, force her to look at him and tell him everything. Every single thing she'd told her family about him since that night, everything she'd gone through. But how the hell could he ever trust her again? He'd let her in deeper than he'd ever let in anyone else and she'd stabbed him in the heart.

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I started to read Collateral Damage on Monday. On Friday, I took a stand against the story and its characters and abandoned gunship right after Honor infuriated me once again. I gotta say I was beyond pissed. Anyway, I really tried hard to contain myself and to not use any filthy language in my review but I wasn't particularly successful. Fact was, the only aspect that I loved about Collateral Damage was the action part early into the story. Meanwhile, I've had to roll my eyes ad nauseam and my gut tightened several times and my chest constricted due to all the cheesy drama Ilama and a relentless coil of deep-seated annoyance settled at the base of my spine and squashed the last drop of remission from my sleep-deprived brain. I assume you get that I'm imitating a few a writer's choice of words.

These are my issues and mine alone because what doesn't suit me might suit you:

I'm tired of cheesy writing

I'm tired of over-the-top melodrama

I'm tired of corny in-your-face emotion

I'm tired of repetitiveness because melodrama doesn't get any more pleasant when you talk about the same over and over and over and over

I'm tired of unlikable heroines

I'm tired of trying to comprehend a heroine's stupid decision

I'm also fucking tired of trying to empathize with annoying, self-righteous heroines in general and their misguided hurt in particular

Honor's family are good people? WTF? Good people greatly, then I'm actually being VERY nice. I'm so fucking mad I don't know what to say! I'm also mad at Honor. She may be tough on the job for all I care, but I hated what she did. Hate is a damn strong word, so I don't want to say that I hated Honor. But I'll state this and I mean it with everything I am: I.Hated.That.She.Made.That.Choice. Honor didn't deserve Liam. Period. She hid him like she was ashamed of him in order to not WHY couldn't she take The allegedly tough-as-nails heroine acted like a coward. Spare me that kind of I'd rather take Liam. All this fucking drama and for what? I can't even.

Oh, and just to make it very clear: Fuck Honor's parents. Fuck her sister. And since Honor felt the need to say this...

"Well, I'm tired of the constant back and forth. It's like a soap opera," she muttered. "No more." Because fuck him.

...I'll go ahead and add some more profanity…
Fuck. You. Honor. Good grief, this whole crappy drama was a soap opera. I was tired of that constant back and forth too. Thank you very much.

(…) She wanted to punch him for the way he'd treated her.

Wanting to hit a heroine isn't very nice, so I'm going to insert the invisible bird here.

Bitch. Please. Care to remember what happened that led to that 'situation'? Actions have consequences, Miss Drama Queen, and partially unpleasant ones at that.

One page later I threw in the towel because, quite frankly, working myself into a frenzy wasn't going to do me any favors.

Since the fried-my-brain drama in this book is stylized to the nth, I couldn't help ending up pissed. Also, the "development" of the story felt very choppy, probably due to the back and forth. I don't mind flashbacks but it didn't really help the cause: the lack of a relationship or the omitted build-up thereof. I've read 21 books by Kaylea Cross and I can't shake off the creeping feeling that they seem to sound alike (this drama excluded of course), whether it's the characters or the narrative. An author having a distinct voice is something I do appreciate because it's like an identity tag. Yet the writing itself needs to evolve, or it needs to be presented in a way that feels refreshing and different in order to captivate my attention anew. If that's not possible anymore then I, the reader, will outgrow an author eventually.

I feel bad for doing this but it's my honest and indignant opinion and that's what reviewing is all about. Sharing different opinions. The good, the bad and the ugly. And, whatever I do in my life I do it with a passion or else it's not worth loosing any time and energy over it. So, DNF it is because Collateral Damage didn't work for me at all and I did not enjoy spending my valuable time with Liam and Honor.

Onwards…I'm off to better and bigger things.

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All quotes are taken from the pre-published copy and may be altered or omitted in the final copy.

**ARC courtesy of Kaylea Cross in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Katie Reus.
Author 152 books3,141 followers
April 12, 2015
Love this addition to the series! It's no secret I love Kaylea's books and this one is no different. I got to read the early version and it's so emotional and angsty so if you like that and super sexy military romantic suspense, this is the book for you!
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
June 12, 2015
For so often in this series we have gotten glimpses of things with Honor and Liam. I so wanted to know the whole story and with this book we got it.

I wished that we would have gotten the whole back story at the start. Instead it was mixed in until Liam and Honor had a blow up and it all came out. One their past was exposed, I felt for both of them, thought both were right and both were wrong. I was just glad that they were able to see the light and realize what was important.
Profile Image for Jen_C.
1,109 reviews57 followers
September 16, 2017
Bagram series ends on a high note.

4.5 stars, rounded up. This one was very emotional and action-packed.

I laughed,
When they left Honor shut and locked the door, then turned to face Liam. “I don’t even know what just happened,” she said with a small laugh. “I think it’s called really good anti-psychotic drugs and a sudden development of a couple sets of balls, sweet pea.”
"A small part of her was hopeful that he realized what an ass he’d been and that he really did want to get back together. Her logical side wanted to bitch slap that romantic part of her into unconsciousness.

I got teary
...and even after what I said you still couldn’t give me the time of day?”
“I answered.”
“One line. I can’t do this anymore. That’s all you had to say to me? Really? After everything I told you?”
“What did you expect me to say? That I forgave you? That I still wanted to get back together after everything that happened?” He gave a derisive laugh, fighting to keep the true depth of his pain hidden from her. “Not likely.”

And hated a couple characters enough to want to gut punch them (or worse)!

A must read for Kaylea's fans and especially fans of this series. You will get a glimpse at all your favorites. Honor was hard to like through the first half and Liam had a few WTH moments, but I could overlook my annoyance with them by the end.
Profile Image for CL.
1,154 reviews17 followers
September 25, 2018
I'd been looking forward to Liam/Honor's story ever since we got a very brief glimpse at their frosty relations in the first book and I love a good reconciliation romance. However, their backstory just didn't work for me unfortunately.

Still, I'm really disappointed to have come to the end of this series as it was so well written and I was heavily invested in all of the characters.
Profile Image for Sonya Heaney.
Author 6 books39 followers
August 21, 2015
Originally posted HERE .

It’s no secret I love Kaylea Cross’ books. She writes just about the best military romance/suspense stories around, and writes them realistically, with by far the best research I’ve ever come across. Her books are not for the faint of heart because they’re as realistic as you can get, but that makes them all the more satisfying to me.

Collateral Damage – apart from the epilogue, where all past characters reunite – is perfectly readable on its own. Each book in this series works fine as a standalone read, so don’t be daunted by this one being the last in the series. That said, I think it’s better to read them in order, because background tensions have been growing and growing, and this is the big climax to the series.

I don’t like sappy romances, and so the combination of realistic, intense relationships in this series and the danger and action and serious life-or-death situations works so well for me. I think Cross manages to not put in too many unrealistic situations. Characters aren’t having sex on the run, for example!

Honor and Liam are just as great a couple as every other in this series, with the added bonus this one uses my favourite trope: the reunion romance. These two have been in the background in past books, but we never found out what went wrong between them.

My favourite thing about Cross’ heroines is that they’re strong without being ridiculous and impossible to relate to. My favourite thing about her heroes is that they’re realistic but also make you wish you had one of them for yourself. At the same time they don’t come across as “fake men” written from a woman’s perspective (for example, I might have had a few issues with the politics of a past hero, but by God was he a more believable military hero than most I’ve read).

There are only a handful of authors who I know will ALWAYS deliver a book I’m going to love, and this author is one of them. If you’re into edgier books without all the pathetic misogyny so many of them contain, give this series a go.
Profile Image for Debbie.
2,631 reviews47 followers
February 2, 2016
It’s been obvious throughout this series that Honor and Liam had a history. In Collateral Damage, we finally find out all the juicy details. Honor, a Warrant Officer, stupidly walked away from her fiancé Liam and it’s a mistake she’s had to live with for over a year. Honor knows her decision broke Liam’s heart and she hates the distance that exists between them now.

Liam is a Night Stalker pilot and has thrown himself into his career since losing the woman he planned to marry. When an incident happens at the base where they’re stationed, Honor is injured and Liam realizes he still cares for her. When Honor tells him she wants a second chance, Liam walks out knowing he can’t take the chance of her breaking his heart again. Then terrorists attack reminding Liam that life’s to short and he decides to get Honor back. Will he be too late?

I genuinely liked Liam and thought he was a wonderful man. When we discover the reason for Liam’s and Honor’s breakup, my heart broke for him and for what he suffered. I had a really hard time believing that Honor could make the decision she did, and because of that, I had a harder time liking her character. To make matters worst, Honor actually makes Liam beg when he finally heals enough to give her a second chance, knowing none of that would have even been necessary had she not been weak and made the correct decision to begin with. UGH! I wanted to chunk my Kindle.

It looks like this is the final book in the Bagram Special Ops Series. The ending was perfect with all of the characters we love from this series coming together.
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
August 25, 2023
Collateral Damage
3.5 Stars

Major Liam McGrath, a Night Stalker pilot, and Warrant Officer Honor Girard were once engaged, but circumstances drove them apart. As they each struggle with the consequences of their choices, a devastating attack forces them together and offers another chance at happiness if only they are willing to risk it.

Series note: This is the final book in the series and completes the ongoing arc. There are numerous references to characters and events from previous books.

While Honor and Liam have intense chemistry and their second-chances romance is satisfying overall, the suspense plot is both underdeveloped and exceedingly far-fetched.

The flashback scenes detailing Liam and Honor's past are compelling and provide insight both into their previous relationship and into the decisions that made them who they are now. Nevertheless, the placement of these scenes is problematic. Rather than providing all of the information in a prologue, which would create plot cohesion, they are interspersed between the first few chapters. This results in a confusing timeline and disrupts the pacing of the story.

In terms of the romance, Liam and Honor's interactions are intense and emotional. It is clear that they still have strong feelings for one another and it is heartbreaking seeing them unable to communicate. There is also a great deal of conflicting thoughts and actions on both their parts that become tedious. Thankfully, this section is short-lived as they both quickly come to their senses. Their reunion and the are both rewarding.

While the suspense plots in the previous installments were exceptionally well-researched, plausible and effective, the conspiracy revolving around Safir's plans to attack the US feels more like an afterthought than an integral part of the book. His character is woefully underdeveloped with almost no backstory to speak of. The elements of the conspiracy are hinted at but ultimately materialize out of nowhere, and the attack itself defies belief. The idea that the is simply ridiculous. Finally, Safir's is anti-climactic and lackluster.

Overall, despite its problems, Bagram Special Ops is an intense and suspenseful series with engaging characters and is well worth the read. Kaylea Cross has tremendous potential as an author, and I will definitely be reading more of her books.
Profile Image for Mary  Aquino.
386 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2020
Honor and Liam

I'm a fan of Kaylea Cross's writing style and this book was one of her best. The suspense throughout simmered just below the surface, making the story mire than just sex-steamy.

For those of you considering reading this book first, it had been a while since I read the previous books so remembering the other characters was sometimes hard. You may want to start at the beginning of the series. Not REQUIRED but if you are a series reader, I highly recommend this series! Start with book one. You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for skyline.
58 reviews
Want to read
April 10, 2015
Official blurb for Collateral Damage (coming out next week!):

Pride tore them apart…

Warrant Officer Honor Girard made the worst mistake of her life in walking away from the man she promised to marry—and she knows it. An attack on base unexpectedly pushes them together and in the aftermath she realizes she can’t let him go a second time. Only he’s not willing to let her back in. After orders send her back stateside she realizes she’s probably lost him forever. It will take either a miracle to bring them back together—or a life-altering tragedy.

Only forgiveness can bring them back together.

Major Liam Magrath lives his life on the edge, flying dangerous missions with the Army’s elite Night Stalkers. Since losing Honor he’s been totally focused on his career, his missions and the welfare of his crew. Then she’s suddenly thrust back into his life and tells him the last thing he expects to hear: she wants another chance. Losing her once was hard enough—giving her another shot isn’t an option. He’s determined to keep his heart walled off from the only woman he’s ever loved, until a catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil changes everything. Now that he’s finally made up his mind to go after her, however, it may be too late. Liam is determined to fight for her at all costs—but first they’ll have to fight for their lives in a disastrous attack that hits far too close to home.

Profile Image for crashqueen73.
1,239 reviews12 followers
June 7, 2015
Collateral Damage, the last book in the Bagram series. And I have to say I am not sad, just pleasantly satiated by Kaylea Cross' military books. I am ready to move on to someone else having just read all five over the past week or so.

This one was a good place to finish too because I don't feel like I want to read anymore of them now either.

I didn't really like Honor. I wish she had been a bit tougher physically and mentally. Instead she seemed like a bit of a princess... ok maybe not a princess but a girly girl to some extent and that made her frustrating for me.

I didn't mind Liam.

The storyline was frustrating too because there was a whole lot of to- ing and fro- ing from I love him/ her but can't go there again. First Liam and then Honor and then Honor and then Liam until finally they realise they can't live without each other and they really and truly do love each other so they get together and live happily ever after.

I really like Cross' writing but I did not love this pair so much or their annoying story. 3 stars.
Profile Image for Alex (HEABookNerd).
2,102 reviews
August 7, 2021
COLLATERAL DAMAGE brings us the conclusion to the Bagram Special Ops series and it was a doozy! The action moves from overseas to American soil and it's an action packed ending. I really liked both Honor and Liam but I don't think I've read two characters so determined to stand in their own way. Extremely hard circumstances tore our couple apart but then stubbornness kept them that way. Both Honor and Liam have so much love to give but they struggle with trust. I do feel a bit like Liam took more of the blame for their relationship status because Honor's mistakes happened in the past while Liam's were in the present, but overall I think they both understood they made mistakes. The good thing is that they're both honest with each other and though it was hard to hear it allowed them to work through their problems.

Content Warning: Side character who is bipolar and struggling with her mental health and depression; side character attempts suicide
Profile Image for J Kiwibooknerd .
1,811 reviews57 followers
May 5, 2015
A awesome conclusion to one of my fave romantic suspense series.....Loved Honor and Liam's story, even though they were both a little back and forth for my liking, not to mention holding on to grudges.....but I could totally understand why they did it.....

Still no-one can write romantic suspense like this author and even though all the wonderful characters in Bagram are finished, I cannot wait to see what she gives us next...:)
Profile Image for Stacey Coyer.
33 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2015
Wonderful story

Kayla Cross has done it again!!! This series was fantastic and the final book brought tears to my eyes! The way this final book ended was perfect with all of the characters surrounded by each other showing what true love and forever friendship is about! Enjoy!! :)
Profile Image for Essie .
940 reviews11 followers
September 27, 2015
My least favorite of the series. I did not like Honor at all. The backstory was too short. I didn't feel the connection between her and Liam. In the other books the connections were def there....
What a shame this enjoyable series ended with this!
10 reviews
April 16, 2015

I knew it would be worth the wait!! Awesome end to one of my favorite series!! If you haven't read them then I ask "what are you waiting for?!
Profile Image for Kristin Bateman.
421 reviews4 followers
May 17, 2015
Outstanding end to a great series. Loved the character development, especially promoting strong females!
1 review
June 30, 2015
The name of the book according to her website is
Collateral damage
Profile Image for Amy Burch.
398 reviews43 followers
March 21, 2017

Finally! I am confident I am not alone when I say that from the beginning of Deadly Descent when Devon put her foot in her mouth about Liam being dumped by his fiance, unaware that said fiance was in fact Honor, I have been DYING to know what the heck happened with these two.

It may have taken 5 books, but alas we finally have answers and I must say, those answers were not at all what I was expecting.

This book was again, slightly different to the others, I was glad to see Cross once again infused a lot of action into the story and allowed Honor's in warrior to shine it all its bad-ass glory. Pretty sure I have said it a million times but dang it, I love that the women and men in these books are just as amazing as each other!

This book had a lot more of an emotional feel there was a lot of baggage and whilst it was all necessary I personally felt it was dragged out a bit and then rushed in the end which was unfortunate. Personally, I hated all the flashbacks to clue us in on what exactly happened to tear these two apart. I wish it had of just been laid bare in one go instead of over the duration, it detracted from the story and I have to be honest I kind of skim read a few of the flashbacks, enough to get the "gist" of what happened.

The action, suspense and present story was fantastic, my only criticism was the how the past was handled otherwise it would most definitely have been 5 stars from me.

It was awesome to see the whole Bagram Crew reunited for a special occasion in the end but it was bittersweet, my heart was so happy they all got their HEA's but I am seriously going to miss them all. I am actually devastated that Cross has dragged all her other series' out for so many books but only gave me 5 of these..... darn her!

I honestly can't express how much I have truly enjoyed the journey that was Bagram Special Ops, I have not only appreciated it for the fantastic fiction that it is but it has only increased my existing respect and admiration for all our troops serving and especially the soldiers who happen to be women - you amazing things and the incredible PJ's whose true bravery is not heralded anywhere near enough as they risk their lives - "so others may live". I thank you.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"

Farewell Bagram, I miss you already!
326 reviews17 followers
April 23, 2023
Really liked it. The setup was great. Makes me want to read about other couples.

This is a second chance book. Heroine chose her family over the hero. There was quite a bit of back and forth between them about trying and not trying to get together after that. The hero first tried to fight for them but didnt succeed, then she tried and not succeed but eventually they worked out their differences. It was good read for sure filled with action, treachery, betrayal by her family, sort of grovel and good friends.

There is an OW drama which cause the original breakup
Profile Image for Angela.
229 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2019
I feel a little torn about this one. Don't get me wrong, I loved Honor and Liam's story. And the romance was hot as usual. The suspense wasn't as suspenseful as I'd have liked. It was well over halfway through the book before anything really dramatic happened. Yes, there was drama over why Honor and Liam broke up a few years earlier and whether or not they could learn to trust each other before they could think about trying again. One thing I really did like is they way that Kaylea Cross tied everything up at the end by giving quick updates as to what the other characters were doing.

Now I'm pretty sure I've read everything she's put out so it looks like I'll find something else while I wait for her next series...
Profile Image for Nici.
340 reviews
August 25, 2017
I really like the series thus far. But it would be great to learn a little bit more about the characters, mostly there are just a few details of their former life and it would be interesting to know how old they are. It was good that there was a glossar at the beginning but it could have been a bit longer... ;) (and in the other books, too, the one from Ryan was really great!). Will there be more books (except the novella)?? I like these guys pretty much...
Profile Image for Carla Martin.
1 review
March 10, 2019
What a series

This was a great series. Each character was solid eith a few surprises in the story line. I liked the strong female characters and how they matched up to the mates. The back stories wrre well developed and made sense. The story was nicely balanced eith fighting and romance. I wanted another book I was sad the series was completed.
Profile Image for Maria .
2,338 reviews22 followers
July 23, 2019
Great conclusion!

Great conclusion too this series! Liam and Honor's tale came around full circle! They clearly both made mistakes. The power of true fate really tested them both deeply. I loved how this author brought everyone together and wrapped everything up nicely. I wanted to read the other wounded warriors story. But at least three author let us know his outcome.
Profile Image for TBA66.
640 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2017
Wow! Another great story from the Bagram Special Ops series. I loved Honor and Liam's story. A tragic beginning leads to an oh-so-romantic happily ever after. Like the others, it includes action and suspense as well as passion and romance. Great series!
282 reviews
September 19, 2018
Great read

OMG this book was intense, I enjoyed reading every minute of it. I loved Liam and Honor and I am really glad that they found their way back to each other. I had a soft spot for Ipman and was so sad he died😔 but such is the story. Looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Pet.
3,465 reviews8 followers
September 28, 2018
This is a personal taste thing, I hated Liam, hated how he acted and hated even more how Hannah kept begging for scraps. This is second chance done in a way I don’t enjoy, but the story was still riveting,
1,080 reviews16 followers
January 27, 2019
Holy shit!................That was awesome, sad, action packed, infuriating, exciting, romantic and just Beautiful! I’m so happy for Honor and Liam......with all that they went through, they deserved their HEA! Exceptional read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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