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1599 Geneva Bible: Calvin Legacy Edition

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On July 10, 2009, the world will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin (1509-1564). A controversial and often misunderstood theologian, Calvin's impact on our modern world is simply beyond comprehension. Calvin's view that God reigns everywhere and over all things led him to develop the biblical idea that man can serve God in every area of life-church, civil government, education, art, music, business, law, journalism, etc. Calvin's teaching led directly to what has become known as the "Protestant work ethic" and created unprecedented economic prosperity around the world.

One of his lesser-known contributions is that of the Geneva Bible, named for the city where Calvin lived and taught. The Geneva Bible was the first English Bible to feature chapters, verse numbers, cross references, and textual notes. The Geneva Bible and its nearly 300,000 marginal notes helped lead the English speaking world out from under the ignorance, heresy and tyranny of the Middle Ages and into a full understanding of God's Kingdom ruling over all.


First published January 1, 1599

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Todd Bryant.
Author 1 book13 followers
May 22, 2012
This reprint of the 1599 Geneva Bible by Tolle Lege press should be on your bookshelf. It's a great tool for Bible study and the modern typeface makes the Geneva more readable than ever.
Profile Image for Wendy Webber.
29 reviews2 followers
January 12, 2014
My all time favourite version of the bible. There is something incredibly precious about this modern english version of the Geneva translation of the Word of God translated and refined under the fire of persecution. The notes give fabulous insight to the classic faith. I find great delight in reading alongside John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. I have a facsimile copy of the 1560 in the original english which is timeconsuming to digest with the many changes in our language. This updated version however is perfectly understandable and my treasured day to day bible. I give thanks to God for all the faithful servants down through time who have preserved, suffered and perservered to give us this precious treasure to the glory of God!
Profile Image for Zack.
346 reviews62 followers
December 31, 2017
It has been an immense privilege to read this modern reprint of the 1599 Geneva Bible. The translation and notes were prepared by men whom God used during the Magisterial Reformation. This was the best-selling Bible until the mid-17th century, after the “Authorized (by King James) Version” had been on the scene for decades. I hope that men, women, and families will take up this edition, grow in appreciation for our Protestant forebears, and most of all, grow in love for Christ. I greatly appreciate the effort that so clearly went into preparing the text. I noticed only one or two typos over the course of my reading. Having examined and read through some 17th-century texts for research purposes, I am astounded that the editors of this edition did such a fantastic job of not only deciphering the old text, but re-presenting it without error. Well done, I say!

That being said, the font selection and page layout were some of the least pleasant I’ve encountered in a bible printed in the 21st Century. I did grow used to it, and I don’t pretend to know what practical recommendations I would make, but the layout is clunky, at best. I also don’t understand why two different fonts were chosen for the Bible text and the commentary in the footnotes. Those admittedly minor gripes aside, I am so grateful for this updated edition of the 1599 Geneva Bible. SDG!
Profile Image for Robert  Garcia.
161 reviews10 followers
April 4, 2014
This book is wonderful. Techincally, I will never really finish this book. It is a life time of reading.
This edition of the bible as reinvorgated my soul and my spiritual walk.
Feel really proud of having a piece of our American history and the Word of God that our forefathers used for their spiritual needs.
Profile Image for Sarah.
55 reviews
October 13, 2014
My dad bought the patriot edition of this bible not too long ago, and I've pretty much fell in love with it. It has George Washington's prayer in it, it has the Magna Carta, The Declaration of Independence, and a few other things. I also like the history behind the bible. Definitely want to buy one of my own for continuous reading. Definitely my favorite version.
Profile Image for James Curtis.
12 reviews
August 26, 2012
In some ways easier to read than the KJV, the notes are a very good commentary on the Scripture
Profile Image for Abigail.
272 reviews
Currently reading
August 15, 2021
Started in 2015 for a modified version of the How to Change Your Mind Bible reading plan (instead of using one translation for all the read-throughs, I'm using a different translation each time).

Have read so far:
Genesis - March-April 2015
Job - Oct.-Nov. 2016
Ruth - June 6, 2019
1 review
January 31, 2016
This book is a repeat, so I am still reading from scripture each morning. Highly recommend anyone seeking the closest translation from Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek this is the Bible for you.
Profile Image for Douglas Domer.
106 reviews4 followers
August 27, 2023
The Bible is the best book ever written. I had never read the Geneva Bible and it reads much like the King James. In the back is a Glossary which helps with the unfamiliar words. It is also written with various study notes to help understanding. I plan to return to the book of Revelation to focus on the study notes. I suspect that they will be much different than the (late great planet earth) thoughts that permeates much of the church today.
Profile Image for Gary.
882 reviews26 followers
November 12, 2022
Not too different from the KJV, but refreshing in places.

Loved it.
Profile Image for John Waldrip.
Author 4 books5 followers
December 27, 2022
A most excellent read, and worthy of any Bible believer's consideration. This was the Bible of William Shakespeare and the Pilgrims.
May 21, 2024

Impossible to navigate and wasting too much time trying to navigate!!!!!!😭
Now, I am trying to figure out how to get a refund!!!???
Amazon makes it very difficult to locate refund option!!!😡 for refund, even thougn I am within 30 days of purchase!?😡
Profile Image for Chris White.
Author 13 books39 followers
September 17, 2013
This is one of the most incredible works I've ever read. The story behind this translation is what fills me with awe as I approach the words herein, and I can feel the history in the texture of the language.

An excerpt from the introduction:

"England of 1557 was a society beset by contradictions, oppression, even barbarity. More than 300 men had been burned at the stake by the Catholic tyrant, "Bloody Mary" Tudor, merely for promoting the English Reformation. Many clergymen, Catholic and Protestant both, exacerbated rather than soothed the distress; semi-literate as a class, most received their parish jobs as payoffs and often were unwilling to preach, or incapable of composing sermons. The impoverished and spiritually bereft masses found solace elsewhere--sloth, dissipation, or drink--while the gentry sought after wealth, social position, and favors of royal courts."

I see so many parallels between the young True Church in England 400 years ago and the state of the Bride of Christ even now. What do we privileged few do but seek after wealth, social position, and favors of royal courts? And what do we poor do but drown ourselves in cheap distractions?

The arc of history in the 1500s-1600s in Europe saw the Reformation, the Renaissance, and the discovery of and laying hold of the New World by a people hungry for the Kingdom of God to touch down on earth as it is in heaven. The Geneva Bible and the team of scholars who produced it (among them John Calvin) is a Work that serves as a hinge to history, allowing, even facilitating the swing from dark to light. When I read it I am acutely aware of its ongoing impact. It is a stunningly beautiful book.
Profile Image for Carol Bakker.
1,361 reviews111 followers
June 1, 2022
I read along with the "To the Word" Bible Reading Challenge. This is another example in my life where the drip drip of daily drops can add up to something. I listened to the audio (it still seems like cheating even though I know it's not) while I made my bed or walked or washed dishes. Or sometimes sitting down, reading along.

Did I occasionally get behind? Yes. The plan urges you to jump back in without trying to "catch up" but I'm not wired that way...yet. So there were a few books of the Bible that I listened to in great swathes.

I'm very grateful that God spoke in His Word and the discipline of listening is ever increasing my delight in it.
35 reviews
May 3, 2011
The Pilgrims' bible. This is the Bible translated into English before King James revised it to please himself. I enjoyed reading it carefully along with all the annotations. Every time I read the Word of God I learn and this time is no different. The annotations are different than contemporary annotations. The scriptures themselves remain largely the same in old English, but the annotations lend insight into the culture of the times.
Profile Image for John.
53 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2014
I've enjoyed reading the commentary of the reformers. The translation itself is also quite stunning. It's worth checking out it you want to imagine what it was like to be in Geneva in 1599.

"Therefore as brethren that are partakers of the same hope and salvation with us, we beseech you, that this rich pearl and inestimable treasure may not be offered in vain, but as sent by God for the increase of his kingdom, the comfort of his church." -From the original introduction
Profile Image for Larry Killion.
Author 4 books2 followers
October 26, 2013
1599 Geneva Bible: Patriots Edition,

“I am a King James fan but I must admit that this version is outstanding. Very similar verbage in the text and interesting old time notes for commentary and explanation. Strong on the sovereignty of God. I really like the inclusion in the appendex of the Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independance, Constitution etc... ”
Profile Image for David Carraway.
54 reviews5 followers
October 14, 2010
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16 GSB
Profile Image for Bill.
296 reviews
December 27, 2014
How does one write a review of the Bible? I really enjoyed reading this translation this year. The commentary notes were interesting, when I referred to them. I did not read all of the commentary. I would highly recommend this translation of the Bible.
February 24, 2015
1599 Geneva Bible

Great Bible for historical minded people interested in pre king James versions of the Holy Bible. interesting wordings of the pre king James version are explained well
Profile Image for Amanda.
18 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2012
Reading book of Matthew for a grad class
18 reviews
November 23, 2014
It's sad to think this is only my third time reading it in entirety. My goal this year is to read it three times.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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