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The only sure way to destroy a man is to take what he cannot live without.

Three years ago, I had everything.

A beautiful wife.
A son.
A reason for living.

Until a ruthless task force, assembled under Mayor Michael Culling, with a brutal strategy to make the streets of Detroit ‘safe’, ripped away everything I loved in a deadly hunt called The Culling.

They tried to kill me, too. I wish they had. Now I'm cursed by the memories of that night, and the words I whispered to my dying wife.

A promise—to avenge the wrong and set it right.

I’m no longer Nick Ryder. I’m a masked vigilante. Faceless. Loveless. Fearless. A man with nothing left to lose—one who's seen the dark and violent truth behind the city’s flawless veneer.

Michael Culling doesn’t know who I am. Or what I want. All he knows is that I’ve kidnapped his beautiful wife.

An eye for an eye—isn’t that how the saying goes? And Aubree Culling is the perfect pawn to destroy him.

If she doesn’t destroy me first.

530 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 9, 2015

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About the author

Keri Lake

40 books5,486 followers
Author of gothic romance who specializes in demon wrangling, vengeance dealing and wicked twists.

I love connecting with readers, so feel free to join my reading group: http://bit.ly/2lWjOFg

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,179 reviews13.4k followers
July 15, 2015
LIVE: http://amzn.to/1RmroFr

But that's what happens when you shoot at something impenetrable.
It ricochets.

I had the immense honor of beta reading this incredible book and all I can tell you is this: Get ready.
This book is what would result if The Punisher and V for Vendetta ever had a baby. A super fucked up but incredibly awesome baby.

It's dark, gritty, and in your face. It will break you, make you bleed, make you cry, shatter you into a million pieces. This is not a story for the faint of heart. The violence is graphic and the story is no rainbow and unicorns kind of read. But if you're a fan of the dark and gritty romance, you will devour this and beg for more.

I will not give you a full review here simply because you need to experience this book by going into it absolutely blind.

Nick's story will break your heart. It will make you feel. It will grip you by the throat from the very first page and keep you at the edge of your seat the entire time. I'm not a reader that easily cries in books (if at all) and I was ugly crying my damn eyes out like a crazy person reading this. It deserves 5 stars for that alone.

It's a story of revenge. But it's also so much more. It's a story of second chances. But that's not to say the road to it is an easy one.

It's violent, erotic, unapologetic.

But at the heart of it, it's an incredible love story.

Keri Lake is a master of her craft and she wrote a sexy, dark and twisted tale filled with unpredictable plot twists that will make your head spin. I'm a huge fan of her Sons of Wrath series, but clearly she's got the contemporary thing down too. And that's all you'll be getting from me. I'll post a more detailed review closer to the release date.

This is a standalone, dark contemporary romance

Beta copy provided in exchange for an honest review
All quotes taken from beta copy and may be subject to change in published version

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Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,049 followers
July 16, 2015
5 I’ll see you in the night … stars
“You are the violence inside of me...My most exquisite destruction.”

Nick had one thing on his mind, vengeance. Vengeance on those who took everything that ever mattered away from him; destroying the man he was giving birth to the monster he needed to be. So for three years he's plotted, planned and perfected his skill and now the moment is here, with his plan beginning and ending with Aubree Culling, the wife of the man responsible for his destruction.
I hated what I’d become. Thief. Kidnapper. Killer. Bastard.

Aubree has been to hell and back, beaten into submission and almost broken beyond repair. Her husband Michael, is a sick-twisted-sadistic bastard who has stripped, marked and humiliated her, keeping her as his personal chew toy. If it was not for one man, that her husband feared she would have lost all hope, but the one they dubbed the hacktivist, Achilleus X, has sparked a flame of hope for her chance at freedom. And when she is taken from the watchful eye of her husband, she worries that she traded one hell for another...
“I’m not going to let you break me, Nick. Not with your kiss. Not with your touch. Too long, I’ve survived, to let you tear down my guard. I’ll survive you, too.”

Nick is unsure what to do with Aubree, she drives him wild with her smart mouth and dangerous curves. He's refused to touch another since the day of his demise and yet he finds himself wanting to feel her body under his; which is reason enough to stay as far from her as he can. Aubree knows her thoughts are fucked up, after all Nick is her captor, but in some back-ass way he is her dark angel who saved her from the hell she lived, allowing her to just be, without demanding anything in return.
“I don’t want easy and uncomplicated. I want love that makes me fucking insane and irrational. I want to drown in it and never come back up for air.”

In the cover of the night Nick finds his vengeance, one by one, making sure to return every hurt, scream and ultimate fate just as the men kindly showed him and his family. He welcomes the blackness from the dark shadows of his mind, bleeding his sin...but it's Aubree that's sees him for the man he was and is today, welcoming his darkness in her.
“How far do you want to go?”

“Until you feel free.”

Ricochet was as epic as I expected it to be, it was dark and gory but oddly enough had so much heart and feeling that it was utterly beautiful in it's destruction. Nick is a very complex character, a vigilante, whose lost so much yet had so much to give. Living it through his eyes made me empathize all the more, enough to make me want his vengeance as much as he did. Aubree was strength personified, living through it all and never once letting her spirit break. Balancing each other out the only way two broken souls can; intensely and passionately.

This story is not for the faint of hearts, it's brutality described to feel their hate, pain and suffering. This is the first time the author has taken a stab at non-paranormal story line and I think she kept true to her roots by providing us the darker read we know to expect from her just without the paranormal twist. It's a work of fiction, so all judgment should be put aside and enjoy it for what it is, two broken souls righting the wrongs and finding the one who can calm the demons within.

This stand-alone, multiple POV provided me a little of everything I need to be sated in the end. I loved it all with it's twist and turns, it's revaluations, the unexpected fragility and the feelings it brought forth. Highly recommended to all my like-minded friends, you don't want to miss meeting Nick, that's for sure.

ARC kindly provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon publication.

Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,965 reviews33.8k followers
July 15, 2015
2.5 - 3 Stars

***Unpopular Opinion Alert***


That's right, folks.

Once again, I guess I am just not sippin' the same sizzurp as everyone else...

...because this just didn't rock my world.

I know, I know.


Please don't stone me.



Was it dark and gritty and full of disturbing scenes and themes?

Yes, yes, sure.


Anysadz, moving on...

The whole time I was reading this I felt like I was in a pack'n'play full of V for Vendetta/Punisher/Fight Club babies, set amidst the Crow-worthy playground of Gotham Detroit.

For serious though.

I was waiting for Batman and his fellow band of masked crusaders to pull cameos at any minute.

All we needed were costumes.



Anyvillains, don't get me wrong.

The writing was fantastic and the characters - especially Nick, I mean Jesus Christo that gorgeous cover made imagining him oh so enjoyable - were all so well done.



I figured out some of the plot twists early on and, quite honestly, I was simply unable to suspend belief for this whole book from almost the onset.

I don't always care about realism and whether or not something is "possible."

I am typically more than willing to jump on the "Wow-That-Would-Never-Happen-But-Fuck-It-I-Will-Suspend-Belief-For-The-Greater-Good" Train - but I just couldn't seem to get off the station platform with this one.


And it definitely affected the reading experience for me.

I'm sorry, but there is just NO way a supposed computer game programmer could turn himself into this supposed badass super ninja vigilante who can pull off head shots and shoot the weapons from people's hands in under three years.



And don't even get me started on what seemed to be Nick's never-ending magazine of magic bullets or


Holy Eye Roll, Batman.

Anyrobin, as I said, I really enjoyed the writing and the characters in general.

It just didn't all come together for me.

But, again, I am definitely in the minority here and I will still be checking this author out in the future.


****ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review****
Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
808 reviews591 followers
August 11, 2017
5***Kick Ass Pistol Lips ~ Revenge ~ Stars

Series: Standalone Dark Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 9, 2015
POV: (Dual) Multiple

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“You’ve ignited a flame inside of me, Pistol Lips….I will obliterate any motherfucker who lays a hand on you again. I’d kill for you.” Nick

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Three year ago Nick Riley had almost been killed with a bullet to his skull and his family was killed in front of him. Ever since, he had never been the same. Now at twenty eight years of age, he is finally ready to put in place the revenge he had been planning for so long with the help of Alec. He had made a promise and he was going to keep it. He lived and survived for only one purpose “revenge”; to vengeance the deaths of his family. He knew who was responsible and he was going to make them all pay.

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Michael Culling was the Mayor of the City of Detroit, the most powerful man in the city. He was evil and basically had the entire city under his hands. Even Chief Cox was under him doing his dirty work. There was a gang “Seven Mile Crew” known as contract killers; they were responsible for the death of Nick Riley’s wife Lena and his 5 year old son Jay but it was Michael Culling who they received the orders from. Nick & Alec have a plan; to find and kill every man who was at the scene of the crime of his family and by taking Culling’s most precious love; his wife Aubree Culling. He kidnaps her and keeps her hostage until his vengeance is for field.

Aubree Culling was married to a sadist bastard, he was cruel and evil. She grew up with hardly any money but with a loving family. She liked helping others and was studying to help kids with special needs or that had been traumatized in some physical or mental way. As an art teacher, she was able to help them draw and try to create a better picture for all the ugliest in the world. She had been trying to run away from her psycho husband for five years, she was basically living in a cage in the form of Michael’s power. No matter how she tried she never succeeded.

“Cage a bird that once felt the wind through its feathers and the world beneath is feet, and you’d find that insane glint of hope in its eyes that enticed it to escape every time the door swung open. Even if it could no longer fly, it’d never stop vying for its freedom, and neither would I.” Aubree

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Nick Riley suffer from blackout because of the bullet hit to his head and the trauma he went thru. He lives with the memory of that horrible day that has been hunting him. The visions, dreams and memories of his wife and especially of his son broke my heart so much. I sobbed like a baby for all his pain, for the beautiful family he once had and now was gone. While he keeps Aubree as a prisoner, he was not expecting to have any feeling of any sort for the wife of his family’s killer. He was conflicted with wanting to kill her and feeling attracted to her. He discovers that she in fact was a victim of Michael and not part of the evil that was Michael. Oh I cried again for Aubree too, for her cruel and sad past and for everything Michael did to her. There were so many emotions going thru me while reading this book. I was excited, nervous, anxious, sad, and loved the chemistry that ended up developing between Nick and Aubree.

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He takes care of her once he found out the truth about her past and who she really was. They both get close to each other. Aubree sees his pain and he sees hers and they both wanted to make each other better. Aubree has some fears to conquer but Nick managed to help her fight those fears. Nick has some demons himself but Aubree also managed to break thru them and accepts him as he is. They are both such a great strong survivors I loved everything about them.

“Every scar told a story, but it was the ones we didn’t want others to see that told a truth.” Nick

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“Apart, we were nothing more than two broken halves, but together, our jagged edges fit perfectly, sealed into something whole again.” Aubree

Once both of them gave into the chemistry that is pulling them together; HOT smoking scenes made my heart beat so hard but for so many other reasons and I find myself loving every single moment of it.

“Light exploded behind my eyes, rippling through my body like an aftershock. Blinding pleasure trailed it, coating my hot muscles trailed it, coating my hot muscles with a cook tingle that left me numb, weakened. I called out his name, and when he pulled out of me, his body shuddered, breaths broken by moans and curses.” Aubree

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“She felt small and right, her curves pressed into my body in all the right places. Together, our bodies melded perfectly, like two halves of a whole. Paired with her words from moments ago, a realization struck me. We fit the only way two fucked up people could possibly fit together.” Nick

I loved Alec, he was such an amazing character. Even though he was not in the entire book I enjoyed him every time he showed up, he was perfect in my eyes. He was always keeping Nick in line and telling him what he needed to hear without bullshit.

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The events after Nick and Aubree finally decided they wanted to enjoy what they had while it lasted; had me so nervous, it was like watching an accident about to happen in slow motion but at the same time you have no idea how it will end. So many things the author brought up that had me speechless. I can’t tell you enough how much I loved this book. Ever since I saw Lana’s review a while back I knew I had to read this book no matter what and then I saw the cover and that sealed the deal; however nothing prepared me for this amazing experience. This story had me hooked on the edge of my bed from beginning to the end. It was an absolute page turner and emotional roller coaster ride. I went thru all the feelings you could possible feel, it was EPIC. Yes this book was EPIC and everyone who loves a good action, suspense, erotic and dark book should defiantly read this. This was my first book by Keri Lake and I can tell you it will not be my last.

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“I saw darkness in her beauty, and she saw beauty in my darkness.” Nick

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“ARC kindly provided to me by author Keri Lake via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review, thank you so much Keri!”

Ricochet by Keri Lake

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Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,941 followers
June 26, 2015
4 stars!

I remember when I first heard about this book I read the blurb and went ‘oh shit,’ thinking that this book may just be the dark romance winner I've been looking for. And for the most part, it was! It’s a turbulent book filled with graphic violence and such raw savagery I’m pretty sure it overloaded my senses. It made me feel bloodthirsty. And being the weirdo reader who craves this kind of stuff, I loved every dark part of this book.

But while the dark premise of this book worked for me perfectly, overall it was not a perfect read. In fact, when I finished reading my gut reaction was to not rate this book because I had such conflicting feelings warring in my head. On one hand, the author’s writing is simply brilliant – so gripping and making me feel ten different emotions at once. But on the other hand, I just didn’t like the way loose ends were tied up and some plot revelations towards the end of the book (those who have read it will know exactly what I’m referring to). I’m just going to say that what’s revealed at the end has never, ever worked for me in other books I’ve read with the same theme, so my dislike stems from a personal preference and not a result of the author doing something wrong. After taking some time to mull things over, I finally decided on a 4 star rating for two very simple reasons:

1. This book is truly one of the few books I can say I had trouble putting down, and when I was reading it, I was flipping the pages fast.

2. The fast-paced, action-packed plot had my heart racing and stomach in knots. Plus you know the feeling where you’re on the verge of tears but not crying just yet and your throat feels like it’s burning from holding back? That happened to me while I was reading a couple of scenes where Nick was tortured and haunted by his past (dead wife & son). I can’t remember the last time I had such a visceral reaction to a book before.

I took off 1 star to account for the ending of the book I didn’t really care for and also because there were a few scenes where the book was straddling the line between contemporary and paranormal and those parts annoyed me. Don’t get me wrong, this book is definitely what I would call contemporary and the writing is impressive but because some parts of the book required me to suspend a great deal of disbelief I had to dock stars.

I know I didn’t even talk about plot or characters, and while I hate playing the ‘you have to experience the book for yourself’ card it’s exactly what every reader has to do while reading this book. For a good part of the story I hated both Nick and Aubree because a lot of their actions didn’t match their character but as I read, the pieces started to fit together. It’s definitely a book that constantly made me question my own opinions until the very end.

So aside from some minor hiccups along the way, overall I definitely did enjoy reading this entertaining, addicting story! Considering the books I’ve read this past month have been sub-par at best, I see Ricochet as a huge winner, and look forward to reading more from this author.

Ricochet is a dark romance standalone.

ARC provided by the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
June 29, 2015
3.75 Eye for an Eye Stars


This story was a good read and the author is indeed very talented. I did love the heroine and liked how she came into play for Nick Ryder’s vengeance plan.

”Perhaps Nick and I were opposites in life, as he said, but in pain, we were the same. Two broken halves, with jagged edges that seemed to fit together in some messed up way.”

This story made Detroit seem like a total free for all, but did have a few twists all of which sadly I guessed so maybe that’s where it went into okay territory for me. I did get a bit tired of each and every one of Nick’s kills detailed it felt kind of repetitive. However it was very action packed and exciting.


Nick fights to get his revenge and manages to save the town while Aubree fights to finally be free from her monster of a political husband. This story is about second chances and was definitely entertaining with a great ending.

”In the end, he saved me, and in return, I saved him. Eye for an eye, heart for a heart.”

*ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,375 reviews1,343 followers
June 29, 2015
5 Heart Stoppin' Stars

"But that's what happens when you shoot at something impenetrable.
It ricochets."

Ricochet is a heart stopping dark thriller full of action, romance, passion, and endless twists and turns. Just when I though I had figured things out, a new discovery was to be made and everything was turned upside down again.

"Anyone who injures their neighbor is to be injured in the same manner: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth."-Leviticus 24:20

The Setting...Detroit
"The Third world city of America"


"Scarred and beaten, the perfect metaphor for the people who lived within its forgotten neighborhoods. Detroit was like an abused kid, just waiting for the day someone would come along and give a f*ck about it."

Detroit is the backdrop for this tale. The streets are littered with gangsters, corrupt cops, strippers, junkies, and of course the occasional nobody just trying to make it through to the next day.


Nick, our hero, resides in this godforsaken town. He has been broken. He has been robbed. He seeks one thing...revenge.

"To defeat a monster, I had to become one."-Nick

As our tale begins, Nick is preparing for battle. The people (his pawns) are in place. He is ready to make his first move. For his endgame to transpire, he must first attain a captive.



"For three years, I'd watched Michael and Aubree Culling parade the streets like saints."-Nick

Aubree is the wife of the great Mayor Michael Culling. She is displayed as a trophy wife full of grace. They appear to both show love to the needy and are great philanthropists. In truth, Aubree's plight is dark, dirty, and most definitely desperate.

"Culling's preoccupation with his missing wife will render him careless. Keep him from focusing on the big picture."-Nick

Nick abducts Aubree. What begins as a captive/captor relationship develops into so much more. Aubree isn't exactly who Nick thinks she is. When the truth is discovered, Nick is shaken by the pain and grief she has experienced. At first, Aubree is fighting her captivity and having Aubree causes Nick to battle with his own demons. However, in their first intimate moment together, it is apparent that both Nick and Aubree have more in common with each other then anyone could have ever guessed.


Nick isn't alone on his quest for revenge. He has a comrade in Alec. Alec is a constant support to Nick. His expertise and council are imperative for Nick as he battles his demons (both internal and external).

"Alec never failed to look meticulous with his three-piece suit and fedora. Though our styles differed, Alec and I shared two similarities: we both knew a thing or two about computers and both of us carried an unquenchable thirst for revenge."-Nick

Alec and Nick have made a pact. They both must follow through in order for the plan to be successful. Alec wants desperately for Nick to find peace.

"One of these days, the light is going to flip on, and you'll realize the hits you've suffered in darkness were your very own shadow. Honor your family with vengeance, but don't make yourself one of your own victims."-Alec

As the pieces begin to fall into place, Nick has the added tension of the feelings he is developing for Aubree. Can she be the peace that he has been searching for? Can he forsake his plan and run away with her in his arms?


Aubree is the catalyst to Nick's transformation. All of a sudden there is a possibility for the ending of his story to shift. The push and pull between Aubree and Nick is intense. The emotions they evoke in each other give a shock to each of their systems.

"You make me dream things I shouldn't dream. Crave things I shouldn't crave. My weakness."-Nick


"She'd punched through the steel that caged my heart, sealed the gaping wound and claimed what belonged to her. I'd protect her. Kill for her. And in return, never live without her. So long I sought retribution, and in Aubree, I found redemption."-Nick

Overall, Ricochet was practically perfect. With the intense character development, dual POVS, descriptive text, and steamy scenes there was nothing left to be desired. I felt the connection between Nick and Aubree from their first interaction. The intensity of every single scene kept me on the edge of my seat the entire read. Additionally, the tenderness and passion that blooms between Nick and Aubree made my heart melt. The greatest element in this read is the countless twists and turns. There is nothing better than good storytelling. That, my friends, is what we have in Ricochet. If you are a fan of dark romance, then look no further. Not only am I glad that I read this book but I am glad that I went in blind. I think the shock of the content made me feel even more depth for these characters. The time you invest in this read will be well spent. As for Ms. Lake, I look forward to reading more of your work.

"Apart, we were nothing more than two broken halves, but together, our jagged edges fit perfectly, sealed into something whole again."


Special thanks to War and Loyda for a nail biting BR!

"ARC given in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley."
Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews849 followers
July 12, 2015

Title: Ricochet
Series: Standalone
Author: Keri Lake
Release date: 9th July, 2015
Cliffhanger: No

With Ricochet Keri Lakes creates a 5 Star action packed, adrenaline filled, relentless display of a man driven by revenge and his quest to obtain it by any means necessary.

The dark theme is uncompromising in its approach and I applaud Keri as she refuses shield her readers from the rawness of the pain felt, the suffering and the realism of hurt that stem from a horrendous act.

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Nick Ryder is a man who is plagued by the loss of his wife and son. The vengeance he craves lies with Aubree Culling, the wife to the man he holds responsible, Michael Culling. In the corrupt, lawless streets of Detroit Nicks justice will be wielded by his own hand.

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I experienced a cacophony of emotions during my read, I may even have turned a little blood thirsty. I felt like a participant in this, it was Nick's journey but I was also along for the ride. It really was an extravaganza to my senses and I'm sure my heart has only just recovered. But as much as it is about revenge, it is also about redemption and freedom however great the loss.

First and foremost I'm a romance reader and to those readers who may be thinking the dark theme may be too heavy for them or outweigh, I think the author does an excellent job of balancing the two in my opinion.

Ricochet was my first foray into the world of Keri Lake and if I could describe her writing style based on this alone, the words Evil Genius come to mind.

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Profile Image for Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡.
736 reviews1,069 followers
July 22, 2015
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Ricochet, for me, is reading perfection on so many levels.... the prose, dialogue, emotions and darkness are all cohesively executed with characters whom drive the story arc exponentially and fully evoked my five star feelings. It took me on a dark and twisted journey of revenge and deep, devastating loss, a loss more than one would ever wish to imagine. The author places her male protagonist in the worse kind of living hell with unfathomable suffering and heartache. Demons of both the physical and emotional are fought with sex trafficking, kidnap, rape and torturous murder all being issues encountered within the context of this story, starkly contrasting with the sadness, loss and beautiful love exposed to us. It’s dark and raw, gritty and, at times, violent with a skewered crime enforcement that’s controlled by corruption.

As the story unfurls and reveals the multiple layers I experienced in equal measure the beauty and vulnerabilities of the main characters Nick Ryder and Aubree Culling, who captivated me with their engaging histories, their personalities and pleasantries. Their banter and interaction is adorable, especially Nick's ironic humour which is both engaging and heart warming.

The mixture of third and first person narrative, depending on the viewpoint, is perfect for the telling which is mainly from the perspective of Nick and Aubree. The matter of fact nature of the brutality makes it all the more chilling to read. The potent juxtaposition of the twisted brutality set against the desperate gut wrenching feelings of the protagonist's experiences, history and current predicament is captivating, I could not look away, despite the gruesome quality. At times I felt sick to my stomach, repulsed by the macabre images parading in my mind as a result of the provocative and vivid writing. The story ebbs and flows between Nick's flashbacks and the present with transitions that are seamless. The flashbacks show the desperate experience of his history and make his awful actions strangely acceptable, causing compassionate feelings to outweigh repulsion. How could anyone survive the pain he experienced?

Despite the darkness of the story, there are moments that took my breath away. The beauty of it contrasting against the darkness, the development of his salvation in the form of Aubree is simply wonderful. The author kept it to the reality of the characters, nothing is easy or straightforward. I don't wish to reveal too much about Aubree, except to say that her portrayal is spot on in terms of her reactions, dialogue, thoughts and feelings. A good friend said to me that she's pretty much perfect and she would be correct in her assessment.

Ricochet is not for the faint of heart but if you love being pushed within the depths of darkness so the light is even more stunning, with characters who are tangible and an engaging plot with twists and turns then this is a story I highly recommend.

Note: Ricochet is a STANDALONE story!

Advanced copy provided by the publishers, via NetGalley, for my honest review thoughts.
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
July 1, 2015

♥ ♥ ♥ 5 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

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'To defeat a monster, I had to become one.'

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Wow! This book! But first things first. I just wanted to say how much I LOVED the cover of this book. The model is just perfect as Nick. Anyway, I have been a fan of Keri Lake ever since I read her Paranormal romance series Sons of Wrath. I love that series! So when I found out she was doing a contemporary romance, I was all over it.

Nick Ryder has lost it all. There is only one thing keeping him going, and that is his thirst for revenge. He wants to make the man responsible for killing his family to pay for what he has done. An eye for an eye. He won't be holding back. With the help of Alec, a man with the plan of to make Michael Culling pay, they kidnap Michael's wife Aubree.

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"You make me dream things I shouldn't dream. Crave things I shouldn't crave. My weakness." His lips slanted over mine in a kiss that stole my breath. "You'll destroy me, Aubree. And I won't stop you."

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Aubree Culling is the wife of the mayor of the city of Detroit, who is also a sadistic monster that torments and tortures her. Michael is quite the powerful man who has people working for him everywhere. There is no way for her to escape without one of his men tossing her back to him. That may all change when is kidnapped from her husband. Now, she just needs to try to escape her new cage.

Both of these characters are scarred by their pasts. Nick lost his family in a disgusting and tragic way. I felt for his loss. He was shot in the head and left for dead, but he somehow survived and now suffers from blackouts. The memories of that night torment him on a daily basis, blaming himself for not being able to save them. While Aubree has to pretend all is well in front of everyone, when in reality she has to suffer being married to a psychopath. She is brutally abused both physically and mentally by Michael. Even with everything that both of these characters had endured, they still survived and remained strong. And that is what I really liked about them.

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'I saw darkness in her beauty, and she saw beauty in my darkness. Yin and yang. Black and white. Beauty and scars; fury and forgiveness.'

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I don't want to give much of the book away. The story was dark and quite graphic. One thing I always appreciate for Keri's book is how well she does action in her books, and Ricochet was no exception. Her words paint such a vivid picture it's as if your seeing it on film. It was gritty and raw. It had me turning the page and not wanting to stop. The chemistry between Aubree and Nick was explosively hot. The steam was scorching. This book wasn't exclusively dark, though. There were also some emotion filled scenes that had me tearing up for Nick and Aubree. There was also an awesome twist to the story near the end that I didn't see coming at all. I just really loved this book and the characters. It was intense and gruesome, but I loved it. If you love dark and suspenseful romances, then you really need to give this one a read. I highly recommend this one.

~ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.~
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
November 10, 2018
Behind the cover…

The cover of Ricochet has been playing on my mind for awhile. See, I saw this cover and was spellbound. At first, I was consumed with wanting. Then I heard some talk, and I hesitated. For starters, people were talking about the darkness, the violence and the fact that the heroine is kidnapped and the hero was her captor. But…I was still consumed with the cover. How could that man on the cover be violent and a kidnapper? Would I want to become attached to a bad man? Then, it got worse. I heard that the man was a shell. His life had been taken from him when he lost his family. Oh geez. I’m now supposed to see him find a new love. No, I can’t do it. This will be too hard. I’m not strong enough to handle the pain. I shelved my desire to read Ricochet and left it sitting on my wish list on Amazon. I’d see it sitting there and ask myself if I was ready…until one day, I bit the bullet. Now, even though it was sitting on my kindle, I still couldn’t bring myself to read it. I’d look at the cover and think, soon…ish. Lo and behold, the wonderful Lana, from Dirty Girl Romance, was holding a competition for Backfire #2 in the series and I thought to myself, if I win Backfire, I’ll know it’s time to read Ricochet. Guess what I won…and my journey behind the cover began.

Ricochet is a story that sucked me in from the very first page. I was bracing myself for the violence and abuse knowing that it could get quite ugly. In my previous reading experiences, I’ve found that I’m somewhat able to blank out violence, death and destruction. I get a little upset, but I’m kind of able to compartmentalise it. What I didn’t really brace for was how close to home this story hit. I’ve been where Nick has been. No, I didn’t take a bullet to the head, but I did have a head trauma after a car accident. I had the stabbing headaches, the need to rub the pain away, pull my hair out, scream my frustrations. I also dealt with extreme anger as the part of the brain affected was my short fuse. Years later, I can laugh about it, but at the time, I wasn’t the only one who suffered. Everyone around me suffered too. So, while in Nick’s case it was extreme RAGE and emotional trauma, I understood him. I was just a little nasty and took it out on those I loved. In Nick’s case, he had to deal with his head injury AND keep living knowing that the most important people in his life were gone. His only way to deal with living was to make his life a dedication to REVENGE AND CULLING.

Aubree Culling is living a lie. Her scars are hidden and the smiles on the outside are the mask to her true feelings. She’s married to a monster and every attempt at reaching for freedom is squashed with repercussions. The monster is the Mayor with the ability to hide his evilness behind a crooked chief of police and pollies in his pocket. Who would have thought that by being kidnapped gives her a taste of freedom?

There are times in Ricochet where your heart is pounding. That accelerated heartbeat is caused by the characters feelings of anger, frustration, lust and loss. I could see the emotions, feel the emotions, live the emotions. I was watching a movie in my head and at times, I wanted to scrunch my eyes closed so I wouldn’t feel so much. I loved both Nick and Aubree and felt the pain from their pasts. Was their love a perfect love? Probably not, but to two people who have lived through hurt and betrayal, sometimes an imperfect love is perfect.

Did this story leave me on a high? Yes!! Did it end the way I wanted it to? Yes!! Do I condone violence? No!! Did I understand the violence, where it came from and why it was so extreme? Kind of. It made sense to not trust that justice will be served because you don’t trust the men in power. Ricochet has made it to my Best-of-the-best Goodreads lists.

Profile Image for Flo.
285 reviews589 followers
August 16, 2015
5 **bulletproof** STARS

“A dark angel, with blood on his hands and fire in his eyes.”

Oh, how I love it when a book lives up to the hype. I've had a lot of luck with my last reads, but Ricochet takes the cake. For me personally, this one has it all. A seriously messed up anti-hero, a resilient heroine, suspense, angst, copious amounts of violence and danger, and on top of that sizzling chemistry.

And then there were the eyes. OMG, the eyes. If ever there was a cover that made me want to read a book without knowing what’s it about this would be the one. Major cover love! And the best part, Nick lives up to the picture as well.

Alright, let’s get on with the revenge...

“Monsters did exist. They didn't hide under the bed, though. They stormed through the fucking door and stole away everything we loved.”

Nick Ryder has a mission. The only thing that keeps him alive is to bring a world of pain and suffering to the people who took his family from him. For all intents and purposes this man is a weapon with nothing to lose and no where to go. Right on top of his hit list is Mayor Michael Culling, the man responsible for all that is wrong with the city of Detroit and the monster who took away his meaning in life.

Aubree Culling, the Mayor’s wife is part of his plan. He kidnaps her and that not only splits Cullings attention but also makes for good vengeance. Problem is, she is as much of a victim in all this as Nick is, and when they get to know each other his plans might change slightly in the process.

“The man was like a finely crafted blade -- lean, beautiful and dangerous enough to cut me to the bones, if I wasn't careful.”

Nick is a very complicated and complex character with a few twists that only get revealed over the course of the book. I have to confess, I guessed the big one at exactly 31% (even wrote it down) but it took nothing away from my enjoyment, in fact I would say it was more fun to read that way.

Aubree kicks ass. Plain and simple. Yes, she is a victim, but she doesn't let it get in the way of surviving. She has a big heart and a will to live that helped her through some very tough times, but dealing with the enigma that is Nick Ryder seriously tests her limits.

Both Nick and Aubree are two desperate souls who find each other at the most perfect and yet most difficult point of their lives. She wants to escape and Nick wants to dive in head first guns blazing. What could possibly go wrong?

“I don’t want easy and uncomplicated. I want love that makes me fucking insane and irrational. I want to drown in it and never come back up for air.”

Ricochet is a standalone dark romance, with very graphic description of violence and abuse. There are some triggers possible readers should heed. It’s a fast paced - edge of the seat read, my very first book by Keri Lake and most certainly not the last. The writing was gripping and had me turning pages and losing time like no ones business.

A nicely balanced read with a lot of heart, quite a lot of edge, not one dull moment and the most fascinating and dirty anit-hero you should absolutely meet sometime.

**ARC very kindly provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
July 2, 2015
4.5 stars!

My first Keri Lake and it's a huge winner. I'm not much of a dark reader but there are so many elements in this book that were right up my alley. It has suspense, romance, and a holy freakin' plot twist that for the first time actually made sense or worked for me.

I don't want to write a long review for this book because I might give away spoilers. This is one of those books that you should go in blind. The little you know, the better. The blurb is pretty straightforward. Yes, it's dark and it's not for the faint of heart but it's also an optimistic book. And I never thought I would say this but it is optimistic because at the very heart of this story is a story of redemption and love. And you guys know how much I love those.

Nick Ryder lost everything. His reason for living was obliterated in a single act of violence before his very eyes and he was left with nothing but vengeance in his heart. Part of that vengeance is kidnapping the wife of his enemy. But the moment he got to know Aubree, she changed from being his vengeance to becoming his salvation. Aubree was one of the strongest female characters I know. Despite the horrors she went through, she never lost her agency. I loved that moment when Nick realized that the one person he thought he could use to destroy the man who took away his family was going to be the one to set him free.

For readers who don't not like violence, this book might not be for you. Keri Lake was brutal in showing readers how dark and messed up these characters are. But the author didn't leave me without a tether, or a moral compass so to speak. These characters did some messed up things and went through horrible circumstances but they retain their decency throughout the book. Ms. Lake skated that fine line brilliantly. And then there's that twist. Honestly, twists don't always work for me but here, it worked out brilliantly. And I had an epic face palm moment when I realized just what she did. But like I said, it worked for me, so yay!

This won't be my last Keri Lake for sure. She can definitely write. The emotions that the characters went through were perfectly nuanced and the action sequences were heart-pounding. Once I started this book, I just couldn't stop. This book was like an adrenaline rush I never want to get over. Just fantastic!

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,220 followers
July 2, 2015
5 "I’ve got you" STARS

“But from each crime are born bullets that will one day seek out in you where the heart lies.” – Pablo Neruda

Nick Ryder is a lethal weapon. Shot in the head and left for dead, Nick is a man destroyed; having witnessed the violent and sadistic murders of his wife and son and not being able to save them. Now three years later, Nick is consumed with darkness, hatred, anger, violence and blood lust.

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He has a plan to bring down the evil mastermind behind the crime, Michael Culling, the corrupt and dirty mayor of Detroit and all the men that perpetrated the heinous crime against his family. Aubree Culling, the mayor’s wife, plays a part in Nick’s plan for vengeance so, he kidnaps her.

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Aubree, like Nick, is also trapped in her own darkness. Her life is a façade. In public, in front of the cameras, she’s the perfect mayoral wife but behind closed doors, she is held captive and at the mercy of the brutally vindictive whims and fantasies of her husband. Beaten, whipped, humiliated, battered and bruised, Aubree dreams of escaping the clutches of the madman she married.

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This is a dark, emotionally gripping, raw, dirty and graphic read. My first Keri Lake novel but it won't be my last if she continues to write dark contemporary romance. Nick was a beautifully dangerous character and easy to like despite the darkness that lurked beneath his depths. His pain and vengeance was palpable.

“The only path out of his heart lay along the edge of a blade.”

“…the word revenge, and like a rich liquor, it cooled that burning thrust inside me.”

I really liked Aubree and just loved her true strength of spirit. This woman should be beyond broken for what she's endured yet she's still standing and fighting.

“I lived in a constant state of defense, and had taken enough punches in the dark that my body’s reflexes were always wired, tense.”

Nick and Aubree were these two shattered souls who some how made their broken pieces fit perfectly together. They were tormented and tender...

but also intense and animalistic in need and desire.

“In his bed, amid the darkness, the destruction, the ruin, he fixed me. His gentle hands delicately fastened together the pieces of me that’d become so broken and scattered with no hope for convergence.”

Truly a gut wrenching, power punching, sock-it-to-ya story that will have you on the edge of your seat, your emotions all over the place and your heart pining for all of the characters closest to Nick. I highly recommend this book if you love dark romance!

**ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
January 28, 2016
1/28/2016 Currently on sale for $0.99 @ Amazon

Read on 27 June 2015

5 'Eye for an eye, heart for a heart' stars

Ricochet is like Batman meets Arrow minus the mask and bow.

This is my 4th Keri Lake and the first being a contemporary. To say I have a high expectation for Ricochet is a big understatement and I'm extremely glad that this book hit all the right spot for me. It is full with action, suspense and twist at every turn. It had been a long time since I was so entertained and engrossed with a book.

Readers prepare to be thrown into an intensely brutal ride with Nick and Aubree and witness how they find love amidst the destruction surrounding them. Immerse yourself in Nick's path to vengeance and the absolutely depravity of mankind that left me cowered in terror.

Nick Ryder is a man who suffered absolute destruction of his perfect life right in front of his eye. The only motivation that keep him breathing is to make the people who ruined his life pay for what they did.

Aubree Culling might seems like the perfect trophy wife to Mayor Michael Culling, but her life was a far cry from perfect. She had been living in terror ever since she was married to the monster who might kill her one day.

When Nick decided to kidnap Aubree as part of his revenge plan, is Aubree leaving one hell for another, or she could finally taste freedom for the first time?

Perhaps Nick and I were opposites in life, as he said, but in pain, we were the same.
Two broken halves, with jagged edges that seemed to fit together in some messed up way.

Nick and Aubree's chemistry is explosive and left me panting for me. I love that Nick had so much darkness within him and such a tortured anti-hero. I wonder how can he crawl out from his self-destruction and find hope in his life again.

He'd become my rescuer, my savior. A dark angel, with blood on his hands and fire in his eyes.

Keri Lake did what she did best from her experience in paranormal series which is to paint a vivid picture of the utter depravity of Detroit that make me felt as if it is another Gotham City. The bleak backdrop really set the mood right for me. I don't think I can hear the name Detroit without a shiver up my spine.

Although I am a romance reader at heart, I will honestly claimed that I was even more invested in the suspense part of Nick's revenge. Whenever he managed to kill another motherfucker, I just want to cheer and pop the champagne. I don't think I had ever been as blood thirsty before. I will not be eating any pasta though. Thanks for Keri's graphic description. Eww...

Recommended for lover of dark and suspenseful romance and who have the stomach for violence. And the best part is - this is a standalone.

In his bed, amid the darkness, the destruction, the ruin, he fixed me. His gentle hands delicately fastened together the pieces of me that'd become so broken and scattered with no hope for convergence. As I lay beside him, I felt whole again.

I saw darkness in her beauty, and she saw beauty in my darkness. Yin and yang. Black and white. Beauty and scars; fury and forgiveness.
Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews655 followers
September 23, 2015
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ARC received by NetGalley ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

'A dark angel, with blood on his hands and fire in his eyes'


Genre: Dark Romance
Cover: 10/10
Writing: 9/10
Heroine: 9/10
Hero: 9/10
Humour: 1/10
Hotness: 7/10
Romance: 7/10
Extra book Details: Heroine & hero POV; 1st person. Stand alone.

Be warned Ricochet is an incredibly dark and violent romance set in Detroit, featuring: Heavy violence, gruesome torture, death, drugs, rape, prostitution, abuse, self harm, psychopaths, paedophiles, gang members... and more.

Three years ago, I had everything. A beautiful wife. A son. A reason for living.

Until a ruthless task force, assembled under Mayor Michael Culling, with a brutal strategy to make the streets of Detroit ‘safe’, ripped away everything I loved in a deadly hunt called The Culling.

I’m no longer Nick Ryder. I’m a masked vigilante. Faceless. Loveless. Fearless. A man with nothing left to lose—one who's seen the dark and violent truth behind the city’s flawless veneer.

Michael Culling doesn’t know who I am. Or what I want. All he knows is that I’ve kidnapped his beautiful wife. An eye for an eye—isn’t that how the saying goes? And Aubree Culling is the perfect pawn to destroy him.

If she doesn’t destroy me first.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I loved the theme of revenge. The grit and violence made it, probably, the darkest read I've read so far. There were some points where I was genuinely surprised by what was written in, I didn't expect how far it was willing to go.

It gave me all the intended feels, the horror, the suspense, the sadness, the heat.

I admired the depth of the storyline, the set up and the scenes that were played out. There was never a dull moment.

I also really liked the characters, I loved the wickedness of Michael. The visual of Nick and the loyalty and kicking ass-ness that came with him. And I enjoyed the ballsy, brave and mouthy 'Pistol Lips' Aubree.

Why not 5 stars? The writing became a little awkward with an odd analogy here and there. I didn't love the characters. I guessed the major reveal, which should have been less predictable and wound tighter. Also with a bit more of a bite and less soppyness in the last scene; would have made it perfection for me.

Maybe it's just me being picky, it's definitely going on my favourites shelf anyway.

4.5 stars for a thrilling dark ride.

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,027 reviews2,453 followers
June 4, 2016
5 stars!!

“I saw darkness in her beauty, and she saw beauty in my darkness. Yin and yang. Black and white. Beauty and scars; fury and forgiveness. She should’ve been my nemesis, but in her, I found something I didn’t know I was looking for.”

Great writing? Check. Tortured sexy hero? Check. Kickass heroine? Check.

Ricochet is a dark, cunning tale of two people who have the worst cards in life coming together and blasting their way out of the shit hand they were dealt. Nick is a man who seeks revenge against those who murdered his wife and son, and who shot him in the head and left him for dead. Aubree is a prisoner in her own life, she married the wrong man and now suffers behind her public smiles. In his plan for revenge, Aubree is a key player, and Nick will do whatever it takes to get his vengeance.

“Monsters did exist. They didn’t hide under the bed, though. They stormed through the fucking door and stole away everything we loved.
To defeat a monster, I had to become one.”

So first things first: Keri Lake is a phenomenal writer. I don’t say this lightly at all. There’s just something about the way she uses words, they flow across the page. The way she writes is beautiful and yet not longwinded, something very hard to pull off but she did.

Dark romance isn’t always my first choice when selecting a book to read. I had seen many friends in the past enjoy this book, but I honestly picked it up because my friend Angela over at Feeding My Addiction reviews said she devoured this 500+ page book in one day. So obviously my curiosity was piqued. And while I didn’t succeed in reading this book in one day (because of stupid real life), I will admit this is a book that’s incredibly hard to set down.

THIS. This is the kind of dark romance I enjoy reading! If all dark romances were like this, I would read a whole lot more. The kind with characters who aren’t perfect but are redeemable. Characters I can root for! To steal words from FMA reviews out of her mouth, Nick is the perfect antihero (a statement not mine but one I wholeheartedly agree with). I hate when I read dark romance and the antihero is some sort of sociopath who isn’t good in any way. I loved that Nick wasn’t entirely good, but he still had good in him. Darkness swept over him, but ultimately he fought it.

Aubree is a strong heroine that I loved. I hate doormats and she’s whatever the antonym of that word would be. My heart bled for her and the hardships she faced. She was the perfect counterpart to Nick, for he needed someone to protect, yet someone who would also fight.

Overall a very compelling and thrilling novel, one the reader will devour until the last page. I know I will be checking out Lake’s other books real soon, and I am so happy I took a chance on a book that isn’t normally my preferred genre to read.

“The ultimate revenge isn’t the murder of my enemy. It’s the whisper of truth on my last stolen breath.”

Profile Image for warhawke.
1,443 reviews2,166 followers
September 26, 2015
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person (Dual) + Third Person

★ ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
★ (F)BR with shhlutty Liz and shhexy Loyda.

With his family gone, Nick Ryder had nothing else to lose. He had just one more goal he needed to meet – destroy the life of the man who destroyed his. He was determined to avenge his family by any means necessary.

Aubree Culling was the wife of Mayor Michael Culling, the man on top of Nick’s hit list. To the public eye, the couple was portrayed as model citizens and savior of Detroit. But behind the gleaming façade, Michael was corrupted to the core and held too much power for a single man.

With help from Alec, a cyber vigilante, Nick paved a bloodied path to his revenge. However, he soon learned not everything was necessarily what it seemed.

When I first came across Ricochet, the cover absolutely demanded my attention. I have a weakness for mysterious hooded hero. And when I read the blurb, I knew this is my kind of book and I am very happy to say it met every expectation I had.

You punch a brick in the wall, your knuckle bleed.
You shoot a gun, it recoils.
You destroy a man’s life, he seeks revenge.
An eye for an eye.

This was my first Keri Lake’s book and as long as she keeps writing dark contemporary romance, I will keep reading. Her writing was evocative and made me feel like I was part of the book. I especially love the details in the factory towards the end of the book. I could almost smell the rusted metals.

Anger was where I felt alive. I needed it to survive, to feed some twisted, charred part of my soul which I’d been waiting for a plan, craving something I couldn’t formulate inside my own head.

I admired Nick’s determination in following his revenge plan – how he stayed true to his goal even as circumstances changed. He was pretty much an open book. His reasons and motivations were not secrets, yet he still retained that aura of mystery.

Aubree was a strong female character with her own set of ghosts. I love how Nick called her Pistol Lips – she just fired things out of her mouth without thinking of possible repercussions.

Alec was such an enigma and I loved him. Even though his appearances in the book were limited and brief, he commanded every scene he was in. He had a presence that made you focus your attention his direction.

As for the story, the revelation took me by surprise because there were clues but interwoven with misdirection. There were a lot of violent graphic scenes in both sides attempt to gain their goals. But they were balanced by some scorching sexy scenes too. And a lot of flashback scenes just tugged my heart. So there were a lot of emotions brought out by the story.

“The stars in the sky are the souls of people we love. They shine so bright not even the night can hide them. And when we’re lost they guide us.”

“Will you be a star someday, Daddy?”

Ricochet is highly recommended to those who love dark romance and don’t mind graphic violence and super hot sexy times.

For more reviews/reveals/giveaways visit:

Profile Image for Raj.
274 reviews80 followers
June 29, 2015
5 'Eye for an Eye' Stars

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Monsters did exist. They didn't hide under the bed, though. They stormed through the fucking door and stole away everything we loved.

WOW. This book is just wow.

So this book is about Nick Ryder. Three years ago. Nick had everything that he ever needed. A perfect wife that he adored. An amazing son. And a home. One brutal night, everything is taken away from him. The wife that he loves, the son that he would do anything for, and that happy-loving life that he once had, all gone before his very eyes. He made a promise then that he would get his revenge. He would make everyone of them that ever laid a single hand on his wife and kid to suffer.

Everyone of them will die—painfully and mercilessly.

He's out for blood. He's gonna do everything in his power to do what he has to do. What he needs do. He became a monster, just like them.

To defeat a monster, I had to become one.

Nick has a plan. A great one. He's gonna take that mothafucker down and his armies. And that piece of fuck is Mayor Michael Culling. He's gonna make him feel what he felt for the past three years. He's gonna make all of them suffer greatly.

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The only sure way to destroy a man is to take what he cannot live without.

So he kidnaps Mayors wife, Aubree Culling. And that my friend is where I'm gonna stop.

Lets talk about the authors writing.......FUCKED UP(in a very good way). The author made me go crazy along side Nick. I swear sometimes I thought that I might be him. Her writing is just flawless. I felt the hatred, the anger, the pain, the suffer, the torture, and the love. I felt everything. And I loved every second of it.

You never forget the sound of gunfire. How the ringing drowns the screaming inside your head. No matter how loud, it's always louder, until the bullet hits its mark in an explosion of pain

And of course lets not forget about the "explosions" they be having. Man they are huge.

"When you come ,Aubree, I want you to come apart" he told me." Explode into a million pieces. Scream my name so loud, this whole goddamn city will know who's fucking you."

This story isn't all about revenge and darkness. It's about a second chance. A second chance to love, to live again, and to forgive.

I adored this book. Savored every second of it and swallowed it whole.

You are the violence inside of me Aubree. My most exquisite destruction."

I HIGHLY recommend. I hope that you love every second of this book as much as I did.

Eye for an eye, heart for a heart.

Arc kindly provided by author via Netgally in exchange for an honest review so THANK YOU
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
July 9, 2015
★★★ 3.5 Stars ★★★

Amazon - http://amzn.to/1TnKdWC
Amazon UK - http://amzn.to/1NVCITK

Ricochet was a gritty romantic suspense, which sees Nick Riley seeking revenge for the brutal death of his beloved wife and son. For three years, Nick has been planning to make the dregs of Detroit pay for almost taking his life and executing the family that he loved so much.

Michael and Aubree Culling, the mayor and his wife, are high on his hit list, and with the help of his partner in crime Alec, he plans to kidnap Aubree and eliminate all of the bad people who are reeking havoc on the city.

What Nick wasn't expecting, was for him to feel an empathetic and protective force of feelings towards Aubree which puts his plan into jeopardy.

This was fast paced and expertly written and I can see why this would be a gripping read for a lot of people. Unfortunately for me, I just didn't connect to the story as much as I would have hoped but that is not to say I didn't enjoy it, I loved the developing relationship between Nick and Aubree.

What I loved about it most was the warring emotions inside Nick's head and the way Aubree for the first time in her life was experiencing love and affection, even if it came from such a dark character as Nick.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read for me and I am very confident that if you are a fan of romantic suspense, you will no doubt love it. Not for the feint hearted though, it was pretty gruesome in places.

Ricochet is a dark romantic suspense, told in multiple POV's and is a standalone.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,733 followers
February 6, 2016
Eye For An Eye, Heart For A Heart

Nick is a man out for vengeance. He witnessed the brutal murder of his wife and son three years ago and has been planning his revenge ever since. Determined to take down not only the low-life thugs that committed the vile acts, but the men at the top, pulling the strings from behind the scene, as well, he sets his sights on Mayor Michael Culling's wife, Aubree.

The seemingly perfect politician's wife, Aubree graces her husband's arm at social events, smiling for the cameras. What can't be seen is that behind her happy veneer, Aubree is every bit of the victim that Nick is. Nobody knows her husband's capacity for cruelty better than Aubree does.

Nick kidnaps Aubree, initially planning to use her against her husband. However, it soon becomes apparent that Aubree is becoming more to Nick than just a tool for his revenge. He wants to save her, all the while planning to sacrifice himself.

It is clear from the start that Nick has some significant psychological issues, brought on by the brutal attack against his family that he witnessed. He has blackouts, masking his actions during his fits of rage. He spends his nights drinking himself into a stupor, only to relive the horrific events in his sleep.

One by one, Nick begins murdering those responsible for the murders of his wife and young son. A quick bullet would be too kind for them and isn't Nick's style. Slow and torturous is how they meet their end.

This story has plenty of dark elements, including rape, child sexual abuse, cruel and violent acts, etc. If you are unable to read about these topics, then this will not be the book for you.

Overall, I enjoyed watching Nick exact his vigilante justice on those that had wronged him. I also liked that Aubree and Nick were able to move on from their pasts and find love. Although the story did seem to drag on a bit, I still enjoyed it. I might have liked it more if some of it had been trimmed down, but it was still a great story. I give it 4 stars!
July 18, 2015
5 Revenge-filled Stars!

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He'd become my rescuer, my savior. A dark angel, with blood on his hands and fire in his eyes.


Ricochet is one of those books I REALLY wished I'd simply read the book blurb and dove in and not bothered with reading reviews, as, take my word for it, there's reviews that'll spoil the great ride this book is! I'd never read a book by Keri Lake because she writes mostly PNR (not my cuppa) and I hope this book's success makes her realize she has TALENT in the dark erotic genre too. And well, let me say this, this book is INTENSE!

Keeping this spoiler-free, I can tell you this...

What can we find in the book Ricochet?

***Dark brooding, scarred hero- CHECK
***Tough as nails, yet scarred heroine- CHECK
***Suspenseful- CHECK
***Dark, gritty, gruesome- CHECK, CHECK, CHECK
***Hot as heck, annihilating sex scenes- CHECK

All equalling AWESOME!

Nick Ryder is a man scarred beyond measure- both physically and mentally. Having endured the worse torture and loss on Devil's Night in Detroit three years ago, his only focus is on revenge. Revenge against the men responsible for the filth that is Detroit and the loss of his family. One man is on the top of his list, the leader of Detroit corruption, Mayor Michael Culling. Eye for an eye... he will take what's most valuable to that man...his beautiful wife Aubree. Then he shall systematically take down the entire organization one monster at a time.

Anyone who injures their neighbor is to be injured in the same manner:
fracture for fracture,
eye for eye,
tooth for tooth-

Leviticus 24:20

There were so many aspects of Ricochet that had me turning the pages as fast as humanly possible. I love a good dark read, but especially when the antihero is such that it doesn't matter how much I should hate him for his violent actions, I simply can't. Nick was that kind of man- stone-cold yet so incredibly empty, his only drive to get up and move everyday is for one goal- to get back at the men that took his family from him. Then, and only then, will he be able to rest.

Aubree Culling is NOT what the media portrays her to be. Always the smiling dutiful wife on the arm of her Mayor husband, terrible things go on behind the closed doors of her home. Nick may think he's abducting her from a life she loves but he may just be doing her a favor. If now she can just escape Nick... jump from one cage to the next. She will escape.

When I say dark, this book has some fairly brutal scenes. It definitely highlights the worst of the human species. Torture, rape, murder being on the short list. What REALLY drew me to the book is the setting in Detroit. I live outside the Detroit Metropolitan area and this author clearly knows these parts. She is spot-on with the descriptions of the shithole The is the city of Detroit. Couple that with the political corruption and drug/gang violence that is 100% a daily scene for that city, I felt as if I was reading non-fiction. Sad but true...

Ricochet centers around one thing- vengeance, yet in the face of everything Nick worked tirelessly for, he finds something...someone he wasn't prepared for. Amidst all the anger and pain, there's an underlying sense of hope, of healing, of second chances at happiness in a once empty and hopeless life. Can Nick continue through with his plan to ruin Michael Culling when Aubree may be his biggest weakness?

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The writing is top notch and I seriously wish Ms Lake would continue to tap into this darker side of Contemporary Romance. If so, I wouldn't hesitate to auto-buy anything she writes in the future, aside from PNR.

A fantastic journey of loss yet hope, Ricochet will stand at the tops of my short list of favorite dark reads of 2015. Bravo!

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***As a side note, this author/book does a stellar job at highlighting child trafficking. I had zero clue it was happening so close to home. Detroit is number two in the nation for child human trafficking and forced prostitution. Keri Lake did extensive research and forwarded me articles. I find it truly disgusting and very saddening this is happening so close to home...or anywhere for that matter.

Advanced copy received by author via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews848 followers
July 18, 2015
5+++ Gripping Stars

Captivating, Riveting, Gripping, Dark, Sexy........
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Well this book caught me by surprise. It captured me and didn't let me go until the very end. I could not stop reading.....3 am one night then 2 am the next, it was AMAZING!!!!

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Nick Ryder is a man that is consumed with hate and revenge. His family was taken from him in a horrific and brutal manner. He believes in an eye for an eye and once you know his story you can not help but feel his pain, his grief, his REVENGE and fall for him completely.

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Aubree Culling is a woman that you think has it all. She is married to the Mayor of Detroit, Michael Culling, and seems to have it all. But she is not as she appears. She also has a story and hers will grip you and make you feel and want for her.

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There is violence, death, savagery, killing......this book is dark and deep but the story is so compelling and moving that you become part of the story. Nick and Aubree come together out of Nick's revenge. The revenge that consumes him.....an eye for an eye. But Nick and Aubree share darkness and as time passes they become emotionally and sexually connected. Even in the darkness, love and hope can exist.

This book has many twists and trust and unexpected revelations. It isn't for the faint of heart. The author paints an explicit visual with her dark and lyrical words. The revenge is graphic and violent but then again the reason for the revenge is unimaginable and horrific. Word that bring forth the deepest emotions of sadness, fear, disgust and hate but in the same breath she also brings hope, love, longing and redemption.

I loved this story, I loved the visuals that the author painted, I loved how the author captivated and made me feel that I was in Detroit, and I loved Nick and Aubree, Alec and Blue. I also hated and felt extreme contempt for Michael Culling and his Seven Mile Crew.

If you want to experience a story that is very deep, violent, sexy, and dark yet hopeful, loving and full of salvation ......look no farther because Ricochet is a book that will make your top list of 2015!!!

Thank you Jxxx and TeriLyn to push me to read this incredible story!!! xoxoxo-

Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
July 14, 2015


I'm stunned. Speechless. It was my first book from this author and if her other books are anything like this one, I've met one new to follow and support.


Ricochet was a slow build for me. Maybe I wasn't in the right state of mind or maybe I had too much on my mind but the story didn't really pick up before 20-25%.


After that I couldn't put the book down! Through her writing, Keri Blake leads you in a dark and aching story. She leads you through the bad and wrong from a man who has nothing to loose. She leads you in the darkest place a man can be found.

But what made me really love this story and what make me give it 5 stars was how the story unfold, how at some point everything makes sense. I repeat myself but I stayed speechless!

“The stars in the sky are the souls of the people we love. They shine so bright, not even the night can hide them. And when we’re lost, they guide us.”

First, meet Nick, the man who three years ago lost his purpose in life, who lost his reason to live tragically, who has lost his wife AND his little boy.


He has nothing else than his thirst for revenge. He has one goal: Destroy Michael Culling
On his path, there are a lot of collateral damages but nothing and no one will kept him away from his vengeance, from his release.
His plan is perfect, everything is set. To touch his "enemy" in the heart, he decides to kidnap his wife.

Aubree is not what she appears to be. Being the mayor's wife, the only thing expected from her is to smile and show a fake happiness.
But Aubree is anything but happy. She is trapped in a life she never asked. She remains captured in her own hell with a despicable man that is a threat to everyone in the city.

What drawn me to Ricochet was at first the cover. I'm a cover whore, always will be


The blurb kept my interest intact and just confirmed that I wanted this book bad. I can't resist the promise of an anti-hero. I crave to see how an author can stay true to her original idea and bring two people who are supposed to hate each other, together to form one and only team.

And that's another thing that worked so well for me. Nick never changes his purpose. He sticks to who he is and what he believes. His goal never changes.


You know you have a winner when the words used by the author touched your heart.

Nick's story is heart-breaking, what he has to endure is the nightmare of everybody, and yet he survived.


With Aubree, their attraction is off the chart. The physical needs they feel seem to never be sated. The connection is beyond what can be explained.

You’ll be the death of me, Aubree.” He whispered my name with an air of power that crumbled my defenses. “I want more of you. Can’t stop. I want to stay buried inside of you forever.”


Ricochet is dark, gripping and you will certainly cry but it's most of all a story about love, maybe more so than revenge itself.

 Every scar told a story, but it was the ones we didn’t want others to see that told a truth.


“Whatever happens at the end of this … I gave you all of me. My fears. My desires. It’s all yours. And now I want all of you.”

~Posted before reading~
I'm such a cover slut.. of course this one gets my attention! Have you seen those eyes!??


And after reading the blurb, it's a done deal!


~ARC provided by the author for an honest review~

description description
Profile Image for Maida (Medley of Books).
1,821 reviews524 followers
August 8, 2015

RATING: 4.5 Stars in the Sky Hearts!!! :D <3


“Monsters did exist. They didn't hide under the bed, though.
They stormed through the fucking door and stole away
everything we loved.”

Ricochet gives us a fast-paced revenge-romance that reverberates with a numbing current of chills throughout our bodies, its raw and gritty revenge plot – in equal measure paradoxically criminal and thrillingly condoning – keeping us riding a razor’s edge of anxiousness, and its unconventional yet sensual love story a paradigm to our utopian hearts. The final result is a tale that effortlessly combines elements that normally shouldn’t work together, its execution eliciting in us a montage of emotions, dark, painful and sexy, and entirely transfixing in their intensity.


Nick is everything we could want in a vengeful anti-hero, a man suffering from the brutal murder of his family, altered with a ruthless and calculating capacity and righting the wrongs on his own fully knowing the upshot of his dangerous scheme to be one of (his) captivity. Largely Nick is callous and his actions morally reprehensible because his retribution lies in killing those responsible for the massacre of his family and using Aubree as a weapon against her husband, Michael Culling, the trigger of the bloody carnage, making his loss our only emotional link to him and our feelings not truly festering until he gets hoisted in his own emotional petard. When it comes to the romance, Nick’s desire for Aubree is an epic internal battle between what he wants and what he thinks he shouldn’t have. Though his wavering is not in the least bit frustrating, instead combining the perfect amount of angst and heat to give us endless swoon while sparing us the trivial romantic drama.

“I don’t want easy and uncomplicated. I want love that makes me
fucking insane and irrational. I want to drown in it and
never come back up for air.”

Aubree, for her part, is as easy to sympathize with as Nick, her fragility a beacon to our hearts and her strength a catalyst to our admiration. She has every reason to fear once kidnapped by Nick, instead she reaches out to him, offering pieces of herself in attempt to understand him. She handles her predicament in a way that has us wanting to reach out and hug her for being strong, and simultaneously applauding her for not giving in to the cliché category of damsel in distress. She of course attempts escape a time or two recognizing that Nick is dangerous, but ultimately also recognizes that he is her savior as much her abductor. The two of them together are enthralling from first to last page, their relationship – physical and emotional – dovetailing beautifully with the darker themes.


“Perhaps Nick and I were opposites in life, as he said,
but in pain, we were the same. Two broken halves, with jagged edges
that seemed to fit together in some messed up way.”

Overall, Ricochet is a gripping, multi-POV standalone with perfectly timed twists and turns that keep us flipping through the pages and its violence and gore outstandingly blending with moments of heartache and passion to ensure we get a tale beautiful in its chaos and a jolt in the direction of Ms. Lake’s previous works while anticipating the new.

Posted: August 6, 2015
Profile Image for Cristina.
342 reviews332 followers
June 29, 2015

Just finished this book and the only two things going through my mind are...




Yes...there are many attributes I could use to describe this book but it wouldn't cut it because it can't be described...this books has to be read and lived through the characters.

I've debated whether to write a more detailed review but I decided against it because I would have to include spoilers and that would have meant taking some of the fun away from you...

So instead I decided to take you a little ride of my reactions and feelings throughout the book...ohhh goodie :P

My first initial reaction was to the quality of the writing. I haven't read anything by Keri Lake prior to this novel and from the beginning I fell in love with her ability to put us in the middle of the story and make us think we where living right there along her characters. Because I've read so many books, identifying very good writing comes easily after a time and this author has just wrote one of the best books I have read in a while now.

From the beginning this was my reaction every few pages...


If you're expecting some hot vigilante with a few hero tendencies then you are so off the wagon is not even funny. This guy, Nick, is so fucked up that you can not wonder how is this story going to turn out and become a HEA!?! Cause you all know I don't do non-HEA books :P

Also this book is not for the ones faint of heart..


Well because you have to have a pretty strong stomach for all the imaginative torture scenarios the author has imagined for us and described ooohhh so descriptively. So if that and the blood don't make you what to take a second look at you breakfast...


Then the sexual "encounters" with dubious or no consent and "hints" to child abuse are surely going to make your stomach do a little flip...


This book is dark romance, no doubt about it, and for the first time in a very long long long time I had no problem what so ever with cheating (if you could call it that) and that sais something.

So if you can get past all the gory details you'll find a heart breaking story that actually brought tears to my eyes and had me fall in love with one of the most beautiful psychopaths I've ever encountered in my stories.


So I went through SHOCK, NAUSEA, SADNESS and LOVE. What is there left?

Oh yeah...there is one more thing...AN UTTERLY and COMPLETELY MIND FUCK.

That's what the author does to us with the ending of the book where everything unravels (a little to abruptly I might say) and even if I had some suspicions about how it's going to end (it's impossible not to create scenarios) there was still things I did not see coming.


So you could call this The Five Stages of Ricochet...was I the only one that went through them? :P


Ricochet is one of the MUST READ books of 2015 and I would have used the recommend button if not for the dark elements in this book that don't appeal to all my friends.

But if you want to read an awesome book and don't mind a little dark to go with your kink then this novel has to be on you e-reader on July 9 when it's being officially released :D


*ARC generously provided by the author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Sandy ღCoffee Addict Booksღ.
229 reviews254 followers
August 3, 2015
***3.5 stars***
I was unsure about rating this book for a long time-it wasn’t bad, I liked it for the most parts but certain elements didn’t work out for me. Let me break down this review to my likes and dislikes!

What I liked:

Cover -Ok! This has nothing to do with how I feel about the story but damn that cover...those eyes...
having a cover-orgasm here people!

Writing – This author is new to me so I didn’t know what to expect but after reading just few pages she had my undivided attention, I was transformed to the world of Nick Ryder. Writing is simply elegant, eloquent and very lyrical.

Story - Quite original, fast-paced, loaded with action, heavy violence and numerous other disturbing factors! This is story of Nick and his relentless need for revenge, a man whose family was tortured and killed in most horrific way right in front of him, who was almost killed alongside his family. Now after three years of planning and plotting he’s set out on a path of vengeance. HIS STORY WILL MAKE YOUR HEART BLEED!!
"To defeat a monster, I had to become one."
It was gripping, angsty and very much dark, author did not try to sugar coat any horrendous event I mean, at times I had to take a break just to stomach certain act of violence and non-consent sex! Kudos to the author for delivering such a raw-gritty-dark story.

What I didn’t like:

Romance -I understand this wasn’t the center of focus but whatever romance was presented in the book was completely smothered by sex. Right from the time he kidnapped her there was a huge sexual tension between them, for me it was the case of insta-love. Of course, after everything they went through, they definitely deserve loads of love and HEA’s but I really couldn’t connect to them nor understood their feelings for each other. Those romantic dialogues were so cheesy, I skimmed through most of them. By the time his true motives for kidnapping Aubree was explained, it was too late for me to feel their love.

Sex -Too many and too BORING!!!


This author writes one hell of a dark book I give her that, but those sex scenes? I rather read Nick torturing those assholes!

Plot twist - What was the point of this? We guessed it early on and at no point it was emphasized to even realize there’s going to be a major revelation/twist. Even after it was revealed there was less information about it all along and wrapped up quickly. Luckily I read it with a buddy who happens to be a med student and cleared certain things out. I still believe this author could have done so much more with it.

A special mention to “Michael Cunning”- I’ll make it clear, he doesn’t fall to my ‘dislike list’ and I hate that bastard to even consider in my ‘like list’ but his character is so ruthless, intimidating, a sucker for power and domination he just made this book ten folds more interesting. I would just love to hate/kill this bastard with my bare hands. Such a psychotic, conniving, inhumane character deserves to be on-screen, *cough* Game of Thrones *cough*.

♥BR with bestie Eda♥

ARC kindly provided by the author via NetGalley, for an honest review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews886 followers
October 2, 2015
Nick Ryder had it all.
A wife he loved, a child that was his entire world.
But one man set the wheels in motion to take it all away.
Mayor Michael Culling. A systematic plan to destroy a city already in ruin. One neighborhood at a time.

Nick Ryder should have died the night he lost everything, but he was spared. Now driven by vengeance to go after the men that took everything from him, taking their lives in the most brutal way. All leading him to the final act. The one man pulling all the strings. Culling.

In the desolate streets of Detroit, Michael Culling is running the show. A corrupt, disturbed man with the police in his pocket and the worst of the city’s underbelly at his beck and call.

Eye for an Eye. Nick sets his plan in motion. Three years. Three years of living without the light in his life. Three years of wanting nothing more than to die. But first, they all must pay. Taking Aubree, stealing away the wife of the man he sought to destroy. A woman that Nick saw as a player of the game, not the victim that she truly was.

So it’s no secret that I don’t read PR books, so this was my first Keri Lake experience – I saw the cover. Stopped dead in my tracks, requested it from Net Gallery and then as an afterthought, read the blurb. This was a dark contemporary romance that had a slight PR tone to it. Think Brandon Lee in the Crow, in fact... yeah. That is exactly what this sort of felt like. But with a slight twist to the dark hero. Well more than a slight twist.

This is disturbing.
Not for the faint of heart.

Nick Ryder isn’t just systematically killing these men. He’s drawing out their suffering. Making them pay with each drop of blood spilled. Nothing will bring back the life they took from him, nothing will take the darkness away. It lives in him. It was born the night that his world died. But for a few brief seconds, he finds peace in a woman just as broken as he is. A woman that can relate to his suffering, because she too had Michael Culling take everything away from her.

I loved watching Nick slowly give in to his desires when it came to Aubree. It was fascinating to watch him battle back and forth from being the killer to the lover. The light and the dark, the constant battle.

The author gives a lot of details in this story. There is not just skimmed over scenes, and although this took me some getting used to, because I was desperate to get to the meat of the story, once I hit around the 50% mark, I just could not put it down. It was after 4am and I was just finishing the final pages and I had no idea that I had stayed up all night reading. I forgot to eat, I just sat there in bed devouring every page until there was no more to be had.

If you love a dark, twisted romance – this is the book for you to pick up this summer. Just look at that cover. That alone makes this one to one-click.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 881 reviews

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