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For Better, Worse and Someone Else

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Emma Harris should be thrilled. Her husband has finally recovered from a long illness. He's going back to work. She's getting her life back. She's got a great-looking husband, two hyper-energetic children, three bossy friends and a partridge in a pair tree (Please partridge for demonstration purposes only, not suitable for domestic use). What else could she want? Add in a slowly reviving career, a therapy-obsessed but well-meaning mother, good friends and life is good. But why isn't she happier? And when her husband promises he won't be going near the woman who nearly destroyed his career and their marriage, shouldn't she believe him?

261 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 1, 2015

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Katherine Dean

4 books2 followers

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Profile Image for Debbie "Buried in Her TBR Pile".
1,902 reviews275 followers
December 28, 2016
I'm still thinking about this one - review to come. I liked it - somewhere around 3.5 stars - not quite a 4 star because I'm docking it some points for some grammar, editing, mis-spellings and typos.


Update: I keep thinking about this one - I did like it. The story begins after the h discovers H almost began a physical affair with a scheming, conniving co-worker (OW). The h has a circle of friends as a support system who have quite a bit going on in their lives as well. The h discovers she is pregnant with their 3rd child after nursing H (hubby) through an illness.

The h actually felt threatened by the H's return to health and independence of her - she felt cocooned with her family while hubby was ill. His return to health and work (with co-worker) forces h to deal with the situation and unresolved feelings about the "almost" affair, her own self-esteem and trajectory of her life.

If the book had stayed with this premise, the angst would have been sufficient to carry the plot and story through to the end. However, sub-plots with and about friends and their marriages created unnecessary drama toward the end. The drama was not needed to reveal the character of the OW or throw more confusion on H (did he or did he lie) or demonstrate that the hubby of a friend is scum - this was shown early in the book. The drama at the end was somewhat entertaining in a soapy way - but not needed. The resolution would have benefited from closing the plot threads in the same way the author opened them.

This is an entertaining read - I love marriage in trouble, cheating/grovel when executed correctly, drama and some soapy entertainment when done well. My rating is the same 3.5 stars - I'm rounding because I didn't just forget about the book. I will try another one by this author.

Note to the author: please do a bit more proofreading and editing before releasing your work.

Profile Image for Raffaella.
1,563 reviews199 followers
July 15, 2022
This is not exactly a romance, it’s more the story of four friends with cheating husbands.
The main couple was in crisis because the husband cheated emotionally with a colleague and told the wife, then he fell sick for months and when he came back to work the wife is afraid he will cheat again.
The cheating is glossed over, the heroine refers to it when she thinks about how detached he was and emotionally absent because he was thinking to ow, there’s no pov of the hero so we don’t actually know how it was.
I didn’t particularly liked the book because it lacks the angst that such a theme should have.
Both characters behave very politely and there’s much irony between them to hide their real feelings so we have to guess what is really happening to them as a couple.
The husband doesn’t seem to be very sorry he hurt his wife and he keeps working with ow, showing a lack of respect for his wife.
I didn’t feel any love between them, she was only a frustrated woman who stayed with her husband because she didn’t even have a job and was pregnant when he was cheating.
And what was the meaning of emotional cheating? Why did he confess a fact that was never consumed? To hurt his wife?
Besides, the whole book seems more a script for a movie than a romance, since there’s little focus on the characters’ feelings and more on the humorous side of the story with misunderstandings and unlikely characters.
There are stereotypes and jokes and the characters behave like they were in a sit com.
The effect on me was weird and a lil disorienting.
Basically all the four women are cheated on by their husbands, some of them physically other in the past, and all would be well?
No sir, not at all.
I don’t know what I have read but I can’t say I’ve enjoyed it at all.
Profile Image for Debbie DiFiore.
2,402 reviews279 followers
November 22, 2018
Humorous story about sad subject

Every male in the company cheats and all with the same woman, Rebecca! She was an awful person. Simply awful. The h's husband had an 'emotional' affair with her. Whatever that means and he said it was not physical?!? We never get the full details. It was in the past and then he was sick for a year and the h took care of him. I thought he was boring in this. I wouldn't have cared if She left him. He wasn't a hero to me. He did keep saying all he wanted was his wife and he loved her but I didn't get that big a vibe of it. At the end maybe but it was just so so. There's a lot of cheaters in this book and why I read it is anybody's guess but I did. I loved the friends though and the h was very witty. I didn't laugh out loud but I did smile. Their friendship was something I really liked about the book and the witty repartee! But every male in the book are cheaters, well maybe not the doctors but they were all terrible husbands and they all worked together, and they all were with the same woman. It was gross. I only have it three stars because of the heroine and her little girl Jane. There was a scene where the evil OW came over to the house to stir up trouble that is priceless. That is why it got the third star. This is definitely a never read again book and I won't recommend it but I did like the authors writing. I would read her again but not another book about infidelity. This was more than enough.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,339 reviews358 followers
April 11, 2020
Free to read with KU, For Better, Worse and Someone Else is definitely unique. It kind of has a “British humor” (even though it’s set in Australia) satire feel to it. I’m not going to rate, because it just wasn’t for me, and I pretty much DNFed at 50% then skimmed to the end. This came up on a cheating hubs trope list, but it really doesn’t fit well in the genre.

The book focuses on a group of women, all in stale marriages with children. It has a super blasé attitude towards infidelity; everyone is cheating…like everyone. Most are doing it with the same woman, Rebecca, who makes an excellent evil OW. It did not have a soapy-smut feel for me; it’s definitely OTT about everything, but more for humor, not drama.

There are several reviewers who enjoyed it, so I really think this is a personal preference thing for me…maybe I’m not smart enough to appreciate it:) It’s really hard to explain, so I picked two sets of quotes/scenes to better explain the “feel” of the book.

Friend 1 is arguing with Friend 2 in front of her husband.
“You write about everyone else’s life. Never Yours…You don’t write about your husband who has never once stopped cheating since the day you met him.”
Said hubs- “Not true, I’ve stopped several times. What’s the matter with you?”

On catching a cheating husband in hotel room with mistress.
"Don’t… Don’t say it doesn’t mean anything or that it will never happen again. Don’t"
“I was going to say come inside. You don’t want to talk about this in the corridor.”
Profile Image for Fyrephoenix .
345 reviews12 followers
January 21, 2017
It's a K.U. so what the heck. Already Editing is an issue.

I liked it! Sad about the crappy mistakes But still a funny story
139 reviews8 followers
September 30, 2020
This book is bloody hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.

With friends and a mother like that it's amazing she's still breathing in a normal tone. Haha
Profile Image for Ellie.
545 reviews151 followers
June 17, 2019

No earthly idea how I wound up with this one. It's not the best execution and it's loaded with typos and editing fails, but goddamn, it made me laugh.
The plot premise is actually pretty serious stuff. What happens years after the honeymoon - kids, complacency, one spouse whose life is work and another who is unfulfilled and put upon. The marriage has become stale. Then husband Mark gets quite ill and wife Emma has to take over all the family responsibilities for months, which puts certain issues in the marriage that had come to light on the back burner until Mark recovers. Things aren't great already and then Emma receives another unwelcome surprise...or two.
The humour is extremely dry and subtle for the most part, with moments of snark and ridiculousness that made me chuckle. Out loud. Almost never happens.
All these characters are so flawed and human it was easy to relate to them and I almost wished the story had been presented a little deeper and the emotion less flippant, but maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much.
Emma, as the harried, unfulfilled suburban housewife/stay-at-home mum was a real smartass, which seemed to be her default response to all the shite thrown at her.
And there is more misunderstanding to stress the marriage and a villain or two to make things interesting. But light fare as it is, all the characters grow and work through their individual issues and it's a sweet, satisfying ending. It's not perfect, but life never is.

You almost have to be a bit of a smart arse yourself to catch how truly amusing this little book is. It's not going to be for everyone, but as it turns out, it was for me.

My one complaint was that Mark's year long illness - presumably chronic fatigue and definitely stress-related - was never fully identified. But hey, it was original and it WASN'T fricken cancer or some other dire and depressing, life-limiting malady. So there's that.

3.5 stars for the characters, the realism - however ridiculous - and the laughs.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Deborah.
347 reviews21 followers
April 22, 2019
Awful, Just Awful!

***************SPOILER ALERT!***************
I read this book with Kindle Unlimited.
The Author starts off by telling us that this book is set in Sydney and that some spelling and references may be different. If that was the problem with this book, I wouldn't have a problem with it. The problem is that this story's lackluster. There is no character connection. No romantic connection. The storyline didn't flow well. The actions of the characters had me rolling my eyes more than any one person should.

Mark and Emma are married and have two children. Mark tells Emma that he had an emotional affair with a co-worker and that it's over. Mark gets sick and has to leave work. For some strange reason, Emma decides that getting pregnant with baby number 3 is an awesome idea. Mark doesn't seem too happy about does and decides to go back to work. Where the co-worker still works.
Emma seems to be a Stick Her Head In The Sand type of woman. She ignores all of the warning signs and seems afraid to ask any relevant questions. She also allows other to talk to her and treat her less than. She doesn't seem to have a backbone and allows others to walk all over her.

The final scene, where everything comes to light is completely laughable! Everybody and their momma (literally) shows up to the scene. Mark looks like a bigger fool than he actually is. Who would risk losing their wife to save another person's marriage..
Profile Image for Cc.
1,109 reviews130 followers
August 11, 2018
3.5 if it had stayed with and worked through the original concept it could have been a 4.5, which is a HUGE jump. But it just devolved into too many other side characters lives, too many threads that didn't produce a nice weave.
17 reviews
January 25, 2021
Good storyline but atrocious grammar

Misspelling and misuse of words. Sentence structure made no sense. Does anyone proofread these books? This book was by far the worst I have read. The sentences would repeat the prior few words and sometimes not even finish the thought! I am sorry that I can not recommend this book as I said the storyline is good.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
1,173 reviews10 followers
September 25, 2017

3 Stars for this entertaining book with a great group of friends. It is unbelievable but it still was fun to read.
Profile Image for wrkatreading.
1,178 reviews26 followers
January 4, 2020

This book was quirky. I have never read an angst filled funny book. It would make a cute rom com.
4,374 reviews28 followers
April 14, 2020

This book is one that shows how women who married to men who seem to think they need either women.
473 reviews5 followers
March 2, 2022
There were witty dialogues and funny situations but the story was too slow for me. Not much angst.
The ending wasn’t any surprise.
833 reviews8 followers
June 19, 2020
3 I’ve changed my review and revise up
This time I read it, there we’re bits I found amusing and it was quite a smart book. What I didn’t like we’re things like the ambiguity of the “affair” at the start and through most of the book. And also some proof reading. Otherwise a good book. I recommend for anyone who likes chick lit.

Got a little weird OTT. There was some angst and humour.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,098 reviews22 followers
January 31, 2017

A powerful story from an amusing and refreshing perspective. I love the characters and the nutty but oh so loyal supporting cast.
Profile Image for Ludmila.
46 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2019
I like romance books about married couples. This one was about infidelity wich I like too but there was no romance. It was a funny book. No angst at all. It was well written but just not my thing.
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