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The Tea Rose #1

The Tea Rose

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East London, 1888 - a city apart. A place of shadow and light where thieves, whores, and dreamers mingle, where children play in the cobbled streets by day and a killer stalks at night, where bright hopes meet the darkest truths. Here, by the whispering waters of the Thames, Fiona Finnegan, a worker in a tea factory, hopes to own a shop one day, together with her lifelong love, Joe Bristow, a costermonger's son. With nothing but their faith in each other to spur them on, Fiona and Joe struggle, save, and sacrifice to achieve their dreams.

But Fiona's life is shattered when the actions of a dark and brutal man take from her nearly everything-and everyone-she holds dear. Fearing her own death, she is forced to flee London for New York. There, her indomitable spirit propels her rise from a modest West Side shop-front to the top of Manhattan's tea trade. But Fiona's old ghosts do not rest quietly, and to silence them, she must venture back to the London of her childhood, where a deadly confrontation with her past becomes the key to her future.

675 pages, Paperback

First published March 11, 2002

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About the author

Jennifer Donnelly

30 books7,984 followers
Jennifer Donnelly is the author of fourteen novels - Beastly Beauty, Poisoned, Stepsister, Lost in a Book, These Shallow Graves, Sea Spell, Dark Tide, Rogue Wave, Deep Blue, Revolution, A Northern Light, The Tea Rose, The Winter Rose and The Wild Rose - and Humble Pie, a picture book for children. She is a co-author of Fatal Throne, which explores the lives of King Henry VIII's six wives, for which she wrote the part of Anna of Cleves, Henry's fourth wife.

In 2023, she published Molly's Letter, the first in a series of novella-length stories called Rose Petals set in the world of her three-volume Tea Rose series -- followed by Where Roses Fall in August, 2024.

Jennifer grew up in New York State, in Lewis and Westchester counties, and attended the University of Rochester where she majored in English Literature and European History.

See Jennifer's full bio on Wikipedia.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,489 reviews
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
1,931 reviews34.3k followers
May 27, 2011
3.5 stars. This book is not at all what I expected! I thought it was historical fiction, but there's too much crazy melodrama for it to be that. Then I thought it was a historical romance, but it's far too detailed and well done for that, too. So the book is either extremely campy historical fiction or really, really excellent historical romance. But either way, it's loads and loads of fun.

A few things you should know about me that factor into why I enjoyed this book so much:

* I am picky about my tea. I have a lot of tea accessories and I love the ritual of going to tea and eating elegant little sandwiches.
* I have a weakness for gorgeous gowns and ladies in big hats. I read lots of catalogues and fashion magazines.
* I own vintage gloves and handkerchiefs. I dart around flea markets looking for pretty brooches. I get Victorian Papers catalogue.
* I am somewhat obsessed with food. I read food blogs and tweets and magazines and cookbooks. I have a whole cupboard devoted to baking materials.

That part of me, the girly romantic part who loves pretty fans and peonies and nesting, is the one who loves this book. The author writes wonderful descriptions that bring up the exotic scent of tea wafting up from a tin, the heartiness and comfort of a good hot meat pie, and the bustling activity on the teeming streets of London.

The sensible part of me, the one who files her taxes in January and grits her teeth at the misuse of the term "literally," notes the following:

* This book is wildly melodramatic and unrealistic and predictable.
* Every character is one-dimensional; they are either perfect or evil.
* There are too many POVs.
* The Jack the Ripper subplot is superfluous, as are some of the secondary characters and details.
* Far too many people die.
* There is too much name-dropping. (Yep, you can do that in a Victorian novel, as long as you include Gauguin and the Prince of Wales various other luminaries in your anecdotes.)
* There is an unfortunate tendency to jump forward in the story and then backtrack with a flashback.
* The author gives her characters a little too much credit in coming up with innovations in their fields.
* There are too many instances of telling us things about a character rather than showing them.
* Fiona is the ultimate Mary Sue with her beautiful face and figure, brilliant blue eyes, and tendency to strike awe and admiration in everyone she meets.

Having said all that, however, I really started to like Fiona after she leaves London. In the beginning, she's just a willful, reckless teenager, but she gradually develops into a pretty strong and admirable woman. I also liked how she gradually builds her wealth through her ingenuity and enthusiasm (and lots of luck), as well as the master scheme she undertakes to take revenge on those who have done her wrong.

I really liked the descriptiveness of the author's writing, particularly in regards to London and the day to day life of the working class. The author has a good ear for language and I enjoyed reading about the tea factory and the development of Fiona's tea trade, Joe's vegetable stand, and Fiona's little merchant shop. I am surprised that an author who writes so well in that regard, however, settles for such sketchy characterizations and overly dramatic plots. Fiona and Joe and Nicholas and so on are all likable, but none of them are very deep, and they all behave in ways that approach hysteria at times. I would also have liked to have seen Fiona achieve some measure of There are also far too many instances of "Look how wonderfully Fiona does this" types of passages. Editing these sorts of things could have easily turned this into a truly excellent work of historical fiction.

Still, I was so entertained by this novel that I couldn't stop reading it. It's sort of like a Victorian soap opera--high camp, beautiful clothes and setting, and lots of fun. I wasn't at all surprised by any of the events that occurred or by any of the characters, but I was pleased by the time I spent with them.
Profile Image for Tina.
660 reviews1,464 followers
February 19, 2021
This book was once recommended to me by an old Goodreads friend when I first started on this site. I never got around to reading it and to my surprise it "magically" appeared as a free monthly download on Audible. Was I ever excited!

This was a brilliant epic family saga! 5 GLOWING stars!! It has everything I enjoy in my Historical Fiction plus it is my favourite time period! It's a long book (over 500 pages) and I listened to it. I literally could not stop listening it was that good. The story begins in East London in 1888. "Jack the Ripper" is on the loose and Queen Victoria is sitting on the throne. The setting and time period is beautifully written. Fiona Finnegan lives with her Irish family in the Whitechapel area of London. They struggle to make ends meet but are a loving family. Fiona and her beau Joe have dreams of marrying and travelling to America one day (New York City) to open and own their own shop. For now they are feverishly saving every penny they can.

This story spans over ten years that begins in London and eventually makes its way to New York City. The story is magnificently written and vividly told. I could feel, hear and see the sights and sounds around me. Fiona is a strong and competent woman! This story has so much emotion and a bit of everything from romance, to anguish and a pinch of surprise. It will easily go down as one of my favourite books! I will certainly be reading the next in this series. Someone make this into a Netflix show!!!

Profile Image for Allison.
711 reviews423 followers
July 30, 2009
This book has faults. The story was pretty far fetched at times-but I suppose in kind of an endearing "fairy tale" way (which is funny, since a great deal of the book is extremely horrible and depressing), and the main character didn't really have any flaws.

Well, I take that back. Fiona, the main character, was in love with Joe. That is a fault, in my eyes. They grew up together, were in love, and had big plans to get rich together. Well, through a horrible chain of events, they ended up on opposite continents. I'm not saying that what happened was really Joe's fault - the whole thing was so pathetic, I was mad at him at first but really just ended up being sorry for him - but I am not a member of Joe's fan club. He is alright, I just think Fiona is better then him. I forgave Donnelly for making Fiona so perfect - because really, she earned it. Bless her heart, she really got run through the mill in the story.

Okay...now for the two main reasons I loved the book beyond all reason:

1. Nicholas Soames. He is officially one of my favorite characters of all time. He DID have his flaws (spoiled rich kid), but bless his heart, he did not live an easy life. I fell in love with him, and so did Fiona (in a friendly way). Their close friendship and devotion to each other is one of the main reasons I forgive Fiona for being perfect. I cannot say enough that I love this guy. From the very second he walked into the story, I knew it was getting five stars. I felt such an emotional connection to him, I have never wanted to be friends with a character so much. Ever. He melted (and then broke) my heart.

2. The book made me feel. Just a few words into Page 1, Donnelly put me into the story...she just makes you feel like you are right there. Once I was in, she never let up. I was a part of that story from beginning to end, and that is a gift. No matter what problems the plot might have, you cannot ignore an author - or a story - that so fully captures you. Her descriptions and words are gorgeous. Also...I cried like a baby at one point (obviously I'm not going to tell you why, but when you read the book - then we'll talk). I mean...I put the book down for a few minutes and just sobbed. A book hasn't done that to me in...I don't know how long. I felt silly, but I couldn't help it. The story broke my heart.

There was a happy ending though, no worries. Don't let my crying put you off.

This is a great story, it is a long one...but I really think it is worth the time. It, in many ways, isn't very original...but there are plenty of twists you won't see coming. It is a strange combination of Gaskell's North and South, Dumas' Count of Monte Cristo, and heck...I'll even through in the musical Rent. (Ha! If that isn't an intriguing combination, I don't know what is.)
Profile Image for Debbie W..
861 reviews734 followers
December 31, 2023
Why I chose to listen to this audiobook:
1. my GR friend, Tina, wrote a most compelling review (https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...) that had me adding it to my WTR list;
2. a few years ago, I enjoyed listening to this author's audiobook Stepsister;
3. I got a free loan through Hoopla; and,
4. coming in at 28 hours and 31 minutes, this audiobook worked very well for my December 2023's "Doorstopper Tome" Month.

1. even though this was a long "listen", I enjoyed coming back to it whenever life called me away. This epic, which spans 10 years from London to New York City, had everything a good story should contain: believable characters (especially the tenacious MC, Fiona Finnegan); various POV; a riveting plot; descriptive settings and details; and yes, even some romance. Although I'm not a fan of that genre, I knew of its inclusion going in, and thankfully, it worked well in this story;
2. the historical aspects of 1888 London as the dock workers demanded unionization while Jack the Ripper wreaked havoc in Whitechapel, to New York City in the late 1800s as immigrants struggled to build various businesses such as grocers and tearooms, were so vividly detailed in this story that I felt to be a part of this world;
3. I liked Fiona's rags to riches storyline. It's unfortunate that whenever she ran into difficulties, a man would "save" her, but let's face it, women back then didn't have a lot of social freedom and business opportunities available to them;
4. just when you thought , some misunderstanding always seemed to get in the way;
5. even though this is Book #1 in a trilogy, it works very well as a stand-alone; and,
6. narrator Jill Tanner does a convincing job differentiating between characters as well as her expert use of various accents.

Being a historical romance, intimate scenes are included; however, some of these were a little too graphic. I'm no prude, but I prefer authors to leave something to the imagination.

Overall Thoughts:
If you enjoy reading multigenerational historical epics, this may be the series for you.
Highly entertaining!
Profile Image for Frances.
192 reviews345 followers
February 4, 2015
A wonderful book so vividly described one felt you were there among the many heartwarming and equally evil characters. Set in the 1800’s it takes you on an extraordinary journey you never want to end. Quite simply brilliant.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,390 reviews2 followers
April 16, 2023
Once I got over da feckin' Oirish accent t'ing, I really got into this one. What an epic tale. I absolutely adored Fiona, her spirit, her independence, her outspoken nature, her love of her family.

Fiona Finnegan, a worker in a tea factory, hopes to own a shop one day, together with her lifelong love, Joe Bristow, a costermonger's son. With nothing but their faith in each other to spur them on, Fiona and Joe struggle, save, and sacrifice to achieve their dreams.

A tragic incident has horrible consequences for the McGowan family, especially Fiona.
Spanning a number of years and two continents, it kept me on my toes. Parts of the first half were quite heartbreaking.

The winter wind brought snowflakes with it

We are not punished for our sins, but by them.

There was one part in and I wanted to catch someone and string him up by the balls!!! Seriously.

"I want a man who loves me.
One who won't break my heart."

I know I am being a bit vague but you are sort of better off not knowing too much about what is going to happen.

He smiled bitterly.
He was beyond damaged.
He was broken.

It was a long book but I seemed to fly through it, I was so engrossed in it.

Profile Image for Renee.
446 reviews16 followers
December 16, 2007
I had a lot of hope for this after reading Donnelly's "A Northen Light" (which I really liked) and after learning that "A Tea Rose" was set in London at the time of the Jack the Ripper murders (a very intriguing setting, I thought). But I'm sorry to say, I was terribly disappointed.

The characters are all extremely stale. Good-hearted and good-looking people who have unfortunately been born into the working class. There are no flaws to make them human. Nothing I could relate with. Plus, the biggest fault of this book I think, is the unbelievability of it. Main characters Fiona and Joe, lovers separated by a horrible scheme (Fiona goes to New York, Joe stays in London), are dirt-poor but somehow, in a very short time, they both become extraordinarily rich on their own wit and intuition. Oh yes, it's completely believable that a factory worker and a costermonger in the late nineteenth century could BOTH rise up to the top of society in so short a time.

Stereotypical characters. Predictable, illogical plotlines. Full of cliches. Sorry, Donnelly, only 1 star this time.

Find more book reviews at A Quick Red Fox.
Profile Image for Allison.
560 reviews609 followers
February 26, 2017
The Tea Rose was a really good book, and I'm so glad I persevered past the absolutely devastating first 200-300-odd pages. It's one of those books that starts off with everything going so well that you know it's not going to last long. I had a sense of foreboding, but the amount of tragedy and pain was really too much. It just kept coming in wave after wave. It wasn't just a bit dark or a bit tragic. It was crushing, suffocating loss and pain. That's going to stick with me for a while. I'm really proud of myself for pushing through it, because I usually hate reading books full of tragedy, and this was darker than I can usually tolerate.

I'm fairly certain I stuck with it partly because of the tea. I love tea. I drink it all day long. And I love Victorian stories, and this one was refreshingly focused on industry and shops, and factories - not something I've seen very often since packaging and selling tea is not as glamorous as taking tea in the parlor. The sense of place was very vivid, and it kept me reading, along with the hope that such tragedy couldn't continue for 700 pages without reprieve.

I was totally ready to walk away if Part 2 didn't start turning things around. But luckily it did. From that point on, even though there are still sad parts, the overall tone is more hopeful, and things start to go right. I was finally able to settle down into an enjoyable historical tale with more regular ups and downs. The strength of love and friendships and resilience of spirit began to shine through, and the memory of those will stick with me for a while too.

Then, for the last part of the book, I suddenly found myself glued to the pages. I couldn't read fast enough to see how everything would play out. I wasn't completely sure I could trust everything to work out how I wanted it to, but in the end, all of the resolutions were so completely satisfying. I can't believe I'm saying it, but it was worth it to persevere. What a roller coaster ride.
Profile Image for Marilyn (not getting notifications).
1,008 reviews365 followers
April 5, 2021
4.5 very strong stars! As I listened to the audiobook on Overdrive of The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly, I knew I had to make a conscious commitment to this book when I learned that it ran for twenty eight hours and thirty-one minutes. As I started listening, I was immediately drawn into this gripping and heart wrenching historical fiction family saga. It was brilliantly read by Jill Tanner. Her voice and accents were authentic and captivating. The characters in The Tea Rose were engaging, complex and so well developed. Jennifer Donnelly was able to compliment the cast of characters in The Tea Rose with a strong, female protagonist that was believable and soon became familiar and dear. Her vivid descriptions of the East End of London in the late 1800’s featured its hardworking people that struggled to feed their families, keep a roof over their heads and keep their families safe from the imminent dangers of Jack the Ripper who lurked in the darkest corners of the night. Then Jennifer Donnelly brought her audience to the opulent and affluent Convent Garden’s markets on London’s West End and to the melting pot of immigrants that made their way to the crowded streets of New York to seek the American Dream and their fortunes. Each aspect was brought to life and completed the settings for The Tea Rose. Each setting was described with such vivid details that one was easily transported back to those times and places. The Tea Rose was written and published so long ago but I only recently was alerted to its existence. This was the first book that I have had the opportunity to read by Jennifer Donnelly but I will definitely read some of her other books. I hope to read the other two books in this series. She is a new author that I will look forward to following.

Fiona Finnegan was a 17 year old girl that lived with her parents, two brothers and sister in London’s East End in 1888. She worked hard in a tea factory where her meager earnings were turned over to her parents with the exception of a few coins that she held back to put towards her dream. For as long as Fiona could remember she had always loved Joe Bristow and the two of them dreamed of their future together. It included marriage and a shop they would own together. Joe grew up just a few doors down from where Fiona’s family lived. He loved Fiona more than life itself. Joe worked with his father in the markets at Whitechapel. His father was unwilling and too scared to try new things to expand and improve his business at the market. Then came an opportunity for Joe that would change his and Fiona’s life in a way neither saw coming. At the same time, tragedy after tragedy began to plague Fiona’s life. When she overheard a conversation that was not meant for her to hear, Fiona was forced to flee from London and make her way to New York. Separated by a vast ocean and thousands of miles, Fiona and Joe continued to love each other without the other knowing. They both became wealthy and owned successful businesses but was that enough? Would they ever find happiness again? Would they ever find their way back to each other?

The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly was one of the best books I have read in a while. It explored poverty, struggles, friendship, first loves, unions, murders, ambition, loyalty, dreams, and successes. The inclusion of the horrific acts committed by Jack the Ripper added a touch of fear and loss to the pages of The Tea Rose.Its ending tied up all or most of the loose strings and left me hopeful and content. The Tea Rose was a beautiful, engaging, heartfelt and absorbing story that I loved and recommend highly.
Profile Image for Nikoleta.
706 reviews327 followers
March 24, 2016
Όταν έβλεπα τις 800 σελίδες αυτού του βιβλίου τρόμαζα και το άφηνα για καιρό. Όχι επειδή δεν αντέχω το διάβασμα, αλλά η πείρα μου, μου έχει μάθει ότι κείμενα τέτοιου μεγέθους είναι γεμάτα περιττές λεπτομέρειες και φλυαρίες. Με το “Τριανταφυλλάκι”έπεσα έξω. Mου άρεσαν πολλά πράγματα. Πρώτον, η πλοκή του κυλάει τόσο γρήγορα που δεν προλαβαίνεις να χωνέψεις τις εξελίξεις, οπότε δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να πιάσεις τον εαυτό σου να βαριέται, εκτός κι αν γενικώς το ιστορικό μυθιστόρημα δεν είναι το φόρτε σου. Επίσης παρόλο που συμβαίνουν διάφορα δυσάρεστα καταφέρνει να κρατήσει ανάλαφρη νότα και δεν σου κάθεται στο στομάχι, απεναντίας διαβάζεται πολύ ευχάριστα. Τρίτον, μου άρεσε πολύ η ηρωίδα του, λατρεύω τις δυναμικές ��ρωίδες στα βιβλία και για τέτοιες συνήθως ψάχνω να διαβάσω. Τελευταίο, ανακουφίστηκα που είδα ότι η αφήγηση είναι στο τρίτο πρόσωπο και από την οπτική γωνία όχι μόνο της Φιόνα -αν και σε αυτήν επικεντρώνεται- αλλά και πολλών δεύτερων χαρακτήρων, έτσι ώστε ο αναγνώστης να αποκτά μια συνολική εικόνα της δράσης που εκτυλίσσεται. Πολύ καλό βιβλίο.
Profile Image for LENA TRAK.
129 reviews124 followers
January 2, 2021
The Tea Rose
Jennifer Donnelly

“We're not punished for our sins, lad. We're punished by them.”

“God didn't have to punish him; he'd created his own hell. By himself and for himself.”

I don’t really know why I took so long to pick this book up. I guess I felt intimidated by its size. Also, having devoured “A Northern Light” I was afraid this one wouldn’t be equally good. Well, I can honestly say that I was captivated by its beautiful storyline. So don’t let the number of pages put you off.

The Tea Rose tells the heartbreaking story of Fiona Finnigan who lives in the poor neighborhood of East End, London around the time of Jack the Ripper (late 1880s). After her family is destroyed by severe poverty and death Fiona flees London to start anew in New York. Propelled by strong desire for life and revenge, she manages to rise from the ashes and become a successful tea trader. But when the ghosts of her past return, she realizes it’s time to confront her deadly enemies.

The book contains a number of historical references which makes it all the more interesting. The mystery surrounding the identity of Jack the Ripper, though is what made it impossible for me to put the book down. However, it would be amiss of me if I didn’t tell you how far-fetched the story gets sometimes. Absurd coincidences and utterly stupid decisions made by sane and benevolent characters had me question the book at times. However, once you accept the fact that this is a fictional story and allow yourself to get carried away by the enthralling narration you will love it. I surely did.

The Tea Rose has everything. Romance, murder mystery, suspense, drama, revenge; all meticulously weaved around a carefully structured premise (though not so original) and vividly described by Donnelly’s impeccable writing skills. There is a chance you don’t love this book as much as I did but it’s definitely worth a try! If you are looking for a good revenge story then this is the book for you!
Profile Image for Lauren.
57 reviews4 followers
February 3, 2015
Although The Tea Rose is not the worst book I've read, it's pretty terrible. With a good 200 pages of drivel, it raises the question, how did this slip past the editor?

The other 350 pages drift somewhere along a mediocre plot-line, ridiculous dialogue and predictable, fairytale-like situations. Every time a character had a setback in life it was magically resolved by some farfetched coincidence. The book was littered with long descriptions that add very little to the story. On page 13, Donnelly spends an entire paragraph detailing how Kate prepared dinner. It's no wonder the book is over 500 pages long.

"Frowning, Kate banged the whisk on the side of the bowl, knocking globs of cream-colored batter from its wires, then tossed it in the sink. She picked up a fork and poked it into one of the three mutton chops sizzling on top of the stove. A rivulet of juice ran down the side of the chop, sputtering into steam as it hit the hot metal of the frying pan. She speared the chops, dropped them onto a plate, and put them into a warming hatch next to the oven, alongside a jug of onion gravy. Next she picked up a rope of sausages and cut the links into the pan. As they began to fry, she sat down at the table across from her husband."

The most annoying thing of all: Donnelly would spend hundreds of those pages leading up to the climax of a sub-plot, then she'd skip over it altogether and the reader would come in after. It was a huge letdown. The dialogue I did care enough to anticipate was skimmed over, leaving the reader with a sentence like, "Fiona told him the story of what had happened to her." Oh, great, thanks for that.

Having read A Northern Light as a teenager, I thought I would enjoy Jennifer Donnelly's adult fiction just as well. I was wrong.
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,141 reviews900 followers
August 10, 2022

Phew. There was a not to this novel. And a lot I had not expected. I have only previously read Donnelly's fairy tale novels so this was a very different adventure. But I absolutely loved it! Get ready to feel all the emotions 😍

❤️ What I Loved ❤️

Fiona: Our female main character Fiona was an absolute powerhouse of a woman! I was instantly attracted to her and her dreams of a better future. It was obvious that she was determined and hardworking right from the start. But I really loved how she soldiered on during times of hardship. It was so inspirational and emotional.

Emotions: Speaking of emotions... this book has them all! I always love stories that can make me feel something, and this one sure did. I cried (several times), I laughed, I was angry, I was happy - I was all over the place. It was amazing!

Romance: Fiona and Joe are childhood sweethearts and they have such an adorable relationship. I loved how supporte Joe was of Fiona and how they shared a dream of making something of themselves. It was a very sweet and real relationships with high highs and very low lows.

Plot: The plot was sweeping, grand, gripping and engaging. It felt like an epic novel in the very best way - while it was long, it wasn't drawn out or just plotting along. The pacing worked perfectly for the length of the book, giving space to develop the plot as well as the characters in the way they deserved.

Writing: As always I loved Donnelly's writing. It was stunningly beautiful. Dark, grimy and totally real. But through the muck and grime a beautiful story shone.

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Profile Image for Helene Jeppesen.
692 reviews3,612 followers
June 12, 2015
I really like this book because it is a great story. Fiona, our main character, goes through so much struggle and so many changes, and because she's such a lovely character you can't help but cheer for her. She's stubborn, loyal and very intelligent and I quickly fell in love with her. This goes for most of the characters in this book: They were so easy to fall in love with while other characters were so easy to hate.
I do think that this book has its flaws. It's very predictable and and contains a lot of the elements you can expect from a coming-of-age story. I wasn't really surprised at any point (not until the very last pages), but the truth is I didn't really mind that much. I loved the way the story was going and I loved to read about Fiona and her changes till the end. This is a very long book, but at no point did I feel like it was dragging too much or that any pages could have been taken out of the story.
I think the best part about "The Tea Rose" was the romance. Jennifer Donnelly has created an intense relationship between Fiona and her beloved one and my eyes were glued to the pages whenever we hear about this romance. The worst thing about this book was its predictability which didn't really enhance the reading experience. Last but not least, I find it extremely funny how Jennifer Donnelly has a way with words. She likes to play with sounds and this book is no exception. The silly name "Tastea" was just too foolish for me to take seriously, but at least you could see that this was a book written by Jennifer Donnelly.
All in all, a great love story and coming-of-age book that will encapture you from beginning to end if you read it with an open heart and an open mind.
Profile Image for Aoibhínn.
158 reviews265 followers
June 26, 2015
Set in London, England during the late 19th Century, The Tea Rose tells the tale of Fiona Finnegan. Fiona is the spirited, ambitious daughter of an Irish dock worker. She longs to break free from the squalid lanes and alleys of Whitechapel, where she has grown up and now has a job in a tea factory. With the love of her life, Joe Bristow, Fiona dreams of escaping the poverty and opening her own tea shop. But one by one her dreams fall apart as her father is killed in a dock accident, Joe is seduced by another woman, and her mother is viciously murdered – a suspected victim of Jack the Ripper.

Devastated, her life in tatters, Fiona flees to New York City where she sets up home with her alcoholic uncle Michael. Slowly she builds his small grocery shop into a thriving business and tea house, and her new life flourishes. After ten years of hard work, she establishes herself as the head of her own powerful tea empire. But she cannot forget London – or Joe. Convinced that her father was murdered by his brutal employer, Fiona vows to seek revenge and ruin him once and for all. Making her way back to the streets of her impoverished childhood, Fiona must start her fight again.

The Tea Rose is an extremely well-researched and well-written novel which is packed full of unexpected twists and turns throughout the story. I really enjoyed this novel. I thought this book was very gripping, intriguing and engrossing tale and I found it very hard to put it down for long. I couldn't wait to find out what happened next! The descriptions of Victorian London were very vivid and I found it very easy to picture how the city looked in the 1880's thanks to these.

I fell in love with all the main characters. They were all so interesting, compelling and very well-developed, especially Fiona. She was such a fierce, strong, intelligent and brave character. The secondary characters were wonderful too. There were ones you love to love and ones you love to hate and I loved the way the author wove Jack the Ripper into the story.

I absolutely enjoyed this book! As soon as I finished this novel I brought the sequel, The Winter Rose, on my Kindle and I'm really looking forward to reading it! I will definitely be reading more of Jennifer Donnelly books, apart from this series, too sometime in the near future.

Four Stars!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ira.
1,112 reviews119 followers
December 29, 2019
4.5 stars.

Please be aware, it’s a POTENTIAL SPOILER!!


This is not typical historical romance I usually read but I found somewhere a few readers discuss about this book which made me really interested and give this book a chance and I won't regret any single minutes I spent for this 761 pages book:)

This book divided by three part and here what our heroine, 17yo Fiona's 5yo little brother said when someone ask her what happened with her,

“Our mam’s dead,” he’d said plainly. “She was stabbed by a man called Jack. Our da’s dead, too. ’E fell at the docks. They cut ’is leg off. Charlie and Eileen are dead, too. Bad men chased us. They wanted our money. We ’id be’ind a mattress. It ’ad rats in it. I was scared. I don’t like rats.”

On top of that, the love of her life cheat on her, got drunk, made other girl pregnant and had to marry her. The other girl was his boss's daughter who keep chasing him! Stupid man but he knew his mistake right away and he pay for it, oh didn't he pay dearly for it and at the end I genuinely feel sorry for him.

Anyway, this not just about their love, more about the story of Fiona Finnegan building her Tea Business Empire which starting from part two of the book. It wasn't easy and there were some lucky moments which enable her started her business and she found new people and love who was really help her in the process.

Part three of the book have a strong connection with part one, involving a revenge, no no not for the love she lost but for what really happened with her father and feels like a thriller story in this part but made this story more interesting.

So, this is an emotional book, it can make you cry few times and the best of it? That girl didn't change too much with all the hard life keep kicking her, she still a lovely girl with a big heart and always ready to help people who less fortunate than her.

Now the love story bit, I put as a spoiler:)

If you need a comparison about this book, one book came to my mind, did you read Kane and Abel from Mr. Archer? Yup something like that full of drama with a heroine as a main character but don't forget this book a historical romance too, so the love story quite bit here and not exactly the same with K&A.

Fiona's story kind of ended here but The Finnegan's story continues to the next book and you will meet her again.
Profile Image for Diana Stoyanova.
608 reviews139 followers
February 8, 2022
Много увлекателно четиво! Корицата е прекрасна, но някак си подвежда, че се очаква да бъде книга, насочена към женската аудитория. Това обаче изобщо не е така. Историята е много добре изпипана и включва в себе си действителни факти. Като се почне от тези, свързани с престъпленията на Джак Изкормвача, та стигнем до срещата с личности от художествените среди. Една от фигурите, които присъстват в книгата, е човекът, благодарение на който е изградено метрото в Ню Йорк през 1904г.
Авторката е направила много обстойно проучване и е успяла да изгради хармонична сплав от художествено произведение и реални факти. Разкошен сюжет, атмосфера, герои, дълбоки взаимоотношения. Четейки, се чувствах част от романа. В него емоциите придобиват ясна форма. Това е история, която се простира от Лондон до Ню Йорк и разказва за мечтите, загубата, любовта, омразата, отчаянието, надеждата и новото начало. Въпреки внушителния обем на книгата, и при все задълбочения сюжет, неусетно някак си се изнизват страниците. Трудно е да се задържи интерес за толкова дълго време, но " Чаената роза" успя.


" Хората твърдяха, че времето лекувало всичко. Може би тези хора никога не са обичали. "

" Не сме наказани заради греховете си, а чрез тях. "
Profile Image for Lindsay .
199 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2008
This one of my all time favorites!! It is a sweeping saga, set between the US, Ireland, and England. It's fabulous. If you love historical epics, do yourself a favor and read it now! It's out in paperback now. A warning, it's huge!!
Profile Image for PattyMacDotComma.
1,642 reviews981 followers
July 19, 2015
I stumbled across The Tea Rose when looking for a book with Winter in the title and found The Winter Rose. Since that was part of a trilogy, I figured I'd skip the 'winter' challenge and try the first in the series - historical novel, lots of good reviews, sounded like fun.

Mostly, it was a pretty good read. Vivacious, irrepressible teen from a desperately poor family in Jack the Ripper's Whitechapel, loves, loses, suffers, faces murders, deaths, harrowing experiences, and heartbreak. Eventually pretty satisfying.

The story moves between London and New York at the end of the 19th century, but some of the words and phrases sounded too modern. My 'research' indicates they are anachronisms, but maybe nobody else minds, so I won't spoil it here.

The pace is a little uneven, with a lot happening during the first year to year and a half of the story, when Fiona is 17 and 18, with good descriptions of life then. But major changes occur in unreasonably short periods of time. Drunks are reformed, buildings are renovated and restored, businesses are established - almost instantly - and all when she's still 18. But it's entertaining enough to keep me going to the end.

I have to agree with other reviewers who've complained about spelling with dropped aitches for the Cockney accent. I know why the author has done it, and I have no alternative to offer.

It's very readable, but too long, and I did get impatient with being told what a person was like rather than shown. I kept being told that people did what Fiona wanted because . . . whatever. force of personality? Beautiful young girl? I'd rather have the scene and the dialogue show me how she affects people and how they react.

If you like historical romances and long books, this might be for you. I think I'll give the next two a miss.
Profile Image for Cam *tactile seeker*.
228 reviews44 followers
April 18, 2014


One of the most disappointing books I've ever read.

I chose it among hundreds at the bookstore, immediately captivated by its beautiful cover and interesting blurb and ended up cursing at every single character repeatedly. They're all dull, incredibly stupid, even more incredibly childish and whiny.
It's never their fault, but all their misfortunes always depend on someone else, on something else. They don't fight for their lives, they use other people in order to achieve their goals. I despise Fiona, in the 600+ pages I didn't find a single redeeming quality about her.
Crying and cursing over her boyfriend and the evil bitch (can't remember her name) who ruined her "perfect" love life, she basically whores herself for money, making us believe she's in love, and breaks the heart of the only man who was honest with her since the beginning.

As for Joe, her "love", I despise him even more. He is forced to marry the aforementioned bitch who "traps" him by getting him drunk and taking him to her room, seducing him, (that part is so hilariously lame that even the mere thought still cracks me up. It's been 3 or 4 years since I've read it, but from what I still remember, she strips and ambushes him in the dark, playing the "he's too intoxicated and horny to refuse me" card and he fucks her like a rabbit, thoroughly enjoying the whole 30 seconds of the messy and ridiculous coupling) and ending up pregnant.

There I said it, I've been waiting for years to finally write it down. It was disturbing and annoying, not to mention cruel and embarrassing.

Joe and Fiona had just made love for the first time a day earlier, and knowing that the bitch wanted him and was scheming to make him marry her, he gets drunk at her party and fucks her like the horny teenager he really is. I was so disappointed and furious at that part that it really ruined everything else for me.

It didn't help that Fiona behaved just like him in a couple of occasions. They both were like puppets, taking stupid actions without pondering them, not even for a minute, but being so lucky in the end, to end up rich and happy together again.

AH, what a joy!
Profile Image for Louise Wilson.
3,232 reviews1,665 followers
November 2, 2016
East London 1888 is a place where in its shadows thieves, whores and dreamers mingle.

Fiona Finnegan works in a tea factory. She hopes to own her own shop one day along with her lifelong love, Joe Bristow. Fiona &Joe struggle, save and sacrifice to achieve their dreams.

Then Fiona's life is shattered when a brutal man takes nearly everything and everyone she holds dear. Fearing for her life she flees London and goes to New York. But Fiona's old ghosts do not rest easily and she has to return to London to face a deadly confrontation.

A fantastic read. So well written with believable characters. A period drama with a mix of good and evil.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (UK & ANZ) and the author Jennifer Donnelly for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kalina Mincheva.
462 reviews97 followers
January 8, 2018
Уау! Определено Донъли се издига все по-нагоре в класациите с всяка прочетена книга! А четенето на исторически романи може и да ми се превърне в хоби, ако тя им е автор. Страхотна история, която макар и да се развива повече от 100 години назад във времето, носи толкова модернистичен дух, че на моменти ми се налагаше да се спра и да си напомня в кой век се развива действието. Някак толкова далечни и в същото време толкова близки събития, хора, чувства и събития. Ако искате да се насладите на един наистина впечатляващ роман за Лондон, Джак Изкормвача, малко любов тук и там и много чай, то тази книга определено е вашият избор :)
Profile Image for M.K..
Author 27 books190 followers
March 7, 2013
Farting through silk dresses. That's what the uncle of the heroine says she'll be doing if she marries the rich man. Isn't that a great expression? And sadly, I've got nowhere to use it. Not unless I want even more bewildered looks than usual. This novel has been out for a decade now, and the fact that it's the choice of the History Fictionistas series read right now, speaks to its sticking power. And the centre of it is Fiona Finnegan, a feisty female fond of flavorful tea and fighting for family and friends. Her story begins in Whitechapel in the late 19th century, sails over to New York and then ten years later, returns to the shores of her homeland. It's got your star-crossed romance, your gay best friend, a serial killer, Dickensian lowlifes and a grand finale. A Winter Rose, the second in the series, is up next, and I'll be all over it. It features another tough heroine. I'm weak for strong women.
Profile Image for Michel.
402 reviews140 followers
March 14, 2009
Countess of Monte-Christo…
Revenge is sweet. And the good girl does not finish last!
The magic of the story is in the telling. This long long long book finishes too soon, that's a good test; and it stays with you for a while, another good test; and characters you know like you met them, some you love to love, and some you love to hate, another good test; and the setting, Dickens!
I read this book right after Rita died, and, well, it made me love, and miss, her even more: I wanted to give it to her, she would have loved it so much.
It is so well written, you gloss over the bits that fit less well, details really, which you don't see while you're on the roller-coaster; Ms Donelly plays your emotions like a harp (keep a box of Kleenex handy) and you stop resisting her after a few chapters (and you learn so many things, like who invented the teabag…?).
Enjoy the ride!

Profile Image for Vera.
95 reviews56 followers
February 19, 2013

Ανατολικό Λονδίνο 1888. Ένα μέρος όπου ληστές, μπράβοι, πόρνες και συνηθισμένοι νατολικό Λονδίνο 1888. Ένα μέρος όπου ληστές, μπράβοι, πόρνες και συνηθισμένοι άνθρωποι ονειρεύονται μια καλύτερη ζωή, κι όπου τις νύχτες τριγυρίζει ο Τζακ ο Αντεροβγάλτης.

Εκεί, δίπλα στα νερά του Τάμεση, μια έξυπνη και θαρραλέα κοπέλα τολμάει να κάνει όνειρα για μια ζωή μακριά από τις ετοιμόρροπες αποβάθρες, τα βρομερά σοκάκια και τη θλίψη της φτωχογειτονιάς.

Η Φιόνα Φίνεγκαν αγωνάνθρωποι ονειρεύονται μια καλύτερη ζωή, κι όπου τις νύχτες τριγυρίζει ο Τζακ ο Αντεροβγάλτης. Εκεί, δίπλα στα νερά του Τάμεση, μια έξυπνη και θαρραλέα κοπέλα τολμάει να κάνει όνειρα για μια ζωή μακριά από τις ετοιμόρροπες αποβάθρες, τα βρομερά σοκάκια και τη θλίψη της φτωχογειτονιάς. Η Φιόνα Φίνεγκαν αγωνίζεται μαζί με τον αγαπημένο της για ένα καλύτερο αύριο. Η σκληρή ζωή όμως θα τους χωρίσει. Εκείνη θα βρεθεί στη Νέα Υόρκη, εκείνος θα μείνει πίσω στο Λονδίνο. Κυνηγημένοι από τα φαντάσματα του παρελθόντος, θρηνώντας αγαπημένους νεκρούς, θα προκόψουν κι οι δυο, και μέσ' από μια θανάσιμη αναμέτρηση με το παρελθόν, θ' ανοίξουν δρόμο για το μέλλον. "Το Τριανταφυλλάκι" θα ακολουθήσουν δύο ακόμη βιβλία, με τα οποία θα ολοκληρωθεί αυτή η τριλογία της Τζένιφερ Ντόνελι.

Στην αρχή ήταν λιγάκι βαρετό αλλά μετά είχε μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον και αγωνία! Ο χαρακτήρας της Φιόνας είναι πολύ δυνατός αλλά και η εξιστόρηση της εποχής ήταν πολύ αναλυτική και η περιγραφή διεισδυτική!!Είναι ένα βιβλίο που σε συναρπάζει...η κεντρική ηρωίδα του η Φιόνα καταφέρνει να αναγεννηθεί μετά από το θάνατο των γονιών της και την ολοκληρωτική καταστροφή της οικογένειά της! Μόνη και κυνηγημένη κατορθώνει όχι μόνο να επιβιώσει αλλά και να διαπρέψει στο χώρο του εμπορίου! Μια ζωή γεμάτη εμπειρίες,πόνο, δυστυχία, χρήμα, διαψεύσεις, όνειρα και τη βαθιά νοσταλγία του νεανικού της έρωτα! Στο τέλος θα συναντήσει ξανά το Τζο της και θα προσπαθήσουν να ζήσουν όσα δεν πρόλαβαν στην τρυφερή εφηβεία τους!!

Profile Image for Doug Bradshaw.
258 reviews244 followers
July 8, 2011
Well lads, and mainly lasses, I loved this book and it was almost five stars for me. I think if you classify it as a romance novel, it is a five star book. Here are some random thoughts and comments:

1. As another person said in her review, there were quit a few instances of the infamous Deus ex Machina where things are a little too convenient. And yet, not horribly so. To name a few, the way Fiona quickly found Nick and was able to get out of London. The Five Hundred Pounds that accidentally showed up in her pocket, the estate she inherited from Nick owned a huge chunk of Burton Tea, etc. However, every one of them could've happened, right? And, why work so hard to make things happen? This device moved the story along at a good pace.

2. There was a real romance and although somewhat corny (aren't they all?) it worked for me and I loved it and couldn't wait to see if the two would ever get back together. YESSS!!! I thought the physical encounters were fairly tastefully done and yet had some pretty good steam on them and I had to mop my brow a couple of times. The whole stupidity of a young guy getting drunk, having sex with the wrong person and then being punished for eternity, is miserable. But it really happens. Haven't we all done stupid rash things we get punished for? The continued devotion both had for each other was extremely touching and romantic. As a wizened old guy, I could be a little hard on that concept, but I won't because it got me and I liked it.

3. Makes you want to go out and get rich by building a great little business, doesn't it? Of course, just look at the Waltons.

4. I loved the setting in London and NYC in the late 1890's. I think she did some pretty good research about Jack the Ripper (a good goal for a lot of young writers but becoming a little overdone now?), the food, the men's clubs, the housing, the clothing, the accents and the gossip columnists, the police, the terrible disease of syphilis, the whole thing.

5. The many characters who played minor roles from her brothers, her father and mother, Joe's family, Will, her wealthy suitor (I'm glad that worked out how it did), her gay husband Nick, the horrible Mr. Burton (maybe too creepy?) and that darn Millie, were all interesting and well thought out. I could almost see this shortened and done in a Broadway play. Wouldn't that be fun?

Jennifer Donnelly is a great story teller. I was drawn into the story quickly and enjoyed it all of the way through. Thanks to the group I used to belong to who recommended it to me!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marcia.
1,218 reviews2 followers
February 19, 2013
When I first started reading this book, I thought "whew...over 500 pages. What kind of story are they trying to tell me? Is it going to be stuffed with description upon description of everything the main charactors come in contact with?" After finishing it, I could have read another 100 pages of the lives of Fiona and Joe. It was a book of second chances and missed opportunities. As well as a "I didn't see that coming and a yup that's what I figured" Loved it!

Favorite quote...."We're not punished for our sins, but by them."
Profile Image for Bücherwunder.
151 reviews384 followers
June 26, 2016
Ein Re-Read für mich. Meiner Meinung nach ein Buch, das man absolut gelesen haben muss. Und das auch, wenn man (wie ich) ansonsten nicht unbedingt historische Romane liest.
Profile Image for Aggeliki.
62 reviews9 followers
March 25, 2020
«Το Τριανταφυλλάκι» της Τζένιφερ Ντόνελι αποτελεί το πρώτο μέρος μια τριλογίας και για εμένα, ίσως, το καλλίτερο απ’όλα. Η ιστορία μας μεταφέρει στο Λονδίνο του 1888, μας ξεναγεί στις φτωχογειτονιές του και μας παρουσιάζει μια διεισδυτική ματιά της εργατικής τάξης της εποχής, αλλά και των «λαϊκών στρωμάτων», και την πάλη τους με την φτώχεια, τις κακουχίες και το απαράδεκτο εργασιακό καθεστώς.

Η ηρωίδας μας – μια δυναμική και φιλόδοξη κοπέλα – θα βιώσει νωρίς την απώλεια όλης της οικογένειάς της, αλλά και του μεγάλου και μοναδικού της έρωτα. Η Φιόνα και ο Τζο, παιδιά εργατών, είναι βαθιά ερωτευμένοι και τρομερά φιλόδοξοι. Έχουν και οι δύο σαν στόχο να ξεφύγουν από την φτώχια και την εξαθλίωση και να γίνουν πλούσιοι. Θα παλέψει με την επικρατούσα άποψη της εποχής ότι εάν ανήκεις στην εργατική τάξη, εκεί πρέπει να μείνεις και η ίδια, ούσα κόρη Ιρλανδών εργατών, δεν έχει το δικαίωμα της ανόδου και της καταξίωσης. Όμως, τα συμφέροντα της εποχής, που θέλουν τους εργάτες σκλάβους, θα στερήσει τον πατέρα της Φιόνα και ο μεγάλος δαίμονας της εποχής, ο Τζακ ο Αντεροβγάλτης, θα βρεθεί στον δρόμο της και θα ολοκληρώσει το έργο του αφανισμού της οικογένειάς της, ανακόπτοντας την πορεία της.

Τα γεγονότα λοιπόν θα τους προλάβουν και θα χωρίσουν την Φιόνα και τον Τζο. Ο Τζο παραμένει στο Λονδίνο και δουλέψει ακούραστα για να πραγματοποιήσει το όνειρό του, ενώ η Φιόνα αναγκάζεται να φύγει στην Αμερική και να ξεκινήσει την ζωή της από την αρχή. Η δυναμική και φλογερή αυτή γυναίκα θα πολεμήσει με το κατεστημένο της εποχής, που θέλει την γυναίκα πειθήνια και υποταγμένη, θα αψηφήσει κοινωνικές συμβάσεις, όχι και πρέπει, προκαταλήψεις και θα πραγματοποιήσει το όνειρό της σε έναν ανδροκρατούμενο κόσμο. Θα πολεμήσει με νύχια και με δόντια για τα πιστεύω της, τις φιλίες της, τους ανθρώπους που αγαπά, τους ανθρώπους που την στήριξαν. Κι ενώ οι ευκαιρίες θα βρεθούν εύκολα μπροστά της, θα αρνηθεί να προδώσει τα πιστεύω της και δεν θα κάνει εκπτώσεις στον χαρακτήρα της. Θα στηρίξει τον φίλο της, που κινδυνεύει να φυλακιστεί, αδιαφορώντας για τον σεξουαλικό του προσανατολισμό και θα σταθεί δίπλα του, αδιαφορώντας για τα πιστεύω της εποχής, που κατατάσσει τους ανθρώπους σε καλούς και κακούς, λάθος και σωστούς, ανάλογα με τον ερωτικό τους σύντροφο. Ο Τζο, από την άλλη, θα καταφέρει και αυτός να πραγματοποιήσει το όνειρό του, αλλά κάνοντας εκπτώσεις στον χαρακτήρα του. η επιτυχία θα έρθει, αλλά δεν θα συνοδεύεται και από την ευτυχία.

Η Ντόνελι, εκτός από μια μεγάλη ιστορία αγάπης, που ταξίδεψε σε δύο ηπείρους και δεν έσβησε ποτέ, μας ταξιδεύει και στην εργατική τάξη, αλλά και στην αριστοκρατία της εποχής. Θα δούμε τους αγώνες και τις θυσίες των απλών ανθρώπων για να καλλιτερέψουν την ζωή τους και να αναθρέψουν την οικογένειά τους, θα γνωρίσουμε την διαφθορά και την εκμετάλλευση στο έπακρο και θα βιώσουμε στο πετσί μας τα βρώμικα πολιτικά παιχνίδια και την αναλγησία των κυβερνόντων. Όλα θυσιάζονται στον βωμό του συμφέροντος και του χρήματος και όλα έχουν τιμή.

Από ιστορικής άποψης είναι ένα εξαιρετικό ντοκουμέντο της γέννησης του Εργατικού κόμματος στην Αγγλία και των αγώνων της εργατιάς για αλλαγή της ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας ή της θέσπισης νόμων για τις συνθήκες στον εργασιακό χώρο, την παιδική εργασία και την αύξηση των μισθών. Θα ζήσουμε από κοντά βήμα βήμα την συσπείρωση των εργαζομένων και την δημιουργία των σωματείων. Επίσης πλέκει με μαεστρ��α την ιστορία του Τζακ του Αντεροβγάλτη, που τον κάνει «έμμεσο» ήρωα του βιβλίου της και καταλύτη για την εξέλιξη της ιστορίας.

Ένα βιβλίο γλυκό και πικρό, καλογραμμένο με πλούσιο ιστορικό υλικό, εξαιρετικές περιγραφές της εποχής και τόσο δυνατό, που σε κρατάει δέσμιο του μέχρι την τελευταία σελίδα. Ένα βιβλίο «κέντημα», με βαθιά συναισθήματα, δυνατούς χαρακτήρες και γεγονότα που θα σας σημαδέψουν.

Φυσικά, σαν τριλογία, η Ντόνελι τελειώνει το βιβλίο της αποκαλύπτοντας στοιχεία από το δεύτερο και, έξυπνα, σε κρατάει σε εγρήγορση και σε κάνει να αναζητήσεις και τα υπόλοιπα βιβλία της σειράς «Τριαντάφυλλο του Χειμώνα» και «Το Άγριο Τριαντάφυλλο». Σε κάθε βιβλίο δίνει μια δόση γεγονότων που ξεδιπλώνονται στα επόμενα βιβλία της και εμφανίζει δευτερεύοντες χαρακτήρες που είναι ήρωες στα επόμενα. Οπότε ετοιμαστείτε να κολυμπήσετε σε εκατοντάδες σελίδες και να ζήσετε τις ιστορίες των ηρώων της, σαν να ήσασταν κι εσείς εκεί.

One of the best books I've ever read (maybe the best one)....I could't stop crying in the first half....!
Well, I kept on crying till the end... I'm sure that the writer's favourite characters are Machiavelli and Dante... The heroes pass through inferno to reach happiness. Always spinning around the solution that lead them to the one they love... but always something happens and happiness slips through their hands.
The writer never hesitates to sacrifie essential characters and lead you to desperation.
The plot is great and tight, will keep you to the last line.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,489 reviews

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