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Have you ever wondered why villains are what they are? Is a villainous heart instilled at birth, or do decisions and actions warp a good heart into a villainous one? 
You have certainly already heard of the Sea Witch, but do you know her real story?

Though she works as a palace maid, Serena is no ordinary mermaid. From birth she manifested the magical powers of a sea witch, just like her mother, Moira. But Serena does not want to be like her mother, cruel and selfish, so she rejects her magical powers. At least until her ever growing love for the unattainable Prince Triton pushes her to her breaking point. Just when it seems he’s taken notice, that she could actually win his heart, his mother, Queen Amphitrite, makes it clear her son will never marry a palace maid, much less the daughter of a sea witch with a seedy reputation. Serena’s dreams are slipping through her fingers, and she must decide if she is willing to embrace her magical powers and take her dreams by force. Magic could solve all her problems, or so she thinks, but at what price?

218 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 15, 2015

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S.J. Valfroy

2 books25 followers

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Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,906 reviews1,373 followers
February 4, 2016
Downloaded for free from Amazon.co.uk

“You wicked, wicked witch! You’re vile! I never should have asked for your help. I never should have used magic.”

This was an okay story about a family of sea witches, and the way they used magic to take the throne of the kingdom where they lived.

I liked Serena, even if her methods were a little extreme at times, and I felt quite sorry for her towards the end of the book, even if she was really in the wrong.

The storyline in this was about Serena becoming queen quite underhandedly, and what happened after that. I found the pace to be quite slow though, and the story didn’t hold my attention very well.

The ending to this was a bit of a cliff-hanger, with Selene not in the best of positions.

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Alice.
162 reviews35 followers
November 26, 2015

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When i started reading this book it seem like every other type of fairy tale type of book girl likes boy ,boy doesn't notice girl .
but here is the twist ,this is no normal girl she is a mermaid sea witch!! so when she wants something she tries to get it at any cost .

So ,Serena is the daughter of Moira the most evil sea witch in the ocean. But Serena doesn't want to be like her mom there is a bit of a issue though she loves Triton she is head over heels this merman . She will absolutely do anything to get him.

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The problem , he is royalty and she is a simple maid in the eyes of Triton. She goes to her mom for help problem solved she gives her a spell to put over Triton and boom he loves her ... problem solved hmm not really , you see if Triton true love kisses him spell broken . So in a way i know this is probably evil of me to say but while reading the story ,i was really hoping that Triton never ever finds his true love . i know i know that Serena did some evil wicked scheming and even tried to cheat Triton out of true love.
Honestly though i was so on the evil side here . My excuse she did everything in the name of love!

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This book had me crazy , i just went through all the emotions you could possibly think . I felt horrible for Serena at times , how they treated her ,making her feel as though she was nothing but scum. She gave them a piece of her mind though and then some .

i really recommend this book if you are in the mood for some fairy tale story minus the fairy part .

so i had to give it 4 i hope the evil side wins!!!! ;0
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,445 reviews1,636 followers
May 5, 2016
Serena is not ordinary mermaid, like her mother Serena is a sea witch with magical powers. Unlike her mother though Serena wants to use her magic for good whereas Moira is an evil witch. Working in the palace as a maid Serena meets Prince Triton and develops a crush upon him. His mother Queen Amphitrite though makes it very clear that her son will not be marrying a palace maid leading to Serena launching a plot to obtain her own dreams.

The Sea Witch is a pretty good fantasy/fairy tale adventure. It did seem a tad bit predictable with the whole good versus evil story line which I did take a bit off my rating for but still a somewhat fun read. I enjoyed the writing style and the characters, even those you love to hate.

I do believe the other part of my rating drop may very well be due to my own jaded nature. You know fairly early on in the read that "true love" is going to play a part in this story but what I really didn't like was it took so long to come about thus seeming like giving the male character the thumbs up for cheating. Not a fan of cheating and I understand it being worked in due to the nature of the plot but wasn't a fan really of the amount of time that had went by and the happenings between it just didn't sit well with me.

Overwise, 3.5 stars for The Sea Witch, I do think most would enjoy this little fairy tale read and if interest I would say give this one a try.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.wordpress....
Profile Image for Shahad takleef.
108 reviews102 followers
September 20, 2016
source : I received an ebook copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review

"Is a villainous heart instilled at birth, or do decisions and actions warp a good heart into a villainous one?"

In fact i started reading this book and midway through it i thought i was reading a lighthearted mermaids book , I so enjoyed the description of the underwater world
quite fun with mermaids , orange talking octopus , blue and green sea orbs and beautiful sea sparkles
sooo nice that it puts your imagination to work !

but ,then


I ended up with tears

God, i don't even know how did that happen and for whom i cried
I am surprised that this book did actually make me cry while its all so children-books style .
it took all the feelings out of me , anger , sadness , love , disgust , hate , ...i never had the same opinion kept for more than several chapters

the spell was broken , and i felt sad for Serena , i hated her by the end , then i pitied her
But , wait i cant forgive her for killing Triton's parents !
God ! She actually killed them and Athena , if she was a teenager pushed by her evil mother the first time , she shouldn't have done that again
I cant forgive her even if she is the book's heroine , was too kind , had the heart of gold , etc...
I hoped Serena would brake the role , would prove them all wrong and though she tried so hard , she slipped .
I may quote from my friend Garima's review as she described the same thing :
Every few pages, my feelings for Serena changed.
First it was like, get over it, it’s just crush. Then anger and disbelief for what she has done, then happiness for her, and then sadness and bitterness and finally again disbelief and anger. I know that’s lots of emotions in one sentence but that what story is.

i felt like they are all wrong but , i still couldn't hate them all , judge them or wrong them
Each had a reason But "End doesn't justify the means"
But still ..
But that what i was talking about when i said i had mixed feelings about it .

anyway now two hours after finishing the book , i think Serena's love was more of obsession .
she killed his parents , Athena , she was about to kill his daughter , saw him in pain but , still thought its for the better , she was selfish

Do you see now what you have done, Serena? You’ve created a life that is a lie. You did not win my heart; you took it hostage. You created a false life for yourself. You left gravestones in your path to get it

i like the book and its so thrilling that i am posting one of the first reviews .
and though its written simple fashion , the writing was the "okay" type , even kind of short , But it holds a beautiful message
that :
Those who believe happiness is a selfish pursuit , will never get it .
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
963 reviews182 followers
January 27, 2016
Book provided for Read-to-Review by the author via YA Buddy Read Corner group.

As soon as I just saw cover, I requested this book (even before reading blurb), it is so beautiful, there is no denying in that.

I know story of Poseidon and Amphitrite (Triton’s parents) and we all know story of beloved mermaid Ariel, Triton’s daughter but this is the story of Triton himself. But it is told from a unique POV – Triton’s sea witch lover Serena

Serena is working as maid in Triton’s palace and has major crush on him, but when he doesn't notice her and his mother Amphitrite insults her, she uses magic to get what she wants.

It is an amazing story and none of the characters are linear. All characters specially villains (Moira, Serena, Hazel, Casius) have been portrayed in different light and have kaleidoscope of emotions. It was so refreshing to know that a person can react differently under various circumstances.

Every few pages, my feelings for Serena changed.
First it was like, get over it, it’s just crush. Then anger and disbelief for what she has done, then happiness for her, and then sadness and bitterness and finally again disbelief and anger. I know that’s lots of emotions in one sentence but that what story is.


It is wonderful and refreshing story and I’d recommend to people who love mermaids and Disney (of course).
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,889 reviews316 followers
June 24, 2019
I really need to stay away from Little Mermaid/Ursula retellings because I always just end up disappointed and this one was no different. The Sea Witch is a story about a family of, you guessed it, sea witches with the focus on Serena who works as a maid in the palace. There are two things we learn about Serena early on that really define her character: 1. she's madly in love with Prince Triton and 2. She despises everything her mother stands for and uses her magic for.

Ok so what didn't I like? Well Serena for one. She's very one-dimensional. Like when we meet her she's sooooo in love with Triton. But yet we never know why she's in love with him. We just hear how handsome he is and how she swoons every time he's near. That's not love, that's infatuation. So of course, she basically decides that she will have him at any cost cause that's what any sane person would do. I just hated how wishy-washy she was. If you want her to stand for something, it has to be consistent. But Serena flopped back and forth between magic good/magic bad that by the end, I had no idea what character she was anymore.

Sadly, Serena is the only character I can talk about because everyone else was just there. Including Serena's sidekick octopus who I thought would be exciting and fresh but turned out just to be there and do nothing. So disappointing. And don't get me started on the dud that was Triton.

Another thing I did not care for was the pacing. There were moments that took forever to get through but then suddenly we would just jump time and it felt really hard to get bearings on what was happening and when. It seemed like the author just wrote down plot points and was like, I need to hit alllll of them! I will say that the descriptions of the sea were nicely done but that's about it. I know there's a sequel but nothing in this book has me caring enough to check it out sadly. Another one that just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for T.J. Burns.
Author 83 books45 followers
April 1, 2016
*Warning: Spoilers Abound*

This was a fun read. I liked the colorful and vivid descriptions of the underwater world and the illustrative contrasts between the two underwater cities, Adamar and Arcanus.

My main complaints were with the characters, not with the writing – the story moved quickly and had a nice flow. Seeing that this is a story about the making of a villain, it should not be surprising that I should take exception with the main character and the people who pushed her towards the dark side.

What is True Love anyway?

My first question was: Why is Serena in love (or should I say infatuated) with Prince Triton? I didn’t get it. Okay, he is polite enough. And he appears to be fun-loving as he interacts with his friends, but... Serena doesn't even know him. He's handsome, strong, polite, and powerful. Is that enough? She knows nothing about his character or inner-values. Is it too much to ask that young female characters expect more in a man than good-looks and power? (That was not a rhetorical question... ;) ).

It starts out a bit slow, but it soon picks up speed. Serena really has a good heart – the way she rejects her mother's evil ways, the way she tries to bond with and comfort her sister, the way she wants to dedicate her life to healing others.

Serena's Plan Goes Swimmingly

Okay, so Serena's plan to get the boy goes more smoothly that I thought it would. But by that time, I seriously didn’t care anymore. I lost my empathy with Serena when she murdered the queen. Okay. I didn't like the queen. She was not a nice person and a terrible ruler, but... Serena is a witch, for crying out loud! She’s got a whole range of powers and spells to choose from and she goes with the oldest, most unimaginative solution in the books – murder? Come on! And if that weren’t enough, she then kicks off her “true love's” old man too. She doesn't really love Triton, does she?

And then everything is just hunky-dory for Serena.

Serena's life is like a fairy tale. She's got a loving, caring husband, whose passion and love for her never dwindles.... and he's a super father for their 5 wonderful daughters. Serena and her husband are just, generous, compassionate, and competent leaders. Everything is perfect... if it weren't for the little issue of the love potion... oh ya, and the bit about Serena killing both her husband's parents...
Serena was much better off back in Arcanus. She wasn't "queen," but she was helping people and she hadn't given up her soul, so to speak. She also had the chance to find her own "true love."

The Tide Changes for Serena

Ok. I have to say I felt a little bit sorry for Serena when things start to fall apart for her... even if she is a deceiving, conniving, murdering sea witch.

But my pity for Serena was overshadowed by my anger. Against whom, you might ask – against all three of those losers: Triton, Serena, and Athena.

First Triton. Okay, assuming "true love" does exist, and assuming Athena is Triton's "true love," he still would have met her 15 years after he was married. Even if Serena hadn't put him under a love spell, Poseidon would have forced Triton to choose a wife and he would have gotten married 15 years ago. He may not have been happily married, and it may indeed have been an arranged marriage, and he may have had to settle for less than true love, but he would have been married nonetheless. And more likely than not, he would have had children.

So even if his "true love" comes along 15 years after he gets married, so f@#$%ing what? He has children! He may feel the attraction to Athena, but he certainly doesn't have to act on it! As the song goes: "It's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along..." But even the England Dan & John Ford Coley recognized that this "true love" relationship could only remain a dream.

What does this tell me about Triton's character? He has none. If he hadn't married Serena, he probably would have cheated on his wife dozens of times. Serena's potion forced him to be faithful, which was a good thing -- a great thing – for his children.
Triton's infatuation with Athena – and then supposed love for her -- destroys Serena, which obviously has a strongly negative effect on the children. They have to speak softly when they're around their mother because she regularly explodes in outbursts of rage and melancholy. That has to have destructive influence on the mother-child relationships, and ultimately the children's well-being. Triton could care less.

And then Serena: What the blazes is wrong with you?!!! You have five wonderful daughters! Get over yourself and think of their well-being for a change! So Triton doesn't love you? You always suspected that. Your self-pity and self-involvement will have a strong negative effect on your children’s development. So step up to the plate and do the right thing. Be a good mother first.

And Athena? Have you no self-respect?! Maybe Triton is your "true love" -- so what?! He is a married man with 5 children! And -- as far as you know -- he is a happily married man. He has told you that many times. You are supposed to be this good-hearted woman. What self-dignified, good-hearted woman would break up a happy family to ensure her own happiness? For all you know, you are his mid-life crisis diversion. Moreover, if he could just dump a happy 15-year relationship, crush his supposed loving wife, and disregard the well-being of his 5 daughters for a woman he has just met, what does that say about the prospects for your future relationship? Athena, take a pass, and move on toward bigger and better adventures.

No Tears To Shed

In the end, I didn’t feel sorry for anyone – except the 6 children who will have to grow up without mothers.

I suppose I should have felt sorry for Athena – she was a selfish, husband-stealing b$%^ch, but she certainly didn't deserve to die.

I should have felt sorry for Triton – he was a selfish, unfaithful, depthless, spineless dope, but he certainly didn't deserve to be widowed and to learn his entire family life was a farce, and that his wife killed his parents.

But I didn't. I didn’t feel sorry for Serena either – the conniving, deceitful, murdering witch. I just didn’t feel sorry for any of them. Except the children.

I was half-hoping the Serena had saved Athena and turned the tides. It would have been an interesting development to see how both Athena and Triton would be if they felt they were forever in Serena's debt. But, alas, no such luck.

Where Will the Current Take Us?

The characters in Arcanus seemed more colorful (and interesting) than those in Adamar – and I wanted to know more about them, especially Ronan and Bria. I kept wondering why Bria and Ronan were introduced and what role they might play. But alas, the story ended with no further mention of them. Maybe in the sequel?

March 10, 2016
I received this book in exchange for an honest review, through the GoodReads group "YA Buddy Readers' Corner".

"Each time she had kissed her husband, she had hoped the sensation would vanish, and each time, she was disappointed. But how, after all that time and after all the love they had shared, could it still not be true love?"

Evil isn't born. It's made. Or so that's what seems to be the case in this story. Whether the circumstances surrounding the subject in question makes them turn evil, or the potential to become evil buried deep inside them is uncertain. Can it be a combination of both? Can the mere fact of having a less than desirable upbringing, and the desire to get what you want no matter what the costs lead you to do unspeakable things? Can it truly make you evil? In The Sea Witch, I would say it's a combination of both.

When we first meet Serena, she is such an innocent girl. Well, she's not the kind of woman that her mother is, and we can clearly see that she wants nothing to do with the magic that she was born with, the magic that her mother wants her to give in to. All she wants is for Prince Triton to actually notice her, and maybe even talk to her long enough to fall in love with her. It may be a girl's simple dream, but it's something that she wants more than anything, even if it means taking down whatever stands in her way.

It wasn't until Triton's mom, the Queen Amphitrite insults her heritage and her social standing is just the push Serena needed to start on the long and tiring journey to get what she wanted. It was also the moment that she realized that the royal family would never see her as anything but a maid and the daughter of a sea witch, in essence judging her on something that she has no control over. Of course, this was wrong of the Queen to be so cruel and heartless, but her fate wasn't what she deserved. Even the King's fate was something that could have been avoided if they just stopped judging people.

Thus the story continues until one day, even after Triton and Serena are living "happily every after", their whole world is shattered with the arrival of a beautiful mermaid named Athena, the one woman who ends up being Triton's true love. By that time, no good can come from this story, and the ending of this insight to the life of a notorious sea witch is one that we know all too well.

I really enjoyed this book, and I liked that we got to have a little background into the life of a villain that we all know and love to hate. It's a very refreshing story that, even though it doesn't have a happy ending, isn't just a retelling on what we already know. It falls in line with the likes of Maleficent, where we find out what makes them turn bad, or if they are even really bad in the first place. I do feel like Serena ended up going over to the dark side, and it didn't help that her mother was key in helping her turn evil, but she shouldn't have done a lot of the things she did. Triton handled the situation in a way that I wouldn't have suspected, but it shows how much he's actually matured from the time we first meet him to the end of the book. Serena's story is actually pretty heartbreaking, and I can see why she would want revenge. There were some moments where the timeline kept jumping back and forth and it would get confusing for me, but that didn't happen all the time. I was still able to understand the bigger picture. All in all, I thought this was a very good first book to the series, and I can't wait to see what other villains we have in store.
Profile Image for Reads.
41 reviews4 followers
March 10, 2016
This book started out okay. I'm never a fan of someone being in "love" with someone they had never talked to. However it was well written and imagining the underwater world was fun.

About halfway into the book the style of the story telling changes and about 15 years passes is one chapter. It feels too rushed and too disconnected. After that it was hard to be truely interested in the book. The main character doesn't feel like a powerful, vengeful person brought to evil by love but more a spoiled brat not willing to face reality and possibly fix the situation.

Overall the good did not out weight the bad. If it had been any longer of a book. I don't know that I would have finished it.
Profile Image for Maddy Lanslots.
Author 1 book18 followers
February 13, 2016
I received a free copy of this story in exchange for an honest review.

THE SEA WITCH was an interesting story and I have no doubt that the other books in these series will be the same, since they explain how villains from well-known stories and fairy-tales became the way they are in said stories. As a huge fan of the musical WICKED and someone who also loves the movie MALEFICENT, I don't suppose it will be very surprising to you that I do like such stories; because hardly anyone is born evil and stays that way. Villains have stories, too.

That being said, I very much loved the concept of this book. The plot was pretty good, although it took me a while to really get into the story - it felt a little slow in the beginning, but the pace eventually picked up, especially near the end. The characters in themselves were, in my opinion, mostly interesting and realistic. There's Serena, hopelessly in love with the prince she works for; ambitious and determined to do good, but struggling to escape her mother's name and reputation and have people see her for who she herself is. There is Hazel, eager to please and wanting nothing more than to get her mother's attention, but she is not good enough at magic and thus lives in her older sister's shadow. Then there's Moira, the girls' mother, who is ruthless, cunning, and cruel; and Casius, the unexpected friend Serena makes who supports her and remains loyal to her throughout it all. Triton, I felt, missed some personality; I couldn't get a clear image of what he was like. There weren't really any other main characters, but that in itself was fine.

I think the relationships were the main things bothering me in this story, distracting me a little from the plot and making it harder for the story to draw me in.
It already begins with Serena mooning over Triton when she doesn't really know him yet. Of course, all girls moon over the handsome prince Triton, but Serena's obsession with him is a little creepy from the start.
Then there is Casius, who just appears from out of nowhere and befriends Serena, becoming her closest confidante in a single day. All right, she didn't have a lot of friends and she was probably grateful for the attention, but that went a little too fast in my opinion.
Moira and Hazel are both very ambiguous in their respective relationships with Serena, which was confusing sometimes - mainly Hazel. It was clear that Moira just wanted whatever would gain her the most, regardless of the means with which she had to achieve that - be it yelling at and threatening Serena or cooing at her and playing the loving mother. Hazel, however, was constantly switching between trying to help Serena and trying to destroy her. I do understand her conflicted feelings regarding her favoured older sister, but I feel like it went a little far here. One moment, she's happy for Serena and stands by her; and the next, she is practically betraying her and doing everything she can to ruin her sister's life.
Then there is

What I did like as well was the vibe throughout this whole book and Serena's character. She's obsessive and a little dark, but in the beginning, you want to root for her to get what she wants, because you can relate to her. Slowly, more and more darkness comes creeping in. but overall, that pace was gradual and good. I wasn't sure how to feel about her for most of the book - a part of me still felt bad for her and on some level I understood her actions, while a different part just shuddered at everything she did. That was definitely very well done and set the tone for most of the story.

All in all, I am glad I got the chance to read this book and I might pick up its sequel at some point. For my doing, I am being quite critical in this review; but the truth is that this was just an enjoyable read and that I did like it. I would recommend it if you are interested in fairy-tales and prepared to learn about the backgrounds of their villains!
Profile Image for Pri Jay.
20 reviews14 followers
February 8, 2016
I got this book as apart of the buddy read with the YA Buddy Read Corner, given by the author with the request for an honest review.

SoOOOO amazing and so happy i got the chance to read this , i couldn’t put it down once i started……
i am very picky when it comes to retelling of fairy-tales , if not done right its disappointing
and lucky for me the sea witch did not disappoint .

The premise for the series is all about how all the villains we come across in classic fairytales are not born evil, how it is the choices they make that eventually lead to them down the path of darkness.

This wasn’t a retelling as much as it was a prequel to the amazing Little Mermaid story, Now being a Disney fanatic i have obviously seen the Disney classic the sequel and the unappreciated prequel which actually showcases how Triton wife dies. Now the reason all this is important because
S.j Valfroy took all essence of all these stories and created a story that truly prequels The Little Mermaid.
Spoilers from this point

Now here's where i stand on the Entire story I FEEL BAD FOR SERENA...... how can you not yes she made a mistake with Triton but she did everything right she loved her kingdom she loved her children and she loved him yes what she did was wrong but its so truly tragic how her life spiraled how one bad decision ruined her entire life....... one bad mistake and your life is screwed forever -_-.
Profile Image for Mia Elbaf.
23 reviews22 followers
February 29, 2016
I received an ebook copy of this book from the author via YA buddy corner in exchange for a Read and Review.

"Is a villainous heart instilled at birth, or do decisions and actions warp a good heart into a villainous one?"

This was the story of the Sea witch Serena and her efforts to win over Prince Triton's heart. She was torn on whether or not to embrace her magic powers to reach her goal. But of course, everything comes with a price.
The premise to the story was really interesting and I was all excited to read it. And the gorgeous cover was an add-on to the hype to read it asap.
Unfortunately, I didn't quite enjoy it. The plot flow was the main reason. It started out very slow and then towards the mid book, the flow became very fast and jumbled and I had trouble keeping on track with the pace. And throughout reading, i knew all along the way the story was ending; so i kind of lost interest towards the end.
The book was more descriptive and narrative and focused little on dialogue and characters developement. For that reason, I couldn't connect with the characters. Like for example, I couldn't understand why Serena was in love with Triton.
However, one thing worth mentionning was the vivid description of the underworld. The amount of details described was quite captivating. And since this was my first mermaid book, i really enjoyed the world building.
All in all, this book wasn't appealing to the type of books i personally like and I would recommend it if you're into a quick light reading.
Profile Image for maria.g.
223 reviews36 followers
February 20, 2016
First i thank the author and Sarah for giving me a free copy of the book for an honest review.
Though people say not to judge a book by its cover I sometimes no most times just look at the cover this book had me hooked form the cover.

Serena was a good person i don't really know what made her turn evil of course its her love for Triton and her mother's influence but that does not justify what she did. At the beginning of the book she was a good witch not like her mother and her love for her sister was admirable. The point i started disliking her was the love portion, i mean how selfish can she get, the killing the king and queen or Triton's parents. Hilling them was too harsh its what made her evil.the portion made her deceitful and selfish but the murder , made her cruel and downright evil.
Serena finally gets her happy ending with the prince she's always dreamed about she has daughters too. Is that not cute ? No if you know the real loveless marriage shes living in. At first i was happy by Athena's arrival but then i was not. Athena is the heroine i guess but she also wants a married man of rather a father too.by the end of the book i was crying so hard i didn't really know who to feel sorry for. And i finally decided it was Serena who deserved all my sympathy and also pity. She did a few wrongs for her selfish needs but she did right afterwards she loved him ,his kingdom, children and all.
I'd give this book a 3.5 stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for LunalandBooks.
99 reviews28 followers
February 3, 2016
I got this book as apart of the buddy read with the YA Buddy Read Corner, given by the author with the request for an honest review.

I adored this beautiful tale and reimagining over the beautiful classic that is The Little Mermaid. You are taken on a journey that leads you back to the very beginning. Serena is the daughter of Moira the most evil sea witch in the ocean.However, Serena doesn't want to be evil like her mother there is a bit of a issue though as she is in love with Triton . She will absolutely do anything to get him. The big problem is he is Royalty and she is a maid. In her misguided love for him she asks her mum to make her a spell so he will fall for her. The catch is it can be broken my True Loves Kiss.

Serena is such a naive girl, even though her actions are evil she only ever did them for love. You feel such empathy towards her as The Sea Witch is written so beautifully that when her heart brakes, so does yours. And honestly When it comes to Triton I probably would have rained down some evil magic on him as well. This story is so sad but it is a stunning read and I most certainly recommend it.
Profile Image for Mikayla.
494 reviews32 followers
December 16, 2015
Well, this one was a surprise. My expectations weren't to low, but I'm surprised it exceeded them so much too.

Serena Is one of Prince Tritan's maids. She is in love with him, but one thing is holding her back. Not being a maid, but a sea witch. She must prove herself to get the love of her life, but to do that she must deceive, plot and murder.

As much as you pity and want her to succeed at the start of the book, by the end you will have the opposite reaction. You will totally understand by the end of the book.

Her character was very well developed and loved to hate Prince Tritan's mother. The characters in general were great and the plot was good. Going by the end of this book the rest of the series should be very interesting to say the least.

I look forward to the next book and this one gets a solid 5 stars.
Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,218 reviews93 followers
March 12, 2016
I received a copy from the author, in exchange for an honest review.

Actual Rating: 2.75

This was an okay read. I like how it kind of reminded me of Regina from Once Upon A Time. I did find the book confusing and frustrating. Also, I felt in some areas the book was boring. The characters were good. I liked how Serena was a good person who then turn evil.

It is assuring to see the development of a character. I thought Serena was horrible, but that was the point: to make me understand, why she became evil. It is all about love. Hopefully book 2 is better than this book. Overall, a decent read.
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
February 4, 2016
Actual rating - 2.75

This wasn't a bad read, but despite it only being short, it dragged for me. There were a few times where I felt quite bored because of it.

Overall, Not something I loved, but it wasn't a bad read.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
724 reviews50 followers
October 28, 2015
I don't get the other reviews talking about "circumstances" happening to Serena to make her a villain. This was like a story you hear about sociopaths, there were always signs.


From the first word it is revealed Serena is obsessed with someone she had never even spoken to. Watching from afar, she is convinced Prince Triton is her true love and will make him see it. A nasty encounter with Queen Amphitrite exposes how truly far gone Serena already is. She honestly thought Triton would stand up for her even though he didn't even know her name.

The one and only conflict she encounters with the Queen causes her to crumble and run away. When she returns she is easily swayed by her mother to "in the name of love" kill her obsession's mother and force Triton to love her with a potion.

"He needed her. And if she had to use a love potion to make him ignore his parents objections and make him see she was perfect for him, then that's what she should do."

But why stop there??? Once she kills the Queen, spells the Prince, the King's disapproval is but a passing moment. BAM. He's dead too!

Things mellow out after that and I was unsure the direction we were headed in. I thought perhaps Serena would make a good girl come back. But what we saw earlier was just a preview.

Serena had Triton under a love potion for over 15 years. I'm sorry, that is not unrequited love. That is rape. Then, his true love shows up, breaks the spell and we see what Serena's madness really looks like.

Her and her wicked entourage kidnap a baby, harm innocent guards, cause a shark to be murdered, and finally set up and watch the new Queen be murdered by pirates. King Triton is finally exposed to everything and yet Serena obstinately stands by her innocence. That she did everything out of love for him.

"I was right for you, Triton. I still am. We belong together, and both your parents were going to keep us apart"

"And I would do it again if it meant saving you. Don't you see how I love you, Triton? Don't you see that I want only the best for you? I would kill all of them a thousand times to protect you"


Despite the madness, I felt quite a peace at the end. Serena and her family deserved a far worse punishment, but I felt King Triton handled it perfectly.

"You did not win my heart; you took it hostage. You created a false life for yourself. You left gravestones in your path to get it, but those were not your only victims. Don't you see what this will do to our daughters, to know that their mother is a murderer, to know they can never see you again?"

"No one in Adamar will remember you as anything more than a sea witch. Athena has been their one and only queen these past seventeen years. The princesses are all her daughters."

Bravo S.J. Valfroy on your debut novel!
Profile Image for Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight).
948 reviews145 followers
January 8, 2016
4.5 Stars

This book was AMAZING!

I just stumbled upon it a few days ago and read it almost immediately because I was so drawn to it, and it more than lived up to my expectations.

I haven't read a lot of mer books, but, of the ones I have read, never has one been so fully immersed in the undersea world. The descriptions of the merpeople and their dwellings, the way the mermaids rubbed their tails with jellyfish extract and whale blubber to make them shiny, the bed made of jellyfish, the lights made from the glow of deep sea creatures, buildings made from whale bones---I won't mention everything because it'd spoil the fun, but it was genuinely some of the most incredible and creative world building I've ever read.

And the author left no stone unturned. Everything was covered, from buildings to furniture to lights to beauty to jewelry. Everything was just so mer and ocean and under the sea, and I recognize that those are not adjectives, but I don't know how else to explain it. Even the metaphors and phrases stuck to the ocean theme, which makes sense because, for example, a mermaid would say, "Follow in her fin strokes," rather than," Follow in her foot steps." But the fact that S.J. Valfroy thought to make those changes just made the book so much better.

Another thing the author did amazingly well was illustrating how feelings, misinterpretations, and the smallest of actions can all combine to spiral things out of control into huge, irreparable problems, and I'm not just talking about Serena (because her decisions were no one's fault but her own). Manipulation was also portrayed so well that it was almost painful to read when Serena actually started believing her mother.

I did have a slight issue with some occasional head hopping, especially since I felt like it was written well enough for me to grasp everything just through Serena's POV, but it was a minor thing that might not bother other people at all.

Overall, though the book didn't exactly correspond with The Little Mermaid, it clearly had some connections, which made for a really fun read. I loved getting to see this version of how the sea witch came to be, and, again, I was captivated by and loved being immersed in this underwater world.

One last thing though, can we talk about THAT COVER?! I might have to order the paperback because I don't think I can survive without having that gorgeousness physically on my bookshelf.

And, guys, the rest of the series is going to be about different villains and how they came to be. How freaking awesome is that?!

Now go read this book!

Original Review on Blog
Profile Image for Carrianne.
116 reviews13 followers
April 12, 2016
2.75 Stars (Rounded up)

**I received a copy of the book from the author via YA Buddy Readers’ Corner in exchange for an honest review**

Read my full review on my blog!

The first things about this book that drew me in were the cover, the title, and the synopsis. The Little Mermaid happens to be both one of my favorite Disney movies and fairy tales in general, so this book was right up alley. I really wanted to know what could possibly have made “the sea witch” evil.

The first few chapters had me hooked. I felt for Serena, and I hated how everyone (including her own mother) treated her like trash. However, around chapter 4, things started to get too unbelievable to me and the pace dragged. Yes, Serena ascended to the throne quite subversively, but I attribute that mostly to her mother’s obsession with it (and giant, underhanded push). That being said, Serena’s “love” for Triton felt more like an obsession than it did love. Nothing that occurred at the end of the book should have been a surprise to her.

The book overall was OK. I didn’t necessarily hate it, but I didn’t love it as much as I thought it would. I’d love to see this in book where it’s more fleshed out and things maybe don’t have to be quite so rushed (I know, I just said the pace felt slow. But toward the end, things happen rather quickly, adding to the unbelievability).
February 29, 2016
I received a free copy of this book as a part of Buddy Read and Review challenge on Goodreads. Immediately upon seeing cover of this book I requested to be part of this challenge. And of course I’m a sucker for fairy tales and mermaids (Little mermaid is my second favorite fairy tale of all time).
So, our main character is Serena, sea witch and daughter of the most famous evil sea witch Moira. But she doesn’t want to use her powers like her mother. She wants to help people and that’s why she refuses to practice with her mother and works in a palace as a maid. In that same palace she fell for prince Triton (like every other girl in the kingdom). Although he doesn’t even know her name (till one day) she hopes to become his wife and queen. When Triton’s mother makes it clear that no maid and especially no sea witch maid will ever become a queen she breaks and let herself to be entwined in her mother’s web.
I’m sucker for a happy end and always hope that good will prevail but somehow I became attached to Serena. I mean she wasn’t evil, she was influenced by her mother. And somehow I understand that she later became attached to her because finally Moira was a caring mother (or at least that’s what Serena thinks). I liked the cliffhanger and the whole idea about getting to know villains from well know stories. Sea witch is not a classical retelling of known fairy tales and although true loves kiss breaks the spell it doesn’t mean that it solves everything.
I’m looking forward reading the second book in series.
Profile Image for Victoria.
185 reviews
February 3, 2016
I was given this book for read to review.

So, to start with - I did not exactly read this book entirely. I read the first quarter couldn't really go through with it then read the last quarter to find out what happened.

Now, to start with the writing style is really not bad - it's just not my cup of tea. It has a lot of potential and I quite like how they describe things. The world building was a little lacking for me and I couldn't really immerse myself in it.

Secondly, I am not the biggest fan of the anti-hero. I think that's exactly where Serena falls into. She was so blind in her lust for Triton that she didn't really care who and what she hurt to get what she wanted. Which included, you know, killing someone.

I don't know- the story has potential but I wasn't really into it. I know loads of people who would love it and I'll recommend it to one or two people that might like it. Unfortunately, I did not quite like it, I didn't even finish it really, and I highly doubt I will. I did try though, like four times to pick up where I left off but I really just couldn't.

2 stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Allison Steadman.
39 reviews2 followers
February 11, 2016
This was actually a good book. I didn't know if I was going to like it from just after reading the first chapter, but I'm glad I kept reading. It was a great story and tied along great with the Disney movie. There were a few differences, but you could that overall it was the same story. Now since the series is called the Era of Villains I thought that meant in these books the villains got their happiness, but no and it was naive of me to think differently. I think this book made me sympathize with the witch, but at the same time see why Triton hated her so much. Everything that Serena did was wrong, but it really was in pursuit of something that was good. That didn't make what she did okay, but it made you really think. I was silently rooting for Serena the whole time and really wanted her to achieve her goal because what she really wanted was just love.
Profile Image for Katrina.
675 reviews37 followers
February 13, 2016
This was very different from what I was expecting. I really liked Serena in the beginning, and I was expecting her to go through hardships that hardened her heart and made her go towards evil. But that's not how it happened. Everything that happened to Serena happened because she brought it on herself. I lost sympathy for her after the first few chapters, and by the end she got what she deserved. This wasn't bad, it just wasn't executed the way I thought it would be.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,346 reviews156 followers
April 12, 2020
The moment I discovered this book, here on Goodreads, I was intrigued by the concept. I'm intrigued by the creation of Evil in general. What makes someone evil? Why do people cross certain lines? What motivations do they have for their action? I have to admit, I don't always find love the best motivation to turn evil, but I was very willing to let Valfroy prove me wrong.

And she did prove me wrong. She crafted a really lovely story about a girl who actually really truly does everything for love. She loves her prince, she loves her kingdom and she's very certain that she's the right person to rule the kingdom and to stand beside him. That certain that she doesn't even realize how evil her deeds actually truly are. What's interesting is that Serena does not once see herself as the bad guy in the story. And that's why it works for me.

It makes Serena a layered, complicated and interesting character. It also creates some interesting conflicts within the mind of the reader. I understood what she did and why she did it. I understood why she really believed she was doing the right thing. I understood how her mother was manipulating her and getting to her. And yet, she did things that were really unforgivable and the fact that she couldn't even see that after she was called out made her also a very tragic villain.

The plot is of course slightly predictable, although there are some interesting twists and turns along the way. It does however tie in very nicely with the story of the little mermaid as we know it. Valfroy used every room she had to create her own story and to craft her own world, but everything we know from the Little Mermaid still stands at the very end. I always find that admirable.

After this read I will for sure also get her book about the Queen of Hearts. I can't wait to read her take on that amazing and impressive villain.
Profile Image for Jennie.
70 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2016
I received a free ebook version of the book, in exchange for an honest review.

I actually quite enjoyed this book. It was a nice easy read and I seemed to get through it very quickly, which for me, is a sign I'm invested in the story.

This is a tale of love, but not what i would call love. It's not your usual " boy meets girl, boy falls in love and then they live happily ever after". It's more girl loves boy, boy doesn't notice her and then girl will do anything to win his heart. Even if winning his heart is based on lies and magic.

Serena is the daughter of the powerful sea witch Moira. But Serena is ashamed of her mother's use of magic to get what she wants and manipulate people. She is tainted by her mother's reputation and resents her mother for not being able to live the life she wants, with who she wants - Prince Triton. She certainly doesn't want her mother to teach her the ways of magic, much to Moiras distaste. Serenas sister, Hazel, is desperate to learn magic and please her mother but Moira only has eyes for Serena.

After a humiliating experience at the palace, dished out to her by non other that her loves mother, Serena is mortified and considers all hopes of winning Tritons heart lost. Eventually, she decides to seek her mother's help in winning his heart and agrees to a deal with her mother that puts her on a path of questionable choices.

Needless to say that Serena gets her man, but at what cost? Is it really love if you don't have a say in the matter?

Serena goes from a love sick puppy at the start, to a full on crazed and vengeful little witch at the end. The things she does in the name of love are extreme and she only ends up deluding herself more than the one under the spell she has cast. She doesn't even consider how her actions will effect the ones she claims to love. It's all about her. She is blindsided by her own delusions and probably hurts herself more than anyone else.

The relationship between Moira, Serena and Hazel is a rocky one to say the least. Serena starts off almost hating her mother and then almost becomes a mini version of her. But at least Serena does seem to show compassion to her sister Hazel, who is constantly being belittled by their mother and made to feel worthless. Not good for Hazel, who only wants to please her mother and holds of a lot of jealously and hatred towards Serena.

I went from feeling sorry for Serena, to being mad at her (why waste your time on someone who doesn't love you for you) and then feeling sorry for her again. Then mad. There were certainly a few "Oh Serena, don't" moments throughout the book.

I will definately be reading the next books, as I would love to see Serena fully embrace her dark side and seek vengeance on those she once claimed to love.
Profile Image for Ann Girdharry.
Author 15 books482 followers
February 5, 2016
The story starts off with a Disney-type atmosphere. Serena loves the prince. The snag being she's only a lowly servant and her mother is an evil sea witch, outcast to the margins of merpeople society. I liked the innocent tone of the first part of the book and I liked Serena.
Then it all changes. Serena seems to undergo a personality change due to her love for the prince (who really doesn't seem to deserve her attention) and her desperation to make him fall in love with her. She asks her evil mother for a spell. This was strange because she vowed never to resort to magic...
Things go ever more downhill in the story as Serena resorts to murder (more than once) and undergoes a drastic character change, throwing away all her earlier promises to remain 'good'.
The story is well written but the second part of the plot didn't really grab me.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brittany.
236 reviews33 followers
January 7, 2016
*I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Love, even with the best of intentions, can turn anyone sinister. Serena has always had a thing for Prince Triton, but society works against Serena in her plight for his attentions. Serena is a sea witch, and her mother, though respected, is also feared. This is a story about how love/obsession can turn a good person into a vile creature. Ever heard of Ursula from The Little Mermaid? This would be how I envision her story. This was well written, and I am interested to see where this story will go next. I also was in an emotional tug-of-war reading this, what was right and where my sympathies lied. This is definitely worth a read!
Profile Image for Sinead.
335 reviews8 followers
October 15, 2015
I received this book in exchange for an honest review. I can honestly say that it deserves the five stars I gave it. It was a very flowing and capturing read. I couldn't put it down! Unique in ways that I have not experienced with this genre before. I really enjoyed the story and all the characters! I'll look forward to book two!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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